Labor camp for schoolchildren. How to make the most of your summer holidays


1. Direction of the program

Sports - health-improving, patriotic, leisure, labor, creative, social and adaptive.

2. Full name of the program

The program of the camp of work and rest at MKOU "Bogdashkinskaya secondary school"

3. Municipal educational institution that submitted the program

Municipal state educational institution Bogdashkinskaya high school

4. Program organizers

Teaching staff MKOU Bogdashkinskaya secondary school

5. Purpose of the program

Creation of optimal conditions for the prevention of offenses and crimes among minors during the summer holidays, organization of vacation employment for adolescents, employment.

Organization of work and leisure of students, assistance in strengthening the family economy.

Consolidation of practical skills of agricultural work in the process of improving the school in summer period;

Social - labor training through productive labor, self-service, improvement work;

Consolidation of practical skills in carrying out repair work and landscaping work.

Preservation and strengthening of the health of pupils, promotion of a healthy lifestyle;

Formation of a culture of interpersonal communication;

Prevention of neglect, delinquency of teenagers.

6. Expected Result

Introduction of effective forms of organization of work and recreation, health improvement and summer employment of children;

Improving psychological and social comfort in a single educational space of the camp;

Formation of skills and abilities, acquisition of life experience, adequate behavior;

Development of individual abilities and inclinations of each child

7. Location of the program

MKOU "Bogdashkinskaya secondary school" and a branch of MKOU Bogdashkinskaya secondary school in the village. Petrovskoe

8. Age of program participants

9. Implementation timeline

1 shift - 06/01/17 - 06/22/15

2 shift - 07/03/2017 - 07/23/2016


Summer is the most long-awaited time in the life of any student, because it is the longest vacation of the year. And vacations are a time for restoring health, replenishing the forces expended during school year, development creativity, new and interesting discoveries. Summertime pastime is a cardinal change in the process of personality formation. Psychologists assure that in personal terms, summer is a more stressful period than winter.

During the summer holidays, there is a discharge of the tension accumulated over the year, the restoration of expended strength, health, and the development of creative potential. These functions are performed by LTO.

This form of active recreation contributes to the development and cohesion, as a temporary children's team, and creates the basis for the development of the student's social intelligence and the application of the experience of interaction in any team, including in subsequent educational activities.

Great opportunities are being created for organizing informal communication. The informality of the situation allows organizing and developing the independence of the children, educating personal qualities, shaping activity, teaching a variety of skills and abilities.

A large role is given to the organization of employment of children in the summer, remaining in the village as a powerful form against neglect, antisocial and additive behavior of adolescents.

A few months before the start of the camp, a lot of preparatory work is carried out.

The development of this program for organizing summer vacations, recreation and employment of children was caused by:

  • the need to streamline the existing system of long-term planning;
  • ensuring continuity in the work of the camp of previous years;
  • modernization of old forms of work and the introduction of new ones;
  • the need to use the rich creative potential of adolescents and teachers in the implementation of the goals and objectives of the program.

Thus, the main idea of ​​creating a summer labor camp is to help students use the period summer holiday to improve health, develop physical strength, enrich knowledge and new experiences. To provide an opportunity for each teenager to show their creative organizational skills, to involve students in work activities, to expand the circle of children's communication through a joint discussion of certain issues with their teachers and peers.

When developing the program, the social environment in which the pupils of the camp live was also taken into account. Some of them live in incomplete families, some of the children are foster children.

The activities of the pupils during the camp shift are carried out in age groups with a occupancy of 10 to 20 people.

A labor camp at the school is organized for students of the 7th and 10th grades for 18 calendar days. Each team works at different sites.

PURPOSE: Creation of optimal conditions for the prevention of offenses and crimes among minors during the summer holidays, organization of vacation employment for adolescents, employment. Organization of work and leisure of students, assistance in strengthening the family economy.


  • consolidation of practical skills of agricultural work in the process of improving the school in the summer;
  • social and labor training through productive labor, self-service, improvement work;
  • Consolidation of practical skills in carrying out repair work and landscaping work.
  • Preservation and strengthening of the health of pupils, promotion of a healthy lifestyle;
  • Formation of a culture of interpersonal communication;
  • Prevention of neglect, delinquency among adolescents.

