An interesting scenario for graduation in kindergarten. Graduation in kindergarten: how to spend and how much it costs

Fanfare. Leaders enter the room.

Presenter 1:

The day is cloudless, clear and clean,
There are many smart guests in the hall!
Our kids grew up so fast
We take the kids to school!

Presenter 2:

I remember the first tears
That peas roll down
And a million more questions
If you don't know something, hold on!

Presenter 1:

We lived with children's worries,
Our kids grew up
Every day they hurried to meet them,
Giving a piece of the soul!

Presenter 2:

Today they are here, beautiful and stylish,
And the hall freezes in anticipation!
Applause sounds everywhere strong,
We are opening our prom!

1. Solemn entrance of children. "Minuet" (Collection by A.Burenina)

Children enter the music in pairs and take their places

1 child:

Well, that's it, the time has come
The one we've all been waiting for!
We gathered for the last time
In our cozy room!

2 child:

Brightly decorated room
Bouquets alive.
We came to the kindergarten to the ball
With friends and family.

3 child:

We had so much fun here
We sang and danced...
And they didn't even notice
How suddenly they became big.

4 child:

Dressed up now we stand,
Words, worrying, we say,
How sad to leave our garden
But the school start has already been given to us.

2. Song "Today the school meets us"

Presenter 1:

You have matured imperceptibly
The kindergarten became like a home,
We are with you with all our hearts
And they loved it with all their heart!

What a pity, the moment of parting
Getting closer, closer every day.
We don't want to say goodbye
And we'll be a little sad!

5 child:

Yes, we are sad quite a bit!
But time can't be turned back!
And it's time for us, it's time to go!

All children: - Farewell, beloved, kindergarten!

Song "Educator"

6 child:

We will honestly tell you: life in our kindergarten

Bright, wonderful, very interesting.

And I dream for a long time

To make a movie about such a life!


And what? And, indeed, indeed!

And we wanted to make movies!

Host: Cinema?

All children (in chorus): - Cinema!

Leading - For a long time?

All children (in chorus): - For a long time!

presenter : Well, we're filming, it's decided!

All children (in chorus): - Hurrah! Movies are allowed! The children are seated.

presenter : Attention!!! It is strictly forbidden to make noise in the studio! Filming starts!!! And now you will see the most interesting shots from our film.

Reb: So, the first frame is infantile!

Child : Do you remember, 5 years ago, how we came to kindergarten?

Child: What are you, they didn’t go, they drove us in wheelchairs.

presenter : And then you grew up, they brought you to kindergarten. Now I will remind you how it was. I need your parents' help.

He calls his parents in panama hats, with toys, takes them out to the hall by a ribbon.


1. We were taken, carried somewhere

2. It turned out to be in kindergarten

3. Everything here was very strange

4. Take us back!

(Children start crying)

Presenter: Oh oh oh! Who's crying here?

Look, the bunny is jumping! (shows a toy)

Well, they took out handkerchiefs, Wiped their noses - and that's it.

These are the kids, we met in the garden with you.

3 children come out to the middle:

1 child:

Day after day passed.
It was hard and easy...
But everything is learned here
And now we are O-GO-GO!

2 child:

Childhood flies and flies so fast

What lies ahead for us?

Maybe happiness

Maybe sadness?

3 child:

I won't think about it.

Whatever it is

In my life

Children. I won't forget my childhood!

Child. ( comes out with a clapperboard) - The second frame is hysterical.

All: WHAT???

Child. Oh, No! - historical!

Leading. We remember everything: like a young mother,
Anxious and excited breathing
Secretly, perhaps wiping tears,
She handed over the baby to us.

And so the baby went on his way,
Overcoming the steps of the floors,
He ate porridge, got better little by little.
He puffed, putting on pantyhose himself,
So imperceptibly the years flew by,
Gone - don't look back.

Oh, our kids, how you have matured here!
Kindergarten is escorting you today!

Today, the kids came to congratulate you, graduates junior group, meet them!

CONGRATULATIONS KIDS. Children enter to the music “……………..”.

Children in order:

1.B kindergarten hustle and bustle

Everyone prepares their best suit.

2. We all gathered at the graduation,

But they didn’t let everyone in, but we broke through.

3. We put on dresses and washed our cheeks,

They became beautiful and hurried to you.

4. We are tired of waiting for our speech

We want to dance at the party.

5. Dance “Once a palm, two palms!


Thank you guys

This dance is simply class!

Here you go, it'll come in handy.

Here is a gift from all of us!

Gives a gift to kids


And the little ones say goodbye

You will say “Goodbye!” in unison.

The kids go to the music.

Child: Frame three: “Theatrical…..”

Leading: We will now open the third frame and arrange a rehearsal

Let's have a wonderful game!

But .. who is knocking at the door, come to us soon!

(Pippi Longstocking runs in)

Peppy: Let me introduce myself I am Pippi Longstocking!

I'm Pippi, I love to crumple, twist, feint and somersault!

So that there are thoughts on one side, stand on your head all day!

Hello girls and boys! Hello funny kids!

Here you have a terrible heat! Come on, get up kids!

Everyone took up together ears - ears turned!

They turned, turned, and here are the ears ... flew off!

And whoever didn’t fly away, everyone flew after me!

They screamed, they screamed! They stamped their feet, they all clapped their hands!

Now dance with me a new clockwork dance!

DANCE "Perpetuum mobile" sat down.

Peppy: Turn all to each other, And shake hands with a friend.

