The influence of thoughts on human life. How thoughts affect our health How positive thoughts affect our lives

Thousands of sources on the Internet, social. networks, mass media, published literature, psychological and business trainings around the world openly introduce you to the nuances and features of life path modeling, and even more thoroughly - to methods for achieving goals. Now, on the topic “how to achieve success in life”, the world has accumulated vast experience of many people who are effective in various fields.

They openly share their thoughts on real life experiences on how to achieve financial success; how to create a comfortable modern life at the desired level; how to create a lifestyle in which there is a favorite thing or hobby that brings joy and creative inspiration; how to create a social circle interesting people. It is important for someone to share their rich experience in implementing projects that are significant for people: publishing books, creating a good mood through television programs, conducting research in the scientific field, creating architectural complexes, and much more. These are just a few, probably recognizable by each of us, examples of altruistic creativity in life. By sharing their innovative, creative thoughts, these people help us to achieve success - and this is their altruistic gift to all who are ready to accept it. Their thoughts have a beneficial effect on our life, making it richer. If we also trace the life path of such people, we will see significant elements of success in their lives: a life full of positive impressions and events, an increase in financial flow, new favorable opportunities for the development of their altruistic creativity.

Lots of inspiring information! However, some of it will turn out to be partially unacceptable for you, as it will go against some of your life values ​​and principles.

You can study it deeply and apply it practically with pleasure, anticipating new opportunities for yourself and your loved ones. But it may well turn out that the use of this fascinating information will lead you to the need to make choices that will require you to sacrifice your conscience. A person can successfully and rapidly develop in the professional field, using new knowledge and skills, and one day he will get a chance to prove himself in this area on a larger scale. And it is at this moment that his family will especially need his attention and care. A person could work and study with inspiration and diligence for the dream of professional self-realization, but one day this diligence may lead him to choose between a career and a family, or between a career and developing a relationship with a loved one. It is difficult to make such a choice. It may well turn out that by confidently and creatively following the recommendations and technologies for achieving goals proposed by other people who have achieved significant success, a person will not be able to foresee certain difficulties. And then he will be puzzled by the question why it was for him that circumstances developed in such a way that limited his dream. Such situations are always unique, and any knowledge that a person has unambiguously and exhaustively cannot describe all the reasons for the current situation.

Now our goal is to decide on additional perspectives of your life vision in order to better understand the causes of obstacles and get the opportunity to neutralize them, attracting new knowledge from areas already known to you. Today, iissiidiology is manifested in the life of the world community - a new field of knowledge that adds completely new aspects of the vision of life, and makes it possible to understand the most ancient questions of people regarding their life, the life of their loved ones and those around them in general. Often these are questions about a misunderstanding of the cause-and-effect relationships between your thoughts and feelings and the circumstances of your life.

In order to begin to consider the nature of reasoning from the perspective of iissiidiology on some life examples, then gradually you will be asked to familiarize yourself with the concepts of “Focus of Close Attention”, “Focus Dynamics”, “Refocusing”.

When you achieve what you want in life, you feel stronger, more confident, and often happier.

Why is it important for a person to achieve his goals? Because it creates a positive feeling of success from the experience gained and, at a minimum, affects the formation of positive self-esteem and a sense of spiritual well-being in life. Most people already know that in order to achieve something, you must first express your desire in specific thoughts and images. . Information sources on this topic add that if your thought or thought system describes what you are striving for, then certain emotional, sensual states will correspond to the same thoughts precisely for the realization of what you want. Some of them are optimism and enthusiasm, faith in yourself and in those with whom you intend to realize your plan, a state of concentration on what was planned, a feeling of positive confidence in the future result (as if it had already been achieved!)

Great masters to represent desired result- children. We must give them their due, quite often thanks to their quivering, inspired and joyful anticipation of the desired or touching, humble hope, they stimulate the self-awareness of others (usually adults), in fact, directing the will of the latter to provide the desired. This is a simple example of how materialization can occur in a child's life. But in fact, there is no materialization! Confidently supporting his thoughts, images, the state of a holiday dream at a certain qualitative level, the child, step by step, transfers himself to a world where he already possesses what he has received.

Why, up to this point, have we talked in general terms about achieving goals, getting what we want, about the thought-sensory content of the intention that underlies what was conceived? - Because It is important for any person to get satisfaction from the experience gained. Satisfaction actively increases creativity: a complex range of accompanying deep positive states stimulates a person's self-awareness to develop more actively further. Thanks to psycho-mental activity of this quality, he reaches the level of his own development when he takes on more complex cases, masters his inner strength, forming himself as the creator of his life and feeling more and more his influence on people and the world around him.

It makes no sense to consider the quality of such influence (it can be positive and not positive - from the subjective point of view of some observer). We simply state that a person who consciously accumulates his life experience sooner or later feels himself strengthened in inner strength- he provides much more help to others, creates a fan of development opportunities not only for himself, but also for others. For example, you were good at drawing when you were young. Then your parents gave you the opportunity to graduate from art school, and later from the art academy. And your self-awareness, having received the corresponding experience, directs you to create works that can improve the lives of other people. Then perhaps you will create these for someone. beautiful work. Or maybe you can help someone develop creative skills, either by your altruistic thoughts and feelings, or by passing on experience in practice. This will create a fan of opportunities that other people can take advantage of. Also, the experience of art education can attract a certain financial flow into your life. Thus, the education and skills you have received have created a new range of opportunities for you that will serve not only you, but also other people.

Through your thoughts and feelings, you choose a new form every moment. Focus close attention, refocusing. Why do you need to know about it?

So far, we are talking only about a person, his form and self-consciousness, which is realized through the form of a person. As it turns out, a person has more than one form, obtained at conception and “growing up” over time. He changes it all the time. And this will be discussed now. Why is it necessary to know this? The very concept of "refocusing" can begin to accompany you in life as a working tool when you are engaged in a conscious change in the quality of your life path.

