Dear colleagues, happy new year in prose. Beautiful New Year's greetings

Happy New Year, Dear colleagues! Let our dreams come true and all tasks set can be easily solved. Let difficulties bypass our friendly team, and let the career ladder become a runway. I wish you success and prosperity in our common cause. Peace, warmth and comfort in your homes.

May the next year bring prosperity and success to each of us, give new brilliant ideas and help bring them to life. May peace and mutual understanding reign in our families, and the love of loved ones with an unchanging hot flame will warm at any moment. We wish each other professional growth, optimism and self-confidence!

Let old year remembered with a smile, and the new one will bring many pleasant moments! Let difficulties be rare, and life goes well and easily. Let the work in the new year be a joy and unite our team even more! Happy New Year!

Dear colleagues, I congratulate you on the New Year! I wish you new creative plans, achievement of your goals, new achievements, interesting projects, mutual respect in the team, always feel the reliable shoulder of a colleague and, of course, material wealth!

Doubled energy for building a career in the coming year! It is a pleasure to go to work every morning and return home with a feeling of a successful day. Families - health, salary - growth, tasks - understandable, goals - achievable. Happy New Year, colleagues!

Dear colleagues, it's time to celebrate the new year! May it become happy, successful and successful for everyone! I wish you to multiply the results in your work, but otherwise do not have any problems and troubles!

Colleagues, I wish you a successful new year professionally and unforgettable in your personal life! May happiness, love and great wealth come to your homes. Let all the accumulated problems be resolved safely, and let getting rid of them bring big dividends! Clear horizons for you, many new peaks and enough strength to conquer them!

Congratulations, dear colleagues! Let New Year will be rich in promotions, bonuses, high salaries, days off, vacations and poor in checks, layoffs, routine and extracurricular work. May it bring to everyone what he wishes, and to all of us prosperity, personal and career growth, enthusiasm and optimism!

Colleagues, Happy New Year! I wish that our friendly team will always remain like this, so that in full force we will celebrate more than one holiday. I wish you all new steps up the career ladder and only forward, health, love, good luck and more wonderful moments in the New Year!

Dear and dear colleagues, I sincerely congratulate you on the New Year. I wish you high and rapid growth in your career, great and indestructible success in work, honest and fruitful cooperation, understanding and respect in the team, prosperity and well-being at home, New Year's happiness and true love in your personal life.

Congratulations and I'm really happy for you. Immutable well-being, both in business and in the family. You, so purposeful and energetic, will succeed in everything and even a little more. Keep it up, colleague!

May you be appreciated in the New Year for the quality of your work, give you an award for innovation, equip your desk with a new computer, fire your old secretary and find a new, younger and more attractive one who will brew coffee the way you like and don't forget to remind you of important meetings!

How many times we helped each other out, how many times we helped each other cope with the most extraordinary assignments of the authorities, and I would like everything to be the same in the future, only a little better! Happy New Year!

Accept New Year's greetings
And wishes of happiness and love.
In the next year, more patience for you,
May good luck fill your days.
Honest, smart and reliable partners,
Do not deviate from the right path.
Profitable contracts, and more is better,
And to the goal to come!

On New Year's Eve, I want to say that you and I, dear colleagues, have something to be proud of! We have done a great job this year, we have achieved a lot, and we want to believe that even greater success lies ahead of us! I wish you more happiness, love and health in the New Year!

Today I wholeheartedly congratulate my colleagues on the New Year, who have also become my good friends and acquaintances! May the coming year be better than the previous one for each of you, fulfill your dreams and generously endow you with love, good luck and good health!

At this happy hour, I congratulate the team on the New Year, in whose friendly, bright atmosphere I would like to work for more than one day! May this year turn out to be fateful for you, dear colleagues, may it make you truly happy, give you love and fulfill all your dreams!

Without your much-needed work, our entire department would come to a standstill. Your reports are painstaking and accurate. We wish that in the New Year you give rest to your head, relax, forget about work problems, allow yourself to be carried away by the general fun and favorably accept our gifts!

The clock has struck midnight, which means it's time to accept congratulations! And I also congratulate you on the New Year, and wish you to find own secret success, so that your plans come true as if by themselves, easily and joyfully! That's why he and the New Year, happy colleague!

How many times we helped each other out, how many times we helped each other cope with the most extraordinary assignments of the authorities, and I would like everything to be the same in the future, only a little better! Happy New Year colleague

I want to ring New Year's glasses wish you, as my colleague, all the best: successful work, increase your capital, and many foreign trips. And also good luck in your personal life, good mood and good health for the whole year!

