Happy birthday to a girl. Happy birthday to a girl Happy birthday to an 8 year old girl

Ah, how quickly time flies! It seems that quite recently we still held our baby in our arms ... And in a week she will already be 8 years old. It got quite big. Serious. Sometimes he even tries to make comments to us. However, she is still a child at heart. He jumps into the classics, jumps over the rope with the girls. And, her favorite pastime is dolls. Each she comes up with her own outfit, sews luxurious dresses, fashionable skirts, makes hats, handbags ... I never knew how to sew, I had no talent for this. And my Ksyushka can sit for a long time sewing, fantasizing about styles for her little "ladies".

Here, we are thinking with dad to give her a small birthday present sewing machine. And what? Maybe she really has talent! What if she becomes a designer? Maybe then we will sew something on this machine. It takes a long time to do all this with your hands!

Granny wants to give her granddaughter small gold earrings: she thinks that since the ears are pierced, it is imperative to wear earrings so that the punctures do not overgrow. Yes, and Ksenka had long dreamed of them. But the grandfather wants to give the only granddaughter a kitten, which she constantly talks about. We once had a cat, and then ran away somewhere. We worried for a long time, we decided not to start it again: it was too hard to leave later! But Viktor Petrovich convinced us, and therefore we agreed. Yes, to be honest, we love animals very much.

The godmother is going to give her daughter a piano, because Ksyusha has been studying music for a long time, and we still haven’t bought the instrument: either we were doing repairs, or there was no money ... So this year my daughter will receive wonderful gifts!

But we will have to celebrate our birthday this year on vacation: after all, we are going on vacation with the whole family. I think it would be nice to coincide this holiday with a visit to the water park, which we have heard so much about, but have never been there. I have no doubt that we will all remember this birthday for a long time!

All this you can already:
Hooray! You are eight today!
Joy reigns in the soul!
We wish you happy, without boredom
Live with family and friends
Art to comprehend, science,
Cherish your health!
And let it be from God
In fate, a beautiful road!

Life is full of discoveries
And the most beautiful events
The whole world in front of you
Lucky you with fate

Here you are eight years old
And friends shout hello
Freaky moods
Have a great holiday

Let dreams come true
And all at once will come true
After all, everything is still ahead
And find your success.

Octopus has eight legs!

Spider has eight legs!
You are eight years old!
Just what is eight?
It means eight springs.
Eight winters and eight... years.
Is it a lot or not?
Eight is a lot, not a few!
Autumn has arrived EIGHT times!
And of course you are with us.
Very mature now!

Girl! Today is a wonderful day
Your birthday, you have joy!
And the day turned out to be so lovely,
Let your dream come true, child!
What did you dream about? About a beautiful doll?
About a fashionable dress or shoes?
We wish you to be happy forever
A smile to shine on your lips!

My dear girl
Happy Birthday to You!
Be cheerful but obedient
Proud but not indifferent...
Let good luck fly to you!
On horseback, let the princes ride!
Or sail on the seas
And they will fall at your feet.
And don't yawn here:
What better choose!

The sun smiled through the window
Scattering golden light
Illuminate all the rays of the path,
After all, you are 8 years old today!
You grow up to be a real princess
Clever and kind and funny,
May your laughter make us happy more often
And sadness bypasses!

This long-awaited meeting
Don't forget the holiday!
You blow out the candles,
And make a wish!
Happy Birthday! Be happy!
The whole world is warmed by you!
You received a gift
eight wonderful, bright years.

You are no longer a fidget.
Eight years already behind!
interesting conversation
You can easily lead.
You know how to dance skillfully
And there are no problems in studying,
smart head knows
So many phrases and themes!
Celebrate your birthday
Just the way you want
On this holiday, without a doubt,
Dreams come true!

I want fate
Everything was like in a book
To dry for you
The best boy.
Serenades composed
And played the guitar
So that the whole fabulous ball
You danced as a couple...
Let with the advent of spring
The time for sadness will fade away
Good dreams will be
Waiting for the prince
Meadow flooded with sun
And the grasshopper chirps...
A miracle is near, my friend,
Smile, man!

