International day of dads. When is International Father's Day in the year

Among the many holidays, there is a special day that is filled with sincerity and love - this is Father's Day. To date, it does not apply to official holidays, but in many countries on this day, it is customary to express their gratitude to men - fathers. On this holiday, children show special attention and love to their dads.

What date is Father's Day

Father's Day does not have a clear set date at the state level. In every country it can be celebrated in different days. In Egypt, Syria and Jordan, this holiday is celebrated on June 21, and in Poland on June 23. In Italy, Spain and Portugal, this holiday is celebrated on March 19. But most states, including Russia, celebrate this holiday every third Sunday in June.

The Significance of Fatherhood

Men play the role of educators, mentors, providing for the family. They complement the function of the mother in the formation and development of the personality of the child. Comprehensive formation of the character and qualities of children is facilitated by complete families in which an atmosphere of respect and care reigns. To spread values life together created international holiday.


Traditionally, on this day, children congratulate their fathers on this kind family holiday. The city authorities also do not forget about the fathers. On this day, the best heads of families are honored with a badge of honor "For fidelity to paternal duty." Also, solemn and entertaining events, forums, lectures, discussions, seminars are timed to coincide with this day. Charitable organizations are raising funds to help low-income families and single dads. Books, money, things are transferred to children from orphanages.

Father's Day and the State

In Russia, Father's Day began to be celebrated relatively recently, and is not yet official holiday. active work To support the introduction of Father's Day in Russia, the "Union of Fathers" and the "Fatherhood" Fund held, closely cooperating with public organizations, parliament and government bodies, as a result of which, after a survey of the population, the last weekend of October was chosen as the preferred date for the holiday. IN this moment the relevant draft presidential decree is being reviewed and finalized by the Ministry of Labor and is awaiting final approval by the Government of the Russian Federation.

What to give on Father's Day

Father's Day is not an anniversary, so it is not at all necessary to give something expensive, it is quite possible to get by with a small present. native person anyway, your care and attention will be pleasant.

Remember what your father is interested in and choose a gift for him in accordance with his interests. If he spends a lot of time in the garden, then a set of tools will come in handy. A car enthusiast will be happy to receive as a gift accessories for his adored "iron friend" - an air freshener, covers, a radio tape recorder, a navigator, speakers, floor mats. You will see, the father will be happy at the sight of such trifles, and his mood will rise significantly.

If dad is fond of fishing, you can give him a new fishing rod and go to try it out in the near future. A father will be incredibly happy to spend a few days with his son or daughter. It would also be appropriate for a fisherman to give a tent or sleeping bag. All of these things will definitely come in handy. If your father collects something, you can add a rare item to his collection. You will see, not only will his mood rise, he will rejoice at your gift, like a child. You can also make a gift for your father with your own hands.

Also, flowers can be a good gift. The symbols of Father's Day are red and white flowers. The first ones are worn when the father is still alive, but the white ones, if he has already died.

Happy Father's Day

So daddy's day has come.
I want him to give joy
Good, health for the year,
Mutual love forever.

And so that sorrow does not touch,
Friends remained reliable
Good luck, happiness without end.
Dear Dad, Happy Father's Day!

More more congratulations happy father's day,

Father's Day is celebrated in many countries. Daughters and sons congratulate their fathers, wives congratulate their husbands, charity events are organized and honoring fathers who raise children alone. Is there such a holiday in Russia, and on what date is it celebrated?

In Russia, there are many holidays that came from Europe. Some of them have already become national, while others are still only timidly declaring themselves. What date is Father's Day in Russia and is it celebrated in our country? This is exactly the case when interest is shown in the holiday, but it has not yet been recognized as official, the Ros-Registr portal informs. Finding out what date Father's Day is celebrated in Russia is not difficult, for this, look at the calendar. Every year it is celebrated on the third Sunday of the first summer month, which in 2018 will be June 17th.