Each person has a focus of self-consciousness (focus of close attention - FPV), which always corresponds to certain thoughts and feelings (psycho-mental activity), living conditions, environment, elements of communication, etc. Regardless of whether a person knows about it or not, the position of the focus of his self-consciousness changes about three hundred times per second. Each time the subsequent focus of self-consciousness corresponds to a new form (a more familiar concept - the human body). This is the essence of refocusing from moment to moment - the transition from one PDF and its corresponding form to another PDF and another form. Such a process occurs approximately 300 times per second: approximately three hundred human PDFs correspond to the same number of forms, very similar to each other. At the same time, each subsequent form differs by a tiny fraction from the previous one due to the momentary difference in the fluctuations of psycho-mental activity). Each subsequent PDF to a large extent resonates with the previous one. The endless sequence of PDFs in the process that you perceive as your life is part of your Focal Dynamics. . Why a part? - The fact is that you are almost the same in lives that are quite similar to your current one. Now they can talk about it as parallel scenarios. And this will be discussed below. All this sounds unexpected at first, and then - who knows! - can naturally become a familiar part of your reasoning about life.

What, according to the iissiidiological interpretation, happens to a person in the process of refocusing?

Try to imagine that every moment a person's self-consciousness chooses its own new form(body) with its specific element of activity (thought-sensory or plus to it - in the form of specific actions). These actions are literally “frame by frame”, and in each conditional “frame” there is your form with the next action element. What's new about this show? First of all p understanding that a person, first of all, at every moment is the focus of self-consciousness (FSC). So far, the vast majority of people on the planet are basically strongly attached to the state of their biological form and sensually significantly identify themselves with it. Understanding that you are, first of all, your PDF will allow you to pay attention to its quality in the first place. And the quality of your PDF is precisely the quality of your thought-sensory state in this moment. Realizing that your form in the smallest nuances is determined by the quality of your PDF, thinking about both life and your health, first of all you will pay attention to changing the quality of PDF.

Now let's look at the designer example from the previous chapter. After all, he does not just develop his skills and change the conditions of work and life. In the iissiidiological interpretation, it can be argued that he changes his forms one after another, choosing those that have more and more information-capacious skills and psycho-mental activity.

For the conscious replacement of thoughts and feelings that may be holding you back in not very favorable scenarios of your life, you may subsequently be additionally motivated by the thought that it might be worth trying to start changing your habitual thought-sensory activity to a more positive one. Perhaps you will try to do something completely new: a more interesting job or sport, repair or creativity, transform your social circle or start a family, start your own business, etc.

What is another of the unexpected aspects of novelty revealed by iissiidiology? - The fact that a person, in fact, does nothing and does not move anywhere. At first, it may not be easy to imagine that you are not going anywhere (you are like a focus of self-consciousness = FPV): you simply choose your form at breakneck speed, as if “built into” an instant “frame” of the world around you. The perceptual system inherent in most people is not yet able to catch such a frequent change of forms, and therefore the picture of life is perceived as a continuous stream. Even if you quickly raise your hand, at least ~1/4 of a second will pass, and during this time you will have time to manifest in about 75 of your forms, each of which will take its place in the chain of conditional “frames”.

So each of your subsequent form differs by a tiny, for our understanding, share from the previous one. It just seems to us in the old fashioned way that we are born in a certain body, and it is subject to age-related changes. But now it turns out that we have at our disposal an unimaginable number of our own forms. In addition, any form, including the form of a person, is “assembled” from many other forms that ensure the integrity of the human body (organs, organ systems, molecules, atoms, elementary particles with their own self-consciousness), which in every “frame” of our manifestations also contribute to our experience of physiological sensations, movements, etc.

The illusion of movement and actions does not seem to you an illusion precisely because other forms of self-consciousness (organs and their systems, molecules, elementary particles) are also given the opportunity to receive their experience, influencing your PDF. If you know how this influence occurs, then your reactions and thinking will gradually become less dependent on the state of the forms of self-consciousness that ensure the manifestation of your biological form as a whole. All this will begin to happen more intensively if you begin to introduce new knowledge into the practice of your thought-creation, replacing your previous ideas with them. And this will have to be worked on. The psycho-mental feeling of old age by a person can be considered as a consequence of burdening his self-consciousness with experience in which too many non-positive experiences and difficult thoughts have been accumulated. No one and nothing prevents any of the people from reformatting them into positive ones.

What are your life scripts

At every moment, the form of a person “re-selected” by the focus of close attention is “inscribed” in the world around him, at this very moment, the world that corresponds to the smallest detail to the quality of self-consciousness this person. But if refocusings are so individual, why do we end up in the same world with so many other people? Because the PDF of many people in many respects resonate with each other in the field common interests, needs, tasks, desires to get some kind of experience (both positive and not positive). Representatives of forms other than human species (and other types of self-consciousness) also partially resonate with people in the above areas and therefore also find themselves in the same world with people. All foci of all forms (with their self-awareness) interact with each other in varying degrees, even through the smallest or weakest "interconnections." Your parents, children, friends, colleagues and any other people are, first of all, foci of self-consciousness, interacting with each other also through the forms they choose. Our forms perform numerous concerted actions, act for each other or vice versa, and so on.

So, each PDF corresponds to a certain form and a certain world. Conditional chains of such "frames" instantly, second by minute, minute by hour, day, year, make up what you consider your life. It consists of a number of scenarios. In iissiidiology, a scenario means a period of life when the same signs steadily appear for some time: living conditions, types of communication. Have you ever walked in kindergarten- these were 1-3 scenarios (junior, middle and preparatory groups for school). Then you went to school - it could be a few more scenarios. And from adult life, a person models other scenarios. The division into scenarios, of course, is not literal, however, you yourself are able to “consider” signs of a difference in scenarios. To do this, you just need to think about certain stages of your life.