Let on a birthday cake
Eight candles are lit
There will be guests and gifts,
The holiday makes the heart happy!
Let it play, laugh
More fun than usual
You live a whole year
Great, great!

You are mother's and father's blood,
On your birthday - everything for you!
You are a charm, girl - Malvinka!
We wish that loving parents,
You lived happily and long, dear,
Wizard to fulfill all dreams
And we also wish you well
Soul and heart warmth!

You are eight years old today
And here is our advice to you
You really enjoy life
And be surprised by success

'Cause it's only just begun
And luck will wake up
After all, a fairy tale rides on a carriage
Let there be life, only in bright light

Happy Birthday to You
Congratulations we love
We'll bring you surprises
And we will fulfill all the whims.

You are eight years old today
Take from the sun, bright light
From the sky, a sip of air
And from the earth - an earthly flower

After all, life is full of adventures
And a bunch of luck awaits you
happy birthday congratulations
And I bless you for success

Let dreams come true
And everything will be as you want
The whole world opened up to you
The holiday was in the house.

All this you can already:
Hooray! You are eight today!
Joy reigns in the soul!
We wish you happy, without boredom
Live with family and friends
Art to comprehend, science,
Cherish your health!
And let it be from God
In fate, a beautiful road!

Life is full of discoveries
And the most beautiful events
The whole world is in front of you
Lucky you with fate

Here you are eight years old
And friends shout hello
Freaky moods
Have a great holiday

Let dreams come true
And all at once will come true
After all, everything is still ahead
And find your success.

Octopus has eight legs!

Spider has eight legs!
You are eight years old!
Just what is eight?
It means eight springs.
Eight winters and eight... years.
Is it a lot or not?
Eight is a lot, not a few!
Autumn has arrived EIGHT times!
And of course you are with us.
Very mature now!

Girl! Today is a wonderful day
Your birthday, you have joy!
And the day turned out to be so lovely,
Let your dream come true, child!
What did you dream about? About a beautiful doll?
About a fashionable dress or shoes?
We wish you to be happy forever
A smile to shine on your lips!

My dear girl
Happy Birthday to You!
Be cheerful but obedient
Proud but not indifferent...
Let good luck fly to you!
On horseback, let the princes ride!
Or sail on the seas
And they will fall at your feet.
And don't yawn here:
What better choose!

The sun smiled through the window
Scattering golden light
Illuminate all the rays of the path,
After all, you are 8 years old today!
You grow up to be a real princess
Clever and kind and funny,
May your laughter make us happy more often
And sadness bypasses!

This long-awaited meeting
Don't forget the holiday!
You blow out the candles,
And make a wish!
Happy Birthday! Be happy!
The whole world is warmed by you!
You received a gift
Eight wonderful, bright years.

You are no longer a fidget.
Eight years already behind!
interesting conversation
You can easily lead.
You know how to dance skillfully
And there are no problems in studying,
smart head knows
So many phrases and themes!
Celebrate your birthday
Just the way you want
Dreams come true!

I want fate
Everything was like in a book
To dry for you
The best boy.
Serenades composed
And played the guitar
So that the whole fabulous ball
You danced as a couple...
Let with the advent of spring
The time for sadness will fade away
Good dreams will be
Waiting for the prince
Meadow flooded with sun
And the grasshopper chirps...
A miracle is near, my friend,
Smile, man!

Let on a birthday cake
Eight candles are lit
There will be guests and gifts,
The holiday makes the heart happy!
Let it play, laugh
More fun than usual
You live a whole year
Great, great!

You are mother's and father's blood,
On your birthday - everything for you!
You are a charm, girl - Malvinka!
We wish that loving parents,
You lived happily and long, dear,
Wizard to fulfill all dreams
And we also wish you well
Soul and heart warmth!

You are eight years old today
And here is our advice to you
You really enjoy life
And be surprised by success

'Cause it's only just begun
And luck will wake up
After all, a fairy tale rides on a carriage
Let there be life, only in bright light

Happy Birthday to You
Congratulations we love
We'll bring you surprises
And we will fulfill all the whims.

You are eight years old today
Take from the sun, bright light
From the sky, a sip of air
And from the earth - an earthly flower

After all, life is full of adventures
And a bunch of luck awaits you
happy birthday congratulations
And I bless you for success

Let dreams come true
And everything will be as you want
The whole world opened up to you
The holiday was in the house.

