What to do to make a wish come true. How to make your wishes come true

Gas formation, or flatulence, is an unpleasant sensation caused by gases accumulating in the intestines. They talk about a violation in the work of the gastrointestinal tract, diseases of the abdominal organs, and an unhealthy lifestyle.

Stomach swelling after eating? Causes, treatment and prevention methods can be determined by finding out what exactly causes gas formation. The most common cause of these unpleasant symptoms is nutrition. Products increase gas formation, which causes discomfort.

When the stomach swells after eating, the reasons (treatment - in our article) are malnutrition

Frequent consumption of carbonated drinks and fatty foods adversely affects the walls of the stomach, causing the formation of gases. Overeating is a common cause associated with the rapid consumption of food in excessive quantities.

Strangely enough, according to doctors, the reason why a person is tormented by gas formation is often stress and nervous breakdowns.

Violation of the nervous system causes malfunctions in the digestive system, which affects the digestion of food. In women, gas can be caused by PMS or childbearing.

Dysbacteriosis caused by taking drugs for a long time is often accompanied by flatulence. Diseases of the digestive tract cause bloating, accompanying it with unpleasant side symptoms.

Foods that make your stomach churn

Flatulence interferes with the normal life of a person. If the question arises why the stomach swells after eating (reasons), then treatment and prevention can be done by adjusting the daily diet. Exclude from food:

  • the use of legumes, such as: peas, beans;
  • fiber-rich foods: cabbage, apples, grapes, radishes and turnips;
  • enhance the process of fermentation in the stomach products prepared on the basis of yeast;

  • fermented milk products: kefir, curdled milk, sour cream;
  • foods that contain a large amount of gluten - sausages, various sauces;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • bloating can cause the abuse of flour products, pasta, semolina porridge in milk.

Diseases in which the stomach swells after eating

Diseases of the stomach cause not only bloating, but also pain, nausea, and vomiting. Doctors distinguish several types of major diseases, the symptom of which is gas formation.

Regular bloating requires a correct diagnosis and prompt treatment. To do this, you should contact a specialist and take tests.

Often, when the stomach swells after eating, the reason for this is treatment with antibiotics and other drugs!

Stomach swells after eating: psychological factors

Doctors note that gas formation in the stomach can be caused by psychosomatics, due to air entering the stomach during meals. Nervous system a person, during anxiety or experience, begins to function incorrectly.

During stress, overwork and emotional stress, organ dysfunction occurs, which causes flatulence. The solution to this problem will be relaxation, taking sedatives.

The main methods of treatment when the stomach swells after eating

Gas formation in the intestines requires treatment, it depends on the cause of flatulence. When the stomach swells after eating and the cause has already been determined, the treatment may be as follows:

  • Changing habitual lifestyle and diet. Mandatory is the regime of the day, the exclusion of products that cause flatulence, smoking cessation and chewing gum.

  • Correction of the daily menu includes reduced consumption of dairy products, legumes. Fractional nutrition, in small portions, will help normalize the digestive system.
  • Intestinal diseases require medication prescribed by the attending physician.
  • Folk remedies can help in the fight against gas formation, to establish intestinal microflora.

Every time the stomach swells after eating, it is necessary to determine the cause and immediately begin treatment.

Lifestyle changes as a way to treat bloating

Changing your habitual lifestyle will positively affect both the work of the whole organism and the intestines. First of all, experts believe that Quitting smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages will relieve bloating.

Regular exercise helps improve digestion. Morning work-out will give the organs the opportunity to "wake up" and feel good all day.

Nutritionists advise in the fight against flatulence to use a sufficient amount of pure water without gas. Adults need to drink at least 2 liters of fluid per day. Water helps to speed up the digestion of food, which will positively affect the treatment of bloating.

Stressful situations must be avoided. It is recommended to enjoy life more, watch good and motivating films.

Special diet for bloating

Doctors note that a diet designed for people who suffer from increased gas formation helps to normalize bowel function. It is based on proper nutrition and the exclusion from the diet of foods that increase flatulence.

Diet Basics designed for people who have stomach swelling after eating, who have determined the cause and who want to start treatment:

  1. Portions should be small. The daily diet is divided into 5-6 meals of equal calorie content.
  2. It is recommended to eat very slowly, carefully chewing each piece of food.
  3. Exclude spicy, fatty and fried foods from the menu.
  4. Limit the use of black tea, coffee with milk.
  5. Avoid alcoholic and carbonated drinks.
  6. Drink more liquid.

Having limited the use of products that cause the formation of gases, the question arises, which ones can be used for cooking? List of allowed products:

  • carrots, tomatoes, spinach, potatoes, cucumbers;
  • bananas, tangerines, avocados;
  • berries: blueberries, red currants;
  • oats, brown rice, buckwheat;
  • milk: coconut or rice.

These products will not cause fermentation in the stomach and are approved for consumption. Nutritionists advise steaming or baking in the oven. While eating, you can not drink water with food, this leads to fermentation and putrefaction in the stomach.

During treatment and prevention, it is necessary to adhere to 6 meals a day, drink enough clean water, the last meal - 3 hours before bedtime.

Medications when the stomach swells after eating

In addition to diet and lifestyle changes, for the treatment of diseases that cause flatulence, professionals advise drug treatment. They are divided into several types:

  • Enterosorbents. They are aimed at the absorption of gases in the stomach, act quickly and are easily absorbed.

The disadvantage of such drugs is that they remove not only gases, but also useful substances. These include: Activated carbon, Laktofiltrum, Enterosgel, Enterofuril and others.

  • With a lack of enzymes, as well as the complex treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are prescribed: Mezim, Pancreatin, Festal.

