Black marks from the gold ring. Why does gold and skin turn black under the ring on the finger

guesses of the past

Everyone is interested in something in their life. So, for a long time I was looking for an answer to the question of why the skin darkens from gold. I remember that in childhood, when someone's face turned very red, he was advised to rub a golden ring or earring along his flaming cheek.

If after such an “operation” a black stripe remained from the jewelry, then it was generally accepted that the person was just in given time someone stipulates or simply washes the bones, and gold, as a miraculous metal, could “feel” this and show us. That is, here it was impossible to say that the skin darkens from gold. Rather, it darkens from other people's gossip.

Real reasons

A little later, I began to notice in some people dark or even black stripes left by rings on their fingers, stripes left by earrings on their earlobes, and traces of gold bracelets on their wrists. I began to think that the point, most likely, is not mysticism, but more ordinary things. After reading the relevant literature and asking knowledgeable people, I can answer for myself why the skin turns black from gold. There may actually be several reasons.

Impurities to noble metal

By its nature, gold is a fairly soft and heavy metal; in the production of jewelry from it, master jewelers use some additives or impurities to give some shade, reduce the cost of the product, or reduce its mass. Thus, nickel and copper are mainly used as an impurity to gold. The presence of these additives in jewelry should be called the main reason, answering the question of why the skin turns black from gold. It is these metals that give color. If copper is present in the jewelry, then a green trace will remain, and if nickel is present, it will be almost black.


The use of various kinds of cosmetics on the skin that the gold jewelry touches can also contribute to the appearance of marks at the points of contact. So, it can be a cream for the face, for hands (mercury compounds are often added to them, and mercury, when interacting with jewelry, can also leave traces), foundation, hairspray or too saturated with chemical compounds eau de toilette or deodorant.

Sweat gland secretions

When a large amount of sweat is released from the body, which is in contact with the skin and gold jewelry for a long time, dark marks may also occur. Therefore, wondering why the skin turns black from gold, you should pay attention to your health and psychological state. In case of a painful condition of the body (cold or ailments of individual internal organs), constant lack of sleep and stress sweat is more. In addition, the composition of sweat varies depending on many factors. And if a person eats a large number of meat, then more nitrogen is released with sweat, which can also lead to the appearance of peculiar marks on the skin.


Before putting jewelry on sale, manufacturers cover them with a special polishing compound, which wears off over time, but at first, wearing a ring or chain can leave dark marks on the skin.


We hope that this article helped you, and now you know why the skin turns black from gold. Buy quality jewelry, be healthy, sleep well and keep calm!

Everyone knows that gold is a noble metal. Most often, jewelry made from precious metals and their alloys does not leave marks on the skin. This property is more typical for inexpensive jewelry. Why does gold sometimes leave black spots and marks on the skin?

A little about gold

Archaeologists and historians have come to the conclusion that this a precious metal appeared a very long time ago - approximately in the 5th millennium BC. Since then, it has become popular, and has also become a kind of measure of value.

Today, this precious metal is no less in demand - a large number of jewelry made of precious metal, which are bought with pleasure by the fair sex.

Jewelry is acquired not only by girls and women - men also like to adorn themselves with exquisite jewelry made of expensive metals, which require careful treatment and careful care.

Since ancient times, yellow metal jewelry has been preferred by both men and women.

By carefully caring for jewelry, you can keep their presentable appearance for a long time, but an expensive ring or chain does not always correspond to these qualities. It happens that jewelry and gold leaves a black tint or mark on the skin. What does it depend on and why does it happen?

Causes of darkening of the skin from gold jewelry

Often, the darkening of the skin from gold jewelry is equated with mysterious phenomena, such as the owner of a serious illness or a curse on the owner of the ring. I'm glad it's not.

There are many reasons why black marks from gold and gold jewelry appear on the skin, and each of them should be considered separately.

Today, most manufacturers of certain goods are trying to save on the manufacture of their products. This phenomenon has not bypassed the jewelry industry. Do not trust inscriptions like: “jewelry is 60% gold”. Very often, for the production of precious jewelry, various alloys are used, which contain other metals, which lead to the blackening of the skin from gold.