You live eight years on earth,
Many secrets have been revealed to you.
How many discoveries lie ahead!
You are at the beginning of a long journey.
Happy birthday, (name), you!
Let there be good friends
And in studies - good things,
To make you proud.
Interests will not be counted!
And for happiness you have everything.
You just have to really want
So that wishes come true in the future.
Live happily, learn, grow!
Have fun looking at your life!
So that life is generous for happiness,
Love the world and wish good to everyone.

So imperceptibly time flew by,
You are already 8 years old
You have become more serious, older,
There is no prettier girl in the world.
Accept congratulations on your birthday,
May bright dreams come true
May childhood be carefree and cheerful,
May you do well at school.

8 years - and life blooms like a lush garden,
Every moment you are insanely happy
You play games with your peers
Dreaming of something new and good.
Congratulations on your personal holiday
We sincerely wish you a colorful childhood,
May wishes always come true
Let luck smile at you.

Happy Birthday! Eight years!
Everywhere bright sun light,
These are games, jokes, laughter,
Your age is the most beautiful of all!
Let dreams come true
Everything will be as you want
The whole world is in front of you!
Smile on your holiday!

Read poems, sing a song, please -
All this you can already:
Hooray! You are eight today!
Joy reigns in the soul!
We wish you happy, without boredom
Live with family and friends
Art to comprehend, science,
Cherish your health!
And you will be from God
In fate, a beautiful road !!!

You are no longer a fidget.
Eight years already behind!
interesting conversation
You can easily lead.
You know how to dance skillfully
And there are no problems in studying,
smart head knows
So many phrases and themes!
Celebrate your birthday
Just the way you want
On this holiday, without a doubt,
Dreams come true!

Time rushes: here you are eight,
You grow so much that at least change the bed.
We ask you to read poetry
Sing a song and dance a dance!
There was also a proposal
Shadow putting sadness on the forehead:
Tell the multiplication table
This is what happens on your birthday!
Together with the alphabet - by heart!
Say: "You are nine years old
I teach the school of life!

May you still be a child
But not at all.
Even though you love cakes so much,
And so few problems you have seen.
You grow up so soon
Making your loved ones happy every day.
And already other conversations in the house,
You are already reciting another verse to us.
And we wish you to stay longer
In carefree dreams that fade with age.
More joy, sonorous and pure,
And that you always have a good time with us.

Happy birthday greetings for 8 years. Congratulations to the child for 8 years

Congratulations to the girl for 8 years
You have already become a schoolgirl
And you can help your mom...
But recently you dreamed
To become at least a little more mature!
And today is my birthday
You are already doing the eighth!
I wish you inspiration
And childhood light in the soul!
Grow always obedient, sweet,
Learn well, do not indulge!
And become a beautiful girl
Give the prince a kiss!

You are like a clockwork doll!
Today is your holiday!
And from the bottom of my heart I wish you
On your eighth birthday,
So that you are always happy
To become above all praise!
For fate to love you
And everyone in the world respected!
To always study well
To always listen to your mother!
To be sure to fall in love
And never got sick!

Angels rejoice in heaven
Friends gathered at the table!
The whole world seems to be celebrating
Filled with light and warmth!
Eighth birthday today
So much to say
Today toasts, congratulations
You will only hear everything!
Wish You happiness and health,
Grow beautiful and simple!
Be surrounded by love
And meet your sincere dream!
Always be kind from now on
May the Lord protect from troubles!
There will be no grief, let it be in sight
I wish you sweet victories!
Love your parents more
Always be obedient!
Let life be brighter and brighter
Let the star shine only for you!

Alexander Ryazantsev for http: // site /

Poems for 8 years
Eight years is not much
All events ahead.
Let the road be smooth
You are sure to go.

May friends always support
May there be success at school
May all hopes come true
You (name) are the best!

You live in the world for eight years.
Oh, how many victories there were!
And how much will be ahead
On the glorious path of life.

Let there be good friends
And let the family be friendly
Let it be fine in studies
And let the sadness pass you by.

