The better to use powder or foundation. A good foundation that hides flaws: reviews, brands, selection and method of application

Every girl wants to look perfect, and a smooth and even tone plays a special role in this. beautiful tone faces. Achieving this goal is quite simple, because in the arsenal of modern fashionistas there are many cosmetics. Helps make skin smoother and more beautiful Foundation and powder. However, many girls are interested in which remedy is better.

Foundation Benefits

With the help of a quality cream, you can easily even out the tone and make the surface of the skin more beautiful. Thanks to the use of this tool, it will be possible to cope with pigmentation, redness, scars and acne marks.

Foundation can be a great alternative to concealer. Of course, he will not be able to completely hide inflamed acne, but it is quite capable of making them less noticeable. With this approach, you can get more even tone skin.

Quality cream does not change appearance if the face sweats, and therefore it is possible to avoid oily sheen on the forehead, chin, nose. This is a great tool for creating evening compositions.

In addition, the tonal foundation is an excellent tool for protecting the skin. In winter, it helps to prevent the negative effects of cold and dry air. In summer, the cream reliably protects the skin from ultraviolet radiation.

What is the best way to use powder

Powder delicately evens out skin tone and makes it more velvety. Today there are quite a few varieties of powder, and they all differ in color scheme and texture. An ordinary loose product fits well on the skin, but it is more convenient to use it at home.

To touch up make-up in any conditions, you can use compact powder. Due to its excellent composition, women with dry skin can choose it.

Cream powder combines the positive qualities of foundation and powder. However, this remedy is contraindicated in women with combined or oily skin th.

Disadvantages of powder and foundation

Since the foundation completely covers the skin and sebum, this can lead to clogged pores. Because of this, the air exchange of the skin suffers and its condition is disturbed. As a result, problems, excessive dryness or sensitivity may appear.

Also often there are problems with the fat balance of the skin. Therefore, prolonged use of foundation can lead to the transformation of small pimples into large abscesses.

The disadvantages of foundation can be attributed to the wrong choice of shade. Because of this, there is a risk of getting too unnatural make-up.

As for the shortcomings of the powder, then you need to take into account the type of this cosmetic product. So, loose powders usually need to be applied with a brush, which can be difficult for a beginner.

If you need to restore makeup during the day, it is important to be careful, as such a product can crumble, which will look very ugly on clothes. Also, powder can get into wrinkle lines or accumulate in areas of damaged skin.

The use of this product can lead to uneven distribution of the pigment. Such a threat exists in girls with combination skin.

Which is more harmful: powder or foundation?

It is impossible to answer this question unambiguously. In order not to harm your skin, you need to consider its type when choosing cosmetics. So, owners of normal skin are equally well suited for both products.

Women with a dry type should pay attention to cream powder. If you decide to use ordinary powder, you should apply a moisturizer before applying it. Owners of oily skin are ideal powder, which will cope with excess shine and make the skin matte.

If we talk about foundation, it should be used extremely sparingly. It is important to choose the right shade. It should be applied with light movements.

Maybe: foundation with powder effect?

This tool helps to hide all the imperfections of the skin and does not cause the need to powder the face during the day. If you do not want to constantly correct your make-up, you can choose just such cosmetics.

It is very important to take into account the type of skin. For owners of oily or combination types, it is better to choose a cream-powder with silicone. It lays down on the skin evenly and prevents oily sheen.

Mature women should be preferred liquid agent. It has nutritional properties and prevents dehydration. Owners of enlarged pores, it is better to refuse to use such a tool. A foundation with a dense texture and shimmering powder is much more suitable.

Each girl should independently choose one or another remedy for skin correction, since this choice is largely influenced by individual characteristics. Equally important is the color scheme and the accuracy of applying the product.

Every woman wants to look attractive without making any special efforts. But every day we are all exposed to stress. Polluted environment adversely affects delicate skin female face, which requires additional protection. For this, powder and foundation were created. Modern developments in the beauty industry have made it possible to make these products as useful as possible. But, in view of certain skin characteristics, women sometimes face a choice: what is better for them, powder or foundation?

More recently, dermatologists have urged women to be careful when applying foundation. The dense structure of the cream clogged the pores and prevented the normal breathing of the skin. As a result, redness and rashes appeared. But all this is behind us. The composition of modern tonal creams includes many components that nourish and restore the skin. Antioxidants contained in the cream prevent aging, and sunscreens protect against negative impact ultraviolet rays.

What are the benefits of powder?

On the other hand, powder, which for a long time held the palm. A delicate product that evens out the tone of the face, makes the skin velvety. Now there are a lot of types of powder and they differ not only in color, but also in consistency. Regular loose powder blends beautifully into the skin. The only inconvenience is its structure, so it is customary to use it at home. A compact powder has been created for permanent use. It allows you to touch up makeup in any conditions. Thanks to its composition, it is an ideal option for women with dry skin.

Cream powder combines the advantages of foundation and powder, which is their kind of symbiosis. However, women with fatty and combined type skin, it is better to refuse to use it.

Pros and cons of tonal means

To appreciate all the advantages of foundation or powder is possible only by choosing them correctly. The main criterion when choosing a cosmetic product is the type female skin. The easiest way is for the owners of the normal type. Both are perfect for them. They can be used alternately to even out skin tone and give it a velvety finish. For women with dry skin, powder cream is more suitable. If regular powder is chosen, then before applying it, it is advisable to use a light moisturizer. In the event that you have oily skin, then powder is for you. the best option. It will remove excess shine and give the skin a matte finish.

As for the foundation, it is advisable to use it very sparingly. Choose the tone that best suits yours. Apply with light movements, and do not rub it into the skin. At right choice means and drawing you will not have problems, whether it be powder or a voice-frequency cream.

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Almost no woman puts on makeup without a tonal foundation that can hide not only minor skin imperfections, such as uneven tone, circles under the eyes from fatigue, but also quite noticeable redness, wrinkles, and pimples. A foundation that hides skin imperfections can ruin the whole image if the tone is chosen incorrectly or the product is applied unprofessionally. Also, the cream may not be of very good quality, although expensive in price. How to choose the right concealer for imperfections? Reviews of expensive and budget funds, the rating of the best and the rules for applying to the skin of the face, we have provided in this article.

Types of foundation creams

Tonal products differ not only in origin and price, but also in their qualities: texture, the number of coloring particles, humidity, the presence of additional components and vitamins. It is according to these criteria that every woman chooses the right cream for her. Consider the main types of tonal means:

  1. liquid base. This is an ideal option for evening make-up, it perfectly evens out skin tone, makes its surface visually more even, velvety. This product is suitable for normal and combination skin.
  2. Mousse is able to even out the texture of the skin, but is absolutely useless for hiding imperfections. Suitable for daytime use. Its weightless formula does not clog pores, ideal for mature, oily and problematic skin.
  3. Cream powder is a favorite remedy for many women. This matte foundation is ideal for hiding imperfections on oily skin. It evens out the tone, removes oily sheen, hides redness and acne. The downside of this tool is its shedding. One of the most popular products of this type is the Maybelline foundation. We will write reviews about it in the future content of the article.
  4. Cream-fluid is suitable for dry skin, as it perfectly moisturizes. It is also ideal for make-up in hot summer weather. The disadvantage of this tool is one - the inability to hide even the most minor flaws, as it contains a minimum amount of pigmenting components.
  5. Camouflage cream is a real find for those who want to have perfect facial skin, but it is not. Camouflage is made on a water-repellent basis, has a large number of tinting components. Ideally hides all imperfections, including acne, redness, pigmentation. Minus one - it is removed only with the help of a special tool.

Choosing the right foundation

The quality of makeup depends on the right foundation - foundation. Professional makeup artists recommend using proven methods and tips when choosing a product:

  • Pick up should only be in daylight. Lamps can distort the color of the product and the skin, give a yellow or gray tint.
  • In order to understand whether the tone matches the skin color, you should apply a thin layer of the product on the inside of the wrist, blend well.
  • It is important to have two types of foundation: for daytime and evening make-up. In the daytime, you should not use products with a dense texture, choose a fluid cream or mousse, they perfectly even out the tone, but do not hide imperfections. In the daytime, cream camouflage will appear as a "mask". Mousse is not suitable for evening makeup, as artificial lighting will make skin imperfections even more noticeable, a denser texture is required.
  • Depending on the expected result, it is worth choosing the type of foundation. The liquid foundation remains the most popular, as it suits any type of skin, hides all obvious imperfections; the stick moisturizes dry skin, relieves peeling; powder masks oily sheen.

How to apply foundation to hide imperfections?

Not every woman can boast of perfect skin. Age spots, peeling, enlarged pores, oily sheen, redness - this is not the whole list of imperfections that women try to hide. In order to visually make the skin of the face healthier and smoother, it is not enough to choose an expensive and good foundation that hides imperfections. Reviews of experts say: it is necessary to apply it correctly in order to achieve the desired effect.

  • Before you need to clean the skin of the face, if necessary, use a scrub.
  • Dry or sensitive skin should be moisturized before applying concealer. nourishing cream so that mimic or age wrinkles do not become visually more noticeable.
  • Enlarged pores can be hidden with foundation, which contains silicone.
  • A greasy sheen will hide a matte foundation, it is also suitable for women who have wrinkles (a cream with a shimmering effect will make them more noticeable).
  • Freckles can be hidden under a layer of tanning cream. its worth it in a circular motion apply to areas subject to masking, and then blend on the temples, neck, area near the ears.
  • Redness, rashes and inflammation are difficult to hide at all. A dense tonal foundation will help out only in the evening, for day makeup won't fit. Experts advise applying mousse or fluid cream to the face. In order to hide imperfections with these means, they should be applied in two layers with light patting movements and only with fingertips.
  • To hide the first wrinkles, a greasy foundation will help, it should be applied with a wide brush. This will mask age-related manifestations as much as possible.

Rules for applying foundation

Experts advise to purchase a fluorescent lamp for applying makeup. It will help in the evening to better apply cosmetics. The foundation should be used carefully, to avoid the "mask effect", for this the product is taken in small portions and rubbed into the face in a circular motion. In order to make the tone seem more natural, it is worth applying the product not only on the face, but also on the skin of the neck and décolleté.

Initially, the skin areas around the eyes are treated with a cream of a lighter shade - under the eyebrow line and the lower eyelid. After that, the main tone is applied to the T-shaped zone, distributed over the forehead, nose, cheeks and temples. Borders should not be, each zone should be carefully shaded. Lastly, the cream is applied to the neck and décolleté.

Foundation for problem skin: reviews

Many women have tried dozens of creams before choosing the one that fits all criteria perfectly. We reviewed reviews of almost all creams with tinting properties and compiled a list of the best. Here there is a budget foundation that hides flaws, and more expensive products.

According to the reviews of women, it becomes clear that if the skin is problematic, it is worth choosing cosmetics more carefully so as not to aggravate the problem and hide it to the maximum.

Diorskin Nude

Many women liked the Dior foundation. They write that it fits perfectly on the skin of the face, does not smear, creates perfect tone thin veil.

They write that this is a really good foundation that hides imperfections. Reviews say that it does not clog into pores, it is able to adapt to the natural skin tone.

There are records that the product perfectly moisturizes the skin, lays down in an even layer without borders. There is also a large selection of tones. They write that with such an assortment there is no problem of choice.

Foundation Dior was able to earn and cons. It is noted that it smells unpleasantly of alcohol, but the smell quickly disappears. Also note the high price.

Foundation cream-fluid "Matte" from "Yves Rocher"

"Mattiness" - tonal cream for problem skin. There are a lot of reviews about this remedy, as there are also enough women with problem skin. Owners of oily and combination skin liked the foundation "Yves Rocher" "Mattiness".

They write that it perfectly hides oily sheen, lying on the face like powder. The consistency is light, tender, slightly watery, so the cream lasts for a long time.

It is noted that the Yves Rocher foundation does not clog into pores, it is practically not felt on the skin, it is not smeared.

The downside was that it does not mask imperfections, but only evens out the tone and eliminates skin shine. But here there were immediately defenders who wrote that this is a fluid cream, and it needs to be applied to hide imperfections in two or even three layers.


In the Maybelline cosmetic line, it’s enough just to choose the right foundation that hides flaws. Reviews about this company and its cosmetics almost all are positive.

Women celebrate Affinitone cream, Dream Fresh BB Cream, Dream Pure BB Cream and many others.

They write that the company "Maybelline" is a favorite, as cosmetics are affordable and of decent quality.

There are opinions that the Maybelline BB foundation not only hides flaws qualitatively, although it has a rather delicate and light texture, but also takes care of the skin. They write that the face has become less exposed to various kinds of rashes, redness has become less.

It is noted that "Affiniton" ideally hides oily sheen, gives the effect of powder. Does not dry out the face, does not get clogged in pores, does not smear.

The cosmetic does not stain clothes, absorbs quickly into the skin, lays down evenly, and is able to adapt to the tone of the face.

They note a wide range, from which each can choose its own shade.

Tonal has only positive. Women write that they could find exactly their own in a variety of tonal means. The line includes creams with a fairly dense consistency, suitable for evening makeup.

Many note that the Maybelline foundation is practically odorless. Only a light "powdery" aroma is felt, and this indicates high quality.

Also the absence a large number fragrances could not but please girls prone to allergic reactions. They write that only from the cosmetics of this brand they were able to choose the best remedy.

"Black Pearl"

Many write that for a long time, due to the low price, they did not risk buying it, but after trying it once, they decided not to spend extra money on more expensive products.

The girls say that they were able to get acquainted with Black Pearl cosmetics a long time ago, since their mothers still used it. They write that they immediately began to buy products of this brand for themselves, including foundation. "Black Pearl" was able to please everyone.

There are reviews that the foundation perfectly hides all the flaws, including freckles, dark spots, circles under the eyes. Doesn't clog pores and doesn't weigh down makeup.

It is noted that it perfectly hides mimic wrinkles, pimples, redness. They write that it perfectly copes with oily sheen.

There are records that the foundation is able to hold out on the face all day. Does not wrinkle, does not smudge, retaining its original appearance.

Many honestly write that they tried to find flaws, but did not find them. I liked the foundation for all its qualities, price, palette of tones.

The time-tested "Ballet"

I would like to note one more product that has been produced by the domestic factory "Svoboda" for many years. Its quality is still noted as excellent.

Many write that it was "Ballet" that was the first foundation, but then they began to use more expensive ones, since the proven remedy practically did not appear on the shelves. Now "Ballet" is again sold in almost all stores.

The quality of the foundation of the owner of enlarged pores is noted. They write that the cream ideally eliminates shine, hides pores. They note its extensive range, the ability to choose a tone in accordance with skin color.

There are records that the cream "Ballet" is also suitable for dry skin, as it does not emphasize peeling. They write that it is easy to apply, evenly distributed, does not stain clothes in contact with the skin, keeps well, evens out the tone.

Of the minuses, a not very pleasant aroma was noted, which quickly disappears. They also write that the texture, although light, is quite dense, you need to use it carefully so as not to impose too many tones.

In general, "Ballet" is a good foundation that hides imperfections. Consumer reviews confirm this.

  • in order to bring a triangular or trapezoidal face closer to an oval, it is worth taking a light tone base, and shade the temples, chin and forehead with a darker tone;
  • you can also emphasize the correct oval with the help of a darker tone, which is applied to the cheekbones from the cheeks to the temples;
  • corners square face can be hidden by applying more dark tone;
  • a round face can also be slightly corrected by shading a dark tone over the cheek area.

Every time, do not forget to blend the borders well! Only then will the makeup look imperceptible and beautiful.

To look great under any circumstances, many women require a light daily or professional make-up, an important step of which is the application of a tinting agent to the face. Today, there is no shortage of decorative products in stores, cosmetic brands for leveling and refreshing the tone of the face offer fashionable novelties for each season. When considering packaging, it is often difficult to understand what which tool is better: foundation or powder. Some advice from experts will help to understand this issue.

Fund types

For normal and combination skin

The main action that tips the scales in favor of one or another decorative tool for applying perfect makeup that can even out the surface of the face, hide imperfections and give a healthy shade, is the right selection for a certain skin type.

Normal skin, characterized by a smooth surface, proper functioning of the sebaceous glands and balanced hydration, is able to perceive well both foundation with an oily base and dry powder texture.

In the warm season, for normal skin, it is recommended to limit the use of foundation, since the effect of heat opens the skin pores and increases the secretion of the sebaceous glands. The fat balance of the skin surface is disturbed, as a result of which excessive shine appears and acne is possible.

For summer period better fit mineral loose texture or powder with a lasting effect. The transparent powder, invisible on the face, does not have a tinting effect; it is convenient to apply it as a matting agent on the normal dermis that does not require masking of defects. To muffle unwanted shine, you can also combine a layer of foundation with a mattifying powder.

A person with combination skin with increased activity of the sebaceous glands in the T-zone can be used as a base layer of a tinting cream. In this case, to prevent the possible appearance of shine on the wings of the nose, powder will be needed after the foundation.

It is possible to use a universal preparation in the form of foundation cream-powder, which combines best qualities foundation and powder. Positive feedback from customers deserved tonal fluids, a feature of which is the ability not to weigh down the epidermis and keep well throughout the day with a fairly dense leveling coating.

For dry epidermis

Skin prone to dryness and irritation needs special care, as it is characterized by the early formation of wrinkles. A person with dry dermis requires daily nutrition and hydration. To protect this type of skin from feeling tight, you should stop using decorative powder. In extreme cases, you can apply a suitable day cream under a light layer of powder.

For softening and additional hydration of dry skin, cosmetologists advise choosing a foundation with a moisturizing effect. The formula of such a product, containing a smaller amount of pigmenting particles, will not contribute to the accumulation of the product in wrinkles and their emphasis.

When doing makeup for dry skin, it is wiser to use a moisturizer instead of foundation. An excellent effect can be achieved by mixing foundation with a small amount of moisturizer.

Today, you can choose a tinting cream, the composition of which is enriched with nutritional supplements, for example, vitamin complexes based on vitamins A and E. The formula of such a cream will contribute to a dense coating of the dermis, fill it with vital energy, make it more elastic, and prevent early formation of wrinkles. The coating will protect and mask imperfections such as bumps and red spots.

For the summer period, it makes sense to choose a tonal product that contains special filters that protect against the negative effects of ultraviolet rays. With such protection, thin sensitive skin is not afraid of age spots and dehydration. Waterproof formulas of creams withstand perspiration well, while moisture-proof formulas completely repel water. Such makeup creams should be applied infrequently so as not to give the sensitive dermis an additional greenhouse effect.

For oily and problem type

For skin, which is characterized by increased secretion of the sebaceous glands, a characteristic feature is a greasy sheen. Such skin is prone to developing inflammatory processes and the appearance of a pustular rash due to blockage of the dilated openings of the sebaceous glands with a mixture of excess skin secretions with dirt. In order not to clog pores and not worsen the condition of the dermis by the occurrence of inflammatory processes, it is not recommended to apply decorative fat-based tinting agents for such skin.

To smooth the epidermis, it is better to use foundation with a non-greasy texture that allows the skin to breathe and contains antiseptic ingredients.

At the same time, apply it with light movements, trying not to rub it. The optimal remedy for skin with enlarged pores, prone to oiliness and inflammatory rashes, will be a tinting product with a dry structure that can absorb excess sebum. To maintain a healthy appearance of the problematic dermis, especially in hot summers, it will be safer to minimize the use of decorative cosmetics.

It is best to use powder with a mineral composition and dry acne with special products with an antibacterial soothing effect.

The mineral formula of the powder product, except decorative effect, due to the content of zinc compounds and other useful soothing ingredients, it helps to fight unwanted rashes and gently cares for the skin. The color additive helps mask the imperfections of the epidermis. Mineral powder will best solution for oily problematic skin, as it does not contain strong fragrances and harmful chemical compounds that contribute to the occurrence of foci of inflammation on the skin.

Advantages and disadvantages

Having figured out which remedy is best suited to a particular type of female skin, to complete the picture, you can compare both remedies with each other. Pigmented powder, especially its compact or baked version, is very convenient to use. Having a small box with a mirror and powder puff in your purse, you can always quickly and discreetly correct and refresh your make-up.

Having powder in the arsenal of decorative means, the probability of staining clothes is practically excluded. A significant disadvantage is that the product is not suitable for dry skin.

The right foundation texture can ideally mask all the flaws, evenly distributed over the surface of the face. However, it is much more difficult to choose the right shade of foundation than the tone of powder, for this it is best to use a tester before buying. For a more objective assessment of the durability and tone of the cream, make-up with its use should be worn a little on the skin.

A significant disadvantage of a tinted cream product is that its effect on oily epidermis is more harmful than using a powder product, since there is a high probability of clogging into enlarged pores and the formation of an inflamed acne.

A product that conceals skin imperfections is the basis of flawless makeup. It is on it that the palettes of shadows, blush, lipstick are laid out. Everyone, without exception, dreams of perfect skin, only a few have it. To help beauties, tonal and bb creams that hide defects, uneven relief and tone. How to choose suitable remedy what is the difference between bb cream and foundation?


A few thousand years ago, women used all kinds of means to improve the appearance of the skin. Chalk, bird droppings, and flour were used. The greatest health hazard was posed by toxic white lead. They were applied to the face and, to save money, were not washed off for weeks, which harmed not only the skin, but also the internal organs.

And only in 1936 a product appeared - pan cake or "pancake", which is considered to be the progenitor foundations. It was invented by the "father of cosmetics" Max Factor, the founder of the brand of the same name.

"Pancake" was intended for acting makeup, but very quickly gained popularity among ordinary women, who had only loose powder in everyday life. The powder crumbled, poorly masked, and only a few companies produced it. "Pancake" had a base consisting of liquid pigments and talc.

The current tonal creams have stepped far ahead in composition and properties. Silicone is added to the base of liquid pigments, which allows you to fill pores and fine wrinkles. They not only mask, but also:

  • Blends into skin tone.
  • Protect from sun, cold and wind.
  • They have moisturizing properties.
  • Align the terrain.
  • Easily washed off.

A variety of shades allows you to choose a cream for both Asian and European skin types. A variety of textures provide even coverage for both perfect and problematic skin. Depending on the density of the coating, there are:

  1. Cream fluid- for skin without any problems, invisible coating.
  2. Cream powder– for skin with minor defects and redness, light coverage.
  3. Light foundation cream– for skin with rashes and first wrinkles, medium density coverage.
  4. Thick foundation cream- for problem skin, dense coverage.
  5. Camouflage- for problematic skin with spots, acne scars, almost theatrical makeup, the most dense coverage.

bb cream

The abbreviation BB stands for Blemish Balm, literally - balm for stains. First appeared in 2012 on Russian market BB was Korean made. But it was developed in Germany in 1985. During this period there was an active development plastic surgery and other skin-damaging rejuvenation procedures, such as deep and medium peels. A person after such interventions needs not only disguise, but also the speedy healing of the skin. BB successfully solved both problems. Retouching bruises and scars, he gradually brought the integument of the face and neck back to normal.

Massive popularity has gained plastic surgery in Korea and Japan. It was there that Blemish Balm was presented as a multifunctional product. He instantly conquered the market and began his triumphal march around the world.

Maximum natural composition BB cream was originally meant to heal injuries as soon as possible. There was a minimum amount of coloring pigments in it, no more than thirty percent. The cosmetic industry giants of Korea and Japan have added and improved the formula to create the product we use now.

In fact, BB is now a care base with added pigments. The base is capable of:

  • Moisturize.
  • Protect from sunlight.
  • Fight the signs of skin aging.
  • Dry out rashes.
  • Lighten age spots.
  • Shrink pores.

You can choose both a combination of effects, and any one, depending on your specific needs.

For flawless makeup, you need to use several cosmetic products:

  1. Moisturizing tonic or gel.
  2. Means with SPF filters.
  3. Base for make-up, leveling the relief.
  4. Concealer for even tone.
  5. Foundation as the finishing touch.

BB cream easily copes with these tasks on its own. In addition, he takes care of the skin throughout the day, for her he is a real keeper.

Similarities and differences between BB and foundation:

Despite the fact that both tools perform a common function, they have more differences than similarities.


Coating Density:

  • BB - weightless, transparent, almost imperceptible to the eye, creating the appearance of natural moisture.
  • tonal - visually noticeable, quite dense even in the lightest textures.

Ease of application:

  1. BB - applied like a regular cream, literally with your eyes closed, it is difficult to apply unevenly.
  2. tonal - requires some skill, quickly seizes on the skin, stains and stains are possible.

Shade palette:

  • BB - scanty, no more than two dark and light shades.
  • tonal - rich, some lines have up to 40 shades based on the main tones - pink and beige.

Washing method:

  1. BB - is removed only with a specially formulated hydrophilic oil, which is applied to dry skin, turns into a light foamy suspension and rinses off with water.
  2. Tonal - any cleanser is suitable, including hydrophilic oil.


  • BB - must be contained in different proportions, up to the maximum.
  • tonal - sunscreens are added to some of them, but in a small amount.

Care properties:

  • BB - in composition it is close to care creams, it can replace them.
  • tonal - no matter how manufacturers try to enrich it, the main function is still masking defects, some dry the skin.

How not to make a mistake with the choice

BB cream can be confidently purchased by owners of healthy skin with minor imperfections that carefully protect faces from sunburn. Ideal for daytime makeup. It should be remembered that in the kit it is necessary to purchase hydrophilic oil. Often has by-effect in the form of a greasy luster.

If the purpose of the application is to hide medium and large skin imperfections, then a foundation is suitable. It is preferable to use it for evening and formal make-up, as it makes the face brighter and more contrasting.

There are no strict restrictions on use depending on skin type or other criteria, it all depends on personal preferences.
