Lip tattoo on the second day. Perfect permanent lip makeup - Before and after photos, reviews

Decorative cosmetics are not very durable. Even matte lipstick smudges quickly. Permanent tattoo Lips are becoming more and more popular. “Eternal” make-up is not only beautiful, but also convenient: there is no need to “bring up” beauty every day, worry about whether lipstick is smeared after drinking a cup of tea. This procedure has nuances that a woman who decides to get a tattoo should be aware of.

Permanent lip makeup has a number of advantages that make girls want to resort to a cosmetic procedure. The end result from the hands of an experienced master looks natural, natural, spectacular. The prospect of always looking at 100% becomes the goal that the representatives of the fair half cannot resist, even after learning about the possible negative consequences of “eternal” makeup.

The obvious advantages include:

  • No need for frequent lip tinting.
  • The ability to correct existing imperfections in the contour, size and shape of the lips, mask minor defects in the form of scars.
  • Make-up resistance to mechanical impact, eating, kissing.
  • A variety of techniques and shades will allow you to get as close as possible to the ideal tattoo.
  • The duration of the effect.
  • If you want to change the image, it is possible to remove the pigment using a laser method.
  • The compatibility of the dye with hyaluronic acid allows you to combine the procedure with lip augmentation.
  • The ability to refresh the face, make the image brighter.
  • The painlessness of the procedure often does not require the introduction of Lidocaine through injections - only an anesthetic cream is used.

A special indication for permanent lip makeup is asymmetry, an ugly mouth shape, the presence of wrinkles in the corners where lipstick spreads.

The disadvantages of the cosmetic procedure are the following nuances:

  • The presence of a number of contraindications.
  • Opportunity negative consequences and complications associated with the inexperience of the specialist, the individual characteristics of the client, improper lip care after tattooing.
  • Frequent cases of exacerbation of herpes require preparation for the procedure.
  • Unpleasant sensations during tattooing.
  • Long-term healing and restoration of the skin after a tattoo.
  • A failed permanent is hard to fix, and can only be removed with a laser or remover.

Before deciding on an “eternal” make-up, you should weigh all the pros / cons, carefully study the list of contraindications in order to avoid disastrous consequences. It is equally important to choose the right salon and professional beautician having experience, positive feedback on the work done.

Color matching features

It is necessary to select the shade of the dye based on the color type (color) of the appearance, which is determined by the natural data of a person: the color of the skin, hair, eyes. Color types are divided into cold (winter, summer) and warm (spring, autumn):

"Winter" includes brunettes and girls with ashen or dark blond hair. Their skin is pale or has an olive tint, their eyes are dark. Girls with the “summer” color type are fair-haired or blonde with gray, green, brown eyes. Representatives of the cold color type have expressive eyes but pale, almost colorless lips. When choosing a shade of permanent makeup, you should lean towards cold shades with a pink palette. These include the following colors and shades:

  • plum, cherry;
  • red-violet;
  • purple;
  • red-brown;
  • amaranth;
  • hot pink;
  • fuchsia;
  • crimson;
  • cherry red;
  • cyclamen;
  • lilac;
  • terracotta;
  • bronze.

Girls with the color type "autumn" and "spring" are recommended to lean towards the choice of warm tones. "Autumn" brown-haired women with a copper tint and red-haired personalities have golden skin, and eyes are light brown, hazel, amber. "Spring" young ladies nature endowed with light and thin skin and wheaten hair. Eye color - light blue, light gray, light brown, light green.

The “warm” color type will suit the tones:

  • caramel;
  • ocher;
  • peach;
  • salmon pink;
  • beige;
  • warm pink;
  • bodily;
  • coral pink;
  • burnt sienna.

A permanent makeup specialist should be an experienced makeup artist who will help the client determine the color type, choose the shade, taking into account her tastes and manners. He will produce a test pencil sketch in the selected tone for a preliminary evaluation. The girl will have to walk with a permanent for a long time. It is important that she likes herself and is confident in her attractiveness.

In both color types, it is recommended to avoid using too much bright colors and their shades, such as red, scarlet, burgundy, bright plum. Provocative makeup is not universal and cannot be suitable for any meetings, evenings, celebrations that you will have to visit over the next few years.

