A Swiss watch was found in the tomb. Swiss watch in a Chinese tomb? Deathbed Confirmation

Ancient tombs are always surrounded by an aura of mysticism. When archaeologists discovered a modern object in a 400-year-old Chinese tomb in 2008, even skeptics began to believe in the mysticism. For some, this is proof of the possibility of time travel. Others wonder how credible this case is.

A team of archaeologists and journalists filmed a documentary at the excavation site of a sealed Ming Dynasty tomb in Shanxi, southern China. When one of the coffins was being cleared of soil, a strange find was discovered.

“When we were clearing the coffin from the ground, a piece of stone fell and a metallic sound was heard,” said Jiang Yanyu, a former curator at the Guangxi Autonomous Region Museum, the Daily Mail reported. - We picked up the object and saw that it was a ring. When we cleared it of soil, we were shocked: in fact, it was a watch in the form of a ring.”

The strange metal object was Golden ring with dial on the front. The hands on the clock showed 10:06. The most striking thing is that on the reverse side there was an inscription in English Swiss or Switzerland.

Swiss Made is a relatively modern mark on goods that means “Made in Switzerland”. How did an object that was made no earlier than 1848 end up inside a Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) tomb? The state of Switzerland has been known under its current name since 1848. Before that it was called the Swiss Union.

Ring watches gained popularity in Europe after 1780. The earliest ring watches are believed to have belonged to Queen Elizabeth I of England, who ordered them in 1588. Additionally, in 1755, the Parisian watchmaker Caron made a ring watch that could be wound with a key. . But in China during the Ming era they were not known. However, the Swiss watch was not found on the outside of the grave, but inside the coffin.

How did they get there?

The most fantastic version is that the ring was dropped by time travelers. Others believe the strange artifact was dropped by someone in the last century, carried away by shrews or other rodents, and ended up inside the grave.

It is possible that the “sealing” of the grave was not as reliable as Chinese officials and archaeologists reported. Maybe it was discovered by grave robbers. Although, according to reports, none of the ancient Chinese artifacts in the tomb were damaged or stolen, as is usually the case in such cases.

Or maybe this whole story is just fiction? Be that as it may, this discovery gave food to the imagination of many people who tried to understand how this unusual artifact ended up inside the grave.

In 2008, archaeologists opened a 400-year-old Chinese Ming Dynasty tomb and found... a ring with a dial on the front. The most amazing thing is that on the back of the ring there was an inscription in English Swiss. Swiss Made? a relatively modern mark on goods that means “Made in Switzerland”.

Maybe someone knows the explanation of this story? No? Then let's read the conspiracy theory of the “time travelers” about this incident in China...

Archaeologists have had the rare luck of finding the burial of a Chinese ruler from the Ming Dynasty, 15th century, untouched by looters. It is a rare opportunity to delve into the untouched secrets of 400 years of history, and the scientists worked with the utmost care. Almost blowing away, the sand covered the tomb. The work of archaeologists was covered as a documentary chronicle by journalists.

It was difficult for archaeologists to find this amazing artifact. Removing layers of fossilized soil, scientists got to the tombstone. Suddenly, an artifact stuck with soil falls into the hands of specialists and looks like a large ring.

But what they discovered left them perplexed at first. And after the examinations, the scientists did not even know how to treat the found artifact. Excavations reveal a tomb untouched for about 400 hundred years, Scientists have found a Swiss watch! The frozen hands indicated the time at 10 hours 6 minutes. The engraving on the back cover indicated the manufacturer's company - Swiss. There were only a couple of centuries left before its appearance on the market!

“When we tried to remove the earth around the coffin, we heard a metallic sound made by a piece of rock falling off and falling to the floor,” said excavation participant Jiang Yanyu, former curator of the Guangxi Autonomous Region Museum. “We picked up the object and at first thought it was a ring. But after we removed the dried soil and examined the object, we, to our great surprise, discovered that it was a watch.”

At first, a wave of disappointment swept through the scientists’ souls. After all, the presence of a miniature clock clearly shows that the tomb was opened in our time. The assumption that the watch was put down at the time of burial was immediately eliminated. Making the first wristwatch took place only in the 17th century. And here in general there are miniature technologies.

However, an examination carried out in Beijing to determine the age of the watch made specialists gasp. It turned out that their age was true - they lay in the tomb for four centuries!

The discovered artifact has baffled scientists. After all, apart from the idea that the watch traveled back in time, its presence in the burial cannot be justified by anything! But how can this be! All our science will oppose this. As the former curator of the Guangxi County Museum Jiang Yanyu, who participated in the excavations, explained, they were immensely surprised by the find. However, scientists have nothing to explain the presence of the clock.