Raise your hands all up

And move at the top.

Let's shout cheerfully: "Hurrah!"

It's time to start the games!

You help each other

Answer questions

Only "Yes" and only "No"

Kindly give me an answer.

If "no" you say

Then knock with your feet;

If you say "Yes" -

Clap your hands then.

An old grandfather goes to school.

Is it true or not?..

(No - children knock with their feet)

Does he take his grandson there?

Answer together...

(Yes - clap your hands)

Is ice frozen water?

We answer together ... (Yes)

After Friday - Wednesday?

Together we will answer ... (No)

Graduation - a little sad holiday? (Yes.)

Are you waiting for games, songs, dances? (Yes.)

What good fellows you answer so amicably.

Game: "One, two, three - get up in three"

1 part children move in pairs in a “boat” with a side hoop.

2nd part . Stop. Two claps on the knees and two on the hands of each other.

Claps are repeated. Circling in jumps with a "boat" in place. The music stops.

The host says: “One, two, three, get up in three!”.

The music is playing again, the children are dancing one by one.

The leader says: “One, two, three, four, stand up in four!”. etc.

Peppy: When I grow up like this, no, like this...

I will become a sea robber! And who will you become?

Girl: I don't know yet!

Peppy: I don't know, I don't know! And now I know!

I have a chamomile - magical! (shows)

Whoever tears off the petal - he will call the future!

(Tear off the petal, who will you be, read it to us!

Now try it - what will be ahead!

Well, choose any - tear off the petal)

Poems for children

1. My years are growing,

I will be seventeen.

Who should I work then

What should I do?

Strive for knowledge.

To be very smart

To go abroad!

3. I will work

our President

I'll ban it all over the country

I'm semolina porridge!

4. I want to tell you guys

I want to become a lawyer

And while not a lawyer,

I beat everyone.

5. And I want to sing like Galkin,

I can, I can handle it!

Maybe Alla Pugacheva,

I'll like it too!

6. Oh, don't think about her

You are wasting your time.

You are for Alla Pugacheva

Already very old!

7. I would become a teacher

Let me teach!

8. Did you think what you said?

The kids are tormented!

Peppy: Look, parents, what an interesting future your wonderful children have! The petals are gone. I want to know more - boy, what do you want to be?

Boy: I want to be a director, and I want to live beautifully!

Peppy: Here is the wish! But ……. Looks like your wish will come true!

Dramatization of "The Lazy Man and the Pillow".

(Lazybones is lying on the bed and snoring. A pillow is attached to his head)
Vedas: Who is it in the bed?
And awake says?
Lazy person: Ah, cruel fate!
Everyone tortured me!
(Grandma comes up to Lazybones)
Grandmother: Wake up baby
Get up soon, baby!
To be always healthy
Push up five times from the floor
Bend over and pull up
Wipe off with a towel.
Lazy person (displeased): Wake up, dear,
Get up soon, baby.
Ah, cruel fate!
Everyone tortured me!
(Grandma steps aside. Mom runs up to Lazybones)
Mother: Gotta hurry to school
To study things.
To be able to count, write...
Lazy person: I love the bed!
I don't want to get up!
Mother: I will wash you myself, and I will cover your bed,
I'll pack your briefcase and walk you to school.
Your friends are waiting for you in class...
Lazy person: Oh, get away from me!
I have a girlfriend - a soft pillow.
(Grandma and Mom grab their heads, gasp, groan, shake their heads)
Grandmother: Woe, whatever you say!
What lies ahead for us?
Mother: The ignoramus will remain
Will toil in life!
Lazy person : Oh, cruel fate!
Okay, okay, I'll get up!
(The lazy person gets out of bed, feels his head, gets scared, tries to tear off the pillow, but nothing works out for him)
Mother: Who will help us now?
Grandmother : Call the doctor soon!
(Mom goes to the phone. Grandmother calms her grandson)
Grandmother: My dear granddaughter, calm down, I'm with you!
It's good that only the pillow has grown to the top of your head.
If the bed had grown, you wouldn't even be able to get up!
(The lazy man begins to sob, Grandmother strokes him on the pillow on his head)
Mother (speaking on the phone) Dear doctor, come,
Save your son from trouble.
To his round head
Pa-pa-pillow has grown!
(Mom sobs, stutters, wipes away tears. Hangs up the phone, approaches her son. All three hug and sob. The Doctor enters)
Doctor (listens with a phonendoscope): So, let's listen to the child.
Here is the liver, spleen ...
Now turn left.
Touch your nose with your tongue.
(Lazybones does whatever the Doctor says. The Doctor touches the pillow.)
Doctor: Now I'll tell you the diagnosis, I think I won't be surprised.
Lenivis, a loafer, my friend, -
Reluctance is the result.
(The lazy man repeats the words with fear)
Lazy person: Lenivis, loafer?
Doctor: The pillow is firmly rooted
You will not pull away from the crown.
I will give you this advice:
Gotta cut! With your head!
(The Doctor with an energetic movement runs the edge of his hand along the throat. Grandmother pushes the Doctor away from Lazy).
Grandmother: No, I won't, don't touch your grandson!
Doctor: That for laziness to him science!
Vedas: Grandma came to the defense.
Clap! And fainted!
(Mom picks her up, waves her handkerchief)
Doctor (scratching the back of his head): There is one more piece of advice.
Should you speak or not?
Grandmother: I don't have my power
Speak quickly!
Doctor (shakes his finger): If you stop being lazy,
If you go to study
The miracle will happen again
And the pillow will fall off!
(Doctor, Grandmother and mother leave)
Lazy person: So, you have to try
To part with the pillow.
I will put on my own shirt
And I'll get down to business:
I will do exercises
(makes a few movements)
I'll put notebooks in my briefcase(takes a satchel, dresses)
I'll clean everything in the room (fixes bed)
I'm off to class!
(The lazy man leaves the hall. He has a satchel behind his back, a pillow on his head)
Vedas: Our lazy person does everything, and the pillow disappears!
(Lazy man runs in without a pillow)
Lazy person: No pillow, beauty!
Hello school! Hello me!
Vedas: Well done!
Never be lazy, always work hard and study well!
(Heroes of the scene go to bow)

