Elementary rules of etiquette. Why is it not customary for men to wear a hat indoors? Do I need to take off my hat indoors?

Everyone should know the relevant norms and rules of conduct for proper behavior in a civilized society. Men's and women's rules etiquette.

Men's rules of etiquette

1. On the street, a man should walk to the left of the lady. On the right, only military personnel can go, who must be ready to give a military salute.

2. It is necessary to support the woman by the elbow if she stumbled or slipped. But in a normal situation, the decision to take a man by the arm or not is made by the lady.

3. In the presence of a woman, a man does not smoke without her permission.

4. At the entrance and exit to the room, the gentleman opens the door in front of the lady, and he goes behind her.

5. Climbing or descending the stairs, a man secures his companion by walking one or two steps behind or in front, respectively.

6. A man enters the elevator first, and at the exit from it, a lady should be skipped forward.

7. The man gets out of the car first, he bypasses the vehicle and opens the door on the passenger side, while helping the woman out. Provided that the man drives the car himself, he must open the door and support the woman by the elbow when she sits in the front seat. If the man and woman are both taxi passengers, they are supposed to ride in the back seat. The lady is the first to sit in the salon, the man sits next to him.

8. When entering a room, a man should help a woman take off outerwear when leaving the room, it is worth giving her clothes.

9. In society, it is also customary not to sit down if the ladies are standing (this also applies to public transport).

10. According to etiquette, a man should not be late for a meeting with a lady. On the contrary, the gentleman should come a few minutes earlier, because his delay can embarrass the lady and put her in an awkward position. In unforeseen cases, it is necessary to warn and apologize for being late.

11. Any woman of any age should be helped to carry large objects and massive bags. They do not include a handbag, a light fur coat or a coat, except in those cases when, for health reasons, she cannot carry them herself.

12. In society, a frank conversation about a lady with a third person is unacceptable, and especially in a male company.

13. During a conversation, a man should not fold his arms over his chest or keep them in his pockets. Also, do not twist different objects in your hands - this is disrespect for the interlocutor.

14. Good to know: The man always enters the restaurant first, main reason- on this basis, the head waiter has the right to draw conclusions about who is the initiator of coming to the institution, and who will pay. In the case of the arrival of a large company - enters first and pays the one from whom the invitation to the restaurant came. But if a porter meets visitors at the entrance, then the man must let the first woman through. After that, the gentleman finds free places.

Women's rules of etiquette

1. You must not take off your hat indoors. Exceptions are cases when you are in the room for more than 10 minutes and cases of work necessity (for example, business negotiations).

2. If they give you a hand for a handshake, you must give yours: for a handshake, the right one, for a kiss - the left one. It is not necessary to remove the glove.

3. Never walk with your hands in your pockets, even in sportswear.

4. Leaving the car, a man should give you a hand. But if he does not do this, it is permissible to go out unaided.

5. At the door, the incoming person lets the outgoing person through, and the man - the woman.

6. It is not permissible to light a cigarette in the presence of a man. If a man does not react in any way, you can ask for a “light”.

7. Do not tilt the bowl of soup in any direction: neither forward nor backward.

8. When you have finished your meal, put the knife and fork on the plate - this is a sign to the waiter that it can be taken away.

9. It is not allowed to use toothpicks at the table, only in the ladies' room.

10. You can not be late for meetings, especially business ones. In extreme cases, the delay is reported by phone and the partner has the right to reschedule the meeting.

11. All drinks are poured by a waiter or a man, even tea.

12. The ideal distance between interlocutors in business negotiations is one meter, between a boss and a subordinate - one and a half meters.

The issue of wearing a hat indoors worries many. Not every person knows the answer to it, which would be correct. Some consider taking off their hats indoors as a stereotype. Somebody - right action. For many, at the sight of a man in a hat, the thought appears - an ill-mannered person.

