School love - I fell in love with a classmate. What to do if you like a classmate, what to write to him? What to do classmate loves me

(all names are fictitious)
It all started a year ago ... I never paid attention to people like him ... He didn’t dress very well, and he wasn’t handsome ... but there was something in him .. my mother was his class teacher. .. a lot about her class at home ... I always heard his name and surname from her lips, but I didn’t know what he looked like ... it just didn’t matter ... but here at our school there was a competition "Euro Club" and he stood near the assembly class ... my class was on duty and escorted the guests to the assembly hall .. but then a woman approached me and asked where Elena Yuryevna could be found? (Elena Yuryevna is my mother) .. I ran to look for her .. .and I saw him .. someone shouted to him Vitya ... I realized that that was his name ...
- Vit, where is my mother?
- Upstairs in room 304.
I told the woman where she was and went downstairs...
Before I paid attention to him, I liked his classmate .. he is EMO (Dima) .. but I understood that my passion for Dima would soon end ..
And the next day, Vitya in VK offered me friendship .. well, I agreed .. at that moment I didn’t feel anything for him ..
A couple of days have passed since that day .. I left books with my mother in the classroom ... and I went to take the book ...
He did not let me pass, he stood between the desks .. I pinched him, he bent over ...
In the evening I decided to ask about his well-being ..
Contact dialog:
- hello ... it hurt a lot yesterday ??
- ku) yes the scar remains))
- bugaga ... what is true ??? or are you joking as always?
yes, yesterday I went to the 44th quarter, they sewed me up))
- Breshesh ... okay, sorry .. but of course you said that I kissed you there ... mind of course))
- it was so))
It was the very first correspondence ... there was a continuation ... but then there is nothing interesting ...
He promised to put a lock on the bookcase... I thought it was a joke... But in the morning it was not a lock hanging on the bookcase... but a coil of wire: DDD... It was funny... I unwound it from that day on, we began to communicate very well!!!
He told me how he spent the day, asked me how the day went... May 7, I realized that I had feelings for him. I remember everything ... I didn’t hide anything anymore, I wrote him the smiley “kiss” ... he put the smiley “blushed” ... hmm ... so funny ... I again put the same smiley and asked: “What will you do now?”, And he: “ I will answer the same: * "At that moment, a smile on my lips rose by itself and my heart beat very quickly, it was so hot in my chest ... I can’t describe all the feelings at that moment ... but it was a very pleasant feeling !!
On May 9, I invited him to take a walk, he said that he would see if his friends did not call him, then he would go. But he himself hid as best he could only behind the crowd .. I felt so offended, but later he explained this to me by hiding from classmates .. But that day we still quarreled with him .. He thought that I had deceived him ... About that I got sick !! At school, he himself came up to me and spoke ... But after that we stopped communicating as before ... I'm afraid to write to him, I don't know why ...
In the summer, on my birthday, he didn’t even congratulate me ... And like a coward he hid near the Pharmacy around the corner ... When his friends went to the Pharmacy ... The rest of the evening I cried very much ... And I wanted to take revenge on him somehow ... But I didn’t know how ... Later I I forgot the hurt...
In the 10th grade, he and some of his classmates moved to our class ... I still try to establish contact with him, but I can’t ...
His friends said a lot of bad things about me… Something that doesn’t really exist… I think that he listens to the opinion of his friends…
Now we communicate with him as classmates. ... Before, he was afraid to even touch me, but recently he even began to torment me ... What I don’t like, of course, is that he began to paw me ... Before that, to be honest, I was surprised why he does not paw, but now it annoys me ... I began to communicate well with one of his distant friends ... He saw me more than once in their environment ... And my other friends saw his very surprised eyes.
About two months ago I started dating him. former classmate... He often saw me with him ... I even kissed Seryozha in public consisting of his friends ... But Sergey understood this along the way and a month later we parted ...
Not long ago, I noticed that Vitya was following me ... I went for a walk with my friend from VK Vlad and he saw us ... I pretended that I did not see him ... And then when we saw him off ... And I stole Vitya ...