Leading: Every child is our little bright star. And today, May 27, 20156, a new countdown begins for our stars, who, and we really hope so, will turn into big, kind, talented ones!

Child. - The fourth frame is parental!

Child .At the mother of a first grader
Bouquet in the hands is clamped.
Mother of a first grader
My knees are trembling a little.

Well, school is coming,
And the school porch!
Mother of a first grader
Anxious face.(L. Fadeeva)

Moms, don't be afraid, moms, calm down!

We will not let you down at school, we will dance and sing for you!

Dance with balloons.

Leading. Well, that's the end of our movie. And we have to take the last frame.

Child. The last frame is a farewell!

Leading. - Time flies, and it can not be returned, the guys have become big.
We lit the stars, we send you on your way,

say goodbye to kindergarten.


Our kindergarten, goodbye,
The time has come to part with you.
And let us say goodbye
IN Great love confess to you.


For so many long years and winters
You have become family to many.
We say goodbye
The road to school awaits us.


We do not swear to you, but we will learn this way,
So that everyone knows about us, finally.
So that you hear this everywhere:
"One of the" fourth "- means well done! (together)

Song "Kindergarten, don't be sad!

Leading. - And now the epilogue of our film.

Attention! The solemn moment has come:

We give the children a document, It is called a Diploma,

You for life, for the memory of him. Everything will be: school, institute,

Your first diploma is here! And try to learn

To be proud of diplomas!

Presentation of diplomas and gifts.

The floor is given to the head.

The floor is given to the parents of our graduates.

parents come out

Do you need poems or a funny scene for graduation in kindergarten? You've come to the right place! Our article reveals all the secrets of the holiday.

In the life of every kid there comes a moment of parting with kindergarten. This is an amazing date. On the one hand - joyful: the child has grown up, ready to study at school, and on the other hand - sad: the period of preschool childhood, the joyful time of games, is ending. The graduation ball in kindergarten will demonstrate to parents and caregivers of grown children. Smart and happy boys and girls last time in the walls preschool shine with their talents.

Children's graduation is a serious matter

Preparation for this event begins in advance. Parents prepare outfits, knock down in search of gifts and holiday attributes, teachers learn poems, dances, songs. If there is a desire and opportunity, you can turn to professionals for help. Specialized agencies are ready to offer a wide range of services. Photographers can offer to create graduation albums for kindergartens. Operators will film your celebration or fragments of classes, putting everything on a disk, which will become a good gift. A holiday agency can help organize memorable bright special effects (for example, launching balloons into the sky), and also take care of decorating a kindergarten.

To make the day memorable

A good memory of the time spent in kindergarten, of course, should remain with children leaving for school, so teachers and parents should take care and create graduation albums. Professionals offer their services for kindergartens, but you can prepare such memorable gifts yourself. To do this, it is worth picking up memorable moments in kindergarten, captured in the photo, investing the best creative work guys, prepare wishes and parting words. Presented in a solemn atmosphere, they are sure to please the children. It would be nice if in such an album it would be possible to trace the growth of children from the moment they came to the garden to graduation. Children are always touched by their photographs, wondering how small they once were.

What to give children?

It is better to give something that will be useful to them in their studies. It can be various school supplies: pencils, pens, rulers, erasers, albums, paints. Such a gift will set you in a learning mood, help your child survive the moments of waiting for a meeting with the school. You can give children books, preferably children's encyclopedias, which they can also use while studying at school.

How to congratulate kindergarten?

Certainly, prom in kindergarten - this is primarily a holiday for future first-graders, but you can not forget the kindergarten workers who have worked for so many years, raising children, putting their soul into them. In gratitude for this care, parents usually prepare a graduation gift for the kindergarten. This may be something that will be useful to teachers in their future work - a bright manual, a game or a toy, objects household appliances, elements for interior decoration. A good addition to the gift can be a graduation scene from parents or poetic congratulations.

Kindergarten graduation notes
We have a wonderful holiday
He is escorting the children today
In the walls of the school and in the first class.

We want to thank you
For hard creative work,
Our children have grown - amazing!
New children will come to you

You will love them like ours
And teach them everything.
And patience is your bowl,
Again will be empty to the bottom.

So many years have been with us
The hour of parting has come now.
And, of course, we need to say:
"We will always remember you!"

"What Children Dream About"

  1. Years will fly by quickly, kindergarten is over,
    Then we finish school, life will be fun.
    Today we will dream
    Choose your own work.
  2. I love to read for a long time
    Everything in the world to know
    So I'm going to college
    I will become a PhD!
  3. And I want to be a model
    I will admire everyone with my gait,
    Look, I've become a beauty!
    I will shoot for a magazine.

    (A small circle of the model's gait passes to the music.)

