Dry skin in winter. Folk remedies and modern creams for dry skin in winter

Helpful Hints

Cold weather accompanied by low relative humidity has a damaging effect on our skin, which becomes excessively dry and begins to peel off. Dryness of the skin, with a prolonged lack of moisture, leads to itching, which is characterized by a condition known as cold itch (or winter itch).

In winter, as you know, the air is drier, and constant stay in dry heated rooms only exacerbates the drying process of the skin. Fortunately, there are many ways that help restore the necessary level of moisture in our skin.

Dr. Robin Gmyrek, Dermatologist and Director of the Skin and Laser Center at New York-Presbyterian Hospital at Columbia University Medical Center(NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital/Columbia University Medical Center) offers as many as ten ways after which your "crocodile" skin will become softer than the skin on the bottom of a baby!

1. Moisturize your skin daily (this also applies to men!) with special moisturizers that are better suited for this purpose than lotions for dry or normal skin. If you have sensitive skin, you should choose unscented moisturizers. It is necessary to apply the product to damp skin immediately after bathing, as the moisturizer will help to retain moisture on its surface.

2. Cleanse your skin , but don't be too fanatical about it. If it is regularly and excessively scrubbed with a washcloth, then you can remove all the natural moisturizers that are normally found on our skin.

It is enough to wash your face, hands, feet and those places where wrinkles are most often formed once a day. And if you shower every day, you don't have to use shower gels and soap every day.

3. Limit your use of hot water and soap! If you suffer from winter itching, take short, warm showers or baths using non-irritating, non-surfactant cleansers.

Immediately after bathing, apply a thick layer of moisturizing cream, which is gently rubbed into the body until it feels dry.

4. Humidify rooms as dry air literally draws moisture out of your skin. To increase the level of humidity in the room, ordinary room humidifiers are perfect. However, you should carefully monitor these devices, keeping them perfectly clean and changing the water according to the manufacturer's recommendations. This will help prevent mold and mildew.

5. Protect your skin from the wind. If everything is more or less clear with the protection of the skin in dry heated rooms, then you should also take care of it on the street. In particular, the skin must be protected from the winter wind without fail - fortunately, this is not difficult to do, since in winter we usually only have our hands and face open. In order to protect these parts of the body, it will be enough to apply a balm based on petroleum jelly or a special cosmetic wax to the hands and face (including lips).

6. Sudden hypothermia should be avoided , since low temperatures can cause inflammation of the skin and frostbite (people with certain skin types are especially susceptible to these phenomena). It is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible if you notice changes in skin color, for example, of the hands or feet after being in the cold, especially if there is pain or sores appear. If the pain is very severe, accompanied by loss of sensation in the fingers, it can almost certainly indicate severe frostbite.

7. Protect your skin from sun exposure! It must be remembered that the winter sun is no less dangerous for your skin than the summer sun. That is why, even in the coldest winter months, you should use sunscreen with an SPF of at least 15 (of course, if you spend a lot of time outside). Excessive prolonged exposure to the sun leads to premature skin aging and the development of skin cancer.

8. Avoid visiting tanning salons in winter , since artificial sunlight lamps always negatively affect your skin and increase the risk of skin cancer. If you definitely want to keep the characteristic summer skin darkness in winter, it makes sense to use self-tanning creams, but you need to choose those that are characterized by high moisturizing parameters (since self-tanning creams also dry out the skin).

9. Take vitamin D supplements. The fact is that in the summer months in our body, vitamin D is produced in large quantities due to daily exposure to sunlight. However, vitamin D levels decrease during the winter months. Taking supplements based on this substance will allow you to be absolutely sure that your body receives the required amount of vitamin D. all year round.

10. If you have problems, visit a dermatologist regularly. If you have dry skin that is constantly flaky and itchy, or if your skin periodically develops incomprehensible formations and redness, you need to undergo regular examinations with a skin specialist. Moreover, this should be done not only in the winter months, but throughout the year.

From November to March, one of the most common questions that experts face relates to caring for dry skin in winter. None of those who live are immune from this skin condition. According to the National Health Interview Survey (the USA) report, 81 million Americans claim to experience discomfort from dry, itchy, or flaky skin during the winter months.