According to etiquette, a man is required to take off his hat indoors. The woman is optional. So why is the wearing of a hat by a man in a room perceived by everyone with hostility? Some suggest that following the rules of etiquette is a personal choice for each person.

What will the person look like in the eyes of others? Why can't you wear a hat indoors?

Anyone who does not take off his hat indoors is sure that he is doing everything right. Ignoring the general rules can expose a person to others as an ill-mannered subject. Definitely will affect the attitude of other people towards him.

Slavic men believed that the headdress should be removed in the house, when meeting with another person, in the church. For them, this was the rule. Remember old movies. When entering someone's hut, the first thing a man did was to remove his headdress from his head. The poor man is a cap. Rich - a hat. In other layers, it was also the law. By the way, regardless of the weather.

If a person remained in a headdress, they looked at him as ignoring the rules accepted by everyone. In the Christian church there is a famous message from the Apostle Paul. He turns to the Corinthians and says something like this: that every man who prays or prophesies with his head covered puts her to shame.

Much later, each gentleman had to take off his headdress if there was a lady in the room. So he greeted her. He also behaved if there was a person with a higher position next to him. In France, in the 16th and 18th centuries, a nobleman was allowed to keep his headdress on, even for persons of royal blood. But this could be done for special services to the country.

The rules of etiquette of that time regulated who exactly could stay in the room with a hat. The masters of ceremonies knew this well, and taught other people. Ignoring the prescriptions was considered an insult to others. Disregard for general rules could be an excuse for a duel.

Sometimes in the old days they said that they would throw hats. It's strange for us to hear this now. Suppose he threw his hat, so what? And if you remember the ancient warriors, and how heavy their helmet was. A little scary if you imagine that such a helmet will fly into you. It was a real weapon. It was filmed in front of the temple.

Here it is - a tradition, in these places to walk only with uncovered heads. In the old days, only the husband could see a woman's hair. Otherwise, she hid them. Therefore, in old films, we see women of the poor class in headscarves, rich women in hats.

There was a saying: "appeared for a hat analysis." So they said to the men who came late to the service in the church. They took off their caps in front of the temple. They threw them somewhere. And after the end of the service they dismantled. Here it is - "hat analysis".

The tradition has remained, and now entering the church, the premises, men always take off their hats. Gentlemen of the old school greet other people by raising their hats. It looks beautiful and solemn! It is a pity that this custom has sunk into oblivion!

How can it be explained historically? Why does a boy, a young man, a man, entering the room, take off his hat? Why does a boy, a young man, a man go down the stairs in front? In the Middle Ages, a knight, entering a house, raised his visor, thereby showing that he had come with peaceful intentions. In the past, women have Long Dresses with a train. In order not to step on this train and knock over a candle on it, the man went down the stairs in front of his companion, illuminating her path.

How can it be explained historically? Why do we shake hands when we shake hands? Why should a young man, a man, walk to the left of a girl? In the past, knights put cold weapons or brass knuckles into their hands to repel danger. The outstretched open hand was a sign of friendliness. With this gesture, the knight showed that he had nothing in his hand. In the Middle Ages, a knight wore a sword to protect himself from attack. In order not to hit his companion with a sword, he walked to her left, ready to draw a weapon at any moment. Today, only military personnel should walk to the right of the girl in order to be able to salute military honor.

One of the Russians invited to the house of the British, wanting to show himself a well-mannered person, kissed the hand of the hostess when greeting, made her a compliment: “What is your Nice dress”, and in conversation he often used the word “gentleman”. The owners of the house no longer wanted to invite this Russian to visit. Why? Our compatriot made several unforgivable mistakes. Firstly, the restrained British do not allow themselves to publicly kiss the hands of the ladies, to compliment them. And as for the word "gentleman", the English themselves say that the true gentleman is the one who has never uttered this word.

If your friends in Spain asked you to stay for breakfast, what would you do? In Spain, the first invitation is only a form of courtesy and should be refused, just like the second. And only the third invitation expresses the true desire of the owners to see you in their house.

