You need to prepare your skin for summer now. Getting your skin ready for summer together: the best beauty treatments Prepare your face for summer

With the onset of autumn, women are forced to admit that ultraviolet and high temperatures for three summer months left their marks on the face. On the one hand, the skin was maximally saturated with vitamins, and a moderate tan hid the small appearance defects that worried so much in the spring (small pimples, subcutaneous acne and blackheads). On the other hand, other problems have been added that need to be solved as quickly as possible, because winter with its winds and frosts is just around the corner.

What does facial skin care after summer involve, what procedures should be carried out in order to restore it and prepare it for the upcoming cold tests?

Soft whitening

  • Problem

After the summer, the majority of the skin is covered, if not with a persistent tan that cannot come off in any way, then with numerous age spots. And if the pale reddish freckles that appear on the face in the spring evoke a feeling of tenderness, then the dirty brown pigmentation in the fall creates a feeling of unkemptness.

  • Solution

Any age spots and even the most persistent tan can be bleached different ways.

Salon procedures:

  1. laser whitening;
  2. Whitening peeling;

Home Remedies:

  1. Compresses from a decoction of parsley;
  2. from honey and lemon;
  3. Tonics from cucumber juice or kefir;
  4. Applications with jojoba oil;
  5. Aromatherapy. Esters of turmeric, oregano, birch, patchouli, black pepper, mint, sandalwood, eucalyptus cope with age spots.

Cosmetic lines:

  1. Radiance from Pevonia Botanica (USA);
  2. Ideal whitening from Belita-Vitex (Belarus);
  3. Whitening from Holy Land (Israel);
  4. Azelac from Sesderma (Spain);
  5. White Secrets from Janssen (Germany).

The main rule - lightening should be soft and not aggressive, because the skin after the summer is very sensitive and vulnerable. She may respond to various remedies with irritation or an allergic reaction. Therefore, when choosing a technique, be extremely careful.

deep hydration

  • Problem

Ultraviolet, heat, and sea salt dry out the skin very much in summer, despite. As a result, in autumn we notice pockets of peeling on the face, which can become covered with microcracks. After each wash - a feeling of tightness. All this suggests that the epidermis is sorely lacking in moisture.

  • Solution

It is imperative to ensure the restoration of the skin after the summer through deep moisturizing. If you take control of the water balance in the cells, the epidermis will quickly come to life and again become soft and velvety, without a hint of peeling.

Salon procedures:

  1. Any sessions with hyaluronic acid: mesotherapy, biorevitalization;
  2. Alginate masks;
  3. Elastin matrices;
  4. collagen sheets;
  5. Moisturizing serums with active ingredients.

Home Remedies:

  1. Compresses from cosmetic oils;
  2. Masks from high-fat dairy products, fresh vegetables;
  3. Tonics and lotions from vegetable juices (, carrot).

Cosmetic series:

  1. Aqua from BeautyStyle (USA);
  2. Gratiae from Premier (Israel);
  3. Hidraderm from Sesderma (Spain);
  4. Biobasica from Egia (Italy);
  5. Dry skin from Janssen (Germany).

If the skin is not moisturized after the summer, it will begin to age very quickly: wrinkles, flabbiness and age folds will appear. So all these face care activities also have a rejuvenating effect.


  • Problem

Under the influence of ultraviolet rays, the aging process in the skin begins to accelerate. This is facilitated by the dryness of the epidermis, which is so lacking in moisture. The synthesis of collagen and elastin fibers slows down.

After the summer, you can notice the first age-related signs of wilting: crow's feet around the eyes, deepening of the nasolabial folds, drooping of the eyelids. And if there was no time to play sports, jowls and a second chin can be added to this.

  • Solution

Anti-aging procedures and products will tell you how to restore the skin after the summer and prevent its early aging. First, you will already start this care program using . And you can continue by applying the methods of smoothing wrinkles, lifting, tightening.

Salon procedures:

  1. Laser;
  2. Ultrasound;
  3. Infraparticles.

Home masks including:

  1. Fresh fruits;
  2. Dairy products;
  3. Greenery;
  4. Wheat flour.

Cosmetic lines:

  1. Age Control from Holy Land (Israel);
  2. Resveraderm from Sesderma (Spain);
  3. Tibetan Herbs 35+ from TianDe (China);
  4. Age Performance Formula from Biodroga (Germany);
  5. Bio Hyaluron from Eveline (Poland).

Deciding to rejuvenate the skin after the summer, do not forget about the age restrictions for these procedures. If you are only 20, then you should not dwell on this point of the facial care program. Moisturizing and nutrition will be enough.

Intensive nutrition

  • Problem

Despite the fact that after the summer the skin is still saturated with vitamins and minerals, nutrients must be included in its care. What she managed to accumulate will quickly end, and ahead - Cold winter with her vitamin deficiency. So be sure to feed the epidermis.

  • Solution

Competent skin care after the summer involves its regular nutrition so that the cells do not feel a lack of vitamins and minerals. After all, this negatively affects their viability.

In order to prevent this from happening, you need to take the following measures:

  1. Include in your daily diet fresh fruits and vegetables.
  2. Make face masks out of them.
  3. Start drinking a course of multivitamins.
  4. Exercise, move more.
  5. Apply day and night action.

In the salon, according to the facial skin care program after the summer, you can be offered all kinds of vitamin masks.


  • Problem

Often after the summer, skin diseases develop, usually these are inadvertently picked up infections and viruses. Bacteria can also attack it. Fragile blood vessels located close to the surface of the skin most often suffer from ultraviolet radiation. It is in the fall that the aggravation begins.

  • Solution

Couperose is a serious disease that requires not only care, but above all - treatment by a dermatologist.


  1. Troxevasin;
  2. Askorutin;
  3. Isoflavones;
  4. Adrenalin.

Salon procedures:

  1. laser treatment;
  2. Ozone therapy.

Home Remedies:

  1. Compresses with chamomile, calendula;
  2. Face masks - berry (from raspberries, lingonberries, strawberries), starch, potato, herbal (from calendula, chamomile, horse chestnut, yarrow, horsetail);
  3. cosmetic ice;
  4. Essential oils thyme, marjoram, lemon balm, rosemary, sage, walnut.

Autumn - auspicious time years in order for the restoration of the skin of the face to proceed safely. You need to understand that it is difficult to fix something in one session. But if it is a full course, the results will not be long in coming.

Update the care program, purchase others cosmetical tools, sign up for a consultation with a cosmetologist so that resuscitation is successful, and there is time left to prepare for the upcoming tests in the winter cold.

The summer season is, perhaps, the most long-awaited period, when, apart from hair developing in the warm wind and a velvet tan, you don’t want anything at all. But the skin at this time needs everything and even more! Here's how to prep your skin for summer.


After a long and protracted winter, the skin needs proper cleansing more than ever. But this does not mean at all that you need to rush for scrubs and do the most nuclear peels; on the contrary, the skin becomes very sensitive, so various manipulations with the face must be done with maximum trepidation. During the bright sun and heat, it is better not to resort to the services laser procedures. Opt for enzymatic, light acid peels(based on 8-12% acid solutions with a high pH of 4.9-5), microcurrent care and manual pore cleansing with massage elements. It is also worth putting aside all products with salt particles, crystals and other small details - so as not to irritate the skin too much.


Of course, do not forget about the most important point in facial skin care - moisturizing. Long-lasting youth and health of the face are hidden in intensive skin nutrition and deep care. We advise in summer period pay special attention to freshly squeezed juices, fruits and water - since the season allows. Use light creams that do not clog pores, based on grape oil, For example. All the most important - so simple!


Any nourishing creams welcome for use in the heat of the day. But again - light and completely non-greasy. Apply your favorite products at night after thoroughly cleansing your face with alcohol-free toners to help nourish the skin deep down. In summer, "food" for the skin is the most important thing!


Of course - in summer (and sometimes in winter) you can not do without a cream with SPF protection. Hot air and bright rays of the sun adversely affect even the most well-groomed skin, so it is in your power to do everything to protect your face. It is advisable to use a sun protection cream at the final stage of creating makeup - 15 minutes before going out. Owners of white skin should choose products with an SPF level of 30, more swarthy women - 15.


Needless to say, in the summer you don’t want to feel almost nothing on your face, except for the touch of the sun’s rays and gentle breaths from the seashore? But if, due to some circumstances, you cannot afford to leave the house with an uneven tone on your face, there is a way out. Instead of thick foundation choose mineral powders - they will not clog pores and in case of sweating they will not create an unpleasant appearance of the whole face. Instead of lipsticks, use light tints or luscious lip glosses, and apply trendy gold or brown shadows on your eyes. For the final touch, apply a light liquid bronzer to the bridge of the nose, cheekbones and forehead for a natural tan effect.

"Natural revitalization" - the literal meaning of biorevitalization and in fact its effect. Injections of preparations based on hyaluronic acid moisturize and nourish the skin, eliminate signs of aging, and start the production of collagen and elastin. Biorevitalization is a safe and painless procedure, especially effective when proper conduct And individual approach to the patient. Experienced doctors select the composition of the drug and the duration of the course, depending on the needs of the skin in specific case. Usually several sessions are required with an interval of 2-3 weeks, but the drug from the Linline clinic LINLINE V.I.F. Revi has a pronounced lifting effect after the first application and replaces the classic biorevitalization course. The rested appearance and youthfulness of the skin is also returned by botulinum toxin therapy and contour plastic: the methods have almost no contraindications, but they work on all problematic “fronts”. Fillers, on the other hand, not only nourish the skin, but also allow you to correct the oval of the face, remove asymmetry, add volume. "Beauty injections" - a weekend procedure without pronounced rehabilitation, which enhances the effect of plastic surgery and laser rejuvenation.

Laser rejuvenation

Colds accelerate cell aging due to constant dryness and dehydration. The most modern and safe way reset 10 years without surgery - RecoSMA laser lifting developed by Linline. The phototechnical effect of the laser restores cells at the subcutaneous level and returns the skin structure to youthful parameters. fights the same problems as facial plastic surgery, but gives results without incisions and anesthesia. The procedure is carried out even on tanned skin, but as with any laser radiation, protection from ultraviolet radiation is necessary. Like "RekoSMA", complex QOOL-rejuvenation quickly and effectively restores the skin after winter. The “weekend” treatment, consisting of a series of pleasant warm laser flashes, a moisturizing serum and an alginate mask, immediately moisturizes the skin and evens out the complexion. The laser activates the skin reserves, the serum relieves the feeling of tightness, and the mask enhances the effect of the laser and tightens the oval of the face. The advantage of this manipulation is the ability to sunbathe before and after rejuvenation without fear of getting pigmentation.

Plastic surgery of the face and body

In summer, you can shine in a swimsuit after abdominoplasty and mammoplasty and not think about the inconvenience of compression underwear. Abdominoplasty allows you to remove excess skin in the lower abdomen so that no one will guess about the intervention: Dr. Nadelson makes incisions along natural folds and uses a seamless technique that leaves virtually no marks. The scale of the intervention is determined by the doctor based on the wishes and anatomical features of the patient: in some cases, mini-abdominoplasty is enough, in others, only classical tummy tuck is suitable. After abdominoplasty appearance the abdomen improves within 6-8 weeks, and the maximum effect is achieved after three months and lasts for 10-15 years.

Another way to create a harmonious figure is mammoplasty. Breast augmentation at the Linline clinic will satisfy the needs of even the most demanding patients: there are no scars after the operation, implants with a lifetime guarantee are used, the “double pocket” technique is used. Recovery after breast plastic surgery is quick and almost painless, and the operation itself gives a wonderful aesthetic effect.

If you want to update your appearance for the summer, do not delay contacting the clinic. The main thing to remember is that your beauty and health depend on the doctor. Plastic surgeon Nadelson D.A. operating at the Linline clinic is an expert in the field of cosmetology and plastic surgery, he will select a procedure that will transform you on the fly.

Although formally there is still a week left before the start of the calendar summer, in fact the hottest season is already in full swing. We didn't even have to wait until June 1st to start walking the main ones (ultra short and translucent). I would like to spend as much time outdoors as possible and arrange an audit of all the trendy terraces in the city with my friends. And finally, change "aristocratic pallor" to. Not sure, though, that for your defenseless skin, these really good idea. What needs to be done right now to enjoy the first rays of the sun, and not suffer later from their consequences?

Even though you tried hard to lead healthy lifestyle life and eat a balanced diet throughout the year, it's time to make a few dietary changes. Provided that your goal is to take care of the skin and prepare it for long exposure to the sun. First of all, it is necessary to increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables rich in antioxidants (beta-carotene and vitamin C), which (apparently, it is no coincidence that this berry appears on sale first), kiwi, carrots and. But your favorite pink tomatoes will, on the contrary, have to be limited - and they increase inflammation on the skin.

Do a light exfoliation

The first thing to start with global skin care is. Thus, you will remove all impurities and dead particles that remain on the surface of the epidermis. Renewed skin = even bronzed tan. No chemical treatments in the salon (the sun is too active for them, strong pigmentation may begin)! will perfectly cope with this mission and will not leave irritation.

Don't Forget Hydration

Surely you have heard this advice three times! But if all spring they shied away from the two mandatory liters of fluid per day, continuing to do so now is a crime against youth and health. Don't forget to drink more water, especially in the heat! For example, vitamin C is no longer absorbed in the body. And by the way, we advise you to regularly refresh your face with thermal water, which instantly evaporates from its surface in summer. Perfectly strengthens the protective properties of the skin!

Prepare your skin for the sun

The skin should get used to the rapidly growing solar load gradually. Therefore, the first days in the heat (even if we are talking about 15 minutes on the street in the center of the metropolis), use a special protective spray that strengthens the barrier properties of the epidermis and enhances its resistance to UV rays. I would like to remind you that the use of sunscreen is a must at any time of the year and in any outdoor situation, and not just when you are at the beach or by the pool. Just do not hope that such a product will replace your moisturizer or serum - any skin care products should be applied to the skin first, and only then self-tanning (the right products will not stain!) Into a regular routine, so that a) it will be easier to undress on the beach (just remember this terrible feeling: everyone around is swarthy, and you are red); b) get a perfect tan.

Olga Turcan - director and leading specialist of the "Laboratory of Beauty"

What procedures should be done by the summer to prepare the face for the hot season?

In fact, there are no seasonal special procedures. Although, of course, in the spring we all want to look fresh! Younger! More attractive!

Procedures for deep moisturizing, biorevitalization, skin toning… almost the entire arsenal of procedures, perhaps, with the exception of procedures that damage the epidermis (peelings, dermabrasion, etc.), and even then, if you are ready to conscientiously use sunscreen and follow the recommendations of the doctor - the result will be amazing!

Something for every age?

Undoubtedly! Even, more precisely, each skin condition has its own!

If the skin has simply lost its freshness - start with microcurrents and masks, dryness and a decrease in tone - biorevitalization is more likely to help. Deeper wrinkles need a filler, and Botox will help mimic wrinkles.

How many procedures does it cost to go through?

The course of biorevitalization is three procedures with an interval of two weeks. Laser lifting(not to be confused with laser resurfacing) - 3-4 with an interval of 10-12 days.

It can be a combination of several procedures and then the effect will be better even with a shorter course.

What is the cost of each of them?

The cost ranges from 350 lei to 1500 lei, depending on what you have chosen. It is possible to focus attention only on a certain area, for example, the skin around the eyes, and thus look good and not greatly affect the family budget.

What are the contraindications?

Acute inflammatory skin diseases, taking drugs that reduce blood clotting (the last three days before the procedure)

Whether there is a side effects after them?

As a rule - no, although bruises are possible for 2-3 days, but the effect is worth it!

home remedies, folk recipes- your attitude towards them as a pro?

Of course better? than nothing! However, a long-term effect cannot be expected. Although, a banana and avocado mask will help you look great today. And, accordingly, the sparkle in the eyes and good mood You are guaranteed!
