Psychic energy: practice. Psychic energy: where to draw and how not to waste Psychic energy

Let's be clear:

  • Have you ever had health, goals and desire to achieve them, but at the same time, for some reason, you are inactive or move very slowly?
  • Have you ever given up, turned off the chosen path, because you ran out of strength?
  • Have you ever thought about any bullshit that crushes your potential at the root and erases the “taste of life” that you might have? However, you know about negative consequences of your mental programs, but you CAN'T "not think about it"?

If in any of the points you found yourself, then this article is written just for you.

Let's talk about psychic energy - my understanding and my vision of this issue.

Psychic energy.

So there are two general types of energy.

The first energy is physical. We can see it and use it every day: when we go to work, cook food or blow a pear. These are the direct resources of our body, which we use for their intended purpose and replenish with food, water and rest.

At the same time, our body is a repository of these resources. So, the more resilient, stronger and healthier the body, the more energy we can use.

The second type of energy is psychic. This is mental energy, which is a direct product of our mental activity, and contains thoughts, emotions, sensations and everything that can carry wave energy. We do not see it, but we also use it in Everyday life: when we go to work, cook food, sweep a pear - because. our every action is accompanied by a thought (whether conscious or a product of the unconscious)

I think it will not be a secret to anyone now that any of our thoughts carries a certain state, and the state carries direct physical manifestations.

Which means:

  • with a high level of psychic energy, a person is rushing from life, he is ready to move mountains, and does this, rejoicing at every moment, being “here and now”
  • with a low level of mental energy, the reverse process occurs: a person becomes lethargic, irritable, tired; loses the taste of life, loses physical energy (mental fatigue brings physical manifestations)
  • at a very high level of psychic energy, a person's perception of the world changes, hypnotic abilities are revealed, he is able to liberate his psychophysical potential, his intuition increases, and internal sensations become more acute. According to my terminology, he becomes a Superman - more perfect than the vast majority.
  • at a very low level of mental energy, mental disorders and depressions appear, irreversible reactions occur in the body, psychosomatic diseases occur, and cancer cells can arise and develop.

Thus, it becomes quite obvious that a high level of psychic energy is much more preferable for a person than a low one. It is the high “charge” that motivates us to act, brings the joy of life.

No pre-training or training. At once!

So to speak, from scratch - to the result.

"Psychic Hell"

The purpose of this psychotechnics is to shake your psyche and increase the amount of psychic energy. It is perfect in the fight against laziness, and for those who lack motivation or are simply bored with life.

I will not say that the technique is simple. Yes, it is easy to use, but withstand the moment of "ignition" of its internal state not everyone will be able to (according to the experience of real training), because. the technique relies on your inner obsession.

Its task is to immerse you in your individual inner hell, and there to find that subpersonality whose obsession will not let you lose, retreat or turn off the chosen path.

Find something that will become your personal motivator!


This technique was created specifically for MEN, as well as those who want to develop an unbending Will.

For women, as well as overly emotional persons with a predisposition to hysteria and mental disorders, I DO NOT recommend performing the technique.

Psychotechnics has no religious orientation. If actions in technology contradict your religious upbringing, refuse to use it.

And in conclusion: a big BUT at the end.

In fact, any psychotechnics, which increases the level of psychic energy for many, for the most part, has a temporary effect.

Each person has his own supply of mental energy, which is spent on communication, emotions, stress, experiences. It is on the reserves of your psychic energy that depends whether you are able to be energy vampire or a victim. You don't have to think of it as a conscious process—in most cases, people don't even know they're participating in such a process.

Human mental energy

Of course, with incomplete psi-energy, you will not be able to feel good, cheerful, joyful and be a healthy person. All of this requires energy. In Chinese sources, it is called the vital energy Qi or prana. It is characterized in the following way:

  1. Psychic energy is the reserve of our life force.
  2. Psychic energy is not the same for every person: it can be strong or weak, with or without high vibration, different color: white, gold, blue or indigo. There are many characteristics, and this describes both natural data and the momentary state of a person.
  3. Each of us is born with a predetermined supply of psychic energy. It can be calculated using the numerological matrix. The energy indicator is the number of twos in your table.
  4. It is possible to accumulate psychic energy. Various practices are used for this.

Many books have been written about this. One of the most popular, which can be found on the Internet in the public domain and downloaded, is Klizovsky's "Psychic Energy". The fact is that this topic is very extensive and you can look at it from completely different angles, so it’s better for those who are interested to read several different books.

Psychic Energy Pack

Without realizing it, many people, in the event of a breakdown, begin to “vampire” the energy of those who are full of it. The worst thing is the victims are usually close people: family members, friends, colleagues. When a person is not in the mood and he seeks to spoil it to those around him, he engages in energy vampirism.

However, the new psychic energy comes to us not only in such a negative way. We gain psychic energy when we experience positive emotions, rest or relax. If you have Bad mood, watching your favorite movie, your favorite treat, etc. can help you. Anything that makes you happy and makes you feel safe will improve your energy. Try not to vent evil on loved ones, but find more suitable ways to restore energy.

"One can also speak of the chemical death of a person when the supply of psychic energy is depleted.

We can talk about resurrection, when psychic energy begins to be replenished".

What is Psychic Energy? It is the life-giving energy on which the existence of man depends. There is no Psychic Energy (hereinafter referred to as PE) - there is no life, physical decomposition, illness and death come. There is a PE - there is a life full of creative upsurge, health and happiness.

Synonyms for PE: grace, prana, Chinese Qi energy, fire of Hermes, Kundalini, fiery tongues of the day of the Holy Trinity, Bulwer-Lytton's Vril, free energy of Killy, Mesmer's fluid, Reichenbach's Od, living fire of Zoroaster, Sophia of the Hellenes, Saraswati of the Hindus and many, many others.

Signs of decline in PE: mental and physical fatigue, drowsiness, amorphous consciousness, and in severe cases - nausea.

Signs of a PE tide: joy and optimism, creative activity, desire for achievements and fruitful activity.

