Harm of tattoo for the body. Is tattooing harmful? Is it dangerous to do permanent eyebrow makeup?

Tattooing is perfect for athletes or those who go on vacation. He clearly emphasizes natural beauty and saves both time and money. However, this procedure is not suitable for everyone. There is an opinion that tattooing can cause a lot of harm to health. This article should analyze all the positive and negative aspects - whether it is necessary to do it.

Eye tattoo: pros and cons.

It perfectly highlights natural lines, enlarges the eyes, visually corrects the eyelids, creates expressiveness in the eyes. It will protect a woman from painful eyeliner and will make it possible to save on pencils. With permanent eye makeup, it will be possible not to worry about your appearance.

Antagonists of sustainable makeup say that it can harm both skin and vision. Their first argument - the process is rather painful, the second - there is a possibility of harming the nerve endings, which will further affect expressiveness.

Eyebrow tattoo: pros and cons.

An impeccable, beautiful eyebrow line can give expressiveness to the face. In addition, tattooing will provide an opportunity to save on cosmetics. If it is well made, it will last for a long time.

Some cosmetologists believe that in the process of eyebrow tattooing, hair follicles are damaged. They believe that there is a risk of permanently losing natural eyebrows. There are many women who regret that they once decided on this procedure. All its positive qualities, crossed out by shortcomings.

Lip tattoo: pros and cons.

Tattoo enlarges the lips, and is a good substitute for collagen and Botox injections. When it is performed, you can refuse lipstick and pencil for a long time. The specialist will perfectly carry out the tattoo of the lips and visually enlarge them.

When lip tattooing is possible Negative consequences- the appearance of edema around the mouth. After the done, the lips will have to heal for a long time; and non-healing crusts will appear in the affected area. There is a risk of infection and the occurrence of herpes.

The danger of tattooing.

Often the harm from it takes place from the non-professionalism of the master. Inexperience, poor quality paint, careless handling of tools are the main reasons for poor results.
The negative consequence of this procedure is the occurrence of viral diseases. It happens that after the end of the makeup, the contours spread, making it unattractive.

Therefore, before deciding - you need to weigh everything well. And most importantly: after such a procedure, the appearance will never be the same as before.

Probably, each of us has such a friend or acquaintance who likes to experiment with her appearance, keeps up with the times and experiences almost all fashionable novelties. I also have such a friend Katya. Sometimes she manages to persuade me to try something new on myself, sometimes not. I, unlike her, do not conduct experiments without first studying the product or service, and without reading the reviews.

This time, the idea came to her blond head to get an eyebrow tattoo. Before that, she made herself a tattoo on her shoulder and on her ankle.

I immediately refused a tattoo, because I absolutely do not like tattoos and consider them vulgar. Especially on the female body. But her body is her business. And now she calls me and happily talks about the delights of eyebrow tattooing: how convenient it is (like you don’t have to pluck it every week), beautiful, practical, and most importantly for a long time . A friend of mine did it and she's very happy with it. Well, Katya could not help but try, and she was very determined, but I, as usual, began to doubt and began to collect information about this procedure.

How is eyebrow tattoo done?

To begin with, there are several eyebrow tattooing (coloring) techniques: shading, shotting, hair (European and Asian style), 3D volume and manual reconstruction. I will not describe each technique in detail, but only describe the principle of this procedure. And those who still decide to make themselves a tattoo will study each technique on their own and choose the right one.

Skin coloring is carried out by a tattoo artist or cosmetologist who has the appropriate skills and has received special training for this procedure. During the procedure, a specialist, using a manipulative pen, pierces the top layer of the skin and injects a coloring pigment with a needle. The procedure takes about 1.5 hours. The procedure is quite painful, judging by the reviews. Although local anesthetics are used. After it, it is necessary to go through a rehabilitation period and carefully care for the treated area. .

In 99 percent of cases, after a short period of time, correction will be required to give the perfect shape to your eyebrows.

The choice of the master who will do the tattoo is extremely important. It is advisable to familiarize yourself with his portfolio, if any. . Or go to the master on the recommendation of friends who he already had.

Pros and cons of eyebrow tattooing

Eyebrow tattooing, like any other procedure, has its pros and cons. Let's figure it out, so these pluses are significant.

The advantages include:

  1. Save time on make-up.
  2. Savings on various means for eyebrows.
  3. Save money on visiting salons for eyebrow tinting.
  4. Tattoo is long term.
  5. Tattooed eyebrows are noticeable.
  6. The ability to correct the natural asymmetry of the eyebrows.
  7. Tattooed eyebrows will not let you down in the sauna, swimming pool or on the beach, because the paint will not flow from them during any water procedures.

