Dark circles under the eyes and around the eyes. Causes of dark circles around the eyes in women

Friends, hello everyone! One of my readers asked me to figure out why dark circles appear under the eyes and what can be done about it?

Once I thought that dark circles under the eyes mainly indicate lack of sleep or problems with the kidneys ... But, having plunged into this topic in more detail, I realized that there could be a lot of reasons for this condition !!!

Let's dig deeper and find out!

From this article you will learn:

Why do dark circles appear under the eyes?

The skin around the eyes is very thin, sensitive and delicate.

Compared to other parts of the body, it is most prone to excessive extensibility.

Moreover, this area of ​​the face is constantly in motion due to mimic activity and, moreover, is prone to swelling.

In many, the vessels located under thin skin are translucent due to the small thickness of the skin, and due to the accumulation of blood in them with a small amount of oxygen.

As a result, dark circles appear under the eyes.

This effect is further enhanced by the fact that the eyes are located in the region of the orbital cavities, and the manifestation of such “shadows” is enhanced.

It seems that this can be stopped, but then a logical question arises: why then does not ALL have such manifestations as bruises under the eyes?

We find out the reasons, because the methods for eliminating this unpleasant phenomenon depend on this.

The cause of dark circles under the eyes is the wrong sleep pattern

This includes the number of hours spent in the "embrace of Morpheus", as well as the time of going to bed and the time of waking up.

Absolutely EVERYONE needs to get enough sleep, and this amount is not less than 7-8 hours of sleep at night.

From lack of sleep (especially chronic), the complexion becomes pale, and blood vessels, against the background of such a contrast, become very noticeable.

Very important point is the time of going to bed and the time of awakening, since by the number of hours you may be sleeping enough, but the moment of the regime is missed: go to bed closer to 12 o’clock, or even later, and get up, respectively, at eight or nine in the morning .

This is NOT good, this is a violation of the proper functioning of the whole organism.

You probably noticed this when, it seems, you got enough sleep to the very “I don’t want to”, and the state, to put it mildly, is “not very” ...

Some kind of “muddy” head, lethargy, no active mood, and even no mood at all, especially when you got up closer to noon?

This suggests that the awakening was NOT on time, and also that you simply "slept". When a person sleeps a lot, it is also not good for health, and ALL who sleep for a long time, as a rule, dark circles under the eyes are their constant and unpleasant companion!

Going to bed is recommended no later than 22:00, and waking up before 6:00 am.

Only with such a “schedule” in our body everything will work as it should: all body systems, all organs, all metabolic processes will occur as nature intended, and only in this case we will be cheerful, healthy and beautiful.

I understand that in today's world it can be quite difficult to do this.

And yet, it is necessary to make ALL efforts in order to establish, because lack of sleep and "night vigils" affect our health not just a "cosmetic defect" in the form of bruises under the eyes.

Sleep disturbances destroy our health, and bruises under the eyes only show us that the body is suffering, that “something is wrong” is happening to it, and it will end anyway, it’s not fun ...

The reason is constant overwork of the eyes, stress and chronic fatigue.

Our more than saturated rhythm of life, stressful situations and constant overwork of the eyes (one job at the computer is worth something!) Leads to the formation of dark circles under the eyes.

It is necessary to normalize your work schedule, introduce relaxation methods into your life:

  • practice relaxing meditations
  • to walk outside,
  • take relaxing baths
  • do ,
  • play sports or at least elementary exercises in the morning,
  • do eye exercises
  • take time to rest, if necessary - take sedative herbal preparations or herbal teas.

The reason is poor circulation and lack of oxygen in the blood.

In fact, here the second follows from the first: when there is poor blood circulation, then there is little oxygen in the blood, and for this reason our cells “starve”, not receiving oxygen, and hence the necessary nutrients.

As a result - a tired look and bruises under the eyes ...

Let's look these "enemies" in the eye!

What disrupts good blood flow and impairs oxygen supply to cells:

  • "sedentary work",
  • not enough movement
  • lack of sports in life,
  • diseases of internal organs that disrupt the normal process of blood circulation and hematopoiesis,
  • uncomfortable shoes,
  • tight clothing,
  • unhealthy food with a small amount of fresh herbs, vegetables, fresh berries and fruits,
  • sleep with the window closed, etc.

All this has a very STRONG effect on whether blue circles will “show off” under our eyes or not!

If you have checked at least ONE of the above points, then let's be honest with ourselves: this is NOT good.

What will we do in this case?

By any means we will improve the process of blood circulation in the body: sports ( morning work-out at least for 5-10 minutes, stretching (body stretching), the so-called "office gymnastics" or "gymnastics for the lazy"), massages, drinking clean water, eating enough coarse fiber, a lot of movement in the fresh air and visiting baths - all this increases the strength of blood flow.

And by combining all this with a sufficient influx of fresh air, miracles are subject to us, friends, and nothing else!

After all, movement + fresh air = a fresh and rested look, and no chance of blue under the eyes!

A very important point!

We sleep 7-8 hours a day. All this time we are without movement.

And, if we also sleep with the window closed, without a sufficient flow of incoming fresh air throughout the night, then is it any wonder that in the morning, and throughout the day, we look as if we didn't sleep at all?

Bruises under the eyes, a tired face and a headache are the minimum “set” of symptoms of sleeping in a poorly ventilated room.

You need to train yourself to sleep with the window open all year round! This best habit For healthy and beautiful body!