  4. And I'll fly into the sky
    I want to become a stewardess
    I will try very hard
    Passengers smile.
  5. I will go to show business, I will sing songs,
    And then they will recognize me everywhere,
    I will sing unusually from the stage!
    I will send you an autograph in kindergarten
  6. I want to become an artist to perform on stage,
    And to act in films, you smile from the screen.
    But I'm in doubt!
    Do you think I can?
  7. Well, I would be glad
    Become a kindergarten teacher
    I know how much effort was spent
    Our teachers are with us.
    Grow up a little more
    And I will come back to kindergarten.
  8. And I want to be president!
    Any solemn moment
    I will speak speeches
    Lead a great country!
  9. Dreams change, friends
    But you can't forget about them!
    Of course it was a joke
    So smile for a minute!

What to read for graduation in kindergarten?

Poems will help create a festive atmosphere, convey the feelings and emotions of parents, children and teachers, set everyone in a good lyrical mood. They can be heard from the lips of the heroes of the occasion - graduates, on behalf of educators and parents. We offer several poetic sketches that can be included in the scenario of the matinee.

Graduation kindergarten meets.
This day has been awaited for so many years.
How many holidays are here
But today is an important moment.

How many years have we spent with you
Days flew by.
Children came to us as babies,
They will go to school soon.

And today we see them off
Many difficulties await on the way
And along the school wide road
Let them go easily.

Poem about favorite kindergarten

child reading:

Alyoshka asked me:
"Where have you been all week?"
- I was in the kindergarten "Antoshka"
I went to the senior group.

Do you know how interesting it is
Much can be learned
And run and jump
And dive in the pool.

A lot in the classroom
You can learn something new
Draw, sculpt and glue
Songs to sing and dance

There cocktails with oxygen
Children love to drink
I could tell him about the kindergarten
Still a long time to talk.

And Alyoshka told me:
“Listen, you hit hard!”

Poems for children at graduation in kindergarten

Boys read quatrains:

Dear our educators,
Dear girl friends!
You have to part with kindergarten,
And it's time to leave us toys.

I'll screw the cap on the gas tank,
I'm flipping through a fairy tale book.
And put all the cubes in a box
I will finally hug the bear.

Well, I'll wipe away a tear stingy,
They say men shouldn't cry.
But how to keep such
Sad at heart this slush?

We are men, this is not enough!
We will never let you down!
And although now it suddenly became sad,
Don't be afraid, we won't cry!

Goodbye, our garden, goodbye!
We will remember you!
We want to wish goodbye
Raise new boys for you!

girls read:

And we were once kids
And even it was, sometimes wept,
Asked to hurry back to mom,
When they left us here.

But there were fun tasks,
We learned to sculpt and draw,
And in the hall at the music lessons
We tried to sing and dance.

And in the group they played a lot of fun,
We have many different toys.
And together in the yard they always walked,
We had countless fun games.

And now where does it all go?
Who will save my Katya doll?
To keep her always dressed
And who will comb it the way it suits her?

What if they break our dishes?
What if they leave a bunny in the rain?
Maybe it's time for tears
Let's roar girls!

Wait! Cry, girls, do not!
Today you can be a little sad
And let's say to the educators as a reward,
That we will never forget them!

We will laugh and have fun
After all, in the fall we will go to first grade,
And we will study well at school,
And we won’t let the garden down by the road.

Scenario Secrets

The holiday is often held in the form of a concert, in which congratulations, songs, dances, and musical scenes alternate. Guests are sure to come to the prom - beloved by children. For example, the brownie Kuzya, who has been watching the children for so many years and will now tell all their secrets, or the cheerful Carlson, who will easily tame the housekeeper Freken Bock, who decided to teach children how to prepare for school.

You can arrange a holiday by describing one day in the life in kindergarten.

The form of travel is also suitable, the last trip on the boat of childhood or the departure from the kindergarten platform of a first-class school express will look touching. The role of the captain or driver in this case will go to the educator.

The scenario of the holiday can be built based on a fairy tale loved by children. In any case, a holiday is not only a parting, it is also a meeting with your favorite fairy-tale characters, songs, dances. It is customary to remember funny incidents that happened in a group at graduation. It's great if they can be staged. Roles can be played by both adults and children.

Farewell to kindergarten - time to spin in a waltz

One of the ways to convey the mood, express yourself in movement is dancing in kindergarten. Graduation, of course, is also not complete without them. It can be:

  • Farewell dance with toys.
  • Alumni Waltz.
  • Farewell tango.
  • Dance of fives and twos.
  • Other themed dances.

The language of movements can sometimes express more than words. Grown-up preschoolers moving gracefully to beautiful music - a picture for parental admiration. The script should include both pair and group dances so that the children can throw out their emotions, express their mood, show the guests what they have learned.

Let the kids come to congratulate

Children of the younger group can be invited to the holiday. Graduates will remember how small they were, and kids will see what they will become in a few years. Of course, you should not expect any parting words from the younger group, but they may well sing a song or dance, ending their performance with a small parting word or such words, for example:

We want to congratulate you
You are going to first grade!

Congratulations from parents

A group of active parents can prepare creative garden. This may be the presentation of certificates, commemorative awards in various categories or a thank you song. Perhaps the scene we offer for graduation in kindergarten is suitable.

Parents go out to the music and stand up as a group. Another parent comes out to meet them. A dialogue is started. One parent is a skeptic, the rest take turns dispelling his doubts about kindergarten.