Cons of eyebrow tattooing:

  • Tattooed eyebrows are noticeable.
  • Go out of fashion.
  • The coloring pigment may change color over time; which means that black eyebrows can become blue, brown - brick or pink; some pigments may produce green or purple hue. The saddest thing is that this unwanted shade on the skin can persist for years.
  • Tattooing will become a problem when changing hair color or wanting to change the shape of the eyebrows.
  • May get bored.
  • Over the years, it can “float”, that is, sink along with the tissues of the face
  • risk of infection.
  • Adds age.
  • It's no longer fashionable.
  • The only way to get rid of it is with a laser.
  • High probability of getting an unsatisfactory result.
  • The high price of this procedure (and further regular corrections).

In my opinion, the listed pluses are rather dubious, with the exception, perhaps, of the last two points.

If the eyebrows are extremely unsuccessful by nature, then perhaps it is worth correcting them. Although, in my opinion, this can be done in a more gentle way than tattooing. As for saving on salons and funds, then let me: what kind of savings is this if the procedure itself is not cheap at all, plus the same expensive regular corrections. In addition, after the procedure, a rehabilitation period follows, during which you will also need to spend money to restore the affected skin. I do not think that all of the above will be cheaper than buying an eyebrow pencil or dyeing your eyebrows in the salon.

On average, the price of a quality tattoo varies within 20,000 rubles per procedure. Correction within - 8000-10000. If you are offered to get an eyebrow tattoo for 5,000 rubles, the risk of getting a poor-quality result increases significantly.

You were probably surprised that the item “tattooed eyebrows are noticeable”, I attributed it to both pluses and minuses. Let me explain. Noticeable bright eyebrows suggest bright eyes, otherwise it will look comical. And the statement that eyebrow tattooing will save time on makeup is definitely false. In my opinion, just the opposite tattooed eyebrows oblige you to do makeup regularly and you are unlikely to run out without makeup . Well, unless you plan, of course, to scare or make your colleagues at work laugh.

Eyebrow tattoo contraindications

There are contraindications to this procedure.

  • Diabetes.
  • Blood diseases.
  • Bronchial asthma.
  • Skin diseases.
  • Predisposition to the formation of keloid scars.

Never hide the presence of diseases from a specialist. This is dangerous not only for your beauty, but also for your health in general!

My friend's personal experience

Now about the results of the tattoo, which I personally observed and am sincerely glad that I did not succumb to Katerina's persuasion. I can only speak about the procedure itself from the words of a friend: it turned out to be very painful. And the result was just terrible.

I do not know who advised her this "specialist", but her eyebrows were made very wide. I then measured the width of the eyebrows - 7 mm. Katya is a very petite girl and her face is small, and those eyebrows looked like a real disaster on her face. She cried for a very long time both from the result and from what then began to happen to her eyebrows.

The first two weeks, the eyebrows were covered with a crust and itched terribly. They needed to be processed. by special means, which are assigned individually (so said the master). After all the crusts came off, the result became clearly visible, and it was frankly unsuccessful. . Katya went to the master to evaluate his work himself. The master was pleased and said that everything looks great, but in some places it needs to be corrected. I signed up for a correction: again a crust, itching, processing, tears.

Now Katya is saving up money to remove those terrible eyebrows from her face with a laser, but for now she has to mask them with special means and draw new eyebrows on top. Here is such an unsuccessful experiment she turned out.

What do cosmetologists say about eyebrow tattooing?

You will be surprised, but cosmetologists unanimously argue that if there is no special need, then it is better to refuse it.

There are only a couple of exceptions: obvious natural asymmetry and scars.

All other arguments, according to cosmetologists, are not convincing. In addition, they offer a completely reasonable way out for those who still do not want to dye their eyebrows daily - this is henna.

Absolutely natural and harmless way. And the color range is quite wide: from golden to dark brown. In addition, when dyeing eyebrows with henna, you will not only give them color, but also strengthen them thanks to useful properties henna.

Cosmetologists are convinced that naturalness and naturalness, correctly emphasized with a minimum of cosmetics, looks much more attractive than tattooed eyebrows, eyes, lips and other things. .

Are you still deciding whether to do it or not? Then look at the photos of girls on the Internet before and after eyebrow tattooing. Your doubts will be completely dispelled.

Eyebrow tattooing is a double-edged sword. It can make you an incredible beauty, or it can spoil your appearance and mood for a long time. But, as they say, forewarned is forearmed!

