Congratulations on the day of the diplomatic worker in verse and prose. Congratulations on the Day of the diplomatic worker Congratulations on the day of the diplomatic worker

Keeping balance in the world
You devoted your life to work,
Diplomats of all ranks, always
You are highly respected by us.

I congratulate you all on the holiday,
Are you at home or in a distant land,
Protecting the interests of the country
Protect your Motherland.

I wish you success, good luck,
Good days and happy moments,
Diplomacy knights, know
You are loved and expected in your homeland.

Congratulations, diplomats.
Today is your glorious holiday.
Where you are - negotiations
And a lot of excitement.

Disputes let by all means
Only lead you to success
You pass with dignity, brightly
I wish you the hard way.

Congratulations on the Diplomatic Worker's Day. Let every day of activity be marked only by success and a profitable compromise, let every day of life give incredible opportunities for the realization of all your ideas. I wish you health and good luck, diplomatic and human happiness!

On Diplomat's Day, congratulations,
I wish you success.
Let your career go up
And pulls to new frontiers.

I wish you well and prosperity
Negotiations - impeccable,
Much happiness and good luck
In matters of the heart, of course.

Diplomats, Happy Holidays
I congratulate you
In all negotiations
I wish you success.

I wish that peacefully
All problems were solved
The interests of the countries
To not be violated.

I wish dialogue
resolve conflicts,
Fragile peace of the planet
In a word, protect.

I salute the diplomats
On their beautiful holiday.
And I wish it is full
There was only your wallet.

So that the work is interesting,
It was exciting.
Only solved without difficulty
All business policies.

Today I congratulate the diplomat,
I wish you patience stronger than steel,
To increase the salary every year,
And all the ambassadors were respectfully respected.

So that from any conflict situations
You went out successfully and tactfully,
I also want to smile more often
And just enjoy your personal life!

Happy diplomatic worker's day,
I congratulate you with joy in my voice,
Accuracy in your work, perseverance,
I wish you well and care.

Be always and in everything only the first,
Let the bad be left behind.
Only happiness awaits, the reward is great,
For your perseverance, everything is ahead!

I wish you great talent
To be a skilled diplomat in life.
Let all obstacles collapse before you,
And agreements to you in all such as it is necessary.
At work, you have moments of joyful, pleasant,
Victories, recognitions to you universal, necessary, noble!

There is no better diplomat in the world,
After all, you are for the friendship of all peoples!
Let your salary grow
To increase income!

May success await you all around
So that every day is successful
So that without any interference
You've made all the connections!

Diplomatic workers
I send congratulations
Let hello from the motherland
Will cheer you up.
migratory birds,
Seeing off with a glance,
you away from home
I don't want to be sad
At home and at work
Let everything be fine
Know, on native land
You are always welcome and loved.

Happy Diplomat's Day,

On this day I send you my congratulations,
I wish that work does not carry excitement,

And there are more generous, cereal places!

Happy diplomat's day! let work
Brings you joy and success!
Let the country surround you with care -
After all, your work is important to all of us!
We want to live in the world, in a happy country,
Calm, without conflicts and problems.
Accept congratulations in poetry,
Even though I can't write poetry!

Congratulations on the Day of the Diplomatic Worker,
I wish you good and happiness in life
May you have no troubles on the way,
And every day brings you many victories!
I wish that the work does not carry worries,
But only a lot of successful contracts,
And there are more generous, cereal places!

The one who wears a diplomat -
He is not yet a DIPLOMAT.
And far from a diplomat
The one who is both a matchmaker and a brother to everyone.

Well, if someone is smart,
And strong in communication
And in whom without any flattery
Even Barmaley is in love

Who will show the right path
Don't forget to wink
Push and hint
Please everyone somehow

Who are both women and men
Fascinate for no reason
Who is rich in ideas

The work of a diplomat is a risk,
After all, a diplomat, like a chess player,
He must count ahead
To defend the honor of the country,
Be smart and unflappable
And maybe even beautiful.
After all, according to him, there in the distance,
Think of the whole country!
We congratulate diplomats,
And congratulations on the holiday,
And we understand: you will be Don Quixote,
What remains a patriot in a foreign land!