New Year - best time for fun. In order to return to work with renewed vigor, you need to properly relax on New Year's weekend. Therefore, I wish you to spend this time as best as possible, so that joy and enthusiasm do not leave you throughout the whole year. Happy New Year colleague!

In the New Year, colleague, I want to wish you what is always lacking, namely time. Let it be plastic: it stretches when you urgently need to finish the work or shrinks when you want to go home as soon as possible. Happy New Year!

I want to wish you a calm and pleasant everyday life, a cheerful and eventful weekend in the New Year. Let the working days fly by at the speed of light, and let the rest last forever and in complete bliss. Happy New Year!

May Santa Claus bring you many different successes under the Christmas tree: success in work (in a green wrapper), success in finance (in a red box), success in friendship (in transparent bag) and success in love (in a golden box). Happy New Year, colleague!

I am glad that we are working together, that I can always count on your support and mutual assistance. I wish you to strengthen your professionalism in the New Year, raise your salary, and master new skills! Happy New Year, colleague!

Let the beautiful bright holiday, which we all call the New Year, will give you everything you can dream of. Let the work bring you only joy, and not be a burden, good health, and all feelings sincere! I congratulate you colleagues on the New Year!

Colleague, let every day be joyful and happy!
A contagious smile often appears on the face, again bring
pleasure little joys and big holidays in life!

The most beloved national holiday is approaching
- New Year. I want to wish you health in your families, happiness
and smiles on your faces and a tight wallet in your pockets.
May this wish come true on the first day of the New Year.

Each of us has often found ourselves in an unpleasant situation: the turn to proclaim a toast comes when everything has already been said. And we begin to repeat ourselves or say something inconsequential. Below are New Year's, absolutely original, not beaten toasts for the proclamation in the production team, which can be confidently used even at the very end of the evening.

Happy New Year greetings to colleagues in prose

– At this festively laid table, many toasts were uttered to the prosperity of our company. I propose to drink so that in the turmoil of production we do not lose our human feelings. For us, for kind-hearted people who do great things!

– Meeting the New Year, we always hope that it will be more successful and happier than the previous one. Let's drink to the fact that in the New Year the desired successes will replace the failures, the defeats will be replaced by great victories, and the place of failures will be taken by significant successes!

- New Year means new hopes, fresh plans, latest ideas! So let's drink to the fact that all our long-standing hopes and aspirations will take on true shape, plans will turn into deeds, and ideas will become a reality! For our happy future!

- A well-known fact: we spend more than half of our lives at work, and in the remaining half we think about it. So let's drink to the fact that the time spent at work brings material satisfaction, and thoughts about it - moral!

- They say that a person is happy when he goes to work with great pleasure and returns home after work with no less joy. I propose a toast to the fact that in the New Year this axiom will fully and entirely concern each of those sitting at this festive table!

- Industrial activity keeps a person in good shape, makes life versatile and filled with meaning. Therefore, when a person is left without a job, he succumbs to tangible moral and material suffering. Let's raise our glasses and drink to the fact that we are always in good shape, live an interesting and meaningful life!

- A team is a group of people working in the same organization or in the same enterprise. But our team is not only people united by joint activities. These are like-minded people soldered by one idea, one goal. I propose to raise glasses to ensure that this soldering is stronger than any weld!

- We have gathered at today's festive table to see off the outgoing and celebrate the New Year. So let's say to the outgoing year "Thank you, and have a safe journey!", And to the new one - "Welcome!".

» Happy New Year greetings to colleagues in your own words

Congratulations on the new year 2017 to colleagues in prose in your own words

Beautiful, solemn words of congratulations on the new year 2017 to employees prose, original speech for New Year's corporate party in the office, the team at work, comic wishes from the heart in prose, dedicated to colleagues, the text in your own words with NG.

Dear Colleagues!

May the new year bring many bright moments, positive emotions, vivid impressions, sincere smiles, pleasant surprises and fill every day with joy and happiness!

Let the symbol of the coming year give its ability to work and endurance, which will help in climbing the career ladder and lead to such dizzying successes that enemies will not be able to even say a word in surprise, friends will rejoice, and loved ones will cry with joy.

Happy New Year to all of you!

My beloved friends.

Let the symbol of the year bring good luck and leave it as a gift at your door, and snow blizzards will pick up last year's sorrows and rush them far beyond the horizon, leaving you and your loved ones in a good mood and good health to celebrate the New Year at a large festive table full of delicious dishes and drinks.

Happy New Year 2017! I wish you happiness and many unique, joyful and bright events in the new year!

Dear colleagues!

