Ecological education of preschoolers using ICT. Information and communication technologies in the environmental education of preschoolers

Knowledge of native nature is the source of the first knowledge. In order for children to correctly perceive natural phenomena, it is necessary to direct the process of their perception of the world around them. Ecological education of preschoolers affects the comprehensive development of the individual and is the basis for the formation of a lifestyle. In the process of environmental education of preschoolers, a variety of methods are used: practical (games, puzzles, riddles, actions), visual (excursions, illustrations, posters, etc.), verbal (art reading, conversations). It is known that the use in pedagogical practice of various traditional methods and techniques prevents children from fatigue, supports their cognitive activity, increases the efficiency of the teacher as a whole. The visual method is the leading one, since in environmental education A preschooler needs fascinating information and extensive visual material. Information and communication technologies come to the rescue.



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The use of ICT in the environmental education of preschoolers

A child is brought up by various accidents surrounding him. Pedagogy must give direction to these accidents. V. F. Odoevsky

The goal is to develop the cognitive abilities of preschoolers using ICT in environmental education

Tasks 1. Formation of an integral system of knowledge about nature; 2. Mastering labor skills and abilities with objects of animate and inanimate nature; 3. Formation of a positive experience of children's communication with nature (ethical, aesthetic, cognitive, practical, creative).

Relevance At preschool age, it is important to nourish the soul of a child with kindness and to cultivate such qualities as sympathy, attentiveness, independence, activity and goodwill. Introducing a child to nature contributes to the upbringing of many positive personality traits. Therefore, along with other tasks of the program, I especially single out environmental education for children. I am sure that if the child school age ensure systematic, purposeful, methodically properly organized activities using information and communication technologies of ecological content (as well as any other), then the level of curiosity and cognitive activity of children will be quite high. Therefore, we decided to diversify the forms of presentation of the material using ICT.

Benefits of ICT extensive visual material; activation of involuntary attention attractiveness interest in activities figurative type of information movement, sound, animation stimulus for children's cognitive activity "success situation" the possibility of individualization of learning modeling of life situations that cannot be seen in Everyday life- improves the quality of knowledge; - promotes the child in general development; - helps to overcome difficulties; - brings joy to the child's life; - allows you to conduct training in the zone of proximal development; - creates favorable conditions for a better mutual understanding of the teacher and pupils and their cooperation in the educational process.

ICT tools in kindergarten: ICT is a technology that allows you to search, process and assimilate information from various sources, including the Internet. Computer Multimedia projector VCR TV Tape recorder Camera Camcorder Computer software: Microsoft Office PowerPoint; Microsoft Office Move Maker Microsoft Office Publisher

Conditions Music center TV Laptop

Sound materials on a flash drive: "Voices and sounds of Russian wild animals for children"; "Voices of birds for children" - multimedia CD discs "In the meadow" - music and sounds of wildlife "By the river" - music and sounds of wildlife "Who lives in the forest" "12 months" "Dinosaurs and others" Audio recordings of the voices of birds, mammals , the noise of the forest, surf, rain, wind, etc.;

Screen materials Slides "Pets"; "Wild animals"; "Birds of Russia"; "Seasons" "Living and inanimate nature" "Our planet Earth", etc. slides, a series of individual frames devoted to a particular topic.

Multimedia presentations Presentation: “Wintering Birds” “My Amur Grasses” “Feed the Birds” “Khabarovsk is My Native City” “Wild and Domestic Animals” and many others combine dynamics, sound, colorful image, help to tell children about nature

Areas of work on environmental education by means of ICT

ICT Preparing and delivering classes Writing work program Working with parents (designing stands, memos, consultations) Selection of illustrative, didactic material Exchange of experience and best practices with other educators. In individual work In joint activity Motor activity, finger games

Media classes use of a laptop, computer, interactive whiteboard acquaintance with the surrounding world, animate and inanimate nature

Multimedia games Interactive games: "Solve the crossword puzzle and you will find out the name of this group of animals" "Wintering birds" "Eco Yeralash" "Spring has come" "Amur Aquarium" "Guess the bird", etc. travel games, riddle games, didactic games, quizzes, finger games.

Motor activity using ICT Outdoor games using the music center Children imitate the movements of birds, recognize by voice Outdoor games: "Bullfinches" "Birds to the feeder" "Depict animals"

NOD Artistic work (drawing) "Wintering Birds" NOD Virtual excursions to museums

Work with parents on environmental education by means of ICT Computer programs: Microsoft Office PowerPoint; Microsoft Office Move Maker Microsoft Office Publisher Stands Memos, booklets Leaflets, sliding folders, consultations, screens Conducting project presentations Parent meetings "Ecology and Child", etc. Parent meetings, presentations, slide shows

Slide show for parents at the presentation of the project "Help the wintering birds" Reminders for parents on how to help the birds in winter Presentation of the project "Help the wintering birds"

participation in the environmental education campaign "Help the wintering birds" Interaction with society

Efficiency Formation of an integral system of knowledge about nature Mastering labor skills and abilities with objects of animate and inanimate nature; Formation of a positive experience of children's communication with nature (ethical, aesthetic, cognitive, practical, creative).

