What stones are used to make decorations around the world. Jewelry made from natural stones

natural stones are an amazing work of nature. Their brightness fascinates and captivates, you want to peer into their facets again and again, admiring their majestic, unique beauty. And how perfectly they complement the image of any beauty who wears jewelry using natural crystals. Such products are able to transform and make any woman unique. But how to choose the right accessory, what stones are jewelry made of? Let's try to understand this issue.

What are the types of stones

According to the classification of natural crystals developed by A. E. Fersman, depending on the rarity, features and value, 3 groups of stones for jewelry can be distinguished: precious (or gems), semi-precious and ornamental.


Gemstones are rare minerals with a beautiful appearance, which rightfully include noble diamond, spring emerald, fiery ruby, topaz, sapphire, zircon.

Precious stones are also divided by classification, for example, there are 1st order, like diamond, 2nd as topaz and the 3rd as zircon. Depending on this order, different prices are set for them. However, it may depend on the size and characteristics of the gems.

It happens that a stone of a lower order can cost more than a mineral of a higher level. Basically, all emeralds that are used by master jewelers, up to 2 carats, can cost from $500 to $1000. However, an emerald over 3 carats sometimes surpasses even a ruby ​​and a diamond with such a weight. You can always ask the jeweler what kind of stones I make jewelry from.

Semiprecious stones

This group includes crystals that are not as rare as precious ones. Their deposits are much larger on Earth, so they are considered semi-precious. This category includes amethyst, pomegranate, agate, tourmaline, chrysolite and many others. The cost of these minerals, of course, is much lower than precious ones. However, there are exceptions here too.

For example, high-quality tourmaline costs from $25 to $150 per carat. However, sometimes there are stones that combine smooth transition 2-3 colors, the cost of which is approximately $ 1000 per carat. The blue-green mineral is much more expensive - up to $ 5,000. What stones are used to make jewelry that you like, you can check with the master. Often these characteristics are indicated on the jewelry tag.

ornamental stones

Ornamental include, mainly, opaque minerals, rock or organic compounds. Such stones do not have a bright sheen, but with a good cut they can even be compared with precious crystals. In ornamental ones you can find: nephritis, lapis lazuli, sodalite, azurite, malachite, jasper, Vesuvian, etc. Check in the store or with the master of which stones the jewelry you have your eye on is made.

Names of stones and their meaning

Now let's figure out what stones are used to make jewelry that can not only decorate, but also heal and benefit.

One of the most desirable for many girls - a diamond, consists of the main life element - carbon. The diamond is considered a symbol of innocence, purity, wealth, success and happiness. It improves memory, helps to feel younger than its owners.

One of the most revered and beloved minerals in the world is the emerald. It not only captivates with its beauty, but also has a number of mystical and healing properties, helping in the treatment of the stomach, bladder, head and joints. It is also indispensable in personal relationships, as it helps to calm down, refrain from rash acts, and remain faithful to your spouse.

An amazing mineral by its nature, as well as a very favorite, in terms of jewelry, is pearls. It takes at least 12 years for a grain of sand that gets into the shell of a mollusk to turn into this amazing stone. It means purity, prosperity, longevity. Able to improve relationships with loved ones and loved ones.

Very often, large gemstones are combined with zircon in jewelry. Zircon is a brittle crystalline mineral. It is characterized by a strong diamond brilliance, for which this crystal is also called younger brother diamond. It is believed that this crystal is a stone of strength and power.

Jewelry made from natural stones

Not only people can interact, make friends and quarrel. The same applies to stones and metals. Therefore, it is important to know what stones jewelry is made of, as well as what combinations of metals and crystals are found.

Natural stones in gold

Gold conflicts with the following gems: garnet, red jasper, hematite, pink topaz. It is perfectly normal to combine it with stones: agate, golden topaz, onyx, emerald. But an ideal pair of gold can be made by a noble diamond, unusual sapphire yellow color, hyacinth, chrysolite, red or green amber.

Natural stones in silver

Silver does not tolerate diamonds, rubies, turquoise, zircons, beryl, red coral. But pearls, topaz, rock crystal, malachite or lapis lazuli are much more suitable. But crystal is best combined with this metal. Moonstone , lilac amethyst, legendary nephritis.

Natural stones for jewelry

As for jewelry made from natural minerals, for the manufacture of such products they often use agate, amethyst, opal, pearl, pomegranate, turquoise. The most popular jewelry made of turquoise and green crystals, jewelry with amethyst is less in demand.

stone products

As a rule, rings, beads and bracelets are made from a solid mineral, which do not require the participation of metals in order to fix the stone in a certain position. To make a solid product from a single crystal, it must be of considerable size. Therefore, most often there are such decorations from amethyst, citrine, quartz, Morion, mountain crystal glass, agate, jasper, opal.

How to choose a stone

Based on the fact that stones can have a fairly significant impact on its owner, bring good luck or, on the contrary, negatively influence, it is clear that the choice of jewelry with a stone should be approached as carefully as possible.

How to choose a stone according to the horoscope

The easiest way to successfully pick up a stone for yourself is by the sign of the Zodiac. Specialists in the field of astrology have long developed a classification of stones, appropriate or some other sign.