Such drugs are taken in a course, followed by the restoration of the natural intestinal microflora.

  • The strongest and most effective means are defoamers. Espumizan belongs to them.

The advantages of this drug is the absence of contraindications. It is used to treat children and adults.

  • Probiotics help to normalize the microflora. Their only disadvantage is the duration of the course of treatment.

These include: Acipol, Hilak forte, Bifiform and others.

Treatment with drugs must be under the supervision of the attending physician. It is important to follow the instructions and not violate the course of treatment.

What to do if the stomach swells: folk recipes

If the stomach swells after eating, the causes are determined, treatment can be carried out with folk recipes.

For the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, leading to fermentation and the formation of gases, dill is used. Several ways to prepare the medicine:

  • Dry dill seeds are poured with boiling water at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. to a glass of water. Let the decoction stand for 1 hour and take even portions throughout the day.
  • Grind dill seeds well, pour boiling water over, let it brew for an hour. 30 minutes before a meal, take 100 ml of decoction.

Dill can reduce blood pressure by dilating blood vessels. With hypotension, this folk remedy is not recommended.

If bloating is caused by Giardia, this remedy helps: fresh horseradish and garlic peel, pass in equal parts through a meat grinder or chop with a blender. Pour 250 ml of vodka. Insist the remedy for at least 10 days. Then filter and take 30 minutes before each meal, 1 tablespoon.

St. John's wort contributes to the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, providing an anti-inflammatory effect. To make herbal tea, 1 tbsp. l. dried St. John's wort pour 200 ml boiled water, insist 5 minutes and filter through a sieve. It is necessary to take tea 2-3 glasses a day for 2-3 weeks.

According to traditional medicine, St. John's wort has an anti-inflammatory effect and does an excellent job of establishing the process of calming the work of the stomach.

From the fresh flowers of St. John's wort, medicinal oil is prepared. To do this, freshly cut buds are rubbed and poured olive oil in a ratio of 1 to 10.

To start the fermentation process, the jar is not covered and left for 5 days in a warm place. Then close the lid and leave in the sun for 60 days. After that, it is recommended to strain the oil and put it in a dark, cool place. Take it 1 teaspoon 2 times a day for no more than 10 days in a row.

Every home has a chamomile. It has anti-inflammatory action and recommended for the treatment of many diseases. For the intestines, an infusion of chamomile flowers is useful. For him, a tablespoon is poured with boiling water and insisted for 4 hours. Then filter and consume immediately before meals, 2 tablespoons.

Prevention - so that bloating does not bother

What to do to prevent flatulence? If the treatment does not require medication, the symptoms are eliminated by dietary adjustments and folk remedies. So that bloating does not bother in the future, doctors pay attention to the following preventive measures:

  • nutrition should be fractional, including healthy foods;
  • it is definitely recommended to play sports, do exercises;
  • psychologists advise avoiding stressful situations;
  • regularly visit a doctor and undergo examination.

So that pain and bloating do not bother, after treatment, one should not forget about preventive measures. The restoration of the intestinal microflora can take a long time, during which it is necessary to remember about a healthy diet and healthy way life.

What to do if the stomach swells after eating, what are the causes and treatment of this rather uncomfortable condition - about all this in the proposed video:

Video about the treatment of increased gas formation (when the stomach swells after eating):

Bloating or flatulence- excessive accumulation of gases in the intestines, which develops due to increased gas formation, malabsorption or insufficient excretion.

Symptoms. Increased gas formation is manifested:

  • a feeling of fullness and fullness in the abdomen;
  • discomfort;
  • rumbling;
  • flatulence - the release of gases from the lower intestines, which may be accompanied by a sound of varying volume.
In addition, belching, an unpleasant aftertaste in the mouth, nausea, constipation or diarrhea, burning in the heart area, general weakness, sleep and mood disturbances may occur.
Index Norm What does it testify
Leukocytes 4-9x109 Raise the number of leukocytes may indicate an infectious disease or inflammatory process of any organ.
Increase the number of stab neutrophils, the appearance of metamyelocytes (young) and myelocytes are called shift of the leukocyte formula to the left. It may indicate various pathologies: acute infectious diseases, intoxication, malignant tumors, etc.
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate ESR 2-15mm/h ESR increase can cause any inflammatory processes and infections, malignancies, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, Crohn's disease.