Good afternoon

- (sad) What a good, ordinary day he is! I wonder why you smile like that?

Because we are the most on the planet!

How did that happen, may I ask?

Very simply, we are happy because we have the best children in the whole world!

I also have wonderful children. Two. A boy and... another boy. And why are you sure that your children are the best?

Yes, because our children go to the most amazing kindergarten in the world "..." ( garden name)!

And I'm just looking for a kindergarten for my children! What's so special about your garden?

Interesting in our garden!

Wow! Is that really true?

True truth! The kindergarten "___" has the most experienced teachers.

The friendliest nannies.

The best music directors

The most athletic leaders of physical education.

The most caring doctors.

The most responsible employees

And the most creative administration manages everything.

And I want to arrange children in your garden, I'm going to write an application. Thanks for the advice! (Quickly leaves.)

Well, we didn’t have time to tell so much about the kindergarten!

But we will have time to express our gratitude to the employees of the kindergarten.

(Presentation of gifts.)

"Youth is gone..."

Graduation scene in kindergarten.

A boy and a girl come out.

Boy: Finally! That's great!

Girl: What are you happy about? Is it because you are leaving kindergarten?

Boy: Yes! Now you don't have to go to bed during the day!

Girl: But it will be necessary to study, count, write, read.

Boy: So what? And now you don't have to eat porridge!

Girl: But you have to sit in class!

Boy: Can you imagine, we will come home after dinner, and not in the evening!

Girl: We will come home - there is no mother, we will have to do everything ourselves and eat, and sit down for lessons.

Boy: But you can play with friends, run around the yard, play football.

Girl: But there are lessons to be learned! To not get a deuce.


Together: Yes... that's it! Our youth is gone!

And parents have a holiday too!

For the garden workers, it is important not to forget about those without whose participation this holiday would not have taken place - about the parents! After all, it was they who raised the kids and brought them to the garden, it was they who, together with the boys and girls, were experiencing a touching moment of parting, it was they who continued to walk along the road of life with them, learn lessons together, collect a portfolio and learn the multiplication table. The administration of the kindergarten and educators can prepare those who took an active part in the life of the group and preschool. Children can read touching poems dedicated to their parents.

So the hour has come when you are preparing for the first serious celebration - the graduation of your child. The first independent steps and the first poem, the beloved teacher and the kindergarten were left behind. Ahead of your child - school years, teachers and best friends. Responsible and, of course, exciting.

And let this graduation - only a graduation in kindergarten, but it is he who opens a series of wonderful and memorable holidays that your little man will have. How to organize a graduation in kindergarten so that it is remembered for a long time?

Making plans

To make graduation in kindergarten interesting, fun and memorable, and most importantly, not cause quarrels and disputes between parents, the first step in preparing the celebration is to create a creative team. Who is on the team? As a rule, the team unites parents, educators and representatives of the kindergarten administration. Of course, it is better if the “tandem” includes parents who have at least minimal experience or knowledge in the necessary areas - organizing a banquet, compiling a menu, writing a script, perhaps one of the parents has acquaintances or friends who are involved in the design holidays, selling balloons and similar "fun things".

Preparations for the holiday, its organization is not an easy task, they take a lot of effort, energy and time, and therefore the task of the creative committee is to calculate and allocate responsibilities, time and financial expenses in advance. If you plan the event in advance, take into account all the preparatory nuances - the holiday will go smoothly and according to plan, without misunderstandings and nerves.

How to organize a graduation in kindergarten step by step (sample plan)

Undoubtedly, various nuances may arise during preparation, but, in general, the plan should be as follows:

  1. We decide on the date and time of the celebration.
  2. We choose the venue (here we take into account the financial capabilities of the parents, based on this we choose either a group in a kindergarten or a cafe. Often the official part takes place in a kindergarten, and the celebration itself moves to a cafe or entertainment center).
  3. We invent it ourselves or order a script for the solemn part from specialists.
  4. The entertainment part (we determine where the event will take place, who will conduct it, whom to invite, what contests and quizzes will be held).
  5. We think over the decoration of the hall (there are several options: do it yourself or order from a special company, of course, the order will be more expensive).
  6. Making a menu for graduation.
  7. We decide on gifts for children and educators.
  8. Important moments: photo, video, music.

So, the plan is made! We determine those responsible for each item and forward to its implementation!

Order gifts for graduates

Well, what's a graduation without gifts! Original gifts will bring positive emotions to the kids and will be remembered for a long time. Very often, young graduates are given school supplies, bright multi-colored children's alarm clocks, educational games, children's wrist watch or colorfully illustrated encyclopedias.

Your future first grader is still Small child, and, of course, he will be happy with a toy, a scooter or rollers, a constructor, puzzles, a set for experiments, a talking doll set for creativity.

An excellent gift - an album with photos - colorful and positive, which he will be able to flip through with you in many, many years. And as an addition to the main gifts, present sweets, because the children love them very much.

Clue! Give gifts to the kids at the end celebratory event, because 100% of the kids will study them, switching all their attention from the script to gifts.

The best gifts are emotional!

Proven: best memory- emotional. There is not a single child who would not like:

  • clowns;
  • bubble;
  • fairy-tale heroes;
  • dancing to cheerful music;
  • lively contests;
  • unusual games.

Give the children tickets for an exciting event - a zoo or a dolphinarium, a museum or a fairy tale, invite the children of "Evrika" to the event with a fun educational program, and your children will be satisfied, they will remember graduation for many years.

