Self-hypnosis: an immersive technique for beginners. Self Hypnosis: A Wish Fulfillment Technique Powerful Self Hypnosis

We met Alexander at the institute. He surprised me with his concentration, zeal for learning and love for experiments on himself.

Alexander trained holotropic breathing, and experimented with sleep, and trained memory in the strangest ways. In general, Alexander was entirely for self-development. For the longest time at the institute, he studied self-hypnosis. Gradually, he involved our entire company in his new hobby. The techniques he learned from books on psychology have helped him and us more than once in preparing for exams, important interviews, and problems in his personal life.

Self-hypnosis - self-immersion in a hypnotic state, trance. An important component of self-hypnosis is self-hypnosis. Hypnosis and self-hypnosis in particular opens up new possibilities of the brain that we often do not use, and sometimes do not even suspect of their existence.

Self-hypnosis is an individual work of consciousness, aimed at suggesting to oneself any attitudes, ideas.

The types of self-hypnosis are:

  1. Affirmations. An affirmation is the familiar repetition of positive or negative attitudes to yourself (but if you want concrete results that will make you happy, you should give yourself positive attitudes, right?). Our desire is to have big house, travel, money and happy marriage- will be more achievable when saying phrases to yourself - “I have a big house”, “I have a good expensive car”, “my loved ones are healthy and live in abundance”, and so on.
  2. Gratitude. The main thing is to feel gratitude, thank fate and higher powers for a “happy marriage”, “healthy and beautiful children”, “a promising new job”, even if you don’t have it now. A constant “thank you” puts you in a positive mood and changes your life for the better by attracting what you want into your life.
  3. Visualization. By mentally drawing pictures that are pleasant to the heart, you are programming your consciousness to achieve fantasy. The more focused you are on the desired picture, the more relaxed you are - the better the picture emerges, the closer you are to achieving your dream. It is advisable to repeat the visualization as often as possible - several times a week.
  4. Meditation, immersion in a trance. At this moment of thought, the whole cycle of thoughts must be turned off, focusing only on physical sensations. Mentally pronouncing the installation, it is important to feel yourself not in reality, but in ... emptiness. “Enter” with this mindset into the wasteland, stay there for a while (at your discretion), and return with this mindset to reality.

The technique of self-hypnosis and self-hypnosis differ in that in the first case there is no need to enter a trance state. Self-hypnosis, unlike self-hypnosis, has no harmful effects (provided that the thoughts are positive and aimed only at improving your affairs and condition).

Method of active self-hypnosis

Used by A. S. Romen. This technique is based on the balance and harmony of the human mind and body. Consists of two stages:

1) Complete relaxation. It is necessary to feel not only lightness, but also the heaviness (immobility) of each part of the body. Start small - with arms and legs. It is necessary to feel such heaviness in the arms and legs that it is difficult to lift them or move the fingers. Even when making an effort, raising the arm should be done slowly and heavily.

2) Achieve the sensations you need. For example, feelings of coolness. Feel it throughout your body. And then, try to feel coolness (coldness) in only one part of the body - in the arm, leg, around the head. If after months of training you can feel coolness in your left hand (for example) and heat in your right hand, then you have succeeded in mastering this technique!

Autosuggestion (self-suggestion) is a meditation technique that excludes the hypnotic state. This is the same self-hypnosis, but the main task is to relax in the process without entering a trance state. Autogenic self-hypnosis training also helps to give up bad habits, convince yourself of the achievability of your goals.

The technique of self-hypnosis was first proposed by the pharmacist Emile Coué. Experimentally, he noticed that self-hypnosis directly affects a person's body movements. For example, a person mentally representing a circle, holding another object in his hand, will make movements in the form of a circle, trying to give the object in his hand a rounded shape.

How to learn self-hypnosis? Just practice regularly! Don't expect instant results, enjoy the process. And over time, you will notice how your workouts have progressed significantly.

Self-hypnosis technique

The main thing to understand is that the subconscious does not distinguish between the imaginary and the real. And by programming itself for a certain mood, the subconscious mind tries to adapt to it, you change, and the reality around you also changes.

First, try to retire to a quiet place. Don't let outside sounds distract you.

For self-hypnosis, you need to relax as much as possible, choose a calm environment for this.

The first practical exercises should not end in a hypnotic state, it is enough to learn how to enter a light trance. Try to see yourself from the outside.

For the first time, try self-hypnosis in front of a mirror. Don't expect instant results. Feel the tension pass through each muscle in your body in turn. The sensations that a person experiences during a dive are similar to reading a prayer or meditation.

Each time, you will get better and better at relaxing, focusing on one thing. The technique itself consists of 5 stages, in total it takes half an hour.

Let's see how to use self-hypnosis to convince yourself to give up nicotine addiction.

  1. stage. Focus on one goal, desire. Speak to yourself the result of the goal, the result. We analyze what resources we have now to achieve the goal. We think how to change the current situation. For example, we made a firm promise to ourselves to stop smoking from Monday. We have identified for ourselves: smoking is a big problem that needs to be eliminated
  2. stage. Completely relax physically and emotionally.
  3. stage. Visualization of the process and result in achieving the goal.
  4. stage. Declaring the desired result.
  5. stage. Exit from the hypnotic state.

How to do self-hypnosis

It is important to clearly articulate your desires: “I want to quit smoking”, “I want to build a house”, “I want a leadership position”. Self-hypnosis does not work with the “not” particle, so the requests “I don’t want to be a subordinate”, “I don’t want to live in a rented apartment” will be heard without this particle. And then the requests “I want to be a subordinate”, “I want to live in a rented apartment” are obtained.

