Unearthly beauty: the most famous overweight model girls in the world. Beautiful female figure through the eyes of a man (photo) Beautiful magnificent wives

This story happened to me last winter when I stayed overnight with my beloved aunt Olga Mikhailovna. My aunt loved me very much and always praised me to all her acquaintances and girlfriends (although I was sure that most of them didn’t give a damn about me). As always, when I visited her, we very amicably poured tea and drank it with sweets and jam in her kitchen, finding the topic almost always somehow connected with me. I really liked it, and I must say that I am indebted to her for the solution of so many of my problems. She is 35 years old, but, despite such a venerable age (may the women forgive me), she kept herself very pretty, except that she got a little fat, and she began to have a second chin. But because I was madly in love with my aunt, even in this I saw my beautiful side. She looked like those busty Russian beauties who were in fashion in Chekhov's time, and somehow reminded me of Danae, languidly reclining in her bedchamber. Her husband died a long time ago - he got hit by a car while drunk, and now she lived with her 14-year-old daughter in a good place in the city in a three-room apartment. She works as a cook... or a cook (I don't know how) in a very cool restaurant and, it seems to me, no more than all normal people need money. That evening I came to her very late from a friendly party in a very bad mood, because he quarreled with his girlfriend, whom he loved, or wanted to think that he loved to unconsciousness. As always, I was received with great joy and big smile on her smart face. She hugged me and, kissing me on both cheeks, led me to the bathroom, where she hung up a new towel for me. When I entered the bathroom, I saw that cute mess that happens every time a woman, having recently finished bathing, comes out all pink in one dressing gown on her naked body and begins to comb her hair, standing in front of the mirror. I realized that I had taken my aunt by surprise - everywhere in the bathroom I noticed signs that there was no man in the house and no one to strictly tell her something like "take your panties off the table - this is indecent." But somehow I didn't pay much attention to it. Aunt, after all, and she didn’t see me as a mature man (I’m 22 years old), but only a sweet boy, which I will probably always remain for her. I was washing my hands quietly, when suddenly one detail particularly attracted my attention: a small stool was placed in the middle of the bathroom, and on it I saw a clear water print of my dear aunt's ass ... I blushed, and I suddenly felt uncomfortable at the thought that my aunt could then it is unpleasant to feel if he finds this imprint. I carefully erased the imprint with the palm of my left hand, and at that moment I was very pleased that I touched my hand to the place where, maybe some 5-10 minutes ago, my aunt's plump ass was sitting. Turning around, I saw panties, which she must have just washed and hung up to dry. A very beautiful and elegant bra hung nearby, which brazenly stared at me with its bulging eyes. I was pulled out of my daze by my aunt's voice, which, like a bolt from the blue, uttered a phrase that still drills into my brain: "Nasty child, are you laughing at your old aunt?" I probably blushed like a flock of tomatoes ... I began to convulsively think about what to answer, but I could not think of anything smarter than: "You're not old, Aunt Olya." She, without looking at my face, went into the bathroom and began to quickly clean it. I hastened to get out and tried to give my physiognomy a color as close as possible to the flesh. Soon my aunt came into the kitchen and asked if I was hungry. I replied that not very much, but if there is something, I will not refuse. The aunt opened the refrigerator and announced: "There are cold sausages. Will you?" At the same time, the word "sausages" came out to her as "sausages". It was felt that she still felt a little awkward, trying to disguise it under her indifferent tone about food. I felt it and was even more embarrassed. I once again said that I would not refuse and began to wait. Aunt sat opposite me, but not at the table, but in the corner of the kitchen, crossing her arms over her chest and stretching her legs in open slippers in my direction. For some reason, I remembered a stool with the imprint of her priests ... I tried in vain to return the conversation to my usual track, but nothing worked out for me, and thoughts about the stool, like psychosis, haunted me all the time. She asked me about tonight's party with great interest, and little by little I told her both about my girlfriend and about my bad mood. I talked and talked, at times I remembered either her bra, brazenly hanging in the middle of the bathroom, or looking at her toes, looking very sweetly at me from open slippers ... As always, she gave a very right advice , but for some reason I did not find peace either in her words or in the tone in which she pronounced them. I wanted tea, and I asked for some sweets, my aunt affectionately called me an incorrigible sweet tooth and, taking a box of sweets from the closet (which, in my opinion, had the ability to regenerate itself), put it on the table. I adored these sweets, but now for some reason I was not up to them. I didn't understand what was wrong with me. My aunt poured tea, put it on a tray along with napkins and lemon wedges, and brought it to me. When she slowly and very carefully put down the tray of hot tea, the collar of her dressing gown inadvertently flung open, and her aunt's naughty left breast nearly popped out. It lasted only a moment, but it was enough for me