In addition to the fact that a stone can be chosen according to the sign of the zodiac, there is another method on how to select stones according to the horoscope for the benefit of oneself. You will learn about it from the video below.

How to choose a stone talisman

It is even better when the stone is not only properly selected and beautiful, but also protects from bad spells or brings something good - that is, it is a talisman. Especially in need of protection are those who are unable to repulse the negative, the evil eye, envy, namely children and pregnant women. Let's see what stones talismans are made of.

A strong protective mineral for children is malachite, which protects the child from the evil eye and a number of diseases. Both family and children's talisman is rose quartz, which protects children from dangers, illnesses, and injuries. Obsidian is the most powerful magical amulet for a child, because. its energy is able to protect against black magic.

The best female talisman is carnelian, which helps to find love and family happiness, protect a woman's health, get a long-awaited pregnancy, heal wounds, and prevent bleeding.

The best talisman for a pregnant woman is cacholong, which is not only able to give her energy and strength during the entire period of pregnancy, but also copes well with toxicosis, edema, high arterial. It will help to maintain a calm, harmonious state. Emeralds are useful for pregnant women, which contribute to quick and easy childbirth.

Well, for a newly-made mother, the best amulet will be jewelry with diamonds, which will fill her with the missing energy, protect her from illnesses and injuries. Diamonds are advised to take for childbirth, as they enhance metabolic processes, are able to stop bleeding.

Lucky stones

Jewelry with pomegranate, jade, golden or yellow citrine are considered talismans of good luck, success, especially in material matters and in business. They contribute to prosperity, accumulation, increase in savings.

Agates will be able to bring their owner prosperity and success in business. Moreover, each profession has its own color of the mineral: black will help players make the right bets on the stock exchange, blue - to reveal a creative personality and earn with their talent, and a gray stone will contribute to those who decide to make a career as a lawyer, notary or detective.

Another stone promises success in business - green chrysoprase. It will help a novice businessman open a business, protect him from rash and fruitless transactions.

Now, knowing what stones jewelry is made of, let's remember the very important criteria when choosing a mineral, it is peace of mind and balance. If, while studying a stone, you took it in your hands and felt peace and tranquility, then this is your option. If you were anxious or anxious, then it is better to refuse this purchase.

You can look at beautiful accessories, find out what stones jewelry is made of and how to wear them correctly, in the video below.

A child's dream of finding a treasure chest and an adult's desire to disconnect from smartphones and the frantic pace of life can be fulfilled with one hit - try a trendy hobby of finding stones and minerals, or, in other words, hunting for stones. As a bonus - jewelry with semi-precious (in some countries - precious) stones of our own authorship. Jewelry designer Alison Jean Cole told Vogue more about the new hobby. About where to start the search and what nuances to pay attention to - in our material.

Alison Jean Cole once got into a stone carving course, and this occupation captured her so much that after a while she quit her main job, and six years later she launched her own jewelry brand. Now she creates earrings and pendants from the stones she finds.


Despite the fact that this hobby - hunting for stones and minerals - was born in America, it can be practiced almost anywhere in the world. Just make sure you check your local laws first. In Russia and the CIS, you can independently search for common ornamental stones, and semi-precious and precious - only accompanied by an employee of the mining company. In most Asian countries, a found gem can be taken away only if it is a semi-precious or ornamental specimen. But in Australia, America and Canada, any find outside the territory of professional mining - a gold nugget, a pink diamond, and a banal but pretty jasper - automatically belongs to you. Such is the memory of the gold rush.

First, find a place with open rocks. For example, beaches next to cliffs or hiking trails in hilly terrain. But dense forests are not suitable for these purposes: it is almost impossible to find a worthy exhibit in the soil littered with branches and trees.

Necessary equipment

You will need a capacious container where you will put the treasures found. You won't have to pick out pieces of stone from the rocks: your task is to collect what lies under your feet. You can take with you the simplest set of gardening tools: a small shovel, gardening gloves, a chisel and a scraper.

The right uniform is more important. Remember, you'll be out in the sun all day, so a wide-brimmed hat, several layers of lightweight fabrics, and high boots are a must. And don't forget to bring enough water and a light snack with you, but it's better to leave your smartphone at home or at least turn it off - such a hobby involves a digital detox. A real dream of a resident of the metropolis.


Before you go looking, do not be too lazy to find out as much as possible about the area. So you will find out which rocks and minerals to pay attention to. Also, practice reading maps - who knows where the road will take you. Cole recommends regular paper maps, as they give more coverage: "With them, you will be able to explore areas that are often overlooked when you use electronic navigators."

good sample

Everything depends on the goals. Experienced "hunters" usually take any stones and minerals that seem interesting to them. If you intend to assemble a serious collection, it is important to develop your own taste - so that later on you will look for only the samples you need. For example, Cole collects mainly stones of bright unusual colors with interesting textures or patterns - these are ideal for jewelry.

Natural stones are a true miracle of nature. Each stone is unique in its own way and attracts with its beauty. Jewelry made of natural stones can not only decorate any woman, but also serve as a talisman, a talisman. The main thing is to be able to choose the right stone. We will talk about how to learn how to choose such accessories, as well as what stones jewelry is made of, in this article.

