types of karma. Karma is the embodiment of the law of cause and effect

If we study the phenomenon of karma more deeply, without being satisfied with superficial knowledge, then we can find that in many Indian and Tibetan schools there is an established classification various kinds karma, which will help not only to take a more comprehensive look at this phenomenon, but also give chances to understand one's own being, which is not limited only to the current incarnation.

Three main types of karma

Karma is usually divided into three types:

Sanchita-karma ("accumulated actions") - the sum of all karmas of this and past life;

Prarabdha-karma ("actions begun") - part of sanchita-karma, bearing fruit and shaping the events and conditions of the current life, including the nature of our bodies, personal inclinations and attachments;

Kriyamana karma (“now done”) is the karma that is created and added to sanchita karma in this life by our thoughts, words and actions or in the inner worlds between lives.

To understand these three aspects of karma, an analogy is traditionally drawn with rice, that is, each of the aspects of karma corresponds to one of the stages of development of this plant.

Sanchita karma - rice compressed and put into a barn is associated with the accumulated consequences of our past actions.

Prarabdha-karma - peeled and processed special methods for eating, rice symbolizes past actions giving shape to today's events.

Kriyamana-karma - new rice, mostly taken from the latest harvest, is sown in the field. These are the consequences of current actions.

sanchita karma

Sanchita-karma is created in previous incarnations, it is, as it were, the sum total of all deeds and actions in the past. It is sometimes also called hidden karma or "suspended", that is, not fully realized in a single incarnation. This is due to the fact that some karmic knots cannot be untied at the same time for various reasons, so part of the "karmic seeds" is postponed until the next rebirth.

Thus, not everything that is gone from a person's life is really "gone". Any problem, tense situation, internal or external conflict, forced out to the periphery of consciousness, still remains in the “karmic baggage”, however, now the karmic knot will tighten tighter and it will be more difficult to untie it.

prarabdha karma

Prarabdha-karma - mature and realizing, that is, past karma, whose fruits are reaped in the present. Such karmic fruits include the living conditions in which a person was born, his natural inclinations, various kinds of talents and gifts, in some cases psychic abilities, unconscious inclinations and so on.

This type of karma is traditionally divided into two subspecies - positive and negative. The first includes favorable birth conditions, the second - unfavorable. But we must always remember that such a division is relative, as the Bible says: “There are ways that seem straight to a man; but their end is the way to death. And with laughter sometimes the heart hurts, and the end of joy is sadness.

Most masters say about prarabdha karma that it cannot be reversed, but it can always be mitigated. And the most effective way is to accept everything wisely and dispassionately, and this will allow you to “deplete” the karmic elements, that is, deprive them of energy.

kriyamana karma

Kriyamana-karma are actions and actions performed in the present and create either an instant karmic dependence that determines behavior and attracts events in this life, or they add karmic knots to sanchita-karma, that is, they form the karma of a future incarnation.

It can be said that kriyamana-karma is an area where the most radical changes are possible, a territory where a person can “manoeuvre”, changing negative karma to positive or completely freeing himself from it. This is the most "mobile" karma, that is, malleable to transformation.

It is within the framework of kriyamana-karma that a person gains the freedom to act as he wishes, that is, to make a choice that can radically change fate not only in this, but also in subsequent reincarnations.

The most difficult types of karma

In some esoteric schools, it is customary to divide karma in accordance with the level of consequences of a particular act, and first of all, we are talking about those actions that “tie” such knots of karma that it is very difficult to expiate (untie) them. Among them, five "difficult karmas" stand out:

1. The murder of the father.

2. The murder of the mother.

3. Throwing off the fetus.

4. Injury to the Buddha.

5. A split in the spiritual community.

Naturally, in each tradition this list varies, but one thing remains the same - it is best to avoid those actions that tie you to the wheel of samsara for many reincarnations.

© Alexey Korneev

Difficulties from past lives that manifest in the present life fall into four main categories. These categories are distinguished in order to more easily solve the problems of today, tracing them back to their source. With knowledge of some past lives, you can get an idea of ​​their pattern, the main problems and recurring situations. Repeated situations can also be divided into four categories.

Simple but effective method the elimination of today's difficulties in the perspective of past lives is offered to the reader in the last chapter. You will also get to know detailed description the process of complete liberation from karmic stereotypes. The purpose of this chapter (as well as the next) is to give a detailed understanding of karma and the repetition of its pattern from life to life.