to understand what was happening to me, and what the soul, left without a girl, was hungry for. I was afraid of my feelings - it was my aunt!!! I didn't know what to do with myself. Very often in childhood, she took me to the toilet and even held my little pussy in her hands, trying to make me pee. Finally, dozens of times she washed me in the bathroom and rubbed my most sensitive places with soap, but I never felt so strongly that my aunt is a Beautiful Woman ... All sorts of thoughts about sex began to creep into my crazy head, but I tried in vain to drive them from yourself. Finally, I decided to unwind and go out onto the balcony, so to speak, to cool off. But then he completely disgraced himself and was ready to fall through the parquet! When I got up from the table, my aunt stood with me and extended her hand to remove my fork from the table. At this moment, my heated penis, hitherto pressed to my legs by my trousers, jumped out like a mound on my trousers and rested strongly right in the hand of my own aunt. I was definitely scalded with boiling water. I was very ashamed, even the desire was almost gone. The color of ripe tomatoes returned to her face with joy, and the hair on her arms stood on end. Auntie, after a short pause, sat back down and, lowering her head, began to smooth her apron with one hand, and in the other she continued to hold a cup of finished tea (or just an empty cup). I managed a cynical laugh and said something that was supposed to mean "I think I'm sick." My aunt raised her head and, looking at me seriously, said: "I think you are very lonely without your girlfriend ... Go to bed, dear, make peace tomorrow." I did not expect such a tact from my aunt. I thought that now there would be a big scandal that would put an end to all sweets and teas forever, but ... I lay down in a fresh, cool bed in a terrible confusion of spirit. My aunt's bra, her almost bulging breasts, her toes never left my head. I lay and thought about my feelings, unknown to me until now, for about an hour. I realized that I had to free myself from the sperm that overwhelmed me, otherwise I would go crazy. But as soon as I touched my hot trunk, it seemed to me that I heard sobs somewhere! I, in my shorts, got up from the bed and, listening, was horrified to find that crying was coming from my aunt's room. I never heard my aunt cry, and so I completely lost my head with pity for her. "Maybe something hurts her??? Maybe she has some kind of incurable disease?!" I thought in horror. I myself did not notice how I found myself at the door to my aunt's room. The weeping turned into bitter sobs that she suppressed in vain. I am in complete confusion of feelings, in my shorts, like a complete cretin, I ran up to my beloved aunt and squeezed her hand in his. "What's wrong with you aunt??? What happened, my dear???" She was terribly frightened when she saw me, and this made me even more sorry for her. She pulled her hand away and covered her face with her hands, now silently twitching her shoulders, and I saw how large tears rolled down her cheeks, falling on my hands, how warm they were. It was only now that I noticed that she was wearing the same bra that I thought winked at me affectionately, and the blanket was casually thrown over her Turkish-folded legs. My eyes dug into her bra, I could see the shape and color of her nipples, which were now twitching with every sob. Recent desires leaped up in me, and I could hardly keep myself from grabbing this fat boob and starting to knead it like crazy. I felt my penis churn. I said some words of consolation, explained something, but my aunt sobbed and sobbed. I began to frighten her that her daughter would now hear and be frightened, but she did not pay any attention to this, continuing to cry and tremble all over. “Yes, what happened, aunt?”, - I almost yelled, finally. She turned to me her tearful Beautiful face(I’ve never seen him so seductive) and, half out of breath, she began to tell me something that I didn’t quite understand, but the essence was as follows: “I’m an old, useless woman, everyone left me, my husband never loved , but only fucked and fell asleep after.. I lost all my friends because they were jealous and thought that I had the most a happy family... If I were 16 years old ... "etc. etc. I felt unbearably sorry for my aunt, and I sat down closer to her, while the blanket slipped from her legs, and I saw her large, beautiful, strong legs and for some reason felt intense anger towards the portrait of her husband that hung in the kitchen. I, as if by chance, put my hand on her thigh and began to stroke her hair, whispering to her that she was wrong. She is not old at all, but very beautiful, and that personally I would prefer such a life partner as she is, that I love her very much and will never leave her, that I also have no real friends. I said that I am also alone in this world, where you can’t trust anyone and something like that, I ended up with something that I would never expect from myself ... I said: “Aunt Ol, I love you very much ". She looked at me and probably understood everything. I was very sorry for my beloved aunt, and I was ready for anything for her, she was the only person in my life whom I could truly call a Friend, and I decided to take a desperate step. I removed her wet hands from her tear-stained face and, bringing my face close to her lips, kissed them, gently biting first the upper and then the lower lip. She was dumbfounded, and I was scared, I thought that she would hit me now, call me a son of a bitch and kick me out of the house. But she looked at me plaintively and said: "Sop ... yes?" And then it began ... Such a desire flooded over me that I trembled all over and for 15 seconds