Varieties of stones

A.E. Fersman developed a classification of natural crystals, according to which they are divided into three groups:

  • Precious (gems). These rare crystals are usually colorless or have a beautiful, uniform color. They are distinguished by bright brilliance, wear resistance, high transparency and the ability to scatter light;

  • Semi-precious. They are not rare and are not valued as highly as gemstones. This group includes agate, amethyst, pearls, emerald and others;

  • ornamental. This category includes rocks, opaque and organic minerals. They are not characterized by a bright glow, but due to the good cut, they are difficult to distinguish from precious stones. These include jet, jasper, jade, seraphinite, malachite.

Gems are of the 1st order, such as diamonds, rubies, 2nd, for example, topaz and 3rd - zircon.

Names and meanings of different stones

Since ancient times, it has been known that stones that are used for jewelry have healing and beneficial properties.

Diamond- one of the most popular stones in the world, it represents purity, wealth, good luck and happiness. It is believed that this crystal is able to rejuvenate the body, enhance the sharpness of feelings, improve memory.

Emerald no less in demand, because he not only captivates with his beauty, but also has healing properties- treats diabetes, diseases of the stomach, bladder, joints. In addition, it helps to remain faithful and can break up if one of the partners cheats.

Pearl- an amazing mineral created by nature itself. It symbolizes well-being, holiness and longevity, helps to strengthen marriage. It takes more than ten years for a grain of sand in a clam shell to turn into a pearl.

Zircon- an exotic, fragile stone of crystalline rock, symbolizing power and authority. It has a bright luster, because of which it is even compared with a diamond. In jewelry, this stone is often combined with massive gemstones.

Combinations of natural stones in jewelry

Jewelry with stones is always in trend and is popular with women. different ages. But stones of one type may or may not be combined with stones of another type. So, you should know what combinations of crystals with metals are, and what stones the best way interact and harmonize with each other.

Gold combined with natural stones

Gold is best combined with transparent stones such as diamonds and diamonds. You can also combine this noble metal with yellow sapphire, ruby, blue turquoise, chrysolite, green and red amber, hyacinth, agate.

The combination of gold with emerald, pink topaz, garnet, red jasper and hematite is not acceptable.

Silver jewelry with natural stones

Silver jewelry is ideally combined with such natural stones as: lilac amethyst, moonstone, fire agate and jade. Silver-framed opals look amazing too.

Silver jewelry is never with such stones: diamonds, tourmalines, zircons, red coral, rubies.

Jewelry with natural stones

The most versatile and affordable jewelry is jewelry with natural stones. Now accessories made of pearls, agate, turquoise, garnet, opal, stones with green shades are in fashion. Jewelry with amethyst is not so popular among modern girls and women.

Solid stone jewelry

Products with solid minerals look quite original. They do not require a frame made of any metal. It is necessary to pick up a large crystal in order to make a single piece of jewelry from one stone. From whole minerals, such as: rock crystal, amethyst, opal, jasper, citrine, quartz, bracelets, beads and rings are usually made.

There are many beautiful stones with which unique jewelry is created - from ornamental to precious. From this article you will find out which stones are precious, why they are so valued and which sign of the Zodiac is better suited for this or that stone.

What are gems?

gems have high price, fully justified by its unique beauty, amazing hardness, strength and amazing transparent color, which after cutting becomes many times better. In addition, the more difficult it is to get a mineral, the higher its cost. This is what is main reason the name "precious", often the name " jewelry stone", which indicates their use in products from precious metals(gold and silver). There are many gradations of stones, some are invariably recognized as precious, others can be attributed to a particular grade or class of gems. All precious stones, as it has already become clear, are in turn divided into varieties and classes. The 1st class of the 1st grade includes precious stones that are officially recognized as such:

  1. Diamond is the most expensive and durable gemstone, completely transparent. A cut diamond is called a diamond.
  2. Ruby - is a red corundum (aluminum oxide).
  3. Sapphire blue is another variety of corundum, but it is in blue tint it is not easy to find, which is why it belongs to precious stones.
  4. Emerald is a less hard stone of green color.
  5. Alexandrite is the least valued, among the most precious stones, it is often referred to as semi-precious stones, but officially classified as jewelry and expensive.

Separately, unique and high-quality amber, as well as natural natural pearls, are distinguished. Both stones of organic origin are officially recognized as precious.

All subsequent stones have a conditional division into groups, but are not recognized as precious by law. However, the 2nd class of the 1st class includes:

  1. Demantoid;
  2. Opal black;
  3. Sapphire of other colors (not blue);
  4. Chrysoberyl;
  5. Spinel black;
  6. Euclase.

Representatives of the 2nd grade and 3rd class are:

  1. Aquamarine;
  2. White or fire opal;
  3. Rhodolite;
  4. Topaz;
  5. tourmaline red;
  6. Spinel different colors(except black).

4th class is represented by:

  1. Beryl;
  2. Tourmaline of other colors (not red);
  3. Chrysolite;
  4. Chrysoprase;
  5. Zircon.

Stones from 2nd to 4th grade are usually called "semi-precious".