Given the prevalence of the disease, also known as "winter itch", it is essential that health professionals be prepared to deal with this problem. Of course, giving clients advice on how to improve their dry skin condition is important, but in order to provide advice that will actually work, it is necessary to clearly understand the cause of this condition. What's more, by telling your customers about the reasons why they suffer from "winter itch", you can be sure that your visitors will diligently follow your recommendations in the future.


Environmental impact on the stratum corneum

In order for the stratum corneum of the skin to effectively protect the body, it must be elastic and flexible. This is only possible if the skin is well hydrated. Healthy skin is usually 20-35% water. Every day she loses about half a liter of water through the transepidermal route. It is a continuous process in which water leaves the body and enters the atmosphere through evaporation and diffusion. When air humidity drops sharply, as happens in cold weather, there is a sharp increase in moisture loss. Dry air draws moisture out of the skin. When the water content in the skin decreases to 10%, it begins to dry out, bringing discomfort with characteristic. As the amount of water in the skin has decreased, the production of natural moisturizing factors decreases and lipid levels drop, setting in motion a vicious cycle that is difficult to reverse.

Add to this process constant or prolonged exposure to irritants such as soap and hard water, and the situation is much worse. This exposure causes the acid mantle of the skin to break down, which further increases the rate of moisture loss through and lowers lipid levels. As a result, the skin becomes so dry that it can crack and become infected.

The less water and lipids in the skin to lubricate and protect the stratum corneum, the less the skin exfoliates properly. This leads to an excessive accumulation of dead cells on the surface of the skin and gives it a dull appearance. As a result, the overall health of the skin deteriorates. Skin can no longer heal itself. To address the discomfort caused by these factors, there are a variety of solutions that can be recommended by beauticians to help get rid of winter itching.


The main goal when caring for dry skin is to minimize discomfort. Lotions and moisturizers can provide temporary relief. However, contrary to popular belief, these cosmetical tools will not add moisture to the skin. They help restore the barrier function of the stratum corneum and soften cracks in the skin.

In winter, dry skin is best lubricated with a cream that is rich in moisturizing ingredients. These types of products tend to be heavier and are often advertised as night moisturizers. Regardless of the label, dry skin will benefit from applying them throughout the day. Remind clients that it is important to apply moisturizer every few hours. Alternative option is to use a moisturizing spray throughout the day.

Exfoliation is a necessary step in skin care all year round. Using, it can be carried out at home. This is an especially important step in skincare for people with dry skin. Remember that reduced water content and reduced lipid levels associated with dry skin can disrupt the normal process of shedding dead skin cells. Daily use of an effective peel will promote the proper process of skin cell renewal. As a result, the skin will have.

  • Reduce the frequency of acceptance water procedures and gradually lower the water temperature. This is an important step for those with dry skin, but should also be considered for those with normal skin. As mentioned earlier, water leaches the skin's natural moisturizing factors and affects lipid levels.
  • Avoid using harsh soaps and detergents, as well as frequent use of hand sanitizers. These agents break down the acid mantle of the skin, increasing the rate of moisture loss through the transepidermal pathway. Alcohol-free disinfectants and glycerin soap are recommended.
  • Use a cool humidifier in your home and office to maintain proper humidity levels. This will help the skin retain moisture by slowing down the rate of moisture loss through the transepidermal pathway.

A course of treatment

Most beauticians have a standard list effective recommendations in the fight against dry skin in winter and dry skin in general. Good to know

The condition of the epidermis depends not only on human health, but also on the climate in which it is constantly located. Cold winds, winter frosts, summer heat negatively affect the skin. Often the epidermis becomes overdried due to these factors. The skin dries especially in winter for those who live in a cold, arid climate - their skin itches until spring, remains rough. Therefore, it is important to know how to prevent the appearance of unpleasant symptoms and protect the skin from adverse weather and climatic conditions.

Why does the skin dry and itch in winter

If you do not take care of the skin correctly, then problems can arise with it.

The surface of the epidermis is protected by a special hydrolipid membrane (it consists of oils and water at the same time), which effectively protects against damage, overdrying and other adverse effects. It is important to take care of the epidermis so that its protective functions are well preserved. If this is not done, the hydrolipid membrane is damaged, microscopic cracks appear on the surface and keratinized particles accumulate in in large numbers. Microorganisms penetrate through these small lesions inside, causing rashes or other inflammatory processes.