Why are you learning about scripts now? In order to understand more deeply that by changing your thoughts and feelings, you change your form and quality of the worlds that you instantly and successively replace. The sequences of worlds are the scenarios of your life. By changing the quality of your thoughts, reactions and feelings, you can change the quality of your life scripts. This applies not only to the future, you can also deeply and sincerely realize your insecurities. best picks and behavior in your past, mentally and deeply sincerely imagining another type of behavior possible then. By doing so, you will change some part of your self-consciousness, and this will also affect the quality of your future scripts.

At every moment you are "surrounded" by almost four hundred possible scenarios for you

The following may be unexpected for the type of thinking of a modern person: in each of three hundred moments per second, the FPV is given the choice of the next psycho-mental state from almost four hundred (!) Possibilities. Each of us at every moment is in the multiworld system (this is due to the universal principle of multipolarization for the entire universe, which you can learn about from the 1st volume of "Fundamentals of Iissiidiology"). Consciously or not, choosing this or that psycho-mental state now, you choose, figuratively speaking, the next “frame” of your life scenario (your form with your PDF and the reality surrounding you with its possibilities). You have the right to ask where these countless scenarios come from. In iissiidiology, this is a big topic about how the universe is created. And if it is important to you, then over time you will be able to delve into its study. All the scenarios are already there, and with your PDF at every moment you only choose a “frame” of your life of one quality or another.

Feeling the relationship between the quality of choice and the quality of the subsequent development of the scenario, you actually constantly feel yourself in a system of possible choices, which in iissiidiology is called the skruullerrt system. It can be compared to the "dandelion" of elections, where you are in the center of the flower. The Skrruullerrt system consists of almost four hundred vectors of directions to a variety of scenarios. There is a slight frequency shift between the scenarios, corresponding to the slightest differences in the possible psycho-mental states of a particular human person at a given moment. Therefore, your own personal interpretations, which are very similar to you at the moment, are safely at the moment in four hundred worlds, as it were, parallel to yours. For the time being, you most likely do not have such a system of perception to see yourself and those around you in other scenarios if you wish. Therefore, you understand that your PDF is still securely “attached” only to a given frame of one given scenario and to that chain of “frames” that you call your only life.

So, three hundred times per second, your PDF is surrounded by another four hundred similar in quality, but still different scenarios. It is important to note here: you are accustomed to thinking that your life is one, and yet you, in many of your personal interpretations, are manifested in a myriad of scenarios, as if on other “carrier” frequencies. And in each of three hundred moments per second, due to the quality of your PDF, you feel yourself in this form only in one of your almost four hundred scenarios. So, all the already incalculable number of your PDFs in all scenarios - this is all your Focal Dynamics mentioned above.

The principle of scruullerity is characteristic of any form of self-consciousness. Now we will not talk about the form with its self-consciousness, namely, about the form of self-consciousness. The universe, the universe, galaxies, star systems, planets, microorganisms, elementary particles, etc. - in general, any form of self-consciousness is subject to the principle of scruullerity.

Why do you need this detail? The fact is that when choosing a particular thought/reaction/feeling, you choose to live according to a certain scenario. Hundreds of scenarios diverge from every choice you make. It is interesting that all these scenarios with your other personal interpretations, which have become derivatives of a particular choice, subsequently influence your current scenario in which you realize yourself as a person living your life.

Any choice of a person (conscious or unconscious) leads to hundreds of scenarios, the influence of which he feels on himself, even if he does not suspect it. For example, the thoughts and reactions of a person at the moment are of a consistently positive nature. That is, he constantly strives to create good mood both to themselves and to those around them. And so, he celebrates his birthday at the firm, having thought through and festive table, and the scenario of the holiday, and the style of its conduct, and the music, and the atmosphere of communication. The birthday man tries to foresee what the participants of the holiday might like the most. Most often, such efforts bring a bright result, which is remembered by all the beautiful impressions, warmth, good humor, festive emotional elation. The birthday person himself has a feeling of joy from a successful event. He experiences roughly the same feelings in many close scenarios moment by moment. It's just that these states in other scenarios are very close, but still they are slightly different. In a wave way, indirectly, all these psycho-mental states are superimposed by their fields on the state of a person in this scenario as well. The spectrum of frequencies that resonates with the frequencies of experiences in this scenario additionally supports the good states of the host of the recent holiday for some time.

The positive states of the participants of the past holiday also influence - they can additionally influence the birthday person both from many close scenarios and in the current scenario. Good memories of guests about the holiday over long periods of time will continue to activate a good mood in the focal dynamics of the birthday boy, continuing to strengthen his psyche. All this, accordingly, has a beneficial effect on his health.

If you try to abstractly imagine a scruullert system and the transition along each of its vectors to the next scruullert system, you can imagine the diversity of your PDFs along each of the vectors, gaining a more complete understanding of the focal dynamics of a person. Imagine figuratively how the next dandelion is drawn from one of the four hundred “dandelion umbrellas”. And so each of the almost four hundred "umbrellas". figuratively speaking, it is a path to the next "dandelion". In general, myriad options for continuing scenarios diverge from one choice alone.

By consciously and consistently changing the quality of your PDF (and focal dynamics in general) in one scenario, you gradually get closer and closer to the scenario of the quality you are striving for. Let's not forget that in "parallel" scenarios (in multipolarization) you also keep changing your PDFs and focal dynamics in the direction you want. And these changes will also strengthen you in your efforts in this direction.