only calmed this trembling. I took her face in my hands and whispered to her quietly: "I love you, Aunt, with all my heart, do you hear, yes, I will give my life for you, dear ..." Then I sucked on her lips, stroking her back with one hand, and the other, stroking the thigh at the very crotch. Finally, I became bolder and with a quick movement of my hand I put my hand under her panties. What a pleasure it was! I began to fiddle with the tubercles and labia that were beginning to swell, gently pulling them away. I touched her ass and quietly thrust my middle finger into her vagina. I felt how fast her heart was beating, and how intermittently she was breathing, apparently surrendering to the will of the senses. It was as unexpected for her as it was for me. I crumpled and threw away the clothes and convulsively began to unbutton her bra. Oh, I plucked it, and my eyes appeared such amazingly beautiful and at the same time sweet breasts, with large, beautiful thick, scarlet nipples, which I could not dream of even in my wildest dreams. I was dumbfounded and, suddenly, pressed my lips to her nipple, gently biting it. With my other hand, I began to knead her right boob, causing her nipple to swell and stand erect. My panties had bulged out for a long time and began to annoy me, and I forgot so much that I didn’t understand what was stopping me. But, fortunately, my own aunt herself guessed to gently pull off my panties and, taking me right hand by the ass, pulled to her. I felt how she was struggling with her desire, but looking at herself, at her protruding nipples and wet throbbing vagina, I realized that it was stupid to resist such an ocean of desire and happiness that had engulfed us with her. She started kissing my legs and suddenly grabbed my penis in a way that no one has ever done before. She loosened her hair, and I saw my penis against the background of such a face familiar to me from childhood, and from this it became even larger, I began to knead it with my hands to get high from the fact that I can touch my penis in front of my aunt, and she will watch! But then she removed my hand from the penis and lowered her lips so close to the head that it would be enough to come. Auntie looked at me, moving closer to me, kissed me madly on the lips, thrusting her tongue into my mouth and, lowering herself, took my furious penis into her mouth. ABOUT! Devil!!! I thought that right now I would finish in her mouth, but after sucking a little, she began to gently masturbate him, kissing him and testicles every minute. She smacked and sucked him, and these champing sounds aroused an even greater animal in me. I experienced something that I never even seriously thought about - well, a blowjob, so what next? And here was the magic that took me to a fairy tale, from which I did not want to return. My aunt sucked on my penis, thrusting it deep into her mouth and wiggling her tongue wildly. It seemed to want to suck out of me all the sperm raging in me. But when I already felt that another second, and I would pour all over her face and lips, she pulled it out of her mouth and lay on her back, spreading her beautiful legs very effectively. I got up and began to knead the small sweet fingers on her legs, constantly putting them in my mouth and licking them. She moaned and begged for more. Then I lowered my face to her crotch and stuck my tongue as far as possible into her vagina. She began to moan, completely forgetting that we were not alone in the house. I licked her crotch, and the very thought that until recently we were drinking tea and were just an aunt with a nephew, and after some three hours I was already sucking her clitoris, and she was fidgeting against my tongue, drove me to unconsciousness. I have never experienced anything like this with any girl. Then I climbed on top of her and thrust my furious cock into her vagina, she moaned and sobbed, whispered: "Quiet, carefully, please, carefully" - but where is the "carefully" I was beside myself, I broke into her, like a beast, and already began to fuck her so that the bed squealed and shook, and she lay with her legs up, and her breasts were shaking, and this turned me on even more. I touched her ass, kneaded her tits, kissed her on the lips, and it seemed to me that until that night I was an absolute virgin. I grabbed her by the hair and began to plant, enter her deeper and deeper, she bit her lower lip from the buzz, and she did it so cute that I wanted to throw two or three kilograms of sperm into her stomach in this form. Suddenly, she somehow squeezed me especially hard, sucked my lips and began to convulsively shudder in the convulsions of the long-awaited orgasm. This is where I got really pissed off. I quickly pulled my wet penis out of my aunty, quickly lay on my back and pulled her face to my hot, ready to explode cock, she dipped it in her mouth, and I felt like I was shooting a whole bunch of sperm down her throat ... She pulled out out of her mouth and began to lick the head with the tip of her tongue, and from this very soon her whole sweet sweet face was covered in thick white smudges of sperm. She smiled and stroked my legs, and I fingered her chest, and finally, we both leaned back on the bed in exhaustion, holding hands and, embarrassed to look into each other's eyes. Finally, we turned and looked each other in the face. She smiled and put her face on my chest and put her foot on my stomach. I don't remember how I fell asleep. But I remember that I realized that from that moment the gates of an earthly paradise opened to me, the existence of which I did not even suspect. And that girl with whom we quarreled called the next morning. Such all from itself, with claims! I laughed for a very long time.

Beauty standards change over time, and now more and more often the podium is being conquered complete models. It is clear that often a show with "size plus" models is nothing more than a manifestation of the notorious tolerance or the desire of fashion designers to tickle the nerves of the public ...

But there are magnificent models that are really worthy of attention and adoration!

The 7 Days edition invites you to recall the most famous of them, as well as find out which of our stars can well give odds to foreign puffy beauties.

Some of the girls are so famous that they are recognized in photographs even by body parts. The beauty of long legs, beautiful faces, well-groomed hair and professional photographs make any woman a star, and here the curvy ones have no advantages or disadvantages compared to the "walking skeletons".

Tara Lynn

Model and actress Tara Lynn actively defends the rights of fat women. The beauty is convinced that ladies in the body are no less attractive than the owners of figures that meet the strict standard of 90-60-90.

One of the most famous models custom sizes Tara Lynn is proud of her 50th clothing size and clearly does not feel slighted: she adorns not only the pages of Elle France, Vogue Italia, CR Fashion Book and other popular publications, but also their covers. Recently, the girl told the Spanish Elle the whole truth about her difficult work. “It's hard to get clothes to fit well on large women. The more fat on the body, the more options for the shape of this body can be, ”admitted Lynn. But she is skeptical about her slender colleagues, believing that "people use standard thin figures to sell clothes."

However, Tara herself is ready to change this situation. Ms. Lynn also adds that the term "plus size" is a great opportunity for people with different figures find for yourself the right clothes. “I think it's a big deal for a lot of people to see diversity in advertising and not feel the need to conform to a mold. You don’t have to look and think like everyone else,” says the buxom beauty.

“When I was in high school, I wore size 48-50 clothes and dreamed of losing weight. And then I realized: no one is interested in skin and bones! Lynn says proudly.

Mia Tyler

Plus size model Mia Tyler is like two drops of water similar to her sister, the famous actress Liv Tyler. If it were not for the impressive amount of kilograms that distinguishes the girls, they could easily be confused. Like other members of the famous family, Mia has been used to appearing in public since childhood.

She repeatedly and unsuccessfully struggled with extra pounds, but soon managed to turn them into dignity. “I have always been a fat child, and now this is not a problem, but I know that in my youth it would be easier for me if I saw role models with the same body as mine, because beauty can be very different,” writes the model in her autobiography "Creating Myself".

The fact that size does not matter, the girl repeatedly proved, appearing on the covers of many elite magazines. Mia also decided to help other overweight girls feel more beautiful and confident and launched her own clothing line called REVOLUTION 1228.

Candice Huffine

Brunette Candice Huffine has always been curvaceous and for a long time worked as a model for plus size clothing catalogs, but real fame came to her after the release of the sensational issue of Italian Vogue. The special issue, whose heroines were girls with "non-standard" sizes, literally made a splash all over the world! Since then, Candice has had no end of clients who dream of capturing a puffy beauty.

In addition to filming for magazines, the girl can also be seen in the advertising campaigns of many famous brands such as Levi's and H&M. The model admitted to Refinery29 that when she was just starting her modeling career, agents forced her to lose weight. Now the situation is reversed: some reproach Candice for being “not curvaceous enough to accurately represent real seductive women.”

Justine Lego

The curvaceous beauty from Canada in 2013 became the first plus size model to be the face of the May cover of the famous and popular Elle Quebec magazine, which made an incredible sensation.

Ashley Graham

Ashley Graham began her modeling career at the age of 12: even then, agents could not get past the beauty of this girl of non-standard sizes. At 26, she repeatedly appeared on the pages of many fashion magazines, starred for catalogs, participated in shows and commercials for world brands. However, the real fame came to the girl after collaborating with the Lane Bryant brand, in which Ashley appeared in only one underwear. This video seemed so frank and sexy to many that it was banned on television, but caused a great stir in the press and collected great amount views on the Internet.

In 2013, Ashley took on a new role as a designer: she participated in the development of a line of lingerie for a Canadian plus size clothing brand. Now Graham is actively involved in the reality show, where he acts as a mentor, helping people with non-standard forms pave the way to the modeling business. Her motto is “Support the forms! Confidence is sexy."

Not only a plus-size model, but also an activist: Ashley is one of the founders of the ALDA modeling union, which advocates for girls of all shapes and sizes to become models.

Keith Dillon

As a child, Kate was often teased by her peers and, as the girl herself recalls, "it was terrible." At the age of 12, she watched a documentary about anorexia and decided to lose weight no matter what. She managed to lose weight, but at the same time, Kate developed an eating disorder.

During those 7 years while she was thin, her successful modeling career began. “At that time I was successful, but very insecure, I constantly felt fat, although it was not so,” Kate admitted in an interview.

But after several years of hard work, the model realized that she could no longer and did not want to starve herself and regained the lost kilograms. However, Kate did not have time to get upset because of this, because she was almost immediately offered to retrain as a plus size model. “It was so clear and so important to understand that you can be beautiful even if you don’t have such a slender body,” recalls the model.

Katya Zharkova

If in many countries plus size models are already catching up with their slender colleagues in popularity, then in Russia this trend is hardly noticeable. However, we also have our own plus size star - beautiful Katya Zharkova. Despite non-standard figure She became a model at a fairly young age. In parallel, the girl received a higher education, and also worked as a producer and TV presenter. Now Ekaterina continues to build a successful career, remaining the most popular plus size model in Russia.

She participates in filming for the world's most famous publications and fashion brands, and is also the host of the program "There is one secret" on the TV channel "Friday!".

About her non-standard appearance, Katya says this: “Regarding the parameters, it’s always funny: for someone I’m too fat, for someone not fat enough, for someone I’m normal. How many people have so many opinions. I stick to mine - I'm beautiful! And it is impossible not to agree with this!

Chloe Marshall

In 2008, a very curvaceous girl Chloe Marshall decided to take part in the Miss England beauty pageant and ... oddly enough, she received the title of Miss Surrey (a county in the UK), and also became Vice-Miss Great Britain. It is difficult to say what pleased the girl more: an honorable second place or the very fact that she managed to carry out a kind of “revolution” in the modeling world alone. But it is safe to say that none of the Miss Great Britain contests has received such attention from the media.

In addition to worldwide fame, Chloe received a lucrative contract with the modeling agency Models Plus. Now she is shooting in photo shoots for fashion magazines and brands, being one of the most popular plus size models.

“Everyone thinks that a tall and slender blonde should be a beauty queen, and I, on the contrary, am a curvy brunette,” says Chloe. “I want to prove that you can be beautiful and not look like a skeleton.”

By the way, the girl has the parameters of an average Englishwoman, so it is not surprising that many residents of the UK were rooting for her.

barbie ferreira

Instagram 18 year old Barbie is a perfect example of body positivity. Ferreira loves her body and literally exudes confidence in the pictures, which helped her become not only a model, but also a role figure for many girls.

Diana Veras

A friend of Barbie's from Los Angeles, she also works as a plus-size model and has a huge following: her instagram has over 100,000 passionate fans!

Jenny Rank

Markita Pring

Photo Markita in a sweater with infinitely long beautiful legs spread over the entire runet. The girl "shot" as a model at the age of 15, and since then she has only increased the number of her fans and advertising contracts.

Great plus size models- this is both a separate industry and a reason for women of unearthly beauty not to doubt their abilities, not to go in cycles in diets, but to improve their body given by Nature.

Tidying up, taking care of your skin and hair, working on your walk and manners… All this does not require special figure standards or something like that. And for any woman who loves HERSELF, there will always be a real man and loyal fans!

Text: Katerina Kapustina and others.

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It is very important for a woman to be attractive in the eyes of a man. What kind of sacrifices does the female half of humanity make in order to prove that she is the most beautiful.The ideal figure occupies a central place in a woman's life. It is to her that she devotes most of her time, constantly playing sports and sitting on various diets.

But does the opinion of two completely different halves of humanity always coincide, and which one is considered beautiful female figure through the eyes of a man, photo which they look at so often?

These changing parameters of beauty

Despite the generalized image of the ideal female figure of our time, each man individually has his own preferences in this regard. Due to the fact that many modern men are individualists, every detail of her image plays an important role in the issue of the appearance of the second half.

Women are forced to adapt, so someone adheres to the strict modern parameters of top models, and someone likes beauty in the style of Marilyn Monroe. How have beauty standards changed throughout history and what is the current standard of an ideal female figure?

One of the oldest depictions of a woman was found in Austria and dates back to the 20th century BC.

It is completely different from the standards established in our society: the woman represented on the small figure has big hips, stomach and chest.

After 19 centuries, the standard of beauty has changed significantly. exemplary flawless figure became the famous Venus de Milo, which had a growth of just over 160 centimeters with parameters 86-69-93. It is obvious that the beauty of that time significantly “lost weight” compared to the representatives of the ideal forms of the past.

As for our millennium, it is worth noting that the standards of beauty in recent decades have changed very often. It was in fashion curvy girls, then very thin, similar to teenagers.

Of course, most often the standards of female beauty changed in the twentieth century. The beginning of the century erased the difference between women and men, which is why a neat figure with a small chest came into fashion. Anna Pavlova becomes the ideal of that time - a famous ballerina, fragile, transparent and languid. In order to make the chest look smaller, many girls bandaged it.

The middle of the century has come, and with the advent of Marilyn Monroe, lush beauties have returned to fashion again. The girl had parameters 92-60-86, had a unique femininity and charm that captivated many.

Along with the famous blonde, Audrey Hepburn, who is the exact opposite of Monroe, is also gaining popularity in Hollywood. Tall, weighing just over 40 kilograms, Audrey conquered many.

In the late fifties, the iconic Barbie doll appeared. As a result of the study, it was calculated that a girl with doll proportions should have parameters of 99-45-84.

It is known that one woman from America wanted to be like Barbie so much that she underwent more than fifty plastic surgeries, bringing herself closer to the ideal.

The figure of the doll was corrected only at the beginning of the 21st century - under the influence of public opinion, manufacturers reduced Barbie's breasts.

It takes just a few years and the world is struck by a new phenomenon named Twiggy(from English twig - twig). Extremely skinny girl, looking like a teenager in a skirt, has become one of the most successful models and forced many women to torture themselves with diets. With a height of almost 180 centimeters, the beauty of that time weighed only forty kilograms and drove everyone crazy with parameters 80-55-80.

In addition, since television was gaining popularity at that time, it became fashionable among the stars to lose weight, because the camera adds a few treacherous kilograms even to slim girls.

Jane Fonda in her youth.

Despite the wild popularity of Twiggy, in the 70s a new standard appeared - Jane Fonda. The ideal is healthy and sports girl confident in their abilities.

It was not anorexic exhaustion that began to come into fashion, but the image of a fitness girl. One of the first to follow this example was Madonna in the early 80s.

To whom do we owe the numbers 90-60-90? Such parameters were possessed by the famous model of the last decade of the last century - Claudia Slate. Also, thanks to this super-model, various diets and sports are even more active in fashion.

Although Claudia had "ideal" parameters, she was quickly supplanted by the queen of "heroin chic" and anorexic beauty - Kate Moss. Femininity fades into the background, and the difference between girls and boys is erased.

At the beginning of the 2000s, a fit, strong and self-confident Angelina Jolie came into fashion. which has nothing to do with the exhausted ideals of yesteryear. Jolie's parameters are 98-64-89.

And now we are slowly approaching the modern standard of beauty, which quickly displaced the "tomb raider" from the pedestal. The current beauty is actress Kelly Brook, who has a magical proportion of 0.70588253, which is calculated using a special formula. Although Brooke has an ideal number, she has not been lucky so far in her personal life and career.

Now, if you had any complexes, they should disappear! After reading this article, you will see that your figure is perfect too, it's just that the standard is a little outdated; But fashion keeps coming back, doesn't it?

Every man to his own taste

It is worth noting that all people are different, which means that many people have different opinions. Some like one type, others like another. It is generally accepted that everyone likes the type of models, big size breasts, small stature. But this is far from true.

Usually girls of model appearance, thin, with long legs, chosen by teenagers and older men. Both those and others are trying to assert themselves at the expense of such a girl, and also to show others that he still means something in this life. Therefore, not all young people pay attention to models.

Also many are attracted to thin girls, but with rounded shapes. Such that every part of the body was toned, but at the same time there was something to see. The holder of such forms must have short stature. According to the guys themselves, they want to protect and take care of such women, next to them they feel like real gentlemen.

The fact that I like pampas too, and many argue that this is a beautiful female figure through the eyes of a man, whose photo is a confirmation of this. Such ladies are chosen by those applicants who are looking for a chosen one for Serious relationships. Psychologists say that such a figure often attracts those who have the lowest social status, guys from the village, as well as those whose mother has the same shape. But this does not mean that you like ladies who do not want to take care of their bodies. Sagging sides, belly, huge buttocks have not yet decorated anyone.

The dominant place is occupied by a figure in the form of a pear, guitar or hourglass. That is, the owner has wide hips and a thin waist. Such volumes attract the views of the maximum amount of the stronger sex. Firstly, scientists have proven that it is this type of figure that tells them about the woman’s readiness to continue her race. Secondly, on such a figure, any clothes sit just fine.

Recently, many women want to have a figure like that of the famous actress Angelina Jolie, who can rightfully be considered the favorite of all young people. Her figure can be called a "carrot", that is, she is characterized by voluminous shoulders and narrow hips.

Many people want to see curvaceous breasts next to them., and the rest of the parameters they do not care. Experts say that this type attracts those who have problems in financial matters.

Quite rarely, men pay attention to thin ladies. Almost no one likes such a figure. A normal man has a desire only to feed the girl, but no more.

A fad of the 1990s, the image of the thinnest female model is a thing of the past, now in vogue rounded shapes. Unless you've lived somewhere in a cave until today, it's obvious to everyone that the era of hourglass figures and reckless Hollywood beauties has taken over. The hallmarks of the ideal hourglass figure have mostly remained unchanged since the days of Marilyn Monroe, but in today's 2015 fashion, bigger seems to be better, and some Hollywood girls' speechless curves are no exception. Whether they were born with them or bought them, one thing is certain - these ladies are truly a hit.

1 Marilyn Monroe

Often copied but always inimitable, the classic beauty Marilyn Monroe will always serve as a model for a seductive hourglass figure. At a time when the media seemed to be dominated by thinner figures, Marilyn emerged to completely change the world's perception of beauty standards, and in the process she became a Hollywood legend and the idol of all little girls. Marilyn truly became one of the founders of the movement of girls with curvy shapes and will forever remain one of the most stunning beauties of Hollywood.

2 Salma Hayek

Salma Hayek with her gorgeous curves, beautiful long hair and an excellent face is the ideal of a stunning beauty. Even while playing the role of an artless, tormented artist in the film "Frida", the radiance of Salma's beauty still made its way out, as it is difficult to keep her inside. In several scenes of the film "Frida" Salma in the full sense of the word laid bare all of herself, and men, as well as women, had to recognize the embodiment of beauty, which is Salma Hayek. Another natural beauty, the stars aligned and Salma Hayek was born.

3 Kelly Brook

Although not as famous as her buxom counterparts, Kelly Brook is certainly among the famous owners of a feminine figure, as her body perfectly embodies the idea of ​​​​an hourglass figure. Her tiny waist is complemented by captivating hips, and the size of her bra is a big injustice to many girls. With her classic Hollywood looks, Kelly is undeniably a seductive beauty not to be missed, and one of the hottest stars in the near future.

4 Tyra Banks

Tyra grew up as a tall, lanky teenager, and no one expected what a beautiful, full-breasted and seductive woman she would become. The first forms of Taira began to appear only at almost 19 years old, but as soon as they were discovered, she certainly received a divine blessing and acquired the correct shape. Tyra's height and roundness led her to a coveted job as a Victoria's Secret runway model, and from that moment on, Tyra built her empire on her beauty and intelligence.

5 Christina Hendricks

This seductive hottie is a resurrection of Hollywood glamor from yesteryear, quite literally, as she is the star of the hit series Mad Men, based on 1960s America. Ironically, this red-haired beauty had a hard time in high school at first. When Christina was a teenager, she was so teased and bullied in high school that she began to separate from her peers and turned to the Gothic style and ideology in search of refuge. Looking at her current incredible success and beauty, it's hard to imagine that she was once far from charming.