Dry skin (or itching) may occur due to:

  1. hormonal disruptions;
  2. non-compliance with hygiene rules;
  3. dry air;
  4. low-quality synthetic clothing;
  5. weather conditions;
  6. the use of care products that exacerbate the problem;
  7. genetic predisposition;
  8. contact with icy or very hot water;
  9. the use of hair dryers, heaters, hard washcloths or towels;
  10. lack of vitamins, minerals;
  11. contact with aggressive surfactants.

Often, dry skin occurs precisely because of these factors: the winter season is not the original cause, but only exacerbates the problem.

Important. If there were no problems with the epidermis before winter, the cause of dryness, peeling or itching could be heating, cold, wind, or temperature changes. This can also be a prerequisite for exacerbation of skin diseases - for example, dermatitis or psoriasis.

Peeling skin can lead to conditions such as dermatitis and psoriasis.

How does dry skin occur in winter?

Symptoms of negative influence winter frost or dry climate on the skin are as follows:

  • tingling, burning, or itching;
  • decrease in the amount of moisture (can be fixed with special devices);
  • peeling of individual areas or completely on the whole body;
  • drying, contraction of the epidermis;
  • decrease in elasticity;
  • thinning, cracking of the surface.

Sometimes also the skin turns white in the cold. More often, such symptoms develop in those who do not wear gloves in winter, do not protect the surface of the epidermis with care products, or are allergic to cold.

When exposed to low temperatures, itching of the skin may be felt

What are the features of winter skin care

So that the skin does not become dry, and also stops itching,. First, it is important to adhere to the following sequence when leaving:

  1. cleansing;
  2. moisturizing;
  3. food/protection.

You can protect the epidermis from the cold by following these recommendations:

  • clean the surface with water-based products, not alcohol based 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening;
  • do not use cleansers in the morning on soap base, since they destroy the natural protective layer from the surface, making the epidermis susceptible to adverse environmental factors;
  • do not use when washing hot water- it is better to prefer a contrast shower;
  • do not use rough washcloths or towels;
  • use nourishing, as well as (in the evenings) moisturizers;
  • apply protective creams with vitamins based on oils;
  • use mechanical and chemical peels once every 1-2 weeks, especially in areas with rough, dry or rough skin.

In winter, the skin requires special care.

Winter skin care routine

Often dry skin in winter appears due to dehydration - when there is very little water in the body, this affects the condition of the epidermis. But if the amount of liquid you drink is optimal, you need to deliver moisture directly to the epidermis.

To do this, you can take warm baths for 15 minutes. It is better to do this not every day, but every 2-3 days. You should not wipe yourself dry at the end of the procedure, so as not to injure the epidermis, not to reduce the effect of the bath from dryness to nothing. After each bath, to consolidate the result, you can lubricate the entire surface of the epidermis with a moisturizer. You can use fatty creams or even vegetable oils for the same purpose. pure form. In order not to overdry the skin, it is better to use fatty soaps based on oils, do not lather every time you take a shower.

During the heating period, if the skin dries, it is advisable to turn on the humidifier, as the air in the room becomes dry due to the batteries. It is also worth ventilating the room more often, sometimes turning off the heating. Cool air will help relieve the discomfort of dryness and itching (especially if the skin has turned white or is already bursting).

On a note. Most effective method getting rid of dryness in winter - a visit to a beauty salon. Dermatologists or cosmetologists will pick up home care for the face and body, and also recommend chickens salon procedures, which will help eliminate peeling, dryness of the epidermis.

Elimination of winter dry skin

Before you eliminate dryness and itching, you need to decide what causes it. A dermatologist or cosmetologist can help with this.

Drug and care elimination of dryness and itching

Medications to help relieve dry skin

If your skin is dry and itchy in winter due to an allergy to frost, your doctor may prescribe antihistamines or sedatives for itching. Such drugs block the individual reaction, from which the epidermis returns to normal on its own. Diazolin or Phencarol are often prescribed.

In some cases, dryness throughout the body can be caused by hormonal causes - then drugs are prescribed that normalize the hormonal background of the body.

Often, treatment includes vitamin complexes to compensate for the lack of useful substances - for example, Vitrum or Alphabet. Sometimes it is useful to drink a course of flaxseed oil or fish oil.

Other drugs are prescribed depending on what pathology is found in the body - for example, dryness may be due to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or liver.