For most people with flatulence, general analysis blood unchanged.
Index Norm Deviations that can be found
Form decorated Liquid or mushy stools occur with dysbacteriosis, intestinal infections, poisoning, inflammatory bowel disease, colitis, Crohn's disease, colon tumors, food allergies.
Color tan A whitish color indicates liver pathology: hepatitis, cholelithiasis.
Black color and tarry consistency may be a sign of bleeding from a stomach or duodenal ulcer.
Smell Fecal unsharp A sharp putrid smell indicates a lack of digestive enzymes and a sharp increase in the number of putrefactive bacteria.
Reaction Neutral An alkaline reaction is the result of the decay of proteins in the small intestine with a deficiency of pancreatic enzymes.
The acid reaction is the result of the fermentation of carbohydrates in the colon during a carbohydrate diet.
Muscle fibers are indigestible Not detected Undigested elements of meat food are present in feces with a decrease in the acidity of gastric juice, chronic pancreatitis.
Connective tissue Not found The presence of particles of connective tissue from food is possible with chronic atrophic gastritis and inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis), which are accompanied by a deficiency of digestive enzymes.
hidden blood Not found The presence of blood cells may indicate bleeding gums, peptic ulcer, polyps of the stomach or intestines, tumors of the digestive tract, helminthic invasion, hemorrhoids.
Slime Not visible to the naked eye Increased secretion of mucus is observed in inflammatory diseases of the colon (colitis) and irritable bowel syndrome, as well as salmonellosis and dysentery.
indigestible fiber In moderation Fiber in large quantities indicates a decrease in the acidity of gastric juice and diseases of the pancreas, if they are accompanied by diarrhea.
Neutral fat Not found The presence of fat is caused by a lack of lipase secreted by the pancreas. It occurs mainly in patients with chronic pancreatitis.
Fatty acid Not detected The presence of fat indicates the pathology of the pancreas.
Starch grains are extracellular Not detected The presence of starch in the feces may indicate malabsorption in the small intestine and pancreatitis.
Leukocytes Not detected or 0-2 in view A significant number of leukocytes responsible for fighting infection is characteristic of inflammatory bowel diseases: colitis, intestinal infections.
Helminth eggs (worms) Not detected The presence of eggs or larvae of worms indicates infection with helminths.
yeast fungus Less than 10 3 An increase in the fungus confirms dysbacteriosis.
Iodophilic bacteria (cocci, rods) Not detected A high level of bacteria indicates poor digestion in the stomach, pancreatic enzyme deficiency, and increased fermentation processes.
Protozoa (amoeba, balantidia, giardia) Not detected The presence of protozoa indicates a decrease in local immunity (in the absence of symptoms) or infection with intestinal zooprotonoses (giardiasis, leishmaniasis).
Stercobilin and Stercobilinogen
75-350mg/day Absent in obstruction of the bile ducts.
Less than normal for parenchymal hepatitis, cholangitis, dysbacteriosis.
Exceeding the norm is possible with hemolytic anemia.
Bilirubin Not found in children older than a year and adults It is found in dysbacteriosis, rapid evacuation of food through the intestines.
Fecal calprotectin less than 50 mcg/g in adults and children over 4 years of age An increase in concentration indicates food allergy, celiac disease, diverticulitis, cystic fibrosis, intestinal infections of various origins.

Stool culture for the intestinal group and dysbacteriosis

Bakposev - a study of bacteria contained in feces, which allows to evaluate the ratio of "normal" and opportunistic microorganisms and identify pathogens.

Normal performance

Type of microorganisms Children adults
bifidobacteria 10 9 – 10 11 10 9 – 10 10
lactobacilli 10 6 – 10 8 10 6 – 10 8
Bacteroids 10 7 – 10 8 10 7 – 10 8
Peptostreptococci 10 3 – 10 6 10 5 – 10 6
Escherichia (E. coli) 10 6 – 10 8 10 6 – 10 8
Saprophytic staphylococci ≤10 4 ≤10 4
Enterococci 10 5 – 10 8 10 5 – 10 8
Clostridia ≤10 3 ≤10 5
candida ≤10 3 ≤10 4
Klebsiella ≤10 4 ≤10 4
Pathogenic enterobacteria - -
Pathogenic staphylococci - -

Significant deviations from the norm indicate the development of dysbacteriosis.
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs

    Gas bubbles in the intestines confirm flatulence. Other pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract are evidenced by such violations:

    • changes in the size, shape and structure of the organs of the digestive system;
    • the presence of infiltrates and foci of inflammation;
    • cysts;
    • tumors;
    • adhesions;
    • free fluid in the abdomen.
  • X-ray contrast examination of the intestine

    An x-ray examination of the intestine is performed after taking barium sulfate preparations. It, being a radiopaque substance, settles on the inner wall of the intestine and allows you to study its features.

    An x-ray of the abdominal cavity reveals signs of various pathologies accompanied by flatulence:

    • intestinal loops swollen with gas during flatulence;
    • narrowing of the intestinal lumen caused by spasm, constipated feces, adhesions, etc.
    • swollen pearls of the small intestine in chronic pancreatitis;
    • radiopaque gallbladder stones that interfere with the outflow of bile;
    • fecal stones;
    • rounded formations on the intestinal wall may be tumors;
    • fluid and gas in the lumen of the caecum and ileum indicate appendicitis;
    • signs of intestinal obstruction - the radiopaque substance does not spread into the lower intestines;
    • in the presence of free fluid in the abdominal cavity, the image looks blurry - the effect of "frosted glass".
  • Treatment for bloating

    First aid for bloating

    Drug group Mechanism of therapeutic action Representatives Mode of application
    Adsorbents Particles of preparations actively adsorb various substances on their surface. They capture gases and remove them from the body. Activated carbon Apply 1 hour before meals at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of body weight 3-4 times a day. It is advisable to grind the tablets (chew), drink ½ glass of water.
    Polyphepan 1 st. l of the drug is dissolved in a glass of warm water. Consume before meals 3-4 times a day.
    Polysorb 1 heaping tablespoon of powder is dissolved in ½ cup of water. Take 1 hour before or 1 hour after eating or taking other medications.
    Smecta The contents of 1 sachet are dissolved in ½ cup of water. Take before meals 3 times a day.
    Defoamers Surfactants break down the fine bubble foam containing gas, reduce its volume and reduce pressure on the intestinal wall. Espumizan Take 2 tsp or 2 capsules. Multiplicity of reception 3-5 times a day.
    colicid Take 1 tablet 3-5 times a day during or after meals.
    Prokinetics Contribute to the strengthening of intestinal peristalsis and the removal of gases. Strengthen motility, accelerate the evacuation of the contents of the intestine. They have an antiemetic effect. Motilium Instant lingual tablets. 1 tablet is placed under the tongue, where it quickly dissolves, after which the drug is swallowed without drinking.
    Passagex Adults: 1 tab 3 times a day half an hour before meals.
    Gastric juice Increases the acidity of gastric juice with reduced secretion of hydrochloric acid. Facilitates the digestion of food, reduces putrefactive and fermentation processes in the intestines. natural gastric juice 1-2 tablespoons during or after each meal.
    Enzyme preparations Contain pancreatic enzymes and auxiliary components. Promote the breakdown of fats and vegetable fiber, as well as the absorption of nutrients. Pancreatin Take 150,000 IU / day. Tablets or capsules are swallowed without chewing during meals, with 1 glass of non-alkaline liquid (water, juices).
    Creon Consume during each meal 20,000-75,000 units of lipase EF.
    Festal 1-2 tablets immediately after meals with a small amount of water.
    Antispasmodics Relax the smooth muscles of the intestinal wall, eliminating spasm. Reduce pain caused by bloating. Papaverine 40-60 mg (1-2 tablets) 3-4 times a day.
    No-shpa 1-2 tablets 2-3 times a day.
    Phytotherapy Infusions of medicinal herbs normalize intestinal motility and contribute to the speedy removal of gases. They also eliminate spasm and reduce soreness with the accumulation of gases.
    Medicinal herbs also stimulate the production of food enzymes.
    Camomile tea Brew 2 teaspoons with a glass of boiling water, leave for 3 hours. Take 1/3 cup 4 times a day.
    Infusion of dill, fennel, cumin Pour 2 teaspoons of seeds with a glass of boiling water and leave for up to 2 hours. Take ¼ cup every hour.
    Mint infusion Brew 2 teaspoons of crushed leaves with a glass of boiling water. Drink in small portions throughout the day.