6 Scarlett Johansson

Scarlett has all the charms and uses them flawlessly. With her perfect buttocks, captivating curve of the hips and curvaceous bust, this blonde beauty is blessed with stunning curves and is not afraid to show them off. Scarlett is another Hollywood star, who received the prestigious Esquire magazine "Sexiest Woman Living" award, and with such piercing eyes and such a sexy body, Scarlett's award of this award is not at all surprising and, frankly, deserved.

7 Kat Dennings

With her trademark 1940s hairdo and gorgeous body with natural curves, this red-haired beauty is in the spirit of good old Hollywood glamour. This girl has it all: beautiful porcelain skin, perfectly rounded lips and a rich cleavage. When asked about what she does to make her body so mind-blowing, Kat admits that it’s nothing special and that it’s really difficult for her to stay away from junk food. Sorry ladies, but there's no secret way to get that look - this girl was just born that way.

8 Jennifer Love Hewitt

Jennifer Love Hewitt is a high school dream girl. She looks like a sweet and innocent girl from the house next door, but her body is seductive. Greek goddess who knows a lot about broken men's hearts. In the short-lived TV series The Client List, viewers saw Jennifer at her sexiest, as she played the role of a masseuse doing not-quite-legal "special" massages. This girl is a natural beauty, and her feminine figure will definitely go down in history as one of the most beautiful in Hollywood.

9 Jennifer Lopez

If you were interested in hip-hop in the early 2000s, then we are sure you most likely remember Jennifer Lopez's "My love don't cost a thing" video, and how can you forget it. In this sexy and sensual clip, Jennifer Lopez shows off her perfect curves in just a tank top and bikini bottoms. Her flat, tanned belly, paired with rounded hips and curvaceous buttocks, cements her position as one of the reigning queens of the hourglass kingdom, and 15 years later, at the age of 45, she is still winning hearts.

10 Mariah Carey

Even in early years Mariah had a curvaceous figure, but later something happened and her long, thin body seemed to become even more curvaceous. The multi-platinum singer isn't shy about showing off her brilliance and dressing up as one of her favorite characters, Jessica Rabbit, and it shows in the way she dresses. Mariah is the epitome of dignity, sass and captivating curves, and at 44, the R&B singer is still just as beautiful.

11 Beyoncé

Beyoncé is not only famous for her Grammy-winning curves, but she actually invented a new word that entered the dictionary in English describing her shamefully seductive body. Voicing the expression "bootylicious" (translated from English: sexy, luxurious), Beyoncé soon initiated the movement of girls with curvaceous forms, proudly showing off her body and in her songs encouraging other girls to follow her example. Beyoncé has been proclaimed the most beautiful woman in the world, and these curves and even her face and indescribable talent - we can only agree.

12 Kim Kardashian

The infamous Kim Kardashian became famous, literally, only thanks to her unimaginable forms. Kim is not a singer, not a dancer, not an actress, she is just amazing a beautiful woman, who became famous for her feminine figure. Again, no matter how much they argue about whether nature has endowed her with these “virtues”, but you can imagine these forms on many other people, and they still will not look like Kim. Whether you like her or not, she's sexy.

13 Nicki Minaj

Nicki's music video for "Anaconda" has become the subject of much legend and sparked a lot of controversy about society's current obsession with female buttocks and whether Nicki is a natural hourglass beauty or some kind of surgical change. The fact remains that whether she paid for these bold forms or was born with them, no one can rock them like Nicky does, and she brushes aside any doubt that everyone knows it with all the music videos she makes, in which the main role is played by her small-sized, but at the same time sexy body.

14 Iggy Azalea

Although she spent several years working in the music industry, Iggy Azalea seemed to have entered the music scene with some natural gifts. To say that everyone was a little surprised to find that Iggy was a New Zealand rapper is an understatement. But she shocked everyone even more when she showed off her unimaginably seductive charms, which could well compete with such buxom ladies like J. Lo and Beyoncé. Iggy broke all the usual stereotypes about rapper girls and looked great at the same time.

15 Amber Rose

If you're on Instagram, you couldn't miss the epic photo that Amber Rose posted recently. This shaved blonde beauty may have cut into Kim Kardashian's internet streak when she posted this snap, proving that just because you're a mom and recently broke up with your long-term lover doesn't mean you shouldn't look amazing. Amber's curves are just cosmic, and the barely visible bikini does a great job of showing them off.