IN Holy holiday diplomat
We wish you to live richly,
Days of responsible, successful,
Serious and transparent cases,
Deals profitable and honest,
Popular, interesting.
May luck be near
Life will become a continuous parade,
Let everything be harmonious
Easy, joyful, great!

Today we guys
Congratulations diplomat.
His work is so hard
Because it is in politics!
After all, the diplomat is negotiating,
Solves all kinds of disputes
His face is stern and stern,
Much depends on the diplomat!

Diplomacy is so important.
We congratulate you on this day!
Everyone appreciates your skill.
Congratulations! Good luck to you all!

You always have
Important diplomat traits:
Patience, perseverance...
And you are known for hard work!
Erudite, savvy
In matters of foreign
Do not let you suddenly arise
Unexpected confrontation!
We really believe in you
We wish you, of course
light negotiations,
Good luck, good luck everywhere!

We are all diplomats to some extent.
After all, human life is a negotiation.
Please each other for example
And settle unnecessary disputes.
Happy diplomat's day!

But they were brought down by a peaceful line,

To whom does a lengthy speech sound today?
To whom is the world singing glory today?
To those who, mired in foreign affairs,
Forges the success of our Motherland!
No wonder the arena of the international
The circle of your interests is called!
Only in your honor I say today:
Happy diplomat's day! Happy holiday my friend!

Times don't change people's desire
Make reliable friends in other countries,
To resolve things peacefully
And cultural exchange and trade flourished.
It was customary from time immemorial, smart ambassador
With a friendly message, a stranger walked into the tap
And tried to gain trust
To cooperate and trade.
Diplomats have been valued at all times.
All countries need communication on a peaceful basis.
And when they celebrate their holiday in the country,
Congratulations to the advisers and attaches,
All envoys to countries and chief ambassadors,
Who is ready to protect the interests of the Fatherland,
Who is successful in conducting consular affairs.
May everyone succeed in their place!

On the day of the worker of diplomacy
I wish you success
Your wise and courageous brethren,
Be able to keep your word
And questions of any decision
Very quickly be able to find
Forget about any doubts -
Just boldly move forward!

On this diplomat's holiday
It's hard for us to think
What can you wish
To those who can storm!

Congratulations on this day!
May you always be lucky in everything
Let luck laugh at you
Whatever you want, you can

To invigorate every day -
Energy and strength
To have a lot of money
Inspiration has not cooled down!

Briefcases were named after you,
teasing; but in the soul
We all dreamed of becoming ambassadors,
Or at least an attaché...
I will shine for you today
Not the most pathos of phrases:
Let me congratulate you!

Poems of congratulations on the day of the diplomat, diplomatic worker

Be glorious, diplomat - almost omnipotent!
How important you have been for Russia since ancient times!
From Byzantium to the present day
In matters with foreign countries - all the more important!

Sometimes in distant countries and embassies
There is no hospitality and hospitality,
But you must stand behind us with a wall
And the honor to protect your native country.

We wish the diplomats prosperity,
Health, understanding of relatives,
May you always be met with understanding
And homeland greeting lights!

In a foreign country from year to year,
Solve problems to protect people.
You have high restraint,
You count all the moves subtly in advance.

Do you like diplomacy?
Helps in Everyday life cope.
We wish you career success, happiness,
And all sunny days, without bad weather.

The Posolsky order was established by Ivan the Terrible once,
And the special status of a diplomat was singled out at the same time.
And if further, deep into the centuries - in the ninth century with Byzantium
The Decree "On Peace and Love" was first concluded by Russia.
A lot has passed since then, people, generations have changed,
And sometimes it happened like that, when everything was decided by moments.
Let us congratulate all our Russian diplomats with dignity!
We are calm - they will always achieve the desired results

I love holidays
And how can you not love them?
To celebrate diplomat's day
They don't have to be.
In the sense that in the service of the Foreign Ministry
officially consist,
After all, a diplomat in its purest form
We all have to be.
For example, when you come home from work,
Seeing - dinner is not ready,
diplomatic note
Send your wife without harsh words,
And if you climb ahead,
You will stumble, as at the corner of a circle,
And you will easily become an ambassador -
That is, your spouse will send you.
In short, everything in your soul
We are diplomatic workers, guys:
We all have to sometimes
To be consuls, attaches...
And so we have the right
Proven by example,
Day of the diplomatic worker now,
Friends, celebrate in full!

It's not easy being a diplomat
Talk to people without a mat,
Enforce compromises
And don't confuse Miss and Mrs.
We always wished you
to be sent somewhere
Our friend
So gifted.
And immensely respectful
We all congratulate you
Happy Profession Day
Intolerant of expression.

With real diplomats
As they say, "mind chamber",
Where even an atom is powerless,
They know how to win.
For them, sacred to the land of lovers,
I want to offer my toast.

Happy Diplomatic Worker's Day

You always have an important task -
Settle only peacefully foreign affairs!
Foreign policy is not a trifle!
Words must be chosen, otherwise they will not understand ...
We wish you patience and wisdom in everything!
And let there be no difficulties, obstacles!
Congratulations to all diplomats on this day,
I wish you to solve less conflicts.

I wish you to be verbally savvy
Be an idea generator.
From any adversity insured
And cloudless days.
Happy diplomat's day!

Who cares for Russia before the world,
Who puts his strength on the altar,
So that the states that hold power
We were treated equally. Flashlight
Peace and help from diplomats
Fits right in your hands.
Our congratulations wish you a salary
And results in your difficult affairs.

We are all relations of many countries
Ready to try your own skin
And our work is so often called
Some funny incomprehensible hack-work.
We try our best
So that diplomats are always appreciated in the world.
There are so few of us, so I
I want to congratulate you so that you do not forget.

Poems of congratulations on the day of the diplomat, diplomatic worker

Diplomats are neat guys
Their professional skill
Lets fight back sometime
Or secure the necessary peace.
All this is done with a smile.
So let congratulations from us
It will be as smooth, flexible,
How would each of you today!

He walks confidently
Embassy worker
Diplomacy Champion
This day is special
We want to wish
Successful negotiations
And accommodating girls!

The word is an important tool.
You entered our house unnoticed,
They asked, "What's for dinner?"
For this we love you very much,
You are always sweet and kind.
You will come to the rescue urgently
and resolve all disputes.
Of course it's very difficult
But it seems that everything is not so.
When you are very careful
Get everything out of the way.

You are a diplomat!
I shout to you "Vivat!"
I congratulate you on your day!
I wish you happiness, joy!

I've known you as cool diplomats for too long
but I’m in no hurry to congratulate you on the holiday “loudly”,
All because I already learned a lesson in diplomacy
that the holiday is on time then,
when the mood and time come.
I would also like to point out,
that you are able to convince anyone - that's right,
find solutions to any situation,
while being natural - yourself!
I congratulate you on your holiday and wish you
what everyone would wish for themselves!

Diplomatic workers,
Congratulations to you helmet from your native land,
And we want to wish you without fail,
In your difficult work, not easy.
No matter how difficult negotiations are,
But they were brought down by a peaceful line,
After all, the WORLD is the most important thing in the world,
Save it must at all costs!

Diplomat! You deserve an award
Your functions are very complex:
Represent, and with dignity, it is necessary
interests of the native country.

You can't learn, no doubt.
Diplomacy is a talent.
You own it from birth
And in the profession you are a diamond!

You, successful diplomat,
Today I am glad to congratulate!
In international relations
You know all the problems of solving
And let the country prosper
She needs you!
Thanks to people like you -
The country has a future!

Accept congratulations,
The best graduate of MGIMO!
Wisdom, endurance, patience -
It won't come by itself;
You went through a school
So much you could learn!
Well, according to protocol
Congratulations diplomat!

Dear representatives of the diplomatic corps, specialists involved in diplomatic activities, I congratulate you on your professional holiday – !
Diplomats are often valued much more than politicians, and the diplomatic service has always been on a special note. And all because diplomats determined the face of the country for other world powers, and issues of war and peace directly depended on them.
The experience of many generations of diplomats proves that diplomacy is important and necessary for the world community. Its importance in defending the national interests of their country, in preparing and conducting visits to various countries by heads of governments, ministries of foreign affairs, parliamentary and other official delegations can hardly be overestimated.
Throughout the history of Russian diplomacy, starting from the first official diplomat of Russia, Ivan Mikhailovich Viskovaty, who served as the first clerk of the Ambassadorial Prikaz under Ivan the Terrible in 1549, the legendary Russian diplomat Count Alexei Bestuzhev-Ryumin, who was appointed a resident of Denmark in 1720, our diplomats contributed to political success of the Russian state.
Both then and now, our diplomats were and are distinguished by a high level of political and civic conviction in defending the national interests of their country, patriotism, high professionalism, and intellectual potential.
Moreover, every diplomatic worker, regardless of the place of his service, time and nature of activity, remains a responsible employee of the foreign policy department, a representative of the state for whom not only his professional and business, but also civil, ideological, moral qualities are important. Relevant for a diplomat are the ability to strategically see the development of events, the ability to foresee the consequences of the actions taken, to accurately predict the trend in the development of the situation, to prevent its change in an undesirable direction, insight, the ability to see the main and decisive in the conditions of the growing information flow, the ability to critically evaluate the information received, to identify hidden connection events and facts and, on this basis, draw the right conclusions and formulate constructive proposals. The ability of diplomats to competently, intelligibly and convincingly express their thoughts, knowledge of modern information technologies and the ability to use them in daily work.
And these are just a few of the skills and abilities that a Russian diplomat, a representative of an undeniably unique, prestigious, necessary and hard work, should possess.
Dear diplomats, the people on whom reliable partnerships between states, respect for international rules, promotion of progress around the world depend, once again congratulations on Day of the diplomatic worker !
I wish you to continue to do everything in your power to strengthen international relations with other countries. I wish you health, success in a difficult but honorable service, patience, endurance, the ability to perfectly master the diplomatic language, never lose self-control, reasonably and consistently defend your beliefs and position, be purposeful and creative in solving all issues, have a high general education and cultural level.

Professional holiday of all diplomatic workers. Diplomat's Day in Russia celebrated annually on February 10.

Why do we need diplomats
When there are machines.
Tanks and grenades
Well, of course, mats.

Then, to live peacefully,
Not knowing the troubles of war.
To stand still
Enemies of our country.

We congratulate together
Happy professional day.
Your work can
Compare with playing with fire.

Thanks to the diplomats
For the power of right words.
For having a grenade explosion
Doesn't disturb dreams.

Tight, collected, shaved, honest,
Attentive and strict
Mind, manners known -
You will teach everyone a lesson.

And on duty diplomatically
Lead to a decision
You will help competently, excellent -
You won't let the country down!

May you have a wonderful holiday
Accompanying success!
Career easy and wonderful!
Happy Diplomat's Day everyone!

Easily solve various issues
Honor protect your homeland,
Peacefully you eliminate conflicts and threats,
And you have a deep understanding of human psychology.
Being a diplomat is a real art,
You have a special gift for him, a talent.
So let everything continue to be given to you simply and skillfully,
And let luck, luck accompany you in business.

Correctly solve all problems
Establish any contacts
And the knot unravel dilemmas
Golden brains are capable!
We wish Lady Fortune
Spinning your wheel
Yes, so that your fate is a schooner
Successfully sailed in unison!

In big, international affairs
Not everything is clear enough to me
But I know for sure that today
Diplomats have the main holiday!
Dressed modestly, but decently,
The world is not embarrassing aroma,
I personally would like to
Emphatically diplomatically
Congratulations on the Diplomat's Day!

Happy diplomat's day! let work
Brings you joy and success!
Let the country surround you with care -
After all, your work is important to all of us!
We want to live in the world, in a happy country,
Calm, without conflicts and problems.
Accept congratulations in poetry,
Even though I can't write poetry!

Decided to become an international diplomat
And put, plowing, a lot of strength,
It was useful to the native state,
Peace and commonwealth between countries proclaimed.
We wish you good deeds and agreements,
Extinguish conflicts, create resonance,
And in an atmosphere of mutual understanding
Celebrate your holiday every year!

Being a diplomat is not easy:
Here you need the mind, flair and tact.
After all, in a state far away
You need to make contact!
We sincerely wish you
Diplomatic victories!
And we send only good things to you!
After all, you are the color of our nation!

Diplomats are responsible and serious people, they bear the heavy burden of establishing relations and negotiating. Therefore, on their day professional holiday it is especially important to find the right words that come from the heart, which will melt the ice of constant composure and rigor, help you relax and enjoy life. To find such congratulations, you do not need to invent something for a long time and painfully compose it. Our site contains all the wishes appropriate for such an occasion. With their help, your goal will be achieved, the right words will be found, and your dear person will appreciate your efforts and the feelings that you convey.

Congratulations to friends and relatives

Search and find ways to solve the problem,
not everyone can, you need here - skill, strength, nerves!
Find a consensus, and decide on a position,
only a true diplomat is capable,
lead to the right solution!
Therefore, today we congratulate the diplomat,
let the experience, knowledge and mind, do not let his guys down! ©

We are on the Day of workers of the diplomatic front,
congratulations helmet to all,
who, with a word, with a thought, changes the world irrevocably!
Without resorting to tanks, excavators, of course pressure,
who makes the revolution, with one diplomatic decision! ©

One wants, the other wants
Their mood is not very
'Cause everyone thinks they're right
Here feelings, desires of all the enclave!
Find them a way out, freedom,
To make people suffer less
That's all efforts
You dedicate on earth!
After all, you are a diplomat and a savior,
Who is our relationship warrior,
Always change the world
So that war does not come to our house!
And congratulations on your day,
We are diplomats invariably,
Be happy, be always healthy
Solve problems with the power of words! ©

Congratulations to colleagues

I've known you as cool diplomats for too long
but I’m in no hurry to congratulate you on the holiday “loudly”,
All because I already learned a lesson in diplomacy
What a holiday in time then,
when the mood and time come.
I would also like to point out,
That you are able to convince anyone is true,
find solutions to any situation,
At the same time, be natural - yourself!
I congratulate you on your holiday and wish you
What everyone would wish for himself! ©

Cool congratulations on the Day of the diplomatic worker

To decide the fate of the worlds not by hearsay,
At the same time, do not stick out too much,
Do not use weapons at all
So you can distinguish a diplomat!
He is special in all this from others,
So on his day this verse,
Parting words from troubles and from failures,
So that randomness even helps out! ©

Congratulations on the Day of the diplomatic worker in prose

Diplomacy is undoubtedly one of the most responsible public positions. To work in this area, it is gentle to be a truly unique person, combining a sharp mind, clarity of views, wisdom, insight and foresight. And most importantly, you need to understand the essence and power of the spoken words. It is your thoughtful speeches that sound louder than the volleys of several guns and save many more lives than dozens of hospitals. Remember this! We wish you that the battles that you wage on the political field always end with your unconditional victory, which means that all wars and conflicts subside even at the stage of negotiations! ©