And now you can create additional motivation for yourself to work with negative / non-positive psycho-mental states in order to consistently transform them into positive ones. By the same principle, negative / non-positive states also influence. And because they affect each of us and from parallel scenarios, you will be able to more confidently change your not the best thoughts and reactions to more balanced, benevolent, intellectually capacious and mature sensually - benefiting not only you, but also other people.

Are you interested in everything that happens to you? And what is said about this in iissiidiology?

No matter what desires you have and no matter what goals you strive for, you are always driven by one or another interest that corresponds to the current PDF. Iissiidiology offers a different concept of interest, which may seem unexpected, but it is precisely this that allows a person to deeply understand the cause-and-effect relationships in his life.

In iissiidiology, "interest" is what your self-consciousness is doing at any given moment. You can object to this the following: you were not interested in getting sick or getting into undesirable circumstances. The whole point is that your PDF did not arise “out of nowhere.” It was formed as an expression of the thought-sensory states inherent in you over a certain period, which ensured the manifestation of specific circumstances in your life scenario. This means, in the language of iissiidiology, that the accomplished circumstances have become such due to your interest in gaining experience in precisely such circumstances. Having begun to think maturely, you can rethink some stages of your life path and understand that if you thought and acted even more positively, would plan your time for the sake of getting out of the hustle and bustle or inactivity, would do physical exercises, cleanse the body, pay attention to self-education or tried to build more harmonious relationships, receiving special knowledge for this, you would have lived in other circumstances. This kind of reflection is your ability to feel the so-called other parallel scenarios of your life.

So, no matter what someone from the people around you does (and even gets sick, cannot get rid of anger or the habit of being offended, experiences an accident, etc.), he is interested in it - because the focus of his self-consciousness and the focal dynamics in general focused precisely on such a psycho-mental activity. That is, while he is able to provide himself with only those circumstances in which he receives the necessary, truly interesting experience for him!

One day you will notice that this perception of the word "interest" will gradually contribute to the formation of the position of the Observer in your self-consciousness. This Observer in you will begin to perceive any manifestations of life in a neutral-positive way. The state of the Observer will allow more and more often to move away from dual ideas about anything, helping to get rid of unreasonable doubts and uncertainty in the elections. Thanks to this state, a person acquires more and more resistance to stress, combined with benevolence towards everything that happens.

The ability to shift from a human proto-form to a different type of proto-form

Comprehending further information will require from us the position of a neutral-positive Observer in order to ascertain, sympathize, empathize without hanging thought-sensory labels of the “good-bad” duality.

Note that iissiidiology considers any life experience as conducive to the development of self-awareness. Even if this experience leads to what can be interpreted as the degradation of a person. The accumulation of experience occurs every moment, no matter how unacceptable this experience may seem to you.

By experience is meant the already carried out psycho-mental activity plus the corresponding actions. All this activity (thoughts, feelings, actions) is connected with the activity of the parts of the brain, the activity of genes, organ systems and the organs themselves of each individual. In the language of iissiidiology (don't be fooled by repetition), each person experiences through a biological form and is accordingly related to the human proto-form. There are proto-forms of various animals, plants, minerals, planets, galaxies and many other types that receive (synthesize) experience of a completely different quality. For example, coexisting with us in the same reality, birds can only experience a certain range of possibilities. This range was initially determined by the DNA of birds: it contains an active part of those genes that are present in the human DNA in a passive state. It is important to note that a person gradually and imperceptibly for his perception system (and the people around him) can activate part of the genes of other proto-forms in his DNA with his specific mental-sensory dynamics. For reference, double-stranded DNA known in science contains a set of genes that is universal for biological organisms.

Thus, iisiidiology explains that absolutely every person always has a chance to shift the vector of development of his self-consciousness from the human proto-form to others - known to us as biological (animals or plants) or forms of minerals. In the same way, the focus of self-consciousness can shift from another biological proto-form to a human one. Such a transition cannot happen quickly, and even during the period traditionally called by people one life. Many such periods of accumulation of experience of thoughts and feelings are needed, less and less corresponding to human ones.

A vivid example of the beginning of such a transition, found in society, is the all-consuming passion of a person for caring for the cats that live in his apartment. Let's take an example of how elderly woman for 15 years she kept at least ten cats in an apartment on the ground floor of a multi-storey building, periodically picked up by her from the street. The cats could come back from the street or leave through the first floor balcony at any time. The woman was so absorbed in her care for the "poor" animals that requests for order from either neighbors or relatives had no effect. She did not pay any attention to them, continuing to "rescue" the animals, ignoring the reactions of the people around her about their growing discomfort (smell and unsanitary conditions). As a result, her attention to people was dulled to the limit, transforming into ignorance along with self-justification - this is how the focal dynamics of a woman changed. The psycho-mental activity of animals became more and more close to her, and communication with people was preserved only at a formal level. Those around her increasingly showed the impression of her coldness and aloofness. At the same time, the woman’s health worsened - a “bouquet” of serious illnesses appeared, there was no good household hygiene. The quality of her vision suffered especially, the mobility of her body decreased, and in a few years, blindness and a seemingly deliberate slowness of mental reactions and movements actually set in. At the same time, the clear logic of everyday thinking and the ability to actively manage the household were impeccably preserved.

Medicine describes such examples with diagnoses. Psychologists will try to some extent to trace the dynamics of thoughts and feelings of such a person. Iissiidiology offers another explanation for such examples. In the case of such a fanatical enthusiasm, the thoughts and feelings of a person increasingly go beyond socially healthy interpersonal relationships at the same time, the quality of the biological form also changes. Problems with the form are already secondary, and they are described in medical categories.

As already mentioned, the process of transition of the focus of self-consciousness from one proto-form to another (for example, from human to cat) is very slow. By shifting to another proto-form, a person cannot change form to a fundamentally different type even in 90 years. This happens in many successive life scenarios. It is not difficult to assume that from scenario to scenario, a person's life becomes more and more burdened with problems, not only with health.

Let's clarify the following. The range of thought-sensory activity that determines the acquisition of experience of the human path of development is determined by the corresponding set of active genes in DNA. DNA is the universal structure of biological type forms. At the same time, one “set” of genes is active in humans, another in animals, and a third in plants. And the focus of self-consciousness of a representative of any of the three groups has a real possibility of transition from the proto-form of his group to any other - this happens with a gradual change in the quality of his psycho-mental activity and a change in activity in the genome.

The thought-sensory filling of another proto-form, accumulated in self-consciousness, gradually activates the genes characteristic of it. At the same time, a part of the genes of the human proto-form becomes more and more passive. In fact, unconsciously and imperceptibly for his system of perception, a person seems to “refuse” from the form of a person - diseases develop, difficult circumstances, which also in their own way limit the possibilities for experiencing states of mental well-being.

So, seeing someone's problems, we will try to be tolerant in such cases. After all, we can have before us a form of human self-consciousness as shifting from the human path to another protoform direction, and vice versa - a person "with oddities" can strive with all his might to gain human experience. Condemnation, alertness, etc. - in such cases - these are signs of rejection, which are so characteristic, for example, of many animals, when members of the pack do not accept what is different from them. And who knows, maybe the plants and animals that we have made domestic, gradually learning to understand us and adapt to our specific and not always simple life for them, can also synthesize particles of experience similar to human? Maybe one of them accumulates the potential to shift into a human proto-form.

If you are deeply interested in this topic, then you will begin to find answers by studying Iissiidiology on your own. Humanity does not yet have the experience of observing the change of forms by people. This is also explained by the fact that the human perception system is so far tuned only to see its only scenario of life. However, there are people who can "see" scenarios of the past and future. They may have the opportunity to observe a change in the path of development.

We touched on a topic that is of interest to many people who are looking for a path of self-development. Many are interested in the question: is it possible to become a representative of another proto-form? Can. A variety of thoughts and feelings, constituting the focal dynamics of a person, lead to this. Is it possible for representatives of other proto-forms to shift into the human direction of development? Can. A certain focal dynamics also leads to this, which becomes completely uncharacteristic of this proto-form.

Summing up

We have considered guidelines that allow us to think about life more fully in order to more accurately solve its puzzles - especially when we see that what is expected does not coincide with the actual. The most important thing is to understand that everything in yourself can be changed! You can start doing it right now! Majority modern people most often now they are interested not so much in the tasks of survival as in the question of how to live positively and experience joy and satisfaction from life.

I would like to think that it is not so difficult. But it turns out that it is not enough to be joyful, kind and forgiving. Today, a person, in order to quickly and positively pass through the stages of life, must also be scientifically versed in a variety of life issues. They relate not only to the meaning of life, but also to increasing the efficiency of thinking, maintaining good health, stability mental states, the ability to refocus in these states. Information about this kind of issues is not always "cloudless" for the established views of a person. More often, it offers him a lot to overcome in his self-consciousness with a significant restructuring of his focal dynamics. New information, which does not promise inertial peace, helps to actively illuminate the essence of life's mysteries and stimulates a person's consciousness to change.

You were presented with some iissiidiological arguments about the formation in self-consciousness of the position of a conscious neutral-positive Observer who has an idea about refocusings, about the quality of psycho-mental activity; about the significance of the influence of thoughts and feelings on the choice of scenarios for one's life; about a more objective attitude to the concept of "interest"; about different proto-forms. Perhaps this will give you additional guidelines for finding more accurate answers to the questions: “Why am I doing what the world famous successful people, but for some reason not everything turns out smoothly, or for some reason, far from all of this I can implement? Your ocean of life is either confident sailing and creating new courses, or - confident and maybe - calm drifting in the "comfort zone" with established ideas. And only you can choose how to swim in this ocean.

The Law of Attraction reacts exactly as you think and feel. Regardless of whether your thoughts and feelings are good or bad, you give them outward and they return to you, as an echo returns the words you spoke. But it does mean that you can change your own life by changing your thoughts and feelings. Think and feel in a positive way, and you will completely change your life!

Your thoughts are the words that are in your head and spoken out loud. When you say to someone, "What a beautiful day," you first think about it and then you say it. Your thoughts become your actions. When you get out of bed in the morning, the thought of getting up precedes the action. You cannot do anything unless you first think about it.

It is your thoughts that determine the positivity or negativity of your words and actions. But how do you know if your thoughts are positive or negative? Your thoughts are positive when you think about what you love and want! Accordingly, thoughts about what is unpleasant and undesirable for you are negative. See how easy and simple it is to define everything?

If you want something in your life, you love it. Think for yourself. You don't want what you don't like, do you? Everyone wants only what they love. Nobody wants what they don't like.

When you think or talk about what you want and love—for example, “I love these shoes, they are so pretty!”—your thoughts are positive. These positive thoughts will return to you in the form of a thing you like - a couple beautiful shoes. But if your thoughts or words sound like this: “Just look at the price of these shoes - robbery in broad daylight!” - your thoughts are negative. They will also return to you, but already as an unpleasant reminder that you cannot afford it.

Most people are much more likely to think and talk not about what they like, but about what they don't like. They send into the world more hostility than love, and thus inevitably deprive themselves of all the blessings of life.

Without love, it is impossible to live a full, vibrant, rich life. People who live this way think and talk mostly about what they love, and not about what they hate! And people whose life consists of struggle do exactly the opposite: they almost always think and talk about unpleasant and undesirable!