We wish you well
May life be generous with happiness
And interests, so as not to count,
What are you, we are glad we have!

You have a holiday today.
You're nuts already big.
Eight years to you, prankster,
How proud we are of you.

You live without knowing troubles
Achieve victories always.
We wish you good luck
All failures are nonsense.

Be obedient, dear boy,
May you be lucky in everything.
Best of all, our sweet bunny.
Let life bring happiness!

This little girl is eight years old.
Is it a lot or not?
The sea of ​​affairs is already behind
A treasure trove of knowledge ahead.

We believe in you baby.
We know for sure, you won't oversleep
chances given to you.
Everything will be in your destiny -

And good luck and luck.
Be patient, baby.
May a smile, happiness, laughter,
You are the best today!
Akmalova Anna for http://website/

How many gifts, toys, flowers
You are ready to celebrate your birthday.
And we congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts.
Live, have fun, and do not rush to grow up.
Let the whole house gather guests
Let laughter sound from fun ideas.
You're eight years old - this is just the beginning
And the music of your life sounded.
We wish you good luck on the school bench,
Warmth, understanding in a beloved family.
Let the holiday, like a bird, fly over the earth.
May joy come on your birthday.

There is probably no more solemn event in the world -
Today the birthday boy is already eight years old!
And there are already achievements in school
It teaches you - do not eat porridge or delicious dragees.
And at home it’s a matter of arguing - an assistant at least where:
From the dust will not remain the slightest trace.
Always learn with desire, overcoming weakness,
After all, all your victories are for the joy of parents!

You are the most important today -
Our glorious birthday boy.
Waiting for gifts, congratulations,
After all, it's your birthday.

You are celebrating eight years
All sparkle and shine.
Smile more boldly -
Rejoice relatives and friends.

May the holiday be remembered forever
Cherished wishes come true,
And the familiar world will turn into a fairy tale,
In which everything, everything, everything can happen.

Congratulations to the boy for 8 years
Eight years on Earth is so little
But you're still an adult!
You look ahead with a weighty look,
As a great connoisseur of this life.

I want to wish you peace
Just something that brings joy.
Stay the same you are cute
No big problems or worries.

There are many adventures in life -
All of them, as always, for you.
I wish you great luck
So that you always respect yourself

Got everything you want
In this difficult road-fate.
Let all fairy tales open at night
Bringing my miracle to you.

Let it beautifully illuminate all life
Only the sun of hot love,
I wish you happiness from the bottom of my heart -
The best in the world to grow!

How quickly the time flew by
After all, today you are eight years old,
Everything in the world remains unchanged,
Only you have grown up - no doubt.

It's a very sunny day
You, our boy, are already big,
There is study, weekdays, starfalls,
Interests and friends mountain.

There are a lot of beautiful adventures
Different hobbies are bright, groovy.
May all the beautiful moments
They always give a fairy tale from spring.

May all wishes come true
Let study give only success.
Grow in love and understanding
Be the best, be the happiest of all!

May the fun never stop
Your life will be bright, clean,
May the dream always come true
And the good in your soul burns!

Congratulations on your 8th birthday to a beautiful, kind and sweet girl. I wish you endless happiness in life and great luck, successful studies and great achievements in your hobbies, excellent opportunities to express your talent and abilities, good mood, good friends and great luck.

Happy birthday pretty.
Here you are 8 years old.
I wish to be healthy
And not to know troubles in life,
Be a joy to parents
Grow bright sun
It's always good to learn
Bloom bright rose.

Eight years old, princess
How quickly she grew up!
I wish you a wonderful life
So that luck is near.

So that study is like a fairy tale,
Only brought joy
And all life with cheerful paint
It was decorated!

Great age - eight years old,
Everyone knows it, it's not a secret
We congratulate you on this date
And the sun, we wish you joy!

Be beautiful and sonorous
So that all matters are solved deftly,
And so that you shine in your studies,
Lots of talent to the brim!

So that friends only surround
So that you do not know sorrows
Grow healthy and happy
Successful, sweet and beautiful!