Understanding the four categories of karma clarifies for us the influence of the events of the distant past on the present life. All our lives are interconnected, and the lessons they teach us are inseparable from each other. Individual life does not end with death. The most significant events of this life are transferred to the future to become an integral part of the next incarnation. This - present - life, as well as the formation of our personality, is greatly influenced by the events of past lives.

Death is not the result, the experience of one life creates certain situations in the next, and so it is repeated from incarnation to incarnation. When we are faced with a traumatic experience that harmed us or others, the situation will repeat itself in every life until we find the courage to deal with it to the end and heal its consequences.

The key to correcting the karmic pattern is always awareness. Having understood the mistake, or the true reason for the failure, we quite easily make the right decision and break the stereotype. Karma always makes it possible to exercise free will and choice. When something doesn't work out, try to look at things from a different angle. Often, liberation from karma is based on the fact that a person realizes his own mistakes of the past and heals past karma so that the future is built on other material.

If in the past karma was presented as something like an inevitable and inexorable fate, today the view of it has changed. Almost everything can be healed, but first of all it concerns personal relationships. You must know that something is going wrong in your life, understand the reason for this state of affairs and find a way to correct the situation.

Despite the overtones present in many religions, guilt, shame, and self-flagellation are not conducive to the healing process. Each of us acted ugly, each of us committed crimes, and each of us had "failed" lives. We have all suffered, and suffering is the foundation of spiritual growth and maturity.

You are shown the mistakes, pain and suffering experienced by you in past lives, not in order to give rise to a feeling of guilt in you or to make you ashamed of your own deeds, but in order for you to change your worldview. The purpose of this process is to bring you to the realization that "I was wrong and it will never happen to me again" and to teach you compassion for yourself and others. Self-flagellation is just as inappropriate as the feeling of guilt - it also slows down the evolution of the spirit and does not make it possible to get rid of karmic stereotypes. Blaming yourself is just as damaging as blaming others.

Each of us has been a victim and an executioner in our distant past. You must learn about these situations, learn from them, and never again act in such a way that you do not suffer yourself and do not bring suffering to others. After you notice your mistake and change your behavior so as not to repeat it, the lesson can be considered passed, and karma cleared. The person who offended you in a past life has now become completely different, and therefore you should not be angry with him.

The feeling of shame is also a negative reaction to the problems of past lives. If you feel guilty about your actions, and condemnation helps you transfer your own guilt to others, then shame is always directed at yourself - you are ashamed of your essence. We are all gods and goddesses, and we are all created by the Goddess, and therefore we have nothing to be ashamed of ourselves. We just have to be responsible for our actions. Each of us is a part of the divine life force of the Earth and the Universe, and we can rightly be proud of the fact that we live. The self-abasement of women and the self-satisfaction of men are the main qualities that need healing today. Each of us is an indispensable part of the magic and magic of life on this planet. There is no room for shame here.

The four karmic categories are clear and obvious. This diseases, relationships, life situations and characteristics or bad habits. Looking into the real life of a person, you can quite simply find in it a number of circumstances that need attention. The key to karmic liberation lies not only in understanding the problems of the present, but also in determining the pattern of karma and the source of recurring situations. Since each of us has experienced many incarnations on Earth (some researchers claim thousands) and countless incarnations on other planets, finding the root cause of the problem can seem overwhelming.

But that's not the case at all. The Lords of Karma want us to purify most of our karma (or even all karma) in this life.

Karma from other planets usually does not fit with Akashic Records Earth and therefore practically not taken into account. When we ask to reveal the source of difficulties, we are usually shown a corresponding picture from a past life. The intention of the Lords to release our karma in this life greatly facilitates the process. The entities that control our karma on Earth are willing to help us in every possible way and resort to the most sophisticated techniques for healing karma. Healthy karma is an essential part of earth changes and planetary healing.


The first category (or first kind) of karma includes physical and non-physical illnesses or disease states. Usually, this is what people think about first of all, wanting to immediately get rid of negative situations in their lives. And yet, you should not immediately turn to the Lords of Karma with questions directly related to health - first you should heal the mental and emotional causes that gave rise to the disease. Every illness has its own mental and/or emotional component.

Some diseases are not treatable - the blow inflicted on the body was too great, but you still need to get to the bottom of the disease so that it does not happen again in subsequent lives. A sick person will feel better even with partial healing, if full recovery is out of the question.

In this category, not only diseases of the body are considered. I have worked with people, trying to alleviate their mental and emotional conditions, and have been successful. The results of my work served as another proof that there is nothing hopeless in human life. With physical illnesses, it is easiest to identify and heal their mental component. Never ask for healing of diseases such as colds, flu, and scabies, as these are self-limiting diseases that do not require the intervention of angels. On the other hand, severe injuries usually do not respond to treatment. But I have seen positive results in the treatment of diseases such as muscular dystrophy, curvature of the spine, pathological inattention, insomnia, inability to calm the mind, tumors, chronic allergies, injuries, ulcers and old fractures that do not heal, spirit possession, chronic fatigue and chronic back pain. . Remember, we are not talking about a medical cure, but with karmic release, as a rule, there is an improvement in the physical condition.


Our partners from this life lived next to us for a number of incarnations, and our relationships were by no means always built positively. In every life there are difficult situations, misunderstanding and suffering. All this requires permission. The problem of this or that life may not concern the relationship itself, but the traumatic situations of earlier lives.

Situations such as a tragic death or a forced separation from a past life may interfere with the establishment of normal relationships between partners in this incarnation. They may subconsciously fear a repetition of the traumatic situation. The cause of difficult marital relations can be betrayal, misunderstanding and resentment of the distant past. True soulmates have come a long way from one life to another, where there were many opportunities for both manifestations of love and for overcoming difficulties. It's time to heal the past for full life in the present and future.

Relationships with other people (who are not your soul mates) also need to be healed. This applies to our children, parents, business associates, co-workers, teachers, friends, relatives, and all those who have harmed us in the past.

Parents and children, as well as our offenders, give us the main karmic lessons. As we incarnate again and again in groups, changing roles, our parents from a past life may be our current children, and those whom we once called our children may now act as our teachers, parents, and even enemies. A person who offended us in a past life can become the cause of our troubles today. Usually we have a long history with all those people who play an important role (positive or negative) in our current life.

When tensions arise between people, it is important to investigate their root cause. Often we just need to find it in a past life in order to be able to prevent another conflict.

I realized that one should always ask for "full karmic healing" when working with relationships between loved ones, whether there are frictions between them or not. With complete healing, any causes for future conflicts that may have remained unmanifested for a long time disappear. This is especially important for marital relationships, relationships between children and parents, and relationships between business partners. One ounce of preventive measures will give you a pound of healing. A simple understanding of the root cause helps to heal both group and personal relationships.

However, one should not forget that when you ask for karmic healing of the relationship between you and another person, healing can only be granted to you. The other person must ask for healing himself, if he so desires. By Asking for Relationship Healing, You Get Healed your roles in them, and this is usually enough. Never make the mistake of trying to heal someone else's karma without first getting their consent. This act carries negative karmic consequences.

life situations

The third category of karma is life situations. For example, if you, after working hard all your life, are still dragging out a beggarly existence, the reason for this situation may be karmic. By returning to a past life and finding the source of your beggarly position there, you can make positive changes in your current existence. Perhaps you will understand that your current poverty is due to the fact that you misused wealth in your past life. Your poverty can also be explained by the guilt that came from past lives, when you inspired yourself that you deserve nothing but poverty. Some people were monks or nuns who took a vow of poverty in past lives. In this case they should ask to be relieved of this vow.

Often decisions that have played a positive role in the past have passed on to your next life, and now, on the contrary, only hinder you. This can also happen during one lifetime, when the child comes to some kind of decision that is necessary in childhood, and clings to him all his life, although later it already prevents him from living. Suppression of traumatic experiences in childhood may be a necessary defensive reaction, but if these memories are not released later, they can cause irreparable damage to the psyche. An adult can transfer any memories and heal them, but for this he at least needs to know about their existence. The same applies to past life traumas, which should be discovered and worked out in case of negative life situations. If negative situation first appeared in this life, determining its cause will also help the process of healing karma.

Character traits and bad habits

The fourth category, in need of karmic purification, includes negative character traits and bad habits. I have used this process to help women quit smoking. And while they still have a lot of work to detox and quit cigarettes, the process is much faster and less painful than usual.

