Audrey Hepburn and Hubert de Givenchy: Stronger than passion, more than love. Givenchy died in his sleep smiling Hubert givenchy personal

Name: Hubert de Givenchy Years of life: February 21, 1927 - March 10, 2018 (91 years old).

Childhood, youth and youth

Hubert James Marcel Taffin de Givenchy (this is the full name of the designer) was born on February 21, 1927 in the small town of Beauvais, in northern France.

“The last aristocrat in the fashion world,” as he was called by admirers of talent, was also by birthright, as evidenced by the prefix “de” in his surname.

The great-grandfather of the future couturier, Pierre-Adolf Baden, became famous as a painter, and this, apparently, is the case when an artistic gift is passed down through the generation.

After all, the boy's father, the Marquis Lucien Tuffin de Givenchy, had nothing to do with creativity. He worked as an aviator and died suddenly when his son was still very young.

At the age of ten, Hubert visited an exhibition of French fashion houses in Paris. What he saw so inspired the boy that he decided to become a fashion designer.

But before that, Hubert and his family had to endure the Second world war and the hardships of the occupation.

First successes

Hubert's creative career originates in Paris, where he moved after the war.

In 1944, the young man entered the School of Fine Arts, where fashion designer Jacques Fat became his teacher.

Hubert de Givenchy in his youth

In 1946, Givenchy began working with Robert Piguet, and from 1947 with Lucien Lelong and Elsa Schiaparelli.

At some point, Hubert came up with the idea to open his own fashion house, and he did it (with the help of family capital).

Givenchy fashion house in Paris

In 1952 Givenchy hospitably opened its doors to its first customers.

The founder of the fashion house, which would later become one of the most famous in the world, was only 25 years old at that time.

Givenchy became the youngest couturier in Paris, and chose fashion model Bettina Graziani as the face of his brand.

By the way, the famous "Bettina" - an elegant white cotton blouse with lush black and white ruffles on the sleeves was created specifically for Graziani.

Bettina Graziani in a blouse "Bettina"

Critics noted that Hubert managed not only to take the best from his teachers, but also to bring his own “zest” to the collections at an early stage.

In 1953, Hubert met his idol, the Spanish couturier Cristobal Balenciaga, who eventually became his teacher and close friend for many years.

Both of them were not only creators from God, but also thought in many ways in the same way. So, Givenchy supported Cristobal in the decision not to let journalists into fashion shows.

This was done in order not to allow the press to influence the opinion of potential buyers.

Career heyday

In the same 1953, another fateful meeting took place, which influenced the next 39 years of Givenchy's life.

In Paris, which became Givenchy's second home, he met actress Audrey Hepburn. The girl chose her outfits for filming the film "Sabina" and visited fashion houses.

As a result, in the film that won the Oscar for best suits, several Givenchy dresses were shown.

The figurine was given to the main costume designer of the tape, Edith Head, and Givenchy's name was not even mentioned in the credits.

In 1957, Hubert still received the American Academy Film Award - for the film "Funny Face" with Hepburn. True, he shared the award with the same Edith.

In 1961, Breakfast at Tiffany's was released on the big screen, starring Hepburn.

Audrey later called this tape her "calling card", and there were also outfits created by Hubert.

The main one was a black evening dress, which was harmoniously complemented by long gloves and a diadem.

A bright film image, which later became a classic for fashionistas around the world, completed the mouthpiece in Audrey's hand.

In 2006, the dress from this film was put up for auction and went under the hammer for almost a million dollars.

Audrey Hepburn in Breakfast at Tiffany's

Audrey wore her favorite couturier in several other films, including Charade (1963) and How to Steal a Million (1966).

Givenchy style

Hubert considered Hepburn one of his favorite muses, and Audrey reciprocated. The actress wore Givenchy dresses not only in the movies, but also in everyday life.

Another famous woman who embodied the style of a fashion house was Jacqueline Kennedy - the first lady of the United States in 1961-1963.

In addition, Givenchy dressed the Oscar-winning Hollywood actress and part-time Princess Grace Kelly.

In 1957, Givenchy created his first perfume, L'Interdit. For seven years, these perfumes did not go on sale, they were used only by the one to whom they were dedicated - Audrey Hepburn, already familiar to us.

In 1969, Hubert also introduced a men's fragrance - Givenchy Gentleman. Four years later, his first collection of clothes for the stronger sex came out.