An important condition for a permanent tattoo is maximum naturalness and naturalness, which will emphasize natural beauty, highlight a certain area of ​​the face, and give freshness to the skin.

Types of permanent tattoo

There are several varieties of permanent lip makeup that differ in the technique of introducing a coloring pigment. The end result of each technique is different. Which technique do you prefer? Depends on the goal and desire that the client would like to receive from makeup:

Type of equipment Description
1. Shading Shading can be partial or complete. This technique is also called "permanent lipstick". The end result has the effect of painted lips and suitable for girls for those who wish:
  • change the natural color to a brighter one;
  • correct the irregularity of the form;
  • hide a minor defect;
  • increase volume slightly.
2. Contour Contour tattoo can be chosen by girls who by nature have beautiful lips and want to emphasize this part of the face, make it more expressive. The shade of the pigment is chosen not too bright, so that the mouth looks more natural.

This type of tattoo can be combined with full shading. It looks great on plump lips. The contour can be selected with partial shading and make them clearer.

3. 3D effect 3D tattooing is represented by performing permanent makeup in several stages. The technique involves the use of 3-4 shades of the same color, which smoothly transition from light to dark. To achieve the goal, 2-4 sessions may be needed, each of which continues after the skin has completely healed.

Girls make lip tattoos with a 3D effect to visually enlarge them and correct asymmetries. With 3D tattooing, there is partial and complete filling with pigment. Partial shading allows the lips to look voluminous, sexy, natural. A full fill is a decorative tattoo that gives the lips a neatly painted look.

4. Watercolor Watercolor technique (powder spray or contourless tattoo) is used to create a light look. The peculiarity of tattooing is the absence of contour drawing. The pigment is introduced in layers, and the procedure is performed in 2 stages. To perform the tattoo, light colors are selected. The result of makeup is a gentle naturalness. Lips become voluminous, acquire naturalness, attractiveness.

Execution technique

Tattooing should be done in a salon or a specialized office. Performing permanent makeup at home is fraught with health-threatening consequences. The pigment must be applied exclusively by a qualified master. The scheme of the procedure in all techniques is identical, differing only in certain nuances regarding the introduction of paint and the number of courses. Below is a brief step by step description the process of applying the pigment, which consists of 3 steps:


To prepare for a tattoo, you should beware of exacerbating herpes. If there is a tendency to the manifestation of the disease on the lips, then a week before the procedure and a certain period after it, it is recommended to use the antiviral drug Acyclovir in tablets. Do not drink alcohol before the procedure.


Before entering the paint, you should ask about the composition and manufacturer of the pigment. It is important that it does not contain harmful components, had a pH level close to that of the skin, was easily injected and did not evaporate.

The session begins with cleansing the skin of cosmetic residues and applying an anesthetic.

Next, the paint is injected with a machine with a thin needle. The technique and depth of application depends on the type of makeup. The process may take 2-3 hours. If we are talking about the 3D effect, then there is a phased application that requires several sessions.

Immediately the shade will be much richer and brighter. It can appear in its proper form only after the skin has completely healed. Evaluate the final result after 3-4 weeks.


The first 1-2 days there will be a slight swelling - this is a normal reaction of tissues to injury. When the micro-wounds begin to heal, the lips should take on a crust, and itching will appear on the 3-4th day - this is a sign of a normal regeneration process. At home, lips are recommended to be smeared with a wound healing agent with an anti-inflammatory effect. Removal of crusts is prohibited in order to avoid infection and the formation of gaps in the pigmented area.

How long does it heal

The process of restoration of the epidermis takes from 10 to 20 days. We can talk about complete regeneration after 3-4 weeks. When the skin on the lips finally heals, you can judge the result and color of permanent makeup.

How long does it last

The tattoo lasts 2-5 years. It all depends on:

  • skin type;
  • hue intensity;
  • age;
  • immunity;
  • exposure to UV radiation.

Makeup will last longer if you use sunscreen.

How painful is the procedure

Natural lip tattoo is a beauty that requires sacrifice. How painful it is to achieve it, it is unambiguously impossible to answer. Everyone's pain threshold is different. Some compare this pain to a mosquito bite, while others clench their fists white-hot.

In 90% of cases, an anesthetic ointment is used: Super Numb, Dr. Numb, TKTX, Deep Numb, SXYAN. The remaining 10% are sensitive girls who require the use of Lidocaine injections.