Is Father's Day celebrated in Ukraine, and on what date? Yes, in Ukraine this holiday received a start in life in 2009 on September 18th. The founder of the holiday was the American Mrs. Dodd, who established the holiday on June 19, 1910. Today Father's Day is celebrated on different countries ah world officially. To find out what date is Father's Day in Ukraine, you need to look at when the third Sunday of September is. So every year in the first month of autumn, Ukrainian society pays respect to universal and family values.

For loving heart it is not difficult to pick up sincere words and even compose poems for congratulations on Father's Day. For those who have doubts about their creativity, we offer a selection of beautiful congratulations on Father's Day in verse and prose. Choose the appropriate poems, congratulate your loved one, because he needs your love and care.

Congratulations to daddy in verse

It's your father's day!

And your life altar.

Either you are Barmaley, then you are a rider,

Now you are a knight, then a goalkeeper ...

How many games can you think of

And play funny roles!

But one role is more expensive than all:

You are a father, you cannot lie in it.

Congratulations! And by right

By the will of little hearts

Given the happiness to be called

Proud title Father!

Dad - head man in the house, protector, breadwinner, adviser ... Happy father's day, daddy! We love you very much as a family! We appreciate your wise advice And we're glad we have you! Believe me, even after many years, when we ourselves have families, you will be the most important person in the world for us!

Let the world change as you like, and I will always know for sure that the main role of a man is the father of his family, and my dad copes with it like no other, he is the best! On this good, happy day, accept my congratulations on Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day! How nice that on this day we can congratulate the best father in the world, our unique and kindest! Know we just love you! With you in our family peace and grace, fun and happiness! We wish you longevity, good health and fulfillment of all desires!

If you loving daughter or son, of course, do not forget to congratulate one of your parents on Father's Day, to whom this holiday is dedicated. On the site we offer you congratulations on Father's Day from your daughter and son. You will not need to compose something, leaf through magazines, go to sites. The very best and beautiful congratulations you will find with us.

Broad shoulders and a cheerful look,

You remain so for many years in a row.

Happy Father's Day, you are my dear, congratulations!

I wish you happiness, money and luck!

I will always remember my golden childhood

Fate gave me such a daddy!

You are the best and kindest of all, I am proud of you!

I take an example from you and work like you.

To be worthy of you, the best of fathers!

Well, you are worthy of love and such verses!

Happy Father's Day, Happy Day of Courage and Strength,

Happy day of love that knows no barriers.

And today, on this beautiful day

Thank you all for your fathers!

Without a father, we would not grow up,

Without his reliable strong hands,

That the family was fed, supported,

Protected from everything around!

I thank you father

For all that you gave me and mom!

You are with us and, indeed, well done,

We want you to always be with us!

Strong, wise and calm,

Kind and funny.

I remember you like that from childhood forever.

I ran to you with a problem

From the yard and school,

And you always found an easy solution!

And resentment went away

And the problems receded.

You taught me to live in truth and according to the mind.

Happy Father's Day to you my dear!

Happiness, cheerfulness and strength!

Give you, my father, I will hug you tightly!

One of the main family values ​​is the respect of spouses for each other. Congratulating a husband on Father's Day will be proof of his wife's love and respect, as well as a good example for their children. Even a small gift and beautiful sincere words spoken during its presentation will be pleasant to the head of your family. Find beautiful Father's Day greetings for your husband on our website.

Poems for beloved husband on Father's Day

Do you remember the day when

Did you take the baby first? —

Well, hello, baby, I'm dad, -

You whispered softly...

And since then you are the best!

The most gentle heart beat;

You are dear, bringing love,

You are a father. And a true friend

From the first earthly breath

Every day and year. And again

We love our baby

You pay for love.

On Father's Day I want to confess:

We are happy every day

Admire our dad!

We love you very much!

Our children know for sure

Who is the magician from the dream!

After all, on the whole planet

The best dad is you!

You are support and support,

You are of eternal magnitudes.

You are an example to your son, and to your daughter -

The best of men!

For children for many years

The most important and indisputable

I know that you are bigger than life

Do you love children's hearts

Your part beats in them.

Happy Father's Day!

Accept beloved congratulations

I hasten to congratulate my husband

with a wonderful holiday.

Tonight we'll be together all evening

talk to him about anything.