Conclusion Thus, we can conclude that if systematic, purposeful, properly organized activities for environmental education using information and communication technologies are carried out, then cognitive activity, curiosity and interest in nature and the world around children will be high. By working in this direction in our group, we have achieved the expected results and will continue to work to improve the environmental culture of preschoolers in all areas and further.

Thank you for your attention

Irina Kalinina
The use of ICT in the environmental education of preschoolers Video

Kalinina Irina Gennadievna

Presentation "".

The theme of my speech The use of ICT in the environmental education of preschoolers". I want to start my speech with a quote from E. F. Odoevsky “A child brought up various accidents surrounding him. Pedagogy must give direction to these accidents.

Target: development of cognitive abilities preschoolers using ICT in environmental education.


1. Formation of an integral system of knowledge about nature;

2. Mastering labor skills and abilities with objects of animate and inanimate nature;

3. Formation of a positive experience of communication between children and nature .

slide 5: Relevance:

Knowledge of native nature is the source of the first knowledge. To make sure the kids are right perceive natural phenomena, it is necessary to direct the process perception them of the world around them. Ecological education of preschoolers affects the comprehensive development of the individual and is the basis for the formation of a lifestyle.

IN preschool age, it is important to nourish the soul of a child with kindness and develop these qualities as sympathy, attentiveness, independence, activity and goodwill. Introducing the child to nature helps him education many positive personality traits. Therefore, along with other tasks of the program, I emphasize in children environmental education.

I am sure that if the child preschool age to provide systematic, purposeful, methodically correctly organized activities with using information and communication technologies environmental content(as well as any other, then the level of curiosity and cognitive activity of children will be quite high.

Therefore, we decided to diversify the forms of presentation of the material, using ICT.

In progress environmental education of preschoolers are used various methods: practical (games, puzzles, riddles, promotions, visual (tours, illustrations, posters, etc., verbal (fiction reading, conversations). It is known that usage in pedagogical practice, various non-traditional methods and techniques prevent children from fatigue, support their cognitive activity, and increase the efficiency of the teacher as a whole. The visual method is the leading one, since in environmental education of a preschooler captivating information and extensive visual material is needed. Information and communication technologies come to the rescue.

slide 6: Benefits of ICT

The presentation of information on a computer screen is of great interest to children; a computer carries a huge type of information, given visual-figurative children's thinking; there is an activation of involuntary attention, the possibility of individualization of learning; simulation of life situations that cannot be see in everyday life; improves the quality of knowledge; promotes the child in general development; helps to overcome difficulties; brings joy to a child's life; allows you to conduct training in the zone of proximal development; creates favorable conditions for a better mutual understanding of the teacher and pupils and their cooperation in the educational process. It should also be remembered that ICT is a new powerful tool for the development of children, but it requires careful organization of both the knowledge itself and the entire regimen in accordance with the age of the children and the requirements of SANPin.

Slide 7: ICT is a technology that allows you to search, process and assimilate information from various sources, including the Internet.

ICT tools in kindergarten, are: multimedia projector, video recorder, TV, tape recorder, camcorder, camera, computer.

Slide 8: In our group, the following conditions are created, there is a TV, music center, laptop.

Slide 9: In his work on environmental education of children, I use the following types of illustrative and visual materials on electronic carriers:

Sound materials are audio recordings of the voices of birds, mammals, the noise of the forest, surf, rain, wind, sounds of the forest, etc. on flash drives - "Voices and sounds of Russian wild animals for children"; CDs- "By the river"- music and sounds of wildlife, "Who lives in the forest", "12 months", "Dinosaurs and Others"

Slide 10: I use screen materials are slides, a series of individual frames on a specific topic, in terms of static they resemble didactic pictures. Slides - "Pets", "Wild animals", "Birds of Russia"; "Seasons", "Living and inanimate nature", "Our Planet Earth" etc.

slide 11: Multimedia presentations are educational screensavers with beautiful pictures, helping to tell children about the world around them, they combine dynamics, sound, colorful image, which greatly improves perception of information

slide 12: The group is working on environmental education using ICT in the following areas - this is work with children, with parents and society.

ICT used when writing work programs, exchanging experience and best practices with others caregivers, in individual work with children, organization of motor activity, in the classroom and in free activities.

slide 12: I conduct media classes in a group using laptop or in a music room equipped with a projector and screen. Classes to get acquainted with the surrounding world, nature, living and non-living nature.

slide 13: I use multimedia games - I include both in the content of the lesson and in free activities. Travel games, riddle games, didactic games, quizzes, finger games. As part of environmental education using interactive games- "Solve the crossword and you will find out the name of this group of animals", "Wintering Birds", "Eco Yeralash", "Spring came", "Amur Aquarium", "Guess the Bird" etc.

Slide 14: Organization of motor activity by means of ICT - outdoor games are held to the music, imitation of movements, finger games, etc.

slide 15: Applying ICT in the classroom (and in all areas educational activities) open up new opportunities for educator, allowing you to attract more illustrative material, use improvisation and video recordings, make classes more emotional, vivid and interesting, which significantly increases the cognitive activity of children.