Talk about what you love

When you talk about money troubles, relationship problems, illnesses, and even the fact that your business's profits are falling, you are not talking about what you love at all. When you talk about some unpleasant event from the news release, about a person or situation that caused your irritation and displeasure, this is also not talking about what you love. Add to this a retelling of the events of a difficult day when you were late for a meeting, stuck in traffic or missed the bus. This is again talking about what you don't like. In every day of our life there are annoying little things, but if you are used to talking about troubles, any of these little things will add to your difficulties and suffering.

You need to get used to talking about all the good things that happened during the day. Talk about a successful business meeting. Talk about how you like being punctual. Talk about how wonderful it is to be in good health. Talk about the profits you want to achieve in your business. Talk about all the successes, positive events and meetings. To attract what you love into your life, you must first think and talk about it.

If you, like a parrot, incessantly talk about troubles, if you break into a scream, talking about unwanted events, you are literally driving yourself into a cage. Every conversation about the unpleasant strengthens this cage, adds rods to it, and you are reliably fenced off from all the good that is in life.

People whose lives can be called completed talk more about what they love. Thus, they get unlimited access to all the blessings of life. They are free, like birds soaring in the sky. To create such a life, break the bars of the cage in which you have locked yourself; talk only about what you love, and love will set you free!

You can change your life because you have the limitless ability to think and talk about what you love. Thus, you have an unlimited opportunity to attract all the blessings of life! However, the power you have is much more than sending positive thoughts and speaking positive words about things that please you, because the law of attraction responds to your thoughts and feelings as well. To use this power, you must feel love!

Extra meaningless conversations waste your energy a lot, especially chatter fed by emotions.

When something happens in your life, try one practice - do not tell anyone about it when it itches to tell it to the pain. Something happens - keep it in yourself, then you will keep the strength and potential of this event within yourself.

Similarly, when someone tries to involve you in their stories, stay calm and watch your emotions, don't let them control you and get involved in other people's emotions. Even those around you will notice this - in what a halo of strength and mystery you will begin to stay, but in fact you just saved yourself, not wasting for more valuable feats than idleness.

Words and thoughts affect our lives. DNA perceives human speech!

Scientists have come to a stunning conclusion: DNA perceives human speech. Her "ears" are downright adapted to picking up sound vibrations.

Pushkin once wrote to his wife: "Don't stain your soul by reading French novels." Our contemporary will only smile at this mandate of a genius, but in vain. The molecules of heredity receive both acoustic and light information: silent reading reaches the cell nuclei through electromagnetic channels. One text heals heredity, while the other injures it.

Prayer words awaken the reserve capabilities of the genetic apparatus. The curse destroys wave programs, which means it disrupts the normal development of the organism.

P. Goryaev believes that with the help of verbal thoughts-forms, a person creates his genetic apparatus. For example, a child who has taken a certain program from his parents begins to rowdy, swear. Thus, he destroys himself and his environment - both social and psychological. And this "snowball" rolls from generation to generation.

So the genetic apparatus is not at all indifferent to what we think about, talk about, what books we read. Everything is imprinted in the wave genome, that is, the wave genetic program, which changes the heredity and program of each cell in one direction or another. So, a word can cause cancer, or it can cure a person. Moreover, DNA does not make out whether you are communicating with a living person or with the hero of a television series.

How words and thoughts affect our lives

Have you ever thought about how words and thoughts affect our lives?

In fact, they don't just influence, they shape our reality! And what you say depends on what kind of life you live! If you have seen the film about water “The Great Mystery of Water”, then you will surely remember that water is able to perceive, store and transmit information even as subtle as human thought, emotion, not to mention words. Under their influence, the whole structure of water, its molecule, changes, and since we ourselves are made of water, accordingly, a person himself can influence his health and body with word and thought. Let's take a look at the most common phrases in our life, and as a result, what we get. So, let's begin!

Saying - "wow!"- How much do you think you will get for yourself? Of course not! Immediately remember if you had such cases when you didn’t get something? Everyone got it, but you didn't. This situation, the answer of the universe to the phrase - "wow!"

Remember how often you say - "I can't hear anything at all(I don’t see, I don’t feel, etc.)!!!” What do you think will attract these words into your life? - Of course, diseases of the eyes, ears, nose.

Saying and thinking - "I'm fat"- you get a plus overweight.

Saying - "I'm losing weight"- you get diseases and start to feel worse, because the word “lose weight” comes from the word “thin”. Replace this phrase with - "I'm getting slim" - and then this thought form will begin to positively influence you.

Saying "I don't have money", you accordingly will never be in financial abundance. The phrase - “Money comes to me easily and often!” And as soon as you do not interfere with the process of implementing the declared with your negative thoughts, you will immediately feel how easy it is for you to open up new opportunities for money to come into your wallet!

Saying in response to gratitude - "to health!"- you give your health!!! Thus offering another - on, take my health! There is a replacement for these words - a very pleasant and sincere phrase. When they say "thank you", answer - "FOR GOOD"

By using the prefix "demon" in words, you are attracting a demon into your life. The prefix "demon" has never existed in Russian! New spelling rules were imposed on the Russian people after the 1917 coup. "Demon" is a prefix introduced into the Russian language in 1921 by Lunacharsky-Lenin, contrary to the rules of the Russian language. This rule was introduced specifically to praise and exalt the despised demon. Look at the words: "powerless", "useless", "purposeless", with these words we give strength to this evil spirits. Replace it with "without". And then everything will fall into place.

The words "I don't seem to have anything"- they program for the absence of something in your Family!
Saying "I need", "I need"- you live life out of need and under the influence of circumstances, thereby depriving yourself of the opportunity to be the master of your life. It would be nice to replace these words with "I choose."