    Attention: the doses are indicated for adults. For children, drugs are available in the form of suspensions. The doctor selects the dosage based on the weight and age of the child.

    Gas tube can only be used as a last resort for infants and bedridden patients. Its frequent use, especially in children, can lead to addiction - the child will not be able to get rid of gases on his own. In addition, with careless administration, there is a risk of damaging the intestinal walls and causing bleeding.

    Do I need to call an ambulance for bloating?

    Bloating is not a life-threatening condition. Taking adsorbents and antispasmodics improves well-being in 20-40 minutes. Pain with flatulence disappears immediately after emptying the intestines or passing gases.

    If, after these measures, the patient continues to complain of severe pain in the abdomen, then this may indicate serious diseases:

    • an attack of acute appendicitis;
    • peritonitis;
    • intestinal obstruction;
    • ruptured ovarian cyst.
    If these pathologies are suspected, it is imperative to call an ambulance team that will take the patient to the surgical department.
    1. Complete sleep. Chronic sleep deprivation disrupts all internal organs and slowing down intestinal motility. A healthy 8-hour sleep improves intestinal innervation and accelerates motility.
    2. Sufficient physical activity. Hypodynamia leads to a delay in the contents of the digestive tract. Constipation violates the composition of the microflora and causes flatulence. Hiking and playing sports improve intestinal motility. Exercises that involve the abdominal muscles are especially useful: bicycle, scissors, torso.
    3. Lack of stress. Nervous shocks disrupt the innervation of the intestine, which entails a slowdown in its motility and reabsorption of gases.
    4. Limit smoking especially during meals. In smokers, a large amount of air and smoke enters the stomach, which contributes to an increase in the volume of intestinal gas.
    Diet for bloating

    Eliminate foods that cause or increase fermentation from the diet

    • indigestible meats: goose, pork, lamb;
    • legumes: peas, beans, chickpeas, lentils;
    • cereals: millet, barley;
    • easily digestible carbohydrates: fresh pastries, cookies, cakes and pastries, chocolate;
    • whole milk, cream, ice cream, milkshakes;
    • Borodino bread, bread with bran;
    • raw and pickled vegetables containing coarse fiber: cabbage of all kinds, radishes, tomatoes;
    • fruits and berries: grapes, dates, kiwi, pears, apples, gooseberries, raspberries;
    • greens: spinach, sorrel, green onions;
    • carbonated drinks, kombucha, kvass, beer;
    • mushrooms;
    • alcohol;
    • chewing gum.
    Include foods that improve intestinal motility in your diet
    • crumbly cereals from buckwheat and millet;
    • dairy products;
    • wholemeal bread from yesterday's baking;
    • boiled and baked vegetables and fruits.
    Prevention of "intestinal colic" in children under one year old.

    10 Alternative Remedies for Gas and Bloating

    Bloating - This is a condition in which a person is concerned about increased gas formation in the gastrointestinal tract.

    How does bloating manifest itself?

    If flatulence becomes a constant problem, then the person begins to wonder why constant bloating bothers him for a long period of time. Constant gas formation delivers tangible discomfort. In the normal state, when eating food, a small amount of air is swallowed, and a little later it comes back out, so only part of this air passes through the stomach into the intestines. Frequent bloating worries those who swallow large amounts of air. In this case, there is a constant overflow of the stomach. It is quite understandable that a person prone to increased gas formation is also concerned about the fact why bloating manifests itself in an inappropriate environment.

    In a normal state, the release of gases occurs about 10 times a day. In people suffering from increased gas formation, this happens much more often.

    Very often, with increased formation of gases, a person is worried about nausea and bloating. In addition to abdominal pain, it is noted vomit , belching , diarrhea . The temperature may rise, general weakness and dizziness are observed.

    Pain in the abdomen is a consequence of the accumulation of gases in the intestinal lumen. They irritate the pain receptors in the intestinal walls. After the release of gases, the pain decreases. The pain can manifest itself in the form of periodic spasms, be noted in different parts of the abdomen. In this case, the abdomen is enlarged and very tense. Severe bloating causes intense, but usually short-term pain.

    Why does bloating appear?