If you want to meet friends in America, will you go to them at the address you know as soon as you arrive in the States? It is not customary for Americans to visit without warning. The visit must be arranged in advance by phone.

Masha: Hello, Katya, is that you? Mom: No, this is not Katya. Who is asking her? Masha: Yes, yes, friend. Where is Katya? Mom: She's not at home. What to give her? Masha: Damn, she promised to wait for me, but she herself disappeared somewhere! Mom: I'm sorry, I can't talk to you like that anymore.

Mom: Hello, I'm listening to you. Masha: Hello, Katina's classmate Masha is calling you. Mom: Hello. I'm hearing you. Masha: Is Katya at home? Mom: Katya is not at home. What to betray her? Masha: There is nothing urgent, we just have to arrange a meeting with her. Can I call you back? Mom: Yes. Call in two hours. I'll tell you that you called her. Masha: Thank you. Goodbye. Mom: Goodbye. Masha: Hello, Katya, is that you? Mom: No, this is not Katya. Who is asking her? Masha: Yes, yes, friend. Where is Katya? Mom: She's not at home. What to give her? Masha: Damn, she promised to wait for me, but she herself disappeared somewhere! Mom: I'm sorry, I can't talk to you like that anymore.

SITUATIONS FOR TEAMS You have come to an institution, for example, to the House of Children's Creativity. You have been sent to a lecture, but you do not know what kind of lecture it is, where it takes place. Your actions? Two couples met on the street. Two boys and two girls. One boy knows one of the girls. How should they introduce themselves to each other?

BOYS The boy is sitting at the table in the room. A girl entered the room. How should he greet her? The boy has to ask the girl to dance, but he does not know how to do it. What way would you suggest? FOR GIRLS A girl wants to meet a boy, but does not know how to do it. What way would you suggest? One princess at the ball was invited to dance by two princes at once. If this princess knows etiquette, what will she do and with whom will she go dancing?

The first to greet: a man - with a woman, the youngest (by age and service) - with the elder, who entered - with those already present. And if the director of a large factory met in the store with his beloved grandmother? Who should say hello first? If the lady has dropped something, the man must pick it up and return it to the lady. What if she dropped the candy? What should happen according to etiquette?

Etiquette says to thank even for the smallest service. If a friend put black pepper in your tea, and now helpfully offers his handkerchief, is it necessary to thank him according to etiquette? A polite man should help his lady get dressed, but she has a briefcase in her hands. What to do6 take a briefcase, and let her put on a coat herself? Or submit a coat without noticing the briefcase?

A polite son opens the door for his mother and lets her go ahead, as it should be according to etiquette. And what does he need to do if immediately behind the first door is the second one (as, for example, at the entrance to the school)? When guests come to the house with flowers, according to etiquette, they are handed over to the mistress of the house (and if there is at least one man among those who came, he will certainly do this). But you want to give a bouquet to your girlfriend, because you were invited to her birthday. How to give a bouquet to a birthday girl according to etiquette, if her mother, the mistress of the house, is at home?

All of us have long been accustomed to, coming, wherever it was in rainy weather, to immediately open an umbrella. Yes, indeed, this is how it dries the fastest, but according to the rules of etiquette, such a maneuver is completely unacceptable. Why? It's very simple: if you open an umbrella in the office or in any other public place, others will do exactly the same, umbrellas will fill the whole space and it will be quite difficult to move around such a “field”, so the umbrella must be folded (but not twisted, otherwise after a while it may appear bad smell) and place in an umbrella stand. If one is not at hand, you can lean the umbrella against the wall.

Bag on the floor

All residents of Europe put handbags on the floor, often it causes some bewilderment for us, which is not surprising, we are used to forever hugging our bags, and meanwhile, this is contrary to all the rules of etiquette. The good manners rule says: you can put a small clutch on the table next to you, as for other bags, they must be hung on the back of a chair (but not put on the next seat) or placed on the floor, they definitely won’t interfere with anyone.