Is there a danger

During permanent makeup a pigment is injected under the skin with a machine or manual maniple. It does not turn pale and does not smear for 2-3 years, so girls may not use decorative cosmetics. But the unsuccessful consequences of eyebrow tattooing persist for the same period, so not everyone decides on the procedure.

It is enough to look at the negative reviews of those girls who have serious side effects, and the desire to make a permanent evaporates indefinitely. However, tattooing itself is not a dangerous procedure. It becomes so for several reasons:

  1. If the beautician is inexperienced, any procedure can be harmful. Uncertain possession of the maniple, a trembling hand, an asymmetrical sketch - and the result is hopelessly spoiled.
  2. Complications often arise if the girl kept silent about the presence of contraindications. For example, for pregnant women and people with diseases in the acute stage, the permanent will add problems.
  3. The lack of sterility during the procedure leads to infection with infections and serious diseases - herpes, hepatitis, syphilis.

If you carefully choose a master, be honest with him about your condition, do not neglect the rules for skin care, permanent makeup will not cause unpleasant consequences. Doing the procedure in a reliable clinic is not dangerous.

Possible consequences

During any procedure in a beauty salon, there is always a risk of the influence of the human factor. If the cosmetologist has ignored the rules of sterility, it is possible to introduce an infection into the blood.

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Pay attention to the presence of skin antiseptics, surface disinfectants, disposable gloves.

Through the fault of the master, the contours or shade of the tattoo may be distorted. If the errors are minor, they are corrected for correction. Serious errors will either have to be masked with cosmetics and bangs, or removed.

At a preliminary consultation, the master conducts a skin allergy test. If the cosmetologist did not do this, and the client still has intolerance to the components of the coloring matter, serious complications are possible after the session.

The skin turns red, swells, blisters appear, which constantly itch and hurt. Perhaps a general deterioration in well-being. The condition will remain so until the pigment is completely removed from the body. The same development of events is possible if the master applied a low-quality composition.

If there are hidden or obvious contraindications to the procedure, it can be harmful to health. The following consequences are possible:

  • deterioration of health in infectious diseases due to a decrease in immunity;
  • harm to the unborn child during pregnancy, as particles of the coloring matter penetrate into the blood and through the placenta;
  • scarring with a tendency to them;
  • severe bleeding in hemophilia.

Permanent makeup is an invasive procedure, that is, the skin is damaged during it. This process cannot be taken lightly. In addition to the fact that you need to tell the master about all your diseases, you must also follow his recommendations after the session.

If you take care of the tattoo incorrectly, infection in the blood is possible. The temperature will rise, pus will be released from the wounds, general weakness will occur. In such a state, it is necessary to consult a doctor who will prescribe tests and, based on their results, select a treatment.

Only by the time of recovery the permanent can already be spoiled. Pigment particles will come out of the wounds along with pus, blood and lymph. The tattoo will turn out uneven, pale.

If permanent lip makeup is planned, it is first necessary to undergo prophylaxis against herpes. Even if you never noticed it, it "sleeps" in your body with a 95% probability. If prevention is not carried out, after damage to the skin, blisters will definitely appear on the lips. They quickly respond to treatment, but at their location, the pigment fades almost completely.

Irreversible side effects

Eyebrow tattoo can hardly be called dangerous. There are no sensitive areas nearby, the skin is dense, it is convenient for the master to work, the eyes are not endangered. Most of the complications that occur after the procedure are easily treatable or correctable. Only keloid scars can become irreversible. Even cosmetic procedures not always get rid of them, not to mention pharmacy creams and ointments.

If you do permanent makeup for a long time, grooves from the needle may remain on the skin. They have to be masked with cosmetics or the same tattoo. Getting rid of them is difficult, but if you turn to a professional, it is possible.

When the pigment is injected under the skin, the needle of the machine moves at high speed. Because of this, neighboring tissues heat up. Hair follicles are especially affected - they are destroyed. Subsequently, it is difficult to restore the natural growth of the eyebrows, especially if they have already been subjected to aggressive procedures.

How to avoid an unpleasant outcome

If you choose a reliable clinic in which cosmetologists with experience work, safety issues will disappear by themselves. The master will advise the shape and shade of the eyebrows, make a symmetrical sketch, correctly fill it with pigment and convince you of the need for proper care.

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The master must show you a needle, a cap, a pigment on which he works. The client has the right to ask to see the certification of these pigments

When looking for a cosmetologist, it is better to focus on reviews. real people who underwent the procedure. Only positive opinions of clients can be posted on the clinic’s website, so it makes sense to look for like-minded people in city groups on social networks.