I wish you a salary increase and career growth in the new year, good luck in business, ease in resolving any issues, respect from colleagues and superiors, uninterrupted operation of equipment, good profit in a bank account, understanding of loved ones, peace and goodness in the house, fabulous rest, necessary purchases, more time for leisure and hobbies, bright and different impressions, a lot of positive emotions, strength and patience so that there is enough for everything ...

And may everything that happens in life bring joy and inspire new feats.

I wish you to be stylish and strong in the new year.

Let this bring good luck and success in all endeavors, and next year, prizes and bonuses are more likely to await, work is going according to the planned schedule, without disruptions and rush jobs, and the weekend will be filled with communication with the dearest and closest people.

I congratulate you, my dears, on the new 2017!

I wish life to be rich, slightly dizzying, bright, easy and happy.

Dear my colleagues!

I am very glad to raise a glass today, with you. It is a pleasure for me to work in this team, to meet you every morning and smile at you, even if sometimes the most difficult problems and deeds await us in the hustle and bustle of days. We all strive towards the same goal - to work well and earn well.

Let next year will bring you moral and monetary satisfaction, may peace and happiness take root in your homes!

My most my sincere congratulations your family members who support you every day. Be happy, be kind to each other, let every day become bright and joyful for you!

Happy New Year!

My dear colleagues, friends, comrades!

May the bright New Year be kinder and better for you all. May your hearts be filled with the expectation of a miracle and light, may peace and joy reign in your families, and prosperity and prosperity reign in your homes. The main thing is to love each other, help each other, because mutual assistance is the most important thing.

Not everything went well for us last year, so let's wish ourselves and everyone around only success, then everything will work out for us, because the shoulder of a friend is ready to come to the rescue in the most difficult moments.

This New Year will be the starting point for Holy holiday joy, and at midnight, make your most cherished wish - and it will certainly come true, I assure you.

I congratulate you all, my dears, on the new year 2017!

Happy New Year greetings to the team in your own words

Official congratulations on the New Year to the team in prose
Happy New Year to our valiant and close-knit team! May each of us receive in it everything that he desires, what he secretly dreamed about and saw in his best dreams! Let all the tasks set in the New Year be completed on time, with maximum profit and with a great mood! "Congratulate colleagues in prose"
Let the bubbles of New Year's champagne provide you with material well-being, and the New Year's Chimes will begin the countdown of the best time in life. Happy New Year greetings to a colleague in prose
Colleague, you are so passionate about work that you do not notice the approach of the New Year. Take a break from everyday worries and think about delicious tangerines, sparklers and champagne bubbles. Of course, new victories, professional growth and a “beautiful” salary await you, but that will come later. In the meantime, enjoy the upcoming fun and relaxation! "Words of congratulations on the New Year to colleagues in prose"
Dear colleagues, I congratulate you on the upcoming New Year. Thank you for your support and understanding, help in difficult situations. I wish you success in all your endeavors, good health, more sunny joyful days. May happiness, love and care surround you, and sorrows and problems bypass. Short congratulations to a colleague in prose
In the New Year, I sincerely wish you to light sparklers with sparks of fun and joy, and fill your glasses with happiness so that your soul suffices until next year! "The text of congratulations on the New Year to a colleague in prose"
Here is the New Year again, so long-awaited, full of hope! May he bring with him a lot of fluffy snow and bright sun, new meetings with wonderful people and new achievements, making sure to keep all the good things that happened in the old year. Happy New Year greetings to a colleague in a nutshell
If you are waiting for a miracle, then let it come true in the New Year, and if you do not wait, then let it come to you unexpectedly. "Various New Year's greetings to colleagues in prose"
May the year be as bright as the garland on the New Year tree, and the wish made under the chiming clock will surely come true!

New Year's greetings 2018 in prose - congratulations in your own words

Happy New Year, with new beginnings and new successes. I wish you New Year's joy and an unpredictable miracle, a magical story and bright, funny moments. May the New Year bring bright hope and great strength, fulfill all good wishes and bring happiness to your home.

Happy New Year with a new happiness! May the year be the most successful and the kindest of all the previous ones. May it bring joy and smiles to faces, erase and correct all the failures of this year. I wish everyone happiness, luck, prosperity this year, and may this year become a year of hopes and expectations that come true.

Happy New Year! Good luck, material well-being, a lot of warmth and light, fullness of colors in vivid impressions, pleasant moments, exciting travels, health, love, beauty and success!

I congratulate you on the New Year and wish it to be for you, of course, successful, without any doubt, lucky, incredibly happy. Let everything bad and sad remain in the past year, and the new one will bring only joy, health, happiness and love.