In connection with the introduction of information technology in the education process, the approach to excursions has changed significantly, as the main methods in environmental education. Virtual tours provide an opportunity to visit inaccessible places, allow you to get a fairly complete impression of a new place. For example "Excursion to the protected places of the native land", "Excursion to the Museum of Local Lore".

slide 18.19: Working with parents on environmental education we are working in the following areas. Communication with parents through the Internet resources-site of the kindergarten, social media for the transmission and exchange of information.

Stands are designed using well-known computer programs "In the world ecology» , which reflects various problems environmental education, Interesting Facts from the life of plants, animals, "Lessons for Parents", "You should know it" etc. Leaflets, folders - sliders, screens are developed with the help of computer programs. Colorful booklets help draw parents' attention to information. We hold thematic parent-teacher meetings with using ICT« Ecology and child» and etc.

IN joint activities use presentations, demonstration of a slide show for parents about ongoing activities in the group and about the life of the group and kindergarten. Project presentation "Help the wintering birds", "Golden Autumn" and etc.

Slide 20: Efficiency. Every year at the end of the year we conduct monitoring, which showed that the level of formation environmental knowledge and interest in nature has increased significantly, the cognitive activity of children has increased. In the classroom for ecology children have become more attentive, they listen with interest to stories about animals, plants, environmental problems on earth, ask many questions of interest to them, children's ideas about the world around them have expanded, an integral system of knowledge about nature has been formed, the development of labor skills and abilities with objects of animate and inanimate nature has increased significantly; there is a significant dynamics in the formation of a positive experience of communication between children and nature (ethical, aesthetic, cognitive, practical, creative).

slide 21: CONCLUSION: Thus, we can conclude that if we carry out systematic, purposeful, properly organized activities to environmental education using information and communication technologies, then cognitive activity, curiosity and interest in nature and the world around children will be high. By working in this direction in our group, we have achieved the expected results and will continue to work to improve ecological culture of preschoolers in all directions and beyond.

"Environmental education is a continuous process of education, upbringing and development of the individual, aimed at the assimilation of systematized knowledge about nature, the skills and abilities of environmental protection, the formation of a common ecological culture."

X A.V. Gagarin

In a kindergarten, it is possible, necessary and expedient to use the TECHNOLOGY of environmental education. Classes in kindergarten have their own specifics, they should be emotional, vivid, involving a lot of illustrative material, using sound and video recordings. All this can be provided to us by computer technology with its multimedia capabilities. In this case, the computer should only complement the educator, and not replace him.

The use of computer technology for conducting classes on environmental education makes the lesson attractive and truly modern, solves cognitive and creative tasks based on visibility. When using computer technology, children's interest in classes increases, the level of cognitive abilities increases. The use of new unusual methods of explanation and consolidation, especially in game form, increases involuntary attention of children, helps to develop voluntary attention

Introducing children to nature, it is necessary to use a variety of material: didactic pictures, reproductions from art paintings, photographs, videos, sound recordings; in which children become active rather than passive objects of pedagogical influence.

A computer in conjunction with a multimedia projector has great opportunities for demonstrating many processes and natural phenomena using various means of image, illustrative and visual materials on electronic media:

2. Screen materials are slides, that is, a series of individual frames dedicated to a particular topic. In terms of static, they resemble didactic pictures.

3.Multimedia presentations are educational screensavers with beautiful, bright pictures to help children learn about the world around them. The presentation combines dynamics, sound, colorful image, which significantly improves the perception of information.

For example:

In the classroom, during which children acquire information about the diversity of specific natural phenomena, get acquainted with them initially, it is appropriate to use slides depicting animate and inanimate nature, video clips. They contribute to the formation of ideas about objects and phenomena of the environment, the observation of which directly causes difficulties. The task of schemes and models is to visualize processes in inanimate nature, such as the properties of water, soil, etc.

Statement of the problem in the compilation of food chains, ecological pyramids using slides, animated drawings makes children independently look for solutions that help them identify and understand the reason for the connection between plants, animals and external environment with which they are inextricably linked through their needs.

To form generalized ideas about objects of the same type or homogeneous natural phenomena, it is more productive to use didactic puzzle games based on slides with sound accompaniment, seeking the right solution from children, thereby contributing to the development of logical thinking, attention, coherent speech, the ability to draw conclusions and prove them

The possibility of integrating ecology classes with others, in the development of children's cognitive interest in animate and inanimate nature, compiling a collage of animals helps. Children orient themselves on the plane, find parts of the body according to the description, make up the whole from the parts.

The use of information computer technologies allows not only to attract the attention of children in an exciting way, but also to clearly show the relationship between animals and plants. Thus, to improve the quality of the results of knowledge and skills in environmental education.

experience preschool teacher. ICT in kindergarten

The article tells a little about the possibilities of ICT in the environmental education of preschoolers.
In order to educate a person fit for the future, it is necessary to educate him, having in mind a completely perfect person - only then will the pupil be a worthy member of the generation in which he will have to live.
L.N. Tolstoy.

System preschool education makes new demands on upbringing and educational work, the introduction of new approaches, which should not contribute to the replacement of traditional methods, but to expand their capabilities. The 21st century is called the information age. Modern information and communication technologies (ICT) are increasingly being introduced into various spheres of life, becoming an integral part of modern life and education. The use of ICT opens up wide opportunities in my practical activities, and organically complements traditional forms of work, expanding the possibilities of interaction with children.
Computer techologies- a special direction in working with a child, which can help his development. The use of ICT is possible in various organized educational areas regardless of the topic, form of holding and their content, as well as in different age groups. Such work activates the children for activity, helps the educator to give the closest idea of ​​the topic being studied. Even hyperactive children, whose attention is quite difficult to keep for a long time, receive with great interest the information presented on the big screen, and even accompanied by various games and music.
From the abundance of programs, theories, technologies, I selected those that could help me.
For example, multimedia equipment (creating and demonstrating presentations, slide films, video clips, elements and techniques of a graphic image). With multimedia support, I can show the children the process in dynamics, virtually visit a certain area. Also, multimedia equipment helps to combine great amount demonstration material, freeing from a large amount of paper visual aids, tables, reproductions, art albums, audio and video equipment.
Presentations- are one of the frequently used technologies for maintaining and stimulating health, musical impact technologies are:
dynamic pauses (complexes of physical minutes, which may include breathing, finger, articulatory gymnastics, eye gymnastics, etc.)
music therapy, fairy tale therapy, bibliotherapy.
Of course, I observe elementary sanitary standards, according to the requirements of SanPiN, direct educational activities using a computer require 10 minutes for children 5 years old, 15 minutes for children 6-7 years old. When working, children are placed at a distance no closer than 2-3 m and no further than 5-5.5 m from the screen. Educational activities using a computer for children aged 5-7 years should be carried out no more than once a day and no more than three times a week.
Modern education is difficult to imagine without the resources of the Internet. Search engines The Internet gives me the opportunity to find almost any material on development and learning.
Thus, I concluded that the use of information technology in a preschool educational institution makes it possible to overcome the intellectual passivity of children, makes it possible to increase the effectiveness of the educational activities of a preschool teacher.
In conclusion, I would like to note that the joint organized activity The work of a teacher with children has its own specifics, it should be emotional, bright, involving a lot of illustrative material, using sound and video recordings. However, no matter how positive, huge potential information and communication technologies have, they cannot and should not replace the live communication between the teacher and the child.

slide 1 Ryabova A.A.

Dear colleagues.

Information and communication technologies, along with technical means, have firmly entered all spheres of human life.

slide 2

The standard of preschool education makes new demands on the education of the younger generation, the introduction of new approaches that should not help replace traditional methods, but expand their capabilities.

slide 3

When using computer technology, children's interest in classes increases, the level of cognitive abilities increases.

slide 4

The use of computer technology for conducting classes onecological education makes them attractive, truly modern.

slide 5

The types of environmental activities have their own specifics, they must be emotional, vivid, with the involvement of a large illustrative material, using sound and video recordings.

slide 6

All this provides us with computer technology with its multimedia capabilities. At the same time, the computer in our preschool organization only complements the teacher, and does not replace him.

Slide 7

Slide 8

    All teachers in our organization are computer literate.

Slide 9

    prepare pedagogical documentation in electronic form

Slide 10

    94% of teachers use the electronic form of writing perspective and calendar plans,

slide 11

    44% of teachers attended coursestraining in information and communication technologies,

    2 teachers are currently taking remote budgetary advanced training courses on the basis of the Institute for the Development of Education of the Republic of Bashkortostan

slide 12

    50% of teachers systematically use multimedia equipment when organizing various activities with children

slide 13

    88% of teachers systematically broadcast the experience of their pedagogical activity in professional online competitions, and their pupils participate in creative competitions and olympiads

Slide 14

    25% of teachers have their own pages on websites.

slide 15

To create favorable safe conditions preschool educational organization has a video surveillance system: 8 video cameras and 3 entrances equipped with magnetic locks.

slide 16

Great importance in our organization is given to the creation of a favorable object-spatial developing environment.

Slide 17

Each preschool group has a center for experimenting with environmental content.

Slide 18

Pages take center stage

About the passage of environmental campaigns in our organization through the Internet: We bring to your attention the material of the All-Russian voluntary campaign "Do not walk on thin ice"(we are watching a movie)

Slide 19

Also popular are the pages of creative online drawing competitions “Our Common Home - Bashkortostan”, “Spring Has Come”, “Funny Prints”, “The Fifth Dimension” and many others.

Slide 20

Currently, a creative group of teachers is preparing methodological material for the fate of pupils in the All-Russian Ecological Festival "Ecochildhood";

slide 21

The use of new information and communication technologies today is actively penetrating the system of work of a teacher withparents .

slide 22

One of the most effective and traditional forms of work with parents is the releasefolders - moving ecological content .

slide 23

Information in the parent corner,( slide 24 ) developed and designed using ICT,( Slide 25 ) allows educators not only to attract the attention of parents, but also to call them to communicate,( slide 23 ) to participate in joint creative projects: "Flower Exhibition", "Crazy Hands", etc.

Slide 27 The stands contain recommendations on healthy lifestyle lives, crossword puzzles and more.

Slide 28

A separate place is occupied by the functioning of the official website of the DOO.

Slide 29

In working with parents, his main goal is to familiarize himself with the conditions, dynamics and originality of the implementation of all types of activities in the preschool.

slide 30

Communication to parents necessary information on issues of ensuring the protection of the rights of the child, his upbringing, preparation for school, development of his abilities.

Slide 31

The kindergarten website is not only a source of information, but also feedback - INDEPENDENT ASSESSMENT OF THE QUALITY OF EDUCATION.

slide 32

The next important element of environmental education is thematic parent meetings using ICT. Meetings were held on the topics: “Environment and the child”, “Walking is an important element of environmental education”, “Ecology and health of the child”, “ Right Attitude children to nature begins in the family.

Slide 33

In conclusion, I would like to note thatthe staff of our organization strives to combine traditional games and toys with bright and visual material and modern technologies in a single developing space.

slide 34

This is the starting point for us to work on a whole area - the creation of an interactive educational environment.

Personally for me:

    The use of a computer has significantly revived joint educational activities with children. It has become simply more interesting for children to perceive visual material in a good, large, expressive quality;

    the use of ICT has reduced the time to prepare for classes;

    there was an opportunity to use the experience of their colleagues and experience from the Internet;

    appeared in work with parents additional opportunity in an interesting, colorful way to tell about the life of their children in preschool.

Slide 35

Thank you for your attention. I will gladly answer your questions.

Thanks for the question (if asked).

Using ICT in our work, we discover a lot of new and interesting things. We, together with children, with parents, enter the fascinating world of information and communication technologies, learn to be interesting, creative, positive together with them, thus becoming more professional, competent, and most importantly, this work gives us great pleasure. Every day more and more teachers of our organization begin to develop their own information resources and other ICT tools.

You can see the ways of using computer technologies in the process of environmental education of pupils on the slide…….

- application of the program for creating presentations;

Application of the Microsoft Office program;

Working with Internet resources;

Organization of on-line interaction;

Functioning of the kindergarten website,

Development and use of own author's programs,

Refresher courses,

Getting additional education.

In a kindergarten, it is possible, necessary and expedient to use the TECHNOLOGY of environmental education.

Introducing children to nature , it is necessary to use a variety of material: didactic pictures, reproductions from art paintings, photographs, videos, sound recordings; in which children become active rather than passive objects of pedagogical influence.

A computer in conjunction with a multimedia projector has great opportunities for demonstrating many processes and natural phenomena using various means of image, illustrative and visual materials on electronic media:

3.Multimedia presentations are educational screensavers with beautiful, bright pictures that help tell children about the world around them. The presentation combines dynamics, sound, colorful image, which significantly improves the perception of information.

For example:

In the classroom, during which children acquire information about the diversity of specific natural phenomena, get acquainted with them initially, it is appropriate to use slides depicting animate and inanimate nature, video clips. They contribute to the formation of ideas about objects and phenomena of the environment, the observation of which directly causes difficulties. The task of schemes and models is to visually represent processes in inanimate nature, such as the properties of water, soil, etc.

Statement of the problem in the compilation of food chains, ecological pyramids using slides, animation drawings makes children independently look for solutions that help them identify and understand the reason for the connection between plants, animals and the environment, with which they are inextricably linked due to their needs.

To form generalized ideas about objects of the same type or homogeneous natural phenomena, it is more productive to use didactic puzzle games based on slides with sound accompaniment, seeking the right solution from children, thereby contributing to the development of logical thinking, attention, coherent speech, the ability to draw conclusions and prove them

The possibility of integrating ecology classes with others, in the development of children's cognitive interest in animate and inanimate nature, compiling a collage of animals helps. Children orient themselves on the plane, find parts of the body according to the description, make up the whole from the parts.

The use of information computer technologies allows not only to attract the attention of children in an exciting way, but also to clearly show the relationship between animals and plants. Thus, improve the quality of the results of knowledge and skills in environmental education

Information and computer technologies penetrate into the system of preschool education, are widely used to improve and update the forms and methods of working with children. In a kindergarten, it is possible, necessary and expedient to use ICT in various types educational activities. Classes in kindergarten have their own specifics, they should be emotional, vivid, involving a lot of illustrative material, using sound and video recordings.

When working with paper demonstration material, certain difficulties arose:

Large material costs are required to purchase demonstration material on familiarization with nature.

Lack of space for storage a large number illustration material.

Lack of many necessary illustrations in the sale.

The inconvenience of using a large number of illustrations in one cognitive lesson.

Rapid wear of paper illustrations.

Solution of the problem: to use information computer technologies in educational work with children.

In my practice of work, introducing children to nature, I use a variety of materials: didactic pictures, reproductions of art paintings, photographs, videos, sound recordings; in which children become active rather than passive objects of pedagogical influence.

I use the following types of illustrative and visual materials on electronic media:

1. Sound materials are recordings of the voices of birds, mammals, the sound of the forest, surf, rain, wind, etc.;

2.Screen materials are slides, that is, a series of individual frames dedicated to a particular topic. In terms of static, they resemble didactic pictures.

3. Multimedia presentations are educational screensavers with beautiful, bright pictures that help tell children about the world around them. The presentation combines dynamics, sound, colorful image, which significantly improves the perception of information.

4. Media classes that I conduct in a group room using a laptop or in a music room equipped with a computer, projector and screen.

I include multimedia ecological games both in the content of classes to get acquainted with the outside world and in free activities: travel games, riddle games, didactic games, quizzes, physical minutes, finger games.

For example: the topic of the lesson is "Insects". I turn on the multimedia game "Solve the crossword puzzle and you will find out the name of this group of animals." Presentation "Make a food chain and find an extra picture",

Rebus "Guess who's here?" (What insect hid in this rebus).

Topic of the lesson "Visiting the woodsman." Multimedia game "Choose the right one"

Multimedia game rules:

it is necessary to determine the species of trees,

then pick up a leaf to a tree,

find the fruit from which tree.

Interesting for children are games-activities compiled in the form of a quiz. They willingly answer questions, the answers of which are accompanied by vivid pictures. The quiz allows the child to understand his knowledge, develops memory (Which berry is black, red and white? How to find out how old he is by the stump of a felled tree?)

Outside of class, multimedia games help to consolidate the knowledge of children, I also use them for individual lessons with children. In my free time, I organize games with media technologies:


    Finger games.

    Organization of motor activity with the help of motion modeling. (For example, on the screen a grasshopper model, using sound)

According to the results of the work, it became clear that, compared with traditional forms of teaching preschoolers, computer technologies have a number of advantages and correspond to the age characteristics of children. preschool age:

    Presenting information on a computer screen in a playful way is of great interest to children.

    The computer carries a figurative type of information that is understandable to preschoolers, taking into account the visual-figurative thinking of preschool children.

    The visual material used in presentations, slide shows, allows the teacher to build an explanation in the classroom in a logical, scientific way. This includes three types of children's memory: visual, auditory, motor.

    The presentation provides an opportunity to consider difficult material step by step, address not only the current material, but also repeat the current topic. You can also dwell in more detail on issues that cause difficulties.

    Movement, sound, animation attracts the child's attention for a long time and helps to increase children's interest in the material being studied.

    The computer has a stimulus for the cognitive activity of children. Such activities encourage children to search and cognitive activity.

    The use of various kinds of slide shows allows children to show those moments from the world around them, the observation of which directly causes difficulties. The task of schemes and models is to visually represent processes in inanimate nature, such as the properties of water, soil, etc.

    The high dynamics of the lesson contributes to the effective assimilation of the material, the development of memory, imagination, and creativity of children.

From the foregoing, it can be concluded that:

    Information and computer technologies are firmly included in the education system, which makes new demands on the upbringing and education of the younger generation, the introduction of new approaches that should not replace traditional methods, but expand their capabilities.

    The use of information technologies in the field of preschool education will allow teachers to change the content, methods and organizational forms of education, and will contribute to the development of their information competence.

computer training is a modern way of teaching a child of preschool and school age. One of its varieties can be considered the use of training game programs. The child develops through different types activities: play, communication, teaching, work.

The leading form of cognitive activity of a preschool child is a game. It occupies a special place in the life of a preschooler.

The game is one of the forms of practical thinking. In the game, the child operates with his knowledge, experience, impression, displayed in the social form of play modes of action, play signs that acquire meaning in the semantic field of games. The child discovers the ability to endow a neutral object with play meaning in the semantic field of play. It is this ability that is the main psychological basis for introducing multimedia games into the game of a preschooler as a game tool.

IN gaming activity a preschooler enriched with computer tools, mental neoplasms arise that lead to a sharp increase in creativity children.

In children of older preschool age, in the process of play activity, interest in learning activity begins to form, and play motivation gradually shifts to learning activity.

The use of gaming multimedia presentations allows the child to form the ability to independently master the material, since the decoration of games using multimedia technologies is of particular attractiveness and significantly increases children's interest in them. Information on the screen in a playful way causes children's great interest in cognitive activity.

A preschool child is not always able to concentrate his attention during the entire training session on its content. Attention has a number of properties: concentration, switchability, stability. Multimedia games allow the child to train the indicated properties of attention in a playful way, which will allow him to be more diligent and focused in the future.

ICTs carry a figurative type of information that is understandable to children who do not yet have a perfect command of the technique of reading and writing. Movement, sound, animation attract the attention of the child for a long time. As a result, the child remembers and assimilates the material covered.

With the help of multimedia games, we organize educational and gaming activities, during which the child's interest in independent problem solving increases. Cognitive ability is developing, which determines the readiness of the child to assimilate and use knowledge. To participate in these games, as in any creative activity, you will need intelligence, resourcefulness, the ability to reason - all these qualities the child acquires in the process of games.

Therefore, in the process of forming the ecological culture of preschoolers by means of gaming activities through ICT, the following tasks were set and solved:

    To form ideas about domestic and wild animals, birds; their habitat, food, their young;

    To form children's ideas about the plant world (trees, shrubs, flowers, berries, mushrooms; their name, structure, place of growth);

    To form children's ideas about seasonal changes in nature;

    To teach children to use generalizing concepts and simple symbols;

    To instill interest in the surrounding nature, the ability to admire its beauty;

    Learn to take care of plants and animals.

We include multimedia ecological games both in the content of classes to get acquainted with the outside world and in free activities: travel games, riddle games, didactic games, quizzes, physical minutes, finger games.

For example, the topic of the lesson is "Insects".

Multimedia game "Solve the crossword puzzle and you will find out the name of this group of animals."

"Make a food chain and find the extra picture."

Rules of the game: make a food chain of animals, who feeds on whom.

Rebus "Guess who's here?"

Purpose: What insect hid in this rebus?

The theme of the lesson is "In the kingdom of mushrooms."

Multimedia game "Collect mushrooms".

Rules of the multimedia game: you need to collect only edible mushrooms in the basket.

Interesting for children are games-activities compiled in the form of a quiz. Here children show their interest in knowledge. They willingly answer questions, the answers of which are accompanied by vivid pictures.

The quiz allows the child to understand their knowledge, develops memory.

Outside of class, multimedia games help to consolidate children's knowledge; they can be used for individual lessons with children. In our free time, we organize games with media technologies:


    Finger games.

Organization of motor activity with the help of motion modeling.

As practice has shown, children are active in classes using ICT. Against the background of a positive emotional atmosphere in the classroom, interest in the material being studied increased, due to the high dynamics, the assimilation of the material is more efficient, attention and memory are trained, vocabulary is actively replenished, purposefulness and concentration are brought up, imagination and creative abilities develop.

Multimedia ecological games facilitate the understanding and memorization of information, as computer presentation technologies connect not only auditory, visual, motor, but also emotional memory.

The implementation of multimedia games allows organizing an unconventional approach to the education of ecological culture among preschoolers.

use of interactive equipment in conjunction with electronic educational resources. It is difficult to imagine our world without information resources, which are as important as material, energy and labor resources. ICTs expand the capabilities of teachers and specialists in the field of early learning, allowing the most complete and successful implementation of the development of a child's abilities. The ability of ICT to reproduce information simultaneously in the form of text, graphics, sound, speech, video, to memorize and process data with great speed allows specialists to create new means of activity for children that are fundamentally different from all existing games and toys. But this also makes new demands on preschool education, the first link in lifelong education, one of the main tasks of which is to lay the potential for the enriched development of the child's personality. The use of ICT expands the possibility of independent activity; builds skills research activities; provides access to various help systems. In the information society, network educational electronic resources are the most convenient, fast and modern way to disseminate new methodological ideas and didactic aids available to teachers regardless of their place of residence. Online communities of educators allow not only to find and use the necessaryusing an interactive whiteboardusing a multimedia projector and projection screen,video, DVD,TV,resources developed by educators (presentations),educational electronic editions on CD,federal educational portals in the education system Russian Federation, facilitating the work of preschool workers (facilitating the implementation of educational activities through Internet resources, media libraries, electronic libraries, reporting form designers) The following categories of ICT are used in preschool education:the possibility of self-education;the possibility of self-realization;ensuring communication, correspondence (e-mail);ensuring the maximum quality of the services provided (ensuring the quality of the educational process, ensuring the quality of educational resources, ensuring interaction with the family, ensuring openness work of preschool educational institution for higher organizations and parents of pupils, increasing the level of safety for children, simplifying paperwork for parents);developed the National Educational Concept “Our new school”, which deals with connecting educational organizations to the Internet, is aimed at a gradual transition to new educational standards, changing the infrastructure of the school network, maintaining and strengthening the health of schoolchildren, developing pedagogical potential and a system for supporting talented children .. From the above, it is possible to determine the goals and tasks of ICT in ECE. The purpose of introducing information and communication technologies in preschool education is to ensure the development of human capital by improving the quality of life. The tasks to be solved by ICT in ECE include:implementation of the Electronic Russia program, within the framework of which all forms of administrative relations - from document flow in ministries to obtaining certificates from BTI, administrations, tax departments, etc. are automated, and all state and municipal institutions must have their own website;adoption of the Concept of the country's socio-economic development until 2020 (Concept 2020), which defines the development strategy of Russia as an "Innovative socially oriented type of economic development";adoption at the state level of the Strategy for the Development of the Information Society (accessibility of information for all categories of citizens and organizations) adopted on 07.02.2008;information or content. The prerequisites for ICT in preschool educational institutions are:technologies for transmitting information and translating it into educational process, the management process of the preschool educational institution, external and internal communications to ensure life activity of preschool educational institution; people who provide the transfer of information and have the skills to use information in inflammatory processes, as well as those to whom this information is directed and inflammatory processes; means of collecting, accumulating and transmitting information;The use of ICT in preschool education makes it possible to significantly enrich, qualitatively update the educational process in preschool education, freeing from the routine self made, to make the process of learning and development of children simple and effective, opening up new opportunities for preschool education. Key words: information and communication technologies, interactive equipment, Internet resources, ICT competencies, information technologies (IT). We live in the age of information technology, when a computer is a necessary attribute of not only the life of adults, but also a means of teaching children, the issue of using information and communication technologies (hereinafter referred to as ICT) in the educational process as part of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard is very relevant. ICT is often used as a means of exchanging information and as a means of creating something. Today it is difficult for us to imagine an educational organization (at any level) without ICT. More and more children are familiar with the computer before school, often even before they enter preschool. educational organizations(hereinafter - DOO). On January 1, 2014, the order of the Ministry of Education and Science No. 1155 "On approval of the federal state educational standard for preschool education" (hereinafter - FSES PEO) came into force. GEF ECE is a set of mandatory requirements for the structure of the program and its volume, the conditions for implementation and the results of mastering the program. This document also defines the requirements for teachers. In particular, to have ICT competencies necessary and sufficient for planning, implementing and evaluating educational work with children of early and preschool age. An analysis of the literature and Internet resources shows that most often ICT stands for "information and communication technologies", and in the process of describing the experience of their application, as a rule, we are talking about the use of computer technologies. Information technology (IT) is a wide class of disciplines and areas of activity related to technologies for managing and processing data, as well as creating data, including the use of computer technology. . Information and communication technologies - IT and data transfer processes. According to the definition adopted by UNESCO, IT is a complex of interrelated scientific, technological, engineering disciplines that study methods for the effective organization of the work of people involved in the processing and storage of information; computer technology and methods of organizing and interacting with people and production equipment, their practical applications, as well as the social, economic and cultural problems associated with all this. At the disposal of preschool teachers there is a wide range of technologies, methods, techniques aimed at coordinating the efforts of all participants in educational relations to comprehensively support the development of a child in kindergarten. However, updating the legal framework and, as a result, changes in professional activities require teachers to be in constant search and turn to various sources information. Only in this case, the specialist will be able to keep up with the times and even get ahead of it. What is ICT in preschool? ICT in a preschool educational institution is a combination of components: the adoption of the Concept, and a means of teaching children, Information technologytransmission technology,acceptance, at the disposal of preschool teachers, in the age of information technology, as part of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard, the use of information and communication technologies,Internet addiction (very difficult to treat and very harsh methods). We see that children are exposed to both positive and negative impact digital technologies. Accordingly, none of these aspects can be ignored in preschool education. It is necessary to find such mechanisms for the use of information technologies that will achieve educational goals in the most effective, natural and creative way, when their use is justified. Thus, information technologies, together with pedagogical learning technologies, create the necessary level of quality, variability, differentiation and individualization of education and upbringing. At the same time, the computer does not solve all problems, it remains only a multifunctional technical learning tool, pedagogical technologies and innovations in the learning process are no less important. Which allow you to bring a certain stock of knowledge into each child and create conditions for the manifestation of his cognitive activity. Yandex.Direct Environmental education Remotely! Retraining in environmental safety - 15,000 rubles. About the academyAbout the courseAccording to professional standards 2016 ecology.maeo.rfAddress and phone number Education in ecology 2017! Remote! Higher education in ecology. Diploma. Set is coming! Higher education2 higherStudy 2017Leave a request Preschool education 2017! Distance courses of preschool education. Moscow Diploma. Set is coming! RemotelyConvenientMoscow diplomaGAPS™ Pedagogical education! Teacher Education. remotely. 3-6 months Diploma. Sign up! Pedagogical educationDiplomaPromotionDiscounts vgaps.ruAddress and phone number Literature: Questions of education management automation. Digest of the Internet almanac "Issues of informatization of education". - M.: NP "STOiK", 2006. Information technologies in education: textbook. allowance for students. higher textbook institutions / I. G. Zakharova. - 6th ed., ster. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2010. - 192 p. Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education: Letters and Orders of the Ministry of Education and Science. - M.: TC Sphere, 2015. -96 p. Key terms: ICT in preschool educational institutions, ICT in preschool educational institutions - goals and objectives of ICT, information technology, GEF preschool education, ICT ability, ICT use, ICT use, ICT threats, dissemination of ICT, information and communication technologies,mental disorders (they are directly related to the increase in the number of children diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder);mental disorders (detrimental to learning ability and hinder academic success);physical disorder (obesity among children who spend time in front of the TV screen increases twice as fast; the child burns fewer calories watching TV than if he just sat idle; screen media causes a tendency to heart attacks);the destruction of the family;sexual abuse. According to Western researchers, there are threats to ICT. These include:blurred vision;our methodological developments, but also to post their materials, share pedagogical experience. The use of Internet resources makes it possible to make the educational process informative, entertaining and comfortable. The modern educational space requires the teacher to be especially flexible in preparing and conducting pedagogical events. The teacher needs regular professional development, today it can be done both in full-time mode and with the help of remote technologies. The use of ICT facilitates the preparation of a teacher for certification. A teacher who owns ICT has the opportunity to participate in various pedagogical projects, distance competitions, all this increases the level of self-esteem, both the teacher and the pupils. Today we live in a world that not only has ICTs, but is largely shaped by them. Researchers studying preschool development, dissemination of ICTs, cultural change in society, learning in early age, in their works described various factors and consequences of the impact of information technology on the lives of children younger age. According to Russian researchers, there are threats to ICT.