Contraindications and possible complications

Condition that is a contraindication for tutuazh:

  • increased body temperature;
  • blood disease;
  • the presence of a mole, a fly, a pigment spot;
  • tendency to scarring;
  • cancer of any localization;
  • exacerbation of any disease;
  • pregnancy, lactation, menstruation;
  • influenza, acute respiratory infections, SARS.

It is not recommended to resort to tattoos for people prone to allergies. A negative reaction to the pigment can be manifested by severe swelling, itching, peeling, rash. This complication will require treatment with antihistamines.

During the creation of the image, special attention is paid to the lips. After all, I want them to look expressive. For this, it is used, given the reviews, lip tattooing. Photos before and after the procedure allow you to verify the excellent effect. Details about it are presented in the article.

What it is?

The word "tattoo" can evoke associations with tattoos. In fact, 2 procedures have little in common - in both cases, a dye is injected under the skin, which retains color and saturation for a long time. But if a standard tattoo is presented in the form of a picture, then tattooing allows you to emphasize the natural elements of the face.

There are many types of tattoos. It is performed for eyebrows, when the cosmetologist creates beautiful and clear eyebrow contours on the face with a coloring pigment. The procedure is also performed for the eyes: the pigment is applied under the skin of the eyelids, which creates the effect of permanent makeup. But the most popular is, according to reviews, lip tattooing. Photos before and after the procedure show a noticeable difference. At this event, the paint is injected under the skin of the lips, with the help of which their outlines are emphasized.

After lip tattooing, you can not use lipstick - it should be applied in rare cases. With the help of the procedure, you do not need to pay much attention to the make-up of this part of the face. Lips acquire juicy outlines and natural color. The result lasts up to several years, although it will have to be updated regularly.

A bit of history

For the first time, the similarity of modern tattooing was mentioned 2 thousand years ago. In China, masters, when drawing lines on the skin, hid the girls' eyebrows or eyelashes. For this, a microscopic needle placed in a bamboo stick and vegetable dyes were used. Since that period, people's knowledge and technology has evolved, and at a meeting of beauticians in the 1980s in New York, modern lip tattooing was introduced. It was then that the procedure became popular all over the world.

Who needs a procedure?

Lip tattoo contour needed:

  1. Women who have the first signs of wilting. After the procedure, the lips acquire clarity, visibility, color evenness. This anti-aging effect will affect the look of the face.
  2. Ladies who are dissatisfied with their lip shape. A very thin or full mouth is best corrected with cosmetics. But this takes a lot of time and effort, and tattooing allows you to get a lasting result.
  3. Women going on a long trip or busy with hard work. If there is no physical ability to follow the make-up, then tattooing will be a suitable procedure. At any time, the lips will be attractive, whatever the conditions.

Of course, the procedure is suitable for those who do not want to constantly use lipstick. After all, makeup will always be in order, so constant adjustment is not required.

Is it worth doing?

IN last years fashionable natural beauty, But Permanent makeup that didn't make it any less popular. Should I get a lip tattoo? For girls who want to correct their appearance, become more attractive, but do not want to be old-fashioned, this procedure is just right. A master who knows the rules of tattooing will help to achieve an excellent result:

  1. The event must be performed with the complete absence of contraindications.
  2. The size and shape of the changed appearance of the lips should match the appearance.
  3. The tone of the dye should be in harmony with the color of the skin.
  4. The effect should slightly improve the shape of the lips and also keep them appearance natural.
  5. If at least once there was herpes, then 3-4 days before the event, you must go through an anti-herpes program.

In tattooing, you can not violate the rules of the procedure, so that the result is really pleasing. It is easier to do the job than to eliminate its result, so you should approach this event responsibly.


You can evaluate the results of the procedure by the photo of the lip tattoo before and after. Feedback from women is mostly positive. Many of them note a beneficial effect on the appearance of the face. The advantages of the procedure include the following:

  1. Frequent touch-up is not required. This saves money and time.
  2. Maintain confidence in its attractiveness. Lips will always be beautiful, no matter the conditions.
  3. With a tattoo, the face looks younger. Age is determined not only by the appearance of wrinkles, but also by the withering of the skin of the lips. And with the procedure, youth can be extended.
  4. This cosmetic event keeps the skin healthy. Putting pigment under it will be less harmful than constantly using lipstick.
  5. With the help of the procedure, it will be possible to correct the outlines of the mouth without plastic surgery.


But the lip tattoo contour also has disadvantages:

  1. There is discomfort during and after the procedure. Although the pigment is applied with local anesthesia, tattooing brings inconvenience, lips heal for a long time.
  2. The color will be noticeable for several months and years. Therefore, experts advise using natural, light tones - it will be difficult to “lighten” bright red lips.
  3. Removing a tattoo from the lips will be a difficult process if the procedure is initially performed poorly. Therefore, it is important to carefully choose a salon before visiting it.
  4. There are contraindications. The event should not be performed by people with diabetes and oncology, as well as with poor blood clotting, during pregnancy and lactation. The procedure is not carried out if the patient has an unstable psyche.

Many consider it a minus that the pigment must be constantly updated. But we must remember that the result of tattooing is preserved for many years, which cannot be compared with any cosmetics. The correction that needs to be done once every few months is one significant disadvantage.

Types of procedures

Some women love bright and rich makeup, while others prefer natural shades. And some hardly change the color of the lips, but only emphasize their contours. Therefore, there are several types of this procedure:

  1. Contour tattoo. In this case, the pigment is not applied to all lips, it is injected only along the contour to make it clear. Thanks to this event, you can not use a pencil every day, you should only use lipstick.
  2. Lip tattoo with shading. The pigment is applied along the contour, making it expressive. At the same time, shading is performed on the skin, giving a natural color. If the lips are tattooed with shading, then you do not need to regularly adjust the makeup.
  3. Filling tattoo. The coloring component is injected under the skin of the lips, which will resemble lipstick. Many colors can be used for this procedure - from red and burgundy to pink and apricot. When choosing a tone, you must remember that light shades can be made brighter with lipstick, and rich juicy pigment cannot be “lightened”.
  4. tattoo natural color. In this case, a pigment is selected that is as close as possible to the natural shade. Visually, the effect looks natural: the lips seem unpainted, but they have even color and expressiveness.

Each lip tattoo technique allows you to get excellent results only if the work was done by a real professional. After that, you just need to follow the advice of the master.


During the procedure, it is important to determine the shade of the pigment. The color of the lip tattoo should match the appearance, because it is chosen for many years. The master should suggest which tone will suit the face and skin tone. You can choose colors that match your hair.

For light girls, pink, flesh tones are great, and for dark ones, brown and reddish. Choosing a lip tattoo color is almost the same as buying lipstick. A suitable tone will look harmonious.

Master's Choice

In every city there are at least a few beauty salons where they perform similar work. Most of them attract customers with discounts, promotions and great deals. But it's important to choose professional master who has experience. Such a specialist will not only perform the procedure with high quality, but will also be able to choose a type of tattoo that will emphasize the beauty of the lips and hide imperfections.

In the salons, employees have their own portfolios. good master he will not rush to complete the procedure, first he will explain all the nuances of the event, describe the work process and the rules of care. After all, all this is important for obtaining an excellent result.

It is important to pay attention to the materials used by the masters. Not in every beauty salon they are of high quality. This is due to the savings and complexity of the purchase. quality materials. Only when the procedure is performed by the master with the appropriate devices, we can expect positive results.

How is the procedure performed?

Although the result shows a photo of a lip tattoo before and after, reviews of the procedure say that it is important to consult a specialist about the need for this event. They work only in a beauty salon. At the same time, it is important to make sure that qualified tattoo artists with experience are doing the tattoo. The event is executed according to the following instructions:

  1. Makeup should be washed off the lips, the skin should be cleansed with the help of special products.
  2. Then the master performs anesthesia - the lips are covered with an anesthetic ointment or liquid. As a result, there is a loss of skin sensitivity, so the effect of the needle is manifested in a slight tingling.
  3. Since the lips are very sensitive, anesthesia is renewed during tattooing - the master applies a spray to the skin.
  4. The event lasts about 3 hours - the exact time depends on the type of procedure. Usually one area of ​​the skin is treated within 30-40 minutes.

It is important that all devices are disposable and sterile. Before performing the procedure, you should make sure that this rule is followed in the cabin. After all, any infection can be introduced with a needle, and this can lead to adverse consequences.