Entertaining the heroes of the occasion

Graduation in kindergarten ... How to organize a celebration for parents so that it turns out to be fun and boring? There are many options for organizing the entertainment part! You can put on a performance on your own with the participation of both children and parents, organize a fun concert, hold contests and competitions with prizes.

A lot of noisy fun and joy will be delivered to the children by the face painting specialist invited to the holiday - at the request of the kids, he will paint their faces and create a joyful, festive atmosphere and good mood.

But still the best option- turn to professionals! You can order clowns, or you can invite a science show - fun and educational!

Presenters from the Eureka project in game form introduce children to science. The children will take part in fun experiments and competitions, learn about the world around them and make new discoveries.

Believe me, after the Eureka science shows, future students will have a desire to learn even more, and they will look forward to starting school year- September 1!

Eureka offers unique scientific and entertainment show programs:

  • "One Day at Hogwarts" The children will temporarily become students of the very school in which Harry Potter studied, and will learn many magical things that can actually be easily explained with the help of science.
  • "Around the world". At all times, people have been attracted to travel. And what if the kids go on a trip around the world?! Yes, and on hot-air balloon! Children will get acquainted with countries and continents, and on the way they will find tornadoes, storms, volcanoes and other natural phenomena.
  • Visit Eureka's Fun Lab, it's so cool! Children will be visiting a real professor in his laboratory and will conduct many wonderful experiments with him.

Thanks to our teachers!

It has become a tradition to thank graduation educators and kindergarten staff who have been teaching and raising our kids for several years.

An obligatory gift is fresh flowers. Give a bouquet to each graduate, and let him give them to members of the kindergarten team. An abundance of fresh flowers at a holiday is never superfluous, because flowers give the atmosphere not only solemnity, but also touching.

How about no congratulatory speeches? We are preparing a speech!

A nice addition to flowers and gifts will be your sincere words of gratitude to those who helped the children grow older and smarter.

By the way, words of thanks can be beautifully framed in original frames, and it will be oh, how nice to receive such “thanks” in a decent design.

You can not do at the holiday without a speech on behalf of the parent committee.

Prepare a speech in advance and take a “cheat sheet” with you - natural excitement can interfere with even a well-rehearsed, memorized text.

The two main requirements for speech are sincerity and brevity (do not drag out the speech for 40 minutes so that everyone starts nodding about boredom).

  • Option 1

On behalf of the parents of graduates, we say thank you very much! You have invested in our children not only all the necessary knowledge, you have invested in them a piece of yourself.

You managed to penetrate into the hearts of children and instill in them kindness, love and joy. Be always creative, inspiring, hardworking and loving teachers for your students. Thank you for our children!

  • Option 2

We express our sincere gratitude to the head of the kindergarten (full name), the teachers of our group, as well as the whole team for your selfless work, for the worthy education of the younger generation. Our children went to the garden with great joy, and we, the parents, never worried, leaving the children in your reliable hands. Thank you for your sensitivity to children, attention to parents, high professionalism. You approached all pedagogical tasks with creative inspiration and imagination, rooted for the successes and failures of our children. Thank you very much! Happiness, health, patience and creative inspiration to you!

We decorate the hall

Turn on your imagination, count money and decorate the room with multi-colored flags, funny drawings and posters, photographs and children's applications, garlands and paper flowers, ribbons.

Great helpers in creating a joyful holiday atmosphere will be air balloons because the kids love them so much. If you want, inflate yourself (connect dads, grandfathers), if you want - with the help of pumps. With a little skill and by tying several balloons together, you can get original airy flowers and decorations that we attach to walls and ceilings.

If you have enough funds - order the decoration of the hall from companies specializing in festive decoration of premises.

Menu for the festive table

The solemn part of the graduation ceremony ends with a festive table. Based on the means and desires of the parents, we either compose a solid menu with hot dishes and desserts, or stop at easy version- fruits, juices, pizza, cakes and sweets.

original addition to festive table- chocolate fountain.

"Sweet entertainment" will not leave the kids indifferent and will be remembered for a long time, although there is a risk that the kids will be taken out in chocolate.

If a buffet table is planned for teachers and parents, graduation guests, we make another menu for adults.

Video and photo

One of the important components of the holiday is photography and video filming. The quality of photo and video impressions that you and your children will have for many years depends on the professionalism of the photographer and video operator. Whether you can handle it on your own, or it is better to invite professionals - it's up to you. But, as a rule, graduations are held in all kindergartens at the same time, and therefore a professional must be ordered in advance so that he is not busy with other customers.

Instead of concluding...

Dear mothers and fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers! Remember, all your efforts, the time and effort spent, all your experiences invested in organizing the celebration are nothing compared to the smiling faces of your children, their joyful smiles and happy eyes. Therefore, arm yourself with imagination, take inspiration with you and go! Everything will work out for you!

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We begin to think at such big holidays as graduation in kindergarten, graduation in primary school and the most disturbing is graduation at school.

The whole life immediately pops up before your eyes and the question becomes, what next ... Will the children need a parent at the next stage of your child's life? This is already complex psychological reflections. So far, we have experienced graduation in elementary school with our eldest son, and graduation in kindergarten with our daughter. And since I was on the parent committee, the organization of the graduation fell on my shoulders with my husband. And in this article I will talk in detail about preparing for graduation in kindergarten.