The program has been developed taking into account the following legislative and regulatory documents:

UN Convention on the Rights of the Child;

the Constitution of the Russian Federation;

Law of the Russian Federation "On Education";

Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in Russian Federation» dated July 24, 1998, No. 124-F3;

Labor Code of the Russian Federation dated December 30, 2001 No. 197-F3;

Order "On the establishment of a procedure for conducting shifts of specialized camps, with day stay, labor and recreation camps." Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of July 13, 2001 No. 2688.


Stages and activities

Implementation timeline

1. Preparatory stage

Program preparation work with the teaching staff:

  • holding a meeting with a view to the interest of the teaching staff on planning and organizing a summer health campaign;
  • issuing an order for the school to conduct a summer campaign;
  • selection of personnel for work in the camp of work and rest;
  • passing a medical examination by members of the teaching staff;
  • passing a safety briefing.

with parents:

  • conducting parent meetings V1-10th grades on planning the summer employment of children;
  • conducting a survey.

with students:

  • conducting a survey;
  • paperwork.

Documentation development:

Regulations on the camp

Social passport of the camp


Staff work schedule

Examining Safety Documents

Drawing up job descriptions

The order to open the camp, compiling lists of units

April May

3. Preparation of the territory and premises for the work of the camp

General cleaning of premises and their preparation for the opening of the camp

Definition of the scope of work and preparation of the necessary

May June

Organizational stage

Compilation of squad lists

Preparation for further program activities

May June

2. Main stage

Implementation of the main provisions of the program

June July

3. The final stage

Psychological - social - pedagogical analysis summer wellness campaign results


The program is implemented during one camp shift.


The main composition of the camp is school students aged 14 - 17 years. When recruiting, special attention is paid to children from low-income, guarded, single-parent families, from families with retired parents, as well as children in difficult life situations. The activities of the pupils during the camp shift are carried out in groups of 10 to 20 people.


The teaching staff of the school, Leaders of school self-government, members of the parent community, specialists from services and institutions of the district took part in the development of the program: MKOU Bogdashkinskaya School


Territory, premises. During the work of the camp the territory is used: MKOUBogdashkinskayasecondary school, sports ground, classrooms: rest room, computer science room, library, sports hall.


For the successful implementation of the program is used:

Agricultural gloves

Garden and cleaning equipment

Sport equipment




Correspondence of the directions and forms of work with the goals and objectives of the camp shift, the creation of conditions for the individual development of the child's personality;

Selection of pedagogical techniques and means, taking into account age features students;

Ensuring the unity and interconnection of management and self-government;

Unity of pedagogical requirements in relationships with children.


Availability of necessary documentation

Programs of activities and work plan for the shift

Conducting instructional and methodological meetings

Memos and instruction cards for educators

Direction of activity

Forms of work

Moral and ethical

Communication Hours

Ethical holidays and games

Artistic and aesthetic



Sports and recreation

Morning work-out


relay races

Public benefit activity

Landscaping of the school yard

Labor landings

Ecological landings

Leisure activities

Collective-creative affairs in accordance with the grid plan


  • Introduction of effective forms of organization of work and recreation, health improvement and summer employment of children;
  • Improving psychological and social comfort in a single educational space l ager;
  • Formation of skills and abilities, acquisition of life experience, adequate behavior;
  • Development of individual abilities and inclinations of each child.



Formation of interest in the history of one's small homeland”, feelings of patriotism and love for their native land.

Expanding the horizons of children through the study of local history material.

Ability to work with literature, independently collect information.

Acquisition of knowledge about significant events, people, history of their region.

Inclusion of program participants in socially significant actions.

Sports and recreation

Strengthening the physical and mental health of children.

Cultivate a positive attitude towards healthy lifestyle life.

Knowledge elementary rules personal hygiene.

Formed conscious need for daily morning exercises

Knowledge of basic personal safety rules.

Reducing the incidence rate.

Absence of injury.

Implementation of the daily routine, knowledge of the basics of proper nutrition.

Knowledge of the negative health effects of smoking, alcohol, drugs, etc.

Knowledge of life-threatening and health situations; the ability to behave correctly in such a situation (rules of conduct with an unfamiliar adult, on the roadway, etc.)


Organization of full-fledged cultural leisure of pupils.

The emergence of the need to organize their free time, full-fledged leisure.

Desire to participate in events.

The number of event participants.

Initiative in organizing interesting activities and events for children.

The child is an active participant in mass events.


Acquisition of new and improvement of existing knowledge, skills and abilities in creative activity.

Expanding the general outlook, revealing new creative abilities.

Self-development of children and adolescents.

Exhibition activities, the quality of products and handicrafts presented at the exhibition.

Personal interest in conducting KTD.

The desire of children to engage in the chosen type of creative activity after the shift.

Social adaptation

Development of skills of communication of different ages, ethical behavior in difficult life situations.

Creation of a temporary team with the characteristics of benevolence, tolerance, mutual respect in relationships between children, between children and teachers, between children and the older generation.

Acquisition of communication experience in newly created temporary teams.

Ability to work and play together.

Expansion of the circle of contacts, incl. with the older ones. Choice of ethical behaviors.

Goodwill, responsiveness, mutual understanding, manifestation of sensitivity to people.

Organization and activity of the children of the detachment.


Acquisition of labor practical skills.

Plant care in the school yard.

Quantity and quality of labor activities.

Weeding, loosening, thinning, watering.



Squad is strength, squad is power

When there is someone in the team to help.

I will say without hiding, guys, without flattery:

Where I alone am weak, we will do it together!


Work with dedication, conscientiously, honestly,

Then the result is clear to everyone, known:

You will achieve your goals, you will please everyone.

Your squad is waiting - only success!


Let sometimes there is not enough skill -

Let's master the science of labor!

Our squad in working overalls

Never back off the path.


If you sincerely wish to find your happiness,

Try not to pass by the suffering and weak.

Give a piece of your heart to people, city, friends.

Let your soul strive only for righteous deeds.


If you are tired all of a sudden,

Take a break my friend.

You and the squad rest:

Competition, games.

Chat informally -

This is also relevant.

It's more fun to work

When there are a hundred friends around.

Organization of labor activity

1. Include forms of labor activity that reflect the essence of the directions of the school children's organization: “Themselves with a mustache!”, “Oh! Sport! You are the world!”, “We love art!” and etc.

2. Choose objects of labor based on the age and gender and psychophysical characteristics of children.

3. Organize competitions in children's groups on the basis of cooperation and co-management.

4. When summing up the results of the performance of labor tasks, be based on the principles of publicity, objectivity, and systematicity.

5. Observe the protective regime, the optimal load through an individual and differentiated approach to the pupils.

6. Follow the safety rules and the basics of safe life.

Work on the school plot to grow vegetables for the needs of the school.

Mandatory for the organization of socially useful labor:

Accounting for physiological and gender and age characteristics;

Clear explanation of labor assignments;

Conducting safety briefings

Clear distribution of time;


Creating a positive emotional mood (“success situation”);


2. Socially useful labor activity, including:

Daily care for cleanliness, landscaping and landscaping of the assigned area of ​​the school territory;

Labor landings: "Green, clean street." "Blossoming Yard", operations: "Comfort", "Clean", etc.


Children's meeting

Morning line, roll call, plans for the day.

"Labor landing".

Activities carried out according to the work plan of the Camp

Sending home

Work plan


Opening of a labor and recreation camp

Briefing on labor protection, fire and anti-terrorist safety, traffic rules

Acquaintance with the regime, work plan

Making a photo chronicle of the Camp

"Labor landing" - work at the school site

Registration of the annals of the Camp

Conversation on healthy lifestyle

One day hike

"Labor landing" - work at the school site

Registration of the annals of the Camp

Sports games - football

"Labor landing" - improvement of the flower garden

Registration of the annals of the Camp

Conversation on God

"Labor landing" - work at the school site

Registration of the annals of the Camp

"Neptune Day"

"Labor landing" - work at the school site

Registration of the annals of the Camp

Sports games: volleyball

"Labor landing" - work at the school site

Registration of the annals of the Camp

Sports games - volleyball

Excursion to the forest for craft materials

"Labor landing" - work at the school site

Sports games - "Funny starts"

Registration of the annals of the Camp

"Labor landing" - work at the school site

Registration of the annals of the Camp

Sports games - football

"Labor landing" - work at the school site

Registration of the annals of the Camp

Sports games - basketball

Folk games - lapta

Folk games - "Cossacks-robbers"

Labor landing "-work at the school site

Excursion to the reservoir

"Labor landing" - work at the school site

Folk games - "Chizhik"

"Labor landing" - work at the school site

Registration of the annals of the Camp

Closing the shift

Speaking about the significance of the socially useful work of children in the camp, we have two aspects in mind. The first consists in the usefulness of labor, i.e., in obtaining a specific objective result of the work done by children. The second is connected with education and its purpose - the formation of a comprehensive, harmoniously developed personality.

Work, more precisely, education through work, is an important means for realizing this goal. That is why we are talking about labor education and its tasks. Let's consider the most important of them.

It is necessary to educate the child in the conviction that labor for the good of society is the only morally justified form of human existence, and at the same time develop in him the need to work.

Speaking about the role of labor in the harmonious development of a person, one cannot dwell only on moral aspects, since labor also affects the mental development of the individual. It is in labor that a person has the opportunity to use theoretical knowledge in practice, to comprehensively test them. After physical labor, healthy fatigue, appetite, good sleep appear, that is, labor is a means of restoring the nervous system.

Children who spend a lot of time at their desks need physical labor to take a break from school. Therefore, staying in the camp should be a time of rest for children, which, in essence, is an alternation of physical and mental labor. This should take into account the age of the children, their physical development, state of health, previous physical training and, depending on this, give feasible tasks that they are really able to perform.

We must strive to create such conditions in the camp so that the children always have the opportunity to do their work very well, and the educators - a reason to praise them.

It is very important that the children do useful and necessary things, since the awareness of the necessity of their work helps to increase interest in work, helps to overcome difficulty, fatigue, laziness. In addition, the consciousness of the usefulness of labor develops a healthy ambition of the child. This is especially true for children who are worse at acquiring theoretical knowledge, as it gives them the opportunity to prove in practice what they are capable of.

It is desirable that children take part in the organization and improvement of the camp, maintaining cleanliness and order in it. Only then will they consider the camp their own, learn to respect the work of others, take care of public property, and this is precisely the great importance of the participation of children in creating the material conditions of the camps.


The first days of stay in the camp are filled with unrest and work. Everyone consults, shares thoughts, suggestions, and the camp under the hands of the guys is changing before our eyes. Platforms and paths are cleared, rotten steps are renewed, railings are put up, bridges are built over streams and ditches, new boxes and flower stands are made. Like mushrooms after rain, new additional buildings are springing up everywhere, symbolizing the camp: a flagpole, an arch over the entrance, an observation tower, a guardhouse, sheds for firewood and tools; a stand of the fire brigade and a stand with samples of knots, an indicative map of the camp and the surrounding area, wall newspapers, a corner of camp symbols, a campfire site are drawn up; hung mailboxes; the dining room is decorated, auxiliary devices are made for it: simple dryers, cutting boards, etc.; a suitable place is chosen for a summer cinema or theater with a natural stage and backstage. What scope for imagination and ingenuity!

Sports grounds, running tracks, a platform for jumpers made of sand or sawdust, a shooting range for shooting from an air gun, and targets for archery are being created; camp thermometer, barometer, sun or water clock are installed. It is also necessary to put in order bathing beaches: clear the entrance to the water, make buoys, repair the ferry and boat pier, build a water slide and a diving tower, a raft, etc.

In camps of a stationary type, labor activity is recommended to be oriented towards buildings of long-term use. Never give a work assignment to children in the form of an order, without prior explanation. Discuss each task first with the whole squad, give the guys the opportunity to think about the details, support the interest and initiative of the children, create the impression that they themselves decide how to organize and manage the work.