Another significant reason for the darkening of the skin from gold jewelry is the use of cosmetics. All kinds of moisturizing hand creams used by the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity very often contain various impurities that come into contact with gold.

So, mercury contained in cosmetics interacts with the yellow metal, thereby causing irritation and blackening of the skin.

Some believe that the skin turns black from gold due to some kind of disease. So, violations of the functionality of the kidneys or liver can cause such a reaction, however, in medical practice there are many cases when the gold jewelry of a truly sick person did not show itself in any way.

Jewelry made of yellow metal in contact with cosmetics can leave a dark mark in contact with gold.

Specialists with a medical background tend to believe that a person's state of health can affect the so-called "behavior" of jewelry. So, a person who is often exposed to stressful situations is prone to excessive sweating, which can provoke contact with gold and entail an obvious reaction.

Why are other metals added to gold jewelry?

This question worries many, only a few know the answer to it. Perhaps this is the reason why the skin turns black from gold jewelry. Unfortunately or fortunately, it is rather difficult (almost impossible) to find jewelry made of pure gold for sale. The reason is simple and obvious - gold is a very soft metal, which means that jewelry made from it is quite difficult to wear. It is in order that the jewelry can be freely worn and admired by its appearance, various metals are added to the alloys, which make the product suitable for use.

Alloys of different metals not only give different shades of gold but also often cause dark marks on the skin.

Also, the addition of various metals to the composition of gold allows you to achieve the desired color, and this is an important factor for manufacturers. So, if you add silver to gold, the product will get a slightly greenish tint, and the copper that is part of it will get pinkish. By creating alloys based on gold, jewelry makers can reduce the final weight of a piece of jewelry, because gold itself is very heavy.

Possible consequences and ways to eliminate them

Why does the skin turn black under gold and jewelry made of it? The answer to this question may lie in the following reason - very often polishing paste is used to process jewelry. If, during further processing, the decoration is poorly washed, then this paste can leave a mysterious dark mark on the skin for quite a long time. You should not worry - after a while there should be no traces left.

Nickel in alloy attached White color gold and often causes an allergic reaction.

Another reason why the skin turns black from gold may be the presence of allergic reactions in humans.

So, a negative reaction to an alloy of nickel, which is used to make jewelry, can serve as a source of dark spots on the skin.

Do not forget about cosmetic products intended for the care of hands and nails - they enhance the effects of electrolysis. Jewelry made from an alloy of gold and copper can leave not only black, but also green marks on the skin.

Additional reasons why skin may turn black

The low quality of jewelry manufacturing, their low cost, as well as technological violations and the use of outdated equipment - all this affects the characteristics of jewelry made from gold and its alloys. Very often this is the reason why the skin turns black from gold.

When buying jewelry, you should ask the seller for a certificate of quality and pay attention to the composition of the metal and the amount of gold and other impurities it contains. Also, the presence of allergic reactions and excessive sweating can adversely affect the quality of jewelry and their operation. It is possible that darkening of the skin is a serious sign to pay attention to the state of your health and make a visit to the doctor in time.

Nitrogen compounds with sweat cause darkening of the skin from the jewelry.

It is believed that meat lovers may also experience this reaction to gold jewelry. Compounds of nitrogen and sweat can be the reason why the skin turns black from gold.

There are situations when the skin turns black from jewelry made of yellow precious metal, not at all due to diseases and poor quality of the jewelry. People living in large cities and near busy highways may also notice the appearance of dark marks on the skin that form directly under the jewelry. Exhaust fumes, smoke coming from industrial enterprises, as well as smog and various harmful impurities can aggressively affect precious metals. So, these factors can provoke the oxidation of copper, which is often part of the jewelry, which is the reason why the skin darkens from jewelry gold.

How to avoid blackening of the skin?

In order to get rid of the consequences, one should be guided by the reasons for such a reaction of the precious metal. First of all, it is necessary to purchase high-quality jewelry in jewelry stores, as well as require a quality certificate from the seller and monitor the gold content in jewelry. Jewelry made of precious metal needs careful and careful care.

In order for a ring or chain to please its owner for a long time, you should adhere to several simple rules that will help maintain a presentable appearance products:

  • Do not do household chores (cleaning, washing dishes, etc.) with precious jewelry on your hands and fingers;
    Do not use sharp tools to clean jewelry;
  • From time to time jewelry made of precious metals should be wiped with a soft cloth (preferably felt);
  • Jewelry with stone inserts is most often subject to contamination in the places of their inlay;
  • Before going to bed, it is necessary to remove all jewelry, as prolonged contact of the precious metal and skin can provoke unpleasant consequences.

Simple rules will help you buy high-quality gold jewelry, as well as enjoy their beautiful appearance for a long time.

Knowing the reasons why the skin turns black from gold, you can avoid this, and subsequently acquire only those jewelry that will not cause such consequences.

Gold leaves black marks for many reasons, identifying which can easily get rid of the source of this problem and not experience discomfort from wearing jewelry. High quality jewelry proper care behind them will never cause the appearance of black spots.

Gold is a noble precious metal. He is the cause of wars and battles, fought to the death and killed for him. Gold can make a person rich, beautiful and elegant.

Some consider it a contemptible metal, others - the purest and most natural material for making jewelry.

Many people prefer to wear gold jewelry. It is accepted that wedding rings buy exclusively from this metal.

Other decorations also give the owner elegance, speak of his status in society, material well-being and exquisite taste.

The only negative of such jewelry is the darkening of the skin.

What is the cause of such a reaction, is it worth worrying about your health and how to correct the situation - the most FAQ jewelry owners.

It is worth understanding the causes of this problem, it is very common today.

Gold is a yellow metal. It is extracted from rocks by washing. Density allows you to easily wash it.

Real pure gold has yellow, can cast green. If the jewelry has a reddish tint, copper was added to its composition.

Today, jewelry made from this material has various impurities. IN pure form it almost never occurs.

IN jewelry stores sell products from a mixture of precious metals: gold, silver, copper, palladium.

Impact on a person

Jewelry that a person wears close to the body every day affects his body.

We are not talking about those decorations that are worn several times a month, on holidays or weekends. These are things that are not removed from the fingers, ears or neck. Mostly gold jewelry.

The effect of gold on a person:

Point of view Influence
1 Psychological Noble metal tones work nervous system. Gives confidence in actions and intentions.

Wearing gold jewelry, a person can act a little arrogant. He feels for subconscious level, which has something that many others cannot afford.

For women, such jewelry gives confidence in their beauty. They become more relaxed

2 Spiritual In ancient times, gold was considered a source of solar power and energy, it was given to warriors to give them strength in the fight.

It was believed that taking from home golden thing, the warrior will definitely come back.

The yellow metal was endowed special properties: believed that he drives away evil spirits, gives women beauty and fertility, promotes a strong union.

From here came the tradition of putting gold rings on each other's fingers on the day of marriage.

3 Physiological Metal tones the work of the heart and blood vessels. It is not recommended to constantly wear such things to people suffering from hypertension.

It has a beneficial effect on brain activity: improves memory, brain function. According to unconfirmed reports, the metal helps to cope with diseases of the head

Why does the skin turn black?

Darkening of the skin under a gold product does not mean at all that a person is sick. It is worth dispelling the myths about this effect.

What does the darkening of the skin under the gold jewelry indicate?

  1. More often - about the low quality of the product. Gold does not oxidize if your jewelry causes a reaction - it contains a lot of impurities. The product may be a fake or have a low standard.
  2. Experiments have shown that in some cases, real gold jewelry can react with sweat, which is released by people suffering from liver and kidney diseases.

    This happens in 50% of cases. Sweat contains substances that react with metal. Low statistics do not allow us to speak about the reliability of the data.

  3. Constant stress causes sweating. Stressed people are more likely to notice dark marks from jewelry.

    Since almost any piece of jewelry contains foreign impurities, with frequent sweating, a reaction occurs that leaves dark marks on the skin.

  4. Finished products are treated with a polishing paste, which is poorly washed off before sale.

    It instantly reacts with the slightest manifestations of sweat, and causes darkening. Decoration just needs to be cleaned.

  5. If the skin darkens under the ring that you do not remove, pay attention to the cream. Modern creams may contain substances that react with gold.

    Clean the ring, your finger, and try not to use the cream for a while. This will help determine if the skin care product is the cause of the darkening.

  6. The cause of the problem may be the frequent consumption of meat. It adds substances to the blood that cause this effect.

What do the omens say?

Folk signs say that if the skin darkens under gold, damage, or the evil eye, has been imposed on a person.

Since gold is a noble metal, it senses changes in the human body and gives such a reaction.

Interesting fact! If a person's cheeks are burning, someone is gossiping about him. To find out what kind of gossip this is, you need to hold a gold item on your cheek.

If a dark line remains, they speak badly of you. light streak indicates that you are remembered with warmth, in a friendly conversation. Believe it or not - you decide.

Evil eye or damage?

The reliability of these data can be compared with the belief of ancient people that thunder is the wrath of the gods.

People no longer believe that the earth is round, they understand that natural disasters do not arise at all from the fact that the inhabitants angered Zeus. Superstitions should be discarded long ago: there are explanations for everything.

And they also contradict the Orthodox faith: the believer has no doubts, and all superstitions come from dark forces.

In our age, you can discard all prejudices and not worry when you see a dark mark from the ring. Try taking the item to a jewelry store so that the craftsman can evaluate the authenticity of the jewelry.

If it has a lot of impurities and a smaller sample, try returning the product. Exchange the product, or try not to wet it.

Clean with ammonia - the method will help if the cause of the darkening was the applied composition.

Useful video

Jewelry made from precious metals is distinguished by the quality of jewelry and a beneficial effect on the skin: they do not peel off, do not cause irritation. But in rare cases, gold leaves black marks on the skin that were previously associated solely with the body's signal of a health problem.

Traces of gold jewelry on the body do not appear by chance and not for everyone. If the jewelry is new and there were no problems from other products before, then after wearing it, it is recommended to check the product certificate. Often, jewelers seek to increase the percentage of ligature in gold jewelry in order to reduce production costs. The price of the product decreases, the quality becomes worse.

Why does gold leave black marks if it is "tested by time"? there are several reasons for this.

Health problems

If a black mark from a precious jewelry remains on the fingers (and other parts), then this may be due to problems in the human body. Physicians do not deny that gems react to the state of individual parts of the body, changing color, color. A similar reaction is observed in gold, but instead of changing the palette and luster, black traces remain. If fingers turn black from gold rings, although such a reaction to a noble metal has not been observed before, it is recommended to contact a medical specialist for examination.


The problems of blackness can be different, here are some of them:

  • kidney or liver problems;
  • development of cancerous tumors;
  • pregnancy;
  • hormonal changes;

The occurrence of spots is sometimes affected by a change in medications that can change the situation in the body. If the situation worsens, then you should choose an analogue of the drug (after consulting your doctor) or change the dosage.


Why does gold turn skin black? An allergic reaction to products with a low content of precious metal is a common cause of dark spots on the skin. The higher the percentage of the ligature, the stronger the body can react to the decoration: the skin turns black from gold, spots or rashes appear. The use of allergy remedies will temporarily reduce the negative impact, but The best way- do not wear jewelry made of base metals, or choose high-quality jewelry with a high gold content.

Allergy in children to gold is more difficult to treat and adversely affects the entire body. In case of an allergic reaction on the skin, jewelry should be removed or replaced immediately and contact a specialist.

Cosmetics and black spots from gold

Creams and ointments are one of the reasons why a finger turns black from a gold ring. Some cosmetical tools enter into a chemical reaction with the alloy, after which a black mark remains (due to the ligature). Gold practically does not react, the oxidation process affects other metals in the composition of the alloy. The greater their content (gold proof), the greater the chance that after using cosmetics, jewelry will leave dark marks under the ring. Blackened marks can affect the cuticle and cause an infection (fungus).

If it is unprofitable to choose another cosmetic brand, you should refuse to wear jewelry or not use them at the same time with each other.

Important: when cosmetic procedures or home cleaning using chemicals detergents it is recommended to remove gold jewelry (even if the procedures are carried out with gloves, and not with “bare hands”). So they better retain their appearance, and will not oxidize when interacting with other elements.

Ecology and black spots on the skin

The unfavorable situation in nature has a detrimental effect on jewelry that is destroyed or exposed to chemical elements. Dust, dirt and other contaminants that have fallen on the metal are an explanation of why the finger under the gold ring turns black, even with careful wear.

If it is not possible to avoid contact with external irritants, and the skin has turned black after wearing, then the only way to avoid further irritation and the occurrence of disease is careful care and cleansing. You should wash not only the body, getting rid of traces of blackening, but also wash and care for the jewelry itself.

In places with possible chemical precipitation, jewelry can not only blacken, but also become deformed. The smallest particles of the substance gradually penetrate into the composition of the ligature, and as a result, the gold turned black, became unattractive and unwearable.

In the case of poor ecology, jewelry should not be worn if there is a risk of a strong chemical reaction.

Stress and black from gold

Why does my finger turn black after wearing gold jewelry? Sometimes the fault is stressful situations that affect the entire body. Experiencing a lot of excitement, a person begins to sweat actively. The resulting substance reacts with jewelry, causing the ligature to leave black marks.

If it is impossible to remain calm in any situation, then you can use special deodorants and sprays for the whole body to reduce the activity of the sweat glands. They should be applied before putting on jewelry so that there is not another reaction (as deodorants contain many strong chemicals that can react with metals in the composition of the alloy).

How to eliminate blackness

Having learned why the skin turns black, you should know how to quickly get rid of marks after wearing gold jewelry. Since in most cases black traces are metal particles of other metals in the ligature, the fastest and easy way getting rid of them - washing. Jewelry should be removed before rinsing, as water can aggravate black marks.

If it is not possible to wipe the trace with water, then it is recommended to use ammonia, drops of tablespoons of which are diluted in a glass of water.

A cotton pad dipped in dishwashing detergent will help to quickly remove black marks from gilding. Alternative - washing powder(neutral pH).

There are many beliefs about why gold leaves black marks on the skin, and what they can lead to. People believe in some of them at the present time, but they cannot or do not guess at all to establish the true version of the appearance. However, in reality, completely different reasons contribute to this, which should be discussed in more detail.

Main reasons

The question of why a black stripe remains on the finger from a gold ring can be approached from different angles. The most common causes are the following:

  • Damage from magicians or sorcerers.
  • Poor quality metal for the manufacture of products.
  • Chemical and allergic reactions.
  • Diseases of varying severity.
  • Environmental factors.

These are the most common reasons that are cited as an explanation for why a black mark remains from a gold ring on a finger. Let's take a closer look at each of these versions.

Low quality metal

The main reason for the appearance of a stripe on the fingers is the low quality of the metal used to make jewelry. Since pure gold is not suitable for jewelry, various impurities are added to it, including silver or copper. The number of impurities corresponds to the sample number stamped on each product.

The best breakdown is 585, which contains 59 percent gold. They practically do not break and have a characteristic sheen. If a black stripe appears on the finger, then there are more impurities in the composition than stated.

Therefore, it is important to purchase jewelry only in specialized stores and check the goods before buying. Sometimes the cause of the appearance is a paste that gives the product a shine. But its effect is short-lived and disappears after a few days.


If options with polishing paste and low quality metal are excluded, everything is checked and confirmed, then fears begin to arise that a curse or damage has been imposed on a particular piece of jewelry.

Since ancient times, gold has been considered a noble and important metal, with which many signs and superstitions have been associated. Black streaks appear on the finger due to the following reasons:

  1. Gold catches negative impact that is directed at the person. The signal for this situation will be blackening under the ring.
  2. The reason lies in the person himself. Often, anxiety and despondency come from the person himself, and not from the outside world. If this happens, then the signal is the appearance of a black mark on the finger.
  3. Among believers there is a belief that blackness appears due to the commission of various crimes or sins. The blackness that has appeared appeals to the conscience of the sinner and gives a signal to the others about his atrocity.

There is information on how to get rid of such damage. The decoration and the place under it must be washed with holy water. If it doesn’t help, then you should call a priest or a psychic. But do not trust the signs too much, as you should first look for the true cause of this phenomenon.

chemical reactions

Many people use cosmetics. As part of various means there may be materials that come into contact with gold and lead to oxidation. One of these elements is mercury and similar substances.

In cosmetics, it is quite harmless, but when it comes into contact with gold, a negative reaction occurs. The decoration begins to blacken and leave characteristic traces. It is quite possible to cope with traces, but the product will be hopelessly damaged. This is one of the answers to the question why Golden ring leaves a black mark on the finger.

Allergy to components

Gold does not react with other metals, but it can cause allergies. In order to understand the mechanism of allergy, it is important to know the technology of making gold jewelry and the characteristics of the human body.

Earlier it was said that gold in its pure form is not used in jewelry. Therefore, various kinds of impurities are added there. They improve properties, but can be a strong allergen. The result can be redness, itching, as well as the appearance of black spots, even in those who have never been prone to such reactions. Therefore, before buying, you should carefully read the certificates of conformity, which will indicate the full composition of the components included in the product.

Consequences of diseases

When the previous options disappear, then the cause should be sought in the presence of a disease. But the traces testify rather not about the disease itself, but about its possible appearance. The reasons may be of the following nature:

  • Reception of various medicines . One of the most common reasons for the appearance of stripes is interruptions in the functioning of the liver or kidneys. Dark spots appear after taking drugs that can change the patient's hormonal background. For this reason, pregnant women begin to see dark streaks from gold, although there were no problems with jewelry before. Normalization of hormone levels eliminates black stripes.
  • Intense sweating can also lead to this phenomenon.. The reason is drugs and surgical intervention in the patient's body. Because of them, numerous stripes can remain. At high temperature body or the occurrence of a stressful situation, avoiding stains is difficult. Therefore, it is enough to remove the ring and rinse your hands with cold water.
  • Diseases due to harmful environmental influences. Experts note that those who spend a lot of time near highways and industrial enterprises have health problems. Required surgical intervention and recovery medicines that affect the human body.

It is also important to note that dust particles that are brought from various enterprises and facilities gradually settle in areas under the ring. When interacting with gold jewelry, gold is oxidized. That's when the black stripes appear. In this case, you should refrain from wearing jewelry for a while and choose a favorable moment to wear them again.

How to avoid problems

But in addition to the causes of traces, it is extremely important to know how to get rid of the spots that appear. The following recommendations are pertinent:

  1. You can never skimp on quality. The higher the sample of the decoration, the less likely it is to get stripes at the exit.
  2. You need to purchase products only in specialized stores that have the appropriate quality certificates and are ready to vouch for the quality of the goods.
  3. Before buying, you should carefully study the certificate in order to make sure that the indicated composition and the name of the manufacturer are correct. This will save you from the occurrence of an allergic reaction to one of the components and will make it possible to file a complaint in case of claims.
  4. Carefully monitor your health, eat right and lead a normal lifestyle. Stressful situations should also be avoided whenever possible.
  5. During household chores related to cleaning or washing, you need to remove jewelry, because when the metal reacts with cleaning products, oxidation occurs, and the product becomes unusable;
  6. And, of course, we must not forget that periodic maintenance is required. It is necessary to wash the gold with running water and wipe it with soft tissues.

The appearance of black marks in the area of ​​​​the ring is often not damage or other witchcraft. The reasons lie in the field of health.

If you lead the right lifestyle, follow the recommendations of doctors and periodically take care of existing products, then the black stripes will disappear and will not be an eyesore. Protect yourself and your jewelry from harmful influences!