Telling a child "you're a fool"- He will learn from you badly. Because how you yourself created it is not sane!

talking close person- “my eyes wouldn’t see you”, “you got me”, “leave me alone”, “disappear from my life” - you are programming a break in relations with this person. Do not be surprised if your husband or child then leaves the family, or even worse from life. But that's how the law of the universe works. What you ask for is what comes to you! Remember the Russian fairy tale when the wife said to her husband - "Yes, so you failed!" That is exactly what happened at that very moment. After all, this is no coincidence! Russians have always known the power of words and thoughts, and in fairy tales they showed how the universal laws work!

Saying to the child “You will fall”, “There you will break your legs, you will break your neck!” Then please don't be surprised if this is what happens to your child! You yourself, again, created a scenario for your child's life. Remember how often you say - "after all, I told you that it would be just like that," - this is also exactly this case when you yourself attracted negative situation in the life of your loved one, and therefore in your own.

Speaking of men “all men….., there is not a single normal one!”- so it turns out that every subsequent man in your life will bring you only suffering and grief.

Telling a person - "I can't digest you!"- you get problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

"You're sitting on my neck!"- get osteochondrosis.

“My heart bleeds”, “My heart almost stopped”- consider that they ordered diseases with a heart in the heavenly office.

To prevent bad things from happening, it is very important not to think about it, and even more so not to say negative information. No wonder there is a saying - "It is said - it's done!" That is, having said, you have already almost carried it out. You have launched the execution program! But not everything is so bad, they work in the same way and Nice words and thoughts. By creating and releasing a positive thought, as a result, you get a positive in life, as good people and happy events.

And one more important information - scolding a person, sending curses at him, calling him hurtful words and insults, thus you influence not only his biofield, but also your own! You are destroying your subtle energy and bringing the same curse on yourself and your children! Before speaking out strongly against someone, it is very worth considering whether it is worth it! Might be better to hold back! And release your emotions in a scream in the forest, thereby relieving tension from yourself and getting a lot of pleasant sensations in your whole body.

By replacing negative thoughts and words with positive ones, you create a space of love and positive around you, and in this case, everything negative will bypass you. And by saying the words "I love" and "Thank you" you change and influence the whole world. Let's give a smile, love, gratitude and forgiveness as often as possible by creating pure energies of light in our Universe.

There are a lot of negative words that affect our life script, but now I think you yourself can track them in your speech and do not let them take over your life! Believe me, only by changing your thinking and speech, you can radically change your life from “unsuccessful” to a happy and joyful one.

When something happens in your life, try one practice - do not tell anyone about it when it itches to tell it to the pain. Something happens - keep it in yourself, then you will keep the strength and potential of this event within yourself.

Similarly, when someone tries to involve you in their stories, stay calm and watch your emotions, don't let them control you and get involved in other people's emotions. Even those around you will notice this - in what a halo of strength and mystery you will begin to stay, but in fact you just saved yourself, not wasting for more valuable feats than idleness.
Pushkin once wrote to his wife: "Don't stain your soul by reading French novels." Our contemporary will only smile at this mandate of a genius, but in vain. The molecules of heredity receive both acoustic and light information: silent reading reaches the cell nuclei through electromagnetic channels. One text heals heredity, while the other injures it.
Prayer words awaken the reserve capabilities of the genetic apparatus. The curse destroys wave programs, which means it disrupts the normal development of the organism.
P. Goryaev believes that with the help of verbal thoughts-forms, a person creates his genetic apparatus. For example, a child who has taken a certain program from his parents begins to rowdy, swear. Thus, he destroys himself and his environment - both social and psychological. And this "snowball" rolls from generation to generation.
So the genetic apparatus is not at all indifferent to what we think about, talk about, what books we read. Everything is imprinted in the wave genome, that is, the wave genetic program, which changes the heredity and program of each cell in one direction or another. So, a word can cause cancer, or it can cure a person. Moreover, DNA does not make out whether you are communicating with a living person or with the hero of a television series.

How words and thoughts affect our lives

Have you ever thought about how words and thoughts affect our lives?
In fact, they don't just influence, they shape our reality! And what you say depends on what kind of life you live! If you have seen the film about water “The Great Mystery of Water”, then you will surely remember that water is able to perceive, store and transmit information even as subtle as human thought, emotion, not to mention words. Under their influence, the whole structure of water, its molecule, changes, and since we ourselves are made of water, accordingly, a person himself can influence his health and body with word and thought. Let's take a look at the most common phrases in our life, and as a result, what we get. So, let's begin!
Saying - "wow!" - How much do you think you will get for yourself? Of course not! Immediately remember if you had such cases when you didn’t get something? Everyone got it, but you didn't. This situation, the answer of the universe to the phrase - "wow!" Remember how often you say, “I don’t hear anything at all (I don’t see, I don’t feel, etc.) !!!” What do you think will attract these words into your life? - Of course, diseases of the eyes, ears, nose.
Saying and thinking - "I'm fat" - you get extra pounds as a plus.
Saying - "I'm losing weight" - you get diseases and start to feel worse, since the word "lose weight" is from the word "thin". Replace this phrase with - "I'm getting slim" - and then this thought form will begin to positively influence you.
Saying "I don't have money" means you will never be financially abundant. The phrase - “Money comes to me easily and often!” And as soon as you do not interfere with the process of implementing the declared with your negative thoughts, you will immediately feel how easy it is for you to open up new opportunities for money to come into your wallet!
Saying in response to gratitude - "to health!" - you give your health!!! Thus offering another - on, take my health! There is a replacement for these words - a very pleasant and sincere phrase. When they say "thank you", answer - "FOR GOOD"
By using the prefix "demon" in words, you are attracting a demon into your life. The prefix "demon" has never existed in Russian! New spelling rules were imposed on the Russian people after the 1917 coup. "Demon" is a prefix introduced into the Russian language in 1921 by Lunacharsky-Lenin, contrary to the rules of the Russian language. This rule was introduced specifically to praise and exalt the despised demon. Look at the words: “powerless”, “useless”, “purposeless”, with these words we give strength to this impure force. Replace it with "without". And then everything will fall into place.
The words “I don’t seem to have anything” are programmed for the absence of something. Matrix tricks and how thoughts affect our lives

Let me tell you a little about how it happened to me.

TV and radio have disappeared from my life. No, they have not disappeared at all from visibility and they are present in the house as things that I remember in order to wipe the dust and think that I should take them to the dacha. And then I think: "How is it to the dacha. if there, is my personal account of the Creation of Life?" And so far they stand, like dust collectors and objects for taking out to the garbage under the cover of night.

It so happened that one fine day, I could not listen to the news on TV, the voice of the presenter was so stubborn and assertive that I was forced to turn off the TV, because my heart began to go out of rhythm from other people's vibrations. Then, listening to other presenters, already , analyzing the tone of voice, the construction of speech, I realized that this is a certain technology of voice possession in combination with psychological tricks speech in turns of words, the composition of phrases and the speed of pronunciation. And the whole presentation is enhanced by special musical inserts that enhance the effect that affects our consciousness.

Watch how negative news is replicated in every way and their share and quantity in
news feeds. All this is deposited and recorded in our DNA, violating our true vision of the world, causing the return of our energy through the excitation of emotions of anger, fear, etc., as involvement in these events.
The so-called "modern music" with its heavy low-vibration rhythms has disappeared from my life. I physically felt its influence on my brain and body. Have you noticed that when you hear such music, you involuntarily begin to mentally dance or hum meaningless words? the motive is spinning in our head for several days? Catch yourself at these moments, you got a special virus that stole your attention, distracted you from something important, or sent you on the wrong path of thought. For example, have fun in the company, take alcohol and so on. The influence of sound on our lives is immeasurably great. Please remember this.

Have you noticed how much visual advertising we have? Billboards hanging in prominent places, various displays with flashing inscriptions, television multi-colored advertising enhanced by velvety voices and specially composed music, a huge number of glossy magazines giving dubious and contradictory advice? even looked and received your download of viruses that make you make unnecessary purchases and actions. You say: "These are experts and scientists." Yes, I agree, but I will add, many of them are big docks in the manipulation of consciousness ...

Catch yourself at these moments of dependence on emotions alien to you, look at the world from the Silence of your Heart. And this interference in your inner world will decrease and decrease every day, until it becomes the background picture of this z-dimensional world and does not interfere with your creation your own.

Lyudmila, on, Gorodenka.

Below I put a beautiful post, written with a pure heart

How thoughts affect our lives

The Law of Attraction reacts exactly as you think and feel. Regardless of whether your thoughts and feelings are good or bad, you give them outward and they return to you, as an echo returns the words you spoke. But it does mean that you can change your own life by changing your thoughts and feelings. Think and feel in a positive way, and you will completely change your life!

Your thoughts are the words that are in your head and spoken out loud. When you say to someone, "What a beautiful day," you first think about it and then you say it. Your thoughts become your actions. When you get out of bed in the morning, the thought of getting up precedes the action. You cannot do anything unless you first think about it.

It is your thoughts that determine the positivity or negativity of your words and actions. But how do you know if your thoughts are positive or negative? Your thoughts are positive when you think about what you love and want! Accordingly, thoughts about what is unpleasant and undesirable for you are negative. See how easy and simple it is to define everything?

If you want something in your life, you love it. Think for yourself. You don't want what you don't like, do you? Everyone wants only what they love. Nobody wants what they don't like.

When you think or talk about what you want and love—for example, “I love these shoes, they are so pretty!”—your thoughts are positive. These positive thoughts will return to you in the form of a thing you like - a pair of beautiful shoes. But if your thoughts or words sound like this: “Just look at the price of these shoes - robbery in broad daylight!” - your thoughts are negative. They will also return to you, but already as an unpleasant reminder that you cannot afford it.

Most people are much more likely to think and talk not about what they like, but about what they don't like. They send into the world more hostility than love, and thus inevitably deprive themselves of all the blessings of life.

Without love, it is impossible to live a full, vibrant, rich life. People who live this way think and talk mostly about what they love, and not about what they hate! And people whose life consists of struggle do exactly the opposite: they almost always think and talk about unpleasant and undesirable!

Talk about what you love

When you talk about money troubles, relationship problems, illnesses, and even the fact that your business's profits are falling, you are not talking about what you love at all. When you talk about some unpleasant event from the news release, about a person or situation that caused your irritation and displeasure, this is also not talking about what you love. Add to this a retelling of the events of a difficult day when you were late for a meeting, stuck in traffic or missed the bus. This is again talking about what you don't like. In every day of our life there are annoying little things, but if you are used to talking about troubles, any of these little things will add to your difficulties and suffering.

You need to get used to talking about all the good things that happened during the day. Talk about a successful business meeting. Talk about how you like being punctual. Talk about how wonderful it is to be in good health. Talk about the profits you want to achieve in your business. Talk about all the successes, positive events and meetings. To attract what you love into your life, you must first think and talk about it.

If you, like a parrot, incessantly talk about troubles, if you break into a scream, talking about unwanted events, you are literally driving yourself into a cage. Every conversation about the unpleasant strengthens this cage, adds rods to it, and you are reliably fenced off from all the good that is in life.

People whose lives can be called completed talk more about what they love. Thus, they get unlimited access to all the blessings of life. They are free, like birds soaring in the sky. To create such a life, break the bars of the cage in which you have locked yourself; talk only about what you love, and love will set you free!

You can change your life because you have the limitless ability to think and talk about what you love. Thus, you have an unlimited opportunity to attract all the blessings of life! However, the power you have is much more than sending positive thoughts and speaking positive words about things that please you, because the law of attraction responds to your thoughts and feelings as well. To use this power, you must feel love!
