Wellness massage for a child is done by mother's hands. With a course massage, the child's immunity is strengthened

In order for a child to grow up healthy, it is necessary to monitor his physical development, namely, to prevent and correct pathologies of the musculoskeletal system in time. One of the key techniques to help achieve this is back massage. It is recommended to start such procedures in early age well, it's easy to learn. Properly selected techniques are not inferior to action in their effectiveness. medical preparations, besides, they do not harm the growing organism. Massage is especially important for scoliosis in children with weakened back muscles, although as a preventive measure it is also useful for physically strong babies.

The "correct" massage can correct the initial stage of scoliosis, but its effect on the child's body is not limited to this. So, the work of the following systems and functions improves:

  • Leather. Hand movements during massage help to clean off dead epithelial cells, releasing clogged pores. As a result, the work of exocrine glands is normalized, having a beneficial effect on the structure of the skin.
  • Nervous system. Since the skin is densely braided with nerve endings, massaging it leads to the generation of many positive impulses, bringing emotional comfort to the child.
  • Joints. Massage improves the blood supply to the joints and stimulates the exchange of fluid in their cavities, increasing elasticity.
  • Circulatory system. Blood flow and lymph movement increase, positively affecting the tone of the child's body.
  • Metabolism. Normalization of metabolism increases the efficiency of all internal organs.

The structure of the back


Not all children are allowed to do massage, so you should consult a doctor before starting the procedures. Here is a list of contraindications:

  • diseases of the circulatory system;
  • frequent exacerbations of inflammation, especially purulent (regardless of their causes, nature and localization);
  • skin diseases;
  • various skin lesions on the back;
  • pathology nervous system in an acute form;
  • allergies and all its manifestations;
  • physical or psychological exhaustion of the body, mental abnormalities;
  • tuberculosis (except for the latent form);
  • severe diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • respiratory pathologies.

Features for scoliosis

Depending on the form of the course of the disease, children's massage for scoliosis can be of several types:

  • Therapeutic. Its main task is to eliminate the pathological curvature of the spine.
  • Prophylactic. It inhibits the further progression of scoliosis and normalizes vital processes in the child's body. Divided by:
    • Reflex. Improves the functions of the circulatory system, preventing muscle tissue dystrophy.
    • Segmental. It has an impact on biologically active zones associated with various internal organs.

It should be remembered that the effect of massage does not appear as quickly as after taking it. medicines. Sometimes changes come only after a few months. Massage procedures for children with scoliosis are carried out regularly, until the end of the period of active growth.

Therapeutic massage technique

Children with scoliosis are prescribed therapeutic massage every six months. This is at least 20 sessions with a smoothly increasing duration (20 minutes - an hour). The main techniques of this procedure are stroking, light tapping, rubbing and vibration movements. Its technique is as follows:

  1. Lay the baby on your stomach. Make stroking movements with your hands in the upper back area on both sides of the spine. Then increase the intensity to a rub down to the lower back.
  2. Turn the baby over to the left side. Movements should be aimed at pulling the right iliac bone (in the upper pelvis).
  3. The child lies on his stomach. Relaxing massaging starts from the lower back, rising to the shoulder blades and, as it were, trying to stretch the skin between them.
  4. The baby turns on its back. The massage continues in the chest area.
  5. In conclusion, stroking movements are made along the back and shoulder girdle.

Massage should not be done less than half an hour after eating. Also be careful with the skin around the nipples and the spine - it is better not to touch these places at all. All movements must be performed smoothly and gently. In order not to harm the child, it is recommended that you first cut your nails and lubricate your hands with a neutral cream.

For babies

Preventive back massage is useful for the proper development of babies. It also positively affects the overall tone of the body and stimulates the work of internal organs. The technique for performing such procedures is simple:

  1. Wash your hands and rub until they are warm, grease with a neutral cream.
  2. Start the massage with light strokes along the back from the bottom up. If the baby is a newborn, the procedure is limited to this point. So that the child does not act up, you can interest him in something at this time: a conversation, a song, a fairy tale. Although most children like such manipulations on the back.
  3. When the skin is a little warmed up, you should proceed to the main procedures. Light kneading movements are made along the spine with the fingers (as well as stroking, from the bottom up), gradually moving away to the sides.
  4. After that, slight tapping with fingers in the opposite direction is performed.
  5. At the final stage, repeat step 2.
  6. After the procedure, let the baby lie down for a while.