Photo of precious stones

You can find out how this or that gemstone from each group of the above classification looks like in this photo review. You can read about the properties and features of officially accepted gems below.



Blue sapphire




black opal

pink sapphire


Spinel black



white opal

fire opal



red tourmaline

Spinel in different colors


Tourmaline blue color




Gemstone Diamond

Diamond is the hardest and rarest mineral. A processed and faceted diamond is called a brilliant. It is diamond jewelry that is especially valued in jewelry and does not leave indifferent both women and men. The brilliance of diamonds is so beautiful that with the help of processing you can get an incredibly beautiful diamond, professionals can easily distinguish it from other transparent minerals. A diamond is evaluated according to 4 main criteria:

  1. Cut - a high-quality cut is distinguished by precise geometricity and correct proportions, it is designated by the letter A and further according to the degree of quality reduction.
  2. Purity - minerals that are transparent as a tear, which play in the light with incredible brilliance, are especially valued.
  3. Color - in the classical view, a diamond should be transparent (such minerals are more expensive), but there are also blue, green, pink shades.
  4. Carats are a measure of the mass of diamonds, 1 carat is equal to 0.2 grams.

According to the horoscope, a diamond suits all signs of the zodiac. But, if you want to emphasize individuality, give preference to pink diamonds if you are Aries, Leo or Sagittarius, yellow if you are Gemini, Libra or Aquarius, blue if you are a water sign and green if you are Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn according to the horoscope. .


blue diamond

pink diamond

green diamond

Gemstone Emerald

The emerald has a bright noble green color, which is why the hue and color uniformity are in the first place when evaluating its value. The richer the emerald, the higher its price. Just like diamonds, the transparency of the stone and carats are especially valued. Minerals over 5 carats (1 gram) can be valued more than diamonds. This stone is suitable for Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn, as well as Aries, Gemini, Cancer, Leo and Sagittarius.


cut emerald

Gemstone Ruby

The name of the stone from the Latin speaks of its color: Rubinus - red. This variety of corundum is recognized as precious due to the high hardness of the mineral and beautiful shade- from red-pink to purple. How smoother color and the fewer defects, the more expensive the ruby ​​is priced. This mineral is most suitable for Aries. Lions and Sagittarius, Capricorns can also wear it.


ruby cut

Gemstone Sapphire Blue

Sapphire is considered exclusively blue minerals, but in jewelry, many varieties of corundum are called sapphire, except for ruby. Blue sapphire is valued for its hardness and color saturation, unlike emerald, dark minerals not as valuable as cornflower blue stones. In addition, a feature of sapphire is the so-called asterism effect, which is characterized by the formation of a glare in the form of a four-pointed star on a perfectly smooth stone when illuminated. Sapphire is perfect for Scorpio and Pisces, but can also be worn by Aries, Taurus, Virgo, Libra, Capricorn and Aquarius.

cut sapphire


Gemstone Alexandrite

Alexandrite is a valuable variety of chrysoberyl, which is characterized by pleochroism, i.e. the ability to have a different shade of color in different directions of light. In this regard, it is very difficult to attribute a certain color to the mineral. In daylight, it is more of a blue-green color. dark shades, while at evening its color rushes to purple. For Gemini, Leo and Aquarius, the mineral is suitable like no other.


Which gemstone to choose according to the horoscope?

Which gemstone suits Aries?

For Aries, any of the listed gemstones is equally well suited, but it is worth giving preference to the red shades of Ruby and the most expensive mineral - Diamond. However, sapphires and emeralds are also suitable for Aries.

Which gem is suitable for Taurus?

Emerald is well suited for Taurus, a good talisman can also be blue sapphire or a diamond, since this earth sign should be given preference to soft colors and shades.

Which gem is suitable for Gemini?

Those born under the sign of Gemini can safely choose Alexandrite as a talisman. For those who have a birthday in the first third of the time period (in May), an emerald is also suitable.

Which gem is suitable for Cancer?

The true talisman of Cancer is a white and opaque pearl, which corresponds to the water element of this sign. But, since the probability of acquiring natural pearls is extremely small (unprocessed specimens directly from the sea costs incredible money), then an emerald will be a good alternative.

Which gem is suitable for Leo?

The colors of the lion are gold, for this reason gold with a diamond, ruby ​​or emerald will be a real talisman for this sign. But if there is an opportunity to purchase real amber, which is also considered a precious organic stone under certain conditions, then it will be the true amulet for Leo.

Which gem is suitable for Virgo?

Emerald is considered to be the stone of the Virgin, because its color is in harmony with the element of the sign. But in some cases, blue sapphire is also noted as a talisman for the Virgin.

Which gem is suitable for Libra?

The best charm for Libra will be a diamond. Also, sapphire can claim the role of a precious talisman for Libra born in September.

Which gem is suitable for Scorpio?

For Scorpio, it will be an excellent amulet as mysterious and mystical as the zodiac sign itself - Alexandrite. Sapphires will also be a good amulet.

Which gem is suitable for Sagittarius?

The characteristic colors for Sagittarius are red and green, and therefore, ruby ​​and emerald will suit him. You can also pay attention to sapphires.