The method of self-hypnosis is a great technique for exploring your capabilities, because we all know that the human psyche is capable of much more than we use in everyday life.

Self-hypnosis only works if you do it regularly. Don't put off exercising too long.

Sleep self-hypnosis is considered to be a productive form of influence. In a dream, we process all the information received during the day, we see the most important in the form of dreams and remember it on a subconscious level.

self-hypnosis lessons

For training, you can try the following method:

Sit comfortably. Focus on a point or object in front of you. Take a deep breath and exhale 3 times to relax the muscles. This exercise uses your hearing, sight and smell. In 3 sentences, tell yourself what you hear, see, feel.

Again, do the “inhale-exhale” exercises, reduce the number of sentences to two. Then inhale and exhale again, say one sentence about each of the three senses. After that, completely relax again, try to look at yourself from the outside. Feel your body completely immobilized.

Stay in this position for a few minutes, and then start repeating the desire that is paramount for you now: quit bad habits, bring prosperity, money, new opportunities to life.


Try self-hypnosis as soon as you finish reading this article. The sooner you start practicing, the sooner you will get the first results. With the help of self-hypnosis, you can get rid of bad habits, attract money and prosperity, attract happy events into your life. Go ahead and remember that we ourselves create our own destiny. Good luck!

simple and effective psychotechniques

Suggestion is the presentation of information, perceived without critical evaluation and influencing the course of neuropsychic processes. Self-hypnosis is a process of suggestion addressed to oneself. Through self-hypnosis, sensations, ideas, emotional states and volitional impulses can be evoked, as well as have an impact on the autonomic functions of the body.
The essence of self-hypnosis methods is the formation of positive impulses by constantly repeating specially selected phrases until they turn into a working tool of your subconscious and it begins to act according to this thought impulse, transforming it into a physical equivalent. Repetition of settings for the subconscious is the basis of self-hypnosis.
Words and phrases of self-hypnosis must be mentally pronounced in the first person in an imperative tone and always in an affirmative form. The negative particle "not" in verbal formulas is excluded. You can't say "I don't smoke". You need to say "I quit smoking" or "I stopped smoking." You should also not pronounce long monologues. Phrases should be short, they should be pronounced slowly with full concentration of attention on the subject of suggestion. During the pronunciation of each phrase of self-hypnosis, it is desirable to vividly represent what is being suggested.
Self-hypnosis methods are most effective when active thoughts in the form of target formulas (thoughts that carry a clear, meaningful setting to the subconscious) proceed against the background of a state of relaxation of the body. The more relaxed the body, the more pliable the subconscious becomes for target settings. The power of self-hypnosis is directly dependent on the degree of desire to achieve the set specific goal, on the degree of concentration of attention on the settings for the subconscious.
There is enough a large number of self-hypnosis methods are affirmations, psychological attitudes, various meditative techniques, visualization, mantras, prayers and many other psychotechnics.


Affirmations are a self-suggestion method where you repeat formulas out loud or to yourself. The meaning of this psychotechnics is that you build a sentence in which you report that you have achieved a certain goal. For example, “I am in good health”, “I am confident in myself”, “I have a good job”, “I am married to my beloved”. What exactly to repeat depends on your goal. Thanks to affirmations, positive thoughts will begin to replace negative ones and gradually completely replace them. And then everything that you repeat will come true in your life.
Gratitude is a kind of affirmation, but a much more powerful psychotechnic. Gratitude is the second most powerful emotion after love. Because when we thank, strong emotions arise at the same time, and this is a powerful effect on the psyche and consciousness. You need to be grateful for everything that you have and say: “Thank you, Lord, for good health”, “Thank you for my new house”, even if you don't have one. Thank you sincerely, from the bottom of your heart, as if you already have this house. And over time, self-hypnosis will do its job and you will have the repeatable.
For this psychotechnics, the most ordinary state of a person, in which he usually lives every day, is suitable. The effectiveness of affirmations will depend on how much the practitioner can make the spoken words the essence, the content of his whole day. That is, you can do anything you like: work, relax, play sports, sunbathe, so long as the necessary affirmation continues to live on the surface of memory.
Affirmations are the most simple method self-hypnosis and, accordingly, this is the easiest way to influence the subconscious, they are less powerful than visualization and they need to be repeated more often. But they are also effective and easy to use.


Visualization is the mental representation and experience of imaginary events. The essence of this psychotechnics is simply to imagine the desired situation and live in it. Visualization is so effective because our mind does not distinguish between real and imagined events. When you imagine something, the mind thinks it is actually happening. It is very important to perceive everything with your own eyes. Not from above, not from the side, but with your own eyes. If you imagine a car, you must imagine that you are driving this car and you are looking at the road. Your goal is to buy a house. Imagine how you insert the keys into the keyhole for the first time and open the door, how you enter the house, how you inspect it. Your visualization should be only positive and carry an exclusively positive charge.
You need to visualize in a comfortable, calm environment, so choose a time and place when no one will distract you, and take a comfortable position. Relax. Imagine that your muscles, starting with your toes and ending with your head, alternately relax. The tension leaves you. The mental image that is placed in the subconscious must be very clear and bright - then the subconscious will be able to give a command to the relevant organs and tissues.
The duration of this psycho-technique does not matter much. The main criterion is your satisfaction. Visualize yourself for as long as you like. It can last for an hour or five minutes. Most importantly, the process should be fun. The more often you submit the desired image, the sooner the update process will begin. And the results you get will simply amaze you!