If there are no health problems, and the skin dries out only due to frost, you can start using pharmacy soothing lotions, creams, shower gels. It is better not to interrupt such care for a long time, using the necessary funds all year round. If this is not possible, you need to start using them with the first cold weather. It is better to give preference to fatty creams with natural oils shea, cocoa, etc. It is better to refuse products based on mineral oil or petroleum jelly.

Folk remedies

Avocado mask is very beneficial for the skin in winter.

Some alternative medicine recipes also help to solve the problem of dryness, peeling, itching. Masks should be applied to cleansed, dry skin of the face in winter, and after washing off the product, apply a cream. Preferably coursework.

  1. Beat an egg, add a tablespoon of honey with a quarter tablespoon of coconut oil. The mixture must be insisted overnight in a closed jar. In the morning, the mask is applied for 20 minutes on a cleansed face.
  2. Mash the pulp of half an avocado, mix with beaten egg white, a teaspoon of vegetable oil and vinegar. Apply for 20 minutes.
  3. Mix a tablespoon of oatmeal, honey, olive oil, raw yolk. Keep on face for 15 minutes.
  4. Mix a teaspoon of cottage cheese, carrot juice, milk, vegetable oil. Wash off after 15 minutes.
  5. Mix a tablespoon of cream with a spoonful of fresh cucumber juice, add the same amount of rose water, apply on face for 20 minutes.

You can apply all these mixtures not only on the face, but also on the neck.

Diet for dry skin

To keep your skin moisturized even in winter, you need to eat right. To do this, you need to monitor the intake of a sufficient amount of vitamins in the body. Among the most important:

  • vitamins C, E prevent the effects of toxins on the epidermis, are present in citrus fruits, currants, sea buckthorn, oil, nuts;
  • vitamin B protects the epidermis from micro-injuries; found in the liver, carrots, dairy products.

Without vitamins and minerals, the risk of psoriasis, dermatitis or eczema increases. The skin cracks as it becomes less protected in the winter season. That is why it is important to eat fully - to include animal products (meat, fish, liver, kidneys, eggs) and vegetable (citrus fruits, apples, currants, oranges, bananas) in the diet. You can drink multivitamin complexes.

In winter, you should carefully monitor your diet so that it includes all the necessary vitamins and minerals.

Prevention of winter dry skin

To prevent itching and peeling, you can follow these rules:

  1. avoid hypothermia, monitor immunity;
  2. ensure that the body receives enough vitamins and minerals;
  3. choose a complete complex of skin care that prevents the impact of adverse environmental factors;
  4. less use of heaters, hair dryer;
  5. ventilate rooms, use humidifiers.

Dry skin in winter can be eliminated. The main thing is to find the exact reason why the epidermis flakes and itches. Most often in winter, the epidermis is negatively affected by temperature changes, frost, dry indoor air. Therefore, it is necessary to protect open areas of the body from frost, use protective creams and air humidifiers.

Have you ever wondered why we constantly scratch our skin? may be due to several reasons.

Why does the skin itch?

The skin is the largest organ of our body. The skin is constantly exposed to many external factors. Just like other organs, the skin has its own defense mechanisms that help it warn the body of a threat and protect itself from it.

which we sometimes experience, it's just a signal of danger that our body sends us.

But what can threaten our skin? Many external irritants: dust, contact with hair and clothing, insects, sweat, fragments of leaves and flowers. All this awakens skin receptors that send an alarm signal to the brain, which makes us itchy. And we start scratching ...

When we comb the skin, it seems to us that it becomes easier. But the problem is that this way you can aggravate your condition. Especially if the dirt from the nails or fingers gets under the skin or we put too much pressure on it. If itchy skin gets worse or hurts, it could be the result of an allergic reaction. There are also psychological causes of itching: nervousness, anxiety and.

Skin itching and the most common causes:

  • lack of moisture
  • Psoriasis
  • excessive sweating
  • Improper hygiene
  • Irritation
  • Use of harsh chemicals
  • Insect bites
  • Ticks and other microorganisms
  • Stress
  • Nerves
  • Anxiety
  • Side effects from medications
  • Exposure to low temperatures

Various studies claim that there are neutrons in the brain with a special function: they give a signal when something hits our skin and could potentially harm us.

In 2007, a group of researchers at the University of Washington in the United States discovered that there are nerve cells, which are associated only with the control of sensations of itching. A study by a biologist, psychiatrist and anesthetist published in the journal Science.