Retirement and last years life

In 1995, Givenchy announced that he was leaving his post in the fashion house named after him and was retiring.

Little is known about Hubert's subsequent years; his name did not appear in the press due to personal events.

In 2007, the French postal service issued two Valentine's Day stamps designed by Givenchy.

In the last years of his life, Hubert helped organize an exhibition dedicated to his friend Balenciaga and took part in the restoration of the Versailles Gardens.

On March 10, 2018, the world media reported that the famous fashion designer had passed away. He died peacefully at the age of 91 on his estate in Beauvais.

Givenchy has always carefully concealed his personal life from the public, but, according to open sources, he did not have an official wife and children.

This talented fashion designer was often compared to a character from Exupery's The Little Prince. He not only created a unique fantasy world, breaking away from everyday life, but also generously shared it with others. When he was only 25, he opened a fashion boutique, becoming the youngest designer. The history of the Givenchy brand is like a fairy-tale dream with complex ups and downs and a natural take-off at the end.

Birth of style

Hubert de Givenchy was born in 1927. His career begins with work for the venerable master, who had a strong influence on fashion trends France - Jacques Fat. Later, he collaborated with Robert Piguet and, by the way, Christian Dior, who was then unknown to anyone, adopted the experience with him.

Working as an assistant to eminent fashion designers, he understands that he is already ready to present his own collections on his own and establishes the Fashion House of the same name. Lacking finances, Hubert works initially with inexpensive fabrics. His style, different from other designers, draws the attention of the public. At first, all clothes were made to order, but after the collection that thundered throughout Paris, in which the famous fashion model B. Graziani took part, Givenchy, striving for perfection, received universal recognition. And after getting to know the source of your inspiration, your favorite muse of creativity, a loyal client and good friend, for forty-two years, incredible images are born in him, which to this day they are trying to imitate.

Mater and his muse

Audrey Hepburn starred in the movie Sabrina in 1954. She needed new ideas for costumes, and in search of outfits she comes to Givenchy's Parisian studio. At that time, the couturier was busy showing new collection but found time to meet. Hubert de Givenchy and Audrey Hepburn, who dictated fashion, were a unique creative tandem that gave a lot to both: commercial success and new ideas for the fashion designer, and Audrey becomes a real actress after they met. The actress often repeated that in the clothes of the master she feels herself. And the fashion designer saw in her an innate taste.

The heroine of Hepburn - Sabrina - becomes the queen of the ball, and the outfits of Audrey, who shone in the film, are awarded the Oscar. The audience especially liked the organza dress with beautiful embroidery.

Givenchy brand evening dresses are becoming incredibly popular. Audrey, with her inimitable sense of style, demonstrates fashion designer costumes not only in films, but also in Everyday life.

A real lady's sense of style

Hubert de Givenchy has repeatedly admitted that Hepburn perfectly embodies the woman for whom he creates his collections. He even came up with a high hat for her, which allowed the actress to keep her whipped hair under her headdress.

We can say that she was a real find for him, a "genuine lady", as her film partners called her. The fashion designer, like no one else, understood Audrey, felt her moods, he was with her both in joyful moments and in sorrowful ones. It was his support that helped her survive the separation from her husband and the death of a child.

Evening black dress and long silk gloves, created especially for the film "Breakfast at Tiffany's", received a truly worldwide fame as a special status of chic. Then the fashion designer joked that he became immortal precisely because of this dress, and Audrey called the film one of the most successful in her career. Hubert de Givenchy dressed Hepburn until her death, and 2 years after his death, in 1995, he passes the reins of his offspring and leaves the fashion world.

The personal life of the master

Journalists quite often attributed to the actress and fashion designer a love relationship, but beyond true friendship they never came out. They had a real spiritual community, and not the usual cooperation. Hubert de Givenchy, whose personal life interests many, has always carefully concealed it. And only once he admitted that at the beginning of his career, a lovely girl looked into his salon with a request for a job. When the fashion designer founded his own brand, he invited her to the position of his secretary. And he admitted that the history of relations with her, filled with common affection, is very long. This was the only time the master spoke about his personal life.

Clothes for the people

The eminent house made many discoveries in the fashion world. For example, it was Hubert de Givenchy who invented clothes for mass production. Pret-a-porter collections were born for the first time and immediately became popular with buyers. Despite the "mass character", ready-to-wear models are always sewn according to the designer's sketches and reflect the most fashionable trends. It must be admitted that such collections have become the main source of income for all fashion houses.