We will remember our dates with him,

even as we whispered at night:

“Lord, send us a son soon,

but rather a little daughter:

Many springs have passed since then,

you have become, my husband, a great dad.

Our son and daughter are growing up,

we used to dream about them.

We all love you, my dear.

Children are always proud of you.

You are the kindest, the wisest.

And there is no better dad in the world!

It doesn't matter what date Father's Day is, give your parents as much attention as possible, surround them with love and care. And, of course, don't forget to send holiday greetings. After all, there are so many of them in a year, and parents are not eternal!

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Until recently, Mother's Day was new in Russia, but the holiday is gradually gaining momentum, becoming popular with the population. It's so nice to say thank you to mommy for kindness and care, support and disinterested love. But every person has two “wings” behind his back - father and mother.

Unfortunately, often the father is relegated to the background, and even the official Russian holiday not in honor of the pope. But things got off the ground, and soon there will be a reason to say kind words to your beloved dads on Father's Day; a day dedicated entirely to them.

What day for Russian daughters and sons to prepare gifts, congratulate fathers, dads, daddies, papules made legislators think. When to celebrate Father's Day in Russia in 2017 (what date), the following dates were considered:

  • last sunday November, this day is Mother's Day. Someone suggested combining the two holidays into one. I wonder what it would be called?

This is interesting! On March 19, congratulations are received by Italian, Spanish, Portuguese popes.

  • the most courageous holiday in Russia - February 23. On this day, all men are congratulated, regardless of whether they stood guard over the Motherland or not, as well as future little defenders. In addition, they wanted to add Father's Day to it. Of course, it is economically beneficial to give one gift for two holidays, but will dads like this approach? If the holiday is officially fixed in the Russian calendar, then let it have its own day - a special one;
  • the third Sunday of June - International Father's Day, is officially celebrated in more than 50 countries of the world: the USA, Canada, Singapore, France, Greece, Argentina ... Do you want to join the congratulations? Do not forget to highlight June 19 in red on the calendar.

This is interesting! In Brazil, the holiday is celebrated on the second Sunday of August, in Australia and New Zealand - on the first Sunday of September.

  • last Sunday in October. This date is closest to the birthday of St. Prince Dmitry Donskoy. He was born on October 12, 1350 according to the old style or October 25 in a new way.

A little story about Father's Day

The date when to celebrate Father's Day in Russia in 2017 (what date), close to the prince's birthday, was not chosen by chance. From the school course, it is known about the military exploits of Dmitry Donskoy, but he was chosen as the "patron" of Father's Day for a different reason.

The prince is a worthy husband and father, whom you can and should be equal to. Dmitry and Evdokia (his wife) are an example of a Christian family, headed by fidelity and mutual understanding. Father of many children(the prince had 12 children) raised his sons and daughters to treat elders and each other with respect and reverence, to get out of any situation with dignity and live in the Christian faith. No wonder the godparents of his sons were Dimitri Prilutsky and Sergius of Radonezh.

That is why on October 30 (this date falls on the last Sunday of October in 2017), we will have an official reason to remember, please and spend time with a close and dear person - dad.

Celebrating Father's Day in the Regions

One day is not enough for warm and sincere words towards the father? Go with him on a trip around the country and be sure that you can congratulate him more than once a year. In some regions, dads are so loved that Father's Day in Russia in 2017 (what date) was approved by law at the regional level.

You can start your journey from the capitals. St. Petersburg and Moscow joined the celebration of the international Father's Day not so long ago, festive events in the cities are held on the third Sunday of June. The Moscow "Papa-Fest" grows every year into an increasingly large-scale event and finds fans not only among Muscovites, but also among the guests of the capital.

Dads love the most in the Ulyanovsk region. There, the celebration of Father's Day at the legislative level was enshrined in 2004. And now it is celebrated annually on July 26 on the birthday of Ilya Nikolaevich Ulyanov. On this earth, he is considered an exemplary father.

In the Kursk region chose for the holiday the day of memory of St. Alexander Nevsky - September 12th. Which ones to choose.

In the Volgograd region Father's Day in Russia in 2017 (what date) in November is celebrated on the 1st day. The first of November children and dads spend together. Joint walks, going to the cinema, participation in sports events strengthen the bond between father and child.

In the Lipetsk region congratulations to dads on the second Saturday of February. This day precedes the holiday Defender of the Fatherland Day. In this area, February is a truly masculine month. And worthy fathers are awarded the badge of honor "For fidelity to paternal duty."

In the Altai Territory Father's Day has been celebrated on the last Sunday of April in the spring since 2009.

It is possible to celebrate Father's Day in Russia in 2017 (what date) in December and other months, even though there is no official date.

Father's Day is walking around the planet and let's hope that soon a touching and kind holiday will become official in Russia. Perhaps this year there will be an occasion to remind dad about love and spend the whole day together. After all, we are in a hurry not only “through the waves and the wind to the only mother in the world”, but also to the father too.

In 2020, Father's Day in Russia will be celebrated 21st of June(third Sunday of the month).

And this means that there is time to prepare well for everyone in advance and worthy of congratulations. best dads peace.

There are a lot of holidays in our life, and very different ones, from symbolically obligatory to popularly beloved, from calendar to purely family ones.

However, there are also very special holidays, those that exude extraordinary warmth and tenderness, despite the fact that, by our standards, they are still quite young and unusual.

Probably, Father's Day in Russia also belongs to such holidays, which has not yet become official, but this is only for now, because it cannot be otherwise!

In fact, Father's Day has long been celebrated in different countries, since the role of the father in the family is difficult to overestimate, and drawing the attention of society to the problems of conscientious fathers (who often face them no less than mothers) is generally a good thing.

That is why on this day it is customary in the world not only to honor exemplary fathers, but also to organize numerous charitable events in their support that help financially alleviate the situation of their family for fathers who are raising their children alone.

Father's Day has its roots in the United States of America of the last century, where it was first celebrated on June 19, 1910.

But Sonora Dodd, the daughter of William Smart, who himself raised and raised his six children after his wife died after the birth of the last baby, proposed to establish such a holiday.

At the same time, a loving and caring father managed to work on his own farm from morning to night so that his children would not need anything.

In 1966, this Father's Day was declared a national holiday in the United States and was officially celebrated every third Sunday in June.

Today, at the same time, the best fathers are honored in Great Britain and France, Japan and China, as well as many other countries, including Russia, where the holiday dedicated to fathers has taken root since 2002 (first in Cherepovets, and by 2012 it reached Moscow, where he was solemnly celebrated in the Catherine Park).

For each person, parents are the most reliable people in life who gave life and are always ready to provide support and help. To express gratitude and appreciation to parents, traditions were founded to celebrate Mother's Day and Father's Day. In Russia in 2019, as well as around the world, they will celebrate on the third Sunday of June. Unfortunately, in Russia Father's Day is not an official holiday, although its significance does not become less because of this. After all, the father is responsible for the safety of the child's life, starting from his conception, together with his mother is engaged in his upbringing, tries to financially provide for the family so that the child has everything for comprehensive development. Therefore, the celebration of Father's Day in Russia covers everything every year. more quantity cities and towns of the country.

The history of the holiday

Father's Day is an international holiday. Its history goes back to the distant year 1019, when the first holiday was held in the USA on the initiative of Mrs. Dodd from Washington State on June 19th. The woman dedicated the celebration to her father, who, after the death of his wife, took over the upbringing of 6 children. On this holiday, she expressed gratitude to all fathers who devote their lives to raising children and are an example of high morality and spirituality for them.

A few years later, the idea of ​​celebrating Father's Day spread to other states of America, and soon almost the entire country began to celebrate this holiday. Father's Day has been a national celebration in the United States since 1966, when President Lyndon Johnson announced its date on June 19th. Over the past years, the American holiday has developed good traditions: on the days of celebrations, people provide financial support to dads with small incomes who are raising children alone. A few years later, many countries that honor family values ​​began to celebrate Father's Day, thereby paying tribute to sincere respect for male fathers.

Father's Day celebration in Russia

Russia supported the initiative to hold international day Father and have been celebrating the holiday on the third Sunday of June for several years now. Therefore, in In 2019, fathers will be honored in our country June 16. Dad is a reliable stronghold of the family and its well-being. Raising children personal example, it gives them a good start in a great life. Only a father will teach his sons to overcome difficulties, to take on the burden of household chores, raising real men out of them. He will substitute a reliable shoulder for his daughters in difficult times. Only with good father May be real family, serving all households as a reliable fortress from all adversities.

In some regions of Russia, Father's Day was established by law. Since 2002, it began to be celebrated in Cherepovets, and then Novosibirsk, Volgograd, Lipetsk, Kursk, Ulyanovsk and Arkhangelsk regions took up the initiative to celebrate. So in the Arkhangelsk region, the regional holiday Father's Day is held annually, within the framework of which the annual competition "Father is a responsible position" is held, following which the best fathers who excelled in raising children are awarded with memorable gifts and certificates of honor. In the Lipetsk region, since 2008, on the days of the celebration, fathers have been awarded a badge of honor "For fidelity to their father's duty" and a cash prize of 15,000 rubles.

In the northern capital of Russia - St. Petersburg, since 2011, a citywide big summer holiday"Daddy's Day". Large-scale holding of the holiday has been unfolding in Moscow since 2014 and was called "Papa Fest". The holiday unfolds at the central sites of the city - in the central House of Artists, the Muzeon park and on the Crimean embankment. The father's festival is supported by relevant committees of the Moscow Government and deputies of the State Duma. Dads-artists from around the world are invited to the holiday, more than a dozen sites with educational, musical and entertainment programs and master classes. The popularity and mass character of the festival is growing every year.

When is Father's Day celebrated in other countries?

Father's Day every year becomes a truly global and national holiday. It is already officially celebrated in 84 countries around the world. Following the United States, this holiday won the hearts of the inhabitants of Great Britain, and then it began to be celebrated in Canada, Ireland, France, and the Netherlands. Having solemnly marched across Europe, Father's Day found its recognition in the leading countries of Asia - India, Turkey, Japan and China. IN last years he began to win fans in Africa, where he was officially recognized in South Africa and Côte d'Ivoire. In most countries, it is celebrated as International Father's Day on the third Sunday of June.

However, there are countries where the holiday is celebrated on other days. They rush to congratulate their beloved fathers before all of Europe in Italy and Spain, where they are praised and honored on March 19, on the day Catholic holiday Saint Joseph's Day. In Germany, practical Germans celebrate Father's Day modestly on the Day of the Ascension of Christ, which falls on the 40th day after Easter. In Lithuania, the holiday falls on the first Sunday of June. Following the Lithuanians, the Belgians celebrate on the second Sunday in June.

In some countries, celebrations in honor of beloved dads are held in September. On the first Sunday in September, the Australian continent arranges the papal feast, the Latvians pick up the festive baton the following Sunday, and Ukraine completes the September celebrations of Father's Day on the third Sunday of September. Estonia honors its fathers in November.

How Father's Day is celebrated in different countries

In Finland, on Father's Day, national flags are hung on the houses, and families have a fun family celebration. Women bake pies, children make their own hands various souvenirs, compose beautiful poetic congratulations for your beloved dads and grandfathers. On this day, it is also customary to visit the graves of dead men and light candles on them as a sign of memory.

In Estonia, love and respect for parents is instilled with childhood. On the eve of Father's Day in kindergartens and schools under the guidance of adults, themed matinees are organized, various crafts as a gift for dads. In Australia, all generations of the family gather at the common table, they often have picnics in nature. And in Japan, on this day, they congratulate future fathers - boys. In order for them to grow up as real samurai, they are given combat toys as a gift.

Russia is not yet one of the countries where Father's Day is officially celebrated at the state level, however, in many regions the holiday has become regional and residents of Russian regions begin to celebrate this holiday with no less scope and fun than in other countries.

Father's Day in Russia in 2019 is celebrated on June 16.
International Father's Day 2019 falls on the 3rd Sunday of June.