What are the consequences of lip tattooing? This procedure causes injury to the skin. Therefore, it takes time for the lip tattoo to heal - usually about 10 days. At this time, it is necessary to perform some procedures:

  1. Almost immediately after applying the tattoo, the lips swell and itch. Used to reduce swelling and relieve discomfort special means: "Panthenol", hydrocortisone ointment, "Rescuer" cream, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory drugs.
  2. On the 2nd day, a crust appears on the lips, from which the ichor and a little blood come out. This is considered normal. Lips can be treated with medicated ointments, but you can’t peel off the crust.
  3. On the 3rd and 4th day, the crust disappears almost completely, but itching may remain.
  4. On the 5th day, the outlines of the lips become uniform - it is then that the results of the event must be evaluated.

On the 5th-6th day, the lips acquire a normal shape and a healthy appearance. But for a while the color will change. The final healing of the lip tattoo occurs after 10 days. If you like the result, then no procedures are required. If there are defects, you need to visit the salon again.

The main rule during healing is to keep the lips clean. During the first days, you should not use cosmetics, smoke and play sports. The healing area should not be exposed to the sun's rays. Wash it and wet it as little as possible. At this time, you should not eat salty and spicy foods, carbonated drinks, citrus juices and alcohol.


What is the price of a lip tattoo? In the salon, the procedure costs between 2500-3500 rubles. Very cheap work should alert: after all, high-quality services of a true professional cannot cost a little.

When choosing a salon, you need to consider average price lip tattoo. Then, probably, everything is done according to the rules, and it will not be dangerous to health.


You should not perform the procedure when:

  1. The presence of injuries, cracks, chapped lips.
  2. Tendencies to allergies.
  3. Inflammations.
  4. neoplasms.
  5. Menstrual cycle, and for 3 days before and after that.
  6. Blood diseases.
  7. Poor blood clotting.
  8. Drinking alcohol the day before.

Result duration

The duration of the effect is individual. It depends on various factors. This is affected by age, the quality of the dye used. For example, young girls usually have to perform correction often, because their metabolism is fast and the skin recovers faster.

If a high-quality pigment was used, then the result lasts up to 3 years, and low-quality paints disappear after a year. A poor-quality preparation will not only quickly “wipe off”, but may also leave a blue or green tone. It will be difficult to remove the flaw even with a laser. This is an important reason why you should not skimp on the master.

The duration of the preservation of the effect is affected by care. Permanent peeling, tanning, saunas, baths reduce the duration of tattooing on the lips. Therefore, in order for the result to last longer, these procedures should not be performed.

Lip tattooing allows using pigment to make the color bright, and the contour more even and clear. With the introduction coloring composition the master makes punctures with special needles, then blends the lines. The healing of the crust does not occur immediately, it lasts for several days.

Lip tattoo is cosmetic procedure, which allows to improve their shape for a long time, to make the contour and color clearer. It should be performed only by a professional in a proven salon, using high-quality paint, sterile tools. Puncture healing takes a long time, about 5-7 days. To understand how the sponges will look right after leaving the master's office and in a few days, just study the description, see step-by-step photos.

Applying pigment and shading

The lip tattoo procedure begins with the selection of a suitable shade, drawing a border with an ordinary cosmetic pencil. After that, the master applies an anesthetic gel, closes it with a film. This action will reduce pain during the introduction of paint with needles. Next, the process of contour pigmentation begins directly with its subsequent shading.

Immediately after driving in the pigment, the following sensations are observed:

  • A fairly strong swelling appears, which will gradually decrease, and then disappear. How long it lasts depends on the type of skin, the individual characteristics of the body.
  • Soreness, numbness of the lips from the anesthetic is felt. To eliminate pain, a healing ointment is prescribed, taking painkillers.
  • The color of the tattoo acquires bright shade, and the outline looks too clear, unnatural.

Numbness or pain prevents many girls from eating their usual food for the first day. Sometimes you have to drink only juice all evening, tea through a straw, so as not to hurt yourself.

The photo below shows the result before the procedure and 2 hours after the tattoo. The lips became plump, bright, a noticeable border of a darker color appeared.

The appearance of a dried crust

If on the first day a strong swelling is noticeable around the area treated with needles, numbness is felt, then on the second day these symptoms practically disappear. Puffiness becomes barely noticeable, pain pass. How long it will take until complete healing, the specialist will not be able to say. For some women, the process drags on for 7-10 days, while others rejoice at the disappearance of the crust by the third day.

Be sure to apply the ointment recommended by the salon workers on the lips. Do this over the morning, evening, carefully smearing each area with your fingertip. Hydrocortisone ointment, which promotes the healing of punctures, has proven itself well. This is how sponges with a thick layer of antiseptic ointment applied in the photo look like.

  • Use instead of ointment cream Boro Plus, Rescuer, applying them 3-4 times in a thin layer for about 5-7 days.
  • Those who have a tendency to the appearance of herpes, drink a course of acyclovir a week before the procedure.

By the second or third day, the entire surface is covered with dried crusts. This is a normal phenomenon, indicating the beginning of the recovery period. Sometimes severe peeling of the skin begins, accompanied by unbearable itching.

Combing or peeling off the dried ichor is prohibited, otherwise the pigment will be distributed unevenly. It is necessary to wait for its complete disappearance, daily lubricating sponges with therapeutic creams.

For those who are interested in what such a tattoo looks like, it is enough to study the photo below. By this time, the crusts are already starting to come off, but for some girls, the recovery period lasts a little longer.

Permanent Makeup Care

After the crusts have gone, care is to protect the lips from the harmful effects of external factors. Until the color correction is done, it is forbidden:

  • visit a solarium, sunbathe under the bright rays of the sun;
  • go to the bath, sauna, swim in the pool, open water;
  • engage in gym under the enhanced program;
  • use scrubs, alcohol-containing lotions;
  • apply decorative cosmetics: gloss, lipstick, pencil.

How many weeks to wait for the correction, the master should explain even during the tattoo. Usually it is done a month after pigmentation, when the color is fully manifested, it becomes close to natural. It will not be superfluous to look at the photos in the salon catalog in order to imagine what to expect from the procedure after a month, six months, or a longer time.

Will definitely need to use hygienic lipstick as the lips become drier. From proper care it depends on how long the form will last, the chosen tone.

It must be remembered that ultraviolet causes complete fading of the pigment, and water in the early days contributes to premature peeling of the crust, the appearance of uneven spots over the entire surface.

Fully healed lips should look plump, even, natural. Below for comparison are photos with correctly applied permanent makeup and an unsuccessful result. In the second case, even correction will not help, uneven lines will have to be removed with a laser.

To make permanent permanent makeup last for a long time, delighting its owner beautiful shape or rich color, you must strictly follow all the instructions of the specialist. Only correct application ointments and the implementation of the recommendations will allow the pigment to be distributed evenly, to appear in the desired shade.

Permanent makeup is a modern procedure, which is also often called tattooing, micropigmentation or dermapigmentation, contouring makeup. We will describe it in more detail below.

What is the procedure

This technique has the following features:

  1. The introduction of a special coloring pigment into the upper layers of the skin is carried out using a needle.
  2. The result of the procedure depends on the area on which the coloring pigment is applied, in most cases this is necessary for a high-quality and long-lasting imitation of the application of conventional makeup.
  3. To date, many methods have been developed and used in practice. various techniques applying permanent makeup, but in most of them, punctures of the skin are carried out to the same depth of 0.3-0.5 mm.

Who will suit

The following are indications in which permanent lip makeup can help solve existing problems:

  1. Lack of volume, too thin lips.
  2. Dissatisfaction with the shape and the presence of corners down.
  3. Not bright enough.
  4. Lack of time for regular care and application cosmetics.
  5. Leading an active lifestyle, doing some kind of sport and other circumstances in which it is impossible to use the usual cosmetics.
  6. A rare change in style or cosmetics used, allowing you to fix the result, so as not to do the application procedure yourself every day.
  7. Remaining traces of herpes.