    Severe bloating and abdominal pain are often the result of eating foods that are rich in fiber. It is the fiber that large quantities found in vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes, provokes increased gas formation, as a result of which a person has a stomach ache, and bloating can disturb for a long time. Sometimes bloating causes lower back pain and other symptoms. The same problems appear due to the frequent consumption of carbonated drinks containing carbon dioxide.

    There are other causes of bloating in women and men. For example, the causes of bloating after eating can be determined by the swallowing of air in the process of eating. Especially a lot of air a person swallows, eating food hastily, talking while eating.

    Sometimes severe bloating is the body's response to a stressful situation. Due to emotional overload spasm smooth muscle of the intestine, slows down peristalsis .

    Constant bloating often begins to occur in a person with age. The reason for this phenomenon is the age-related weakness of the intestinal muscles. Symptoms of bloating can be observed in women during menstruation.

    However, it is worth remembering that belching and bloating may indicate the development of a chronic disease. Bloating, nausea, abdominal pain, and other symptoms may occur when colon cancer , diverticulum , nonspecific ulcer and etc.

    Sometimes the reasons lie in taking certain medications. For example, antibiotics destroy the intestinal microflora and provoke dysbacteriosis . If a person abuses a laxative, then over time this leads to problems with the formation of gases.

    Persistent bloating and gas are often noted in people who suffer from constipation . Fecal masses that linger in the intestines make it difficult for the passage of gases. As a result, constipation leads to the fact that a person feels periodic pain in the abdomen and frequent bloating.

    Most often, bloating and gas formation are complained by those people who do not pay attention to the rules healthy eating. Therefore, doctors strongly recommend that in the event of increased gas formation, it is imperative to seriously adjust the diet. If gas formation is noted after a person has eaten a particular food, then food intolerance can be suspected. Some people are intolerant lactose , which can manifest itself both from the first years of life and later, in school age. At celiac disease the body does not perceive the proteins of cereals

    Severe bloating during pregnancy is a very common occurrence in women who are carrying a baby. Bloating on early dates begins to disturb the woman due to the fact that the pancreas during pregnancy does not produce enough enzymes. As a result, food is not digested as intensively. During pregnancy, the uterus gradually enlarges and puts pressure on the intestines. Because of this, the motor functions of the intestines are disturbed, and the woman has a constant feeling of heaviness and bloating in the abdomen. We should not forget that during pregnancy a woman changes hormonal background , therefore, are often expressed precisely by bloating. Bloating as a sign of pregnancy can appear already in its first weeks. Despite the fact that bloating during pregnancy is usually not a pathology, with persistent flatulence and bloating, these symptoms should be reported to your doctor. After all, a pregnant woman can develop, colitis and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

    Heaviness and bloating in women can manifest itself in different ways in the period before the onset of menstruation. As a rule, a woman gradually has a feeling that bloating is increasing. Pain and swelling captures the entire lower abdomen, but sometimes pain is localized at the bottom left or bottom right.

    Very often, newborn babies suffer from bloating. This phenomenon is called intestinal colic. The causes of bloating in newborns are physiological in nature: the child's gastrointestinal tract has a special structure. Gradually, over time, the digestive system matures, and colic stops. However, severe bloating after eating in a baby may also indicate diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, consult a doctor if bloating and a fence bother the baby constantly.

    Despite the fact that there are many reasons leading to bloating, sometimes increased gas production is mistaken for a person for other ailments. In some cases, a person confuses bloating of the stomach and abdomen with heart attack , . Only a consultation with a doctor and examination will make it possible to establish the correct diagnosis. You should definitely contact a specialist even if the pain in the abdomen lasts a very long time and is accompanied by vomiting, weight loss, fever, blood in the stool.

    How to get rid of bloating?

    Often, to eliminate increased gas formation, it is only necessary to adjust the daily diet. If a person manages to determine which foods provoke bloating, then simply eliminating them from the diet can normalize the situation. Sometimes bloating provokes the intake of too fatty and fried foods. For a while, you can also reduce the amount of vegetable fiber in the diet.

    If a person is concerned about increased gas formation, then the most the best remedy only a doctor can pick up from bloating. Any medicines should only be taken after a correct diagnosis has been made. An attack of flatulence, caused by errors in nutrition, will help to remove such effective remedy, How Activated carbon . It is necessary to thoroughly crush 3 tablets of coal and drink this powder with water. For adult patients, the doctor may prescribe a course of treatment with drugs with enzymes that help break down lactose.

    Which pills for bloating to choose depends on the frequency of manifestation of this symptom. If increased gas formation disturbs a person occasionally, drugs based on is suitable. This and other known means. Such drugs are also used in the postoperative period.

    To the question of what the best medicine from bloating, may respond and ethnoscience. Exist effective recipes herbal remedies, the intake of which significantly alleviates the condition of adults and children prone to bloating.

    Alternative treatment of bloating involves the use of recipes, which include chamomile,cumin and dill seeds, valerian root, yarrow herb etc. Sometimes treatment with folk remedies allows you to completely replace any pills. However, the uncontrolled use of folk remedies can subsequently lead to unexpectedly unpleasant consequences. Therefore, it is best to initially tell the doctor about all the symptoms that accompany bloating. The patient must be sure to report whether he is worried diarrhea , constipation , belching etc. It is especially important not to apply folk recipes without the approval of a doctor in the treatment of flatulence in children. In addition, when taking herbal decoctions and infusions, the dosage, preparation features, and time of administration are important - before or after meals. Even if a person has proven ways to get rid of bloating, this does not mean that in specific case they will be effective.

    To get rid of the symptoms of bloating in a newborn, many methods are practiced. A light massage of the abdomen, applying a warm diaper to the tummy can alleviate the condition of the child. If the baby shows severe anxiety, after consulting with the pediatrician, he can be given some medicines. These are drugs with bifidobacteria And lactobacilli , antispasmodics, drugs that stimulate intestinal motility, drugs based on simethicone .