When performing this psychotechnics, a person takes a comfortable position sitting or lying down, closes his eyes, relaxes and in a whisper, without any tension, several times (at least 20) monotonously pronounces the same self-hypnosis formula. The formula should be simple, consisting of a few words, a maximum of 3-4 phrases and always have a positive content. For example, "I'm healthy." In no case should it contain the particle “not”, since the denial of any action or phenomenon is not recognized by the subconscious and can be mistaken for the opposite statement. A session of this method of self-hypnosis lasts 3-4 minutes, repeated 2-3 times a day for 6-8 weeks. E. Coue recommended using prosleep states in the morning when waking up or in the evening when falling asleep for psychotechnical sessions.


Autogenic training is a method of self-hypnosis in a state of relaxation (lower stage) or hypnotic trance (higher stage). The creator of the method of autogenic training is Johans Heinrich Schultz, he also owns the term “autogenic training”. This psychotechnics is based on the findings of the ancient Indian system of yogis, the experience of studying the sensations of people immersed in hypnosis, the practice of using the method of self-hypnosis by E. Kue and others.
Practicing this method of self-hypnosis, it is necessary to achieve relaxation, which comes on the verge of reality and sleep. It is recommended to lie or sit in the "coachman" position. To achieve relaxation, you need to:
- activate memories associated with pleasant sensations experienced in the past,
- to cause, if necessary, not only calming, but also an increase in psycho-emotional tone,
- accompany the self-hypnosis formulas with figurative representations.
The effectiveness of the application of this psycho-technique will depend on the degree of concentration, so other cases are excluded. The self-hypnosis method requires daily practice, at least twice a day. Skipping at least one is extremely bad for achieving the effect.
A variety of autogenic training is imago - training. The author of this method of self-hypnosis is Valery Avdeev. He claims that with the help of imago-training, each person, without any training, is able to step far (under the direct supervision of an imago-training specialist) beyond their usual capabilities and reveal their creative abilities.


Meditation is an intense, penetrating contemplation, immersion of consciousness into the essence of an object, an idea, which is achieved by focusing on one thing and eliminating all interfering factors, both external and internal, from the consciousness.
A necessary condition for meditation is the cessation of the internal dialogue, the conversation that we constantly have with ourselves. It's very easy to stop it. To do this, it is usually enough to focus on something in yourself. For example, on both hands at once.
Meditation is a psychotechnique that allows you to repeatedly increase your physical, intellectual and mental capabilities, reaction speed and much, much more, in principle, it is very simple. It can be conditionally divided into four parts, four components:
- installation definition;
- entry into a state of emptiness and a real feeling of a given setting in oneself;
- exit from the state of emptiness to the normal state with the installation already embedded in the subconscious;
- if it is necessary to fulfill the installation, spontaneous entry into a state of thoughtlessness and its implementation.
Installations should be extremely concise, capacious and at the same time bright.


Self-hypnosis is one of the most powerful psychotechniques. The first step is to relax. Then you need to calm down and enter a state of peace. Then say the phrase "I sleep deeply ...". Then you should mentally calculate from five to zero, imagining how you are breaking away from the familiar world further and further, plunging deeper and deeper into the darkness of hypnotic oblivion. After counting "zero", once again say the key phrase "I am a deep sleep ..." and mentally look around. You are inside your subconscious. Now it's time to say the formula that will help you reach this state faster in the future. It sounds like this: "Each time I say the words "I am a deep sleep ...", I enter the state of self-programming faster and faster."
This formula must be repeated at each of the first lessons several times, and only after that, pronounce the self-hypnosis formulas.


Recapping is an effective psychotechnique that makes it possible to relive - in the virtual space - a concentrated experience of the past situation, but to experience it in a new way. Re-experiencing is seeing new possibilities in the old situation, and not for then, but for new possibilities now. We are talking about situations that are still significant. Only therefore it makes sense to experience them, only therefore they can be experienced. To really relive a situation is to see new possibilities in it.
The main provisions of this psychotechnics are as follows:
1. The situation must be re-experienced (real experience), and not just restored in memory.
2. The situation must be experienced in its significant components, which alone make it a given existential situation. The reality of the significant components of the situation is determined by the fact that they can be deployed, there is something in them that can be seen anew, rethought, and so on.
3. It is necessary to restore, reproduce in a situation what happened for you personally. A situation is always your personal, individual, existential situation. And what was around there is a gradually dissolving, disappearing background.


For this method of self-hypnosis, an active state is important, when a person's consciousness reaches the maximum degree of composure. Therefore, during the implementation of the mood, it is necessary to behave as actively as possible: it is best to walk or move vigorously, but not lie down. However, it is not recommended to be distracted by any other activity.
Tune in these words addressed by a person to himself, an attempt to awaken the forces dormant in the depths of each of us. From the fact that the words are pronounced by the person himself, their influence will not weaken. On the contrary, a conscious and clearly expressed word coming from within, in which the speaker himself believes, will have a much more pronounced effect than heard from another.


Visualize above your head a deflated balloon. Take a deep breath and as you exhale imagine how all your problems and anxieties, fears, worries and various troubles fill this ball. You are completely relieved of these worries by filling the balloon with them. Then, taking another deep breath, as you exhale, visualize the balloon floating up and disappearing, taking with it all your worries and problems that you put into it. This is a great mental technique and is best done before bed, especially if problems are preventing you from sleeping.


This psychotechnics was developed by Gennady Andreevich Shichko. He experimentally established that the word that a person writes with his hand before going to bed, in terms of the power of influence on the subconscious, is a hundred times greater than the word seen, said or heard.
Psychotechnics is performed as follows. Before going to bed, write the suggestion formula on a piece of paper with a pen (you can write it several times). Read it several times. Then go to bed and, pronouncing the suggestion formula, fall asleep.

Non-traditional treatment (alternative medicine, alternative medicine) is based on experience gained over several millennia different nations. It has proved its effectiveness already by the fact that non-traditional methods of treatment have existed throughout the history of mankind and are in demand at the present time. The advantage of alternative medicine, first of all, is that it uses natural remedies that are safe and harmless. Its other advantage is the alternative nature of not traditional methods treatment, that is, the possibility of choosing different ways of healing (you can turn to alternative medicine if academic medicine is powerless), and sometimes you can combine traditional and alternative treatment.
Traditional methods of treatment are very effective in exacerbation of diseases, in conditions requiring immediate assistance, quick and competent treatment. Such treatment can only be prescribed by an experienced doctor.
Non-traditional treatment - best helper in chronic diseases, when it is necessary to strengthen the body, prevent the development of the disease, the appearance of exacerbations or complications, when there is no momentary danger to life or the severity of the disease. Herbal teas, honey treatment, hardening, mud therapy, aromatherapy, etc. - better ways disease prevention and health promotion.
Traditional medicine is not always effective. Long-term use of drug therapy for chronic diseases is often accompanied by side effects, which significantly reduces the therapeutic effect, and sometimes leads to the emergence of new pathological conditions.
Reasons why people choose alternative medicine:
1. Inefficiency of traditional methods of treatment.
2. The desire to recover and gain good health, which traditional medicine could not give.
3. Desire to reduce the amount of medication taken.
4. The belief that traditional medicine treats the symptoms and not the cause of the disease.
5. Desire to improve the quality of life.
To compare traditional and alternative medicine, it is necessary to understand the theoretical foundations of the two systems, which determine the methods of treatment.
1. Traditional medicine believes that its task is to treat the disease. Alternative medicine believes that its task is health care, health promotion.
2. The main methods of treatment of traditional medicine are drugs and surgery. The main alternative medicine treatments are exercise, diet, homeopathy, honey, acupuncture, etc.
3. Conventional medicine believes that treatment is an attempt to cure a diseased organ. Alternative medicine believes that the treatment is to stimulate the process of self-healing.
4. Traditional medicine believes that the main attention should be paid to the constituent parts, matter. Alternative medicine believes that the focus should be on the whole, energy.
5. According to traditional medicine, the doctor must suppress and eliminate the symptoms. According to non-traditional treatment, the doctor must identify the cause of disharmony and imbalance.
6. The task of traditional medicine is to fight the disease. The task of alternative medicine is to restore the harmony of the body, spirit and mind.
7. Traditional medicine believes that disease occurs when the constituent parts are damaged. Alternative medicine believes that disease occurs when the balance of energy and vitality is disturbed.
8. According to traditional medicine, the body consists of separate parts and is a mechanism. According to alternative medicine, the body is a single whole and is part of the universe.
9. Traditional medicine believes that the mind, body and spirit are separate. Alternative medicine believes that they are one.
1. Azonotherapy.
2. Acupuncture (acupuncture, acupuncture) is a method of treating many diseases with injections (special needles) at certain points of the body.
3. Apitherapy - treatment with bee products, the use of bee venom and its preparations for therapeutic purposes.
4. Aromatherapy - non-traditional treatment with essential oils.
5. Autogenic training - impact on the physical and mental condition through self-hypnosis.
6. Aerosol therapy - inhalation of aerosols of medicinal substances for the purpose of prevention and treatment of respiratory diseases.
7. Aeroionotherapy - treatment of inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract with ionized air.
8. Balneology - a section of balneology that studies mineral water and their therapeutic and prophylactic use.
9. Barotherapy - non-traditional treatment with high or low air pressure.
10. Bioenergy therapy - treatment with the help of biological energy.
11. Vibrotherapy - a method of treating diseases with the help of vibration created by special devices.
12. Hydrotherapy (hydrotherapy) - the use of water for preventive and therapeutic purposes in the form of local and general baths, rubdowns, showers, wraps, compresses, douches.
13. Heliotherapy - sunbathing treatment.
14. Hirudotherapy - treatment with leeches.
15. Medical fasting - a method of treating obesity and a number of other diseases by temporary restriction or complete cessation of food intake.
16. Homeopathy - the use of minimal doses of substances that cause phenomena in large doses that are similar to the signs of the disease.
17. Mud therapy - a method of thermotherapy with mud of mineral-organic origin, as well as mud-like substances (peat, clay, etc.). Apply in the form of general or local mud baths, applications, tampons.
18. Diathermy - deep heating of tissues with high-frequency and high-power currents received from a special apparatus.
19. Non-traditional treatment with kerosene.
20. Treatment with hydrogen peroxide.
21. Treatment with blue iodine.
22. Breath healing.
23. Lithotherapy - non-traditional stone treatment.
24. Magnetotherapy - treatment with constant and pulsed magnetic fields.
25. Manual therapy - a complex of biomechanical techniques performed by hands aimed at eliminating pain and restoring mobility of the spine and joints.
26. Metal therapy - applying plates of various metals to the body.
27. Naturotherapy - treatment with medicinal products of natural, mineral, plant or animal origin.
28. Naftalan treatment - therapeutic use of Naftalan oil in the form of steam or solar heating baths.
29. Osteopathy.
30. Paraffin treatment - the use of molten paraffin in the form of applications, layering or baths.
31. Turpentine baths.
32. Stone therapy - a massage technique using various natural stones.
33. Thalassotherapy - treatment with sea water, seaweed, salt and mud.
34. Peat therapy - a type of mud therapy: applications from peat that meets certain requirements, heated to a temperature of 42-52 ° C.
35. Urine therapy - external or internal use of human or animal urine for therapeutic purposes. Traditional medicine treats it extremely negatively.
36. Ultrasonic wave therapy.
37. Phytotherapy - treatment with medicinal herbs.
38. Fungotherapy - non-traditional treatment with mushrooms.
Some of the above methods are of limited use in traditional medicine when traditional therapy cannot be applied or in the treatment of chronic, non-life-threatening diseases.
The most common non-traditional treatment in China and Russia. In other countries, it is prohibited or strictly limited.
Sit in a chair and begin conscious diaphragmatic breathing. When inhaling, the diaphragm descends and the abdomen protrudes; when exhaling, the diaphragm rises and the abdomen retracts. Breathe like this for 2-3 minutes. Then start breathing through the diseased organ. Let's say your liver is playing tricks - not so much that hospitalization is required, but slightly - and you would like to get rid of this "sore" with minimal and natural means. Imagine that you are breathing in and out right through your aching liver. After some time, you will have some sensations in the liver area: tingling, pulsation, warming up, etc. Very good, this is a signal that the technique has "started". Exercises are performed regularly, at least three times a week, for 10-15 minutes. Similarly, you can work with any other organ except the heart and head. With any of your "sores" you should cope with a maximum of 20 sessions or feel, in any case, significant relief. If it doesn't, then you're doing something wrong. Very often, the beginning of recovery is outwardly accompanied by an exacerbation of the disease. Keep this in mind and don't be scared if you encounter it. In this case, continue classes as before. Such exacerbations usually last only a few days, then there is a significant improvement, and a speedy recovery. Much worse if your classes are not accompanied by any symptoms at all.
This method can also be attributed to an unconventional method of treatment. Sit on a chair, put your elbows on the table, clench the palms of your hands into fists in the form of tubes and place them between the eyebrows (third eye). When inhaling through the mouth, imagine that we are taking energy through the tube created by the fists and directing it to the organ (muscle) that we want to improve, for example, the stomach. Then comes a pause (holding the breath), during which the energy accumulates there with the corresponding positive wishes. After that, attention switches to the organ (or place) that hurts and we want to cure it, for example bladder or knee, and at the same time exhalation begins. During exhalation through the mouth, you imagine how a black stream comes out of the diseased organ negative information that you are burning. You need to do at least 10 minutes daily, preferably more. It is difficult to name a sore that could not be removed with the help of this energy breathing. You can treat diseases of internal organs, you can remove body fat, you can, on the contrary, build up and strengthen muscles. There is evidence of successful removal of dangerous neoplasms.
Melt water is formed when ice melts. The main feature of melt water is that its structure is similar to the structure of our blood. It is perceived by the body as its own component, and is easily and quickly absorbed. Melt water has internal energy and, when consumed, powerfully stimulates the human body. If you use melt water, then after about 5-7 months, your overall health will improve significantly, your working capacity will increase, and your sleep time will decrease. The systematic use of melt water cleanses the blood and lymph, all internal organs and skin. At the same time, the work of the cardiovascular system improves, metabolic processes are activated, you feel an unprecedented influx of strength and energy, the whole body is healed and rejuvenated.
We heat the water in a saucepan with an open lid to a white key, i.e. bubbles emerge in a stormy chain, but the water as a whole does not boil. Close the lid and put the pan in cold running water - cool quickly. We get degassed water, which has a number of healing properties. Washing the affected areas of the skin leads to their rapid healing - the elimination of eczema, burns, bruises. When rinsing, it cleans the teeth, strengthens the gums, and successfully treats a sore throat. When ingested, it has an effective analgesic effect, improves peristalsis. It has been proven that degassed water is superior to thawed water in terms of biological effect, but its use must be dosed and strictly individual. When working with degassed water, you should always remember that as it re-saturates with gas, it gradually loses its biological activity. Therefore, it is more efficient to always use freshly prepared water and try to pour it as little as possible. And one more feature - degassed water is much softer than melted water. G.P. Malakhov recommends drinking it to dry, constrained people with reduced calorific values. Melt water in cold form is well suited for obese people with pronounced calorific abilities. Degassed water is a very effective remedy for restoring and strengthening health.
An unconventional method of treatment with leeches has existed for several millennia. The leech, having bitten through the skin, introduces saliva into the human body, which contains more than a hundred different beneficial enzymes. These enzymes have a huge number of medicinal effects. They reduce blood clotting, destroy blood clots, restore blood microcirculation, break down body fat, increase immunity and much more.
Non-traditional treatment with leeches should be carried out by a specialist - a hirudotherapist. He prescribes a course of treatment and indicates the number of sessions and the number of leeches per session. Self-treatment is possible, but for this the patient must undergo special courses.
Currently, alternative medicine has accumulated a lot of experience in the treatment of leeches. All points are known where leeches should be placed when various diseases. This method of alternative medicine is becoming more and more popular today. Hirudotherapy. Treatment with leeches is very effective method treatment of many diseases.
Clay treatment is one of the most highly effective methods used in alternative medicine since ancient times. For therapeutic use, different types of clay are used. They differ in color chemical composition and fat content. The most valuable variety is blue Cambrian clay. This is a universal healer. It contains all the mineral salts and trace elements that we need. External use of blue clay gives excellent results in the treatment of skin diseases - eczema, psoriasis, spurs and warts, in the treatment of arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis, bruises and stretch marks. blue clay used for mastitis and varicose veins. It has been established that clay has a strong antitumor effect, which extends to both benign and malignant tumors. IN traditional medicine clay is used for a very wide range of diseases.
Before use, the clay must be well dried, crushed into powder, cleaned of foreign inclusions. Then fall asleep in an enamel basin, pour clean, boiled, warm water, but not hot, otherwise you can kill all the biologically active substances contained in it and let it stand for several hours. In the process of cooking, contact of clay with metal should be avoided. After 2 - 3 hours, stir the clay with your hands or with a wooden spatula and bring to the consistency of sour cream or mastic. It is advisable to keep the vessel with clay more often and longer in the sun. This ready-to-use solution can be stored indefinitely.
A clay tile 2 cm thick is laid on gauze or just on the skin, slightly larger than the sore spot. Clay can be cold or slightly heated in a water bath to 40 ... 45 degrees. The duration of compresses is 2-3 hours. The course of treatment is usually 12 - 15 procedures.
Contraindications: Do not use in heart disease, acute inflammatory processes, hypertension and kidney disorders.
Kerosene is obtained from oil by boiling it in the temperature range of 200–300 ° C. It is lighter than water and does not dissolve in it. For treatment in alternative medicine, only purified kerosene is used. He has many medicinal properties and non-traditional treatment of them is becoming more and more popular.
However, if used incorrectly, it can cause great harm to health.
The tincture of walnuts on kerosene - todikamp - is very widely used in alternative medicine.
Non-traditional treatment with kerosene is used for the following diseases: tonsillitis, warts, bronchitis, sinusitis, leukemia, lichen, sciatica, wounds, erysipelas and many others.
Apitherapy is a treatment with bee products. These include: honey, propolis, perga, royal jelly and others.
Non-traditional honey treatment has been practiced for many centuries. Honey is one of the most reliable and proven experience. medicines, it is used to treat wounds and burns, for diseases of the cardiovascular system, liver, gastrointestinal tract, for colds and many other diseases.
Propolis is formed from resinous substances collected by bees and mixed with their secretions from the salivary glands. It's fabulous effective remedy for treatment huge amount diseases. Alternative treatment with propolis preparations often turns out to be more effective than treatment patented chemotherapeutic agents.
Bee pollen is a flower pollen collected by bees, filled with honey and sealed in cells of honeycombs in which its lactic acid fermentation takes place. At the end of all these chemical reactions, bee bread is obtained. It is several times more active than pollen. Perga has an anti-inflammatory effect, strengthens the immune system, increases potency and sexual desire. It has a beneficial effect on the entire human body as a whole.
Non-traditional treatment with honey, propolis and bee bread are the most popular folk methods treatment.
Hydrogen peroxide is a transparent, colorless, non-flammable, tasteless and odorless liquid. It was first received in 1818. It is 1.5 times heavier than water and mixes with it in any ratio.
Alternative treatment with hydrogen peroxide is now increasingly used. Hydrogen peroxide is an excellent healing agent and, if used correctly, can be a panacea for many intractable diseases. However, you should be extremely careful when using it. The main thing is not to overdose and be sure to consult a doctor.

Researchers of the Egyptian pyramids have found that their smaller copies have healing properties. Thanks to this discovery, it became possible to use in health practice different kinds pyramids.
Non-traditional treatment with pyramids gives good health-improving results:
The blood composition improves quite quickly, blood pressure normalizes, pain subsides, bone fractures, wounds and other injuries heal rapidly.
In a month and a half, you can get rid of osteochondrosis.
You can cure impotence and mastopathy.
A person who has been in the pyramid acquires immunity from many diseases.

Learning the technique of self-hypnosis does not require a significant investment of time. A few exercises are enough to learn how to put yourself into a trance state, in which you can inspire your subconscious with the necessary commands - to overcome a phobia, lose weight, stop smoking. Having studied simple techniques self-hypnosis, you can move on to hypnotize other people.

What gives the ability to put yourself into a hypnotic trance? Perhaps you want to acquire new knowledge (learn English language, do , master chess). After a few sessions of self-hypnosis with the immersion technique, your learning abilities will increase many times over.

Preparatory exercises

To use self-hypnosis to fulfill your desires, you first need to enter a trance state. Those who are not yet familiar with this technique should go (the page with preparatory exercises will open in a new tab).

To learn the technique of self-hypnosis, you will need a tape recorder or MP3 player, as well as a recording of a self-hypnosis program, the text of which you will find in this article. In the future, it will be possible to refuse to listen to the recording, but at the initial stage it is necessary.

It should be borne in mind that self-hypnosis and active self-hypnosis work effectively only if no one distracts you during the session. Turn off your phone, choose a time when no one is guaranteed to disturb you for at least half an hour. You can have a session before going to bed or immediately after waking up.