School stories about childhood love, how often do we hear them. What should I do if I fall in love with my classmate? I couldn't resist, he's so handsome. Not so long ago I liked him, but now I love him. I wouldn’t need this love for a classmate at all, because I need to study, and at school they can learn everything, but I love and I can’t help myself.

My beloved name is Slava. We study with him in the same class. I've been in love with him for five years now. Many of my friends know about this. But everyone keeps my secret. He does not pay attention to me, communicates only as with a classmate. Apparently I'm not his type. He runs after a few girls from our class and a few from the younger class, and I am an empty place for him. I dress well and take care of myself, but he still doesn't like me.

We are with Glory Good friends. He always shares his personal experiences with me, I talk about my problems, but I can’t tell him about us. I'm afraid of losing him as a friend, let's at least communicate like that. I'm already seventeen years old, and I haven't had a boyfriend yet, I was offered to meet guys older than me, but I don't need anyone except Slava. And he meets with one, then with another, his girls are constantly changing.

He treats girls, to put it mildly, not very well. He communicates only in order to sleep, he doesn’t think about friendship, he says that it’s good for him alone, that he doesn’t want someone to claim his freedom.

It's a pity for the girls, whom he first turns heads, then sleeps and quits. I saw several unfamiliar girls who came to his school and asked him not to leave them. And he ruthlessly sent them and left.

But quite recently, a new girl appeared in our class, she and her parents moved from another city to us. And Slava asked me to move somewhere and seated this girl at the desk with him. I knew that on the first day he would turn her head and leave her. It hurt me to watch him wobbling around in front of her to please her. And I no longer began to communicate with him, during the breaks I went somewhere so that he could not find me, and during the lessons I did not look in his direction. She went home quickly so that he could not catch up, and after school he was usually busy, fooling another passion. I turned off my phone and deleted his number.

There was a lot of time left until the end of the year, because academic year has just begun. Time dragged on and it was so hard that I decided to transfer to another school that was closer to my home. I asked my parents to write a transfer application. And so I moved to another school, and what do you think, he ended up there too. I was shocked when, a week after my transfer, Slava came into the classroom and the teacher said that we had another new one.

When the lesson ended, Slava came up to me and kissed me without saying a word, and I told him everything I thought about him. And he kissed me again, so passionately that I almost melted in his arms. He invited me to his place for dinner, promised to cook delicious food. His parents were not at home, as they were constantly on the road. I came, we ate delicious pizza, washed down with aromatic tea. And I didn't even notice how we ended up in bed. He was so passionate and handsome. I was very pleased that night. I will never forget her.

In the morning, when I woke up, Slava was nowhere to be found, and there was a note on the table telling me not to look for him anymore, which pleased him. A sharp pain pierced my body, it was terribly insulting.

But I won't regret this night because it was the best night of my life. So what if I fell in love without looking back at my own classmate, but now I know what love is.

"I like a classmate, what should I do?" - psychologists often hear from young girls. As a rule, they ask them on specialized sites and wait for help from specialists, since it can be difficult for them to figure out this problem on their own.

Schoolgirls often have tender feelings towards their classmates. Sometimes these feelings are mutual, but more often than not, girls have to suffer from unrequited love for a very long time. It can be very difficult for schoolgirls to make a decision that would help resolve this situation. Often they want to confess their feelings to a young man, but they are very afraid to do it. It is not known how the object of love will react to recognition.

In order to understand what to do next, you need to try to find out how the young man treats the girl, whether he feels sympathy for her. This can be done through friends in whom the schoolgirl has complete confidence. You can also watch his behavior.

Sometimes you need to create a situation in which the guy can somehow prove himself. For example, you can invite him to a birthday party or a cafe. If the guy somehow makes it clear that the girl is attractive to him, you can safely take some action. For example, you can write him a love letter.

Previously, young ladies suffering from unrequited love did just that. At the same time, they wrote a message on a piece of paper and threw it to their lover, or handed it over to him personally. If a classmate experiences negative feelings towards a schoolgirl, constantly laughs at her, but she still continues to love him, then you should not write a note. It is quite possible that a young man will show her classmates and the girl will simply be laughed at. Teenagers are very violent. Writing a letter in this case will only break the girl's heart and will not lead to anything good, but will only bring suffering and pain.

What to do if you like a classmate? Girls very often have to suffer from unrequited love. However, very often they are sure that the feelings are unrequited, but in fact they are mutual, just the boy is afraid to come up first.

If the girl nevertheless decided to send a letter to a classmate, you need to carefully consider what exactly to write in the message. You can describe your feelings to him, but psychologists still do not advise being overly frank. You should not write about your suffering, about unrequited love, about how long it all lasts.

The purpose of the letter is to attract young man to show your interest in it. After all, this is exactly what the student wants. The guy will not be able to love her out of a sense of pity that she has been suffering for him for so long. But with the help of a letter, you can draw his attention, make him take some steps towards him.

It happens that a classmate experiences a reciprocal feeling, but is embarrassed to say so. The letter will put everything in its place. In it you need to write about your sympathy. Be sure to give the boy a compliment. At this age, it is important for them. You also need to write about the desire to meet and talk. There needs to be some mystery left in the girl.

If a young man reads everything she wants to tell him in a letter, then he will no longer be interested in going to a meeting. Moreover, strong manifestations of feelings can simply frighten him. A guy may be afraid to take responsibility, he will not want to reassure a classmate, as he will read about the unbearability of her suffering.

It is better to write a letter on paper in the form of a note. Sending it by email is not recommended. Having received a message written in his own hand, the young man will understand how important it is for a classmate. It is important to remember that with the help of the message the girl takes an important first step, but the rest of the steps must still be taken by the young man.

It is impossible to give a definite answer to the question of what to write to a classmate you like. In this case, it is better to act according to the situation. If the guy is not at all interested in the girl, then perhaps writing notes should be postponed.

If a girl likes a classmate, then it is advisable to find out how mutual these feelings are. If a guy feels reciprocal sympathy, then it is quite possible to open up to him by telling about your feelings in a note. Most likely, he himself had long wanted to do the same, he was simply afraid to take the first step.

No matter how hard we try to immerse ourselves in work or study, a romantic feeling still catches up sooner or later.

You may not always be prepared for it and know how to behave. Let's turn to advice from psychologists. What to do if you fell in love with a guy?

Signs of falling in love

How do I know if I'm really in love?

This feeling is quite difficult to recognize, but there is one that will help you with this:

  • cheerfulness. Yes, don't be surprised. And the reason for this is the hormones that are released in our body precisely at the time;
  • increased emotionality. You can become too sentimental, even if you have not suffered from it before. Or experience emotional swings, a sharp change in mood;
  • constant search for hidden meaning. Are you looking for a hint in every word of his? Do you see secret signs even in ordinary things? Do you reread messages from him in search of a second meaning?

    All these are the first signs of falling in love, and most often not yet realized.

  • loss of attention. You have become so absent-minded, constantly confused, forgetting something ... This also speaks of your love for someone.

What should be done first?

So what to do with the surging feeling? How to behave? Psychologists advise the following:

Thanks to these tips, you will either understand that the object of sighing does not deserve your attention, or you will finally achieve it.

What to do if you fell in love for the first time? Adviсe:

In a classmate boy

You spend a lot of time together, see each other every day.

And at some point, you may begin to realize that you have some kind of feeling for him. What to do?

  1. Understand your feeling. Do you really like this boy? Or is it the fact that you see each other all the time? If you don’t even think about him during the holidays, then most likely this is not a real love.
  2. Be friendly. Become more active and sociable in the classroom, attract everyone's attention. Boys like cheerful and positive girls.
  3. Try to get close to him. Try to communicate more, find common hobbies. It will be great if you see him not only at school: go to the movies or at least take a walk in one company.
  4. Do not be upset if it turns out that your feeling is not mutual. It's a good experience anyway. There will be other guys who will definitely pay attention to you.

The high school student

High school students seem so smart, mature and much more interesting than their peers. But often they may not notice those who are younger. What to do, if ?

To a work colleague

Office romance is a fairly common occurrence. After all, we spend a lot of time at work and often some people begin to sympathize with us. Sometimes it really turns into love. What to do in such a situation?

In chief

Fell in love with the boss. What to do? Psychologist's opinion:

By correspondence

We started talking just out of interest, but it turned into something more? You yourself did not notice how? Here are some tips on how to deal with this situation:

In a second cousin

If at the expense of siblings we initially have a strict taboo, then, as a rule, it does not apply to cousins ​​and second cousins. But you can't tell your heart! How to be?

  1. Analyze the situation. Why did it happen? What do you think this might lead to? Think about the future. How will your brother react to this? Are you ready for disapproval from the outside?
  2. Take your time to communicate your feelings. You must understand that it is unlikely that you will be together. Such relationships are not approved by society. Yes, and there is logic in this, especially if you plan to have children.

    Therefore, it would be best to resolve this issue on your own, without devoting anyone to your feelings for your second cousin.

  3. Don't dwell on your feeling. Learn to be distracted: find yourself a passion, a hobby. Try to see him less often.
  4. Feel free to ask for help. If you feel that the situation has gone too far and you can no longer cope, then contact a psychologist. He will help you understand the reasons for your love and how to get rid of this feeling.

The anime guy

Falling in love usually comes suddenly and often it may not be the one we imagined in our thoughts.

For example, what to do if you fell in love with an anime guy?

  1. First you need to grow up. And it mostly means psychological age. A formed personality cannot fall in love with such a character.
  2. Pay attention to the features that attract you. This will help you find out what kind of people you like. Try to find them in the people around you.
  3. Limit your hobbies. If you like watching such cartoons, then there is nothing wrong with that. But if it came to such love, then this is undoubtedly not a very good sign. Try to find other ways to enjoy your free time.

The celebrity

Celebrities seem so distant to us and, at the same time, so attractive. And sometimes it happens that a simple interest develops into a feeling of love. In this case, there are three possible scenarios for the development of the situation:

Love for an idol. Fan Psychology:

The actor

At first, you just watched the movie and singled out one actor in it. Then you decide to review all the pictures with him. You no longer notice that you constantly track information about him and get jealous when you see a photo in a magazine with some girl. What to do with this love?

  1. Understand that this is just an image. You fell in love with him, not with this person. In life, he may well not live up to your expectations.
  2. Imagine the development of events. It is unlikely that you will meet him, and he will suddenly realize that you are exactly the woman he has been looking for all this time.

    So be realistic. Most likely you will suffer from it and miss your real life!

    What is the conclusion? You need to get rid of this feeling.

  3. Try to find another hobby. Start going to the gym or club. You can start to embroider or draw. Do whatever you can to get rid of obsessive thoughts.

How not to become a slave of love?

It would seem that love is a bright feeling.

But it is not always so pleasant.

Often this brings a lot of problems. How not to become addicted to your love?

  • understand that first you must be a developed and self-sufficient person. Don't make your crush the only interest in your life;
  • don't limit yourself. If another man has noticed you, you can accept his attention. This will benefit both you and the object of your love, because he will understand that you are not fixated only on him. But don't overdo it;
  • treat everything with humor. No need to throw a tantrum and become depressed at the slightest failure. Life doesn't end there;
  • hint to him about your feelings, and then pass the initiative into his hands. You do not need to constantly invent a strategy for your future behavior.

Falling in love can bring you both happiness and Problems. Therefore, be sure to think through the situation to the end before rushing into the pool with your head.

What if you fell in love with a celebrity? Find out from this video:
