Statuses about resentment against a guy and pain. Statuses about mental pain in the soul and in the heart How painful and insulting the statuses are

In fact, there is no past and future, there is only a moment, the present, which we waste in vain on pain and resentment, which we just need to forget and move on.

The resentment of a woman takes precedence over other feelings, including love. A noble and proud heart is not able to forgive a person who has betrayed her love at least once.

Sad, unrequited, innocent love passes for some quietly and meekly, while for others with resentment, tantrums, sleepless nights, wept bitterly. In any case, it always hurts to say goodbye to someone who was so dear to you, but did not appreciate it.

Resentment ... Pain ... All tears were shed to zero. From spiritual trembling, you can not hear your own voice. But you are dearer to me than all my nerves.

Best Status:
The pain squeezed everything inside, it’s better not to look into his sad eyes. He had never loved anyone as much as her. Ready to forgive no matter what.

I feel as bad as ever. In the heart of sadness, resentment, anger. It would be better if I didn't exist. I want to get lost in the fog, dissolve in the air, so that they don’t look.

While I was alone, I forgot what the words mean: sadness, resentment, pain. But you came, breaking your heart into pieces and returning everything again.

If there is love, you can understand and forgive, just without each other it will be difficult to live.

She looked at him with tear-filled eyes in which pain was read, but, without saying anything, turned around and left.

It is better to quarrel, cry from resentment, get angry, then to feel happiness than to feel cold and indifferent.

she didn’t seem offended, but somehow upset ... she didn’t seem to love, but she was interested in something ...

If you have been loved, but you do not want to love, then it is better to say and offend than to destroy a person later.

I wanted to offend you ... but nature has already done everything for me ...))

[I am deeply offended in the truth...Deeply defeated in desires...But I still know how to dream...]

Women's logic - she came up with it herself, she quarreled, she herself was offended, she made peace =)

female logic: I came up with it myself, I was offended .. =)

Medvedev canceled winter time. Winter took offense and canceled spring weather.

Resentment may go away .. but trust will not return!

Love is when he calls you a fool, but you are not offended ...

I'm not offended by men, they're just all goats.

OFFENDED ... I'll go eat ice cream, get fat and become ugly ...

Women's logic uses axioms (she came up with it - she was offended) Axiom

Anyone can offend a girl. Repents one in a million.

The worse the opinion about us, the less willing to offend =)

No, no, I'm not offended, I'm just going for an ax !!!

You're offended? -No... -Strongly? -YES!

Both enemies and friends are offended by the fact that the first is easy to offend, and the second is pleasant. xD))

Before offending a girl, remember that you have a sister who is a girl for someone ...

I'm not offended ... it's just that this attitude towards me infuriates me ... I love you, and you play!!

Everyone can offend a traffic cop. It is enough to show him that you have money and offer to issue a fine.

Live and remember that life is beautiful, and no matter how much evil there was in life, do not offend people in vain, be able to forgive, love and wait!

She: That's it, I'm offended, you don't give a damn about me, I'll go online and cheat on you online! He: Take Kaspersky!

How insulting when you say “I love you”, and in response “Well, okay, Good night”.


Women's folk fun: she came up with it herself, she was offended.

Oh, just don’t be silent that you are offended!

If I was offended by you, this does not mean that I can not write for days on end

how tired I am ... how difficult it is to communicate with him ... then I'm cute, then angry, then offended, then a coquette - but I want to be myself! Just YOURSELF!

... - What are you? - I'm offended. - For what? - I will not say. - Yes, tell me! .. well, we are not children, tell me why you were offended? .. Enough! tell me! - I don't remember…

there is pain .. emptiness .. resentment ... and some kind of feeling .. I want to hide from everyone .. I don’t want anything ... just emptiness ...

Soon the guy will say to the guy: “Are you a woman or something ?! Be patient!”… insulting…

She was offended by him, angry, and he twists everything so that in the end you yourself begin to ask for his forgiveness. Not fair!

Mom, I'm mad at him. -forever? - Well, probably not. So why waste time on resentment?

Women's logic: she came up with it herself, she was offended, she forgave it herself.

Crap. brought to tears. and writes: “Why are you silent? offended?” 🙁

You can offend with a word, but with a 5th grade math textbook you can kill!

Who ate the sausage? Nobody ate her, she just got offended and hid

Well, yes! As always, you were offended by some stupidity. And as always, my stupidity ... :-(

only you can say: “That's it, I'm offended!” and leave proudly with your nose up, knowing that I will always run after you, hug and kiss ...

I'm offended. - I do not believe. You didn't pout your lips.

there is only pain, resentment, unfiltered anger ...

The stars are blinking, they saw everything .. I wanted to offend you so much .. The signal fires explode my heart .. Love is not killed, but only wounded ...

Vseeeee... I'm offended by you! Here ... here ... there will be a war! I won't let you ride a tank!

I love all the best: the best phones, the best clothes, best guys.. it's all there .. only there are no BEST FRIENDS .. it's a shame.

Women's logic: I know that I myself am to blame, but I was offended))

Women's folk wisdom - she came up with it herself, she was offended.

Resentment is a female weapon ...

When drawing a picture, the artist used all the colors of life except for one ... Black, nondescript and dark such ... The paint was offended, she called herself night ... now she walks around the world all night ...

to my sincere “I love you”, he answers rudely “yeah” ... so insulting and painful

- Well, how? Interesting? - What? – Is it interesting to go, staring out the window? - Shut up. I pretend to be offended

male logic - to be offended by a woman because she was offended by him

today, out of habit, I wrote him the first pancake, I forgot that yesterday I was offended by him ..

Feelings have nothing to do with reason. And no matter how smart you are, you can be offended.

Love, hate and love again. Leave and offend, forget and forgive ... Return back, look into your eyes, smile for a moment and roar again ...

Offended by life!!! But everything can change ... I'm tired of living like this .. And now I want to fall in love

Winter time has been canceled in Russia. In response, winter was offended and canceled spring weather in Moscow.

My little one asks me today: - If you were not there, would you be offended? Strange question, isn't it?

made a compliment to the girl that she had a beautiful mustache, and she was offended.

Come with me to the cafe! - No! I offended you. - Come with me to the cafe. - No! Go alone, without me. - I can’t live without you ... I don’t have money! (c)

What kind of law of meanness, then there was no one, now you don’t know who to choose, for fear of offending.

Know if I write “yeah” offended it means (c)

We don’t have photos where we are in 2, we don’t have a favorite song .. and we don’t have a favorite movie either .. somehow it’s a shame ... *

I do not speak best friend whoever I like, that is, she doesn’t know how to be silent, so I’m also to blame. She was offended by me ..

zheest.. you write to your boy I LOVE YOU and you get an answer .. clearly = (it hurts a lot ... and then he wonders why I was offended .. whine .. fool = (

the girl quits is stable, but when the guy is fucked, how insulting ((

It's easier to offend than to endure an insult ...

it’s really a shame this is not when - “oh, I love him so much and he doesn’t even look at me”!!! And when friends betray = (((this is a shame = (((

You're offended? -No. - You're definitely offended! -No. "Then why are you answering like that?" -I'm busy. -With what??? I'm contemplating a plan for revenge.

no. I'm not offended. I'm busy. sharpening the knife.

why so? yesterday he swore his love to me, as soon as he didn’t call me, but today he hardly writes and instead of “good night zaya” he simply said “I’m going to sleep”, it’s a shame, however ...

It's hard to offend me! - I know. You are hard to find, easy to lose and impossible to forget - Where did you come from??? How do you know everything???

Women's folk wisdom: She came up with it herself - she was offended: -P

A happy girl cannot be offended ... she can only be made laugh!

He offended you, you quietly turn around and leave ... After a few seconds, he catches up with you, hugs you, kisses you with the words - Why are you, I love you

And it’s always like this ... she herself was offended, she herself quarreled, she called herself, she apologized herself ... she made up herself !!)

Women's logic uses axioms (she came up with it - she was offended) Axiom

Loving you more than hating you. Do not be jealous of the past, words do not offend!

“And don’t slam the door, hysterical!” - And why should I clap my ears so that you understand that I was offended?

It's cool when you tell him that you're offended. And in response, he hugs you even harder, says “I’ll be offended by you right now” and kisses

I give you my word - I will tear up anyone who dares to humiliate my family, offend my friends and upset my soulmate.

I don't care.for pride.for friends.for work.I forgot that you offended me.I remembered that I love you.I'm going to you.

On the program "Lie Detector" Sergey admitted that he cheated on his wife and won a million. The wife was offended, but did not leave.

Anger, resentment ... but when you look into your beloved eyes, you forgive everything ... appreciate it and do not give me a reason to be offended by you ...

I don’t want to offend .. but also love by force too ... sorry.

She came up with it herself, she was offended, she reconciled herself. Well, fuck it, full self-service.

You need to constantly remind the girl about yourself and explain your position, otherwise she will hold a grudge, deciding everything for two ...

Only the best friend will never be offended by the phrase: “What are you stupid about ?!”

I'm not offended - mascara ... and if I upset you with this, swallow it - you are wise with us ...

The most annoying thing is when people are interested in your problems out of curiosity, and not out of empathy ...

Best Status:
Yes ... It's unpleasant to see how others realize your dreams ... the worm of resentment sharpens the brain like an apple ...

Men, you cannot even imagine the scale of female revenge in response to an undeserved insult ...

There is no such man who is worth crying for, and the one who deserves it will not allow women's tears ...

One day you will put me in a dilemma, what is more valuable to me: you or life? Of course, I will choose life, and you, holding a grudge, will not even guess that for me it is one and the same.

Do not look back, do not let longing in your eyes ... Everything that is given to you by fate will not change anyway ... let a good incentive be ... and no one will condemn you for sins.

Women and elephants never forget a grudge.

In the eyes of resentment ... In the hands of an iron ...

Everyone can offend a traffic cop. It is enough to show him that you have money and offer to issue a fine

Hatred? -No ... - Resentment? - Nope ... most likely indifference. I forgot for so long ... and this is what came of it ... You yourself wanted it

Offend me - just spit! But spitting will have to be blood!

You know, the heaviest offense is easier to bear if it is swallowed together with the offender!!!

Maybe stop insulting me?

There are few people for whom the truth would not sound like an insult.

The memory of offenses is more durable than the memory of good deeds.

How much we managed to do this summer. Our first kiss, tender and timid, our first timid “love”, our sleepless nights, long conversations about everything, ridiculous quarrels, our empty insults and stupid parting, our inability to forgive and return

There is resentment in the eyes, pain in the heart, trembling in the legs, an ax in the hands.

“I don’t want to offend anyone, but…” is a convenient phrase. Say it and offend whoever you want.

There is no offense, conclusions are made, measures are taken ... Good luck!

She increasingly forbids herself to dream, calls her friends less and less: she has nothing to say, with her problems alone, sleeping pills in bed, salvation in the dark, at the bottom of her heart, holding resentment and longing, clenching her fists and repeating “I can”

You know, time will pass, and we will forget all the insults and rude words spoken to each other. But only the worst thing is that feelings will also die by that time.

An insult is easier to endure hearing than sight.

Sometimes, to take the first step, you have to step over everything ... pride, pain, resentment, fear ... hoping that this is not just

The insult is forgotten, but the pain remains.

Let someone consider my character difficult, and me difficult, proud. The main thing is that in my life there are people who are simple and easy with me, but difficult without me!

Resentment tightened his throat, his palms were sweating, He wanted to forgive her, because he loved more than anything in the world ...

“The greatest offense is delivered by those from whom you do not expect it.” Aesop

Write grievances in the sand, carve good deeds in marble.

Resentment for some is a way of manipulation, for others it is just a waste of time.

The intelligentsia is so touchy.

Resentment has more power over a woman than love, especially if this woman has a noble and proud heart.

As a child, we were offended that no one played with us. now we are offended that everyone is playing with us.

I haven’t drunk coffee yet, how am I going to leave? Is it possible, sir, that on a festive night the guests at the table are divided into two classes? Some - the first, and others, as this vile mean barman put it, the second freshness?

No one is offended by the one who exercises his right. Unknown author

It's a shame if you are fired not for the abuses committed, but for the ones that were not. (Valery Afonchenko)

Wash the offense you have received not in blood, but in Lethe, the river of oblivion. Pythagoras

The offender sins not so much as the one who allows the offense. (Basil I the Macedonian)

Next time I won't be offended, I'll leave.

Bearing offence, you cause a new one. Publius

There is no need to offend me, I am a vulnerable girl, almost immediately into tears ... And then, with tearful eyes, it is so difficult to understand who was hit with a shovel ...

An unfaithful memory writes down good deeds with a pencil, and cuts insults on brass.

An insult is easier to endure hearing than sight. Publius

I don't mind that he didn't call. I'm sorry that I waited like a fool...

You know, it doesn't hurt me anymore, because so much time has passed. It's just that when you start calling, the tears themselves drip, it's a shame... :"(. Well, leave me alone, leave me!!!

Memory and conscience have always diverged and will continue to disagree about whether to forgive insults. (George Savile Halifax)

Beware of the one who did not answer your blow. (George Bernard Shaw)

Often it is better not to notice the offense than to avenge it. Publius

It is strange, but sincerely those people who do not mean anything in your life are worried about you and sympathize with you. and those whom you love are indifferent ...

Those who are offended by God should not be offended. (Ilya Gerchikov)

Resentment and resentment are like poison that you drink in the hope that others will be poisoned. Happiness begins with forgiveness.

If you are offended, your offender has succeeded.

A woman is no worse than a computer - all the insults caused, although they are added to the "basket", but can be removed from there at any time!)

This is how love leaves... Someone loudly with tears and insults... Someone quietly and silently... But no matter how it leaves us all the same It hurts... Bad... Empty...

It hurts him - he offends you, it hurts you - you offend him, he takes revenge on you, and you do the same ... So you beat your head against the same wall from different sides and you don’t care that the door is on the right!

If a cure for mental pain were invented, it would be the most popular among medicines.

Small-minded people are sensitive to petty offenses; people of great intelligence notice everything and are not offended by anything. La Rochefoucauld

Never remember past hurts. (Menander)

He noted with shame and regret that he was offended by her - after all, she had ceased to be a dream - and that he would never forgive himself for this regret.

Oddly enough, but people are more likely to be offended by someone else's mind than by their own stupidity.

they will decide that they really hurt you, they will certainly repeat it. Lucius Annaeus Seneca (junior)

Most of all I don't like your number on my phone. I hate your sudden calls that do not relieve me of melancholy. I don't miss our past meetings. I no longer open my soul to you. And you didn’t offend me ... Only one day I became completely indifferent ...

They say the truth: “Time heals”!!! Some time passed and the pain really began to slowly dull, some kind of resentment does not melt away, and the emptiness from the heart slowly begins to disappear ...

Swallowed resentment will sooner or later come out in a certain form in a natural way.

If someone offended you, do not pout, do not be angry.

When they try to smear you with your face on the asphalt, you need to be awesome desire get up and prove with a smile on your face that "DID NOT GO!!!"

I met and fell in love a good man, yes, good. And he still loves his ex-wife and repeats her name in a dream ... How painful it is to live with it, what happens strong love in men ... Just jealous to tears !!!

A harmless person is a person who you send to hell, and he will return rested and with magnets as a gift.

There is a saying that one must speak of the dead either well or nothing. In my opinion, this is stupidity. The truth always remains the truth. If it comes to that, you have to hold back when talking about the living. They can be offended, unlike the dead. Christy A.

It is easier to offend than to endure an insult. Bearing resentment ... you call a new one

Only a woman can distort her life with one act: marry another, offended by her beloved, and then name her son after him.

It hurts not to be able to forgive. And it hurts to say goodbye. And a man is torn in half by cruel beasts - pride and love.

You cannot humiliate a person without humiliating yourself with him. (Booker Tagliaferro Washington)

there is a kind of people who will spit in your soul and will still behave as if it was you who offended them and should ask for forgiveness

An offensive word spoken impulsively is not as offensive as an offensive thoughtful one. To say it in a rush does not mean to do it. This can be forgiven.

You need to offend a girl grammoto! So that you can return it later. And the way you did it, you just don't have a chance...

Nothing is so beautiful to the eye as the truth is to the mind; nothing is so ugly and irreconcilable with reason as a lie.

In order not to enter the soul, it is necessary, probably, to put a thick armored door, and instead of a peephole - an optical sight, so that before you let it in, you should take a good look at all the details ...

The most terrible predator on earth is a drunk offended blonde with lipstick in one hand and a phone in the other, who does not care at all. Even if she is driving.

The phone was treacherously silent. The resentment choked so much that it became nauseating ... A terrible thought flashed through: “Is this really the end?”. She listened to her inner voice - silence, and only endless dull aching pain, no, not in the heart ... It probably hurts so much when the soul dies ... If only he knew how much it hurts ...

Never remember past hurts.

Beware of an offended woman, if you hurt a woman, the pain will return to you like a slap and will not let you live in peace!!!

So you sit, waiting for him, you don’t go anywhere all day. And then he will call and say: “I won’t come to you today!” And so it becomes bitter and insulting in my soul !!! I think someone will understand me!!

Swallowing resentment digest yourself. (Unknown author)

We continue to live together, but I can’t forget the betrayal, do I constantly remind him of this?

The greatest offense that can be done to an honest person is to suspect him of being dishonest. Shakespeare W.

it hurts, said the heart, forget it - time calmed, but I will constantly return, the memory whispered

At first you are silent, because you came up with a reason to be offended ... Then it will be embarrassing to break the silence. And then, when everything is already forgotten, we will simply forget the language in which we understood each other ...

Just one phrase ... Like a knife to the heart ...

If you don't like me, I let you shoot yourself!

How warm clothes protects from cold, so endurance protects from resentment. Increase patience and peace of mind, and resentment, no matter how bitter it may be, will not touch you.

If a person cannot swallow an insult, he needs to chew it! (Evgeny Kashcheev)

Previously, I rejoiced at his every message, then with bated breath I waited for his call ... And then something went wrong ... and dead silence ... well, now it makes me happy just his appearance in the undressed GUESTS ...

Evil is remembered only by the offended, the offenders have a short memory.

I am a quiet, modest girl ... Offend me - I will quietly bury, modestly celebrate.

Small-minded people are sensitive to petty insults. People of great intelligence notice everything and are not offended by anything. (Francois de La Rochefoucauld)

If you hurt me again, then I will be the same as before. Remind me which one? I will wear Short dress, stockings, high-heeled shoes and I'll go for a walk ... in your heart, so much so that the heels will be erased!

When it seems that it is impossible to forgive, remember how much you have been forgiven.

If you were offended, do not think why they did it, but answer the question why you let them do it.

Deep-rooted malice cuts too deep. (William Shakespeare)

I quietly argue with mine. I don't yell. I don't throw tantrums. I just take his toothbrush and silently clean the toilet with it. Quietly.

The offender sins not so much as the one who allows the offense. Basil the Macedonian

even if it hurts you, you can fall asleep, but if you hurt another, you will never be able to sleep...

Have you been offended? Do not rush into battle and do not rush to take revenge, just sit on the river bank and wait for the corpse of the offender to float past ... (Lao Tzu. Chinese wisdom)

Resentment has more power over a woman than love, especially if this woman has a noble and proud heart. Navarre M.

Silence and faith - alas, not my motto! I will not allow myself to be offended for a gift. This is my character, if you like, my whim. I was not brought up to be silent after a blow!

Resentment and hatred cannot be satisfied - the only way to heal them is forgiveness.

If we hurt you in the heart, Pay with oblivion - so pride tells us; You can not forget - then at least pretend, Do not humiliate yourself. Malier

My boyfriend calls me: "come out, I'm driving up," I stood for 5 minutes. he’s not on the street ... I arrived ... I get into the car and grumble for a long time ... He was silent, silent, takes out a bouquet of roses from the back seat with the words “Yes, shut up already, happy anniversary !!!”

lot beautiful women these are unfounded accusations that tarnish their name. At least go to a plastic surgeon ... to mutilate ...

I swallowed tears so often that I just salted myself. But now I don’t freeze in winter, and in summer I keep moisture well.

Insults from those in power must be endured not only patiently, but with a cheerful face: if

Many are harmed by those who offend one. (Unknown author)

There is no offense that we would not forgive, having avenged her. Vauvenargues

Are you not together? But if you really love him, with all your heart and soul, if you can’t fall asleep without him ... maybe it’s not too late to call him, maybe he has been waiting for your call all this time? (After all, not much time has passed)

You are still the master of deceit. Tears from the eyes are also part of the plan ...

Resentment has more power over a woman than love, especially if this woman has a noble and proud heart. (Margarita of Navarre)

If you are offended, the enemy has succeeded. (Konstantin Kushner)

The memory of offenses is more durable than the memory of good deeds. Pierre Buast

If you've been offended: Mmm. Your mother probably didn't hug you much as a child, that's why you're so angry? Let me hug you. (After this phrase, people have a complete stupor.

It is very easy to turn a compliment into an insult or an insult. Eric Bern

To understand everything means to forgive everything or be offended even more. (Unknown author)

An insult is easier to endure hearing than sight. (Publius Sir)

As warm clothing protects against cold, so exposure protects against resentment. Increase patience and peace of mind, and resentment, no matter how bitter it may be, will not touch you. (Leonardo da Vinci)

Cheating is a kick in the ribs for which you are not ready ..

Someday I will be very drunk and will tell you everything, everything that I have accumulated in my soul ... and you will go nuts, you will honestly go nuts ...

And a hurricane is raging inside: either longing will rush, then anger, then resentment. It was as if someone had brought together all the experiences at once, mixed them up and poured them into the soul with a chaotic cocktail ...

In the eyes of resentment, in the hands of an iron ...

There is resentment in the eyes, pain in the heart, trembling in the legs, an ax in the hands.

Everyone can offend a traffic cop. It is enough to show him that you have money and offer to issue a fine.

The main value is to Forgive and Understand, even if resentment swirls, we can hug each other with words. - I need you so much... - And I need you too... Swallowing insults, you digest yourself.

Resentment tightened his throat, his palms were sweating, He wanted to forgive her, because he loved more than anything in the world ...

I give you my word - I will tear anyone who dares to humiliate my family, offend my friends and upset my soulmate.

The girl needs to be called constantly, several times a day, otherwise she will decide everything for you and be offended by your decision. You will be to blame later.

Women's logic: I know that I myself am to blame, but I was offended.

Women and elephants never forget a grudge.

Remember only one thing, no matter how I write and what is in my head and no matter what anger, resentment or something else. I need you, and no one and nothing will change it!

Anger, resentment... but when you look into your beloved eyes, you forgive everything... appreciate it and don't give me a reason to be offended by you...

You know, the heaviest offense is easier to bear if it is swallowed together with the offender!!!

The intelligentsia is so touchy.

Every person can be offended. But how deep will he hide this resentment?

How easy it is to offend a person! He took and threw a phrase angrier than pepper ... And then sometimes a century is not enough to return an offended heart.

When you "break" her heart - the pain and resentment never go away.

Loving you more than hating you. Do not be jealous of the past, words do not offend!

There are few people for whom the truth would not sound like an insult.

Everyone can offend me, but not everyone will have time to apologize.

It's hard to offend me! - I know. You are hard to find, easy to lose and impossible to forget - Where did you come from??? How do you know everything????

Maybe stop insulting me?

Male logic - to be offended by a woman because she was offended by him.

A true friend is one who holds and will hold your hand and feel your heart no matter what, just try not to offend him even without doing anything.

There will be no idiotic phrases about love to the grave. There is only pain, resentment, unfiltered anger.

I don’t tell my best friend who I like, that is, she doesn’t know how to be silent, so I’m also to blame. Mad at me..

Do not offend, even rashly, your loved ones, there is someone to offend them except you. Do not torture them in long silences, forgive them everything ten thousand times.

Do not cling to the past, do not live in resentment. Remember the good, do not envy anyone. Everything that is sent to you by heaven, take it for granted, everything that is done is for the better, no matter how difficult it is.

Undeservedly offended? Deserve!

There is nothing more tenacious than hopeless love. Mutual love can get boring. Passionate love turns into friendship or hatred. But unrequited love will never leave the heart, so strongly it is cemented by resentment.

No person deserves your tears, and the one who deserves will not make you cry.

  • Next >

How painful it is to look into the eyes of a guy you love and who doesn't love you.