And in winter, it is better to put on warm pajamas and cover yourself with a warm blanket, but do not close the window under any circumstances (at the same time, exclude drafts, this can result in a cold!).

The reason is unhealthy habits

We are talking about smoking and drinking alcohol (even in small quantities, but regularly - also on this list!).

Of course, I like to think that you do not have such habits, but just in case, I will say what I MUST say.

Suddenly, you are not quite aware of the serious perniciousness of such cases, and you think that it’s okay, “if sometimes” and “not much” ...

This is self-deception, and it is better not to engage in this, because in the end, WHO are we deceiving? Myself!

Scientists have proven a long time ago that substances found in tobacco smoke and in ANY alcohol contribute to chronic intoxication of the body (slagging it) and act destructively on all tissues of our body, especially on blood vessels (hence the poor blood circulation and dull complexion) !

And the skin of people who drink and smoke ages much faster, it is more prone to inflammation, swelling and, accordingly, it has a more painful appearance, and bruises under the eyes are already like a “mandatory item on the program” in this situation ...

What will we do in this case?

Unfortunately, as far as smoking and alcohol are concerned, there are no options here: only a COMPLETE and categorical REFUSAL from cigarettes and strong drinks can restore your skin's radiance and fresh look!

Delaying this decision, or allowing yourself to "sometimes indulge" in such things, you only aggravate the general intoxication of the body, and in this case. getting rid of bruises under the eyes will be more and more difficult.

The reason is an unhealthy, unbalanced diet and a small amount of pure water drunk during the day.

Frequent consumption of fried, flour, smoked, spicy and salty foods, constant snacking with sweets, late dinners and tea drinking, insufficient amounts of vitamins and minerals in the diet, a small amount of coarse vegetables and greens - all this has a rather negative effect on the general state of health, and on our appearance.

When using a small amount of clean and fresh water during the day, replacing it with compotes-teas aggravates the situation REPEATEDLY: toxins accumulate in the blood and tissues of the body, and become the reasons, at least, that bruises appear under the eyes.

As a maximum (over time) our health is destroyed.

What will we do in this case?

We will definitely review the entire diet and:

  • completely exclude all frankly unhealthy food,
  • add fresh vegetables, herbs, berries and fruits to your diet to the maximum,
  • we will cook not by frying, but by steaming and in water, stewing and baking on the grill and in the oven,
  • forget about canned food and margarine,
  • learn how to cook sweets yourself from the most harmless ingredients,
  • we will drink at least 1.5 liters of pure water a day: the amount of water is individual, and we calculate it according to the formula - 30 ml of water per kilogram of body weight, and this is the minimum. In the hot season, with colds, visiting the sauna, the number increases.

The reason is improper care or the use of low-quality cosmetics.

The skin under the eyes is very sensitive and quickly reacts to aggressive external influences that can be caused by hot water, stretching the skin during washing or applying cream and other improper manipulations with the skin around the eyes.

Poor-quality cosmetic products for care or makeup can have the same negative effect on it.

The components that make up such products can cause allergic reactions and accumulate in the skin around the eyes, impairing blood circulation and causing dark bruises.

Important point!

If you move a little, eat dumplings at night and drink a lot of coffee (by the way, excessive consumption of coffee-tea is another cause of bruising under the eyes!), Then the use of high-quality cosmetics is unlikely to help here, of course ...

What will we do in this case?

You should never forget about competent care for the delicate area around the eyes (cleansing, moisturizing, nourishing), and about using safe, high-quality care cosmetics, as well as high-quality decorative cosmetics!

Facial massage helps a lot in this case, just PERFECT!

Just a few massage procedures by a professional cosmetologist - and you will see for yourself how your complexion has freshened up, and the bruises under your eyes have decreased!

Facial massage accelerates blood, removes puffiness and congestion. This is a REQUIRED procedure, not a "luxury"!

In addition, many cosmetic procedures can be done at home on your own - the same self-massage of the face and neck, masks, light peels, etc. And to go to the beautician for more “thorough” procedures, that’s how you save money!

The cause of dark circles under the eyes is chronic diseases of the body.

This reason is so serious that, to be honest, it could be put at number 1.

What will we do in this case?

We will identify the true cause of the problem by undergoing a thorough examination of the body, and we will also intensively treat existing diseases, we will engage in disease prevention and include new ones. healthy habits into your daily routine.

The cause of dark circles under the eyes - heredity and age

With age - yes, there is a 100% “hit”, because the metabolism, like it or not, worsens with age, there are more and more diseases, blood circulation is getting worse, and there is less physical activity ...

With heredity - here the percentage is minimal, but it is.

In rare cases, but it also happens that dark circles under the eyes are caused by this very reason.

Basically, all the so-called "heredity" is just a LIFESTYLE adopted from their parents. For children, the situation is even worse: they have no choice, unlike us adults.

The share of "real heredity" in this case is the excessively closely spaced blood vessels under the skin of the eyelids. In this case, nothing can be done, unfortunately.

BUT! Before you make such a diagnosis for yourself and refer to the fact that “mom and dad had bruises”, try ALL the methods available to you to eliminate them, and only then “sprinkle ashes on your head”, that this cannot be changed, agreed?

What will we do in this case?

We will lead the most healthy lifestyle, eat right, move enough, treat our diseases and be examined on time.

We will accelerate our metabolism as much as possible, cleanse the body of toxins accumulated over many years in the body and properly care for our skin.

It is possible that you will need to consult a doctor, cosmetologist and nutritionist. Great! This is an investment in your HEALTH, and do not neglect it!