I want to wish you a Happy New Year! May the year bring you and your loved ones good health and good mood. I really want all the problems in the old year to remain, and the new year will come with new opportunities. Let flowers always bloom in your soul, and your eyes - if they cry, then only from happiness!

Happy New Year! I wish the coming year to bring us all as many radiant and positive moments as possible! New achievements and unprecedented heights! Let every day be filled with pleasure, smiles of loved ones and good health! I would also like to wish every moment to be joyful and unique!

May life play with all colors in the new year, like confetti, dreams come true, smiles shine on faces, eyes sparkle with happiness! Let it be in the soul more good! Health, love, mutual understanding, joy, prosperity, travel, impressions and only good events. May the New Year bring only the best!

I wish you a fabulous mood in the new year, a million smiles, so that only true friends are around, so that all dreams come true. Let native people give only joy, and failures bypass. I also wish you peace, kindness, health and happiness, because this is the most important thing. Happy New Year!

With all my heart I would like to congratulate you on the New Year! May all the worst and saddest things remain in the outgoing year, and the next year be filled with only warm and heart-warming events. I wish that in the new year all your dreams come true, and all the most secret desires come true.

Happy New Year everyone! This new year is sure to be the best! Let it happen in it, what you have dreamed of for so long, what you could not achieve. Let happiness, joy and love flow like a river. I wish even the most ordinary day for you to become bright and unforgettable!

Happy New Year greetings to colleagues

Let the problems go away
With them - pain and hopelessness!
Together with happiness at the gate,
We are knocking - New Year!
New plans, ideas,
Reaching a new goal!
Many different achievements
Only smart decisions!
And you have big income
Good working days!
Home - joy, warmth,
Lots of good stuff!

We wish so much
What can not be counted:
Peace, blue skies
Do everything and take everything into account.

New Year's Eve with crispy snow
Knocked softly on the door
May it be easy for you
No damage or loss.

Happiness, good health,
He will bring you with him.
Only good surprises
Let fate bring.

Happy New Year!
And we want to tell you:
It's a pleasure to work with you
And it's nice to relax!

The tree lights up
And the champagne sparkles.
A year has passed successfully by us,
Page turned.
Let, colleagues, the coming year
Will be rich in gifts.
Daily bread will become light,
Life is rich and stable.

Friends, colleagues, Happy New Year!
Our warm, glorious team
Boils, boils and kolobrodit,
Decorated a huge Christmas tree
Having set the tables, opened the bottles.
We worked hard all year long.
Hurry up the olive with a fork,
Throw a sandwich on a plate!

May this glorious New Year
Health, happiness will bring,
Let everything be in order at work,
Let the storms pass by.
Meet the new year in fun,
But don't forget about us!

A hurricane of emotions and a storm of sensations,
And another tornado of pleasant impressions
I wish you to experience this frosty night,
And forget about stress and formidable bosses.

You will return to your documents later,
And you will quickly understand them very quickly.
And now a feast, and friends, acquaintances ...
Happy New Year! Let the holidays be carefree!

May the New Year bring stability
Growing income, salary bonuses.
Let everything be a bundle at your house,
And at work - just in chocolate.

I wish you all happiness and love,
Champagne sparkling in a glass.
Wishes for you to make
And so that they all become a reality.

I wish you a Happy New Year
Everyone who works with me!
Let the service be sweet honey
And our department is a swarm of bees!
Let there be a climate in the team,
Like in the Canary Islands
On a common initiative
Progress in everything, success in business!

My talented, kind colleagues
Always helpful and giving advice.
And in the New Year we have many privileges
The authorities will give, handing a present on the eve

Let's celebrate the New Year beautifully and on a grand scale,
Congratulations, we wish each other not to get sick.
Colleagues of labor let them not know fear,
May you never have to regret anything in life.

Happy New Year! With new happiness!
Away with worries, away with bad weather!
I, a colleague, know for sure!
And I promise you

That the career will go up
What luck awaits in business
That great success will come
New Year brings it!

Colleague, I congratulate you,
Let work be only a joy
And I wish you this time
To know that clear sweetness

that life brings us
which she gives us
May you be lucky in all matters
May God bless you with health.

Colleagues, may you have a New Year
Will bring light work.
To get everything done quickly
No hassle and no hassle.

The boss is always kind
Let it be ours, and fair.
The coming year brings success
It will be fun and happy.

For growth and expansion
For the speedy implementation
For our friendly team
You need to raise your glasses!