Seven ways to save PE

1. AURA. When you leave your house in the morning, mentally outline around you at the distance of an outstretched elbow an energy shell in the shape of a chicken egg so that your body is in the center of this auric egg. Thus, you will strengthen the protective network of your aura, which protects your PE from unwanted intrusions.

2. VAMPIRES. Try to avoid communicating with people with an extinct and cloudy, shifty look - these are energy vampires, after communication with which sharp fatigue sets in. The look of a person cannot be faked. The eyes are the most reliable indicator of the presence of PE in humans. Those who do not have their own PE often become an energy vampire and try (often unconsciously) to steal it by simply approaching the donor's aura.

3. CROWD. In public transport, or a similar crowded place, discreetly make a quick assessment of nearby people. If one of them caused you a slight rejection, then move away from him to another place. When human auras come into contact, your PE flows magnetically into another aura, and the PE of another aura flows into yours, and there is no way to prevent this energy metabolism is a hard law.

4. HANDS. IN in public places try to avoid direct contact with bare hands with commonly used objects and things, such as door handles, handrails, shopping cart handles, etc. If possible, then in the winter season do not take off gloves or buy thin ones, for example, kid ones. If there is no way to avoid direct contact with bare hands, then find a place that is least used. Human hands radiate strong flows of PE. With each touch, a person saturates with his PE those objects that the hand has touched. Be attentive to old, unfamiliar things. They can carry a charge of negative PE, from contact with which you will spend a lot of your PE to neutralize it.

5. IRRITATION. By all means avoid irritation, which can be especially annoying in public transport, in shops, in heavy traffic on the road while driving a car, at home, etc. Mental irritation generates negative PE, which destroys your positive PE.

6. INTIM. Lead a moderate intimate life, because the reproduction of seminal fluid requires a large consumption of PE.

7. ANIMALS. Do not keep animals at home so that your PE does not leak to them. Animals, like all living things, have their own aura with their own PE, which is much lower in quality than the PE of a person. When the auras of a person and an animal come into contact, the same exchange of PE occurs as between people. Do not saturate your aura with the lower animal PE.

Seven ways to enhance PE

1. AIR. Breathe more natural, clean air. Prana, solar PE, is dissolved in it. In large cities with a population of over a million, the air is not clean, so try to either go out into nature more often, or even move out of town or to a small town.

2. SPACE. The boundless universal expanses are filled with cosmic life-giving energy, which is akin to human PE. You just need to mentally call, pull it from there. Look at the starry sky and imagine that it is an ocean of energy, by touching which you can easily strengthen your life energy.

3. FRIENDLY. Be friendly to everyone around you. Do not wish harm to anyone, even your enemies. Kindness and a friendly attitude not only give rise to positive PE radiation in your aura, but also evoke in people the same response vibrations of their auras. Friendly people exchange positive PE with other people simply because they evoke the same positive PE in other people.

4. HEART. The main ruler of a person's PE is his heart. Listen to your heart, not your brain. The rational brain is often deceived in the correct assessment of the life situation and sometimes leads to a dead end. The heart is never deceived and knows much more than the mind can imagine. Listen to the voice of your heart in stillness and silence. It will tell you how to follow the path of life so that at its end you can say that you have lived a happy life.

6. VEGETABLES AND FRUITS. Eat raw vegetables and fruits - they are full of solar PE deposits. Try not to eat fried foods. overcooked butter releases poisons that kill your PE. Do not eat meat, it is full of invisible energy of disease-causing fluids of decomposition, which begins immediately after the death of the animal. Even the freshest meat is full of not only low animal PE, but also energy microbes, when eating which your body will spend a lot of PE to neutralize them. Legumes can easily replace meat products.

7. DREAM Before going to bed, do not worry, and even more so do not swear with your family. Try not to watch negative and criminal TV shows that cause bad emotions. It is better to watch a good movie, or read a good book, or listen to calm music. Before going to bed, take a shower to cleanse not only your body of sweat deposits, but, more importantly, to wash away the energy accumulations of the day from the aura. Pure water has the ability to purify PE. Having gone to sleep in a clean body and a calm, peaceful spirit, your PE will rush to the pure layers of space, where it will receive reinforcement and nourishment. In the morning you will feel vivacity and strength to live the coming day with dignity.

Psychic energy can be compared qualitatively only with light.

"You are asking what psychic energy is, - could answer this in one word, namely - ALL. Psychic energy is the primary energy. Psychic energy is the same energy that underlies the manifestation of the world. Psychic energy is the same energy that which imprints images on the plastic cosmic substance.Psychic energy is Fohat.Psychic energy is the Holy Spirit.Psychic energy is love and striving.Psychic energy is the Great Aum.

Remember §55 from "Community"? Aspiration is the boat of the Arhat. Aspiration is a manifested unicorn. Aspiration is the key to all caves:

Truly, striving and psychic energy can be said to be synonymous. One does not exist without the other."

": You know that psychic energy is called the energy of the Primordial, therefore, it includes all other energies, which are only its differentiations.

So Parafohat is the basic or primary psychic energy in its highest cosmic aspect, and Fohat is its next aspect in the manifested Universe. It's time to unite the meaning of the energy of the Primal.

1. Prana is psychic energy as its life force, diffused everywhere, and perceived by a person mainly through breathing.

2. Kundalini - the same energy that acts through the base of the spine, tearing a person away from the Earth, giving him a feeling of unearthly happiness.

3. Fohat or cosmic electricity is the basis of all electrophoric phenomena, among them thought will be the highest Quality of Energy.

Kundalini is the life force or psychic energy that works through the center at the base of the spine. But in high Spirits it acts through the heart. In the past centuries, attention was paid mainly to the Kundalini center in order to achieve the obvious result of the action of psychic energy. But in the coming epoch, with the approach of the worlds, the center of the heart is especially strengthened. For action through the center of Kundalini is convincing and valid mainly for the earthly state, but in order to reach the higher worlds and stay in them, refinement of the heart energy is necessary. That is why the Teaching speaks so much about the heart, this sun of suns.

"It is necessary to explain to all students of the books of Agni Yoga that the Primordial, Fiery Energy is one, and all names, like fiery, heart, mental and psychic energy, are only different aspects of the same basic Primal Energy or the Energy of Existence. One can only say that psychic energy is the highest quality of the primary energy, so spirit and consciousness are inseparable from psychic energy.

I have already mentioned the unity of the basic energy, the primary and fiery energy. Fiery energy is precisely the main energy, for fire is manifested in everything, there is no life without fire, there is no manifestation without fire. The highest manifestation of this basic fiery energy will be in psychic energy, and the qualities of this energy are incalculable. All subdivisions are, in essence, only different qualities of the one basic energy manifesting itself in different plans and through different bodies, through different nerve centers or conductors. In reality, it is difficult to separate the spirit from the soul, for the spirit is fire, and the soul collects the fiery manifestations of energy.

"Precisely, the fire of space, being conscious, turns into psychic energy. The so-called principles in us (excluding the physical body and the ethereal double, which dissipate after death) are only aspects or states of our consciousness. Namely, all divisions into spirit, soul, higher Manas or lower in essence are only different qualities of one basic energy of fire, life or consciousness, the highest quality of which will be psychic energy.

"Psychic energy is also what in the usual sense is listed as spirituality and the development of psychic energy is, in essence, the development of spirituality, but not the spirituality that modern man expressed in the performance of rites and in going to temples, but that true, higher spirituality, which consists in communion with Higher World; in revealing in oneself, in mastering and in conscious use of that huge higher power that is inherent in each of us, for the benefit of Evolution, for the benefit of all mankind.

3. How to develop psychic energy

It is the quality of psychic energy that is significant.

"Signs of Agni Yoga"

“Where to begin the development of psychic energy in oneself? One must begin from where all cognition begins, that is, from the recognition of the existence of psychic energy itself and the cognition of the simple but great truth that this great power is in ourselves, it is clear that one must begin with the knowledge of oneself, but here we return again to the starting point from which all higher cognition begins - to the knowledge of oneself, the necessity of which has already been repeated to mankind many times from the most ancient times up to our days, but which is recognized by some modern sages as self-affirmation and harmful delusion".

"Psychic energy is the Holy Spirit, Psychic energy is love and striving. Psychic energy is the synthesis of all nervous radiations. Psychic energy is the great Aum. Therefore, the development in oneself of a constant, unbreakable striving for perfection, for Light in all manifestations, will be development of this life-giving energy. Where there is no striving, there is also no high psychic energy. It must also be emphasized that the heart, striving for the highest quality of all life, will be the conductor of psychic energy. independent body, you can give it freedom to do good, and it will hasten to be filled with energy. Also, only in friendly communication can you get the fruits of united energy, but for this you need to understand that there is consent ".

“It is necessary to emphasize the importance of action or labor for the awakening and development of psychic energy, because psychic energy needs, first of all, exercise. It cannot be limited to random impulses, only constant, systematic or rhythmic work can adjust its current. Emphasize all the destructiveness of laziness, which, by stopping the action of psychic energy in us, thereby destroys our entire evolution, leading, in the final result, to complete decomposition. For now it is already beginning to be noticed that the most busy people are the most durable, provided the rhythm in their work and without excessive poisoning of the body with poisons. It should be pointed out that the beginning of full consciousness must be introduced into each work. Also, the striving to improve the quality of each work and each action is best method for the growth and intensification of psychic energy"

“Everyone who has known the significance of psychic energy will forever be a researcher. He will always improve, which means he is freed from old age. I affirm that psychic energy will not only allow itself to be explored, but its influx will increase as soon as thought rushes to it.

Whoever wants to join the power of psychic energy, who wants the time to master psychic energy to come as soon as possible, must first of all take care of improving and raising his consciousness. The highest power is achieved not by mechanical methods, but by spiritual striving towards the Highest. One must aspire to the Higher World and Higher Forces with an open soul and a pure heart. Persistent, unbreakable striving for the Higher Light and Higher Knowledge, reverence for the Hierarchy of Light and constant spiritual connection with it, striving for the Beautiful, love and compassion for all living things, conscious work for the common good - these are the ways to improve one's consciousness and the means of mastering the higher cosmic power - Psychic Energy".

Ob., 221. When we talk about the formation of psychic energy into a conscious weapon, one may be asked where to begin. You need to start with awareness of its presence. For this realization it is necessary to touch one of the most basic concepts. It has sometimes been unfortunately called faith, but it is better to call it trust. Faith responds to self-hypnosis. Trust corresponds to introspection. Faith is indeterminate in essence. Trust confirms immutability.

We walk the path of immutability. There is no superstition to realize the power of the human apparatus. It is enough to think about the processes of thinking or reflex, or at least digestion. One can easily notice the manifestation of the nerve centers, but something unites their activity consciously, without entering the limits of the mind. This organ was called the spirit, but this definition is again vague, there is no striving in it.

Great Aum is psychic energy fed by prana. It can be regarded as a physical organ, for it is subject to change. The feeling of this all-binding organ should fill every member of the community with joy. Such cooperation allows us to think about global dimensions. From this realization begins the feeling of the possibility of controlling psychic energy.

The affirmation will help to want to put the found organ into action. Desire with the consciousness of responsibility will lead to finding the Teacher. It's all about the quality and expansion of consciousness.

He said: you can, never forbade. If you look for the closest correlate of psychic energy, it will be action.

S., 506. First of all, simple respect for psychic energy is needed. You need respect for the energy that, like fire, saturates the entire space and condenses in the nerve centers. Let even the children remember that in any handshake, in any look, this binding energy radiates. The striving of respect will also teach care for this treasure of the heart. Respect is for everyone thinking person. There is no need to be ashamed to speak of respect, for it has been squandered by humanity. How can one expect the manifestation of heart energy if there is no respect for it? The manifestation of energy will be only when it is realized. If the law of justice exists, then everything that leads upward must be respected.

Zn., 257. It may be asked how to understand the beneficence of obstacles if psychic energy, like a magnet, gathers all advantages. True, when a large ship accelerates, the force of counteraction of the waves increases. Many obstacles are caused by our striving. The same process attracts unexpected parts of the opposite will to us. They will be very strong, then our blow will develop accordingly. The main thing is that the oncoming currents are strong, because then our ignition occurs.

Think of ignition as beneficial and fire as dangerous. I call ignition when the crystal of the form of the flame of the center is preserved; combustion, when the center flares up like a fire.

When it is said that someone is overwhelmed by circumstances, be sure that he was walking without ignition and that his mind was confused at the collision. Sometimes it is difficult to recognize a moment of embarrassment, but it poisons all subsequent actions. But when the move is firm, then counteractions are beneficial. They give birth to lightning, and thunder shakes distant mountains. From nothingness comes nothingness. Therefore, letting go on the path, command disgust for the insignificant.

It is the quality of psychic energy that is significant. “Signs of Agni Yoga”

“Where to begin with the development of psychic energy in oneself? It is necessary to start from where all cognition begins, that is, from the recognition of the existence of psychic energy itself and the cognition of the simple but great truth that this great power is in ourselves, it is clear that we need to start with the cognition of ourselves. But here we again return to the starting point from which all higher cognition begins - to the cognition of oneself, the necessity of which has been repeated to mankind many times from the most ancient times up to the present day, but which is recognized by some modern sages as self-affirmation and harmful delusion.

“Psychic energy is the Holy Spirit, Psychic energy is love and striving. Psychic energy is the synthesis of all nerve radiations. Psychic energy is the great Aum. Therefore, the development in oneself of a constant, unbreakable striving for perfection, for the Light in all manifestations, will be the development of this life-giving energy. Where there is no aspiration, there is also no high psychic energy. It must also be emphasized that the heart, striving for the highest quality of all life, will be the conductor of psychic energy. No forced conditional mobility to the manifestation of cardiac activity is useful. The heart is the most independent organ, you can give it freedom to do good, and it will hasten to be filled with energy. Also, only in friendly communication can one get the fruits of united energy, but for this it is necessary to understand that there is agreement.

“It is necessary to emphasize the importance of action or labor for the awakening and development of psychic energy, for psychic energy needs, first of all, exercise. It cannot be limited to random impulses, only constant, systematic or rhythmic labor can adjust its current. The correct exchange of psychic energy is based on rhythm. Emphasize all the destructiveness of laziness, which, by stopping the action of psychic energy in us, thereby destroys our entire evolution, leading, in the end, to complete disintegration. Indeed, now it is already beginning to be noticed that the most busy people are the most durable, provided that there is a rhythm in their work and without excessive poisoning of the body with poisons. It should be pointed out that the principle of full consciousness must be introduced into every work. Also, striving to improve the quality of each work and each action is the best method for growth and intensification of psychic energy.

“Everyone who has cognized the meaning of psychic energy will forever be a researcher. He will always improve, so he is spared from old age. I affirm that psychic energy will not only allow itself to be explored, but its influx will intensify as soon as thought rushes towards it.

Whoever wants to join the power of psychic energy, who wants the time to master psychic energy to come as soon as possible, must first of all take care of improving and raising his consciousness. The highest power is achieved not by mechanical methods, but by spiritual striving towards the Highest. One must aspire to the Higher World and Higher Forces with an open soul and a pure heart. Persistent, unbreakable striving for the Higher Light and Higher Knowledge, reverence for the Hierarchy of Light and constant spiritual connection with it, striving for the Beautiful, love and compassion for all living things, conscious work for the common good - these are the ways to improve one's consciousness and the means of mastering the higher cosmic power - Psychic Energy".

Ob., 221. When we talk about the formation of psychic energy into a conscious weapon, one may be asked where to begin. You need to start with awareness of its presence. For this realization it is necessary to touch one of the most basic concepts. It has sometimes been unfortunately called faith, but it is better to call it trust. Faith responds to self-hypnosis. Trust corresponds to introspection. Faith is indeterminate in essence. Trust confirms immutability.

We walk the path of immutability. There is no superstition to realize the power of the human apparatus. It is enough to think about the processes of thinking or reflex, or at least digestion. One can easily notice the manifestation of the nerve centers, but something unites their activity consciously, without entering the limits of the mind. This organ was called spirit, but this definition is again vague, there is no striving in it.

Great Aum is psychic energy fed by prana. It can be regarded as a physical organ, for it is subject to change. The feeling of this all-binding organ should fill every member of the community with joy. Such cooperation allows us to think about global dimensions. From this realization begins the feeling of the possibility of controlling psychic energy.

The affirmation will help to want to put the found organ into action. Desire with the consciousness of responsibility will lead to finding the Teacher. It's all about the quality and expansion of consciousness.

Said: Can never banned. If you look for the closest correlate of psychic energy, it will be action.

S., 506. First of all, simple respect for psychic energy is needed. You need respect for the energy that, like fire, saturates the entire space and condenses in the nerve centers. Let even the children remember that in any handshake, in any look, this binding energy radiates. The striving of respect will also teach care for this treasure of the heart. Respect is due to every thinking person. There is no need to be ashamed to speak of respect, for it has been squandered by mankind. How can one expect the manifestation of heart energy if there is no respect for it? The manifestation of energy will be only when it is realized. If law of justice exists, everything that leads upward must be respected.

Zn., 257. It may be asked how to understand the beneficence of obstacles if psychic energy, like a magnet, gathers all advantages. True, when a large ship accelerates, the force of counteraction of the waves increases. Many obstacles are caused by our striving. The same process attracts unexpected parts of the opposite will to us. They will be very strong, then our blow will develop accordingly. The main thing is that the oncoming currents are strong, because then our ignition occurs.

Think of ignition as beneficial and fire as dangerous. I call ignition when the shape crystal of the flame of the center is preserved; fire when the center erupts like a fire.

When it is said that someone is overwhelmed by circumstances, be sure that he was walking without ignition and that his mind was confused at the collision. Sometimes it is difficult to recognize a moment of embarrassment, but it poisons all subsequent actions. But when the move is firm, then counteractions are beneficial. They give birth to lightning, and thunder shakes distant mountains. From nothingness comes nothingness. Therefore, letting go on the path, command disgust for the insignificant.

The future is formed by the lightning of consciousness, the strength of these sparks depends on the opposition. Therefore, success is not swimming in a domestic pelvis in an overgrown pond.

When We say: “Swim!”, it means that you try the ocean. Masses of waves will give you joy. Isn't the test of strength just a growth of strength? Do the impossible when you go over the abyss. But you have already walked over the abysses and smiled. You see that I am not talking about dreams, but about what has already been applied and for which there are witnesses.

Courage is only the knowledge of the path, otherwise everyone who opens the locked door is already a brave man. What awaits him beyond the threshold? But the Agni Yogi smiles at the same time.

Zn., 384. One must study the organization of psychic energy. See how the discrepancy between forces hinders the effects. If at the same time to show impatience, then you can lose the consequences.

Zn., 386. Psychic energy needs exercise, and you see how difficult it is to apply it.

It is difficult to define in words where and to what extent a student can use the forces of the Teacher. Only a refined understanding will give correct proportion. It is impossible to specify exactly the rules for the relationship between the Teacher and the student, but life gives the necessary formulas for how to follow the same path.

I can only send a ray to unity.

Zn., 448. In the dark, the yogi places a strong magnet or a fragment of the body of the far-off worlds over the top of the head of the disciple and asks: “What do you feel?” Usually the first answer is negative: “I don’t feel anything.” The yogi says: “It is not true, there cannot be such a state of wakefulness that a person is insensible.” The student insists, "I don't feel anything." “It’s not true, you’re just afraid to express what you feel and see.” After a long silence, the student says: “Perhaps I feel cold and, as it were, the flashing of stars.”

Why do people say as if And May be if they see and feel? Only in direct statements does psychic energy grow. Thus, one can increase one's receptivity, for magnetic currents and the radiance of indications of the colors of space are constantly above us...

Zn., 464. If you muster all your will, you still cannot call forth the fire of space. These manifestations of the elements are not subject to orders, but grow out of the expansion of consciousness. We call consciousness Our garden, where the fruits of labor grow. The work on the expansion of consciousness takes place on two planes. Each plane does not merge with other phenomena of life, just as an underground passage does not affect vegetation and, like a meteor, does not depend on the weather. People find it difficult to understand these stratifications of the two planes. Alertness of consciousness is required, but few people possess it. Each phenomenon of fire not only requires physical conditions, but depends on the state of consciousness. The unexpectedness of phenomena is not so difficult to explain, it is worth looking into your consciousness without prejudice and grasping the former physical conditions. It will be possible to notice the short circuit of the current, which will give the phenomenon.

Zn., 471. It is precisely the quality of psychic energy that. It is correct to assume that the potential of psychic energy is diffused even in the lower organisms. It gives instinct, but not consciousness. It corresponds to the lower layers of the atmosphere and rotates in them. It will affect the centers of the lower half of the body. Therefore, one must be able to control psychic energy, sending it to a feat.

Psychic energy is refined by the way of thinking. Aspiration upward is the best task for the center of the Bell. Of course, one cannot force oneself to think upwards; this line of thinking becomes natural after long experience. This means that although it is psychic energy that elevates us, the consciousness generated by it refines the quality of the energy. The great serpent bites the tail again, making a circle.

The phenomenon of energy refinement can be reflected in radiations. The ability to fix the radiation will be a sign of the victory of consciousness.

Zn., 389. …When the measurement of psychic energy is mechanically established, then it will be instructive to see how the defilers interrupt the flow of energy. That chain of flow will be supported by such efforts as selflessness and achievement. Abstract concepts will become evidence of the recognition of the energy of the life principle, measurable and cognizable.

I affirm that the fires evoked by the indicated rhythm can not only multiply, but also serve a useful purpose as strengthening psychic energy. The fire of space, like a sword, strikes the defilers.

Zn., 501. In what house will psychic energy grow? Of course, in a house that looks to the future. It's not simple and it's not easy. People are too focused on the present. When one speaks against retribution, one striving for the present will not even understand the vitality of this covenant. But he who aspires to the future will not even discuss the conditions of retribution, and each reward will be for him only shoes for the next path. Then the waylights are lit and psychic energy grows. After all, everything develops by experience. Experience is comprehended by immersion in the future and is repugnant to senseless vegetation.

The highest experience is experience on oneself. It is both centrifugal and centripetal. These simple truths need to be repeated.

It is in the position of one's spirit for humanity that both sacrifice and gain lie. Unconnected opposites will not give a circle, without a circle there will be no system of rotation. Each spiral above and below will appear as a circle. But any complexity of representation will disappear if we rush into the future ...

Zn., 502. One can foresee how someone will begin psychic experiments with plants, but without result. One can imagine how he will reproach the Teaching for inaccurate indications, but will not think about the state of his own psychic energy.

There is no need to suspect the inaccuracy of the indications when I say that psychic energy must not only be strengthened, but also refined. It will intensify under the waves of fire, when the aura begins to turn purple from tension. It will begin to become thinner due to vigilance, vigilance and refinement of the way of thinking.

How would you more accurately name the refined flow of thought when the formulas of the future sound in delight? It is precisely the multitude of people who pass by these formulas and bypass the stigmata, pierced by the striving of the spirit. It is the stigmata that are the best comparison of sensitivity. Not gross, striking manifestations, but the wings of cosmic thought, like the lightest touches, lie on the crown of the head and excite the aspiration of Kundalini.

These thoughts may fleetingly leave a weightless trace, but they sharpen the centers like needles that collect electricity. Will not our centers be like pine needles?

Whoever has embarked on the path of refinement of psychic energy will not speak of the inaccuracy of the instructions.

Zn., 503. Where can thinking be directed? Where can you direct your will? To the space where life-giving energy comes from. Let's go to her.

Zn., 508. Intelligence is not wisdom. Straight-knowledge is wisdom, intellect is reason. Wisdom decides, because this decision has been fruitful for a long time. The intellect is the vestibule of wisdom, and when sharpened it merges into the realm of synthesis.

Reason and special mind are the corners of the future home. A person with a special mind can cook for himself a brilliant future, but he will incarnate until the mind loses its specialty. When the intellect loses its specialty, it is already wise. Each specialty is designed for Earth conditions…

Synthesis of spirit opens all spheres. Spiritual tension accumulates spatial psychic energy. Spiritual tension can lead to any sphere of the astral.

Zn., 509. The question of how psychic energy is accumulated is quite fair. First of all, consciousness or selflessness and feat. In all cases, psychic energy remains inalienable.

If it is accumulated by the consciousness, it will be refined, but with other accumulations, there may be cases when the energy gathers into an embryo and waits for the conditions of manifestation. In all manifestations of psychic energy, some luminous deed of instinct can be assumed in the past.

Zn., 511. Until recently, thought rushed to phenomena, the so-called manifestations of energy. But now you can think about the renewal of life and steps into the future. It is necessary to gather all the courage to forget about the miraculous and translate this concept into reality. It is difficult, but it is necessary to overcome the limitation of conditional concepts. It is also difficult not to fall into the ordinary, because the movement in evolution is always unusual, because the combination of parts of being will be unlike the former.

Is it possible to build a life amid the hatred of the end of the Kali Yuga? But the whole task of the future Satya Yuga must be expressed even now in the midst of enmity and annihilation.

Zn., 525. Let's talk about work today. The conscious development of psychic energy reveals the saturation of labor. It is possible to reveal in a short time the result of a long-term action.

Zn., 526. It is correct to think to what extent the psychic energy manifested by man will enhance human dignity. The mere striving of thought in this direction is already a boon.

Zn., 528. ... It is necessary to repeat about the attitude towards psychic energy.

Of course, it is inalienable, but it can be brought into a state of sleep, and then it will self-crystallize, but will not work. That soil must be awakened again with the plow of selfless labor. Of course, not a single grain of it will be wasted, but these stratifications must be awakened, which is why immovable self-conceit is so condemned in the Teaching. Verily, it is better to burn than to rest.

Zn., 535. Try to see pieces of your aura at will. This is impossible, because the law of psychic energy, in addition to desire, needs suitable conditions. Such conditions do not arise instantly, but they must be accumulated on the basis of higher influences. But the path to higher influences is not easy either, for they gain access through open gates. Any deviation from communion with the centers of the subtlest energies closes the gates. In addition, you need to understand what fruitful communication is. It depends not so much on the pressure of aspiration, but also on a caring attitude towards the surrounding conditions. Sometimes a transitional silence time is the best storage. Consciousness in the degree of straight-knowledge makes it clear which action corresponds to the need...

Zn., 536. Psychic energy must be developed systematically and diligently. The development of mental strength depends on the harmony of combinations, as well as on the state of the physical.

Zn., 546. Nothing can replace the element of fire. Psychic energy also has no substitute. The most self-sufficing, the most refined, the most ascending energy is the true daughter of fire! It is no coincidence that we call to the fiery winner. Each delight already lays a grain of treasure. Each admiration before the beautiful gathers grains of light. Each admiration of nature creates a ray of victory. He said a long time ago: “Through beauty you have light.” Shall we speak only for pleasure? Every indication has an urgent meaning. Thus admiration will be the shortest path to the accumulation of psychic energy.

You will be asked more than once where the hotbed of the beautiful garden of fiery energy is. You will say: "In joy about the beautiful." But learn to contain this joy of light. Learn to rejoice at every leaf that has woken up to life. Learn how to resound with the centers to the call of joy. Learn to understand that such joy is not idleness, but the harvest of treasure. Learn to accumulate energy with joy, for in what shall we unite the thread of the distant worlds!

Not in chagrin, not in madness, not in stupefaction, but in the joy of consciousness let us be happy owners of the treasure. It is difficult to quench your thirst from an empty well, but the key of the mountain is ready to give coolness to everyone who comes up. Rejoice!

Zn., 547. ... Is a feat possible without admiration? Is selflessness possible without joy? Is courage possible without enthusiasm? Thus point out and remind how it is easier and closer to find psychic energy...

Zn., 548. One can rejoice, but in joy we will not become like animals. What will be the difference? Only in consciousness. Animals do not know why they are happy, but we know what we are happy about. With this consciousness we connect cause and effect. Thus we build a bridge of perfection.

You can review the entire chain of events and evaluate their sequence. In this we will also differ from animals, which do not connect individual moments. The doctrine of comparing events will provide a new source of psychic energy. If people learned to compare the days of their lives according to their consciousness, they would move from their place.

Zn., 551. Once the Blessed Buddha said to his disciples: "Let us sit in silence and leave our eyes open." After the time was up, Master asked, “How many times have I changed my position?” Some noticed ten changes, some only three, and some claimed that Master remained motionless. The Lord of Knowledge smiled, “I changed the position and folds of my clothes seventy-seven times. Until we learn to discern reality, we will not become arhats.”

Before realizing psychic energy, one must learn attentiveness. Therefore, unexpected questions are useful, as well as descriptions of what happened, and daily records are very useful. Even very dormant mindfulness is known to be awakened by such exercises. The inattentive, unobservant cannot follow the flourishing of psychic energy. Advice observe there is the advice of a friend, for the future requires attention.

Zn., 553. A body that is only disposed to disease becomes infected. The spirit that is ready to receive it receives psychic energy. If people would realize that the accumulation of psychic energy is necessary not only for the current life, but as a permanent and inalienable acquisition and advantage, such a consciousness would significantly erase the boundaries of lives. Shouldn't the awareness and structure of life, along with the past, take care of the future? This is the direct duty of every scientist. Once upon a time, scientists stopped life, isn't it their job now to continue life into Infinity?

The words of the servants of the temples indicated the life of the future, but these testimonies became completely groundless. Former miracles have become obsolete, consciousness is attracted by reality.