The direction of hand movements when massaging a baby with hypertonicity

Strengthening exercises

For children older than six months, in addition to massage, additional strengthening exercises are recommended, which are also useful for the development of the muscles of the musculoskeletal system:

  • Take the baby in your arms facing you, put one under the buttocks, and secure the back with the other. Lean forward slightly to help your child practice self-holding posture. This exercise does not have to be combined with massage. Be careful - watch the position of the baby and do not remove the safety hand.
  • The development of the spinal muscles is well promoted by fitball - exercises on a gymnastic ball. Put the baby on the ball with his stomach down, while being on the side of his legs and holding them with one hand and the armpits with the other. Move the child back and forth (as if rolling on a ball). This stimulates the activity of the muscular corset of the body. To begin with, the procedure should be short. Then, as the child masters the exercise, it can be complicated. Fitball is not only a useful technique, but also an interesting game, so many children enjoy it.

Remember that back massage for children with scoliosis, kyphosis, torticollis and other similar pathologies is strongly recommended to be trusted only by an experienced doctor. Parents themselves can only do preventive massage procedures. This approach will not harm the child and will lead to a speedy recovery.

Massage for children is a soft, measured stroking of the child's body with your own hands. You can use oil or so that your hands can glide smoothly over the skin of the crumbs.

As part of the massage process, you can gently manipulate your child's ankles, wrists, and fingers in a passive joint exercise. During the massage, talk softly, coo or sing to your baby. This will make your manipulation even more soothing for the baby.

Soothing hand strokes activate the production of the hormone of happiness, oxytocin, in all participants in the massage session.

Benefits of massage for babies

There are many benefits of baby massage that can have a positive impact not only on a newborn baby, but also on his parents.

Massage will help your child:

  • develop physically, cognitively, socially;
  • stay relaxed and not upset;
  • cry and fuss less;
  • sleep better.

One study found that massaging a newborn could help them recover from jaundice faster.

Massage sessions are especially beneficial for premature babies, as a result of which there will be several improvements:

  1. Faster weight gain, especially when using oils. Massage activates a key nerve called the vagus nerve that connects the brain to major parts of the body, including the stomach. Activating this nerve improves digestion and bowel movements, helping your baby gain weight.
  2. Stable heart rate. Massage improves the functioning of the nervous system, which regulates the functioning of our organs. Thus, massage can help keep a child's heart rate steady.
  3. More calm behavior during stress and pain.
  4. More stable brain activity. Premature babies who receive massage tend to have normally developing brain activity. In premature babies who have not been massaged, there is a decrease in brain activity.

Massage for a baby from 0 to 3 months is, first of all, to train the baby's body for various movements, lower the legs, arms, and actively develop the neck muscles, strengthening the upper pectoral, dorsal muscles and shoulder girdle.

Massage for a child at 1 month is also carried out in order to contribute to the normal functioning of internal organs, muscle relaxation and improvement of metabolism.

Sharp and hard pressure is not allowed when a massage is being done. month old baby. This is especially important when massaging the face and head of the baby. After all, the bones of the baby are still being formed, and they are very sensitive and fragile.

  • massage for babies from 1 month includes soft strokes, slowly turning into light pressure;
  • massage for a 2 month old baby contains soft strokes, and may also include rubbing, kneading and vibration. Massage for a 2-month-old baby is designed to relieve colic, relax the muscles of the legs and arms, which are still in good shape. Also, massage should help to calm the nervous system. Rubbing should be done carefully, because the skin of children is still very delicate and thin. You should refrain from rubbing if you notice a rash on the baby's skin;
  • regular massage for a child at 3 months old helps prevent the appearance, and colic, has a beneficial effect on the state of the nervous system, strengthens muscles and joints, and improves blood circulation. Massaging the palms and handles has a positive effect on development fine motor skills, therefore, on the speech and cognitive skills of the child in the future. General massage for a three-month-old baby includes soft strokes, rubbing and gymnastic exercises.

How to do a massage for newborns at home?

Before deciding how to massage a newborn, choose a place that is safe for the baby to massage. It should be comfortable for you, so that it is convenient to massage the child, and for the baby himself.

Until your baby can roll over or move a lot, you just need to make sure that he lies on a stable surface.

As soon as the child can roll over, it is better to choose a surface from which he cannot fall. Babies can roll over in no time, especially if the baby is covered in oil and will be slippery.

The middle of the bed or even the floor is fine. Just put a clean towel or sheet under the baby. And never leave a baby unattended.

Make sure the room is at a comfortable temperature and there are no direct air currents or drafts. If the weather is hot, do not massage your baby directly under a fan or under direct blow from an air conditioner. The baby will not like the massage if he feels cold.

Since this is a special moment for you and your child, make sure there are no distractions in the room. If you have a pet, move it to another room and move your mobile phone to silent mode. You may even want to turn on relaxing music at a low volume so that your child can hear how they are being spoken to.

Have everything you need for a massage at hand.

It is necessary to prepare:

  • massage oil;
  • towels to wipe off excess oil or cream;
  • clothes for changing clothes for a child;
  • regular diaper changing kit;
  • baby and a towel if you are bathing your baby after the massage.

How to massage a newborn? Basic massage techniques

Babies love set routines and repetition.

So if you massage your baby the same way every time, he knows what to expect and enjoys the experience.

  1. Start massaging the baby from the feet, gradually moving to the body, ending with the head. Feet are a great place to start a massage because babies are used to having their feet touched when changing a diaper.
  2. Pour a few drops of cream or oil on your hands. Heat the oil or cream by rubbing it between your palms.
  3. Very gently rub it into the skin of the baby, starting with the legs.
  4. Move along your legs. Then you can gently stroke from the hips to the toes.
  5. Follow the same sequence on the hands. Massage them from shoulders to toes. Massage is useful to combine with light exercises.
  6. Finger exercise. Gently pinch a finger between your thumb and forefinger and slowly bend and straighten it. Repeat with each finger. It is useful to accompany such exercises with nursery rhymes.
  7. Exercises for chest and tummy include circular strokes clockwise. Circular strokes of the tummy, done with gentle pressure, help food move through the digestive tract.
  8. Hold the child's legs below the knee and, while lifting the legs up, gently press the knees on the stomach. This will help to release excess gases.
  9. Finish massaging the front of the child's body with extensive strokes from the chest to the hips.
  10. Turn the baby on his stomach to massage his back. Use large, counter-clockwise circles as you work your way up your back from its base to your shoulders.

    Do not press on the area of ​​the spinal column. This may harm your child.

  11. Finish the back massage with large strokes from the shoulders to the hips, as you did on the front of the body.

baby head massage

In India, no baby massage is done without a head massage.

Some children love to have their head touched more than any other part of their body.

If your child is one of those who does not like being touched on the head, do not insist on such a massage. Wait for the baby to grow a little and then try again. As the child becomes more familiar with massage, he may come to love head massage as well.

How should you massage your baby's head?

It is necessary to be very gentle with the head of a newborn, as the bones of the skull have not yet fused.

On examination, you can notice soft spots that sometimes pulsate. They are called cousins. There are two fontanelles, one is located on the crown (large fontanel), the other is on the back of the head (small fontanel) of the child. The posterior fontanel closes when your baby is about 6 weeks old, but the fontanel on top of the head closes by 18 months.

In the first six weeks, do not make pressure movements while massaging the head. Just gently stroke all parts of the head using oil, let it soak in on its own.

Once the baby's head is stiff, you can gently apply pressure with your fingers in small circles as you work your way around the baby's head.

But never apply pressure to the top of the baby's head, where the larger fontanel is still soft.

The fontanelles close and harden on their own as the bones of the baby's head grow and fuse together.

Until the child can hold his head on his own, apply oil on the head when the baby is lying on his back. So any oil that drips won't fall on his face. When the child holds his head by himself, you can apply the oil while he is lying on his stomach. This will make the exercise position even more comfortable.

If your baby has seborrheic dermatitis, do not comb out the scab while applying the oil. You will find that if the oil is left on the baby's head overnight, it will help to soften the scab, which can then fall off by itself when bathing or while washing or combing the baby's hair.

Even if this is not the case, seborrheic dermatitis does not interfere with the baby and is very common among children. It often goes away on its own as the baby grows.

Combing the crust, you risk damaging the scalp and causing infection.

How often should you massage?

Traditionally, the child is massaged every day before or after bathing. Some parents massage twice a day for the first three months. But there is no ideal number of massage sessions.

How often you do this depends on the time available and how the child feels during the massage. If you are a working mom, then most likely it will be difficult for your baby to massage your baby every day.

Even if the child receives massage only from time to time, all the benefits of massage will work.

The duration of the massage session

The duration of the massage varies with the age of the child. Some babies love it from birth, and then it takes up to 30 minutes to massage the whole body.

If your baby doesn't like the massage at first, keep the sessions short. When your baby starts crawling or walking, you may notice that he doesn't want to lie down for that long. Then you need to do a massage for 5 - 10 minutes.

Just "read" the signs your child is making. They will let you know if he likes the massage or not.

Massage your baby when he is not hungry or tired. So he will like the massage more. This can happen at any time of the day.

Babies love predictability, so if you do things at the same time and in the same sequence, they feel safe and happy. For example, if you start with massage, then bathing, feeding, and finally sleep, the child will learn to recognize this order of actions and will look forward to it.

This can be difficult to do with a newborn when frequent feedings are needed and the baby sleeps most of the time. When he grows up and has more time to be awake, you can take your time.

Because massage relaxes your baby, you can even make it part of your bedtime ritual. Massage before going to bed will help the baby relax after an active day and calm down, be ready for rest.

If your baby cries a lot at night, an evening massage can help reduce the chance of crying. Over time, you will get to know your child better and be able to find the right time for massages and baths. Let the baby be your guide.

When is massage contraindicated?

If your child has a rash, do not apply cream or oil to the skin without first consulting a doctor.

If it becomes clear that the rash is caused by the cream or oil that was used to massage the baby, stop using it, consult a doctor to find out which oils or creams are best for your baby.

Some experts believe that it is best not to massage when a child is or is ill. Others claim that gentle massage during a viral illness can help relieve body aches.

If your child has a fever, check with your doctor before giving a massage.

Always accept and explain to yourself the signals from the child. When sick, he may become fussy and refuse massage. On the other hand, if your touch eases the pain in the body, the baby will be able to calm down, fall asleep faster with your gentle strokes.

If the child's fever rises, he may feel cold. So you can just iron and rub it over your clothes without undressing. However, if the fever subsides, the baby may feel hot and may prefer to take off their clothes.

Follow the child. Always try to understand what makes him feel most comfortable.

In winter, you also need to massage. But the baby will like it only if he does not feel the cold. So make sure the room is warm enough before undressing your baby.

How to massage a baby is largely determined by the child himself. The ability to read the signals of his behavior is the most important moment of the massage. Your child will show when it should end, what strokes the baby likes and what not.

After the child has crossed the 3-year milestone, massage should not be excluded from his life or treated lightly. Classes continue to be a very effective and adequate method of influencing the body of a toddler, contribute to its development and prevention of various diseases.

Of course, a massage for a 7-year-old child will be very different from the procedure for a 4-year-old toddler. To properly conduct classes for each age, you need to know the nuances child development in different periods.

Features of massage for a child 4-10 years old

The procedure carried out for babies of different ages differs mainly in active elements. Passive movements are performed according to the schemes used earlier. Worked out:

  • Back.
  • Small of the back.
  • Buttocks.
  • Lower and upper limbs (mandatory feet and palms).
  • Breast.
  • Tummy.

The procedure for children 4-10 years old is carried out using all known techniques:

  • Stroking.
  • Rubbing.
  • Kneading.
  • Vibrations.
  • Claps and blows.

Massage for a child can be done both general and partial (only separate zones). Can be in different days practice different parts of the body.

The procedure for babies over 4 years old must necessarily include not only passive, but also active elements. They are different for every age.

Massage for children 4 years old should include the following exercises:

  • Climbing on the Swedish ladder (4-5 slats).
  • Throwing a ball.
  • Clapping hands.
  • Hiding hands behind the back.
  • Squats "lump".
  • Knocking objects one against the other.

You should not demand from the child a very clear implementation of all the exercises, but in general, he should do exactly what the adult asks him to do.

Children's manipulations at 4 years old must be voiced. After all, the vocabulary of a little man must constantly increase, and communication with adults, their speech is a very important factor in this process.

Massage for babies 5 years old involves the inclusion of more complex active elements. Kids at this age have already mastered the movements of all kinds quite well. Now we need to learn how to combine them. For fidgets of this age, a tendency to improvisation and fantasies is characteristic. It is necessary to encourage such qualities, use them as a basis for stimulating the development of more diverse motor skills.

Baby massage at 5 years old

The procedure involves the inclusion of the following elements in the complex:

  1. Copying various poses, movements of an adult. They must be carried out accurately, brought to the end.
  2. Confident walking of the child in a given direction: straight, sideways, snake, stepping over.
  3. Jumping from a place.
  4. Climbing on the Swedish wall to a greater height than before.
  5. Imitation of the gait and postures of birds: ducks, storks, cranes.

Children's massage at the age of 6 is complemented by outdoor games, dancing, learning new movements. The kid should sensibly perceive the exercises, strive for correct execution.

Massage for a child of 6 years is recommended to be carried out both single and collective. Various methods of play procedures are often used in children's preschool institutions. During the procedures, kids develop intelligence. They learn the rhymes accompanying the manipulations.

Often in the classroom there is a spirit of small rivalry, which helps the socialization of little men, their infusion into the team.

Procedure for children 6 years of age

  1. Walking with a roll (from heel to toe).
  2. Repulsion run.
  3. Jumping with turns, on one leg.
  4. Throwing a ball at a target.
  5. Bending, bending.

Manipulations from 7 to 10 years

Children's massage from 7 to 10 years old implies a completely rhythmic performance of active elements. Almost all exercises have already been studied by the child. An adult can only diversify them, monitor the correct implementation.

  1. Shoulder girdle.
  2. Waist and back.
  3. lower limbs.

Exercises need to be varied more often, changed, but they should not be made much more difficult or give great physical exertion.

Children's massage at the age of 8 may already include various elements that load the spinal column. Experts recommend performing "birch", slopes with a short fading.

Massage for a 9-year-old child must necessarily include balance exercises. They can be done in combination with torso turns. However, we should not forget that an adult must insure the child, ensuring safety and eliminating the risk of falls.

Massage for children 10 and under is also important as a way of interacting with adults. That is why in no case should you shout at a child or laugh at him if some element is not very good.

Children's massage at the age of 10 is already very reminiscent of an adult. Its duration can be up to 60 minutes. However, it should be remembered that the force of impact on the child should still be commensurate with his age. It is necessary to take into account the features of an organism that has not yet been fully formed.

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Massage has a positive effect on the body. However, few people do it for prevention purposes. Most people turn to a massage therapist only when a health problem has already appeared. And this is wrong.

Even in children, a course of preventive massage will help prevent the development of many diseases. A back massage in a child will not only strengthen the muscles, but also help get rid of many problems. How to do this procedure correctly?


Immediately after birth, the child's body is defenseless against many diseases. A back massage for a 1-2-month-old baby will help strengthen muscles if the back is uneven, strengthen immunity and activate the blood circulation process.

In addition, light touches of mother's hands will help him calm down and feel protected. The same effect will have a back massage for a child 3 months and older.

  1. The first stage is stroking. First, they affect the entire back, reaching the buttocks. Then you should pay attention to each part of the back separately. Movements can be directed in different directions. The spine itself does not need to be touched!
  2. The next movement is rubbing. Hands should be placed on both sides of the spinal column. Rub the back of the child, moving your hands in a circle. Movements can go from top to bottom and back. It is impossible to press during rubbing on the spine. Movements at this stage also affect the buttocks.
  3. The last part is stroking the legs and feet.

After the exposure is over, the crumbs need to rest.

The above procedures are indicated for newborns. And what does a massage to strengthen the back of a 6-month-old baby look like? It must obey a few simple rules:

  1. In the process, in no case should you put pressure on the spine.
  2. Before the session, you need to warm your hands, remove all jewelry and cut your nails.
  3. In the process, you need to talk with the baby - this will help create an atmosphere of comfort for him.
  4. The load should not be heavy. It must be increased gradually. You can observe what your son or daughter likes the most.
  5. A relaxing back massage for a 6-, 7-, 8- and 9-month-old baby should fully justify its name. This means that all movements should be light and gentle. Strong impact on the joints and muscles can lead to injury.
  6. At 6, 7 or more months, the procedure should be carried out approximately half an hour after feeding.

special situation

Massage to strengthen the back muscles helps the child cope with such an unpleasant problem as coughing. When coughing, this procedure has a very powerful effect on the child's body:

  • Liquefies mucus and speeds up the process of its removal.
  • Improves the process of blood circulation.
  • Strengthens the muscles of the back and respiratory organs.
  • Enhances the effect of taking medications prescribed by a doctor.
  • Regulates breathing.

The technique is pretty simple:

  1. The baby should lie on his stomach. You can put a small pillow under his chest. This will allow the head to be lower than the level of the body and speed up the excretion of mucus.
  2. As in the previous case, it all starts with light strokes.
  3. After you need to put your fingers on both sides of the spine at about the level of the lower back. Gently pinching the skin, rise to the shoulders. Do 20 repetitions.
  4. Move your arms closer to your sides. Repeat previous steps. Do this until the fingers are on the sides.
  5. Put the palm on the edge. In the direction from the lower back to the shoulders diagonally, perform 20 tapping (very lightly!).
  6. Repeat tapping, only this time with a fist, but also lightly.
  7. Turn over and let it clear.

The entire session will take approximately 10 minutes. But even in this short time, you can improve the condition of the crumbs.

Other problems

It happens that treatment procedures are required for older patients, for example, 4 years or 6 years and older. The indication for them is scoliosis. With scoliosis, such treatment has the following goals:

  • prevent the development of the disease;
  • soothe;
  • make the ligaments more elastic;
  • normalize blood circulation;
  • improve metabolism;
  • take care of the condition of the skin.

Massage for the back of a child under 10 years of age and older has several features:

  1. It starts right after the doctor discovers the problem.
  2. All movements must take into account the characteristics of the skeleton of each individual patient.
  3. Of the movements, stroking, tapping, rubbing, etc. are used. By the way, it is with stroking that it is worth starting and ending the session.

The procedure is performed only by a specialist in children's massage with a medical education! Scoliosis is a serious problem in which one wrong movement can aggravate the situation.

Precautionary measures

Massage is a powerful effect on the body. Very often, after a session, the baby may behave unusually, for example, arch its back, and sometimes children have a slight fever. Is it normal?

  1. After a back massage, the child may have a fever. And this is not a reason to panic. Usually fluctuations are 1-1.5 degrees. The alarm should be sounded only in cases where the difference is more than 2 degrees, after half an hour the temperature did not return to normal, the condition was aggravated by convulsions, edema, tics and other neurological manifestations.
  2. If a child arches his back after a massage, this is also not always a cause for concern. Often this can be explained by banal curiosity and an attempt to consider something aside, whims. But sometimes this behavior is a symptom of muscle hypertonicity, intracranial pressure and intestinal colic.

Back massage for children great way take care of their health. The procedure will not only strengthen the muscles, but also avoid the development of many serious diseases.

Denial of responsibility

The information in the articles is for general information purposes only and should not be used for self-diagnosis of health problems or for medicinal purposes. This article is not a substitute for medical advice from a doctor (neurologist, internist). Please consult your doctor first to know the exact cause of your health problem.

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Bad ecology, a sedentary lifestyle of a mother during pregnancy affect the child's immune system.

Of course, it is more convenient to stuff the baby with pills at the first illness, or you can learn the basics of massage for a child and strengthen the child's body from birth.

We massage a child: why?

There are 2 types of massage for children - strengthening and healing.

For diseases such as inguinal or umbilical hernia, rickets, dysplasia or torticollis, hip dislocation, treatment is best left to specialists.

Any parent can help strengthen the body of a healthy child, most often it is the mother.

With regular intensive exposure, there is a rush of blood to the massaged area, due to this, the work of not only blood circulation, digestion, but also the entire cardiovascular system improves.

The respiratory organs receive an influx of blood and oxygen, the lungs and bronchi become stronger, and the child becomes more resistant to colds.

Regular massage to the child, charging and hardening is the key to strong immunity.

Mechanical influences on the arms and legs contribute to the development of the child's motor system, help him roll over on his back earlier, start crawling and stand on his legs.

With various diseases, a skillfully done massage will help a child get by with a minimum amount of medication, and will contribute to a faster recovery.

How to massage a child: preparation and conduct

- To massage a child at home, a comfortable flat surface is required, it can be an ordinary changing table, baby oil and warm parental hands.

- Massage the baby can be done only when the child does not have a temperature.

- During all the manipulations with the child, you need to constantly talk, tell him what you are going to do with him. It is very good if the baby takes the massage for the game. A positive attitude is half the battle.

- The main massage techniques for a child will be:


Gentle rubbing;

Soft kneading;

Light vibration.

Before three months old the baby is forbidden to touch the fontanel area. Massage is not done in the inguinal and axillary region, in the places where the arms and legs are bent.

How to massage a child: from birth to a year

At birth, many babies have hypertonicity. Therefore, the purpose of massage for a child in the infant period is relaxation, healing and hardening.

1.5 - 3 months

At this age, the main massage techniques will be stroking and rubbing. The whole complex should not take more than 8 - 10 minutes.

We put the baby on the back, gently stroke the tummy, talk to him affectionately.

– Relaxing massage begins with the handles. At first, gently stroke, and then lightly rub each finger, then the open palm, with the thumb and forefinger. The movements can be straight, circular or zigzag.

- In the same way, we massage the legs and turn the baby over on the tummy.

– We massage the back by stroking, starting from the buttocks and ending with the shoulders. Movements should be soft, confident. We rub the back from the spine to the sides, work on the shoulder blades and gradually gently “slide” down. This technique is performed 2 - 3 times.

- Again we help the child roll over on his back and stroke the tummy in a circular motion around the navel, always clockwise, from the center to the periphery, and so on 2-3 times.

- After ironing, we move on to reflex crawling. Just bend the legs and imitate crawling 3-4 times with each leg.

- We return to the feet of the baby. Stretching a small leg, we automatically act on reflex points associated with the whole body. If at some point the child gets nervous or starts crying, it means that he is in pain. Pain may indicate a disease in the organ corresponding to this point.

Let's conditionally divide the baby's foot into 4 transverse, equal parts and number it:

Fingers, from the little finger to the thumb, will be number 1. This zone is responsible for the nose and throat.

Area under thumb will be number 2, when pressed on it, you can act on the head and teeth.

The lower section No. 6 is connected with the pelvic part of the baby's body.

Above it is area No. 5, through which you can determine the condition in the lower part of the tummy, that is, in the intestines.

Place No. 4 is responsible for the stomach and upper abdomen, in the middle of which, when moving to the next, uppermost zone on the foot, there is a small, very important area No. 3, which is responsible for solar weave.


At the end of all receptions, stroke the child.

3 – 5 months

During this period, the child consciously reacts to the voice, tries to roll over, grabs outstretched fingers and tries to sit up. When massaging children at this age, we pay the main attention to strengthening the muscles of the arms and legs, and also do not forget about the back, tummy and chest. The entire massage can take 10-12 minutes.

- We work out the fingers and hands along the entire length by ironing, lightly rubbing 4-5 times.

- When massaging the legs, we start with stroking, then gentle rubbing, kneading the entire surface of the legs from the bottom up.

- We help the child roll over on his tummy, while commenting on each movement, playing with the baby.

- On the back we perform a full range of techniques, we make vibration with a finger “shower”, imitating light raindrops. All movements are performed from the bottom up, from the spine to the sides.

- Again we help the child roll over on his back, and do stroking the tummy clockwise.

- Stroke the chest, rub it lightly and gently tap with your fingertips.

- Rub the soles of the feet, knead and lightly pat.

At this age, the child is already quite active, so passive movements can also be included in the massage.

We finish the massage of the tummy with the “bicycle” movement, and after working out the chest, you can do “hugs”, taking the child by the hands, we do the exercise of hugging ourselves.

Remember, with any dissatisfaction on the part of the baby, we stop the massage.

5 – 6 months

A six-month-old baby responds well to speech, understands the intonation of the voice, and tries to sit. Many of the babies roll over from their back to their stomach on their own.