Dear colleague, the New Year is coming soon,
So let's move forward together.
So that our work always argues,
And sometimes the boss was not strict.
Let's drink a glass, celebrate the New Year,
May this year be successful for us.
Let the career not go uphill - it runs,
This year is going to be a good one!

Happy New Year
Dear colleagues!
Let it take away all adversity
This last year's snow.
Let your favorite work
You will always be happy
Only pleasant worries
You for many years!
Let the stars shine brighter for you
Lighting the way for life.
And let the family love it hotter
So, to drown in happiness!

There is a lot of snow outside the window,
A whirlwind then flew, then verse ...
Happy New Year, colleague!
We dedicate this verse to you.
A poem about how hard it is for you
Validate the class
But with your deed, word
Supported us many times!
Let no evil accumulate on you for a year,
Let's say "no" to adversity!
May your invaluable experience
Turns into the sound of coins!

Everything in the world needs to be experienced
Every finish is also a start.
On New Year's Eve we are happy to propose a toast
For luck, courage and passion!

New Year is already rushing to us -
So let's put aside everything
May all the best happen
What fate has in store for us!

I congratulate you, colleagues,
May you always be lucky in everything
Happiness, joy, victories to you
For the whole next year!

Let a merry New Year
He will come to you with a lot of joys,
And let him bring with him
Friends, health, life take off.
Let work be passion
The family is the rest of the soul,
And let all bad weather disappear
And all the cool turns.

Dear colleagues,
You have become like family to me
And on New Year's Eve
I hasten to congratulate you!

Wish you inspiration
Prosperity and luck.
May our glorious team
Do not touch the negative!

We are related in common cause,
We became one
And everywhere, and everywhere
We will be on top!

May good luck accompany
Problems solved in an instant
Let us this New Year
The sea of ​​happiness will bring!

Colleagues guys
Happy New Year to all of you,
Let the salary grow
We are in full swing

Good luck in job,
career moves,
All worries will be gone
Let's hurry up!

Congratulations, colleagues!
The ship enters the harbor -
Stylish white New Year!
What needs to be acknowledged?
We live warmly and friendly,
A strong team grows
Forbidding drunkenness on weekdays!
But today we are in a circle
Let's drink, wishing each other:
Let the new year pass
No storms or bad weather!

With you we have a common work,
You and I have different worries,
But you can forget about worries -
Today is a holiday, and I want to wish you:
Move forward up the career ladder
And get up to work, not sparing your feet.
And you have a smile on your face, I guess
When you read this, congratulations.

I want to congratulate my colleague!
Happy holiday - New Year!
Let luck accompany
Now the time has come! Twelve strikes!
What a joyful time
When gifts from the heart
When you don't need to rush
And we are not in a hurry.
When we congratulate each other
And we wish you happiness, joy
When the champagne is open
And all the bad things are forgotten.

Colleagues, dear!
The New Year has arrived!
Let the holidays dashing
They will spin in a round dance!
Let's raise our glasses up,
For the winter, ice..
And with a pure heart we will accept
A lot of perks from the boss!
magic walk
Let it enter every house!
And this is the state
May eternity not pass!

New Year is a fairy tale holiday!
New Year is joy and laughter!
(Name of organization) today
Happy Holidays to everyone!
Health to all and happiness to the sea,
Do not know trouble for you and no grief!
And at work so that you
Everything was just top class!

Happy New Year to you, colleague
Congratulations with all my heart!
In the house - sunny weather,
And at work, let sometimes

The sun also shines
Career path, be lucky
And luck awaits
And great happiness awaits!

Colleagues, we sincerely congratulate you
Happy New Year's Eve!
We wish you success, joy,
May your home be filled with happiness!
May peace, prosperity, good luck
Accompany on the journey of life.
Let it be happy - and never otherwise,
Your mornings, nights, days pass.

New Year's joy
The moment is coming
Champagne and sweets -
The best present for everyone.

Everyone believes in the best
We are all waiting for a miracle
What's in prosperity
We'll live happily.

May you, colleagues,
All dreams will come true
And, as if from snow,
The days will become brighter.

Bright holiday New Year
Dropped into our office
All the people revived:
Beginners and pros.

I wish from the bottom of my heart
Happiness to all colleagues,
Let it come into your life
The joy of pure snow.

Full success to all
In life and work
And all that,
What are you waiting for.

To all colleagues at work,
I wish you a New Year
Vacation - like the deputies,
And the State Duma income!
Never to get sick
Head off work!
And from a generous boss,
Hear kind words!
To work is like a holiday
Happy to walk
Know that you are irreplaceable
And what would she not be without you!