The alternation of incarnations is attested by both ancient and modern teachings. References to incarnations and karma have become commonplace in our literature. Nevertheless, this reality enters little consciousness, otherwise it would transform all life. But people's memory is burdened with strange considerations. They are willingly occupied with unnecessary things, but the imagination of people is not brought up for the cornerstone concepts. Meanwhile, one hour of efficient conversation can forever change the essence of the child.

An undying man - wouldn't that be worthy of the future? Phoenix, reborn from the ashes, has been commanded since ancient times. The phoenix needs wings, but psychic energy will give the best rainbow wings.

Zn., 556. When applied to Agni Yoga, even the most abstract concepts become tangible and real. Sincerity, the so-called honesty becomes indispensable. Try the quality of sincerity when reporting long distances and then observe the difference when introducing personal, impatience or annoyance, not to mention premeditation. These properties deprive the value of the consequence. This causes harm, often irreparable. Meanwhile, sincerity, like a purifier, brings crystalness, which enlightens the consciousness, just like gas gives a flame. Thus one can promote success by applying so-called honesty.

Zn., 567. The main thing is the accumulation of psychic energy, to which the influence is directed. Many insects fly towards the fire, both white and black, for fire is psychic energy. It is necessary to understand to what extent everyone is attracted by psychic energy, therefore, measures must be taken for the correct handling of psychic energy.

Zn., 572. The manifestation of joy in labor is also the manifestation of a special form of psychic energy. Joyful labor is successful several times over.

Zn., 588. Why is a tense situation sometimes necessary? It causes radiation of psychic energy.

Zn., 592. It is correct to believe that psychic energy is inexhaustible.

The reserve, wisely spent, is immediately replenished from the treasury of the Cosmos. Thus, it is even useful to release psychic energy. The new stock more easily separates the deposits and then rushes to the world's work. How can the wheel of the law be set in motion? How easy it is to summon new power from space! That is why I speak about the rotation of psychic energy.

Zn., 570. ...Theros was called 2 warrior; verily, he is neither a reaper nor a shepherd. In essence, Theros is a conqueror and conqueror, but the joy of achievement does not make him a tyrant. Four marks given long ago: veneration of Hierarchy, realization of Unity, consciousness of Co-measurement, application of the Canon Lordyours, - they provide the basis of Theros' mind. How will he find the path of the Good without them?!

Zn., 602. Tempering a sword in the midst of flames under hammer blows will be the best example for strengthening psychic energy. Someone will ask how to endure all the worries and worries. But peace is the pinnacle of anxiety. There is no rest among cosmic rotations. The blind and the deaf imagine seeming peace, but the sighted will prefer to go through storms in order not to go blind. There is no rest, as people understand it. It is impossible to get out of the spiral of building rotation. It is necessary, as an anchor, to call Teros for inclusion in the correct circuit of currents. A strong spirit dances as the sword is tempered.

I., 233. It is necessary to become accustomed to combat in the same way as to everyday work. Combat can be understood not only as a refinement of forces, but also as a source of energy accumulation. We cannot imagine overcoming the elements without a fight, and how one must be prepared, otherwise one can destroy the manifestation of the Higher Forces. Hierarchy does not mean stability of rest, but stability in the midst of struggle. Can anything replace the battle when Our Magnet is tense and each victory is the joy of the entire Hierarchy! If it is difficult for someone to accept the Hierarchy with love, let him accept it as an urgent necessity.

I., 383. Even if the phenomenon of radio waves has such a strong effect on a person, then how powerfully objects saturated with psychic energy can act! After all, a magnet that is consciously saturated transmits its magnetic currents—thus, Our emanations surround each gift sent. Therefore, the affirmed manifestation of Our sendings can always intensify the forces to whom they are sent. The space is raging. Pertrubations are piling up, but on top of all events a new current is directed for the stage of rebirth.

I., 394. The intensification of energy between the student and the Teacher is like a steam engine - a constant sending and return. Therefore, We so insistently point out the need for harmony for benevolence, striving, gratitude; only by such means can the dynamics of coherence be developed. The steam engine has a furnace, while We have an inexhaustible reservoir of psychic energy. You should not think that the said qualities are necessary for Us, on the contrary, you need them. Otherwise, how can you strengthen your connection with Us? Not by doubt, not by egoism, not by self-pity, but only by an inseparable vigorous striving for Us, the powerful rhythm of the dynamo of the spirit will be affirmed. These aspirations must be put into practice. It should be remembered that every physical law should remind of the firm legitimacy of the spirit. With such a consciousness you can truly become co-workers for the transformation of life.

S., 28. ...Learning to be observant, we will once again remember the heart and understand the symbol of a piercing arrow.

Many arrows pierce the heart, as in ancient images; on them we see the flame of the heart. Perhaps, without arrows, flame is also impossible. It can be argued that the basis of the manifestation of the flame is a blow, as the birth of a new rhythm. The teacher wants the rhythm to be acceleranto, so it is in everything...

S., 30. Why do so many experiments remain without consequences? First of all, from impatience and from unwillingness to accept responsibility. Sometimes, as it were, We are reproached that help did not come on time, but instead of reproach, the questioner could remember how prematurely he evaded or recognized the burden as excessive. We grieve a lot when we see cowardly deviations or unwillingness to put ourselves on the brink of an abyss. But how can one pump up energy, if not by an extreme position? One has only to consider such a situation not the end, but the beginning. So in the exercise of patience, it is useful to master the concept of beginning. For whom everything is definitely the end, but for Our disciples everything is the beginning.

S., 39. Most importantly, talk about the spiritual. The path of the spirit, like nothing else, develops consciousness and purifies life. See spiritual discourse as a practical exercise of the heart. It is necessary to purify the consciousness as a path to prosperity. I speak again not abstractly, but applicable to life. Try the experience of using drugs on a conscious and unconscious being. It is instructive to compare how much consciousness deepens all manifestations and processes. Thus, one can recognize the material value of consciousness. In addition, a conversation about the spiritual directs A-energy 3 upward through a certain channel. It is Ketub 4 that is the connector of energies. Thus, there is no need to waste time striving for the ordinary, when there are so many possibilities that lead upward.