At a preliminary consultation, it is necessary to assess the situation in the clinic. Everything must be clean, the staff must be friendly, all instruments must be placed in the sterilizer. Signs of a good beautician - attention to detail, assistance in choosing the shape and shade of eyebrows, goodwill.

You can not play sports, visit places with high temperature and humidity, sunbathe, drink alcohol and use cosmetics. The rules must be observed until the skin is completely healed.

Contraindications to the procedure

To understand if eyebrow tattooing is harmful for you, you need to go through the list of restrictions for the procedure. Any tick in it is a reason to abandon the permanent, at least for a while. There are the following contraindications:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding period;
  • period of menstruation;
  • diabetes;
  • epilepsy;
  • hemophilia;
  • infectious diseases;
  • exacerbation of chronic pathologies;
  • AIDS;
  • hepatitis;
  • exacerbation of herpes;
  • fresh tan;
  • age less than 18 years;
  • psychical deviations.

If, in the presence of contraindications, you still want to make your eyebrows beautiful, you can choose not permanent makeup, but biotattoo. During this procedure, superficial henna staining occurs without punctures. Among the contraindications to biotattoo is only an allergy to the coloring composition.

Myths about permanent makeup

The tattoo procedure came to us from Europe, therefore, like everything new, it was shrouded in myths. Until now, some believe in them, although no evidence exists.

Pigment does not fade completely

Many people compare permanent makeup with a tattoo. You can come across the opinion that in a couple of years, a semblance of a faded prison tattoo will remain in place of the eyebrows. These two procedures are based on the same principle, but during tattooing, the needle pierces the skin to a lesser depth. The pigment will not stay with you forever - sooner or later it will fade.

The misconception is reinforced by the fact that the coloring matter turns pale unevenly. For example, the tips of the eyebrows can return natural color, and on the base, the pigment will still be visible. Such unevenness is perceived as an irreparable side effect.

Your hair will stop growing

The negative impact on the hair follicles is only if a person has been doing permanent makeup for years. And even then, hair growth does not always stop. Eyebrows can really fall out, but only if they are initially fragile and have been repeatedly subjected to harmful procedures - dyeing, hair removal, etc.

After the session, you do not need to do eyebrow correction.

It will not be possible to solve 2 problems at once - to give the eyebrows the correct shape and make the hairs not grow where they should not. Before applying the tattoo, the beautician will remove those that go beyond the intended sketch. Subsequently, you still have to pluck the hairs as they grow.

The result will terrify

The first time after the session, it is really better not to look in the mirror once again, so as not to worry. The master introduces more pigment than necessary, since it takes root only by 40-60%. Because of this, the eyebrows at first look too bright and unnatural. But after the skin heals, the shade returns to normal. If the beautician did everything right, the eyebrows look natural.

Correction and removal

If minor flaws are found after skin restoration, they are corrected for correction. It is mandatory for everyone, since the master will not only mask the errors, but also update the pigment. The dye will last longer. During the correction, the beautician will correct minor errors in the form and make the shade saturated.

The easiest way to change hair tattoo eyebrows. It is enough for the master to make a few separate strokes to correct all the mistakes. It is more difficult to correct eyebrows that are evenly filled with pigment. You can only slightly correct the outlines or make the shade darker.

If the shortcomings are serious, and it will no longer be possible to make the result acceptable, the beautician will advise you to sign up for the removal of the permanent. Usually a laser is used for this. The rays heat the pigment, due to which it is destroyed and removed from under the skin with lymph. For complete removal, it is necessary to undergo from 2 to 8 procedures with a break of 1-1.5 months.

Beauty requires a lot of time and effort from a woman. To emphasize natural beauty and hide flaws, women all over the world apply cosmetics to their faces every day.
Technology has stepped far forward and modern beauty salons offer a service for applying permanent makeup. What is permanent makeup and is it harmful to the skin?

Permanent makeup (tattoo) is the introduction of coloring agents into the skin. It gives stable lines. The permanent makeup procedure is performed in 2-3 sessions, one session lasts about a couple of hours. The result is long-lasting permanent make-up.
For tattooing, high-quality paints are used, which contain vegetable and mineral color pigments. The application of paints is carried out using disposable tools, needles, caps and nozzles. The needle must be of high quality, made of an alloy of nickel, alloy steel and platinum. Permanent makeup has a number of advantages:

  • Gives a woman the opportunity to correct natural colors and facial features;
  • Allows a woman to forget about the morning make-up on duty;
  • Allows you to stay in shape in "extreme" situations, such as swimming pool, sauna, beach, etc.;
  • Solve the problem of allergies to cosmetics;
  • Helps people hide congenital and acquired defects.