Congratulations to our beautiful, wonderful and beloved girl on her eighth birthday. We wish you to always shine with happiness, like a clear sun. So that you study well and please your parents with your successes. We wish you to have more good friends with whom you can have fun and actively spend your carefree, happy childhood. Happy birthday!

What a wonderful holiday
Eight years already lovely
Sweet, kind and beautiful,
Our beloved girl!

Make friends, chat
And of course learn
And shine for the joy of the family,
We wish you happiness, goodness!

You bathe in love everywhere
And shine like a firefly
Let your laughter sound so loud
Let the whole world lie at your feet!

Happy 8th birthday to you, charming and sweet beauty. Let every day new secrets and secrets open up for you happy life, let the world pleases you bright colors and incredible miracles, may knowledge fit into your head bravo and easily, may your heart remember good and funny moments.

How fast are you growing?
It's already 8
The months change
After spring, autumn.

Holidays and weekdays
holidays, lessons,
In life they will be equal
May your roads

I wish you healthy
You grew up cheerful
The best in school
Was a girl.

May the faithful be near
reliable friends,
Happy birthday
I wish you.

You are eight years old today!
Let it give every moment
Emotions joyful bouquet
And groovy mood!

Like a rose, bloom
Be the happiest in the world
Always grow healthy
May the ray of good luck shine on you!

Happy birthday our beauty
Exactly one year you have grown up,
Let, as in a fairy tale, always come true
All your desires in a hurry.

Be healthy, happy and joyful,
Don't be sad, don't grieve, don't be sick,
Be obedient and sweet girl
And look at everything more fun!


Daughter's 8th birthday -
- a moment of happiness for the whole family.
On a joyful family holiday
Daughter always bloom.

How wonderful you are:
Very affectionate, gentle.
Loves mom and dad
Grandmothers are so good.

We wish her success
And only five ratings.
Always be active, cheerful,
Conquer everyone with dances.

We send you a lot of positive
Inspiration and strength.
Daughters for a birthday
He rewarded you with joy.


You have already become a schoolgirl
And you can help your mom...
But recently you dreamed
To become at least a little more mature!

And today is my birthday
You are already doing the eighth!
I wish you inspiration
And childhood light in the soul!

Grow always obedient, sweet,
Learn well, do not indulge!
And become a beautiful girl
Give the prince a kiss!


You are like a clockwork doll!
Today is your holiday!
And from the bottom of my heart I wish you
On your eighth birthday,
So that you are always happy
To become above all praise!
For fate to love you
And everyone in the world respected!
To always study well
To always listen to your mother!
To be sure to fall in love
And never got sick!


Our dear girl,
You are getting older today.
Turns exactly eight
In this bright, warm autumn!

The second class greeted you cordially,
Because you are always kind
Because you help with everything
You guys are doing everything.

Stay as active
Both attentive and positive.
Let your mood laugh
Happy birthday love!


Lovely age 8 years old,
Everyone knows it, it's not a secret
We congratulate you on this date
And the sun, we wish you joy!

Be beautiful and sonorous
So that all matters are solved deftly,
And so that you shine in your studies,
Lots of talent to the brim!

So that friends only surround
So that you do not know sorrows
Grow healthy and happy
Successful, sweet and beautiful!


Happy birthday dear, it's been 8 years already
It's just a super holiday, the day of cookies and sweets!
Flowers, gifts, congratulations and a huge cake,
May goodness and beauty always reign in your life!

Let your most fashionable clothes always be,
I wish to study for one five in my school years,
May all wishes come true and all dreams come true
The best person in the world is you!


Year after year they fly by!
Here you are eight and you are so beautiful!
You are so wonderful and everyone says -
The sun shines in your clear eyes.

What do you wish for this day?
More joy, good luck and happiness,
Greet each morning with a smile
And side bypass all misfortunes.

Respect elders always and in everything,
At school, learning is always excellent,
Always help your loved ones in everything,
So that goodness becomes familiar to you.


Happy birthday our beauty
Exactly one year you have grown up,
Let, as in a fairy tale, always come true
All your desires in a hurry.

Be healthy, happy and joyful,
Don't be sad, don't grieve, don't be sick,
Be obedient and sweet girl
And look at everything more fun!