Phobias can also be placed in this category. Most often, these are direct consequences of past life traumas, and awareness of the root cause brings immediate deliverance. A person who is terribly afraid of water most likely drowned in one of his past lives. People who are afraid of heights may have fallen and broken in their distant past. Lack of appetite may be caused by starvation in one of the reincarnations. I know several malnourished women who once starved to death in concentration camps.

Recurring dreams are also often associated with karma. They show situations from past lives that you should pay attention to. Often such dreams seem meaningless and incomprehensible until you turn to the Lords of Karma with a request to explain their meaning to you. In one of her dreams, a woman saw herself underground. The meaning of this dream remained incomprehensible to her until it was explained to her that in her past life she was a miner who had to explore alone in a deep cave. His partner got to the top first, and the rope ladder broke. The miner (who once was this woman) died underground, without waiting for help. The partner who abandoned his partner in trouble is now this woman's lover. When the memory cleared up, the dream that had haunted her for many years ceased to appear, and her relationship with her lover improved markedly.

Negative character traits that are difficult to get rid of can also be the subject of karmic healing. Personally, I asked for help, wanting to get rid of the manner of interrupting the interlocutor. For many years I tried to overcome this habit on my own, but I did not succeed until I asked the Lords of Karma to free me from it forever. In addition, I suffered from my habits of constantly twisting a strand of hair in my hands and biting my nails. Many people have the same habits.

A friend of mine had trouble learning how to keep her house in order. Her refrigerator was always full of spoiled food scraps, and she didn't like to stock up on food or cook her own food. She and her children usually ate at eateries, although she knew better restaurants. Then she decided to ask for help, and we went to the Lords of Karma. Food seemed to be the key issue and we asked the Lords of Karma to enlighten us on this. She was shown several past lives in which a woman was either a domestic servant, who had to constantly work in the kitchen, but herself eat only the remnants of the master's table, or a cook serving a large number of of people. She was an army cook and also worked as a cook on a farm with many workers. Having seen her past lives and freed herself from the harm caused by them, the woman began to maintain order in her own house, no longer experiencing an overwhelming disgust for this process. We were told that all resistance would gradually disappear.

These four categories - diseases, relationships, life situations, and negative character traits and bad habits - give us a basis for understanding those areas of karma that should be worked out first. The first stage of work is the meditation described in the previous chapter. You will learn the full process by reading the entire book. Before trying to change your karma, it is important to understand its mechanism.

from the book:
Diana Stein - "Karmic Healing"

Karma - what is it? A mysterious entity that mercilessly decides our destinies? Or a cosmic force that rewards everyone according to their deserts? Let's find out more about this interesting phenomenon.

Have you ever asked yourself why some people are born healthy and happy, they are lucky in life, they are surrounded by loving and benevolent people, while others have physical disabilities, their lives are full of difficulties and failures, they suffer from loneliness and fail? Could this be a consequence of actions that were committed by a person in the distant past, or even in his previous incarnations?

The word karma is translated from Sanskrit as "action". This concept also includes words, thoughts, feelings and experiences of a person. We can say that any act or thought, even the most insignificant, leads to certain consequences in the future. These consequences may happen tomorrow or in a few lifetimes, but they will definitely happen.

Types of karma

Karma can be manifested and unmanifested. Manifested karma is everything that has manifested in our destiny on this moment. This is our physical condition, financial situation, place of residence, people around us. This type of karma is very difficult to change, it often has to be endured for a lifetime, without being able to do anything.

But not all seeds of karma could germinate in a person's life at the moment. Many unresolved problems and unlearned lessons await their implementation. In the meantime, they are in our subtle karmic body. This is unmanifested karma.

Fortunately, a person has the ability to change unmanifested karma. But for this it is necessary to reach a very high level of consciousness, when we can realize and analyze our actions, correct mistakes. No healer or spiritual teacher can save you from negative karma. This can only be done by the soul that created the karma.

Why does a person need karma?

Every person comes into this world in order to learn and develop. He has a certain scenario of life - destiny, as well as many lessons that he must learn in this life. All people have different levels of soul development, but everyone has one common goal - spiritual evolution.

And the law of karma helps the soul to improve and rise to a new level of spiritual development. Thanks to karma, we can experience various life situations, experience all kinds of feelings and emotions, until, finally, we realize ourselves as a divine and immortal part of the Universe.

Find out karmic debt by date of birth

Your date of birth:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1 981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019


Can karma be cleansed?