So, take a comfortable position, do the preparatory exercises, turn on the recording with the self-hypnosis session (let's call it "Record No. 1"). For the first time, it will be unusual for you to hear your own voice, but in the future this inconvenience will disappear.

Preparing "Record No. 1"

Dictate this text into a voice recorder or record it on a computer using a microphone and special software. If you don't have the software you need, you can download the Audacity program.

“Close your eyes and take a deep breath (pause 3-5 seconds). Now exhale, feel your body relax. Concentrate on your toes. Imagine that they are filled with warm water, become heavy, tired.

Now imagine that water begins to gradually fill your body, every cell of it. It passes into the soles of the feet (pause of 3-5 seconds), spills into the calves and shins (pause of 3-5 seconds), in the kneecaps. Rises higher to the hips and fills the stomach. Take a deep breath, hold your breath (pause 3-5 seconds). Now exhale.

Warm water begins to fill your chest and flow down the arms - from the shoulders to the fingertips. Muscles become heavy, completely relaxed. Warm water fills the neck and face, reaching the top of the head. Your eyelids get heavy and close... close... close."

Note: when you dictate the text of the introductory technique of self-hypnosis, pronounce it in an even, monotonous voice, without any intonations. There is no need to hurry too much, the speech of the hypnotist should be measured. You do not need to read the text enclosed in brackets.

“Imagine that you are in a cave in which twilight reigns. In front of you is a staircase illuminated by a mysterious light source. This staircase has five steps. Now I'm going to ask you to start going down it. With each subsequent step, you will relax more and more, sink into a state of half sleep.

Go to the fifth step. Feel how your muscles become flabby and limp. You cannot move, neither hand nor foot. Get down to the fourth step. It's nice and comfortable here, all the problems are left behind. Third step. Try to forget that you have a body. Get down to the second step. Nerve endings lose sensitivity.

You have reached the first step and now you are completely relaxed. Allow yourself to enjoy comfort and serenity."

Note: at this stage of self-hypnosis, the brain begins to work in alpha rhythm. It means that critical thinking disabled, and you can make a suggestion. The text of the suggestion is compiled in any form, depending on what goals you are pursuing.

For example, if you want to overcome the fear of public speaking in front of a large audience with the help of self-hypnosis, then you can read the following text:

“You like talking to people. You feel relaxed and confident. The audience listens to every uttered word, applause is heard. You express your thoughts easily and freely.

After it has been said, you will need to end the session. Abrupt exit from the state of self-hypnosis can cause a headache, as well as a slight malaise.

Exercise completed, in the next article we will discuss the technique of inducing hypnotic sleep in other people.

Self Hypnosis: An Immersive Technique

Self-hypnosis is a convenient and in many ways useful practice that allows a person to independently induce an altered state in himself and control his subconscious. At the same time, if in the classical form of hypnosis the presence of a specialist is necessary for entering a trance, then here the functions of a doctor and a patient are combined. Immersion in your own inner world, using special techniques of self-hypnosis, gives anyone who wishes it the opportunity to work on themselves, change for the better, get rid of existing psychological and physical problems.

Self-hypnosis allows a person to personally explore the depths of his subconscious, find sources of trouble, control emotions, understand his thoughts and direct them in a positive direction. In a state of trance, you can easily analyze any situation and find a way out of it, get rid of addictions and inspire yourself with new positive attitudes.

For practitioners, the self-hypnosis technique is an ideal tool for inner liberation, self-discovery, and personal development. The mechanism of action is quite simple and after a short training such classes are available to everyone. The therapeutic effect of self-hypnosis is similar to the effect of meditation on a person; it can also be equated to specific methods of auto-training.

The effectiveness of this type of practice depends on the duration and systematic nature of training. How longer man works on himself, doing self-hypnosis, the easier it is for him to independently find himself in a state of hypnotic trance and use all the possibilities of close contact with the subconscious to solve the problems he needs. The acquired skill helps to use the internal reserves of the body, correct behavior, launch renewal mechanisms and grow further. This technique is universal. Self-hypnosis can be used, if necessary, at any time convenient for the individual, without waiting for a visit to the doctor. It does not really matter and the environment in order to quickly plunge into a trance. You can call the changed state at will. This also sets self-hypnosis apart from its classic form, medical hypnosis.

Self-hypnosis: benefits

Life is complex and multifaceted. The reaction of the human psyche to what is happening around can be the most diverse and not always positive. In addition, we all have small weaknesses, which, if not controlled, quickly turn into the category of vices and addictions. In order to feel harmony with this world and move forward, it is necessary to fight against shortcomings and fears. You can do this with self-hypnosis.

Such practices are useful and absolutely safe for the human psyche. Immersion in your own inner world makes it possible to know yourself and find the keys to solve problems. After all, no one knows a person better than he himself, but by the nature of all this knowledge is deeply hidden from us. Self-hypnosis is the mechanism that helps to independently manage physiological and mental processes, and do it consciously and for the benefit of oneself.
Practicing self-hypnosis, a person gets a unique opportunity to program his own psyche, heal the body, analyze any critical situations in life. This can be done correctly only by working with the subconscious, which is why the ability to introduce yourself into a trance state is desirable and useful. Being in the moment between wakefulness and sleep, a person is freed from the factors that bind him, the controlling function of consciousness is turned off, so that he can focus on the very essence of the problem and find the only correct solution.
Self-hypnosis also allows you to set yourself any settings, which is positively reflected in reality. A person changes and changes his life at his own discretion. In a state of trance, new commands are remembered and perceived as their own much easier.

Thanks to the technique of self-hypnosis, anyone can:

  • learn to respond appropriately to stressful situations;
  • fight depressive manifestations (asthenic depression);
  • monitor your emotional state;
  • increase the level of self-esteem;
  • get rid of complexes, fears and doubts;
  • motivate yourself to achieve goals;
  • acquire desirable behavioral skills;
  • get rid of bad habits.

Regular dives into an altered state are also beneficial in terms of taking care of your health. If the origin of ailments has psychological roots, self-hypnosis is just what can help in this situation. Self-controlled trance enables:

  • stabilize pressure;
  • calm the nerves;
  • adjust weight;
  • activate the immune system;
  • get rid of speech defects;
  • establish a sound sleep;
  • reduce pain in case of injury;
  • bring the hormonal background back to normal.

But this is not all the positive aspects of self-hypnosis. Such a specific technique, thanks to the work on one's own shortcomings, allows one to expand social contacts, develop talents, find hidden opportunities and reserves for further development. Hypnosis also helps to change attitudes towards traumatic situations of the past, overcome phobias, resolve family conflicts, and improve relationships with loved ones. With intensive work, self-hypnosis is an excellent way to relax, rest and find strength in yourself for further activity. It can also be recommended to people with a high degree of fatigue and those who are engaged in creativity.

In fact, the scope of self-hypnosis is quite diverse, but in any case, the technique gives excellent results. Positive reviews about self-hypnosis confirm its effectiveness.

Self-hypnosis: features of immersion

At the initial stage of working with self-hypnosis techniques, diving into your own unconscious inner world can be fraught with some difficulties. It happens because of the desire to immediately solve all problems and overload the subconscious big amount various settings. This approach is inefficient, it is much better to choose only one setting for each session of self-hypnosis and strictly follow it. Purposeful actions will soon give the long-awaited result.

The technique of self-hypnosis is simple and includes 5 main components:

  • Determining the purpose of the impact. To do this, you need to analyze the situation on this moment, to bring together mental and physical resources to change the situation in better side. At the same time, for hypnosis, the mature decision of a person to carry out self-hypnosis is of decisive importance.
  • Actions to achieve relaxation and detachment from external stimuli. It is necessary to find a secluded place where no one can interfere with the session by an unexpected appearance, dim the lighting in the room to a comfortable level and turn on calm music. Then you need to sit comfortably in an easy chair and conduct a set of exercises to relieve tension.
  • Self-entry into a hypnotic trance. To dive into the depths of your own "I", you can use special techniques to achieve an altered state of the psyche: fix your attention on a specific object or image and focus on your feelings.
  • Implementation of the chosen goal through the suggestion of clear verbal formulas, mental visualization of the desired positive changes and working out the flow of new thoughts and feelings. With self-hypnosis, the chosen exposure option may vary depending on the desired result.
  • Smooth return to reality from hypnotic trance, awareness of the work done and the implementation in practice of the learned tasks to improve their personality.

On average, one session of self-hypnosis takes 20 minutes. The final number of procedures depends on the number of questions asked, the speed of change in internal processes and the ability to make efforts to achieve goals.

Self Hypnosis: Special Moments

Each word or concept in hypnosis has a certain meaning, and its principle of operation is based on the features of the work of the subconscious. Therefore, it is so important to correctly compose the text of suggestions, because the effectiveness of self-hypnosis sessions ultimately depends on the semantic load of phrases.

Here are the basic rules for the competent creation of speech turns for effective immersion in a self-induced hypnotic trance, which will help to correctly influence your own subconscious:

  • All words must be formulated in the present tense and from the first number of the singular. The subconscious simply does not perceive other options.
  • All sentences for self-hypnosis should be made in the affirmative form, without using the “not” particle. The human subconscious is arranged in such a way that it understands only direct instructions, therefore phrases with a negative speech element are perceived by him as negative attitudes. Such formulations will not bring benefit, but only harm.
  • Each statement used in your own self-hypnosis technique should be made concise, concise and clear, reflecting one specific thought. So it will be easier and easier for the subconscious to process and make new installations its own.
  • All phrases for self-hypnosis must be given a positive color, made pleasant for perception, so that they do not cause internal rejection. They also should not go against the personal morality and values ​​​​of a person, otherwise the immersion will end in nothing.

During a self-hypnosis session, for a quick immersion in a trance state, it is recommended to use effective techniques visualization and self-hypnosis.

  • Take a comfortable position, straighten your back, relax your arms and legs. Next, tighten the muscles of the whole body for a few seconds, and then relax.
  • Breathe in slowly and deeply several times, so that the air fills the lower part of the lungs, and then also exhale gradually.
  • Stop looking at some small, stationary object, such as a burning candle, and observe it for several minutes.
  • Do not allow the appearance at this moment of third-party thoughts that are not relevant to the case.
  • Speak phrases for self-hypnosis in a calm voice and at the same time imagine a positive final image.

To achieve a deeper and better immersion in a trance state, it is worth constantly practicing self-hypnosis. It is necessary to start with the study of simple and quickly solvable problems and gradually move on to more complex tasks. When working for the long term, it is desirable to use in the context of suggestions the desired process of achieving the goal, and not to broadcast the finished end result to the brain. So self-hypnosis will work more effectively. Post-hypnotic formulas will also be relevant for fixing new attitudes in the subconscious.

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