Friends, I hope this article was useful to you. If you have any questions - write in the comments, I will be happy to answer!

Alena was with you, Be Healthy and Beautiful!

Photo https://pixabay.com/ru/users/3803658-3803658/

The skin around the upper and lower eyelids is very thin and susceptible to various negative factors. Because of this, the first mimic wrinkles appear there, swelling in these areas of the face is more noticeable. But most often women face such a problem as dark circles under the eyes. They spoil the make-up, make the face haggard, the woman looks tired and exhausted. Although not always circles can appear only due to fatigue. In this article, you will learn how and why dark circles appear under the eyes, as well as get acquainted with the main ways to eliminate them.

Causes of dark circles under the eyes

In general, any changes in skin color indicate serious malfunctions in the body. Especially if the dark circles do not go away for a long time. But why do they arise?

  1. Fatigue. The most common reason dark circles under the eyes - this is lack of sleep and overwork. The norm of healthy sleep for an adult is 8 hours a day. If you do not get enough sleep, especially since it happens regularly, the eyes are overworked, the blood vessels of the eye expand and let more blood flow to saturate the exhausted eyes with oxygen. Especially often this can be observed in those who constantly work at the computer. Often dark circles under the eyes due to overwork are accompanied by bags. The lower eyelid swells due to stagnation of the lymphoid fluid. To make sure that bags under the eyes appeared due to overwork, you need to pay attention to the eyeball. During the period of overvoltage, it increases.
  2. Kidneys. If dark circles under the eyes are accompanied by swelling of the eyelids, especially in the morning, this is probably a violation of the kidneys. The kidneys are an organ that filters fluid in the body and removes it to the outside. With infectious or non-infectious kidney damage, the work of this function worsens, the fluid begins to linger in the body. The subcutaneous tissue of the eyelids is very sensitive and loose, so it first of all makes itself felt. If you have dark circles under your eyes and you suspect that it is due to the kidneys, look for accompanying symptoms - frequent or painful urination, lower back pain, general swelling of the body, protein in the urine.
  3. Allergic reaction. Sometimes dark circles under the eyes can indicate a banal allergy. As a rule, this is accompanied by redness of the eyes, itching, sneezing, swelling, runny nose. If dark circles appear only in the morning, you may have a reaction to a pillow or blanket. This can be observed after the acquisition of new bedding. Permanent circles under the eyes may appear due to the use of allergenic or low-quality cosmetics.
  4. Eye strain. If your work is knitted with constant eye strain, this may be the cause of dark circles. This includes seamstresses, various artisans, jewelers - those whose work is associated with small details. Separately, I would like to say about those who work at the computer. The monitor screen displays great amount flickering glare that affects the eye lens. This leads to severe eyestrain. If your profession is related to working at a computer, you need to regularly break away from the screen, do gymnastics, look into the distance.
  5. Aging. Over time, the skin of any person ages, loses elasticity, becomes more loose. This leads to the fact that she is no longer able to hold the subcutaneous tissue, the eyelid drops. Blood vessels also cease to be in good shape, they pass more blood, the lower eyelid darkens. Dark circles under the eyes are a natural aging process.
  6. Liver. This organ performs the most important functions of the body. It is a natural filter that traps toxins. In violation of the liver, the skin turns yellow, as bile enters the tissues. This is often accompanied by the appearance of circles under the eyes. If dark circles are accompanied by a characteristic yellowness, an unpleasant aftertaste in the mouth and discomfort under the ribs on the right, they are probably the result of liver disease.
  7. Diabetes. Circles under the eyes can appear due to the large amount of glucose produced in the body, which is observed in diabetes.
  8. Bad habits. Frequent consumption of drugs or alcohol leads to intoxication of the body, many tissues are deprived of oxygen supply. With regular consumption of drugs or alcohol, the circles under the eyes have a characteristic bluish tint.
  9. Iron-deficiency anemia. Anemia can occur due to insufficient iron in the diet. Also, anemia develops with bleeding (internal or menstrual), often observed during pregnancy. When the level of hemoglobin decreases, the blood cannot saturate all the organs with the proper amount of oxygen. At the same time, the skin becomes pale, the person quickly gets tired, loses working capacity, the eyes become as if sunken. Anemic circles under the eyes do not go away even after prolonged sleep and rest.
  10. Nervous shocks. If a person often experiences stress, falls into depression, his body is depleted, nervous system working on the edge. A large amount of adrenaline, which is released into the bloodstream, contributes to the narrowing of blood vessels. Often this leads to micro-ruptures - for example, after overvoltage, blood capillaries are visible on the whites of the eyes. The skin on the lower eyelid is very thin, so any changes in the subcutaneous tissue are visible to the naked eye. In this condition, the circles under the eyes acquire a brown and gray tint.
  11. Bruise. Any injury leads to internal bruising. The skin of the eyelids is very delicate and sensitive, so even a slight impact can lead to bruising.
  12. Eye diseases. Barley, conjunctivitis, keratitis and other eye diseases lead to inflammation of the eyelids. As a result, the subcutaneous tissue is supplied with a large amount of blood, due to which it acquires dark shade and swelling.

In addition, circles under the eyes may appear due to a lack of certain vitamins. This leads to a decrease in metabolism, deterioration of the walls of blood vessels, and destruction of the normal structure of the skin. And it also happens that circles and bags under the eyes are a hereditary factor. After all, data on the elasticity of blood vessels and the structure of the subcutaneous tissue are transmitted genetically. In this case, you need to look for cosmetic solutions to this problem.

To keep your eyes fresh appearance- rested, you need to get rid of unpleasant dark circles under the eyes as soon as possible.

  1. If the circles arose from overwork - just get enough sleep. Turn off your phone, take the kids to grandma's, and get a good night's sleep. Sleep as much as you like.
  2. Change the quality of your life - eat right, give up bad habits, move more.
  3. Do exercises for the eyes - look from a close object to a distant one, make rotational movements with the pupils, you can close your eyes and open your eyes wide. This trains the muscles of the eyes and makes the subcutaneous structure more elastic.
  4. To improve blood circulation in the eye area, you can do a light massage for the eyelids. To do this, take a cosmetic oil or cream, apply to the fingertips and gently draw along the lower eyelid, make stroking, tapping and patting movements. Do a gentle massage for at least 10 minutes. You can complete the procedure by applying eye cream or rubbing ice.
  5. It is very important to determine the cause of the formation of dark circles and begin the right treatment. For nervous experiences, you need to take antidepressants, for allergies - antihistamines, etc.
  6. If circles under the eyes appeared due to iron deficiency anemia, iron supplements will help. You also need to get iron from food - it is good to eat red meat. You can quickly raise hemoglobin with boiled beef tongue.
  7. Home cosmetology helps to cope with dark circles very well. Raw potatoes perfectly tighten the skin around the eyes, normalize its blood circulation. It should be grated and applied to the mass of the lower eyelid. In addition to potatoes, you can make masks with the pulp of cucumber, sage decoction and green tea. Lemon, kefir, parsley juice have brightening properties.
  8. You can fight dark circles under your eyes with cosmetic procedures. Dermatonia is vacuum massage lower eyelid, mesotherapy is the introduction of a vitamin complex under the skin of the eyelids, cryotherapy is the effect of liquid nitrogen, blepharoplasty is used to remove the impending eyelid. In addition, the lower eyelid area can be treated with low-frequency pulses to improve skin circulation. A cosmetologist will help you choose the right procedure.
  9. Pharmacy ointments will help in the fight against dark lower eyelids. Heparin ointment and troxevasin improve blood circulation in the subcutaneous tissues, which is very effective for hematomas and bruises. It is very good to apply vitamins in liquid form to the skin - A, E, B. They are sold in ampoules.
  10. Use quality cosmetics that suit your skin type. For the care of the eyelids, use a profile cream. Apply the cream on the eyelids with point movements. In a cosmetic store, you can buy special semi-circular eyelid pads, they are called patches.
  11. Normally, the skin contains a certain amount of hyaluronic acid, which makes it supple and elastic. If the production of this component slows down, the skin begins to sag, the eyelids become baggy and dark. Hyaluronic acid can be obtained from creams - apply them before bedtime and after a couple of weeks the effect of skin lightening and tightening will be noticeable.
  12. While you have not coped with the problem of dark circles, you can mask them with decorative cosmetics. Concealer works best - it hides skin imperfections and evens out its tone.

Here are popular ways to combat dark circles under the eyes, which in 80% of cases will help you get rid of this cosmetic problem.

If all these measures do not help you cope with dark circles, you need to see a doctor - for starters, a therapist. Often this is a simple symptom of a serious illness. If circles under the eyes are not accompanied by additional symptoms and have appeared recently, most likely you can get rid of them using our simple advice. Keep an eye on the condition and health of your face, because it is a reflection of your health.

Video: what do circles under the eyes say

The problem of the so-called "panda's eyes" has to be faced even by the most beautiful girls leading the most correct way of life. There are a lot of reasons for this: constant work at the computer, lack of sleep, and endless nerves.

In some cases, the culprits may be vascular disease, kidney problems and thyroid function. All this does not paint our face, makes the look extinct, adds age. In this article, we are looking for ways to remove dark circles under the eyes at home as quickly as possible and at no extra cost.

What will the color of the circles under the eyes tell about your health?

In addition to the problems described above, it is worth considering that with age, the skin loses elasticity and moisture. This leads to darkening and a decrease in tone. Bruises may appear under the eyes, the epidermis becomes greenish, yellow or red, and bags form. Here is what traditional medicine thinks about this:

bruises- violations in the work of the gastrointestinal tract, malnutrition, a large number of spicy, fatty and salty foods in the diet. The method of struggle is clear - it is worth revising the menu, making it more balanced, and only after that proceed with cosmetic therapy. By itself, it will be useless.

To deal with the problem, you need to establish its cause

yellow circles- Often such skin pigmentation is inherited from parents, but in combination with poor health, it can indicate problems with the liver and gallbladder. The signal must not be ignored.

Green circles on the lower eyelids- can also be hereditary. Another reason is the habit of wearing metal-framed glasses and a banal allergy to it. It is easy to check this - for a while, replace the frame with a plastic one and watch the reaction. The liver and gallbladder, in case of other symptoms of malaise, can also give a greenish tint.

Do a simple experiment with plastic frames

Red- are a sign of allergies and intoxication. Their manifestation is characteristic in diseases of the respiratory system.

Bags under the eyes- how to get rid of them, we described in detail in this article. But what could be causing it? In addition to banal fatigue, stress and lack of sleep, the symptom may be associated with kidney disease. If at home the problem cannot be corrected, you should consult a doctor.

How to remove dark circles around the eyes at home quickly?

You will be helped special masks, compresses, lotions and simple gymnastics, which we will discuss later. Naturally, they will only be effective if all of the listed health problems have been ruled out.

You almost always have everything you need for healthy skin at home

Thermal water compress

This miracle remedy for home moisturizing should firmly settle in every girl's makeup bag. Moisten two cotton pads with liquid, send for 15 minutes in the refrigerator. Then apply to the lower eyelids for a quarter of an hour. The procedure should be carried out every evening before going to bed.

Tip: this compress can be made from green tea. Apply discs soaked in tea leaves to the eyelids both cold and slightly warm. Or you can freeze the drink and wipe the problem areas with tea ice cubes.

grass ice

In general, ice rubs give excellent results. There are many ways and additives with which they can be prepared. For example, frozen cubes from a mixture of parsley decoction and a teaspoon of honey, chamomile decoction, potato juice. With regular wiping of the lower eyelids, removing circles under the eyes at home quickly or in 1 day, of course, will not work, but the problem will become less noticeable. You will see for yourself.

In simple and working ways, masks for the skin around the eyes from improvised means can also be considered. Let's take a closer look at their recipes.

Use cosmetic ice


We rub one raw potato on a fine grater. We wrap the slurry in gauze, having previously folded it in several layers. The compress is applied for half an hour on the eye area. After washing with water at room temperature.


Every girl knows that the easiest way to freshen up your eyes is to apply cucumber circles to the lower eyelids. We will strengthen the moment and make a full-fledged mask. Mix a tablespoon of grated vegetable with the same amount of chopped parsley and sour cream. Apply the mask for 20 minutes and rinse with cool water.


If the reviews are to be believed in social networks, she can get rid of the problem in one day. So it’s worth a try, especially thanks to the lycopene in the composition, tomatoes can perfectly whiten the skin, and lemon, rich in vitamin C, relieves inflammation and irritation.

Mix the gruel from the pulp of the tomato in equal parts with lemon juice and apply to the skin for 15 minutes.

Citrus fruits strengthen the walls of blood vessels and make redness less noticeable


Sage, chamomile, cornflower, parsley and more than a dozen herbs fight against dark circles. From one and a complex of infusions, hot and cold compresses can be made.

To prepare a healing decoction, you need to steam 10 g of grass with 200 ml of boiling water and leave for 10 minutes. Then soak cotton pads in the solution and apply to the eyes. Apply both cold and in the form of ice.


Only the cottage cheese you will need is not the one with which you are on a diet, but fat. We add a little tea leaves of green tea to it, mix thoroughly and apply on the area under the eyes for 15 minutes. After washing with water at room temperature.

Tip: among the mass of reviews on the network, you can find enthusiastic about the benefits of troxevasin and bodyagi (a drug based on the Spongilla sponge), but professional cosmetologists oppose their use for thin and especially vulnerable skin.

Train yourself to massage

How to remove bags and dark circles under the eyes at home quickly with a massage?

The following exercises are considered quite effective. The main rule is to massage daily after washing with your fingertips, without strong pressure and stretching. The movements should be light and tapping, we go from the corner of the lower eyelid to the temples, after the same movements, be sure to apply the cream according to the type of skin. This will help improve venous outflow of blood from the lower eyelid.

  1. Close your eyes and rotate your eyeballs clockwise. Repeat four times and do the same exercise in the opposite direction.
  2. We look up, then down, close our eyes. Open, look up and down. We do 10 repetitions.
  3. We look as high as possible up to the left, look down, lift up to the right. We perform 10 times for each side.

How to remove blue circles under the eyes quickly with the help of cosmetic procedures?

Mesotherapy, lymphatic drainage, hardware and manual methods will come to your aid. Laser whitening is considered an effective but expensive procedure. Laser beams brighten the epidermis, thereby reducing circles and bruises. The effect will not be noticeable immediately, but after two to three weeks and, most likely, after that you will need repeated procedures.

Mesotherapy will help to cope with the problem


This is a method of introducing nutrients through injections. To some, the procedure seems painful, and someone is simply crazy about it. Substances that stimulate cellular metabolism are administered in courses. After that, especially careful care of problem areas is necessary. Contraindications are pregnancy, allergies, diabetes and cancer.

Proper cosmetics

A good comprehensive skin care around the eyes will help you choose a beautician. The products of this series should be especially soft and delicate. If you pick them up yourself, first figure out the color of the bruises. For brownish, creams with vitamin C and caffeine are suitable. Bluish and purple will like the composition with vitamins K and A - they perfectly strengthen blood vessels.

Get enough sleep!

And, of course, do not forget about prevention. The best remedy There will be a full eight-hour healthy sleep. Try to go to bed no later than eleven in the evening and sleep on your back, because sleeping on your side or stomach provokes fluid stagnation in the body. It is also important to choose a good orthopedic pillow.

Tip: creams based on soy and citrus will help to make darkening less noticeable; with a chronic problem, the first changes will become noticeable in about a month.

Choose the right cosmetics

How to remove circles under the eyes at home quickly for a woman, taking good care of her skin?

Perhaps the most important thing in the history of dark circles is to learn how to properly care for the skin around the eyes. She, by the way, is ten times thinner than the similar one on the shoulders. It is she who first gives out age, because. is always undisguised and more susceptible to influence from outside.

  1. The basis of the foundations is regular moisturizing. Water tones, nourishes and restores the structure of cells. The optimal remedy for regular use is a gel based on water, vitamins and plant extracts.
  2. Nutrition. Use products that compensate for the lack of natural lipids and stimulate collagen production. As part of such funds you will find natural oils, phytoestrogens, lecithin, retinol.
  3. Never fall asleep with makeup on your face.
  4. Perform the exercises described above regularly. This will also keep the epidermis in good shape.
  5. Use a cream with a high content of vitamin C - it strengthens the walls of blood vessels. Vitamin A products are also good - it increases blood flow to the tissues, thickens them and thereby reduces the severity of dark circles.
  6. All funds that you apply to problematic skin, store in the refrigerator.
  7. Sleep on a high headboard.
  8. Avoid heavy creams before bed, use soft gels.
  9. Wear sunglasses if you squint in the sun all the time.
  10. Wash your face with cool water - warm water promotes puffiness and makes "panda eyes" more pronounced.
  11. And most importantly - say "no" bad habits. Lack of sleep, smoking and alcohol are the main causes of darkening of the lower eyelid.
  12. Try not to drink a lot of fluids before bed - this can cause puffiness in the morning.

Treat your face with care

How to remove circles under the eyes at home quickly, if there is absolutely no time, and the face should be clean and fresh? We use small female tricks - corrector. Watch the video below for a make-up life hack for the problem area:

Quite often, women are faced with an unpleasant feature of the skin of the face - dark circles under the eyes. This phenomenon cannot be ignored, because darkening can be a sign of illness in the female body.

The main reasons for the appearance of circles

The skin around the eyes is perhaps the most delicate covering on the body. collagen fibers contained in it are arranged in a grid. That is why the extensibility of the skin is significantly increased here. Blood vessels are located as close as possible to the surface of the skin. Not saturated with oxygen, they are strongly manifested, creating the effect of "bruises" under the eyes.

Causes of darkening of the skin around the eyes:

Features of the manifestation of dark circles in women

The female body is subject to constant changes, in view of the effects of hormones on it. Pregnancy, menstrual cycle features and menopause can also affect the appearance of dark circles in the eye area. In particular, during menstruation, a certain amount of blood is lost in the body, which leads to anemia. In this case, the face may become paler, haggard and dark spots under the eyes are more clearly visible.

Age- a frequent companion of dark circles. Over time, the skin inevitably ages, it sags. In sagging areas, voids appear, which are filled with adipose tissue. It is she who forms unpleasant eye spots on the eyes.

Advice. The appearance of circles due to skin aging is not a sentence. With age-related changes in the face can and should be fought. Properly selected set of procedures will get rid of "bruises" under the eyes.

Features of the epidermis also play an important role in the presence of spots. The thinner and lighter the skin on the face, the more clearly dark pigmentation is visible. Do not forget that malnutrition (abuse of salty and sweet foods, convenience foods, love for fast food) can also provoke the appearance of circles.

Lack of moisture and vitamins in the body are often the causes of discoloration of the skin around the eyes. Very often they can be observed in women exhausting themselves with diets. Any skin disease provokes changes in pigmentation on the face, including under the eyes.

What do circles under the eyes indicate?

Often circles under the eyes are the causes of diseases in a woman. "Bruises" may indicate the following diseases:

Diagnosis and detection of symptoms of diseases

Regardless of age, a woman who finds circles under her eyes should consult a specialist to find out the reasons for their appearance. Only a doctor will be able to accurately indicate whether the circles are the result of an incorrect lifestyle or are caused by any pathology.

The first step is to visit a therapist.. He will review and advise you on the next steps. It is necessary to take blood and urine for analysis, as well as to make an examination of the main organs and systems. If the therapist has determined that the patient has health problems, he refers her to a specialist of a narrower profile (gynecologist, endocrinologist, etc.)

If there are no deviations in the state of health, you should contact a dermatologist and cosmetologist. It is possible that dark circles under the eyes are caused by skin problems or allergic reactions of the body.

Only a doctor should determine the cause of the appearance of dark circles. There is no need to try to diagnose yourself.

If you find dark semicircles on your face, do not panic. This does not always mean the presence of diseases and pathologies. Often circles are the result of skin problems or may be due to heredity.

How to get rid of dark spots under the eyes

You can get rid of black spots under the eyes in the following ways:

If for some reason it is not possible to remove the "bruises", they can be cover up with makeup. good helper speak Foundation. Concealers and BB creams They also do a good job of camouflage. These products fill wrinkles around the eyes well, even out skin color, and also moisturize and nourish it.

Vitamin C has a beneficial effect on the skin. This should be taken into account when choosing a face cream (the vitamin should be included in its composition).

Other methods of dealing with "bruises"

Another effective method cleansing the area around the eyes is the application folk remedies.

Do not forget that the body is able to respond with an allergy to the use of a particular component. Therefore, it is necessary to use certain methods of treatment with caution.

Folk remedies bring results only with systematic use. The course of procedures should last about two months.

What not to do if there are spots around the eyes

  • You need to stop using cheap low quality cosmetics. Carefully monitor the expiration date cosmetics.
  • You can not use lotions, tonics and other products that contain alcohol, because it dries the skin around the eyes.
  • Do not apply excessive cream to the eye area.

Circles under the eyes are not only an aesthetic, but sometimes a medical problem. If "bruises" are not a hereditary factor, they can be completely eliminated. It is important to know why under the eyes there is such a bright pigmentation. A visit to the doctor will help identify the diagnosis and find the best treatment.


Dark circles under the eyes appear not only in older women, but also in very young girls. Such a phenomenon may be the result of lack of sleep, kidney disease, with a constant presence at the computer, or as a result of other reasons. How to remove darkness under the eyes as quickly as possible and what to do to prevent its manifestation again?

Preparation and Precautions

Before doing any cosmetic procedure, it is necessary to cleanse the skin of foundation and decorative cosmetics. The epidermis, located in the eye socket area, is very thin and it will not take much effort to damage it, so everything should be done systematically and without undue haste.

Why do circles appear under the eyes

Circles under the eyes are quite common in both sexes. This may be due to a genetic predisposition or as a result of various factors, both internal and external. If the presence of changes is associated with heredity, then this persists throughout life, and the circles themselves appear even in childhood.

Darkness under the eyes is a consequence of one or several reasons at the same time. Based on the conducted studies, it was found that mainly it is increased pigmentation of the epidermis of the eyelids and venous blood stagnation. This is because the rate of passage of erythrocytes is low, which leads to oxygen starvation of tissues. This phenomenon is observed in people whose activities are related to the work of a PC. And it is practically not observed in people taking vasodilators.

The main causes of circles:

  • skin changes associated with age;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • lack of sleep;
  • pathological changes in the kidneys;
  • liver disease;
  • allergic reaction;
  • labor activity associated with a computer;
  • hyperpigmentation;
  • high blood sugar;
  • consumption of alcoholic beverages in large quantities;
  • drug addict;
  • malnutrition;
  • anemia;
  • depression;
  • stressful situation;
  • the use of cosmetics;
  • disease of the eyeball;
  • improper circulation;
  • injury.


Types of circles: blue, yellow, brown, red, white. Information about each type is provided separately below.

The color of the circles indicates the presence of a disease or a violation of biochemical processes during internal organs. By color, it is easier to recognize the pathology and prescribe treatment.

Circle colorReason of originWhat can be done
BlueCirculatory disorders.Massage the skin around the eyes.
hereditary predisposition.Cosmetic procedures.
The appearance of headaches.Complex therapy.
Pathology of the heart.
YellowLiver diseases, stagnation of bile in the gallbladder, slagging of the body.Specialized treatment by a gastroenterologist.
Lack of fresh air, overwork, a sedentary lifestyle and long work at the computer.Outdoor recreation, exercise.
RedPathological changes in the kidneys, an allergic reaction.It is necessary to consult a doctor to clarify the circumstances of the disease.
BrownImproper functioning of internal organs.Diseases of the gallbladder or liver, you should take the biomaterial for analysis and get expert advice on complex therapy.
WhiteVitiligo disease.Folk remedies and medicines are successfully used for treatment.

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Folk remedies against circles

There are many ways to help reduce the appearance of circles under the eyes at home. And they are available to everyone. Nourishing masks and massage uniquely strengthen the skin and improve blood circulation. As a result, you can hide the flaws, but you will have to do this regularly.

Thermal water compress

The thermal water contains a sufficient amount of minerals. It saturates the skin with nutrients, relieves puffiness and helps to normalize blood circulation. The compress is made according to the following scheme:

  1. Makeup is removed from the eyelids. Eyes are washed with warm boiled water. Now the skin is prepared for the procedure.
  2. Cotton swabs are saturated with thermal water and applied to closed eyelids for literally half a minute.

grass ice

A decoction of sage or a mixture of linden herbs and flax seeds is recommended to be frozen in cubes in the freezer, green tea is also suitable.

Wipe the skin around the eyelids every morning with ice cubes, and if possible, throughout the day. Puffiness will subside and blood circulation will improve.


No less popular are eyelid masks, which are prepared from available products.

Name of the maskCookingEliminate circles

  1. Squeeze juice from a fresh cucumber, add beaten egg white, almond oil and literally two drops of vitamins A and E.

  2. Dip two cotton pads in the juice.

  1. Put on closed eyelids for 15 minutes.

  2. Rinse with warm boiled water.

CurdGrind the product as finely as possible

  1. Put fresh gruel on closed eyes, and leave for 20 minutes.

  2. Remove with green tea decoction.


  1. Insist a couple of tablespoons of herbs in boiling water.

  2. Dip cotton swabs.

Put tampons on your eyelids for a third of an hour.
soda and chamomile

  1. Mix a cup of chamomile tea and a teaspoon of baking soda.

  2. Moisten cotton wool or cotton pads.

  1. Gently put on the eyelids.

  2. Rinse with warm water.

REMEMBER! Before you start applying the mask, clean your skin.

Massage and gymnastics

A good result against circles is observed after regular gymnastics and massage.

Description of gymnastics:

  1. Close your eyes very tightly. Repeat this action after 5 seconds.
  2. Take a deep breath and start rotating your open eyes clockwise, and after exhaling counterclockwise. With closed eyelids, repeat the same.
  3. Look at an object that is about 10 meters away, and then catch your eye on the nearest point. Do this several times over 5 minutes.
  4. Blink frequently and close your eyelids for 5 seconds.

How to massage:

  1. Use your index and middle fingers to draw figure eights around the eyes. It's like wearing glasses. It is enough to do 16 times.
  2. Close your eyes and put the pads of your index, middle and ring fingers, then press a little. Gently massage around the eyes clockwise and then counterclockwise.


These are specialized remedies for circles under the eyes, which are commercially available. The configuration of the product is made in accordance with the anatomical structure of the skin of the lower eyelid.

They are divided into:

  • Collagen. It is based on collagen. The substance helps smooth wrinkles and deliver oxygen to tissues.
  • Fabric. The fabric is infused with vitamins, minerals and serum to nourish the skin.
  • Hydrogel. Enriched with hyaluronic acid, which perfectly retains moisture, normalizes blood circulation and smoothes the skin.
  • Silicone. The composition contains one type of silicone. After contact with the skin, a thin film is formed, creating a smoothing effect.

Vitamins and trace elements

The use of vitamins and trace elements according to the scheme prescribed by the doctor helps to lighten dark circles.

List of required substances:

  • Ascorbic acid. It is a powerful antioxidant, provides cell restoration, participates in the process of hematopoiesis and collagen synthesis.
  • Vitamin K. It promotes the formation of connective tissues, since a deficiency of this element can significantly impair blood clotting.
  • Iron. Saturates the blood with oxygen.
  • Vitamin E. It is a powerful antioxidant that protects cells from free radicals.

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Cosmetic treatments against circles

Professional procedures can only be carried out by a cosmetologist, who will determine what is most effective for specific case. Modern beauty salons are fully equipped with special equipment to eliminate circles.


The technique is aimed at eliminating the darkening of the skin under the eyes with the help of injections. The composition for injection is selected based on individual characteristics, and may include:

  • Hyaluronic acid to moisturize the epidermis.
  • Zinc, magnesium and cobalt.
  • Vitamins B 1 to improve blood circulation, B 6 to eliminate puffiness and H - biotin to saturate the skin with shine.
  • Elastin and collagen to fight wrinkles.


This procedure allows you to remove dead skin cells with the help of a specialized tool, which helps to smooth, brighten and normalize blood circulation.


The procedure consists in processing with pieces of ice. Preliminary freezing of herbs corresponding to the type of skin is performed. You can do it in a beauty salon, or you can do it yourself at home.


Dark circle tattooing involves the introduction of pigment to lighten the skin under the eyes. The quality of the procedure depends on the qualifications of the master. Before performing, it is necessary to correctly determine which pigment needs to be injected, and it is also important to take into account the nature of bruising. Not all cosmetologists cope with this.


This is one of the most popular operations. The point is to remove sagging skin in the area of ​​the upper and lower eyelids. Surgery It is best to entrust an experienced surgeon, as this is a responsible and complex procedure.


Surgical intervention is based on the introduction of a substance into the eyelid area that promotes the restoration of lost tissues. Which not only smoothes wrinkles, relieves puffiness, restores elasticity to the epidermis, but also eliminates pigmentation.

Microcurrent therapy biostimulation

Under the influence of low-frequency currents on the skin, swelling under the eyes and dark circles are noticeably reduced. This does not damage the cells and is a painless procedure. When exposed to current, the function of the sebaceous glands is normalized, blood supply improves, which prevents the occurrence of inflammatory process. But for the appearance of a lasting effect, you need to regularly carry out procedures.

Biorevitalization and bioreparation of the eyelids

This is one of the varieties of mesotherapy, but more effective. The composition of the injections includes a substance of strong concentration, which reduces the number of procedures performed.


A common procedure is carried out in two stages:

  1. Fat is taken from the knees, as they contain the most suitable biomaterial for the face. After that, the mass is mixed with fat with platelet autoplasma.
  2. The resulting product is injected into problem areas under the eyes.

IMPORTANT! When performing, do not touch the capillaries and blood vessels.

Is it worth it to cover up circles with makeup?

To properly mask dark circles, it is important to know some recommendations. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to achieve a natural image, and often the face looks artificial.

About makeup mistakes:

  • An incorrectly selected shade of foundation will not meet expectations.
  • If there is a contrast between the cheeks and the lower eyelids, the bruises under the eyes will become even more noticeable.
  • Blush should not be used.
  • If the foundation is applied along the deflections of bruises, then pigmentation under the eyes becomes more noticeable.

IMPORTANT! The art of making up dark circles must be learned or it is worth contacting a makeup artist for advice.

Prevention of the appearance of circles

In order to avoid the appearance of dark circles in time, even before the fight against them, it is recommended to adhere to the following tips:

  • Periodically take breaks at work, especially if it is connected with a computer.
  • Get enough sleep, normal sleep should be at least 7 or 8 hours.
  • Eat right, eat vegetables and fruits, greens and fiber as much as possible. Avoid sweets and fast foods.
  • Do not drink alcohol and do not smoke.
  • Perform simple gymnastic exercises daily.
  • Be outdoors as often as possible. Walk through the coniferous forest, where there are more phytoncides and oxygen.

Opinions and reviews of doctors about home treatment

Opinions and reviews of experts on home treatment of circles:

➤ Olga M., cosmetologist: “Supporting yourself is worth it at any age, both internally and externally. Of course, the use of folk remedies gives an effect only with the initial appearance of blue in the eyelid area. However, it is safe. Still, it is worth finding out the cause of the manifestation of darkness, if it progresses and be examined by doctors..

➤ Ekaterina M.: "Elimination folk ways dark circles is a procedure that does not require significant costs, but it must be carried out regularly, life is gradually moving forward and a person is changing, so you should pay attention to your health ".

To avoid health problems, as a result of the appearance of dark circles, you should follow a number of important tips:

  • Timely and fully rest, do not let the body overwork.
  • Have a positive attitude.
  • React calmly to stress.
  • Spends more time outdoors.
  • Eat properly.
  • Regularly examined, even if health is normal.

If you follow the basic tips, you can achieve a good result.

Circles under the eyes - this is not a cause for concern, it is a signal for action on the way to a healthy lifestyle!