Hubert de Givenchy always wanted to tailor clothes for a wide audience. In 1968, the collection was born women's dresses, and after 5 years he introduced the men's line. The master was happy to dress middle-class people in aristocratic and elegant models. He always emphasized that any luxury makes sense only with future democratization. But also in the area haute couture, available only to wealthy clients, the Givenchy fashion house has created many interesting collections.

Hubert de Givenchy quotes

The classic of world fashion often spoke vividly about her and his achievements. He admitted that there is no secret to success. He simply created his collections, based on the experience of the masters of the fashion industry. And if necessary, he destroyed the established traditions of style. He spoke with love and warmth about his clients, admitting that they were all ambassadors of his ideas about beauty.

Recalling his experience with eminent masters, he admitted that he was given a unique chance to work with the geniuses of his craft, from whom he took a little and learned style.

A year ago, an elderly fashion designer criticized to the nines modern fashion. He believes that current designers produce not the most quality clothes by working too fast. In his opinion, fashion must develop without any revolutions, gradually, and only in this way are favorite outfits created.

When asked if the couturier would like to change something in his life, Hubert replied: “If I had the opportunity to start life anew, I would do the same.”

Hubert de Givenchy is a couturier, his personal life remains a mystery to this day. He is known for founding a fashion house and working with Audrey Herburn. He created clothes for films, devoting his whole life to working on various variations of men's and women's suits, spirits. In addition, he was engaged in the design of vehicles. His creations have become popular and in demand due to their simplicity and conciseness at the same time. The fashion designer's work was both simple and perfect, complete. This style can be seen in all his works - dresses for women, interior transport and any other creations.

Childhood and youth

Hubert de Givenchy's date of birth is February 21, 1927. His homeland is France, Beauvais. When he was still a boy, he was described as "a man not of this world". Ros Hubert de Givenchy in the family of a pilot who was one of the first who wanted to conquer the sky. When the future fashion designer was 2 years old, his father died.

He did not associate his career with the sky, although he was similar to his father in behavior. Most likely, he did so, given the feelings of his mother, for whom the death of her husband was a heavy loss. However, the dreams of beauty did not leave the boy, he wanted to create a miracle, to make the world a better place. As a result, as you know, he became a great and famous fashion designer, he managed to realize his desires, creating unique images that can be seen in his collections.

Hubert studied at the school of arts in the capital of France. His talent for creating was discovered from childhood. He was fond of fashion, and when he was ten years old, he was at the world exhibition in France. He was especially struck by the pavilion where models of fashion houses, which were considered the most popular, were shown. After this event, he decided to be a fashion designer.

When his country was liberated from occupation during the war, he was able to move to the capital. There he worked as an assistant to famous people in the fashion world - Jacques Fat, Robert Pique, Lucien L. Collaborated with E. Schiaparelli.

In the winter of 1952, a significant event took place in the biography of this famous person They opened their own boutique. It is important to note that at that time the fashion designer was 25 years old. He went down in history as the youngest creator of haute couture. The first line of clothing that he released was very successful. For famous model, which began to represent the firm, he created a famous wardrobe element called the "Bettini blouse", in honor of her name. This blouse is made from cotton. white color and having contrasting black-and-white ruffles in the area of ​​the sleeves.

The fashion designer believed that he should make a revolution in the style of clothing, create perfect wardrobe items for women and men.

In 1953, he met K. Balenciaga, with this man he developed an excellent working relationship, they became friends. Givenchy was able to support a friend when he decided not to let media workers into his exhibitions. This was done so that the press could not influence customers.

Then the media announced a boycott to the fashion designer. However, despite this, the decisions of this couturier could not be missed, he was quite an influential person.

fashion tendencies

From the early years of his life, it was clear that Hubert had an excellent aesthetic taste, he had a sense of beauty and a great talent for creativity. Since childhood, he could look at blooming gardens, decorations of houses for a long time, he was interested in studying the fabric, various trimmings that were in the house. According to his biography, all cuts various materials were in a box that the boy was very fond of opening.

He could disassemble and neatly lay out pieces of fabric for a long time, while picking them up so that they fit together not only according to color scheme but also in texture. At a young age, he already knew how to distinguish material without looking. Velvet was his favorite fabric.

Even though his mother wanted him to become a lawyer, he pursued a different career that brought him huge success and popularity.


When Hubert was 17 years old, the young man studied at an art school in the French capital. In the mid-40s, he did work for J. Fatou, and a year later he began to work on designs for Piqué and Lucien L.

From the late 40s to the early 50s, the fashion designer worked as an assistant to E. Schiaparelli. The woman appreciated the work of Hubert, and after some time entrusted him with the management of one of her boutiques.

According to some information, there was a case that a young girl came into this store, tried on several outfits, and then asked if there were jobs in this place for her. Despite the fact that Givenchy's relationship with women was carefully concealed, like many facts of his life, it was a fateful meeting, and the girl who entered the store became part of his fate.

At the moment of the beginning of communication, the only thing he could promise her was to work with him after opening his own fashion house. As a result, he managed to open his boutique, at this point young man was 25 years old. He did not forget that he promised the girl a job, and took her as a secretary. This event was the beginning of a story that is connected with their relationship.

First show

The first show took place in the early 1950s. At this time, the fashion designer's fashion house was moved to another street, he did not move again and is located there to this day, namely on George Vth Street. The fashion designer created his first collection from ordinary cotton, because at first there were few financial resources.

There were 15 people at his first show. However, his invention in the form of a frilled blouse called "Bettina" won the hearts of many women. Many ladies wanted to have the same thing in their wardrobe. This model combined lightness, simplicity and sophistication, the thing was not pretentious, but at the same time it was very feminine.

The lack of financial resources did not prevent making things for the show. They were made of inexpensive fabric, but they were unusual due to the special cut, had an interesting design, and highlighted the positive aspects of the figure.

The first manufactured models of the Givenchy fashion house brought fame to the master. He was known as the man who created a revolution in the fashion world. However, this reputation did not characterize him, it was alien to the fashion designer - his main goal was not to surprise people, but to create really concise elements of clothing that emphasized the individual characteristics of a person.

The personal life of the master

The personal life of Hubert de Givenchy is a secret that he did not disclose. However, his meeting with O. Hepburn became significant in the life of a couturier. According to media reports, he could choose a suit for her for any occasion - going to a cultural institution or for everyday wear, and he himself loved this woman.

The fashion designer himself said about her that this woman is the one for whom he creates all things. According to some reports, he dedicated the first perfume he released to her, and after that all the perfumes for women released under the Givenchy brand were created under her influence.

Hepburn said that she was dependent on this fashion designer. This union brought great results, Audrey is rightfully considered a symbol of the fashion designer's house for almost 50 years. There is no data on the proximity between these people, whether it was love or just the work of two people is unknown. However, one can understand that everything done by Givenchy under the influence of Hepburn is done with love.

Audrey died of an incurable disease - cancer. During this period, her relatives and friends were with her - her husband, sons and Hubert. A couple of years after her death, Givenchy stopped doing business, and this fact is easy to explain - his muse was gone forever.

Hubert de Givenchy - Count, famous French couturier, founder of the fashion house of the same name. He became famous thanks to his collaboration with Audrey Hepburn and the creation of costumes for the movie "Sabrina". During his life he worked on collections of men's and women's clothing, perfumes, car design, a series of brands and so on. Currently retired, lives in his own estate in France.

“I am quite sure that the talent is given to me by God. I ask a lot of him and am very grateful for everything he has given me.”

A descendant of the legendary Venetian architects, Hubert de Givenchy inherited a unique gift from his great-grandfathers: to give his creations maximum expressiveness with a mean, concise stroke. Everything that he created, whether it be a bridesmaid outfit, the interior of a luxury car or a modest postage stamp, can be described in two words: simple perfection.

Biography and career

The surname Taffin has Italian roots, and originally sounded like "Taffini". The Taffini Venetians were skilled architects and frescoes, and came to France to build and decorate royal palaces and the houses of the Parisian nobility. In this they succeeded: in 1713, by royal decree, Taffini was granted land ownership and a noble title - the surname was adorned with the noble prefix “de”. Over time, it was adapted to the French pronunciation - Taffin de Givenchy.