It's nice to work in such a team
Where friendship and help will always be in force,
Where the joy of communication will replace the scandal,
How lucky I was with the work, I did not even know.

I hasten to congratulate you, I, Happy New Year.
May we be friends for a long time.
I wish you the sun under the sky!
Success, money and health.

Happiness, kindness, mind,
A colleague would like to wish
So that in life you are everything yourself
Always strive to achieve!

May this New Year
You will be taught to be wise
Good and happiness will bring!
I want to sincerely love!

We have worked hard with you
All year, as if they were at war.
And some results have been achieved,
We have deserved Sabantuy already.
So I wish you, my colleagues,
I am happy in the coming year,
Let there be planned successes
In work, relationships and love.

Colleagues! How many hours
We serve together!
And the time of joint work -
reliable pledge of our friendship!
I wish you all a Happy New Year
So that your dreams come true
so that at home there was a rear and a stronghold,
from happiness eyes to laugh.
I wish you success in your work
And I ask you to drink for it!

Happy New Year, colleagues, friends,
This year we have not worked in vain,
He brought us good shoots,
So let's forget the troubles.

Let's step into the New Year with a pure heart,
Let's say wishes
May it be calm, stable,
And in finance always abundant!

The windows sparkle colorfully
After all, soon the new year will come.
How sweet is the smell of tangerines,
And everyone is just waiting for a miracle.

That everything will not be the same as before,
What a generous new year
A glass of champagne with hope
We drink to life without worries!

I congratulate you, colleagues,
Health, happiness and love.
May the star of success shine on you
All Way!

New Year - I congratulate
From the heart of my colleagues,
To sorrows, sorrows
Powdered white snow.

So that this year you boldly
We were able to face difficulties
To brighten up the heart
To properly ignite!

Let New Year's Santa Claus
Will give you money convoy.
An increase in your salary,
Clock on a new dial.

You need a vacation of the right number,
With such work to live up to a hundred.
The boss so as not to offend
And if necessary, support.

Congratulations on the Year of the Rooster 2017 in your own words

Happy New Year, Happy Year of the Rooster. May good miracles and pleasant surprises happen to you in 2017. Let the brave bird fill the house with comfort, life with prosperity, and relationships with understanding. I wish you bright and colorful emotions, happy New Year's hopes and expectations, a brisk grip and invincible success.

Dear friends! Happy New Year, Year of the Rooster. May this year be as bright for you, as vociferous, good sense this word. I wish you great multi-colored happiness, success in all your endeavors, the fulfillment of all your, even the most forgotten, dreams. Let the wheel of fortune spin for you without interruption in the New Year.

Happy New Year, Happy Year of the Rooster. I wish you to find in 2017 the comfort of the soul and the joy of the heart, to allow miracles and a fairy tale to decorate your life. Let life in the new year be sweet, like a cockerel on a stick, let this year be colorful, cheerful and beautiful, like a kind and fiery Rooster.

Happy New Year! I sincerely want to wish that this new year will become an eraser for you and erase all past hardships. So that the year of the Rooster puts grains in your piggy bank of well-being and success. May this year become for you a year of fantastic meetings and grandiose undertakings. May your dream come true.

Happy New Year! Let the guardian of the year - the fiery Rooster - give energy and strength, a charge of vivacity and activity. Happiness in every family, prosperity, bliss, health and prosperity. Receive signs of attention, share feelings, rejoice, hold luck by the tail and enjoy life!

Happy New Year, Year of the Rooster! We wish the most desired and expected events to happen this year! Let life be colorful and colorful, delighting from day to day. happy holiday, good company, love, prosperity and great happiness!

Happy New Year, Happy New Year bright colors and true love, with a year of good miracles and prosperity. May the year 2017 of the Cockerel be successful and happy from its first days, may the heart sing loudly at dawn, may it be possible to achieve all desires and goals every day, may the warmth and tenderness of dear people please at sunset.

Congratulations, the colorful and lively Year of the Rooster is rushing towards us. I wish that in 2017 you will be surrounded by happiness and love, your family will be strong and healthy, your activities will bring success and prosperity, your mood will remain optimistic and cheerful, your luck will never turn away from you, and your desires will come true one by one. Happy New Year.

In the New Year, I would like to wish bright, like a Rooster, events, colorful impressions, brilliant successes. Let nothing prevent you from declaring yourself as confidently as the herald of the dawn does at dawn. Burning love, dizzying luck, good health. With the year of the elegant and catchy Rooster, with the holiday!