Only what is done by one's own labor brings a feeling of joy and satisfaction. Children can take part in larger construction in the camp, but the main part of the work falls on the leader, who organizes the work and is responsible for the safety of the children.

The best rates for a children's taxi in Moscow and the Moscow region. Fast delivery of comfortable cars, polite drivers and comfortable child seats. Transportation of children
at very low prices.

How to organize Kid `s camp work and rest

Organizing a children's camp is quite difficult, especially if this is done for the first time. After all, it is very important to choose a type of recreation that all children will like it. Last years gaining popularity summer camps labor and rest. Toddlers are actually very positive about both interesting work and entertaining entertainment. Thus, they have the opportunity to feel like adults. In addition, children learn to be responsible.

The first thing the organizers must do is to conclude an agreement with an agricultural organization that is ready to accommodate schoolchildren, as well as give them paid work. The contract must contain information that the children will be engaged in accordance with the current law, which regulates labor relations and social insurance. The working week must be a maximum of six days.

For the entire period of stay of children in the camp, a specific amount of work should be fixed. Prices must be painted, taking into account existing norms. The contract should provide that the final payment should be prepared three days before the end of the camp, and on the eve of departure, all participants will receive funds in full.

A completed and signed application for event funding is submitted to the county or department.

It is necessary to conclude an agreement with the transport company in advance. Along with passenger services, freight transport services will also be needed, since a lot of things will have to be taken for the summer labor camp. It is important to choose a company that has been operating for a long period and has already completed similar orders.

Children who wish to go to camp must write appropriate statements confirming that they have consciously made their choice. The text of the application must contain information that the student undertakes:

  • perform the work established by the standards;
  • comply with all rules and regulations;
  • take an active part in camp life.
Students are minors, so parents must sign the application. The organizers, in addition to the applications, must collect the contact details of the parents.

Young workers should remember that they need two sets of overalls. We also need gloves, personal items, food. It is necessary to complete the brigades before departure. Particular attention should be paid to leisure activities so that children do not have to walk aimlessly around the campsite.

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Work and rest camp- the most common form of organization of socially useful work of high school students. Pupils in grades 7-10 of city schools work in labor and recreation camps only in the summer and, as a rule, in agricultural production. The main task of the camp is to instill in schoolchildren love and respect for work, to develop them social activity.

Labor and recreation camps are created on the basis of collective farms, state farms, forestry enterprises, as well as on industrial enterprises, training and production facilities, in the service sector. They are created by public education departments, regional committees and district committees of trade unions together with basic enterprises and Komsomol organizations.

The agricultural enterprise, on the basis of which the camp is organized, creates the necessary conditions for the work and rest of schoolchildren: allocates a building for housing, provides bedding, household, cultural and sports equipment, organizes meals. Many households build and equip stationary camps for schoolchildren with sleeping quarters, showers, canteens, and sports grounds. There are also campgrounds.

On the site assigned to schoolchildren, good cabbage grew.

Sometimes students are placed in rural schools, boarding schools, hostels. Many school collectives maintain ties with the same collective farms or state farms.

Harvesting apples (Transcarpathian region).

After work, everyone does what they love.

The length of the working day depends on the age of schoolchildren and the type of work, but does not exceed 4 hours. Students are allowed to work only after safety classes.

The camp organizes a competition between groups of students (brigades, departments, units) and between schoolchildren. In the competition commitments, the main attention is paid to the quality of work, work culture, strict observance of safety regulations, labor discipline, organization of cultural and sports activities.

The highest self-government body in the camp

IN summer holidays many schoolchildren work in labor and recreation camps, in student production teams, helping adults in the fields, in gardens, and on livestock farms.

Child labor in our country is prohibited and permitted only when it is associated with training or education. But even in this case, there are limitations. In terms of time, the work of adolescents is strictly regulated: no more than 4 hours a day. Only schoolchildren who do not have medical contraindications are allowed to work in labor and recreation camps, in student production teams. Students are not allowed to work in a number of jobs in agriculture, including the maintenance of agricultural machines, but there is an exception: a tractor driver is allowed to work from the age of 17 with a limited working week.

Schoolchildren are prohibited from working with pesticides.

The labor itself exercise stress must be age appropriate. When working, you must follow the safety rules and do not neglect elementary precautions.

Use only sharp and serviceable tools. Handles and grips must be carefully finished and free from cracks and other irregularities that could injure hands. The tool is used for its intended purpose, using safe working methods. Special care is required when handling piercing and cutting objects: chopper, rake, delimber.

Do not contaminate the handles and handles, hide the tool in the grass, crops, heaps of grass or weeds, hay or straw, etc. During breaks in work, the tool must be folded in the designated place.

It is forbidden (even for a short time) to place rakes, forks and markers with their teeth up. When working with pitchforks, rakes and choppers, you must be careful, watch your comrades working nearby and act in such a way as not to accidentally hit them: withstand a safety gap.

While working with a shovel, chopper, you need to wear hard and closed shoes. You can not work barefoot, in sandals, slippers and shoes that can be easily removed. If you stay in the sun for a long time, you can not work without a hat.

In the area of ​​work of machine-tractor units and in places where tractors and cars can move, it is forbidden to rest in tall grass, in a furrow, in bushes, in heaps of straw or hay, on roadsides. The chosen resting place for people is marked during the day with clearly visible landmarks, and in the evening - with a lantern (but not with a fire: it can go out).

active work. A teachers' council is being created in the camp, which resolves issues of production and educational work. The head of the camp supervises the work of the teachers' council.

For the work performed, students receive remuneration in accordance with applicable law. No more than 50% of the funds earned by students are used to reimburse the costs of maintaining the camp, the rest of the costs are distributed by decision of the general meeting.

Work and rest camps were first created in 1965-1967. in Donetsk, Moscow and a number of other regions on the basis of collective farms and state farms. In the summer of 1981, there were about 29,000 labor and recreation camps operating in the country, uniting about 3 million schoolchildren.

In some regions of the RSFSR, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, annual reviews - competitions the best labor and recreation camps. According to the results of the summer labor quarter, the camps are awarded the prize of the Central Committee of the Komsomol, the Ministry of Education of the USSR, the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions "Heroes of Labor - the best camp of work and rest", a pennant of the Central Committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League "The best camp of work and rest".

Municipal budgetary educational institution "Special educational institution for students - basic comprehensive school No. 14 "Teenager"

Agreed: I approve:

Savelyeva T.S. Director of MBOU "SUVU No. 14

May 2017 "Teenager"

V.M. Maksimova

PROGRAM of work and rest camps

"Success Team"

Information card

Full name of the program

The program of the camp of work and rest " Team for your success»

Melekhina Tatyana Serafimovna

Territory that presented the program

Russian Federation, Chusovoy, Perm Territory, MBOU "SUVU No. 14" Teenager "

Organization address

Chusovoy, st. Lenina, 12

Organization phone

Conduct form

Work and rest camp

Purpose of the program

Program specialization

Historical - environmental



MBOU "SUVU No. 14" Teenager "

Total number of participants, age

15 people (12 - 14 years old)

The program contains: an explanatory note; activities implementing the program; expected results and implementation conditions.

Explanatory note


Summer holidays are a time for organizing work and recreation for teenagers, this best time to improve the capabilities of the child, to involve him in new social connections, to meet his interests and needs. The labor and recreation camp is one of the forms of organizing the productive labor of adolescents. The formation of a comprehensively developed personality is a continuous process. The knowledge gained by teenagers during the school year on project activities, the skills and habits acquired by them, the established habits will be implemented in the process of working on the project "Improvement of the school yard". The relevance of the chosen topic is caused by the lack of landscaping and gardening of the yard. The project is aimed at developing creative personal potential, the ability to work in a team. The project involves the implementation of a schoolyard improvement program using the collective creative activities of children, parents and teachers. The project will allow to unite the efforts of the participants of the educational institution aimed at the aesthetic design and landscaping of the school yard.

This program provides for the organization of employment and recreation of school-age children in a labor camp.

Program goal:

Creation of optimal conditions for self-realization of adolescents through socially significant labor activity and outdoor activities.

Program objectives:

Contribute to the labor education of adolescents, strengthening their health.

Development of independence and activity.

Formation of the experience of social interaction.

Development of practical skills in various types labor, cognitive and project activities.

Combining the efforts of participants in an educational institution aimed at aesthetic design, landscaping and

This program is complex, i.e. includes diverse activities, combines various types of recreation, recreation and education of children in a labor camp.

This program is multi-age.

The main principles of the camp:

The principle of collectivity is the creation of conditions conducive to the development of communication skills of adolescents, the ability to work in a team.

The principle of maximum employment of adolescents in the summer.

The principle of cooperation is the definition of common goals and objectives of teachers and adolescents, the organization of their joint activities on the basis of mutual understanding and mutual assistance.

Program implementation includes:

Preparatory stage.


Conducting seminars with camp workers, briefing meetings.

Preparation of teaching materials.

Preparation of material and technical base.

organizational stage.

Team formation.

Acquaintance with the working hours of the camp and its rules.

Formation of the corner of the detachment.

Main stage.

Work according to plan.

Leisure activities.

Methodical work with educators.

The final stage.

Closing the shift.

Summarizing the results of activities.

Photo report.

Collection of reporting material.

Daily regime.

8.30 - reception of children.

9.00 - charging.

9.30 - breakfast.

10.00 - labor activity.

13.00 - lunch.

13.30 - KTD.

15.00 - departure home.


The head of the camp is Melekhina Tatyana Serafimovna, a teacher of history and social studies at MBOU "SUVU No. 14" Teenager ".

Educator: Shvetsova Elena Alexandrovna.


Summer mini-project "IMPROVEMENT


Mini-project passport

1. Name of the mini-project:"School Yard Improvement"

2. Head of the project team: Melekhina Tatyana Serafimovna, teacher of history and social studies, MBOU "SUVU No. 14" Teenager ", Chusovoy, Perm Territory.

3. Mini project:

Implementation: (May - June 2017).

Designed for children: 12 -15 years.


4. Composition project team:

Melekhina Tatyana Serafimovna, project manager.

Galyas Lyubov, student of the 9th grade, MBOU "SUVU No. 14" Teenager ", Chusovoy, Perm Territory.

Postonogova Daria, 7th grade student.

Antropova Alexandra, 7th grade student.

Elkina Polina, 7th grade student.

Belikova Arianna, 7th grade student.

5. Purpose: to carry out a program for the improvement of the school yard, using the collective creative activity of teachers and students.

6. Tasks:

Combining the efforts of the participants of the educational institution, aimed at the aesthetic design and landscaping of the school yard.

Improvement of the school yard.

7. Abstract:

This project is multi-age. The theme of the proposed project is “Beautification of the school yard”. The relevance of the chosen topic is caused by the lack of landscaping and gardening of the yard. The project is aimed at developing creative personal potential, the ability to work in a team. The project involves the implementation of a schoolyard improvement program using the collective creative activities of children and teachers. The project will allow to unite the efforts of the participants of the educational institution aimed at the aesthetic design and landscaping of the school yard.

Objective of the project: to carry out a program for the improvement of the school yard, using the collective creative activity of children and teachers.

The problem of this project: lack of improvement and gardening of the yard.


Combining the efforts of families aimed at aesthetic design and landscaping of the family yard.

Improvement of the school yard.

Project progress:

Preparatory stage - project motivation (May)

Design phase - project outline (May)

Practical stage - project implementation (June 2017)

Action plan:

Buying seedlings.

Collection plastic bottles.

Manufacturing flower beds from plastic bottles.

Soil cultivation, planting flowers.

Flowerbed care (design, watering flowers)

Making a path between flower beds with pebbles.

Fence making.

Bench making.

Analytical stage - analysis of intermediate results of work.

Final stage - final result (end of June)

Project results:

Improvement and improvement of the territory of the school yard.

Increasing the level of formation of ecological culture, a sense of personal responsibility for the state of the school yard.

Activation of children's activities in the summer.

Location of the project: the territory of the school yard on Lenin street, 12,

Chusovoy, Perm Territory.

COGNITIVE activity.

Specialization - history, ecology.


1. Issue of newspapers, leaflets.

2. Research activities.

3. Observation.

4. Creation of layouts.

5. Labyrinths - exercises.

6. Quiz.

7. Workshops.


Labor education is carried out in the process of including students in their age-appropriate labor activity.

Types of labor activity: self-service work (repair of teaching aids, books in the school library, furniture, inventory); publicly useful work for the improvement of the school territory, for the collection of secondary raw materials, medicinal plants; socially useful, productive work.

Speaking about the significance of the socially useful work of children in the camp, I have two aspects in mind. The first consists in the usefulness of labor, i.e., in obtaining a specific objective result of the work done by children. The second is connected with education and its purpose - the formation of a comprehensive, harmoniously developed personality.

Camp schedule



Opening camp shift

Assembly Hall,


1. Briefing on traffic rules, briefings on the rules of conduct in LTO.

2. Labor landing for cleaning the school grounds.

3. Organization of a school yard improvement project.

4. Opening camp shift.

Melekhina T.S.

World Day for the Protection of Elephants in Zoos



1. Briefing on the safe performance of certain types of work.

2. An hour of labor - preparing a site for a flower bed, seedlings, watering the flower bed.

3. Library hour Interesting Facts about elephants.

4. Workshop "Elephants" + documentary film "Elephants".

Shvetsova E.A.

Melekhina T.S.

flower day


1. Photo collage "The beauty of the native land."

2. Collection of medicinal plants.

3. Creating a layout - flowers in a flower bed.

4. Hour of labor. Project "Improvement of the school yard".

5. KTD "Herbarium with your own hands."

Shvetsova E.A.

Melekhina T.S.

Day of Remembrance and Sorrow.

Assembly Hall,


1. Release of leaflets "Day of memory and sorrow".

2. Labyrinths - exercises on the main events of the Great Patriotic War.

3. Hour of labor - the project "Improvement of the school yard".

4. A film about the war "A girl is looking for a father."

Shvetsova E.A.

Melekhina T.S.


Olympic day

Assembly Hall,


1. An hour of communication - "History of the Olympic Games".

2. KTD "We are Olympians."

3. Olympic landing on the improvement of the school yard.

Shvetsova E.A.

Melekhina T.S.

nature day

Assembly Hall,


1. Crafts from recycled materials "Second Wind".

2. Hour of ecology. Ecological competition "Once upon a time there were birds, fish, animals."

Shvetsova E.A.

Melekhina T.S.

Fishing Day



1. Library hour "History and traditions of the holiday."

2. KTD. Fishing competition.

3. The project "Improvement of the school yard".

Shvetsova E.A.

Melekhina T.S.

history day

Assembly Hall,


1. Research "The meaning of the surname."

2. An hour of labor at the school site - work on the project.

3. Quiz - competition "Constitution of the Russian Federation".

Shvetsova E.A.

Melekhina T.S.


Assembly Hall,


1. The project "Improvement of the school yard": results, presentation.

2. Library eco-box.

3. Hour of ecology. Ecological competition on the pages of the Red Book - "They ask for protection."

Shvetsova E.A.

Melekhina T.S.

Closing the camp

Assembly Hall,


1. Closing of the camp, summing up, rewarding.

2. Festival of children's ideas.

Shvetsova E.A.

Melekhina T.S.


Financially - Technical equipment sports ground: stadium at the school.

Stationery: colored paper, pencils, felt-tip pens, markers.

Member Information:

Students of an educational institution aged 12 to 15 years.

Terms and conditions of stay.

The program is implemented during one camp shift from June 19 to June 30, 2017. There is one detachment of 15 people in the camp.

Enumeration of the given services.

Rehabilitation of children.


air procedures.

Leisure organization.

educational activities.

Labor education.

Labor activity.

Project activity.

Expected results.

1. The acquisition by adolescents of practical skills and abilities in various types of labor, design, and creative activities.

2. The acquisition by adolescents of the experience of social interaction.

3. General health improvement of adolescents.

4. The project "Improvement of the school yard".