To date, experts practice various types of permanent lip makeup, below are the main modern types of this procedure:

  1. outline stroke is designed to eliminate the blurry borders of the lips, making them much more pronounced and noticeable. At its core, it performs the functions of a contour pencil, but allows you to achieve a longer result. The application is carried out with individual pigments that are closest to the natural shade, which allows you not to highlight the tattoo against the background of unpainted lips.
  2. Creating a feathered outline, which differs from the main color of the lips, but gradually turns into it. It is possible to carry out full shading or only partial, which applies only to a selected part of the lips. Such a procedure allows not only to correct the color and increase its saturation, but also makes it possible to change the overall shape. However, this type of makeup is actually not suitable for very thin lips, as it visually reduces their volume even more. In such a situation, instead of shading, a 3D pigment is usually applied.
  3. Permanent makeup using 3D technologies. The corresponding effect is achieved by brightening individual areas, using several color options at once, creating the most complex shades, darkening the corners and other actions. This type of procedure is usually used when there is insufficient volume and the need to increase it, while not only the lips themselves, but also the skin around them are often subject to cosmetic effects. Such a complex effect allows you to simultaneously correct the shape of the lips, refresh the face and make it visually much younger and more attractive. Specialists can offer their clients a wide range of colors, these can be natural shades or options that mimic bright cosmetics, as well as the application of special glitter pigments.

How is the procedure

Regardless of the chosen type of permanent lip makeup, the process of applying it in most cases consists of the following steps:

  1. The specialist uses special colored markers to create a preliminary sketch.
  2. The client makes his comments about the sketch and, if necessary, makes adjustments to it. The process will continue only after receiving appropriate confirmation that the sketch fully reflects the desired result.
  3. The use of an anesthetic. In most cases, topical preparations are suitable, which are available in the form of gels or ointments. However, if necessary, for example, in case of increased sensitivity of the client, injections of painkillers can be carried out, which allows you to completely get rid of possible pain.
  4. Depending on the complexity of the sketch and the chosen type of tattoo, the process of creating it with the help of special needles can take from half an hour to several hours.
  5. At the final stage, the date of the next visit is agreed to continue the session, if necessary. Usually the master is engaged in creating makeup for more than one day if a 3D version has been chosen.

Care after the procedure

Complete healing usually occurs no earlier than a week after the procedure.

At this time, the treated surface of the lips will need special care, which is as follows:

  1. On the first day, especially with a strong release of moisture, blot it with a napkin, which is pre-wetted with a solution of miramistin or chlorhexidine. Touching should be careful, rubbing or strong friction is not allowed.
  2. The crusts formed after 1-2 days must be protected from unnecessary contact with water or any mechanical impact. No need to try to pick them up or tear them off, when the healing period comes, they will dry out and fall off on their own.
  3. On inflamed or overdried surfaces, you can apply a thin layer of Bipanten Plus cream, which will accelerate healing.
  4. Within three weeks after applying the tattoo, before each exit to the street, you will need to use a special kind of sunscreen lipstick.
  5. Until complete healing, it is required to carefully consume hot and cold drinks, it is best to use tubes for this. It is also recommended to avoid strong temperature fluctuations, and for the first 2-3 weeks it is strictly forbidden to visit baths, solariums, saunas and swimming in public reservoirs or pools.
  6. If any side effects appear or if there is any doubt that the healing process is proceeding at a normal pace, it is necessary to seek the advice of specialists.


The desired result after the implementation of lip tattooing does not appear immediately, it is preceded by a healing period, which can be divided into the following stages:

  1. The first few days the applied pigments are distinguished by increased brightness, but then, along with the disappearance of puffiness, the colors of the makeup also fade.
  2. The surface of the areas of the lips on which the pigment was applied is covered with a crust that performs protective functions. It will come off in about 1-2 weeks.
  3. After a month, you can observe the final result achieved, the shape and color will acquire their permanent appearance.

Advantages and disadvantages

Permanent lip makeup Lately has become very popular, largely due to big amount positive aspects of this procedure.

Among the main advantages of such a tattoo can be identified:

  1. The ability to save your own free time, because daily makeup is not required.
  2. The duration and durability of the result, which is especially important for girls who lead an active lifestyle, since, for example, playing sports can adversely affect the applied cosmetics. In addition, not every person can professionally apply makeup to himself, and the passage of this procedure will eliminate the need for frequent visits to cosmetologists and makeup artists.
  3. An additional anti-aging effect that makes the face much fresher and more attractive.
  4. The possibility of hiding various external flaws: congenital asymmetry of individual lines, scars, scars, traces of herpes, moles.
  5. The possibility of changing the image and independent choice of a new style that will be preserved for a long period.
  6. Exemption from the need to constantly use cosmetics that have a number of disadvantages, for example, from dirty lipstick.
  7. Most of the paints used for tattooing are also suitable for people with hypersensitivity, since they do not cause an allergic reaction.

However, permanent lip makeup also has certain negative aspects associated with certain risks and disadvantages:

  1. The inability to quickly change the style if the old image has already become boring.
  2. Tattooing requires certain skills and professionalism from the master, otherwise he may choose the wrong coloring pigments or carry out the procedure poorly. In the future, correction is possible, but this process is associated with significant financial costs.
  3. The need for planned correction. Usually, a second visit to a specialist is always required a month after the procedure. This is due not only to the professionalism of the master and the quality of the materials used, but also to the individual reaction of the body to tattooing, since some of the pigments will be washed out in a natural way.
  4. The pain of the procedure, which is due to the large number of nerve endings located in the lips. It is most difficult for women who are allergic to anesthetic drugs, which makes their use impossible. However, even in the absence of such a reaction, there is always a certain risk that the anesthetic will not bring the desired effect.
  5. An increase in the risk of infection with herpes, so you will first have to take a set of preventive measures.
  6. The complexity of the removal process, if you need to get rid of permanent makeup for some reason before its natural convergence. In this case, a laser is used for this procedure.

How long does it last

The period during which the achieved result will be kept depends on a number of factors, the main ones are:

  1. The quality of the coloring pigments used.
  2. A variety of selected makeup.
  3. The frequency of corrections.
  4. Master's professionalism.
  5. Compliance with the rules of care.

If all of these factors have been taken into account and given due attention, then the applied makeup can last from 3 to 6 years.

What is the price

The cost for this procedure may vary depending on the pricing policy of a particular salon or the experience of the master.

Below are approximate prices for the most common services:

  1. Lip tattooing costs from 5000 rubles.
  2. Correction costs from 3000 rubles.
  3. Additional administration of painkillers costs from 300 rubles.
  4. Applying pigment only on the contour of the lips costs from 3000 rubles.


Before applying permanent makeup, you need to make sure that there are no contraindications, which are as follows:

  1. The presence of inflammatory, somatic or infectious diseases.
  2. Some forms of diabetes.
  3. Poor blood clotting.
  4. Epilepsy.
  5. The presence of neoplasms in the area where makeup will be applied.
  6. Pregnancy and lactation, unless permission has been obtained from a specialist.

You can find more than 100,000 photos on this topic by the hashtag #tatuagelips on Instagram. And, oddly enough, there are not enough successful ones: apparently, this technique, in principle, is not combined with makeup trends. There are not so many indications for lip tattooing - for example, a noticeable scar or asymmetry that cannot be hidden even with cosmetics. As you may have guessed, this happens quite rarely, but girls decide on tattooing very often. And here's what comes out of it...

bad lip tattoo

Interestingly, this photo was not posted as an example of an unsuccessful lip tattoo. The heroine is quite pleased with such art on her face!

It is worth noting that this procedure is quite painful, because the skin of the lips is thin and sensitive, with many nerve endings. But even more painful than the tattoo itself is its reduction. Permanent makeup is removed with a laser during several procedures, so it’s worth weighing the pros and cons if you still decide on it.


Some makeup artists advise going a little beyond the contour of the lips if you want to make them more voluminous. Apparently, it was on this principle that an unforgettable tattoo was made.

Everything would be fine, but only a little crooked ... The right corner of the lip crawled up somewhere ...

With lipstick and without ... Wow!

For many people, the contour of the lips is not quite smooth by nature. But why emphasize it?

We really do not understand at all what makes a person do this with their lips. Does anyone really think a fat outline is beautiful?

No, it's not lipstick, it's a tattoo! Now the owner of this beauty will have to walk with red lipstick day and night. And so 3 years!

No one would be surprised to see this in the 90s, but it's 2016, and the tattoo is still alive and well!

The “unsuccessful” tattoo (above), the girl corrected for a more “successful” one ... Of course, without bright lipstick, all this looks creepy.

Here are the sponges, here is the outline! The rounded line looks especially good upper lip. We generally better keep silent about the contour of the lower one; thanks for not being on the chin.

It is difficult to say why do something with voluminous lips. It would seem that the girl has no problems with the shape of her lips ... So you need to create them!