Happy New Year! I wish that all hardships dissolve along with the last minute of December, and the impatient and fiery rooster brought to your doorstep not only happiness, from which it will take your breath away, but also wealth - spiritual and material. So that relatives are healthy, and love dominates the heart!

Happy New Year SMS to colleagues

I want to wish you a Happy New Year, colleagues,
And wish you a lot of joy and happiness.
We have worked hard and well
The time has come to celebrate.
I wish you more inspiration
To enter the new year with readiness.
In matters of luck, joy, luck.
Do not be upset and do not be sad.
Meet the holiday in a wonderful mood,
So that he becomes the best in your memory,
And prosper, dear colleagues.
May the New Year bless us.

Happy New Year
You, colleagues and friends,
And I wish that we lived
Friendly, like one family.
Let luck be near
Together with us all year
The salary will increase
And let our income grow.
So that we are one team
We walked confidently forward.
The New Year is at the start
Gives good luck to everyone.

Colleagues, Happy New Year!
Let a friendly round dance
You are often surrounded
Love, luck, happiness!
Huge salaries for everyone
Growing and immodest
Success indecent
And a great vacation!

We wish so much
What can not be counted:
Peace, blue skies
Do everything and take everything into account.
New Year's Eve with crispy snow
Knocked softly on the door
May it be easy for you
No damage or loss.
Happiness, good health
He will bring you with him.
Only good surprises
Let fate bring.
Happy New Year
And we want to tell you:
It's a pleasure to work with you
And it's nice to relax!

Today is our working day
But the heart asks for celebration
After all, the hour of the magical night is near!
From happiness - around the head!
Best gifts to you, colleagues,
And money - a full wallet.
And be lucky forever
Get excited about life.
Work with eternal inspiration -
Run home at full speed.
Miracles are bright for you,
Good luck on all fronts!

All year we plowed for good reason,
So let's meet the New Year with "fumes"!
Reports closed on time
So you deserve a break!
We will dance together lambada,
We'll just sing until we drop.
Pour champagne into glasses
And we will overturn under the “blows”.
Let's eat, have fun
Let's sleep in two weeks!

Dear colleagues, Happy New Year
I wish you always go forward
Leaving behind everything that was bad,
Not expecting a new trick.
With hope - in the future, joyfully and boldly.
Let's continue our work with zeal
And we will work very devotedly,
Strive for new success with all your heart!
I wish the sky was clear
And your life is comfortable and beautiful.
In the soul - peace, conscience is always clear,
And in the heart - peace, love and kindness!

Happy New Year to you, friends,
Dear colleagues.
Santa Claus let gifts
Bring a cart.
May it grow and prosper
Dear our team,
Let our salary grow
All negativity will go away.
Let there be prosperity in families,
understanding, love,
Cup of kindness and happiness
Will be full to the brim.

We have a common job
It's a common concern.
The holiday is also for all of us.
Let success be with you.
Happy New Year to you, colleagues.
Never to get sick.
I wish you success
More joy and laughter.
To argue work
Only pleasant care
To wait for you in life
Life to be joyful.
Have fun on this holiday
And all kinds of gifts.
I sincerely wish everyone
I congratulate you, colleagues!

We have worked hard and will have a good rest.
We practically live at our work.
And on New Year's Eve I want to wish you
There are five salaries of millions and vacation pay per year.
I wish my colleagues more weekends,
Logically believing that there are very few of them,
Feasts and fun at noisy celebrations,
And mornings without a hangover, and clarity in the eyes!

Congratulations on the topic

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Wishes for the New
a year in prose

Happy New Year wishes in prose, congratulations on the upcoming year in prose, beautiful, cool, sms, send to mobile

Friends! Happy New Year!
We all know for sure that this is the brightest, most wonderful, mysterious, undoubtedly beloved, warm holiday! Everyone expects, hopes and believes in something different from the New Year. Therefore, I wish you in the coming year the fulfillment of desires! May all that most secret thing that each of us considers a blue dream come true!

Happy New Year wishes in prose to colleagues:

Colleagues! I want to wish you Happy New Year! I wish you the implementation of your plans, new interesting projects, cheerful corporate parties, condescending loyal bosses! May only pleasant surprises, great news, good luck and success await you in the New Year! Let colleagues, friends, loved ones and close people please you with their understanding and support, a reliable shoulder, a faithful hand. I wish you, your family, relatives and our entire team a festive mood, laughter, joy, no sorrows and worries! Let things go uphill and good luck with us!

Happy New Year wishes in prose to friends:

New Year, friends, resolutely enters the niches of the house! He walks with bold steps, so noisy, cheerful, smart, sonorous, with children's laughter, with songs about the Christmas tree, with kind Santa Claus! So may this coming year bring us only joyful news, may only bright events take place in it, may it be full of health, love and happiness! All the best to you, to us and to our families! Happy New Year!

Happy New Year wishes in prose:

Happy New Year!
May it bring joy and fun, smiles and good mood to all of us, make us beautiful and happy, kind and strong! Let everyone feel Christmas Miracle! May the wishes made in new year's eve! And your families live in abundance and prosperity!

I am writing you an SMS and I hope that it will be able to reach, break through overloaded mobile networks! I wish you good luck, health, happiness, new victories on the labor front in the New Year! May joy and good mood accompany you all year long! Take only the good with you in 2012, leave the bad behind. Believe in the best and let your dreams come true!

Happy New Year wishes in prose to friends:

Dear friends! A few more hours - and midnight will announce to us that another year has passed and a new one has come. We do not know anything about what the New Year will bring, however, we do not want to lift the veil of the future hidden from us. In the last hours of the old year, we think more about it than about the coming year, since all desires and hopes for the future are connected with what has already been lived and experienced. Let only good and pleasant memories of the old year remain in our memory, and this will allow us to boldly and joyfully look into the future.

Happy New Year wishes in prose to parents, family, friends:

Our festive New Year's table is full of treats. May all those sitting at this table in the New Year have no reason for sour smiles and bitter disappointment. And I wish you as many sweet moments and thrills as possible. Live with taste in the New Year and every day!

Congratulating each other on the New Year, we wish each other new happiness. But they say happy life no, there are only happy days. In that case, I wholeheartedly wish you 365 happy days in the coming year.

Happy New Year wishes in prose to friends, colleagues:

I hasten to say the most nice words in this new 2013! May your life be colorful, your home be hospitable, may luck and love be your faithful companions! The coming year of the Snake is considered a year of good luck, luck and a favorable influence on all aspects of life.

Happy New Year wishes in prose to a friend, colleague:

Let the New Year learn from the old only good things! I congratulate you and wish you the main thing - the fulfillment of desires! Because when a person has what he dreamed of, he is cheerful, cheerful, healthy! Happy New Year!

I wish you to stumble, fall and cry in the New Year ....
But they stumbled over money, fell into their arms, cried with happiness!

Happy New Year wishes in prose to a friend:

Girlfriend! Happy New Year! I wish you new adventures in the New Year... no, not in one place! I wish you new meetings, new promising acquaintances, new victories, impressions, achievements! Oh, I almost forgot, new big stores with even bigger sales! And so that your head does not hurt, how to buy everything you want, and how and on what to bring it all!

Happy New Year wishes in prose to family, friends:

Now, to the sound of the chiming clock, the whole country will make solemn speeches, toasts, congratulations, poetry and prose! And together with everyone I want to wish us all new good health, new happiness, new snow and new big salaries! But let friends remain old, faithful, kind and dearly loved! Let the conceived come true, even the most incredible and seemingly unrealizable. It's a night of miracles! May the New Year be better than ever!

Happy New Year wishes in prose to a friend, brother, colleague:

Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!
I have only one wish for you! But first, remember that usually everyone wishes each other? Of course happiness, good luck, light and joy, smiles and Have a good mood, of course, more money, visit the Caribbean, maybe even fly into space ... All this is wonderful, but I wish you one thing - health! This is the greatest value - not an empty phrase! May it be strong and never fail! Then, I am sure, the mood will be wonderful, and happiness will be complete, and all peaks will become achievable! Be healthy in the new year!

Happy New Year wishes in prose to friends:

Friends, here comes the New Year 2013!
And our hearts are filled with magical expectation of miracles! Everyone, certainly everyone, regardless of age, profession, gender - everyone believes in a miracle! Hopes that the New Year will be even better, even warmer, even happier! That's the way it should be. In these last New Year's Eve minutes, I wish you healthy optimism and faith in the best! Let's believe in good in any life situations and hope for tomorrow! Under the chiming clock, make a wish and let it come true. May our children be healthy, may the work be interesting and highly paid, may happiness settle in our homes! Happy New Year of the Snake!

Happy New Year wishes in prose to friends, colleagues, family:

I congratulate you on the upcoming! I want to wish you to throw away everything old and unnecessary before the New Year! This is the way it is done in many countries. Let us also throw away resentment and grief, lies and hatred, envy and self-interest, everything that is so embarrassing for ... But let's give the best that you can remember and imagine to a friend with smiles, not only on New Year's Eve, but all year long! Let this become our good tradition! Happy New Year!