Between two wars

Hubert's father, Lucien Tuffin de Givenchy, belonged to the upper strata of the French aristocracy and bore the title of marquis, which, according to the class hierarchy, is lower than a duke, but higher than a count. The time was restless - Europe was shaken by the First World War. Just at that time, the first aircraft appeared. Like Saint-Exupéry, Lucien, a romantic and a patriot, having become a pilot, went to the front...

He was lucky: he returned from the war alive and unharmed, and soon started a family with Beatrice Badin, the daughter of a wealthy manufacturer from the town of Beauvais, Oise district. It should be noted that the ancestors of Hubert de Givenchy on the maternal side were remarkable for their remarkable business acumen - and, at the same time, they had a delicate artistic taste. Quite a rare combination. The artist Jules Badin, who was Hubert's grandfather, created his own successful business - the production of tapestries. Great-grandfather, Jules Dieterly, was a designer (and owner of the Beauvais manufactories), another great-grandfather, Pierre-Adolf Badin, was the most famous painter of his time. The scenery of the Paris Grand Opera and the interiors of the Elysee Palace owe their beauty to the representatives of the Badin-Dieterle dynasty.

In 1925, Lucien and Beatrice had their first child, Jean-Claude, and two years later, in 1927, their second son. The younger was named Hubert James Marcel. The birthday of the future great couturier falls on February 21. Ahead of events, let's say: the second month of the year in his life has always been fateful. Opening your own enterprise, Oscars, high-profile premieres, landmark meetings - most of the milestones in the biography refer specifically to February.

The epidemic of the Spanish flu - a dangerous variety of influenza - swept across the continent in the late twenties, and forever crippled the health of Lucien de Givenchy. The pilot was forced to say goodbye to the sky. The children loved their father very much, and spent almost all the time near him, listening to stories about flights, air battles and everything that attracts boys so much. However, the youngest, still quite a fool, just listened to his native voice ... In 1930, the disease took its toll - Lucien died from complications. Hubert was two years old at the time. The boy reacted heavily to the loss of his father: he withdrew into himself and almost stopped talking. He will carry this isolation and silence through his whole life.

To help Beatrice raise the children, their grandmother, Marguerite Dieterli-Baden, moved in with them. Like most elderly French women from the provinces, Marguerite did not part with a special basket for needlework. Trying to occupy her grandson with something, the grandmother allowed him to play with the contents of this basket. How many entertaining gizmos were there, from the point of view of a two-year-old baby! But Hubert was especially interested in pieces of fabric. Despite the prosperity, economy reigned in the house, and every flap went into action. Over time, they accumulated a lot - velvet, cotton, woolen and silk, small and larger, different color and textures ... Hubert kept them in a special box, and for hours he could lay them out this way and that. Enjoying the touch, he unmistakably sorted the patches by touch. “They are alive,” the boy stubbornly repeated, in response to his brother's ridicule.

The son of a pilot, Hubert dreamed of conquering the skies. But one day an event revealed to him his calling.

1937, Paris. Universal Exhibition of Art and Technology. According to Beatrice, this is exactly what her sons should see. Jean-Claude, like most of his peers, considered inlays on hunting weapons of various kinds of cunning mechanisms. And Hubert... once in the Pavilion of Elegance, he forgot about everything in the world, and did not leave until he watched the shows of all 30 couturiers. Returning home, the boy began to draw from memory the outfits he saw in the capital. So, at the age of ten, Hubert decided on a profession - it was decided that he would sew clothes!

The Second World War broke out. Hard times have come for the Givenchy family. In 1940, her grandmother dies, and all the worries fall on the shoulders of Beatrice. Hubert never told anyone what they had to endure during the years of fascist occupation. It is only known that for the sake of children, a persistent woman took on any job - to care for the wounded, wash, sheathe officer wives ...

Towards a calling

Paris is liberated - and seventeen-year-old Hubert goes there, with the intention of asking to be an apprentice to one of the famous fashion creators. Relatives are at a loss: how is it, count - and suddenly a tailor ?? They hoped that the childhood passion would disappear over the years, like traces of chickenpox. With great difficulty, long persuasion, managed to convince the young de Givenchy to enter the National Higher School of Fine Arts.

But Hubert did not even think of parting with his dream: after serving the required hours at lectures, he went to the workshop of the famous couturier, Jacques Fat, where he drew sketches, receiving a modest reward for this. At the same time, the young artist looked closely at the work of the master, and he himself participated in the transfer of his models from paper to life. After some time, Hubert moved to another mentor - Robert Piqué became him, and a little later - Lucien Lelong. Lelong Givenchy worked side by side with the same young people, no one famous designers... their names were Pierre Balmain and Christian Dior.