The stimuli that are associated with itching are controlled by nerve fibers that are located just under the skin throughout the body. They send a signal to the brain through the spinal cord. Then the neurons let us know that "someone is biting" us. Thanks to these same nerve endings, we understand that we feel pain.

To scratch or not to scratch?

When we scratch the skin, we are simply reacting to a strong stimulus. This unconscious signal indicates that the skin is irritated. When we comb it, we experience relief. On the other hand, after that, the itching can become even stronger.

When we scratch the skin to get rid of the terrible feeling of itching, we touch a wider area on the skin, because of which it becomes even more inflamed and the area of ​​itching increases.

When we cough or sneeze, we are responding to an impulse that we cannot control. That is why it is useful to understand what factors cause your skin to itch and how you can neutralize their influence.

In a study at Wake Forest University (North Carolina, USA), scientists conducted magnetic resonance imaging to understand what happens to the brain when we scratch. Participants had to use the brush to scratch their leg for 30 seconds and rest for another 30 seconds.

To their surprise, the researchers found that certain areas of the brain associated with unpleasant memories and emotions “turn off” when we scratch. Maybe, it is with this that the feeling of relief and calmness after scratching the skin is associated.

Why does the skin itch more in winter?

Many people suffer from severe itching during the winter. This is due to the fact that the skin dries strongly under the influence of low temperatures, snow and wind. It is felt most strongly on the hands and face, which are most often exposed to cold. Also in winter we use hot water more often. The temperature contrast dries out the skin, and soap and detergents may cause dermatitis.

Another reason is that in winter we put on more clothes so the skin can't breathe. Wool and rough, dense fabrics can also cause itching.

And in order not to scratch and injure the skin once again, apply cold compresses to those places where itching is most strongly felt. You can also soak a cloth in chamomile infusion or make a green clay mask. Do not forget about the benefits for the skin.

Itching is not a disease, but only a symptom. According to doctors, the body cannot itch for no reason. Most often, the reason that the body itches is some kind of disease, even if peeling, dryness and itching disappear for no apparent reason.

It is necessary to understand the causes before starting treatment. Itching is dangerous because the patient can scratch the skin, which will lead to inflammation, infection and dehydration.

Skin diseases

The most common cause of itching is skin disease. Appears inflammatory process accompanied by itching.

Sometimes the factor why the body itches for no apparent reason is the accumulation of metabolic products. This itch goes away pretty quickly.

If you are wondering why the body itches for no apparent reason, study the list of diseases and visit a dermatologist.


The reaction of the body to external or internal stimuli. May be caused by stress, burn or frostbite, food irritant. Accompanied by itching, redness, rashes, peeling.

Most often occurs due to hereditary predisposition. Stress, anxiety and poor living conditions are also prerequisites for the development of dermatitis.


An inflammatory skin disease that causes blisters and burns. Also characterized by redness and itching. When combing the bubbles, erosions appear, which turn into crusts.

Most often appears on the hands and face. It proceeds in a chronic form and is accompanied by respiratory tract infections, as well as metabolic disorders.


The answer to the question why the body itches for no apparent reason may be dermatophytosis disease. It is caused by fungi that live in the soil, the body of animals and humans.

Fungi invade the upper layers of the skin, decompose proteins and feed on decay products. Dermatophytosis can occur on the scalp or scalp, on smooth skin, and on nails.


A skin disease caused by fungi or viruses. It most often develops after direct contact with an infected person or animal. There are several varieties: pink, shearing, weeping, encircling.

Most often appears on the scalp. The affected area becomes bright red, flaky and itchy. The main factor in infection is deprived of a weakened immune system.

Pediculosis or lice infestation

The main factor of infection are unsanitary living conditions. Lice can be infected in villages and villages, from people without a fixed place of residence.

Pediculosis is an ancient disease that most often occurs as an epidemic. It can be infected in the military barracks, children's camp, school.

Important point! To avoid getting lice, do not use other people's combs and do not give yours to anyone. Also, be careful about the cleanliness of the pillows, try not to sleep on a shared bed.

Note! Lice can only be contracted from other people. On the body of animals live other types of lice that are not dangerous to humans.


A variety of scaly lichen. Inflammation is caused by immune cells in the body. The disease is characterized by red dry spots, which are covered with a white coating.

Most often they appear on the bends of the elbows, on the head, lower back. They can also affect other parts of the body, as well as the mucous membrane of the genital organs. Factors that cause psoriasis: heredity, infections, HIV, certain medications.