Which gemstone suits Capricorn?

A red and clear ruby ​​suits Capricorn best. Since this zodiac sign is earthly, the emerald is also suitable for the role of a talisman or amulet.

Which gem is suitable for Aquarius?

Aquarius should pay attention to blue sapphire, because only this stone can help its owner find what they dream of.

Which gem is suitable for Pisces?

Pisces, being a water element, should give preference to everything that can be connected with the depths of the ocean in the literal and figurative sense. In this case, blue sapphire, natural pearls or alexandrite are suitable for the role of a talisman.

Finding out which precious stones are actually very simple, as it is written in the legislation of the Russian Federation. You can choose your stone based on horoscopes, but it is best to purchase the mineral to which your soul lies and which you want to put on again and again, because this is your amulet and precious talisman.

From this article you will learn:

    What natural stones are jewelry made from?

    How to choose jewelry from natural stones

    What are the magical properties of jewelry made from natural stones

    How to choose jewelry made of natural stones by zodiac sign, name and date of birth

    Where to buy jewelry made of natural stones

Jewelry made from natural stones is increasingly gaining popularity among women who want to look beautiful and stylish. You can always choose among the semi-precious stones your own, suitable in every sense, stone. Garnet earrings, pearl beads, an opal ring, and maybe a turquoise necklace. All this can be wonderfully combined in combination with all kinds of outfits, skillfully choosing the color of the eyes and hair. In addition, each of the natural stones has its own magical and healing properties, corresponds to a certain name and zodiac sign.

What natural stones are jewelry

Everything natural is beautiful, and the stone from which jewelry is made is created by nature itself. Any connoisseur of beauty and art will highly appreciate the quality of such material and note the unique, captivating power of such jewelry. They will always add charm to any woman and emphasize her style. Yes, but which stone to choose and what really fits? We always have jewelry made of natural stones on our website. In the online store "Witch's Happiness" you can always pick up an amazing gift for your loved ones or yourself.

Natural stone is divided into precious, semi-precious and ornamental. Even in the last century, such a classification was developed by the famous mineralogist, academician A.E. Fersman, paying attention in his work to the characteristics of minerals, their rarity and value.

  1. gemstone is a very rare mineral that is mainly used to make jewelry. Excellent appearance noble diamond, fiery ruby ​​or spring emerald will not go unnoticed and will draw attention to any woman. There have been stories about these precious stones, as well as sapphires, topazes and zircons since ancient times. Their beauty is compared to the most beautiful women. And the value is much higher than gold. Individual copies are sold for fabulous money.

Depending on the characteristics and size of the gem, precious stones are assigned to a certain order.

Diamonds are ranked first, topaz is second, and gems such as zircon are third.

Lower order stones are sometimes more expensive than higher level crystals. It happens that an emerald weighing up to two carats used by a jeweler costs up to $500-1000. And an emerald that weighs more than three carats can in some cases be more expensive than a diamond and ruby ​​of the same weight.

  1. Semiprecious stone- it is natural, not rare and more common than precious.

There are enough such stones in the bowels of the earth a large number of That is why they are called semi-precious. For example, these are garnet, amethyst, chrysolite, agate, tourmaline and so on. They are, of course, not as expensive as precious stones. But even here there are exceptions to the rule.

In particular, high quality tourmaline costs $25-150 per carat. But a stone with smooth transitions from one color to another can come across, its price can reach one thousand dollars per carat. A blue-green stone will cost even more - up to $5,000. You can always find out from the masters what kind of natural stones the jewelry that you like is made of. Often this information is indicated on the tags of jewelry.

  1. Ornamental stone. It is an opaque mineral, rock, organic compound. All this is suitable for making jewelry from natural stones. Such ornamental stones do not have a bright luster, but if they are cut with high quality, they can compete with stones that are precious.

The category of jewelry made from natural stones includes products made from such ornamental materials as azurite, sodalite, jade, malachite, lapis lazuli, jasper, vesuvian, etc. You can always check with boutique sellers or craftsmen what stones the jewelry you like is made of. .

5 tips on how to choose jewelry made from natural stones

If you do not want to make a mistake and want to purchase only high-quality jewelry made from natural stones, remember a few simple recommendations:

    Jewelry must be chosen in a good mood.

    When choosing jewelry made from natural stone, one should not forget that some stones, for example, garnet, are more suitable for a middle-aged woman, and it is better for a young girl to give preference to turquoise.

    Keep in mind that jewelry with a large natural stone attracts the eye, so you need to be especially careful in choosing an outfit and applying appropriate makeup.

    When choosing jewelry, it is advisable to focus on the color type of the stone.

    Undoubtedly, jewelry made from large stones is the most popular among the weak half of humanity, but you should always know when to stop and remember that large earrings do not wear with a large necklace - others may think that you have no taste at all.

Jewelry colors made from natural stones

Agree, the color of the stones is of decisive importance. One is perfect for a blonde, but in no case will it make an attractive brunette or brown-haired woman.

A stone like turquoise is almost universal in jewelry that will suit many fashionistas. It looks very stylish in vintage products. Most often, jewelry with this stone is worn in the summer. No wonder that last year it was turquoise that took first place in the fashion catalog of natural stones.