The most terrible insult from the greatest love: when a loved one offends you, you simultaneously feel a lump stuck in your throat, a stake pierced through your heart and a twisting pain in your stomach. Having experienced this pain three times, love leaves you.
And then it hurts neither you, but your offender.

It's hard to forget the pain, but it's even harder to remember the joy. Happiness leaves no scars. Peace teaches us so little.

There is no pain greater than that which lovers inflict on each other.

He left...leaving only pain in my heart...and me to die from this pain.

Resentment is a woman's weapon...

Tears are not just drops from the eyes. They are the heartache that a person dear to us caused.

Do not fall for his beautiful smile, then it can be very painful.

Girls, who has ever experienced the terrible pain caused by love?

My heart is crying... I can't hide longing and sadness in my soul...

To forgive means to allow yourself to be hurt again!

Again the same thing .. Promised .. did not come .. Bitter tears .. Resentment .. annoyance .. How I love this bastard!

There is resentment in the eyes, pain in the heart, trembling in the legs, an ax in the hands.

I do not love you!!! What hurts?!?!?! And I kind of had fun when I needed you.

I love the night, you can hide your tears under the cover of darkness...

Resentment may go away .. but trust will not return!

There is pain .. emptiness .. resentment ... and some kind of feeling .. I want to hide from everyone .. I don’t want anything ... just emptiness ...

If you are unrequitedly in love ... then there is pain in your eyes ... your soul is full of 0 .. ((((((

The past can be too heavy to carry around with you everywhere. Sometimes it is worth forgetting about it for the sake of the future.

And it hurts, it hurts to the point of madness, to hoarseness in my throat, to the blood of bitten lips, to bruises on my hands, and the reason ... The reason is banal ... The worn-out phrase "let's remain friends."

How stupid it is to wait for a guy who doesn’t need you ... Statuses about a guy’s resentment and pain

You asked me not to notice you... Don't call, don't write... Nothing... And yet I'm still considered your girlfriend... Why do this? Hurt...

Sincere is the sorrow of the one who cries in secret.

I don’t want to offend .. but also love by force too ... sorry.

It hurts me to accept, But you're on the other, your mother!

Offend me - just spit! That's just spitting will have to be blood ...

The hurt we cause is the same for everyone who trusted us...

They say that time heals. Maybe my clock is behind?

It's a shame when your dreams come true for others.

Putting a heart block...

Again I dial on the mobile number, well, who am I to you now? -Only if the pain ...

Pain. Hide it with a smile.

If a guy loves you, he will never hurt you! He will offend you himself!

I did not expect from myself how I could humiliate myself in front of him
Girls, never humiliate yourself, the pain can pass, but the humiliation is forever.

The first offense, like the first love - we remember all our lives.

How my heart hurts when I imagine you with another and understand that only I myself am to blame for this.

What happened between us will have to be forgotten for too long ...

He just gives a fuck, and you're just a fool.

It's easier to be offended than to be offended...

Get out of my head, idiot!

I love him so much, and he hurts me with his actions! Well, why is it like this?

You said that you would tear off the head of the one who offended me. I'd like to see how you're going to rip your head off.

Every person can be offended. But how deep will he hide this resentment?

Statuses about the guy's resentment and pain

Before you judge someone, take his shoes and walk his path, taste his tears, feel his pain.

There are rivers of tears in my soul, and a sweet smile on my face ...

It makes no sense to cry in the rain - a drop more, a drop less.

Everyone can bring to tears ... And make your eyes shine with joy ... only a few))))))

Tears are words that the heart cannot utter.

Virtual love brings real tears.

If I smile, it does not mean that I feel good. I just know how to hide my tears

It's not rain - it's glass crying.

Tears wash away our sorrows, drop by drop, day by day...

Who was beaten by life, he will achieve more. Having eaten a pood of salt, he appreciates honey more. Who shed tears, he sincerely laughs. Who died, he knows that he lives.

Statuses about pain and tears, about resentment

Tears are not a sign of weakness. And a sign that a person has a Soul!

Your girl has grown. Already no one wipes her rare, angry tears from pain, she will quietly moan them into the pillow, clenching her teeth into a creak, herself.