Hats must be removed indoors.

If today you decide to leave the house in an elegant hat and gloves, then you can safely enter the room in this form - the rules of etiquette do not prohibit this (naturally, if you do not plan to spend the whole day in a hat or decide to go to the theater in a hat) , but it’s better to take off your hat and mittens. In the end, if you have already decided to be a lady, you need to remain her to the end, even in forty degrees of frost.

Keep track of decorations

According to etiquette, the number of jewelry items that are simultaneously on a woman should not exceed thirteen units, and jewelry buttons are also in mind. In addition, it is completely inadmissible to wear a ring over gloves, but a bracelet is completely. You should also take care of the high cost of your jewelry, the main rule here remains the same: the darker it is outside, the more expensive and larger jewelry. Avoid combinations of several jewelry made of different metals. It is not recommended to wear gold and silver at the same time, and it is also not recommended to combine jewelry with real jewelry or with products made from natural materials. The same goes for precious stones: only pearls and diamonds are combined with all stones, and colored sapphires, emeralds, rubies should not be worn at the same time.

How to pay for an order in a restaurant

And although many women like to speculate on the topic “he should pay for me,” this statement is only partly true. So, for example, if you invite a man to a restaurant, with the specific wording “I invite”, then you thereby confirm your willingness to pay not only for yourself, but also for the invitee. The same is true with a business lunch (dinner / breakfast): if a woman invites her partner to a restaurant, she pays. Only the phrase remains saving: “Let's go to a restaurant”, only in this case the bill can be divided in half, and if you come across a noble companion, then, most likely, he will pay for you.

Don't talk about diets

Our favorite topic is weight loss: new types of fitness, diets, miracle drinks and so on. But if you do not want to give the wrong impression to others, you will have to leave all the talk about lost pounds at home. Your interlocutors, unless, of course, this is your best friend, it is absolutely not interesting how much you have lost over the past month, how exactly your body reacts to plums or cottage cheese, or plums with cottage cheese, and why your cellulite does not want to disappear. It is especially ugly to refuse the dishes offered to you at a party, etiquette prescribes at least a taste prepared by the hosts, let better food on your plate will remain almost untouched, rather than you publicly declare that the diet allows you only water and green apples, which, unfortunately, were not among the guests.

How to behave in the auditorium

If you ended up in the theater or in the cinema hall later than other spectators, and your seat is in the middle of the row, you need to make your way to it only facing the people sitting. However, it is interesting that in Europe there is a completely opposite rule. It's about mentality, I guess. So, if you are walking down a row in an auditorium somewhere in France, you must turn your back to those who are already sitting, otherwise people will consider you ill-mannered, the same goes for the elevator. Turning your back in Europe does not mean disrespectful at all - on the contrary, in this way you clearly demonstrate that you do not encroach on the personal space of your neighbor.

Rules for the use of perfume

This rule is incredibly concise: do not overdo it with perfume and toilet water, if by the evening you still smell your perfume, be sure that everyone else has already suffocated.

How to eat sushi

It is quite natural that at home you can afford to relax and eat sushi the way you want: with chopsticks, hands, a fork or even a spoon, but in a restaurant you still need to use only chopsticks. True, there is a slight indulgence for men - they are allowed to eat Japanese dishes with their hands.

The man on the left

According to the rules of etiquette, a man should always walk on the street to the left of a woman. This custom has its own history: a few centuries ago, a man could not afford to leave the house without a weapon, as a rule, it was a saber, rapier, sword, dagger or saber, which was attached to the gentleman’s belt on the left, so that the weapon would not hit the beautiful lady on the knees, the gentleman had to go on the left. Today, once forced necessity has become a sign of a good upbringing. The only exception here is the military - they are supposed to go to the right of the companion in order to perform a military greeting if necessary, or, more simply, to salute.