8th anniversary is here!
Everything that was so lacking
I wish you get
And of course congratulations

I'm a flirt happy birthday.
You are cute, no doubt!
Wear trendy hairstyles
Platform sandals.

Classmates dream
When you play with them!
Stay like this:
Light, kind, mischievous!


8 years is a long time
I wish from the bottom of my heart
So that you grow up faster
Received big awards.

So that you are always the first
At school, in life and in the family,
Cheerful and bright
And you were lucky in everything!

Happy birthday to a girl of 8 years old


How fast are you growing?
It's already 8
The months change
After spring, autumn.

Holidays and weekdays
holidays, lessons,
In life they will be equal
May your roads

I wish you healthy
You grew up cheerful
The best in school
Was a girl.

May the faithful be near
reliable friends,
Happy birthday
I wish you.


Happy birthday, dear, today is eight years old!
There is no better holiday in the world than a name day!
I wish the rainbow life of the stairs as a gift,
With all my heart, I congratulate you!

Be happy and healthy, grow to the joy of mom,
Luck, happiness and health come to you let them!
Happy holiday, kitten, all the guests are already here,
All the toasts are beautiful for you today!


You grow up before my eyes
Like a delicate scarlet flower,
You turned up today
Not a lot and not a little, already the eighth year.

We heartily congratulate you all,
We wish you health, joy and happiness,
Grow up, our girl, always smart,
May your fate be the happiest.


Happy birthday girl
Happy 8th birthday to you
Get even more beautiful
And sweeter every day.

Be an excellent student
And a helper for my mother.
Most importantly, be happy
Stay the most.


Princess, you are 8 years old!
May there be joy in every day
Dreams of fulfillment and a sea of ​​love
Good luck and strength on the way.

Always good mood
Get vivid impressions
Strive and never give up
And stay a bright star!


We congratulate you
Sweet baby
You shine like never before
Like a flash in the sky!

8 years old for you - wow!
flew by quickly,
wish you all
We really wanted:

develop, have fun
And grow up healthy
To admire you
It could be again!


Birthday, it's already eight, you've become an adult,
Congratulations to give you now it's time -
Happiness, good health, peace and kindness,
Let your life pass interestingly, like a game!

Grow to the joy of mom, just be more beautiful,
better not to have you in the world, remember. Do not forget!
Once again, I heartily congratulate you on the holiday,
I drag by the ears, kiss a hundred times, hug!


You've become a year older
You, baby, are eight years old!
Let everything that you have long dreamed of
Completed in a moment!

I wish this birthday
So that you are happy
Let the mood be bright
May you bloom today!


The radiant sun smiled cheerfully,
A warm ray reached out to you,
Your birthday is today
8 years old already, my girl.

Let the salute of compliments take off
Let everyone congratulate you joyfully
Let your life be a fairy tale
Let reliable friends be near.

Girl 8 years old beautiful congratulations


Happy birthday pretty!
8 years old - very big,
Let with a light gait
Life is young.

And brings only joy
Both in study and work,
So that it tastes better than chocolate
Your success was with you!


Today is your birthday
My dear girl!
8 years have passed since you were born,
And there is nothing more beautiful in the whole world.

Grow up healthy and happy yourself,
Love and respect you mom and dad.
I want to study at "5" at school
And show your talents everywhere.


You've been waiting all year
This wonderful day
Finally arrived
Your eighth anniversary.

Any princess is more beautiful
I put on a dress,
You accept with a smile
Congratulations from everyone.

May they come true
All to one.
I wish you -
Lots and everything!


Invite your girlfriends
Invite your friends
We will pour compotes into mugs,
It'll be fun right away!

Eight years to you, dear,
Sweet time of childhood
We wish you happiness
And of course, good.

Have fun baby
Don't be sad for nothing.
You are like a flash of happiness for us,
You bring joy to all of us!


You give warmth like the sun
Mom and dad helper
May there be light in your life
To be loved by friends.

You are already eight years old
I've become such an adult
I wish you great victories
And health, as if from steel.


Happy eighth birthday
I welcome you with all my heart.
May beauty, smiles, inspiration
All your dreams will come true.

Be also joyful, healthy,
So that the positive stretches like a magnet.
With its power, happiness again
Let everything around you illuminate.