The soul in the process of endless reincarnations accumulates in its karmic shell great amount mud. These are serious crimes, and various misconduct, and broken promises, and that have not been returned. Words and deeds for which we should be ashamed. All this places a heavy burden on the shoulders of people in their subsequent incarnations in the form of various diseases and physical disabilities, experiences and mental disorders, material difficulties and obstacles.

A person cannot avoid responsibility for what he has done until he realizes that he was wrong. A The best way to realize guilt - to feel the situation on your own "skin". That is why people experience pain, suffering, suffer defeats and failures, face meanness and betrayal, try to break through the wall of difficulties and obstacles. This continues until the soul realizes its mistakes.

In order to correct his karma, a person, first of all, needs to embark on the path of spiritual development. He needs to free himself from vices and negative qualities, learn to love and understand others and act for the common good, and not just for the sake of his own interests.

Only in this case it becomes possible. Opening best qualities of his soul and having eliminated all weaknesses and vices, a person becomes invulnerable to any evil.

In order to completely cleanse karma, it is necessary to lead active work over yourself for several lifetimes. This is also facilitated by certain esoteric practices that help to lift the veil of secrecy over previous incarnations. Unfortunately, this knowledge is currently not available to most people.

It is also often difficult to distinguish real practices from charlatanism. For example, today many "spiritual mentors" offer to quickly cleanse karma by reading a magic mantra or perform a ritual of burning bad karma. A lot of money is paid for such rituals, but, unfortunately, there is no result.

There are four types of karma: Sanchita karma or karma accumulated by us over many lives in human form, this kind of karma is like a “bank” of all our merits, both good and bad, all types of samskaras (impressions of both past and present life), etc. . This can be indirectly manifested in a person's character, his tendencies, abilities, inclinations, his ability to follow dharma and desires. Prarabdha karma or fruitful karma is part of our total karma (sanchita) given to us in this life. Prarabdha karma is personified by our body, set of feelings, mind and circumstances of our current incarnation. It is the fruit of our past actions that we must experience in this life. All sanchita karma cannot be experienced at the same time. Only that part that is “ripe” can manifest itself in this life and is called prarabdha. The natal horoscope shows only prarabdha. The time of birth of an individual or his horoscope is a manifestation of his prarabdha.

Kriyaman karma or current karma. This is the new karma that we create in this life. This is the area that determines the freedom of choice, it is this karma that determines our future lives. Kriyaman karma accumulates in this life and is subsequently added to sanchita. Thus, it directly affects the prarabdha of the next lives.

Agami karma or karma of the future, which is born from our thoughts that give rise to actions, our planning for the future is agami karma. The plans we make today can become reality tomorrow. Planning is agami and execution is kriyaman. Thus agami (planning) governs kriyaman (actions done in this life) which become sanchita (general karma) and later manifests again as prarabdha (destiny). Sanchita karma manifests in two ways, as prarabdha or so-called destiny, and as samskara or tendencies.

In the present life we ​​are under the influence of pararabdha karma. In other words, the horoscope indicates that part of the past life that is destiny in this life. Therefore, astrological predictions are nature's tendencies in their completion or manifestation, and we can strengthen or weaken their action in the desired direction, using the appropriate means prescribed in the ancient astrological books. Varahamihira says that astrology is like a lamp that casts light on the dark corners of the future, making visible the results and consequences of karma accumulated in previous lives. Thus, in this life one reaps the bitter or sweet fruits of one's past karma. What role do the planets play in this? Do they point blindly and mechanically at the course of human destiny, or does something happen on their part? active influence? When a person loses a son, he suffers because of his karma, which may be due to the fact that he brought someone similar misfortune in his previous birth, and not because Mars is in the 5th house of his horoscope. The time of realization of the event is also consistent with the planetary periods in a person's life. In ancient texts, after describing the various planets, their sizes, distances, etc., the word tanniyamaha is used, meaning the existence of an active mental or astral component, acting in addition to the physical mass of the planet. Our life consists of a constant struggle between fate (vidhi) and free will (ichchhashakti), and at every moment the resultant of these forces determines the actions of a person. The willpower of an ordinary person is not great. Thus, the events of his life will largely correspond to the forecast given by his horoscope. For a person who has reached a high spiritual development, deviations are possible even though the general pattern indicated in the horoscope remains the same. In this world of relativity, neither fate nor free will can prevail. Therefore, a person is endowed with a certain conditional freedom.

Karma is the embodiment of the law of cause and effect. It is conditionally divided into several types.

mature karma

A person receives everything that he has done in thoughts, feelings, deeds: both good and evil. Mature karma determines the birth, as well as the country, nation, family, environment. Before incarnating in the material world, the spirit chooses the optimal conditions for its development. Depending on the developed and undeveloped qualities in past incarnations, the spirit outlines an approximate plan for incarnation, it chooses parents, relatives, close circle. Very often, enemies from past incarnations are embodied in one family. They may even be attracted, due to the strong connection, the victim and the killer from past incarnations.
Someone needs to learn to love, someone to forgive, someone to overcome their pride. Life teaches each of the participants in the situation. And only by taking the first step towards yourself, you can "work out" the karmic knot and change your future.

Very often, a high spirit is embodied in very difficult conditions in order to work out karma as quickly as possible. Trials are always given to a person according to his strength: the stronger the spirit, the more difficult the trials. Light karma in the East is considered a punishment. It does not allow a person to develop and pay debts. There can be no stops on the path of spiritual development. Any stop is degradation. In addition, the higher a person rises in spiritual development, the harder the path becomes.

Due to the underdevelopment of consciousness, a person is faced with circumstances, people, gets into certain situations. This will be repeated until a person changes himself, gains necessary qualities. As soon as this happens, the karmic knot will be untied, the situation will stop repeating itself and the person will be able to move on to mastering a new quality.

They often say: “Others steal, kill… and live so wonderfully, but I don’t do anything bad and suffer. Why is the Lord so unfair? When a person does not understand the slightest hint of a wrong step, after small troubles big ones always come, and the Lord has nothing to do with it. Each of us stands at different stages of development, and what is allowed for one is unacceptable for another. How do you know how “well” your neighbor lives, how he sleeps, what is inside him, what will happen to him and his family in a year, two, ten? From what do you proceed, saying that he "lives well"? After all, only those who are in harmony with themselves live well and happily. Look inside yourself! Think about what is stopping you from living. Perhaps it is envy or laziness? As soon as you find it in yourself and start getting rid of it, giving warmth to the people around you, the faster you will work out the karmic knot, and your life will change for the better in all aspects.

The higher the karma, the shorter the thread between cause and effect. Someone can do evil with impunity (as it seems), but someone just thought badly and immediately the consequences are trouble. Everyone pays his "debts" and sooner or later the robbed will be robbed, the betrayer will be betrayed. And the more “debts” a person has, the more time passes between cause and effect, because the next step is to pay other debts.

Mature karma cannot be changed, but it is possible to facilitate, accelerate the working off of karmic debts, changing and improving oneself, accepting all trials with gratitude.

hidden karma

To the extent of spiritual readiness, a person is given the opportunity to work off karmic debts. He cannot be presented for payment of all bills at once. In this case, a person simply would not stand the test.

Incipient Karma

It entirely depends on the person himself. Each of us daily faces a choice of how to act, think and feel. This is our free choice - one of the main laws of the cosmos. The purer and higher the karma, the shorter the connection between cause and effect, the faster the nascent karma becomes mature. Everything that we encounter in life is karmically conditioned and is one of the links in the big chain of our training and development on this circle. The meaning of life lies in your free choice, because you came here to learn how to become a man, and no one will solve this task for you. Psychologist, psychoanalyst, healer, spiritual mentor - all of them can only help, but the choice is always yours. In addition, since millions of karmic threads come from a person, only great Teachers can see them and understand the ascent or descent of a person at the moment.

Since the consciousness of an individual monad reaches expansion and purification gradually, until a person has reached the required level, the memory of his past incarnations is hidden so as not to prevent him from working off karmic debts and developing. After all, if an aggressive and low-spirited person suddenly remembers that he and his current wife in past incarnations were enemies and brought a lot of evil to each other, this will most likely lead to disastrous results, and not to working out karma.

The development of human consciousness can be compared to the growth and development of a child. While he is very small, we hide sharp objects from him in order to save his life and health. Then he gradually develops, goes to the 1st, 2nd grade, etc. It never occurs to anyone to take a five-year-old child to college! We also gradually undergo training in the process of lives. When a person has reached a high level of spirituality, expansion of consciousness (i.e. he is “ready”), he can receive information about his past incarnations. It happens in sessions.