No less popular is the amethyst. It personifies sincerity, has a special strength, stands out for its unusual beauty. Amethyst jewelry can be safely worn both at a corporate party and at a business lunch, all that remains is to choose an outfit that suits the color with elements of lilac or light lilac.

Jewelry made from green stones - onyx, emerald, aquamarine, jade - is also a huge success, each of them is unusual in its own way. It is said that the stone of green color improves mood and cheerfulness. Most of all, he suits brunettes, redheads, brown-haired women. Jewelry with green stones will make each outfit especially harmonious, and the image will be memorable.

See also: Obsidian stone: meaning and properties

Jewelry made from natural stones: meaning and magical properties

From ancient times to this day, it is believed that stones have special energy and magical properties. The sciences, the subjects of which are the nature of stones and their influence on the fate of people, are lithotherapy and astrology.

Lithotherapy - one of the varieties of alternative medicine, promotes treatment with natural stones. Its adherents believe that the disease can be cured by choosing the right natural stone.

Treatment with natural stones was widely used in Tibet. Stones were part of many medicines, were the material for pyramids, balls and various devices for massage. Chinese medicine has also used stones in their treatments. Its essence is the impact of certain stones on the biologically active points of the human body. So doctors tried to achieve a balance of Yin and Yang energies, as well as increase the vitality of Qi. It is not for nothing that yogis use natural stones to protect against damage and the evil eye. Feng Shui also tries to use the properties of natural stones in order to neutralize negative and enhance positive energy. Astrology claims that the fate of a person is predetermined by the sign of the zodiac under which he was destined to be born. The same sign also determines the special properties of a person's "own" stone.

And now let's try to figure out which stones that are used to make jewelry can cure people's diseases.

    Diamond has long been considered a stone that symbolizes innocence, purity, wealth, success and happiness. In its composition, the main vital element is carbon. This stone helps the owner to improve memory, feel younger.

    The emerald, bewitching with its beauty, is credited with not only mystical, but also healing properties. It helps to heal the stomach bladder, head, joints. In addition, he is able to calm, keep from rash actions, helps to maintain fidelity in marital relationships.

    Pearls are amazingly popular as jewelry. It takes at least 12 years for a grain of sand that has fallen into a mollusk shell to turn into a stone, which symbolizes chastity, wealth, and long life. It can improve family relationships.

    In jewelry, craftsmen quite often combine zircon with large precious stones. This is a rather fragile mineral, which is characterized by the bright radiance of a diamond; it is not for nothing that it is called the younger brother of this diamond. precious stone. Zircon represents strength and power.

In our online store "Witch's happiness" you will be happy to help you choose natural stones for jewelry. You can buy them from us inexpensively, besides, managers are always ready to give a free consultation and advise the appropriate option.

Before ordering jewelry made of natural stones, you need to study their properties well and know which stones can be combined with each other without fear negative consequences for your health and even your life.

It is undesirable to combine gold with garnet, red jasper, hematite, pink topaz. It can be used in jewelry with agate, golden topaz, onyx, emerald. Gold is ideally paired with a noble diamond, amber-colored sapphire, hyacinth, chrysolite, red and green amber.

Silver does not like diamonds, rubies, turquoise, zircon, beryl, red coral. The most suitable pair will be rock crystal, lapis lazuli, topaz, pearls, malachite. Ideally, combine it with crystal moonstone, lilac amethyst, legendary jade.

    Red stones (garnet, ruby, red tourmaline, carnelian) have a healing effect on the cardiovascular and circulatory system, vision and help in the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections. But in no case should you abuse their power.

    Minerals of yellow and orange color (amber, topaz, beryl, citrine, hyacinth) improve appetite and general physical condition, help cure skin diseases. Excessive use of the energy of these stones can activate the gallbladder.

    The power of blue and blue stones used in the treatment of the endocrine system, diseases of the throat and lungs. With an excess of "blue" energy, the human psyche suffers.

    Green stones (emerald, jade, jadeite, malachite, chrysoprase) have a beneficial effect on the human immune system, normalize blood pressure, relieve headaches, and cheer up. But overexposure can contribute to the formation of gallstones.

    White minerals (for example, opal, pearl, moonstone, chalcedony) are used to cleanse the human body and treat mental disorders.

    Black stones (hematite, morion, black tourmaline) promote concentration, relieve fear, develop willpower.

For centuries, people have accumulated knowledge about magical properties stones and know that stones can have both positive and negative effects on a person. This should be taken into account when choosing designer jewelry made from natural stones.

Jewelry made of natural stones according to the sign of the zodiac

Such an ancient science as astrology has long been looking for an answer to the question of how natural stones affect people's lives. It is already clear that a person can attract success and happiness through minerals that correspond to the zodiac sign of this individual.

At the heart of the magical effect of stones lies the harmony and relationship between all living on our planet. The stone corresponding to your zodiac sign accepts its vibrations, makes the influence of the sign and the corresponding planet stronger, attracts positive energy into your life.

All zodiac signs have stones associated only with them. Choosing "your" stone, you need to feel a strong connection with it. Only in this case it will bring you happiness and success.

Jewelry made of natural stones as a talisman

Amulets and talismans, selected in accordance with the personal data of a person, are considered the most effective and efficient. Therefore, there are specially developed classifications of minerals that will help you choose the most suitable option.

If you want a stone to act as a talisman, it should be chosen according to your individual qualities. Only in this case it will have the most effective impact. Consider the most popular groups that will help you make the choice of "your" stone:

    According to your zodiac sign. This option is the most common.

    The choice is based on the date of birth. It turns out that people who were born on the same day, but in different months and years, can use the same stones.

    According to the month of your birth. You need to choose stones depending on which month you were born.

    To your liking, according to your intuition. If the stone “attracts” you, feel free to choose it.

    By a fatal accident, the so-called predetermined choice. It happens that some stones have a very strong effect on a person’s life, sometimes we don’t even notice it. It involuntarily attracts to itself and acts as a strong talisman.

    Depending on what name is given to a person at birth. For many centuries, knowledge has been accumulated about how stones affect people. It was noticed, among other things, that it depends on the names.

    depending on the disease. Stones are believed to have healing properties. Therefore, knowing what you are sick with, you can choose a stone that will help cure the disease.

    According to what the person wants. For example, if you want to attract success and prosperity, you need to use some stones, if you are unlucky in love - others.

In addition, there are many Slavic talismans that are useful to everyone without exception. They are used to attract various benefits and protect against ailments.

The talismans of the Slavs were incredibly popular, which were used both as an ornament, and as a toy, and as part of an outfit, and as an element. home furnishings. Such magical items are usually divided into those that:

    associated with legends about the origin of the world;

    are amulets of spell magic;

    associated with animal worship.

Currently, the demand for Slavic talismans is also very high, as they both protect and direct the actions of the person who owns them.

Items that were made in the form of a cross, circle or wheel have always been associated with the sun and assisted in work, in solving problems. family problems, attracted good luck. The strong half of humanity often used magical items in the form of lightning bolts, arrows or swords. They made a person more courageous and helped to defend their land from enemies. Stones and metal products, similar to the moon, were considered feminine, they symbolized fertility. Item white color, made in the shape of a crescent, was for a woman a symbol of a happy and calm family life.

Round pendants with a cross and a moon in the center were considered paired talismans. Couples in love who wore such magical items remained inseparable. When they got married, their life was happy.

Jewelry made of natural stones, selected according to the date of birth, helps to develop all the good in a person and reduces his negative character traits, making his life consisting only of pleasant events.

People born on the first, tenth, nineteenth, twenty-eighth should prefer jewelry made of red coral, opal, yellow and gold topaz or ruby. For those born on the second, eleventh, twentieth, twenty-ninth, it is better to use jewelry made from a tiger or cat's eye, jade, pearls, green opal and pearls.

For those who were born on the third, twelfth, twenty-first, thirtieth, topaz, coral, amethyst and emerald are better suited. Those born on the fourth, thirteenth, twenty-second, thirty-first will be wearing jewelry made from such natural stones as aquamarine, diamond, garnet, light blue sapphire, gray opal. Products made of white sapphire, diamond or zircon are suitable for people born on the fifth, fourteenth, twenty-third.

The stones of those born on the sixth, fifteenth, twenty-fourth will be green opal, beryl, aquamarine, emerald. White opal, pearl, Tiger's Eye, moonstone - people born on the seventh, sixteenth, twenty-fifth should give preference to these stones.

For those who were born on the eighth, seventeenth, twenty-sixth, we recommend lapis lazuli, red-brown and gray opal, blue sapphire. Pomegranate, coral, ruby, red opal - suitable for those born on the ninth, eighteenth, twenty-seventh.

If you have chosen a stone according to the month of your birth, it will help you improve your health, will contribute to happy life will keep you out of trouble.

Stones that help people born:

    in January - dark purple pomegranate;

    in February - purple amethyst;

    in March - blue aquamarine;

    in April - a transparent diamond;

    in May - a bright green emerald;

    in June - green and red alexandrite and cream-colored pearls;

    in July - a red ruby;

    in August - green chrysolite;

    in September - deep blue sapphire;

    in October - pink opal or tourmaline;

    in November - golden topaz;

    in December - azure turquoise or zircon.

The choice of a mascot also depends on the name of the woman and the man.

Women's names. According to observations, the stones most suitable

Alexandre: aventurine, alexandrite, garnet, chrysolite, malachite;

Alice: amazonite, alexandrite, turquoise, topaz, lapis lazuli;

Alle: almandine, olivine, agate, ruby;

Anastasia: zircon, malachite, chrysoprase, fluorite;

Angele: citrine, lapis lazuli, opal, chrysolite;

Anne: rock crystal, ruby, andalusite, amber;

Antonina: phenakite, sapphire, smoky quartz, agate;

Valentine: wavelite, pearl, olivine, amazonite, carnelian;

Valeria: ruby, opal, garnet, agate;

Varvara: variscite, jet, ruby;

Verde: verdelite, beryl, verdite, aquamarine, ruby;

Veronica: sapphire, onyx, rose quartz;

Victoria: harlequin, azurite;

Vite: tiger's eye, eudialynt, rhodonite;