It all started with the fact that all the parents at the autumn meeting were somehow indifferent to everything and left as soon as possible. The teacher looked at me and said that I would be the head of the parent committee and I had a big responsibility to organize the graduation. I didn't panic. This state came to me a month before the appointed date.

This picture is not mine. I met her on the Internet. Our expenses are less and in hryvnias.
I printed out a list of all children in a vertical column, and a list of expenses in a horizontal one. All parents had to vote in each column. Only after the entire voting, which lasted about a month, did I start collecting money.
I return to the conversation with my parents before the matinee. I introduce myself, I say that I plan how much to spend on each and what to do with those who are not able to donate money, whether others are ready to support low-income children. And what a shock I had when some of the parents say (5 people) that they will not come to the matinee, they will not bring their children. Everything was calculated for me, if 2 people don’t pass, and then immediately 5 and you can immediately throw another 2-3. This is a third of 28 people!!! I ask them why they don't come? They say that the children graduation in kindergarten already was and that they were leaving them for the second year. They donated money last year to the kindergarten, educators and they don’t need a holiday?!?

Here I need to explain that in Ukraine for several years there has been such a system: they go to the first grade at 6 years old, but measured at 7. Most parents are afraid to send their children to 6, because they think that they will not be able to cope and leave children in kindergartens for second year. In our group, 10 six-year-olds were added to 20 five-year-olds. For the younger ones, the period went well, while the older ones lost a year. They studied the program senior group the second year in a row and there was no significant development. The children were different in size. Those who were a year older were a head taller.

Still, such a difference is not very important in the kindergarten, but when in the first grade the children are older by a year or 1.5, your child somehow becomes uneasy. How is it necessary to organize the learning process in order to captivate differently prepared children? Some can read, count, while others are just learning. What is the point of the first teacher, if ready-made students of the second grade come to the first class. This is my retreat... Sorry... it hurts. It's just that our daughter is in first grade now. She turned 6 in September. And in the classroom, children are either already 6 and 7 years old, or turn 7 in the fall. This is very noticeable: they are taller and smarter.

3. Gifts for kindergarten staff. Exist different variants gifts, but having discussed with one familiar physical teacher, I found out that one of the joyful gifts for her was a simple little cake. For the price it is cheaper, and brought a lot of joy. So we ordered 7 cakes. How happy everyone was. These were unforgettable kindergarten graduation gifts. So, why exactly 7 pieces: 1st for the head and methodologist, 2nd for educators nursery group, 3rd - a physical education teacher + a music worker, 4th - a kitchen, 5th - laundresses, custodians, 6th - a supply manager and watchmen, 7th - a health worker and a psychologist.

4. Helium balloons. We have such a tradition for the holiday itself to hang balloons under the ceiling of the hall, and at the end go outside and release them into the sky. It's beautiful, but .... tearful. Such a beautiful ball and let go. Not everyone decided on this. Yes, and just a few accidentally released. That's why we had spares. I even thought that it was necessary to take 2 pcs + 4 spare pcs. Advice from me. Buy from a known supplier. It is necessary that he inflates in the morning, as many complain that by lunchtime the balloons are lying and do not want to fly anywhere. If it suddenly rains, then you can not wet them.

5. Animator. We had an animator. This is an experienced girl who decided to work with 28 children for quite a lot of money. She came with a whistle, dressed up as a clown, with her laptop and music, with her balloons, which was very pleasing. Here our emotions with parents and educators diverge. Many say it was a farce. The big drawback, in my opinion, was the balloons, which burst and the children were frightened of them. Long balls turned out to be stronger and the figures lasted a long time. The staff and many parents say it was a farce. I've been there and I'll tell you. There was an hour of different tasks with contests. Children screamed, ran, jumped. To a greater extent, they obeyed more than they did anything. But it was op. Parents tried to pick them up, but the children said they didn’t want to, I want to stay. The parents are tired and the kids need to get out. Some liked it, some didn't. And it spoiled our impressions of the whole holiday.

6. Sweet table for children. Several parents were organized as responsible and such products as juice, various cookies, sweets, bananas, napkins were bought.

7. Gifts for teachers and nanny. We formed a gift to the group from the parents at the graduation. I won't say which one. Secret.

8. Graduation gifts for children. We bought a pencil holder and good quality colored pencils for one child.

9. small gifts for competitions. Were bought for one child: a sharpener, covers, a music book, a book in oblique, a cage, a pen, a pencil, a glue stick, crayons.

UAH 250 each was collected (2015), enough for everyone, meaning those children who did not donate money. For the remainder, we bought light drinks for adults. Photo albums are not included here.

And yet I have not written how the parent committee congratulated the staff of the kindergarten.
When we were given the floor, there were four of us. I printed thank-you notes for each employee in advance, entered their names and patronymics. We talk about this in a separate article. We read these notes one by one. Thanked everyone. The teachers were personally congratulated in the group, only flowers were given in the hall.

As a rule, graduation in all kindergartens is quite standard: the official part with the presentation of photo albums and diplomas, distribution of flowers and gifts from the group to the kindergarten staff, then launching balloons into the sky, perhaps a small table in the group, and then celebrating in a cafe .. This all standard scenario. We offer several ideas to "dilute" the standard and bring something fresh and memorable to the holiday itself. After all, graduation in kindergarten happens once in a lifetime!

1. Make a video about children.

You can do it yourself or hire specialists. Either way, the result will be amazing. We offer several options:

1) it can be a short film "1 day in the life of a kindergarten" with calm music in the background and the usual daily routine for children: here they are doing exercises, here they are having breakfast, falling asleep in beds, drawing, sculpting, etc. Those who have already prepared such films for their children note that at first, first-graders constantly watch them, smile and remember. Do not forget, 1st grade is stressful for them, and such memorable films help them get through a difficult period.