Years will pass, and the seasoned couturier will remember his teachers with a kind word: “The most valuable thing in teaching the art of fashion is the knowledge that you get first-hand, from the master. It's like painting. No theory can replace the creator."

Schiaparelli - shock haute couture

Givenchy's collaboration with Elsa Schiaparelli was the longest - if Hubert did not stay with previous mentors for more than a year, then he worked with Schiaparelli for five whole years, until opening his own business.

Known for her avant-garde style, Elsa fascinated twenty-year-old Hubert by not being afraid to do something that no one had ever done before her. "Feel free to shock the public, they love it!" Elsa said.

Anniversary of the invention of wired communication? Amazing! Look, the handbag is pink, in the form of a telephone, with a dialer instead of a lock. Opening a shoe store… hmm. And, if you please: an exclusive hat in the shape of a woman's shoe! And how good is this one - just like a melted glass of ice cream. I guarantee: at the circus performance, the eyes of the audience will not be riveted to tigers and clowns - to you!

The extravagant lady knew how not only to shock. She brought to fashion a lot of comfortable and practical details. In particular, the fact that the zipper migrated from suitcases to casual clothes- the merit of Elsa Schiaparelli.

And even though the young count did not take over the rebellious moods of the mentor, without meeting her, he would not have become what he became. Hubert de Givenchy firmly learned: fashion is fraught with a lot of opportunities and surprises - so a young novice hides a playful look, wrapping herself in strict robes.

own business

Having gained a hand in managing one of the branches of the House of Schiaparelli, Hubert decided it was time to start his own business. He is only 25, among the venerable couturiers he is like a cabin boy among the sea wolves ... So what? After all, the idea was approved by Balenciaga himself, “the great architect of fashion”, friend and idol. On February 2, 1952, a new boutique, Givenchy, opened in Paris, near the Plein-Monceau park.

Givenchy boutique in Paris

Hubert did not have special hopes for the first show - the business had not yet got on its feet, and there was only enough money for the most inexpensive fabrics. Raw cotton shirting: no color, no texture… The collection went with a bang, thanks to impeccable silhouettes. And one of the creations even acquired the status of a cult: the blouse "Bettina", named after the French model Bettina Graziani, with luxurious ruffles on the sleeves, became a hit for many years. The first, while rare, clients reached out to the fashion designer.

Blouse Bettina. Hubert de Givenchy and Bettina Graziani

Hubert de Givenchy and Audrey Hepburn

In the summer of 1953, Givenchy read among the secretary's notes: "Hepburn, actress." Really?! Oscar-winning Kathleen Hepburn - and suddenly to him, which was almost forgotten? Slightly agitated, Hubert looked out the window and listened to the rustle of tires - the carriage of the eminent guest was about to slow down at the entrance ...

It took him a moment to notice the graceful figure in the doorway. The girl, almost a teenager, took off her funny hat, reminiscent of a gondolier headdress: “Good afternoon, let me introduce myself, Hepburn. Audrey Hepburn".

Trying not to show disappointment, the couturier invited the girl to sit down. Audrey needed dresses for the film Sabrina, but there was so little time left before filming began that it was not possible to sew outfits. Hubert offered to choose from ready-made products. The girl liked almost two dozen outfits, and the master only had to slightly adjust them to fit. Satisfied, the young actress left. Hubert soon forgot about this visit.

It turned out not for long. Thundered the news: the film "Sabrina" won an Oscar! In a single nomination. For the costumes. But the creator of the outfits, by an evil irony of fate, was one of the last to hear about it. The official costume designer was Edith Head, and she was awarded the statuette. Givenchy's name was not even mentioned in the credits.

And then little Audrey showed a downright steely character! She publicly announced the mistake, insisted on amending the protocol of the ceremony, and personally came to Hubert with an apology. On February 4, 1955, the award found its owner. But besides Oscar, Givenchy gained something else, incomparably more valuable. Namely, friendship with Audrey. Touching, strong, for life.

Hubert de Givenchy and Audrey Hepburn. Images from the movie "Sabrina"

Fragile Audrey became the Muse of Givenchy and the personification of his style. She dressed only from Givenchy, not recognizing other couturiers. And he, seized by a platonic feeling, did not want to see any women next to him, except for her.