Smartphone on the table - a sign of bad taste

If during a meeting with friends, and even more so - a business lunch, your phone will certainly lie in front of you, and besides, you are constantly distracted by it to check what's new, then you are extremely uninteresting with your interlocutors. By doing so, you show how important the communication device is in your life and how indifferent you are to those in front of you.

When a man should be first

Contrary to the stereotype, a man does not always have to let his lady go first. So, for example, if you can’t go up the stairs side by side, then when ascending, a man walks behind, and when descending, in front. Everything is very logical: if the lady "decides" to fall, then she will fall down. And then on her way there should be a man who will not let her do it. Also, you do not need to skip the lady ahead when entering the elevator. But the lady should go out first - the elevator is still considered a transport of increased danger.

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Everyone knows that you cannot wear a hat indoors, it is considered indecent. But why, where did such a rule come from? What will it mean to others if you remain in your headdress when you enter somewhere? Let's try to figure it out.

Origin of tradition

There are several options for why it was customary for men to take off their hats in certain situations. After all, this rule applies to them. Of course, it concerns women, but to a lesser extent and is not necessary for them to perform.

So here are a few options:

  • In ancient Rome, slaves, when they saw a free man, bared their heads to show their status and respect for the owner;
  • It is customary for men to take off their hats when entering an Orthodox church. It has always been so and remains so to this day. In addition, earlier and at the entrance to the house, everyone always turned towards the icons, which were located in the red corner and took off their hats as a sign of respect;
  • In the Middle Ages, knights took off their helmets before they greeted someone or entered a room. Thus they expressed good intentions;
  • In the 19th century, in secular circles, the hat was removed as a sign of admiration.

So y different peoples and at different times this gesture was present among people. It almost always meant the same thing: respect, respect and admiration.

Modern hat etiquette

Today, many countries no longer adhere to this rule. You can easily see the representatives of the stronger sex with their heads covered in the library or in the museum. This is no longer considered a sign of politeness.

But in fact, this tradition was not canceled and the rules of modern etiquette say that men are advised to take off their hats:

  1. When performing the national anthem and raising the flag;
  2. In the church. Many do not know why this rule of conduct in the temple is justified. It is believed that in this way a person shows admiration for God. It's like he's saying: We are all equal, go in peace and repent of sins»;
  3. At official events;
  4. When meeting and talking with a woman. Being with her in a hat is considered ignorance;
  5. At catering establishments: in a restaurant, cafe or bar. But there is an interesting point here, in fast food establishments this rule does not work;
  6. In cultural institutions: museums, theaters, exhibitions and galleries.

Hat traditions, of course, are slowly dying. In the modern world, less and less time is devoted to etiquette. But his knowledge sharply distinguishes a person from the rest and even raises him a little in the eyes of others, inspiring respect.

When can a man keep his hat on?

Of course, you don't have to bare your head every time. There are situations where this is inappropriate:

  • At events held on the street;
  • In the elevator, if there is no lady nearby;
  • In public buildings: hotel, airport, etc.;

Also remember some subtleties of etiquette. If you are next to a girl on the street, you do not need to freeze out of a desire to appear polite. In this case, it is quite acceptable to hide your head from the wind or rain.

There are also personal reasons why you cannot get rid of the headdress when meeting a lady. Then don't do it. Just lift it up or touch it with a slight nod of your head. In this case, your respect will be indicated and you can not take off your hat.

And yet the tradition lives on. Rare to see young man wearing a hat in church or in the dining room. And if you see it, then they will definitely make a remark. And this is good. Traditions must be observed and protected, especially if they are designed to make people polite.

And this rule teaches politeness. It obliges to show respect for others. That's why you can't wear a hat in the building - it's ugly in relation to others.

Video: why are women allowed to wear a hat?

In this video, passers-by will express their opinion on why men cannot remain indoors in hats, unlike women:

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