2) It can be a lot of small interview videos with each child individually. We know cases when such videos were displayed on the wall when official congratulations child. For example, the name of the next child is announced, everyone watches a 2-3 minute video about this graduate: who he wants to become, who his friends are, what he thinks about kindergarten, etc. - and then the child himself comes out and everyone congratulates him, handing him a diploma and gifts. The only drawback is that parents will undoubtedly cry, because this sight is very touching. Yes, and children are delighted with such an amount of attention to each child.

If the videos seem too difficult for someone to create, then against the background of congratulations, you can simply start a slideshow with photos from kindergarten taken throughout the training. It won't be as spectacular, but it will add charm.

2. Create an album of drawings and crafts

Each child gets a beautiful notebook, an album, a folder in which you can put sheets. He paints it, decorates it, and then all the children exchange their drawings. But not with ordinary drawings, but personal ones. IN preparatory group the guys can already accompany the drawing with some kind of commemorative inscription, even paste their photo, and then transfer their creation to the one to whom they want to leave a memory of themselves.

The result is a very cute book. Ideally, it is better to prepare everything centrally: purchase suitable notebooks so that they can be decorated, print portraits of children on all photographs - so that children can paste them into the corner of their drawing and give them away. The only thing to consider here is time. Such albums are made at least 1-2 months. But the result is worth it!

3. Give a personal album about the childhood of your son / daughter

Let's say right away that this is a global work, thorough and requiring a large number mother's strength and patience. It is hardly possible to do this for the whole group - it is rather a gift for your child.

Ideally: a good one is opened (a leather photo album or a voluminous notebook is better) and photographs of the child are pasted there from birth, fit Interesting Facts and stories from his life: and in this maternity hospital you were born, here is your first bed, nipple, rattle, children's room, etc., etc., and so on until the age of 7.

This album is a real declaration of love to your child! Recognition of its significance and importance to you. As well as confirmation that your baby has grown. What begins new stage in his life. That you will always be with him. With such support, he will grow up confident, loved and happy.

4. Arrange a disco or hold a ball

Children love to dance, and if you do it like adults do - with a disco ball, color music, well-chosen musical compositions - delight is guaranteed!

It will be great if the children come up with their own dance, the dance of their group, or prepare their own performance in small groups. Let's say teaming up with friends.

You can additionally please children if adults join in the fun, but only the participation of adults should be organized: say, a waltz of dads with moms .. or a performance by individual parents ..

You can organize such an event in the music hall (provided that the administration has allowed it) or in a room specially rented for this.

5. Set up your garden

If the territory of the kindergarten allows, then you can make a gift to the kindergarten in the form of seedlings of trees, bushes, etc.

Of course, this must be agreed in advance with the administration of the garden. The point is for the children to leave something of themselves as a keepsake for the kindergarten. Turn the planting of seedlings into a solemn event. Let each child plant his own bush, and then also wish something good for the kindergarten. In general, you can beat it with a thousand different ways- if only there was a desire.

6. Create your tradition.

This is the easiest and easiest way to please our children. The question is limited only by the imagination of the parents. Say, after the official part, everyone goes outside and on some beautiful tree growing on the territory of the kindergarten, each child hangs a hand-made (and in advance) paper lantern or an origami bird - or something of their own. But he hangs for a reason, but with wishes and in an appropriate setting, with music and in the presence of spectators. The result will be - MAGIC TREE OF GRADUATES or TREE OF WISHES .. Or you can do the opposite. Hanging his craft, the child must make his own own wish. After all, it is today, on the holiday, that all the wishes of graduates come true. Yes, our children are getting older, but they still believe in fairy tales. And it depends only on us whether they will have it or not.

7. Organize a quest

IN Lately Increasingly, parents refuse, to our great regret, from an informal graduation celebration outside the kindergarten. main reason tends to become a money issue. We offer a compromise. So that the children have fun with the whole group in an informal setting, and it is not expensive for parents.

Right on the territory of the kindergarten, on the street, you can organize a quest with tasks and games. Come up with a goal: for example, not to present gifts at an official ceremony, but to make the children look for them themselves. Gifts could be stolen, after all ..

The solution of each puzzle will provide a clue for the next step. This is a fun, noisy and very memorable event.

However, parents will have to prepare, and there are a lot of things to do:

1. come up with a plot

2. develop tasks and tests

3. prepare the necessary props (drawings, maps, etc.)

4. Persuade the teacher to the role of the leader (it is better if it is a teacher, because his children still obey))

8. Bury the time capsule

The idea came to us from abroad, but it's really cool. You can throw a cry to the children - let them choose what they want to pass on to the next graduates. Get together and after the official part go and bury it all in the place agreed with the administration. You can put it all in a small chest .. Every year, children will open the chest from previous years, take gifts from there and bury their own. To avoid fights, you can pull items out of the chest with your eyes closed.

9. Cake with fireworks

You can, of course, fireworks without a cake, and even just a cake, but beautiful.

In general, everything that children love with their eyes! Give them a holiday!

We have prepared this collection of ideas in order to show how many interesting things you can organize and do at the graduation in kindergarten, if you have the time and desire. If you have any other interesting idea for graduation - share with everyone in the comments below.

Let's bring joy to children! May they be happy!