Hearts joy in striving upward.

S., 45. The process of pumping energy is like a pump. Thus, the aspiration of energy upwards is invariably conditioned by suppression downwards. People usually consider this pressure a misfortune, a failure, while it is the physical threshold of an upsurge. Suppression manifests itself, of course, in completely different ways, but everyone who has reached the point of upsurge can establish moments of internal or external oppression. But it is sad to see how ignorant people fall under oppression without understanding pump law. This circumstance is especially urgent now, when the mass consciousness is being forged, when the coordination of thousands of consciousnesses, uncoordinated, unenlightened, not knowing the simplest immutable laws, is so necessary. How easily these masses can lose the understanding of oppression as the gates of uplift!

P., 79. If the heart is an accumulator and transmuter of energies, then there must be better conditions for perturbing and attracting these energies. The most basic condition will be labor, both mental and physical. In this movement, energies from space are collected. But we must understand labor as the natural fulfillment of life. Thus, every labor is grace, and the superstition of inaction is the most harmful in the cosmic sense. To love the infinity of labor is already a significant initiation, it prepares for victory over time. The condition for victory over time ensures a step in the Subtle World, where labor is the same indispensable condition as in the body. A complaint about labor may come from the slaves of the body.

S., 313. The consequences of the beginning of the Great Battle itself will resonate, first of all, on the heart of mankind. The affirmation of the heart is especially needed now, otherwise the unconscious heart will not be able to resist the hurricane of the turmoil of the elements. Therefore, think of the heart as a middle principle that connects us with the far-off worlds. You need to be aware of what exactly burdens the heart the most. After all, it is not special events that burden the heart so much as the chains of small specks of the day. It is very necessary to remember this, because great events can even give a special surge of psychic energy. But Armageddon 5 is not all about great events. On the contrary, many small actions are evaluated in it, and a poor heart must be accustomed to this shower of small streams. I say: poor, because it already knows in its essence the great fiery spheres, but for now it must break on the rocks of the Earth.

S., 315. Calmness is the balance of tension. The unification of consciousness is, first of all, the conservation of energy. This important rule is usually forgotten. When psychophysiology is introduced instead of limited physiology, then it will be possible for everyone to understand the importance of saving energy.

“Moral improvement and refinement of all our feelings is necessary for the perception of the Grace sent from Above. Only by purifying the inner man can our psychic energy enter into constant cooperation with the higher energy.

“Psychic energy is boundless in the diversity of its qualities and manifestations. It is dual in its aspect, like everything that exists in the manifested Universe, that is, it can serve good and evil. Because in the times of Atlantis the most diverse qualities of it were observed, so in the coming era we can expect the most diverse manifestations of it. But with the awakening of greater spirituality in humanity, thanks to the impact of new spatial rays reaching our planet, let us hope that its highest manifestations or qualities will prevail. Everything depends on the spiritual development of a person, on the quality of his heart.

“In the name of good cooperation, it is absolutely urgent for a new stage to assimilate the meaning of thought. It is necessary to create a better atmosphere in all our everyday life by purifying thoughts. Thus, we will attract the best opportunities. In each book of the Teaching, so many conversations are devoted to this issue, but we still cannot realize the basis of not only our well-being, but also our very existence. After all, the entire Cosmos is built on thought. All good and all destruction are based on thought. Thought brings life, thought brings death. When will people understand this! There is no lever in Cosmos stronger than a thought saturated with psychic energy.

Thought is a magnet, and each thought of darkness generates layers of heavy fluids, which are attracted and collected by identical consciousness. “Joy can attract joy from space with a magnetic current.” Remember that a thought acts like a boomerang, because a thought sent consciously to a person in whom there is no vibration identical with it returns to the sender, along the way being strengthened by identical vibrations, always rushing in abundance in space and looking for connections. It is easy to imagine what a destructive action can be for the sender if his thought was full of malice!

"It is necessary to put forward as much as possible the significance of thought and disciplined thinking for the development of a high quality of psychic energy."

“There are quite a few intellects devoid of the power of psychic energy, and their thought remains fruitless, because it is devoid of the magnet inherent in psychic energy, which gathers around itself similar energies for life both in space and in earthly structures. Indeed, a thought that is not imbued with psychic energy is fruitless, and such a mind is especially poor in the subtle world. Also, let us not forget that there are many types or, rather, qualities of this primary energy, and therefore let us strive for its highest manifestation in the selflessness of an aspiring heart.”

“It is necessary for mastering the methods of experience with psychic energy to be able to control one's thinking. Not only to be able to direct it, but to know and keep thoughts from action.

Oz., 2, VII, 1. Tell the new ones: you need to realize the responsibility for thoughts. First they were responsible for the action, then they understood the meaning of the word, now it's time to know the fire of thought.

It is better to be able to be silent and purify thoughts...

Oz., 3, III, 10. ... What will cleanse the spirit more purely than thoughts about the good of others? ..

All of the above can be summarized in the following paragraphs. For the accumulation and development of psychic energy it is necessary:

1. Recognize the existence of psychic energy, be ready to accept it, realize the power of the human apparatus.

2. Aspire to the Highest, the Hierarchy, the Teacher, to the space, the future.

3. To affirm and purify the heart.

4. Maintain spiritual tension, talk about the spiritual, expand and purify your consciousness, work on the quality of thinking.

5. Show dedication, desire for heroism, struggle and courage, to participate in great events; develop an aversion to the insignificant and not fall into the ordinary.

6. Overcome obstacles, arrows and blows, live as if on the edge of an abyss.

7. Work selflessly, diligently, intensely; to act actively, systematically, joyfully.

8. Strive for beauty, joy, delight and solemnity.

9. Develop positive moral qualities, allow direct statements.

10. Possess vigilance and vigilance, attentiveness and increased susceptibility.

11. Correctly organize work with psychic energy (reasonable return, planned and diligent development, concern for physical condition and environmental conditions).

12. Maintain balance, remain silent, cultivate patience and gain experience; contain opposites.