Scabies can be contracted from contact with a sick person, through bedding, clothing, and household items. In this case, the incubation period of the disease can last up to 4 weeks.


An allergic disease characterized by a red rash. The patient can scratch it strongly, which only aggravates the disease. Often accompanied by Quincke's edema.

The reasons may be food allergens, digestive disorders, insect bites, hypothermia. With disorders of the function of the kidneys, liver or intestines, urticaria takes a chronic form.


Abnormal dry skin. This is a consequence of severe itching or infectious diseases. The skin becomes rough, flaky, itchy, reddens.

Xerosis can be a symptom of other disorders: psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema, seborrhea.

In addition, xerosis is caused by cirrhosis of the liver, hepatitis, and renal failure.

It can be caused by cancer. When xerosis appears, it is especially important to examine the internal organs.

Systemic diseases

Systemic diseases are diseases internal organs which may be accompanied by itching. To accurately diagnose this or that disease in yourself, listen to other symptoms and consult a doctor.

Why the body itches for no apparent reason - the answer may lie in diseases of the internal organs.

Most often, this is not the only symptom and the disease can be diagnosed by other symptoms. But it is best to immediately consult a doctor who will conduct an examination and make the correct diagnosis.

Other common causes of itching for no apparent reason

Itching does not always cause serious illness. This may be a consequence of stress, age-related changes in the body, or a reaction to allergens and medications.

Immunodeficiency virus infection

HIV does not manifest itself in the body for a long time, and the infected person may not know about the disease. But he has signs by which immunodeficiency can be recognized. Skin signs are:

  • neoplasms;
  • candidiasis;
  • herpes virus;
  • eczema.

Fungal and viral diseases are accompanied by itching. Most often, herpes affects the mucous membranes, which are very itchy at the initial stage of the disease. Eczema can occur on the hands and face.

Psychiatric disorders: psychogenic itching

Our body is sensitive to stress and anxiety. Often it responds with reddening of individual areas, itching, chest pain. If you are sure that you are healthy and there can be no other reason for itching, try to be less nervous and the itching will pass.

Allergic itching of the skin in adults and children

Food allergens cause irritation of the intestinal walls, which immediately affects the skin. There are rashes and itching. You may also be allergic to cosmetics, shampoos, soaps, cleaning products. It is recommended to find the cause and avoid contact with this reagent.

seasonal itch

For no apparent reason, the body may itch in autumn and spring in patients with vegetative-vascular dystonia. Why this is so cannot be said unambiguously. Most likely, this is due to a lack of vitamins in the diet, weather changes.

Dehydration of the body

If the body itches, but there is no visible reason for this, this may be due to dehydration. Why this condition occurs is difficult to say. The reason may be insufficient fluid intake or a large loss of it if you were in extreme conditions.

Senile or senile itching

In old age, the body undergoes many changes: the metabolism changes, the skin becomes thin and dry, the work of the sebaceous glands is disrupted, and cell renewal slows down.

This leads to unpleasant consequences: irritation, peeling, itching appear. Most often, the skin of the face suffers, as it is thinner and more sensitive.

Most often, antibacterial agents and antipruritic ointments are prescribed to get rid of them. Remember that self-treatment with ointments alone will not bring results, you need to identify the cause and treat it.


During menopause in women, the hormonal background changes, which affects the state of the whole organism. In addition to changes in the genital area, you will feel a change in the condition of the skin and hair. Including the body may itch for no apparent reason.

Why you shouldn't be afraid of it: as soon as the hormones return to normal, the itching will go away. To remove unpleasant symptoms, use moisturizers.

Hormonal changes during pregnancy

Pregnant women often itch their chest and abdomen. These are normal phenomena, as the body is being restructured. Other parts of the body may itch as well.

This should be treated carefully, as itching indicates allergies or diseases of the internal organs. See your doctor to determine the cause of the itching.

Itching of the body as a result of medication

If you are taking pills or folk remedies, itchy skin can be a side effect. Read the instructions before making another diagnosis for yourself. It is best to replace the medicine from which your body itches with a similar one.

Itching of the skin can be caused by skin diseases, diseases of the internal organs and some other reasons. If you have symptoms other than itching, see your doctor.

If there are no visible reasons, eliminate stress and anxiety from your life, and the itching will pass.

Why does the body itch for no apparent reason:

Causes of itchy skin:
