The teacher beats the adopted daughter. Bad upbringing: a school teacher beat a child

The Pervouralsky Court began to consider the case of Lyubov Shvartskop. A geography teacher who beat her adopted daughter has been declared insane. Now the court decides on her compulsory treatment. To do this, the investigation must prove that the footage of severe beatings that got on the Internet is not the only case of a mother's abuse of a child.

Rapid step and icy calm. Lyubov Schwarzkop enters the meeting room, accompanied by an escort. The woman is not in custody, security is assigned for her own safety. In September of this year, the whole country learned about it.

In these frames, geography teacher Lyubov Shvartskop punishes her adopted daughter. The girl is 7 years old. The mother beats the child with a belt, throws it against the closet and lifts it above the floor several times by the head. The girl is crying, but the parent does not calm down. This video appeared on the Internet after kindergarten caregivers noticed bruises and abrasions on the child's body. They turned to the authorities. The paramedic says: for the first time, traces of bruises on the body of a girl in a kindergarten were noticed in 2015.

Ksenia RUDAKOVA, kindergarten paramedic: “They were rare, but many. - noticeable? - yes, it's noticeable. yellow already such, healing. - in what places? - once it was on its side, I saw it. once on the stomach was strong. - on the head? - I also had an abrasion on my head in the 17th year.

As a result, the girl was taken away from the family, and a criminal case was opened against her mother. Lyubov Schwarzkop underwent a medical examination, and it turned out that the woman was insane. Today, the court does not decide on her guilt or innocence, its task is to prove whether other cases of violence were applied to the child, in addition to those frames that appeared on the Internet.

Sergey ISAEV, the defendant's lawyer: “If it is established that she nevertheless caused these bodily injuries, that is, 10 facts are proved that all 10 are imputed to her, then in this case she will be placed in a psychiatric hospital and will undergo compulsory treatment.”

While the court decides whether the accused should go to compulsory psychiatric treatment, the child was sent to another family. Tamara Chusovikina has three adopted children. When the girl first came to her house, her psychological state was very difficult.

Tamara CHUSUVIKINA, foster mother of Veronika Rodionova: “It's scary, as she said. She was afraid at first. when she comes home from school, if she can’t do something, she immediately bursts into tears, she is afraid that she will be punished for it. now she has become calmer, she knows that they will not touch her, they will not beat her, they will not punish her. she has already calmed down, she is asking if I did it right or wrong.

The court session will continue on December 19, when the former cohabitant of Lyubov, Pavel Rodionov, will act as a witness in the case. It was he who filmed the horrifying footage of child abuse. In the meantime, the accused, lowering her eyes to the floor, leaves the courthouse.

A hail of blows for the slightest fault. The case of criminal cruelty to a child is being investigated in Sverdlovsk region. There, a charge was brought against a woman who, according to the investigation, severely beat her adopted daughter. Moreover, the suspect was a teacher and worked with children every day. How long the bullying continued is unclear. The guardianship authorities, as stated in the Investigative Committee, showed negligence and simply did nothing.

foster mother punishes a seven-year-old girl for simple stubbornness - several times she lifts the child by her ears, holds her in the air and shakes her, despite the heart-rending cries of children. But this cruel session of education does not end there. In the course are slaps and headbutts on the cabinet. The woman, no longer able to calm her aggression, picks up a belt.

On the video - a geography teacher from Pervouralsk Lyubov Shvartskop. The girl is her only daughter. Reception. Love adopted her six years ago. What happened in the family in previous years is now unknown. But recently, a woman had a lover, who filmed one of the inhuman lessons on the phone. The man, as he claims, recorded this video after another beating. On the body - old traces of blows.

The record appeared on the network after kindergarten teachers noticed suspicious abrasions on the body. They turned to the authorities. The girl was taken away from the unfortunate mother. The woman no longer works at the school. And the Investigative Committee opened a criminal case.

“She is suspected under the article “Torture against a person who is known to be in a helpless state, or otherwise dependent on the perpetrator.” Systematically, for minor reasons, she used physical and mental violence against the child, in particular, she beat the girl with a belt, ”said Alexander Shulga, senior assistant to the head of the Investigative Committee for the Sverdlovsk Region.

Lyubov Schwarzkop herself assures that she lost her temper the only time. This is exactly what was on the video. True, there are several more episodes in the case, when traces of beatings were found on the child's body. For each such case, the foster mother seems to have an explanation. The girl either slipped on the washed floor, or stumbled on the threshold in the bath. And now the former cohabitant allegedly slanders her.

“It was done out of spite, because I kicked him out of our lives. For his drinking, for his mockery. Brought to such a state that she did not hear anyone. He taught her a lot of bad things, taught her to lie, taught her to hide, ”says the woman.

“My client believes that this did not go beyond the normal pedagogical activity, normal educational process”, - says the lawyer of Lyubov Shvartskop Sergey Isaev.

Those who have already watched the video are also outraged by the behavior of the man who filmed it. People don't understand why he didn't intervene.

There is also the question of where the guardianship authorities have been looking for all these years, because such foster families should be checked regularly. Igor Morokov, Commissioner for Children's Rights in the Sverdlovsk Region, is sure that this is exactly the case when it was extremely difficult to discern violence from the outside.

“When guardianship officers came to the family, the girl smiled. Therefore, it was difficult to understand from communication that something was happening there. It’s such a delicate matter,” he says.

The investigation is ongoing. The woman and the girl are still awaiting psychological examinations. If sufficient evidence of the guilt of Lyubov Shvartskop is collected, she faces from three to seven years in prison. The criminal article under which the case was initiated does not provide for a suspended sentence.

A video with footage of bullying was posted on the Internet by her common-law spouse, after which the police became interested in the case. The unfortunate mother has been charged. However, there may be questions to the guardianship authorities, and to the author of the video himself.

The foster mother punishes a seven-year-old girl for simple stubbornness - she lifts the child several times by the ears, holds it in the air and shakes it, despite the heart-rending cries of children. But this cruel session of education does not end there. In the course are slaps and headbutts on the cabinet. The woman, no longer able to calm her aggression, picks up a belt.

On the video - a geography teacher from Pervouralsk Lyubov Shvartskop. The girl is her only daughter. Reception. Love adopted her six years ago. What happened in the family in previous years is now unknown. But recently, the common-law spouse filmed one of the inhuman lessons on the phone. The man, as he claims, recorded this video after another beating. On the body - old traces of blows.

The record appeared on the Web after kindergarten teachers noticed suspicious abrasions on the body. They turned to the authorities. The girl was taken away from the unfortunate mother.

At the school, where the woman managed to work as a geography teacher for only three months, she was asked to quit. The Department of Education refused to meet with journalists, limiting itself to a written comment by e-mail: “We note that she was allowed to work with children because she has a specialized higher pedagogical education. During the work of the teacher, not a single emergency with her participation was recorded. Also, neither the school management nor the Department of Education of the Pervouralsky City District received any complaints from the parents of the schoolchildren with whom this employee worked.

The Investigative Committee initiated a criminal case against Lyubov Shvartskop and issued her a written undertaking not to leave the country.

“She is suspected under the article “Torture against a person who is known to be in a helpless state, or otherwise dependent on the perpetrator,” said Alexander Shulga, senior assistant to the head of the Investigative Committee for the Sverdlovsk Region.

Lyubov Schwarzkop herself assures that she lost her temper the only time. This is exactly what was on the video. True, there are several more episodes in the case, when traces of beatings were found on the child's body. For each such case, the foster mother seems to have an explanation. The girl either slipped on the washed floor, or stumbled on the threshold in the bath. And now the former cohabitant allegedly slanders her.

“It was done out of spite, because I kicked him out of our lives. For his drinking, for his mockery. Brought to such a state that she did not hear anyone. He taught her a lot of bad things, taught her to lie, taught her to hide, ”says the woman.

Psychologists note that after such bullying, it will most likely be difficult for a girl to return to a normal life.

“The girl has already lived through a traumatic situation once, having lost her parents, but the time has come, she has found new mom, and this situation again indicates the presence of a psychotrauma in a child. The consequences can be completely different - we cannot predict them - from elementary distrust to people to aggressive states, ”says psychologist Elena Konnova.

Those who have already watched the video are also outraged by the behavior of the man who filmed it. People don't understand why he didn't intervene.

There is also the question of where the guardianship authorities have been looking for all these years, because such foster families should be checked regularly.

“When guardianship officers came to the family, the girl smiled. Therefore, it was difficult to understand from communication that something was happening there. This is such a delicate matter,” says Igor Morokov, Commissioner for Children's Rights in the Sverdlovsk Region.

However, the investigators opened another criminal case - under the article "Negligence" and now they are checking whether they have done everything social workers to protect children from bullying.

The investigation is ongoing. The woman is awaiting a psychiatric examination. If Lyubov Schwartskop is recognized as sane, she faces three to seven years in prison. The article under which the case was initiated does not provide for a suspended sentence.

In Pervouralsk, the teacher who adopted the girl beat her face on the table and lifted her by the ears

Screenshot of a video posted on Dark Angel's Youtube channel

A criminal case has been initiated against one of the residents of Pervouralsk, Sverdlovsk Region, for torturing her adopted daughter. A woman working as a teacher systematically beat the girl with a belt, beat her face on the table, mocked her, lifting her by the ears. A video of the assault has gone viral on the internet.

It was posted on Youtube in March. The recording shows how the woman repeatedly raises the girl by the ears and head in front of the window, seeking an answer to some question. The child cannot answer because he is crying and screaming in pain. In the next video, the mother takes the belt and beats the girl.

There is also a video taken by the father of the child, in which he shows the beatings. The girl has a broken lip and a wound in her ear. According to the man, the mother pulled the child by the ears and beat her face on the table. The girl says that the teacher used such “pedagogical techniques” in the course of studying birds with her adopted daughter.

"What we are going to do? the filming father asks the child. "Let's just listen to your mom." And she's psychotic. There's something wrong with her at work, and you're not listening. And you get for it. She comes home from work and takes it out on you. Well, you're doing well too, tearing off the wallpaper. Mom will come in the evening, we will buy her ... ".

What exactly he was going to buy his mother is not specified, because a cat enters the frame and the attention of the filmer switches to her.

The Investigative Committee for the Sverdlovsk region reported that a criminal case was initiated against a woman in the summer under clause “d” of part 2 of article 117 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (torture committed against a person who, obviously for the guilty, is in a helpless state or in material or other dependence on guilty).

The suspect in 2011 adopted a girl born in 2010 into her family. At least from October 2015 to May 2017, she systematically used physical and mental violence against the child for minor reasons.

In the summer, information about a dysfunctional family was received by law enforcement. In the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Sverdlovsk Region, the site reported that the fact of child abuse was revealed by the press secretary of the Pervouralsk police while monitoring the Internet. They checked and established the family in which these events took place. “It turned out that a teacher from one of the city’s schools, who had taken custody of a minor orphan, was engaged in systematic assault,” the police said. “The baby was immediately removed from the family at the initiative of the police, and the citizen was deprived of guardianship by a court decision.” On June 29, a criminal case was initiated.

The ICR clarifies that the suspect and the girl will undergo forensic and forensic psychiatric examinations. The child was placed in a social institution. The investigators will also give a legal assessment of the actions of the officials who made the decision to transfer the girl to this woman to be brought up.