Givenchy era

The vicissitudes associated with receiving the Oscar made Hubert famous overnight. Audrey also contributed, mentioning the couturier in numerous interviews, and appearing in public exclusively in clothes created by him.

The second half of the fifties and sixties passed under the sign of Givenchy: Marlene Dietrich and Greta Garbo, Grace Kelly and Princess Salima-aga-Khan, Jeanne Moreau, Baroness de Rothschild, Countess von Bismarck, Duchess of Windsor dressed with him ...

Dresses of different years

However, Givenchy fashion was not elite. The uniqueness of this couturier is that his clothes looked equally organic at secular receptions and on the streets of cities, in presidential apartments and in university auditoriums.

He created not only for the elect, and he himself often noted: truly fashion item- one in which you can walk down the street unnoticed. None other than Hubert de Givenchy introduced the concept of "ready-to-wear", that is, finished dress. The first luxury pret-a-porte collection debuted in 1954 and started a new trend in light industry. It's hard for us to imagine, but before that they traded only cuts of fabric, and each one sewed for himself, or turned to a tailor.

golden sunset

In the late eighties, Audrey Hepburn became seriously ill. Doctors discovered she had cancer. Around the same time, in 1988, Givenchy House was sold to LVMN Corporation. The former owner worked for some time at his native enterprise as a designer. To emphasize the commonality with the team, Hubert was always dressed in a uniform white coat.

Audrey's life ended in 1993, and two years later Hubert Givenchy realized that he could no longer create. And he retired.

Today, 88-year-old Hubertde Givenchy lives in a family estate in the suburbs of Paris, and is not interested in fashion. He collects antiques and heads the Paris branch of the Christie's auction.

He rarely gives interviews. But those mean lines that still get on the pages of the press indicate that he still loves life. “We are happy people, because we got a wonderful time. beautiful fabric, beautiful women, wonderful memories”… Yes, in that order. For Hubert de Givenchy, everything starts with the fabric.

The old count is silent for a while ... and repeats his words. Words little boy from the distant, distant past: “Fabric is the most unusual thing in the world. Treat her with respect. She is alive".

Now, after the departure of the master, the Givenchy company continues to develop, attracting young talented designers. New models are created in the spirit of the time, but, as before, elegance and beauty are in the foreground.

Givenchy, modern images


In addition to the aforementioned Oscar, Hubert James Marcel Tuffin de Givenchy has received many other awards and prizes. The most prestigious of them: the Order of the Legion of Honor (1983), the medal of the Order of Arts and Literature (1992). In 1970, the couturier's name was included in the International Best Dressed List, and his masterpieces graced the World Fashion Hall of Fame.


To visualize the features of the Givenchy style, just look at two famous women of that time: Audrey Hepburn and Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis. The way he created (actually created, did not sew) clothes is something akin to architecture: the nobility of proportions plus the functionality of every detail. Graceful lines, subtle pattern where it is permissible. And - nothing more. "Clean and simple - that's how I try to make each of my things." And he considered the little black dress the most difficult of his works. The one Audrey Hepburn wore in Breakfast at Tiffany's.

However, sometimes the master allowed himself to deviate from the generally accepted canons. To create new canons. The baggy dress (1957) looked like a cute prank in the spirit of Schiaparelli. But Givenchy did not miss: it was a mystery, an intrigue around the female body. The silhouette was a resounding success! Somewhat shortened, sack-dress, as it were, called: “Ladies, be bolder! Show more legs! What anticipated the era of mini-skirts.

Facets of Talent

Hubert de Givenchy is best known for women's clothing. But of course, the matter was not limited to her alone: ​​shoes, handbags, etc., and accessories from Givenchy served and serve as a symbol of French charm.

L'Interdit, the legendary Prohibition, was created in 1957 and dedicated, of course, to Audrey Hepburn. Perfume from Givenchy went on sale only three years later. Bottles literally swept off the shelves! Success gave rise to a new company - Parfums Givenchy. Over the entire period of the company's existence, more than fifty fragrances have been created, and still Givenchy perfumery remains recognizable and in demand all over the world.

In 1973, the couturier decided to pay attention men's fashion– and the Givenchy Gentleman collection saw the light. At the same time, a perfume with the same name was released.

Agreeing to the offer of Ford Motors, the artist from 1976 to 1983 was engaged in the design of luxury cars. And Hubert de Givenchy, together with Christian Dior, dressed the Doll of all times and peoples - Barbie. Givenchy philatelists are familiar with a series of stamps issued in 2007 for Valentine's Day.

Givenchy's favorite villa, Le Clos, was rebuilt according to his personal design, without the participation of architects. Near, with my own hands, the master laid out a garden, filling it with various exotic plants, which he carefully looked after.

Talent knows no limits...

Legendary couturier Hubert de Givenchy has died at the age of 91 in his sleep. The great-grandson of the French painter Pierre-Adolf Badin, the founder of the Givenchy fashion house and the favorite of the main American style icons of the second half of the 20th century, has been interested in fashion since childhood. Passion for fabrics and drawing made him enter the School of Fine Arts in Paris.

Moving from his native Beauvais to the French capital was a decisive step for Givenchy's career.

Here he went to work for fashion designer Jacques Fatu, and then continued his career in the best Parisian ateliers owned by Robert Piguet, Lucien Lelong, and eventually -.
Talent showed up almost immediately

at the age of 25, Hubert had already founded his fashion house Givenchy,

thus becoming the youngest creator of haute couture. The novice couturier suffered from financial difficulties, so for the first collection they had to use cheap fabrics. However, even despite this, she was a great success: an innovative cut made her body and floor-length skirts and white blouses made of raw cotton "Bettina" (named after his then muse Bettina Graziani) quickly fell in love with the French public.

In 1953, fateful meetings took place in the life of Givenchy. He met the designer Cristobal Balenciaga, who became his main mentor in the world of high fashion (it was Balenciaga who came up with new style dresses - a bag dress, which later inspired Givenchy). The most important acquaintance in his life was a meeting with an aspiring actress.

The creative tandem of the couturier and the actress helped Givenchy to forever enter the history of the world of high fashion.

They first met while trying on a dress for the filming of Sabrina. Then the fashion designer thought that a famous woman would come to him. Hollywood star Audrey's namesake - personifying femininity and elegance. What was his surprise when an unknown miniature girl appeared on the threshold with short haircut in checkered trousers and a simple T-shirt. Givenchy thought that the things he created would not suit Audrey. However, everything turned out to be completely different: Hepburn was delighted with the outfits she saw, and the fitting proved that the type of appearance of the actress perfectly emphasizes the style created by the couturier.
Thus, the outfit designed by Givenchy for the film Sabrina (floor-length bustier dress embroidered with flowers with a detachable train) became the hallmark of the film and even brought an Oscar for best costumes. Subsequently,

Photo from the filming of "Sabrina» (Sabrina), 1954

Audrey Hepburn Audrey became the main muse for Givenchy, a close friend and the embodiment of an ideal woman.

The fashion designer created for her clothes for everyday life and filming a movie. For example, among the collaborations were dresses for the films How to Steal a Million, Charade, Funny Face, Breakfast at Tiffany's.
Audrey inspired Givenchy so much that he even created the L "Interdit perfume for her. It was an exclusive version of the perfume, intended exclusively for Hepburn - the fragrance was not on sale. Only 7 years later, the fashion designer decided to provide the perfume to the general public. Naturally, a portrait of a film actress acted as an advertising company.

Audrey Hepburn was not the only star with whom the couturier had a chance to work - Givenchy created clothes for Greta Gabo, Grace Kelly and. For example, the famous emerald bolero dress in which Grace Kelly appeared at a reception at the White House in 1961 is his work. The second no less famous outfit is a lace coral dress, which the princess chose for a reception already in 1965.
Givenchy was also a big fan of US First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy. She entrusted the couturier to design a wardrobe for the presidential visit to France. The dress created by the fashion designer was appreciated by General de Gaulle himself, making the most exquisite compliment to the wife of the American president: “Madame, you seemed to have stepped out of a Watteau painting!” Subsequently,

wife Jacqueline Kennedy also ordered a dress for the funeral from Givenchy.

In 1988, Hubert de Givenchy decided to sell Givenchy to the LVMH group, and after 7 years he left the fashion house, retiring. Givenchy preferred not to discuss the activities of the new creative directors of the Givenchy brand. “I think that when you sell your company, you no longer have the right to manage it, and it’s pretty hard,” he said in a 2010 interview with British.