Galina: pomegranate, galena, hyacinth;

Darier: obsidian, diamond, hematite;

Eugenia: rubellite, aventurine, emerald;

Catherine: chrysolite, tiger's eye, beryl;

Elena: chalcedony, onyx, moonstone;

Elizabeth: olivine, amethyst, jasper;

Jeanne: diamond, carnelian, rock crystal;

Zinaida: labrador, emerald, serpentine, malachite;

Zoya: jade, jadeite, cat's eye;

Inne: opal pearl, mother-of-pearl, diamond, emerald;

Irina: mother-of-pearl, coral, pearls, chalcedony;

Karine: quartz, jasper, eudialyte;

Larissa: turquoise, aventurine, onyx;

Lydia: jet, malachite, aquamarine;

Love: rose quartz, chalcedony, lapis lazuli;

Ludmila: sapphire, alexandrite, garnet;

Margarita: ruby, pearl, tiger's eye;

Marina: jasper, chrysoprase, turquoise, amethyst;

Mary: carnelian, sapphire, garnet, diamond;

Hope: adularia, coral, agate;

Natalia: obsidian, beryl, hematite;

Nine: amber, rauchtopaz, pyrite;

Oksana: citrine, aventurine;

Olga: tourmaline, chrysoprase, opal;

Raise: phenakite, rhodonite, hematite;

Svetlana: rhodonite, malachite, coral;

Sofia: lapis lazuli, spinel, tourmaline, euclase;

Taisii: sardonyx, topaz, jade;

Tamara: tiger's eye, obsidian, garnet, jet, jasper;

Julia: emerald, rubellite, jadeite;

Janet: citrine, labradorite, staurolite, jasper.

Men's names. Noticed, the stones that are most suitable

Alexandru: alexandrite, chrysoprase, mudstone;

Alexey: lapis lazuli, corundum;

Albertu: marble, azurite;

Anatolia: aquamarine, agate;

Andrew: andalusite, amethyst, actinolite;

Arcadia: amazonite, tourmaline, corundum;

Artem: anhydrite, beryl;

Arthur: aragonite, chalcedony, corundum;

Bogdan: balin, marble, beryl;

Boris: benitoite, turquoise, barite, amethyst;

Vadim: corundum, turquoise;

Valentine: beryl, vesuvian;

Valery: malachite;

Vasily: almandine, pomegranate;

Victor: hematite, corundum, selenite;

Vitaliy: vivianite, sapphire, hyalite;

Vladimir: rock crystal, green jasper;

Vladislav: pomegranate, topaz, grossular;

Vyacheslav: topaz, kyanite;

Gennady: jet, hiddenite, zircon;

George: sapphire, hyalite, heliodor;

Gregory: goethite, cat's eye, heliotrope, granite;

Denis: diopside, sapphire;

Dmitry: lapis lazuli, dravite;

Eugene: pearls, eudialyte;

Egor: serpentine, sapphire, tourmaline;

Ivan: diamond, eudialyte, rhodonite, emerald;

Igor: iolite, beryl;

Kirill: calcite, sapphire, kunzite;

Constantine: beryl, opal, eudialyte, quartz;

Leonidas: labrador, diamond, lepidolite;

Michael: lapis lazuli, malachite, jasper;

Nicholas: corundum, chrysocolla, jade, sapphire, moonstone;

Oleg: obsidian, epidote, pearls;

Paul: ruby, morion, onyx;

Peter: peridot, pyrite, petersite, emerald;

Roman: rhodolite, amethyst, rhodonite, amber;

Ruslan: aventurine, rauchtopaz;

Sergei: sagilite, pearls, carnelian, jasper;

Stanislav: sapphire, scapolite, rock crystal;

Stepan: sardonyx, aventurine;

Tarasu: topaz, tiger's eye;

Philip: fluorite, morion, ruby;

Edward: uvarovite, onyx;

Yuri: emerald, zircon, chalcedony, zoisite;

Yakov: chrysoberyl, jasper;

Yaroslav: amber, citrine;

When choosing jewelry, be sure to check that the stones do not have cracks and foreign inclusions, since even small defects can sometimes adversely affect the effectiveness of the magical properties of minerals.

The best jewelry store made of natural stones

If you are looking for jewelry made from natural stones, choose trusted manufacturers who produce only high-quality jewelry.

We are glad to present to your attention our online store "Witch's happiness", which is rightfully considered one of the best esoteric stores in Russia.

You do not have to stay long in search of jewelry made from natural stones. In our online store "Witch's Happiness" you will find what is right for you, a person who goes his own way, is not afraid of change, is responsible for his actions not only to people, but to the whole Universe.

Humanity has been talking about the magical properties of stones, crystals and metals since the time of the Ancient World. Touch the tradition, which is not one thousand years old!

Working with magic stones there is nothing complicated, it is a safe and effective way to improve your life. Among the magic stones there are amulets, assistants in financial affairs, good luck talismans, energy conductors, crystals that call for happy love. These magnificent gifts of the earth can do anything!

Too much choice? And we are always in touch on Facebook, Telegram, VK and WhatsApp.

"Witch's Happiness" - the magic starts here.