    Flatulence often occurs in people who smoke, as well as in those who are used to leading a sedentary lifestyle. If bloating is a frequent symptom, it is advisable to eat more often, but in smaller portions. It is advisable to always eat food in a calm atmosphere, without haste. So the digestive system will work more smoothly.

    Let's discuss such a "native" and familiar problem: bloating in the abdomen, increased seething and flatulence 🙂

    This topic is always, especially on holidays, when you really want to eat tasty and varied food, but the prospect of looking like you are in your fifth month of pregnancy is not at all included in your plans.

    Why does bloating and gas formation occur in women and men, what are the reasons for the constant feeling of bloat, what to do and how to remove this trouble? Why does your stomach stick out, even if you are thin, like a pregnant woman?

    Why does it happen?

    Let's start right away with tediousness (physiology): gas formation in the stomach and intestines is the norm!

    It is formed as a result of food processing when the bacteria that inhabit the intestines are included in this process (they make up our microflora). The frequency of gas emission can reach from 14 to 40 times a day. Most of it is contained in the large intestine, especially its bends, as well as in the stomach. A small amount of gas is in the small intestine.

    Intestinal gases are needed in order to additionally (the main role is played by the peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract) to contribute to the release of feces from the rectum, and for such a good purpose, about 100-500 ml per day are released. Part of the gas mixture is absorbed in the vessels that feed the intestines.

    Gas (i.e. feeling bloated) can accumulate in:


    Normally, the stomach contains about 900 ml of air daily. Air gets there while eating and drinking. For example, together with a drunk glass of water, up to 200 ml of air can enter the body.

    Food eaten in a hurry contributes to the swallowing of more air. Excess air accumulated in the stomach, more precisely, most of it is excreted from the body during belching. The remainder goes to small intestine where it is partially absorbed into the bloodstream.

    Gases of the stomach are nitrogen, oxygen and carbon dioxide.

    Important: such gases are practically odorless. If you have bloating, heaviness and pain in the stomach, when you burp, gases are released with bad smell, you need to see a doctor: this may be a sign of serious disorders

    small intestine

    In the small intestine, a familiar chemical reaction takes place: hydrochloric acid mixes with alkali, and as a result, a reaction occurs with the release of carbon dioxide. Some of the carbon dioxide is absorbed into the blood, and some passes on and out of the large intestine.

    A small part of the swallowed gases that are not absorbed in the small intestine enter the large intestine and are excreted. Excess gas is formed in the stomach when drinking carbonated drinks, soda. The released carbon dioxide is removed with belching or absorbed into the blood, it practically does not reach the large intestine.

    large intestine

    In the large intestine, as a result of the decomposition of intestinal contents by special bacteria, gases are formed, which include hydrogen, carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, mercaptan and methane in various proportions.

    Mercaptan and methane are compounds that give intestinal gas bad smell. Actually, this is our fart 🙂


    So, in fact, not always a constantly inflated stomach indicates serious problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Small gas formation and bloating of the stomach is just a consequence of the digestion of food and quickly passes.

    Let's look at the common reasons why the stomach swells like a drum in practically healthy people.

    Why does gas accumulate in the intestines:

      Eating foods or drinks that "trigger" gas.

      This list includes all kinds of sweets, legumes, black bread, potatoes, cabbage, kvass and other carbonated drinks, dairy products, beer. Also, a bloated stomach is caused by the use of products that are poorly combined for you personally.

      Inflammation of the intestinal mucosa

      Not enough enzymes to break down food.

      This is especially noticeable when eating a large amount of protein. Firstly, if you have a predisposition to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, then this, in principle, can lead to problems. How exactly this manifests itself depends on your body.

      If you do not have enough enzymes (enzymes) to digest meat, then you will suffer from heaviness in the stomach and bloating. If you have kidney problems, then a large amount of protein can indirectly affect the formation of stones and so on.

      Also, against the background of problems with enzymes, an inflated stomach will be caused overeating fatty foods which takes a long time to digest.

      Fats create a feeling of fullness and heaviness in the stomach, provoke bloating.

      Disturbance of the balance of intestinal microflora in dysbacteriosis.

      Dysbacteriosis appears as a result of certain diseases and antibiotics. In this regard, the processes of decay of food residues take place in the intestinal lumen, which causes discomfort in the abdomen. During such conditions, the bloating diet should contain pre- And probiotics.

      Swallowing air while eating.

      This usually happens when a person, while eating, actively and emotionally communicates, as well as in all conditions accompanied by shortness of breath.

      Often the reason why the stomach swells after eating is due to with a habit of overeating.

      During pregnancy and menstruation.

      For many women, bloating occurs before menstruation due to changes in hormone levels. Women complain about the same trouble before menopause. During menopause, bloating is often accompanied by constipation.

      In this case, it is advisable to consult a doctor and a nutritionist.

      Insufficient production of enzymes.

      For example, if a "bloated belly" appears after drinking milk, this is a symptom of a deficiency of the lactase enzyme, which is responsible for the fermentation of milk. As a result of the fact that milk is not processed in the stomach, it enters the intestines and already there the fermentation process begins.

      A similar problem can occur even when taking drugs with lactulose (Duphalac, Normaze) as a laxative, as well as when taking Fortrans to prepare for an ultrasound, endoscopic or x-ray examination of the intestine.

      Too much fiber, especially purchased:

      Vasoconstriction that feed the intestines, atherosclerotic plaques, blood clots, edema of the vascular wall due to its inflammation.

      Violation of the motor ability of the gastrointestinal tract: with botulism, poisoning with nerve agents, inflammation of not only the mucous membrane, but also the muscular membrane of the intestine.

      Bowel obstruction due to clamping it from the outside with adhesions or with the development of a tumor inside the intestine.

      Colon spasm due to stress.

      Impaired circulation, intestinal peristalsis. Motor activity of the intestine in such cases can be activated physical exercise. The bloating diet is well complemented by sports or regular walks, since any movement is useful.

    If with diarrhea

    If your stomach is not only swollen, but diarrhea has begun with rumbling, then the reasons are as follows:

    Simultaneously with belching

    This combination is typical for diseases such as:

    • gastritis;
    • weakness of the muscle between the esophagus and stomach, resulting in the contents from the stomach being thrown into the intestines;
    • partial obstruction in the area of ​​the small intestine;
    • condition after operations on the stomach and duodenum;
    • stress;
    • smoking out a large number cigarettes or fatty foods.

    With nausea and vomiting

    Most likely cause

    Bloating in the small intestine occurs most often, since it has a narrow diameter: even a small amount of gas accumulated there can cause pain and discomfort.

    “It is produced by bacteria that are in the body of any person,” says Daria Teplyuk, nutritionist-gastroenterologist at the clinic of the Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. - There are 10-12 types of these bacteria in total, they are useful and help food to be digested. But when stressed or sick, they overproduce and release methane and hydrogen.”

    Bloating in the large intestine also depends on the growth of the number of bacteria - but not useful, but harmful. It is more often the result of constipation: the intestines do not empty, putrefactive flora develops in it - it produces methane.

    In modern medicine, bloating in the small intestine is designated by a separate term - "Bacterial Overgrowth Syndrome" (SIBO). Bloating in the thick - by-effect constipation - has no name.

    How to get rid?

    At SIBER it is necessary to deprive the bacteria of the nutrient medium and “kill” the old microflora and populate the new one. Simply put, you first need to drink antibiotics, exclude vegetables, fruits and a significant number of cereals from your diet, and after that go on a sparing diet and start using pre- and probiotics.

    At swelling of the large intestine On the contrary, laxatives help, which only harm with SIBER.

    If flatulence bothers you every two to three days, while you have loose stools mixed with mucus and blood, weight loss, urgently go to the doctor. In acute pain, you can call a doctor at home. Perhaps it's not about food, but about acute gastritis, chronic pancreatitis, or another serious illness.

    Single cases of bloating are often related to what and how we eat. If the stomach is constantly inflated after eating any product, the conclusion is simple: you should not eat it 🙂

    List of foods that cause gas

    It is impossible to completely eliminate foods that cause gas formation, there are too many of them, but it is definitely worth minimizing their use. Improves the state of intake and consumption of foods containing potassium and magnesium.

    Unfortunately, it is not always possible to get rid of flatulence only by changes in nutrition. You will have to be examined by a gastroenterologist to find out if any of the sections of the digestive tract are seriously affected.

    If this is so, then it is worth saying thanks to flatulence: after all, it was he who initiated the survey! But if no serious diseases requiring medical intervention are detected, then nutritional correction is a really big and effective step towards getting rid of flatulence.

    Drug treatment

    Can accept various medications(of course, with the advice of a doctor):

    What else helps?

    You can quickly eliminate bloating by increasing intestinal motility. If you do not have acute conditions, severe infectious diseases and tumors in the abdominal cavity, then you can do this with the help of simple physical exercises.

    Stimulate the work of the intestines and facilitate the passage of gases such exercises:

    This complex will be enough for you to significantly reduce the phenomenon of bloat. Within 3-5 days all unpleasant symptoms will be completely eliminated. You will feel better and your stool will return to normal.

    Folk remedies

    Photo comparison: fat or bloating

    To understand what exactly is happening with your tummy is simple: press your finger on your stomach. Is it soft and stretchy? This means that fat deposits give extra volume to the waist. If it is hard and tense, then the problem is really bloating.

    It is impossible to "pull" fat 🙂

    Bloating - how to deal with it?

    Thank you

    The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Expert advice is required!

    What it is?

    Bloating characterized by distension of the abdomen, cramps, cramping pains, a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen. Often, bloating is combined with belching or hiccups. In some cases, swelling is accompanied by such severe pain that the patient is covered with cold sweat and even falls into unconsciousness.

    In a healthy adult, about 900 milliliters of gases are constantly in the intestines, which are released by microbes. Together with feces, from 100 to 500 milliliters should be evacuated. And with bloating, more than 3 liters of gas accumulate in the intestines.

    Causes of bloating

    1. Swallowing air or gases with food.
    2. Eating large amounts of gas-producing foods.
    3. lactase deficiency.
    4. Intestinal dysbacteriosis.
    5. Diseases of the digestive tract: chronic pancreatitis, enteritis, colitis.
    6. Disturbance of intestinal motility.
    7. Stagnation of blood in the intestines ( characteristic of cirrhosis of the liver).
    8. Mechanical obstructions in the intestinal walls ( neoplasms, polyps).

    While eating, a certain amount of atmospheric air is swallowed along with food, but if you chew and talk at the same time, then the volume of this air can be serious enough to cause bloating.
    Carbonated drinks contain carbon dioxide, which can cause a feeling of fullness in the stomach.

    With age, the production of an enzyme necessary for the digestion of milk sugar - lactose - decreases in the human body. Therefore, drinking whole milk can cause bloating.

    With intestinal dysbacteriosis, the number of microorganisms inhabiting the digestive tract and their balance are disturbed. The amount of putrefactive microflora, which provokes fermentation and rotting of food, has been increased. As a result, a lot of fetid gases are released.