Massage to a child along with passive movements can last up to 15 minutes.

- Hand massage begins with stroking, then we proceed to rubbing with both open palms and folded in a ring - one hand grabs the handle from the inside, the other - from the outside. We gently work out the muscles of the hands, including tong-like kneading, when we grab the handle with the thumb and forefinger and draw it from the bottom up.

- When working with the legs, we use all the techniques 2 - 3 times.

- We help the child roll over on his stomach, and do a back massage by stroking and rubbing, turn on kneading and vibration.

- Again we return the baby to the position on the back, do a massage of the abdomen, stroke it, work on the chest by stroking, rubbing, kneading and vibration with a finger “shower”, increasing the number of each dose up to 3-4 times.

The final stage of the massage

Vibration improves blood circulation in the lungs, which increases resistance to colds.

In passive movements, we add “boxing” and stimulating lifting, holding the baby by the handles.

6 – 12 months

In the second half of the year, massage for the child alternates with gymnastics. Many children are already trying not only to sit, stand, but also walk. We accompany all actions with a verbal explanation of our actions and an account. The duration of massage and charging increases to 20 minutes.

– Hand massage can be done in both lying and sitting positions. After the worked out techniques, we do flexion and extension of the handles 3-4 times.

- We put the child on the back, make a "bicycle" and help the baby roll over on his stomach.

- We work the back with all the tricks, we can diversify the vibration with a light pat.

- We raise the baby on its legs, hold them and help the child bend forward and backward 2-3 times.

- We put the child on the back and do a massage of the abdomen, after which we help the baby raise the legs, first one, then the second, both legs together, and finish with the “bike”.

- We work with the chest, stroke it, rub it in a circular motion and knead it like a tong, ending with vibration from the center to the armpits.

It is important to remember that when massaging the chest, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe mammary glands is not affected, it is forbidden to do vibration in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe heart.

- You can complete the wellness procedure by squatting with support by the hands.

Massage for a child at any age will benefit if performed regularly. It is recommended to do the procedures every other day, 10-12 times, you can repeat the course after 3 months.

For weakened children, massage is prescribed after 2 days, reducing the number of repetitions of receptions by half.

How to massage a child with pneumonia and bronchitis

Parallel to drug treatment prescribed by a doctor, massage for inflammation of the lungs and bronchi will become a catalyst for recovery. It is important to know that when high temperature massage is prohibited.

The mechanical effect on the region of the bronchi and lungs helps to rarefy and expel sputum, reduce the intensity of coughing.

Do not be alarmed if during the massage or immediately after it the child begins to cough harder, this is normal, which means that the mucus began to move away intensively.

Massage for a child with inflammation of the respiratory system consists in working out the thoracic region both from the back and from the front, however, it can be done for children older than 6 months.

For children up to 12 months old, we only do stroking and rubbing, up to one year old we include kneading and light patting.

For older children, we perform all types of massage techniques, from the bottom up, from the spine to the armpits, dispersing the lymph from the center to the periphery:

We do stroking with an open palm, with straight, circular movements, 5-6 times;

Rubbing will be more intense with four fingers or the back of the hand;

Kneading is done by pressing circular movements of the index and middle fingers of both hands, or with all four fingers with an emphasis on the thumb;

The intensity of vibration depends on age, it is enough for kids to do a finger “shower”, for older children it is already easy to pat and even beat the back without affecting the heart area.

Massage for a child with pneumonia and bronchitis lasts 13 - 20 minutes, preferably done in a day, course - 12 procedures.

We do cupping massage at home

The use of a silicone massage jar will give pleasure to the child and enhance the kneading process. The jar acts like a suction cup, stimulating blood flow.

This massage is available to every beginner massage therapist. Spread warming oil on the back of the child so that the jar slides better, squeeze its edges and press it against the body, release the edges. Due to the vacuum effect, the skin will be pulled into the middle of the jar. Now calmly move the jar along the back of the child from the bottom up, drawing figure eights or spruce branches. Work one side first, then the other. You can use two jars, with the help of which the entire back is heated simultaneously on both sides.

Each parent can help the child become stronger, develop faster, more confident, feel secure, and therefore be emotionally healthy.

Give a massage to your child and enjoy communication with him!
