Congratulations on the day of the creation of the communications service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Day of creation of the communication service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia Communication service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Russian Federation

In Russia, the Day of Creation of the Communications Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is celebrated on December 10. On this day in 1949, the Minister of Internal Affairs of the USSR signed an order to create a communications service in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Then, already in recent history our country, the date of establishment of this service was confirmed by the order of the Minister of the Interior, issued on August 9, 1999.

It so happened that the restoration of the professional holiday of the communications service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in our country was timed to coincide with its 50th anniversary. It must be said that before the advent of the Day of the creation of the communications service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in August 1999, signalmen of the internal affairs bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs had to celebrate their professional holiday on May 7, Radio Day.

General information

The communications service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia has come a long and difficult path of formation and development. It began to form with separate groups that were equipped with only the simplest means of communication. After some time, it was decided to create a Central Operational Communications Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Subsequently, it became the Main Center for Special and Operational Communications of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. And since 2004, this service has been included in the Logistics Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

The communication service is now fully equipped with all modern means of communication, electronic computers and computers. This structure is multifunctional, its main task is to provide the units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs with various types of communication. It must be said that their work would be simply impossible without the existence of a connection.

Another important task of this service is the timely exchange of operational information.

Service History

The day of the creation of the communication service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is an excellent occasion to look at the page of history.

Until August 1999, the communication service in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, as it were, did not exist. Not on the calendar memorable date is the day the service was created. Although, of course, its employees deserve their own holiday. The communication service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs has existed for more than 50 years. During all this time, it has constantly developed and improved. From the simplest equipment to the latest high-tech equipment, its technical development has passed.

In 1964, the Ministry of Public Order of the RSFSR issued an order on the organization of operational and technical apparatuses in the internal affairs bodies of the republics. Briefly they were called OTO. The joint work of criminologists and signalmen in the OTO lasted 17 years. The situation changed in 1981. In September 1981, there was a separation of communications and forensic services.

In the postwar years, the construction of automatic telephone exchanges (ATS) began in the apparatus of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs. The very first automatic telephone exchanges functioned on the basis of the use of a machine drive system. Somewhat later, new, more efficient types of automatic telephone exchanges appeared. Over the years, the capacity of ATS has continued to increase.

In the Soviet Union, the needs of the national economy for the transfer of various kinds messages. This led to the need for constant development and improvement of communications. Highest value various means communications acquired during the scientific and technological revolution. After all, the volume of transmitted information then increased many times over.

In various sectors of the national economy of the USSR, the development of radio communications began in the 40s of the twentieth century. And it continued in the second half of the 50s. Nowadays, it is almost impossible to find an organization, enterprise or service that does not apply modern facilities mobile radio.

Until 1957, there was no radio communication in the police department (police). Then they got their first radio stations. Employees of departments began to acquaint with brief technical specifications radio stations.

Radio stations began to equip police cars. While the number of radio stations was small, there were no problems with the congestion of the air, the connection functioned properly. But then the number of radio network subscribers began to increase, which began to create some problems with communication delay. After all, all negotiations were conducted then only on one frequency. Therefore, the police began to equip with special radio stations. These devices in urban conditions provided communication within a radius of 15-20 km. Since then, crime rates have increased significantly. The work of the police has become more efficient thanks to the advent of communications.

However, the need to install, maintain and repair radio stations required the creation of units for the repair and maintenance of radio stations.

On April 10, 1962, an order was issued to create communications departments. There were few employees in such units - only 10-12 people. They included communication technology. They managed the quality of communication, were engaged in the repair and maintenance of equipment. Communication in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs very soon became a necessity. This is due to the need for interaction during various operations and activities. In addition to existing species wire and radio communications were used by the police and telegraph communications.

In the 70s of the last century, the electronics industry worked on the instructions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to create portable radios. The appearance of such walkie-talkies greatly facilitated the work of police officers.

I must say that without the invention of radio, there would be no radio communication. Therefore, it is impossible not to mention Alexander Stepanovich Popov. It was he who became the creator of this greatest invention. On May 7, 1895, at St. Petersburg University, he demonstrated the world's first model of such a device. In 1895, a new era began in the history of mankind. The role of radio in our life cannot be overestimated.

We congratulate the signalmen of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia on their holiday, on the Day of the establishment of the communications service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia!

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On the Day of the Communications Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - we congratulate all signalmen,
As well as all the technical specialists with her,
So that the connection is good in any conditions
And in the city, and in the field, and in military conflicts.
Efficiency of communication and accuracy of information -
The success of the operation sometimes depends on them,
And if someone suddenly encroaches on the secrets,
Protecting information is business as usual.

Let there be connection! Always, everywhere!
Happy Communications Service Day of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
I congratulate you, friends!
After all, the meaning of life is connected!
And so it happened in life
What have you become, friends, signalmen,
Can't be anywhere without you
Good luck to the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
Huge contribution to the fight
Over the years you have invested
I wish you let optimism
Heal from sad thoughts.

We wish you good communication
So that everything works without problems!
This holiday is a wonderful occasion.
Say hello to all employees!

professional holiday,
Not simple - original:
Communication services of the Ministry of Internal Affairs!
We celebrate this day:
And, of course, congratulations
And we wish all communication workers:
So that it is always on the air - clean,
To have less work
Communication, at times, did not fail,
Though the sound is from afar...
And the salary is high!

At the Ministry of the Interior
The world's best signalmen serve!
The status of "best" is not the limit here,
Here are all the pros and aces in life!
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart
Happy Communications Day!
I wish you big prizes
And less worldly dirt.

You can't do without communication
And there are no criminals to be found.
Go try it figure it out
Where to find the wicked.
A signalman will come to your aid,
He has a smart computer
He will quickly make inquiries
After all, communication is his tool.

On the Day of the Creation of the Communications Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, I wish you correct information and reliable sources, no interruptions and interference, brave work and excellent work, good luck in business and true happiness in life.

Teletype and telegraph
Strongly and long forgotten
Have a computer and internet
You have now, communicator.
Communication speed is impeccable
accurate information,
Let the criminal not dream
Hide or hide.
I wish you, signalmen,
Gigabytes tons
And to fall more often
Stars on shoulder straps.

Today, all signalmen of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
The holiday is celebrated.
To you, worthy guys,
I wish you happiness.
May dreams come true
May you always be lucky in everything.
I wish you health
Never know adversity.

Today we congratulate professional holiday signalmen of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia! From the moment of its creation to the present day, the service has come a long and difficult way and is currently equipped with all modern types of communications, computers and computing equipment. The work of all departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs depends on its precise functioning. She makes a huge contribution to the fight against crime in the country. We wish all employees of the communications service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia to work without interference, use more and more effective innovations in their work, coherence, clarity, mobility, and efficiency!

An important task for the communications service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs -
Protect the safety of information everywhere,
Broadcast it across all channels
In excellent original condition.
May everyone honor and love you on a holiday,
We wish you success in this difficult task.

The communications service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was created on this day,
We wish from the bottom of our hearts a reliable connection to everyone.
Let everyone strive for progress,
The quality of work is growing
We wish you an interesting
You work ahead.

On this holiday - the Day of the creation of the communications service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia - accept sincere wishes in achieving positive performance results, successfully completing complex and responsible tasks to protect the interests of Russia, achieving the goals set, optimism, happiness, health and well-being for you and your loved ones!

We congratulate all signalmen in the structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation on their professional holiday and wish them a long and easy service!

Communication service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
The holiday is now celebrated.
This is an occasion to
Freelance corporate.
I wish you great victories
At the service of new achievements,
Good luck, joy in the family,
All the best and every achievement!

Communication service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs
Celebrates birthday today.
I wish her to always be on top,
Obediently fulfilling duty.
I sincerely congratulate you
You are a wonderful employee.
Let good luck surround,
Let your world be clear.

From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on the Day of the establishment of the communications service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia! I thank you for your competent professional work and dedication to your work. I wish you success, health, inexhaustible energy, happiness, prosperity, good luck, achievement of your goals.

Congratulations on the day of the creation of the communication service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia! We want communication channels to be clean and transparent, so that there is no noise and interference. To ensure that the information received and its sources are always correct. Attentiveness, insight and stability in any situation!

Today at the signalmen of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
The day the service was created.
Your work, my friends,
We all need it very much.
You are for the motherland.
Glory to the officers!
I wish you all good luck
Be on target.

On the day of the creation of the communication service
Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
You - the absence of occasions,
Only happiness, strength!
Always be up to date with events
With you it's easy
Keep your hand on the pulse!
Peace and growth to you!

December 10 is annually celebrated as the Day of the creation of the communication service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The date was approved in August 1999 by order of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation No. 590. At that time, the communications service had already existed for almost half a century (since December 10, 1949).

The division went through a difficult development let. At first, these were scattered groups equipped with the simplest equipment. Later, the Main Center for Special and Operational Communications of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia was organized. Now one of the most important departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs has computers and modern technical equipment at its disposal. The process of exchanging operational information has been greatly simplified. This means that law enforcement has become more effective.

professional holiday,
Not simple - original:
Communication services of the Ministry of Internal Affairs!
We celebrate this day:
And, of course, congratulations
And we wish all communication workers:
So that it is always on the air - clean,
To have less work
Communication, at times, did not fail,
Though the sound is from afar...
And the salary is high!

On the Day of the Communications Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - congratulations to all signalmen,
As well as all the technical specialists with her,
So that the connection is good in any conditions
And in the city, and in the field, and in military conflicts.

Efficiency of communication and accuracy of information -
The success of the operation sometimes depends on them,
And if someone suddenly encroaches on the secrets,
Protecting information is a common job.

Signalers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
The holiday is now celebrated.
This is an occasion to
Freelance Sabantuy.

I wish everyone happiness
services interesting,
Let from relatives and friends
The house will be tight.

Happy communication service day of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
We congratulate our employees
Their work is always important
We highly respect their work.
We wish them great victories
At the service of new achievements,
Good luck, joy in the family,
All the best and every achievement!

On this day, a service was created,
Communications Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs,
Congratulations to all of Russia,
Lucky our country!

Vigilance and success
I hasten to wish friends
All success and health,
Prosperity and goodness!

All signalmen of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
The holiday is celebrated.
To you, worthy guys,
I wish you happiness.

May dreams come true
May you always be lucky in everything.
I wish you health
Never know adversity.

Communication service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs
Celebrates birthday today.
I wish her to always be on top,
Obediently fulfilling duty.

I sincerely congratulate you
You are a wonderful employee.
Let good luck surround,
Let your world be clear.

On the day of the creation of the communication service
Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
You - the absence of occasions,
Only happiness, strength!

Always be in the know -
With you it's easy
Keep your hand on the pulse!
Peace and growth to you!

Any subdivision of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia transmits information via communication channels. Often it is especially important and secret. Therefore, it becomes an important task to protect it from criminal encroachments by coding, archiving and setting passwords. This professional holiday is dedicated to the Russian signalmen of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, who not only at world competitions repeatedly prove their professionalism in the field of accurate information provision, but also in everyday work, and also contribute to the fight against crime, to maintaining law and order and developing the state. .

Who is celebrating

The day of the creation of the communication service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia 2020 is traditionally celebrated not only by signalmen, but also by all technical specialists who are related to this unit.

history of the holiday

On December 10, 1949, the Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Soviet Union ratified Order No. 785 "On the organization of a commission for the acceptance of fixed structures of the Automatic Telephone Exchange of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR." This document became the starting point in the formation of the communication service, and the day of its publication was subsequently chosen as the date of celebration. Over the next 50 years, individual groups were united into units, then into the Central Operational Communications Center, and later - into the Main Center for Special and Operational Communications. And only in 1999, taking into account the need to spread traditions and experience, preserve history, this day was officially established.

About the profession

Many people believe that the specialists of the communications service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation only transmit and receive information while sitting at their workplace. Few people know that they also participate in military conflicts and maintain law and order in cities and villages. Their task is to organize communication channels in any conditions and accurately convey the necessary information.

In addition to special technical education, they should know communication equipment and be interested in new developments in this area.

Prior to the approval of the date of December 10, the signalmen of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation held celebrations on May 7, on Radio Day.

Until 1957, the police did not have radio communications.

In 1964, the communications service was merged with forensics. Despite the fact that this structure was considered unsuccessful, it lasted until September 1981.

In April 1962, the first departments, departments, opera equipment and communications groups, no more than 12 people in number, were created in the regional regional, republican Ministry of Internal Affairs. The staff was recruited from civilians and employees who passed certification. They were mainly electromechanics and maintenance technicians for automatic telephone exchanges and radio facilities.

The means used in the work of the communication service are not a secret for a large circle of people. All information is available in the thematic collection "Communications and Automation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia", which consists of materials provided by the Ministry, as well as organizations supplying products for its needs.