Every woman wants to look attractive always. Permanent makeup with all its benefits will fulfill these desires. But you should still think about whether permanent makeup is harmful? The risk is as follows:

  • The process of performing permanent makeup on the lips can cause cold sores. To avoid this, take a prophylaxis a week before the procedure;
  • Tattooing has a number of contraindications - these are cardiovascular diseases, oncology, blood clotting disorders, diabetes, HIV, hepatitis, and a tendency to scarring. If you have physiological problems, then you can easily determine for yourself whether permanent makeup is harmful;
  • Never do a tattoo at home. To reduce the risk, choose specially equipped medical rooms; It is not advisable to do permanent makeup for pregnant women. There is no harm in the pigment, but the pain of the procedure will not bring anything good. Many painkillers and anesthetics are contraindicated during pregnancy;
  • Do not do permanent makeup when peeling, inflammatory processes and other diseases on the eyelids, lips or eyebrows.

The biggest harm to your health can be caused by a bad master, non-sterile instruments and cheap dyes. Don't risk your appearance by answering "no" to dubious offices and you won't have to think: "how bad is permanent makeup?". To avoid the negative consequences of tattooing, strictly followed recommendations of a cosmetologist will help.

The fashion for tattooing (permanent makeup) has existed for decades. Women and even some men often use the procedure of introducing a highly dispersed pigment into the upper layers of the skin to make their appearance attractive. An example of such artificial beauty can serve as many singers and actors - the idols of modern stage and cinema. Most people do not think at all about what this procedure is fraught with and boldly experiment with their own appearance.

Benefits of a permanent tattoo

In general, permanent makeup saves a lot of time. It is very comfortable. Tattooing individual parts of the face allows you not to waste energy on daily coloring of lips, eyes, eyebrows. Moreover, the tattoo remains for several years, gradually dissolving in the cells of the skin over time.

But the decision to make a permanent tattoo should be balanced, taking into account all the nuances of the procedure and possible complications. This is not an idle question at all. It is believed that high-quality permanent makeup can significantly improve a person's external data. with the existing natural asymmetry, it will give them a clearer contour, correct the shape of the eyes, eyebrows. Some women resort to tattooing to enhance the brightness of the nipples after plastic surgery for breast augmentation.

Consequences of the procedure

Of course, there are certain risks when performing this cosmetic procedure. An integral part of the tattoo is slight bleeding, swelling, and crusting. A needle puncture causes inflammation, in the place of which the blood flow increases significantly, the pressure inside the vessels increases significantly. As a result, the walls of the vessels become thinner, blood flows to the surface. The resulting crust protects the skin from bacteria. The color pigment that has penetrated inside is perceived by the human body as foreign, therefore it is attacked by immune cells. Further, collagen cells begin to grow at the puncture site. They envelop the pigment and subsequently enclose it in a kind of capsule.

Side effects

With this method of giving a beautiful appearance, side effects also occur. In particular, individual allergic reactions are quite possible, manifesting themselves even after several years. It has been noticed that even the natural origin of the paints used in permanent makeup does not save from allergies.

With insufficient qualifications of the tattoo master, non-compliance elementary rules hygiene, infection is quite possible. This is rare, but extremely dangerous in the current situation with diseases such as AIDS, hepatitis. Therefore, you should choose beauty salons with a justifiably good reputation.

Also, a real danger is the likelihood of scarring, keloid scars, which in some cases are simply ugly, bluish, bloody-brown. In some cases, if the hair follicles are damaged, hair loss in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eyebrows and eyelashes is quite possible.

Who is contraindicated tattoo

Before performing permanent makeup, many are worried about the pain of the procedure. In this case, it all depends on the individual pain threshold. Also, quite often, due to punctures of different depths, heterogeneous staining occurs. Then additional sessions of correction will be required. When tattooing the eyes, one must take into account the tendency to allergies. You should not resort to this remedy for inflammatory diseases of the eyelids, the presence of conjunctivitis.

There is also the so-called psychological risk of tattooing. One of the most common drawbacks of permanent makeup is dissatisfaction with the result after the procedure. A woman is a very changeable person. I wanted to see one thing, but it turned out another.

It is inappropriate to consider permanent makeup an attempt to save material resources. You can not settle for a cheap cosmetic procedure. An infection brought by an unskilled master is a rather expensive pleasure. With a frivolous attitude to fashion cosmetic procedure you can doom yourself to many sufferings.

Before carrying out the permanent makeup procedure, it is necessary to decide whether a woman wants to have the same shape of lips, eyes, eyebrows for several years in a row. Good luck!