Tears are the blood of the soul.

Tears are a weakness, you can forgive yourself for them ...

My heart is crying, you can’t hide the pain in your soul ...

Tears on the cheeks, pain in the heart, fear in the soul ... We store love in phone numbers ...

She can sit like this for hours, listen to the same song, wipe her tears with her palm and convince herself that she doesn’t care.

There are such days - all the time the eyes cry ...

Thanks anyway, for the pain, for the tears...

Sad statuses about women's tears

Women endure worse sorrows than those for which they shed tears.

I cried out the tears of millions of people, And I have already paid in full for all the sins in advance ...

Someday you will understand the price of women's tears.

Girls have such tears that they definitely need to cry out, at any time of the day or night, to cry out so that everything inside burns out ...

Beat means love. The husband thought, wiping his tears and looking at the bruises in the mirror.

Let weaklings with broken hearts cry, but I laugh. Because my heart is as cold as ice. If you don't come, someone else will. I'm too good for tears!

Tired of playing cheerful and cheerful when you want to sit in the middle of the street and sob bitter tears of loneliness.

God counts women's tears and returns them to a man doubly...

One wise woman said: “There are 3 cases for tears: a wedding, a funeral and the birth of a child, and the rest is all garbage ...”

I will leave, proudly raising my head, clattering my heels ... And behind the door I will slide down the wall in tears, but you will not see them anymore !!!

The strongest water in the world is women's tears.

A pillow sees women's tears... A girlfriend knows women's secrets... For the rest, under the instrument of torture - Only smiles, only smiles...

Women's tears are love, and happiness, and joy, and longing ...

Status about tears in the eyes

And again the tears of autumn on the eyelashes of September.

A broken heart, tears in the eyes, emptiness in the soul, and only on the lips are the words: "Come back, I love you."

Tears froze on my eyelashes, and it seemed that my heart stopped beating, because I feel incredibly bad without you, and I love you more than life.

Statuses with meaning

Tears are weakness. That is why it is the privilege of a woman, not a man.

Real tears happen only when the people closest to us leave us ...

Those eyes that weep the most look deepest into the hearts of people.

The tears of a stranger endear us to him before we know their cause.

Between condolence and consolation lies an ocean of tears.

Even a tear can be dropped on the floor with pride. Not to be confused with self-respect and self-control. If you cried yesterday and cry today, you will definitely find a reason to cry tomorrow.

Tears are more reliable witnesses of the state of the soul than laughter.

Tears cannot bring the dead back to life. There is one more thing to know about tears - they cannot force someone who no longer loves you to love you again.

Perhaps our eyes need to be flushed with tears from time to time so that we can see life more clearly.

I will always remember this phrase an old man said: "It can't be beautiful eyes who never cried.

Status about tears of a loved one

You draw a sparkle in my eyes and erase the tears on my cheeks, I love only you and want to be together forever.

I remember how he molested me, and tears flowed down my cheeks, I told him only one thing: “how I hate you,” and he smiled and answered: “no, you love me.”

The one who is trying to keep usually leaves, and the one who is ready to let go with
they usually try to keep a smile……….and it’s true…..girls,
guys are such goats, you never have to cry and suffer for that person
who left on his own………not a single guy is worthy of our tears, but the one who
worthy will never make us cry...

I cried my love today. Standing in the bathroom, hands trembling on the sink. You flowed down my cheeks to the last drop.

Nothing touches a man like the tears of a beloved woman, and nothing irritates him like the tears of a woman he no longer loves.

We suffer when parting with a person. But who knows, maybe if we stayed with him, we would shed many more tears ...

Statuses about tears of parents
A mother's tears are drops that burn and make even her own blood more painful. Mom is the most precious thing I have!!!
tears are flowing...

As children, tears helped us explain what we want to our mothers. Now tears help to understand what we want for ourselves.

The worst pain in your heart is when you see your mother crying and you can't do anything.

Tears of parents. These drops are more painful than your own blood.

How many times have we heard the phrase: "there is nothing more terrible if mom cries." But only the one who saw his father's tears truly understands what pain is.

The experience of people shows that tears come from both grief and joy. The main thing in life is to perceive everything with a smile, then the tears will quickly begin to dry.