As the situation appears, a certain time traveler, attending a funeral, wished to throw a handful of earth, traditional among some peoples. It is likely that at that moment the ring watch fell off the finger.

So far, scientists cannot give a definite explanation of how the unusually small Swiss watch got into the ancient tomb. Experts from Beijing were called to discuss the issue.

Two models of Swiss ring watches from the 50s of the twentieth century.

There is more information on the Chinese Internet.

The story is really real, not fiction or photoshop, it happened quite recently in China, Shangsi district of Guangyuan city and was widely covered in the Chinese media.

There was a backstory that aroused even more interest.

1. A stone coffin made of concrete was found - a whole event for the Chinese
2. 10 liters of brown liquid leaked from the coffin after transportation
3. The watch ring was accidentally discovered while filming an examination.

This confirmation came from a mummy recently discovered in Mongolia. The fact is that this mummy is more than one and a half thousand years old, and she is wearing modern Adidas sneakers.

The remains were found by local residents who reported this to the archaeologists of the Kobdo Museum. Currently, the mummy has been sent to Sukhbaatar for a more thorough examination. However, even preliminary analyzes and examination of the remains showed that this was most likely a woman (she did not have the bow characteristic of men of Turkic tribes). In addition, says museum employee B. Sukhbaatar, judging by the jewelry, this woman occupied a high status in society. In addition, she is buried with her horse, which further confirms this. And even the fact that she is not wearing shoes typical of the Turks, but modern sneakers, which it is not clear how they got there in that distant time, can serve as indirect evidence that this is not an ordinary woman.

By the way, the fact is that on a noble lady - modern shoes, there is nothing surprising. For example, in 2008, the ancient tomb of Chinese Emperor Xi Qing of the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) was opened in Shanxi, and modern Swiss watches were also found in it. It is clear that such things from the future (accidentally left behind by time travelers) could only be appropriated by the leaders of society. And all the most valuable things for leaders and high officials, naturally, were then placed in their grave.

As for Swiss watches, it was a gold ring with a dial, which became fashionable only in 1980. On the reverse side of the dial there was the Swiss Made trademark (made in Switzerland), which could not have appeared until 1848, since before that there was a Swiss Union instead of Switzerland.

As for the Mongolian mummy, scientists have yet to determine whether these are actually Adidas sneakers. But as historians say, firstly, it is very similar, and secondly, in the fifth and sixth centuries, Turkic tribes did not wear shoes even closely resembling this one. The supposed sneakers were preserved in fairly good condition only due to the fact that the grave of the Turkic woman was at a high altitude in the mountains - 2800 meters above sea level, and at a fairly decent depth in the soil - 3 meters.

Skeptics find a “weighty” refutation of every confirmation

True, according to progressive researchers, even if these are truly modern sneakers, official science will not attach any importance to this. This has always been the case with facts confirming that time travel is possible. If we return to the Swiss watch found in the ancient tomb of the Chinese emperor, then in this case we found “ scientific explanation": they say that the tomb was still opened until 2008. Probably opened it specifically to throw it there modern watch, so what?..

However, this is exactly how pundits explain all the facts that prove the movement of people and things through time. For example, in 1950, a man who came out of nowhere on the road was hit by a car. He turned out to be Rudolf Fetz, who disappeared at the age of twenty-nine in 1876. At young man a letter, dollars and business cards from the last century were found, which, however, had not aged. And although thanks to them the deceased was identified, the extraordinary case, alas, only caused a smile among pundits - it was a fake. It turns out that this madman forged documents and deliberately committed suicide like that. I even found a person very similar to myself in the last century. But how did he instantly find himself in front of the car, that the driver, according to him, didn’t even understand where this guy came from?

The video below and the commentary to it look more like a fake, although this could very well be the case. And if it could, it would be of interest to those who believe in time travel. In 2006, Swede Håkan Nordqvist was repairing the plumbing in a cabinet under the sink. Suddenly... the space of the closet began to expand, and even a light appeared in the back wall. Hogan crawled towards the light and... got out again into his kitchen, but only thirty-six years later, that is, he found himself in the future. In this future, he met himself (which is simply impossible according to scientific theory, the accuracy of which no one has yet really proven) and even filmed mobile phone this meeting.

However, it was this video material that served as the weakest point and excellent food for skeptics of all stripes. However, judge for yourself...

Deathbed Confirmation

But Holy Father Marcello Pellegrino Ernetti, who was not only an Italian monk, but also a specialist in quantum physics, invented a chronovisor - a device that could look into the past and future. True, the famous exorcist of the twentieth century was afraid of his invention and destroyed it. According to the monk-scientist, the chronovisor had another amazing, but very dangerous ability for our imperfect society - to read the thoughts of any person. And if such a device fell into wicked hands, no one knows what would come of it...

Of course, few people believed in the invention of the time machine of Father Pellegrino Ernetti, especially since he himself “ruined everything” because he allegedly pulled out from the past paintings of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and Ancient Greece, which turned out to be fakes based on samples already available in the world. However, on his deathbed, the holy father admitted that he did this on purpose so that no one would believe in the chronovisor, which actually existed and worked perfectly.

By the way, supporters of the global conspiracy theory are confident that the Vatican has gotten to the notes and drawings of Pellegrino Ernetti, and therefore, it is quite possible that it has the technology to penetrate the past and future and can even read the thoughts of all the leaders of countries. Indirect evidence of this is the fact that Ernetti died in 1996 under some strange circumstances. And his confession on his deathbed is a cunning trick of the Vatican, a trick and at the same time a subtle intimidation...

We already discussed how China is the birthplace of giant pyramids? But what they find in them...

In 2008, archaeologists opened a 400-year-old Chinese Ming Dynasty tomb and found... a ring with a dial on the front. The most amazing thing is that on the back of the ring there was an inscription in English Swiss. Swiss Made is a relatively modern mark on goods that means “Made in Switzerland”.

Maybe someone knows the explanation of this story? No? Then let's read the conspiracy theory of the “time travelers” about this incident in China...

Archaeologists have had the rare luck of finding the burial of a Chinese ruler from the Ming Dynasty, 15th century, untouched by looters. It is a rare opportunity to delve into the untouched secrets of 400 years of history, and the scientists worked with the utmost care. Almost blowing away, the sand covered the tomb. The work of archaeologists was covered as a documentary chronicle by journalists.

It was difficult for archaeologists to find this amazing artifact. Removing layers of fossilized soil, scientists got to the tombstone. Suddenly, an artifact stuck with soil falls into the hands of specialists and looks like a large ring.

But what they discovered left them perplexed at first. And after the examinations, the scientists did not even know how to treat the found artifact. Excavations reveal a tomb untouched for about 400 hundred years, Scientists have found a Swiss watch! The frozen hands indicated the time at 10 hours 6 minutes. The engraving on the back cover indicated the manufacturer's company - Swiss. There were only a couple of centuries left before its appearance on the market!

“When we tried to remove the earth around the coffin, we heard a metallic sound made by a piece of rock falling off and falling to the floor,” said excavation participant Jiang Yanyu, former curator of the Guangxi Autonomous Region Museum. “We picked up the object and at first thought it was a ring. But after we removed the dried soil and examined the object, we, to our great surprise, discovered that it was a watch.”

At first, a wave of disappointment swept through the scientists’ souls. After all, the presence of a miniature clock clearly shows that the tomb was opened in our time. The assumption that the watch was put down at the time of burial was immediately eliminated. The production of the first wristwatches took place only in the 17th century. And here in general there are miniature technologies.

However, an examination carried out in Beijing to determine the age of the watch made specialists gasp. It turned out that their age was true - they had lain in the tomb for four centuries!

The discovered artifact has baffled scientists. After all, apart from the idea that the watch traveled back in time, its presence in the burial cannot be justified by anything! But how can this be! All our science will oppose this. As the former curator of the Guangxi County Museum Jiang Yanyu, who participated in the excavations, explained, they were immensely surprised by the find. However, scientists have nothing to explain the presence of the clock.

As the situation appears, a certain time traveler, attending a funeral, wished to throw a handful of earth, traditional among some peoples. It is likely that at that moment the ring watch fell off the finger.

So far, scientists cannot give a definite explanation of how the unusually small Swiss watch got into the ancient tomb. Experts from Beijing were called to discuss the issue.

Two models of Swiss ring watches from the 50s of the twentieth century.

There is more information on the Chinese Internet.

The story is really real, not fiction or photoshop, it happened quite recently in China, Shangsi district of Guangyuan city and was widely covered in the Chinese media.

There was a backstory that aroused even more interest.

1. A stone coffin made of concrete was found - a whole event for the Chinese

2. 10 liters of brown liquid leaked from the coffin after transportation

3. The watch ring was accidentally discovered while filming an examination.