    In diseases of the digestive system ( pancreatitis, for example) produces fewer digestive enzymes. Food is not fully digested and rots in the intestines with the formation of an abundance of gases. In such cases, bloating is observed some time after eating.

    Diagnosis of bloating

    If bloating is observed periodically, and also if it is combined with pain, belching, heartburn and other unpleasant and disturbing phenomena, it is necessary to visit a doctor.
    There is a possibility that the cause of the malaise is not in diet errors, but in internal diseases.

    Suggested surveys:
    • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs
    • colonoscopy
    • Laboratory studies of feces and blood.

    Bloating during pregnancy

    This is a very common ailment during pregnancy.

    1. During pregnancy, the pancreas produces fewer enzymes, so food is less digestible.
    2. Starting from the 15th week, the size of the uterus is rapidly increasing, it puts pressure on the intestines and “prevents” it from performing its functions, including evacuating feces and gases from the body in a timely manner.
    3. The hormone progesterone, found in large quantities in the blood of pregnant women, relaxes all the smooth muscles of the internal organs, which leads to bloating and constipation.

    If the swelling lasts more than a day, this is a reason to see a doctor, as there is a possibility of an exacerbation of a chronic disease of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract).
    If swelling was observed before conception, it can be assumed that the woman's diet requires correction.

    What to do?

    • In any case, it is better to eliminate gas-producing foods from the diet.
    • You can take carminative drugs that have a local effect ( espumizan, activated charcoal, smectu).

    Bloating in newborns

    Bloating is observed in 50% of babies.
    Cause of bloating - Physiological dysbacteriosis. The intestinal microflora in newborns has not yet been formed, putrefactive bacteria emit gases that are not evacuated from the intestine in time, since its motor function is also not yet perfect.

    Signs of bloating in a child:
    • The kid is naughty
    • Refuses to eat
    • Knocks legs and pulls them to the stomach
    • The face turns red

    What to do?

    • Make a light massage of the abdomen: movements in a circle clockwise,
    • Lay the baby on the warm diaper
    • Give a drug to drink to remove gases ( espumizan, bebinos)
    • Use gas tube. Its tip is treated with petroleum jelly and inserted into the anus for a quarter of an hour.
    If bloating is accompanied by an increase in temperature, diarrhea should urgently show the baby to the doctor.

    Bloating before menstruation

    Bloating of the lower abdomen before menstruation is one of the signs of premenstrual syndrome. The reasons for this phenomenon are not yet fully known. But it is believed that the whole thing is a change in the hormonal balance, leading to the accumulation of fluid in the lower abdomen.

    What to do?
    Change the ratio of estrogen and gestagens impossible in the body. But you can relieve bloating and other ailments:

    • using sedatives, vitamins of the group IN, as well as trace elements magnesium, potassium, calcium and zinc,
    • reducing the amount of salt, hot spices on the menu,
    • ten days before the expected menstruation, completely abandon chocolate, strong tea and coffee.
    Some doctors believe that the increase in PMS symptoms occurs when the mineral and vitamin balance in the body is disturbed.

    Bloating after surgery

    After laparoscopic operations, swelling and discomfort in the abdomen, sternum and skin are very often observed. In some patients, pain even radiates to the collarbone. The reason for this is the effect of the gas injected into the abdominal cavity during the operation.

    What to do?
    Wait 7 days and everything will pass by itself. With repeated procedures, usually bloating and all discomfort disappear faster: in 2 days.

    Treatment for bloating

    1. If the cause of bloating is illiterate nutrition, it should be corrected,

    2. Stop smoking, drinking soda, chewing gum,

    3. In case of violation of the function of the pancreas, take enzyme preparations: pancreatin, mezim, festal. The drugs will help digest food and eliminate the cause of increased gas formation. The dosage is better to choose together with the doctor. For an adult patient, this is usually 20,000 enzyme units. The drug should be drunk with food or immediately after it, drinking plenty of water.

    4. If the cause of bloating is intestinal dysbacteriosis, the intestinal microflora should be normalized.

    5. For temporary relief of bloating or to eliminate isolated cases, the following are suitable: activated charcoal ( 1 tablet per 10 kg patient weight), smecta, espumizan, gastal. These remedies will quickly and effectively eliminate bloating caused by overeating, an unbalanced diet.

    Folk remedies for bloating

    1. 2 tsp finely chopped underground parts of a dandelion, a glass of purified water at room temperature. Soak overnight, pass through a sieve. Take 50 milliliters four times a day before meals.

    2. 20 gr. parsley fruits, 200 milliliters of room temperature water for a couple of half an hour, let cool, pass through a sieve. Use infusion of 1 tbsp. five times a day.

    3. 1 st. l. chop dill seeds, add 300 ml of boiling water. Keep covered for 3 hours, squeeze through gauze. Use 100 milliliters three times a day in between meals.

    4. Take 10 gr. dill oil and mix with 100 ml of room temperature water. Use 1 tbsp. l. 3 - 6 times a day.

    5. carrot seeds crush, use up to three times a day for 1 tsp.

    6. 1 hour l. brew dry wormwood with a glass of boiling water, let stand for half an hour, pass through gauze. Use 1 tbsp. three times a day for a quarter of an hour before a meal.

    7. 25 gr. underground parts elecampane pour 1 liter of boiling water, soak overnight. Use when bloated.

    8. Mix 20 gr. chamomile, 10 gr. oregano and cumin. 2 tbsp. l. collection, brew 12 liters of boiling water, stand overnight, pass through a sieve. Take 100 milliliters four times a day.

    Diet for bloating

    It is allowed to use:
    • Meat: veal, chicken, turkey,
    • Dairy: hard cheeses, yoghurts,
    • Cereals:
