April 1st April fool's day story. World Fool's Day

April 1 - April Fool's Day (April Fool's Day). We will tell you about the history of the appearance of the holiday April Fool's Day or April Fool's Day. Let's tell you about how to have fun on April 1 in different countries Oh. This is a story about the holiday April Fool's Day for children.

Have you ever wondered why everyone jokes, has fun and plays funny pranks on each other on the first of April? After all, this custom exists not only in our country, but in many countries. And this despite the fact that "April Fool's Day", or "Fool's Day", as the people call this holiday, is not included in any calendar of significant events. So where did the tradition of celebrating the first of April come from? There are many opinions.

First opinion . Once upon a time in France New Year celebrated at the end of March. From March 25 to April 1, people went to visit, gave gifts, had fun as best they could. But in 1562, Pope Gregory XIII introduced a new calendar - the Gregorian, and the New Year was moved to January 1. However, the French were sorry to part with the "Old New Year", so they continued to celebrate it on April 1, for which they were nicknamed "April Fools".

second opinion . The holiday originated in ancient Rome, where the "Feast of the Fools" was celebrated. True, this holiday was celebrated not on April 1, but on February 17.

Third opinion. The tradition originated in Eastern India, where people to this day celebrate "Joke Day", but not on April 1, but on March 31.

Fourth opinion. "Joker's Day" arose at the behest of the Neapolitan king of Monterey, who on one of the holidays prepared a fish dish.

He liked the treat and asked to cook it again. There was no such fish, and the cook “slipped” something similar to the king. However, it turned out to be impossible to deceive the king - the prank failed, and the king did not get angry, but laughed. If all this happened just on April 1, it is understandable why the tradition was born on this day to joke and arrange funny pranks.

How to have fun on April 1 in different countries

Since the 18th century, in almost all countries of the world, everyone has been happy to play a joke on April 1 over their friends.

You, of course, also like to play pranks on parents, friends and even teachers. Well, why not? Most importantly, remember that jokes should be kind - why put a person in an awkward position? There is a rule: the best joke is the one that is laughed at the loudest by the one who is being played with.


Australians are a cheerful people. And their April 1 begins with the laughter of the mockingbird kookaburra. Waking up, everyone immediately begins to play pranks on each other and give unusual funny gifts. Only you need to have time to do all this before dinner, otherwise the joker himself will be considered not very smart.

Even newspapers, radio and television take part in the drawings. Agree, to fool a friend or colleague is not too difficult, but to play the whole country is a serious matter!

One day, one of the main metropolitan newspapers published a "true" story that employees of Chinese restaurants, delivering food carts through the halls, would now have to obtain a special driver's license. Restaurant owners clutched their heads - after all, they would have to pay for the training of their subordinates! And another newspaper reported that the drought forced many freshwater crocodiles to move into the southern rivers. Of course, no one swam in the rivers that day...


In England, it is customary to play pranks on each other only until 12 noon. Standard April Fool's jokes are to say, "Your shoelace is untied," to set the clock, or something like that. In England, on April 1, it is customary to send each other funny postcards or souvenirs.


Armenians, as you know, have always been famous for their sparkling humor. And for some time now in Armenia April 1 is celebrated as the Day of Satire and Humor quite officially. They say that the reason for this was the vagaries of the spring weather - the Armenians are trying to appease nature with jokes and practical jokes.


In Bulgaria, April Fool's Day is held in high esteem. The inhabitants of this country are very fond of jokes and practical jokes. Children especially enjoy the holiday. Newspapers and radio are also happy to play tricks on the population, presenting simply stunning news!

There is such a city in Bulgaria Gabrovo. The inhabitants of this city are famous for their unsurpassed sense of humor. There are constantly held exhibitions of cartoons and arranged humor. Gabrovites are known as terrible misers, and they themselves make fun of themselves because of this.


"April Fools" - that's what they call this in Italy international holiday. Italian jokes are completely harmless. On April 1, on the back of an Italian, you can see a cute paper fish, carefully drawn and painted.

If it rains on April 1, then someone can throw confetti into your umbrella. Open the umbrella - there will be real fireworks! And one of the family members can easily set all the clocks in the house back an hour. For some reason, instead of sugar, salt appears in the sugar bowl, and, out of nowhere, sugar appears in the salt shaker!


In Romania, April Fool's Day is not official holiday, but Romanians love this day very much and find a reason to play a trick on someone. In general, Romania is often called the country of laughter and humor, its inhabitants are so witty. They always have an anecdote, a joke or a funny story ready.

The main characters of jokes in Romania are Pecala and Tyndale, who most often make fun of themselves. Pekale is small, cunning, but kind and honest. Tyndale is tall, rustic and roguish. The jokes of the Romanians are very kind and not offensive at all.

In America, April 1 is a very harmless joke. Something like this: “Oh, your lace is untied!” or "What's wrong with you?" Schoolchildren tirelessly play pranks on each other, and the one who "gets caught" is called the April Fool.

But on TV that day they can announce a list of the most stupid people, and usually it includes the most famous people. But at the same time, the announcer must first warn that an April Fool's joke will now be uttered.


In Finland, April 1, as in other countries, is considered the Day of jokes and lies. Finns know how to joke! For example, since ancient times, during big holidays, parents gave their children comic instructions - they sent them to the neighbor's yard for something non-existent, for example, for glass scissors.


In France, as in Italy, on April 1, you can meet people with paper fish on their backs. They are called "April fish". Everyone is trying to be vigilant, "not to remain in the fish", that is, in the fools.

And the French joke like this: they add salt to their friends in a sugar bowl, they put pepper in a sweet cake. They also like to give each other meaningless errands, such as finding and fetching sweet vinegar.


In Scotland, April Fool's Day is celebrated not for one day, but for two! The first day is called the Day of the Cuckoo, and those who managed to deceive are called "razin". The second day of the celebration is called Tail Day. The Scots are happy to put special rubber bags on each other, which, when pressed, make not quite decent sounds.

On the first of April, one of the most fun and unusual holidays is celebrated all over the world.

On this day, people disinterestedly and kindly seek to play each other or just make others smile.

This holiday has several names: April Fool's Day, April Fool's Day, Humor Day. But have you ever thought about where he came to us from and where his roots lead.

Versions of the origin of the holiday

Today, there are several generally accepted versions of the origin of April Fool's Day. Until recently, it was believed that this holiday was first celebrated in the Middle Ages, but scientists managed to find out that its origin dates back to even more ancient times.

Here are some common versions of the occurrence World Day laughter:

Jokes and pranks were already inherent in people living at that time. True, they celebrated the Day of the Fools and this happened, as a rule, in mid-February.

But the Celts celebrated a kind of April Fool's Day on the first of April. Their holiday was dedicated to the god of laughter, Lud.

The second version, as mentioned above, refers to the Middle Ages.

Scientists believe that it is she who is the most reliable. It all started, by the way, quite seriously.

In 1583, Pope Gregory XIII adopted a reform that moved the celebration of the New Year from April 1 to January 1. However, due to the fact that at that time there were big problems with the transfer of information, some ignorant people continued to celebrate it in the old fashioned way in the spring.

Well, those who knew about the official postponement of the holiday began to call their compatriots ignorant fools. That's how April Fool's Day was born.

A little later, this holiday began to acquire various traditions. The most thematic of them was the one according to which a fish made of paper was glued on the back of a person on the day of the first of April. Over time, the tradition of celebrating April Fool's Day gradually spread throughout Europe, and then throughout the world.

How April Fool's Day appeared in Russia

In our vast country, the history of the holiday on April 1 is closely connected with the name of Emperor Peter I.

The Day of Humor began to be celebrated precisely thanks to him, because this man was a big fan of practical jokes.

In general, this tradition was brought to Russia by the Germans, who at that time lived in St. Petersburg and in other regions of the country. Initially, April Fool's Day was celebrated only in Nemetskaya Sloboda. Then this holiday gradually became popular among representatives of the local nobility.

It was a lot of fun that day in the courts of privileged persons. The most skillful jesters entertained the hosts and guests until late at night. It is important to note that most ordinary townspeople and peasants were initially skeptical about new tradition and for quite a long time they did not perceive April Fool's Day.

However, during this holiday, buffoons and mummers roamed the streets, who did their best to entertain the people.

Today, April Fool's Day is celebrated in Russia regularly. Friends, colleagues and relatives try to prank each other.

And this applies to both banal jokes from the category “your entire back is white”, to subtle witty jokes and practical jokes.

Those who want to play a trick on another person should remember that this should be done in such a way as not to offend anyone. After all, April Fool's Day is not only the most fun, but also a good holiday, which means that all the emotions that people experience during pranks should cause joy.

Do not forget that laughter prolongs life, and be sure to prepare some fun surprises for friends and loved ones for the first of April. However, you can kindly play others not only on April Fool's Day. Smile more often and give each other joy.

The holiday of laughter unites all peoples of the world! April Fool's Day is one of the most ancient, and maybe the most ancient non-religious holiday that the whole planet celebrates! And no wonder, because the love of practical jokes and jokes lives in people, regardless of national traditions and religious beliefs, cultural differences and social status. Laughter is happiness, and everyone wants to be happy.

history of the holiday

Despite the efforts of historians, the mystery of the origin of April Fool's Day has remained unsolved. But more than enough theories! The initiators are called the ancient Romans, and the Mayans, and the Celts, and the ancient Indians, and even the Chinese or the monks of Tibet. Many peoples had a tradition to celebrate the onset of spring. And spring, as you know, is a changeable lady. This is probably why the rituals were similar - to wear clothes inside out on this day, to smear with paints, to put on unpaired shoes and ridiculous costumes to emphasize the inconstancy of the spring weather and drive away the winter, stunned by the general mess.

But the majority is inclined to believe that the first of April as a holiday of jokes and laughter was first celebrated in France. The expression "April fish", an analogue of our April fool, has been mentioned in poems and poems since 1500! One of the diaries, dated 1539, tells of a prank by an eminent nobleman who sent his servants to roam the city in search of worm ointment for his knees. The poor servants were afraid to show themselves in front of the owner, they went around all the yards and shops, but, of course, they did not get the magic ointment.

The one who managed to make a joke, the French call "April fish". But they themselves do not remember where this expression came from. According to one version, the authorship belongs to a certain joker who threw smoked fish into the Seine: there is no biting at this time of the year, but the most stubborn fishermen continue to hope for a miracle, and a miracle happened - even smoked, but fish! According to another version, the history of the holiday began with an incredibly delicious dinner. Allegedly, the king treated himself to a fish dish on New Year's Eve, which he liked so much that next year he demanded that the same fish be served to him. The desired fish was not found, and the cook prepared something very similar. The king became angry and accused the servants of cheating. In order not to hit the hat, the subjects unanimously assured that it was exactly the same fish, and His Majesty simply forgot the taste of the dish he liked.

To this day, in France, the most successful April Fool's joke is considered to be a paper fish imperceptibly pinned on the back. People of a respectable and serious look walk around, "hooked", and passers-by giggle after them. With a fish on your back, you can go all day until you yourself notice that outsiders will not even think of removing the fish from the back of the played person.

By the end of the 17th century, April Fool's Day was adopted by the British and Scots, and then all of Europe. Not wanting to admit "plagiarism", the British even came up with their own legend. Allegedly, in the shaggy age there was a custom: whoever of the rulers was the first to pass through the land, to that it would belong. Some freedom-loving villagers have developed a whole plan to frighten off the king, who wanted to ride on their land. When the retinue approached the village, an extraordinary picture opened up to their eyes: shepherds drove cattle onto the roofs of houses, lumberjacks picked logs with knives, cooks cooked without fire, someone carried water in tubs without a bottom, and someone threw fish into the lake. Thinking that England was still full of free land, the king decided not to add the village of "idiots" to his possessions.

In London in 1860, the first known large-scale hoax took place. Eminent residents of the city were invited to the solemn washing of white lions living in the Tower fortress. Hundreds of people came to participate or gawk at the ceremony, which was ostensibly to become an annual tradition.

The love of mass pranks in the UK keeps the BBC channel alive. In 1957, a short documentary was shown about the incredible spaghetti harvest - naive people called the studio asking to sell them seeds or seedlings.

In 1976, Patrick More told in live BBC radio that on the morning of April 1, the gravity of the Earth will weaken for a few minutes, and all people will be able to soar in the air! Patrick strongly recommended not to leave the house and to put fragile items in closed cabinets. For several months, newspapers and magazines were full of vivid descriptions feelings and emotions of people who were in weightlessness! And in 1980, the authorities allegedly decided to modernize Big Ben, replacing the mechanical hands with an electronic dial. What started here! Indeed, in England they honor traditions adamantly, absorbing respect and love for the Old World from the cradle.

In 2007, an amazing picture of a corpse ... of a fairy appeared on the net! It was made by the British D. Bain and posted on the Internet on April 1st. Ignoring the date of the post, thousands of residents from around the world believed in the authenticity of the photo. By the way, some still consider the figurine in the picture to be a real fairy, although Bain has repeatedly admitted that this is a joke:

Day of laughter among the Slavs

In early April, the pagans celebrated the Domovoy Awakening Day. According to legend, the owner of the house woke up from hibernation not in the best mood and mischievous, confusing manes for horses, spilling flour, spoiling mattresses and hiding household utensils. To cajole Domovoy, people tried in every possible way to cheer him up. To do this, adults and children exposed themselves as complete idiots and clumsies - put each other on the steps, put on inappropriate clothes (for example, a man could tie a woman's apron or pull on a children's shirt), mildly deceive passers-by "Look, there is a red cloud!", "In your chicken coop the wolf is down!" and so on. So the Slavs' April Fool's Day appeared independently, without the help of European neighbors. But with the victory of Christianity over paganism, the old traditions were forgotten.

The holiday returned to Russia thanks to the love of Peter I for everything connected with the West. After a secret journey through Europe, the sovereign, having seen enough of the local order, decided to change and introduce many new things "in the Western manner." In 1703, the heralds of Moscow invited the inhabitants of the capital to watch an incredible and delightful performance. But behind the opened curtain there was only a billboard with the inscription “First of April - trust no one!”, and no outlandish performances for you. It is believed that the first of April has been celebrated in Russia since 1703, although later there were periods when the holiday was forgotten for decades.

April Fools traditions of the world:

  • in the Netherlands it is customary to joke about third parties, not about the person being played. Comedians compose fables about the arrival of famous stars or politicians in the country, about incredible marriages, about scientific achievements, discoveries, etc.;
  • Scotland celebrates the International April Fool's Day twice: on April 1, they joke in any way, and on April 2, all pranks touch the fifth point (you have a hole in your pants, your fly is unbuttoned, you sat down in the paint, etc.). The most desperate pranksters stick pieces of paper “Kick me!” to strangers below their backs. April 2 is called the Day of the tail, and the person who managed to deceive is called the April cuckoo;
  • toilet humor is still loved in the USA. Plastic waste, sometimes (what technology has come to!) Even exuding a characteristic smell, can end up in a bag, a glass of coffee or a bowl of soup. And not to put a pillow on this day for a colleague, sorry, a fart, is considered almost a bad form! In addition, this date for Americans is fraught with certain risks - jokers can be quite vicious. For example, they may joke with a colleague that the boss found out about his misconduct or that he was fired for some ridiculous reason. Or even say that the wife called from home and said that the 70-year-old aunt gave her soul to God. In general, the humor is very peculiar;
  • in England, joking in this way is unacceptable, as in most countries of the world where April Fool's Day is celebrated. Jokes should be harmless and not traumatic to the psyche. It is not acceptable to scare and upset people. The purpose of the prank should be to put a smile on the face of an unlucky friend;
  • but in Austria and Germany this day is considered unlucky. Allegedly, children born on April 1 will be simpletons all their lives, trusting everyone in a row. Although in last years they are trying to turn this belief upside down, convincing the younger generation that the April Fool's child will certainly grow up very smart and successful;
  • in Finland, it is customary to play pranks on children (apparently, adults are no longer "led"). The child is sent to the neighbors for an outlandish tool - a left-handed screwdriver, round scissors, a double awl and other fictional nonsense. A good aunt remembers that she lent the tool to a neighbor from the house opposite, he laments that just yesterday he gave the right thing to his sister who lives on the next street, etc., until the child finally realizes that they are collectively making fun of him.

On the World Fool's Day, it is not customary in any country to give gifts, except for playful souvenirs and cards to closest friends. The celebration boils down to good-natured banter and fooling anyone who is ready to fall for the bait, like a naive April fish. The media actively participate in the draws, publishing incredible "facts", "true" news and unexpected "discoveries". Either the state decides to switch to a 12-hour mode, then the planets are renamed in honor of rock stars or movie characters, then aliens will be noticed in the Earth's atmosphere. Do not be offended by jokes: laugh with the joker and joke on him in return, because sincere laughter and healthy self-irony are wonderful!

April Fools "Day" is celebrated on April 1. This day is not included in any calendars of significant and festive dates, but it can be attributed to international ones, since the custom to have fun, joke and deceive each other on April 1 exists in very many countries It is called both April Fool's Day and April Fools' Day.

The exact origin of the holiday is still debated. One of the versions ascribes the origin of this holiday to Ancient Rome, where in mid-February (and not at all in early April) the Feast of the Fools was celebrated. Apuleius believed that in ancient Rome, the April Fool's deception was associated with a holiday in honor of the deity of Laughter. Others argue that this holiday originated in ancient India, where March 31 was celebrated as a festival of jokes. There is also an assumption that only the Irish joked on April 1 in the ancient world, and even then in honor of the New Year. The Icelandic sagas say that the custom of deceiving on April 1 was introduced by the gods in memory of Skadei, the daughter of Tiass.

There is a version that originally April 1 was celebrated in India and Ancient Rome as the day of the spring equinox. On the occasion of the spring new year, festivities were organized with jokes, pranks and funny tricks. So people tried to appease the spring whims of nature with jokes and practical jokes.
According to another version, April Fool's Day is associated with the transition to the Gregorian calendar, introduced by Pope Gregory XIII in 1582. In the Middle Ages, the New Year was celebrated at the end of March - New Year's week began on March 25, and ended just on April 1. In the middle of the 16th century, King Charles IX reformed the calendar in France, moving the New Year to January 1, but many continued to celebrate April 1. People who presented gifts to each other on this day were called April Fools (April's Fools). It was also customary to play everyone. From here April Fool's Day came.

So, in England, jokes and practical jokes are accepted only in the first half of the day. It is believed that you lose your luck if you prank someone after noon.

In Scotland, this day is called April Gowk Day and is celebrated for two days. The deceived on April 1 is reputed to be "open". The second day of the celebration has its own name - Tail Day (Taily Day) and special specifics: all the jokes and practical jokes of this day are dedicated exclusively to the part of the human body located below the waist from the back. It is very popular to put special rubber bags on the chair, which, when pressed, make sounds that are considered indecent in society. Everywhere you can find pictures, posters, badges with the call "Give me a kick", which, in fact, is the motto of Tail Day.

In Germany, April 1st is considered an unlucky day. The Germans believe that those born on this day will be unlucky. In the villages on April 1, they don’t work, they don’t start new businesses, they don’t let cattle out of their stalls. Adults and children deceive each other, sending them to carry out impossible tasks.

In Portugal, April Fool's Day falls on the Sunday and Monday before Lent. On this day, people throw flour at each other.

In France, those who believe in jokes and ridicule are called ""April fish"" (Poisson d" April) by analogy with a young April fish, which is very easy to catch. One of the common jokes is gluing a paper fish to a person's back.

In India, the holiday is called Holi Festival and is celebrated on March 31st. On this day, it is customary to joke with each other, smear paints, throw spices, jump over the fire and celebrate the arrival of spring.

In pagan Rus', April 1 was celebrated as the Day of Awakening Brownie. It was believed that the Brownie hibernated for the winter, like many forest spirits and animals. On April 1, people joked, had fun, laughed when they met Domovoy from hibernation. It was customary to dress up in ridiculous clothes, play tricks on each other and play the fool.
In Russia, the holiday on April 1 - April Fools' Day or Fools' Day, appeared thanks to Peter the Great. Once that day, the inhabitants of St. Petersburg were awakened by a fire alarm - as it turned out, a joke. There is a story that when, on the first day of April, a troupe of German actors instead of a performance put up a poster on the stage with the inscription "April First", Peter I, who came to the performance, was not offended and only said: "The liberty of the comedians."

In the homeland of many comedians - in Odessa - the holiday has become official. Every year the festival "Humorina" is held here.
And, of course, the main saying on this day is "April 1! I do not believe anybody!"".

The material was prepared on the basis of information from open sources

The custom to have fun and deceive each other on April 1 exists in many countries. "April Fool's Day" or "April Fool's Day" - this is how this holiday is called and celebrated despite the fact that it is not included in any official calendar of significant events.

Where did the tradition of celebrating April Fool's Day, April Fool's Day, come from? There are several versions:

April 1 was originally celebrated in many countries as the spring solstice. Jokes, jokes and funny tricks were indispensable attributes of the holiday;

The custom of joking on the first day of April originated in France and may be associated with the postponement of the New Year. Until the second half of the 16th century in Europe, during the New Year's week, which lasted from March 25 to April 1, people had fun from the heart: they went to visit each other, gave gifts. And the very meeting of the New Year took place on April 1. In 1582, a calendar reform was carried out (the Gregorian calendar replaced the Julian one) and the beginning of the New Year was moved from April 1 to January 1. However, many French people continued to celebrate the New Year on April 1st. To get rid of the old traditions, they began to play, ridicule and call "April Fools";

Many attribute the origin of the holiday to Ancient Rome, where the "Feast of the Fools" was celebrated on February 17;

Some are convinced that this tradition originated in ancient India, whose inhabitants to this day on March 31 celebrate the "Day of jokes";

There is an opinion that the "Joker's Day" arose with the direct participation of the Neapolitan king Monterey, who on one of the holidays prepared a fish dish. Monterey requested the treat he liked a year later for the same holiday, but such a fish was not found and the cook decided to cook a similar fish in the same way. However, the king noticed the substitution and laughed. So, according to legend, the tradition of joking on April 1 was born.

The festival of laughter became widespread in the 18th century. And now, for many centuries, in almost all countries of the world, pranksters do not miss the opportunity to laugh at their friends on April 1st.

Modern traditions April Fools' Day celebrations in some countries

In England, it is customary to play pranks on each other only until 12 noon. Victims of deception are called "boobs".

In America, on April 1, small, harmless jokes like "your shoelace is untied" are common. Schoolchildren joke with each other, assuring that all lessons have been canceled, and if the victim "gets caught", the prankster exclaims: "April Fool" (April Fool)!

In France, on April 1, you can meet people with paper fish on their backs (they are called "April fish - "poisson d`avril"). The main thing is to be vigilant so as not to be fooled or, as the creators - the French say, "do not stay in the fish ".

In Scotland, April Fool's Day is celebrated for 2 days. The deceived on April 1 is reputed to be "open". The second day of the celebration has its own name - "Day of the Tail" and a special specificity: all the jokes and pranks of this day are dedicated exclusively to the part of the human body located below the waist from the back. It is very popular to put special rubber bags on the chair, which, when pressed, make sounds that are considered indecent in society.

In Rus', according to historians and ethnographers, the celebration of April 1 is an echo of a pagan rite in honor of the arrival of spring. Fearing the "old woman-winter", wanting to get her off as soon as possible, our ancestors dressed in the skins of animals, put on masks so that she would not recognize the offenders, burned her effigy with songs and dances and met the beautiful spring. In addition, in Rus' it was believed that on April 1 an evil demon wakes up, and therefore it is necessary to deceive each other in every possible way in order to confuse him.

Well, the first case of a mass draw took place in Moscow during the time of Peter I. In 1700, the owner of the troupe of German comedians announced that during the performance he would fit into an ordinary bottle. A lot of people gathered in the theater, and a bottle with the inscription "The First of April" was taken out to the stage. They say that for the most dull-witted, the German put his finger into the bottle several times to demonstrate that he had fooled them: you see, they say, even my finger does not fit into the bottle, and I myself will certainly not climb through.

A couple of years ago, Russians were massively fond of jokes, like: "Your back is white!" or "Your shoelaces are untied!" Some people still fall for those good old pranks. However, jokes are now in use regarding topical political and economic problems, as well as stories that have the character of secular gossip. However, if you decide to play a prank on your friends, remember the unwritten rule of April Fools' pranks: never touch on issues related to this or that person's "sick problems", health and life.

In Australia, this day begins literally with laughter - the laughter of the mockingbird kookaburra. The already cheerful Australians on this day laugh and rejoice. Just like in other countries of the world, the inhabitants of the Green Continent play each other and give unusual funny gifts.

Although this day has its own traditions. In some countries, including the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, April Fools' Day pranks are played before noon. If a person is caught in a prank after - he, quite obviously, will be considered really not very smart.

Which, however, does not bother the Australian media at all - that's who "ate the dog" at the pranks. On April 1, even the most serious media join the marathon to fool gullible readers, listeners and viewers. Playing a prank on a friend or colleague is, of course, fun, but is it a joke to play the whole country?

Many succeed. So, on April 1, 1999, co-host of the morning show on the popular Australian radio station Triple J, Adam Spencer, said that he was aware of the secret meeting of the International Olympic Committee and that as a result, Sydney lost the right to host the 2000 Summer Olympics. The premier of New South Wales, Bob Carr, took part in the draw and "confirmed" the information. People believed, and the "hot news" was smashed by all the country's publications.

On the Gold Coast (Australia's most popular recreational area - popular mostly with young students), radio station Sea FM announced that the age threshold for buying liquor is changing. Now they are sold not after 18 years, but after 21 years. The disappointment of the students knew no bounds - they even tried to arrange a protest demonstration.

Fortunately, on the same day, the leading radio stations admitted that it was a prank.

On April 1, 2004, The Sydney Morning Herald published the "true" story that Chinese restaurant employees delivering food carts would now have to get a special driver's license under new Sydney City Council rules. The motive is that cart drivers break carts too often, make messes in restaurants, or even hurt colleagues and patrons.

Restaurant owners clutched their heads - after all, more trained staff would have to pay more

And the ABC news service reported that a drought in the north of the country has forced many freshwater crocodiles to move into the southern rivers. Leading and respected reptile expert Steve Sass was quoted.

"Farmers and tourists need not worry," the journalists added seriously. "Freshwater crocodiles grow to a length of only three meters. And half of this length is the tail!"

You can guess that no one swam in the rivers that day.

Some believe that April 1st was originally celebrated in many countries as the spring solstice. The festivities of the spring solstice were accompanied by jokes, pranks and merry tricks.

There is another, more common version of the origin of the holiday. Before Charles 9 reformed the calendar in France from Victorian to Gregorian in the 16th century, the New Year was not celebrated on January 1st, but at the end of March. New Year's week began on March 25 and ended on April 1. IN new year holidays It is customary to have fun not only at the present time, but also in those distant times. News at that time spread very slowly, and some did not receive news for several years. Some conservative (or perhaps simply ignorant) people continued to celebrate the New Year in the old style on April 1st. Others laughed and made fun of them, presented stupid gifts and called April Fools (April's Fools). This is how the so-called Fool's Day arose. Then it turned into a tradition. In Scotland, this day is called Cuckoo's Day.

Common pranks for April Fool's Day are to say "your shoelaces are untied", to turn the clock. It all ends with the victim being told "April Fool" (April "s Fool). On this day, it is customary to send funny cards and give gifts. As a rule, these are some small funny souvenirs. Usually jokes are played on friends and acquaintances. But also The mass media take part in the draws, although there is one specific feature: the time of the draws is limited - only until 12 noon.

The holiday became widespread in the 18th century. The English, Scots and French spread it to their American colonies. On the first of April, it was customary to play pranks on each other, as well as to give each other meaningless assignments, for example, to find and bring sweet vinegar.

In Scotland, April Fools' Day is celebrated for 2 days. The deceived on April 1 is reputed to be "open". The second day of the celebration has its own name - the Day of the Tail (Taily Day) and special specifics: all the jokes and practical jokes of this day are devoted exclusively to the part of the human body located below the waist from the back. It is very popular to put special rubber bags on the chair, which, when pressed, make sounds that are considered indecent in society. Everywhere you can find pictures, posters, badges with the call "Give me a kick", which, in fact, is the motto of the Day of the Tail.

In the UK, it is customary to prank each other only in the morning. Victims of deception are called "boobs".

April Fools' Day is an unofficial holiday. April 1 is not a day off, gifts are not given and solemn feasts are not arranged on this day. Only laughter and jokes - around the clock! After all, how can one disagree with Mark Twain: "We will be grateful to fools. After all, it is only thanks to them that most of us have succeeded."

I would like to note: when you are thinking about how to play a joke on a friend in an original way, do not forget that the best joke is the one that the one who is being joked on laughs the loudest.

If in Russia April Fool's Day, as usual, begins with an April Fool's morning joke like "wake up! Overslept for work!", In the USA, the media, for fun, every year announce the list of the most stupid people in the country.

However, in America, unlike anywhere else in the world, the media is required to warn that they are joking.

So, for example, which year in a row the honor to be called the first fool of the country is awarded to Michael Jackson. It has also become a tradition that the first persons of the United States are among the top three fools. Among them, year after year, the name of US President George W. Bush appears in different positions.

There are also known more large-scale April Fools' jokes and hoaxes, which were carried out through the media.

For example, the State of Vermont was on April 1, 2001 in the center of attention of all US residents. All day long, Jason Aldos, spokesman for the Vermont Agricultural Department, was on TV screens as he reported the first reported outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease on a Vermont farm. In some cities in Vermont and Massachusetts, citizens have stopped buying meat, and some butcher shops have closed altogether.

One more example. For cigarette dealers, April 1 turned out to be a very successful day: their goods were sold out in whole blocks. The American Legacy Foundation's promotional video, in the style of a standard US recall notice, announced "an immediate recall of all brands of cigarettes until the industry develops cigarettes that cause no negative consequences for health". After a pause, a female voice added: "April 1 - I do not trust anyone."

Either many smokers did not listen to the end of the announcement, or they simply did not pay attention to the last phrase, or they had no idea that the American Legacy Foundation was one of the many anti-tobacco organizations in the United States.

Mark Twain once said, "The first of April is the day we remember who we are on the other 364 days of the year."

Even in medieval Europe, fairs and celebrations associated with the arrival of spring took place in March and April. The most cheerful of them was the festival of fools, where jesters and buffoons ruled, "stupid" bishops, kings and townspeople were selected from the common people, who were made fun of. This tradition has been preserved in the April Fool's Day celebration of laughter.

In France, on April 1, you can meet people with fish on their backs. It can be made of paper, plastic, ceramics and other materials. Its main purpose is a joke.

"The fish is joked" as follows: a hook is attached to it, with which the clothes of the "victim" are hooked. Thus, the fish should hang unnoticed by the "gotcha" on its back, amusing others. People go to themselves and do not suspect that through the efforts of their friends or relatives they have become "April fish".

It all started in France in the 16th century. Then the onset of the new year was celebrated on April 1, but in 1562 Pope Gregory XIII introduced a new calendar for the entire Christian world - the Gregorian, according to which the New Year fell on January 1. However, as usual, there were people who did not know about the innovation or simply did not want to change their habits, continuing to celebrate the New Year on April 1st. They began to make fun of such people and call them "April fish" (since the Sun at that moment was in the constellation Pisces) or "April fools".

April Fools' Day is a holiday for the sake of a holiday. On this day, they do not give gifts, do not go to a restaurant. The main thing is to be vigilant so as not to be fooled or, as the creators - the French say, "not to stay in the fishes."

"April Fools" (pesce d "aprile), this is how Italy calls this international holiday, which is also in France (Poisson d" Avril), and in Germany (Aprilscherz), and in many English-speaking countries (April fool "s day ), even in India (Huli, March 31) and Mexico (El Dia de los Innocentes, very similar to April Fools, but celebrated on December 28.) As in all other countries, the essence of the Italian "April Fools" is in drawings, and jokes towards others.

Italian jokes, I must say, are much more harmless than, for example, Scottish ones, because here it is customary to attach not inscriptions like “Kick me!” to the “victims” on the back, but just a pretty paper fish, lovingly drawn, painted and cut out.

If we discuss the origins of the origin of the holiday, then the first thing to note is the many options for explaining why, from where and why people started joking with each other on this day and, especially (!), Where did the April Fool's fish come from?

So, let's tell the most believable and worthy of attention stories +

They say that the beginning of the holiday was laid in 1564 in France. King Charles IX decided to modify the calendar and celebrate the New Year not on April 1, as before, but on January 1. Everyone obeyed, and on January 1 they really celebrated the New Year, had fun, gave each other gifts, but when the day of April 1 came, some of the residents, for the sake of a joke, decided to celebrate the New Year again, but already "pretend", with fake congratulations and gifts. From here, they say, the tradition of making fun of each other on April 1st began.

Then what's with the fish? Quite a reasonable question, but there is an answer to it in the form of another story.

Once a certain man decided to play a trick on the fishermen and threw smoked herring into the river with shouts of "Here's a fish for you on the first of April!". Therefore, now everyone hangs fish on each other's backs.

However, astrology experts say that this is not at all why, but because in early April the moon leaves the zodiac sign of PISCES. Then why joke? +

Be that as it may, there are many hypotheses about the origin of the holiday, and all of them have the right to exist. We just have to have fun, who is a little more (who is joking with someone), who is a little less (who has become a victim of a prank).

How to make sure that you are not "pinned" best friend, brother, matchmaker or just the first passer-by on an Italian street? Knowledge is power, aware means armed! Read about typical Italian pranks and try not to fall into their tricky traps!

First of all, check often to see if the April Fool's fish is dangling its charming tail on your back.

If it rains on April 1st, then confetti can fall into your umbrella "completely by chance and out of nowhere", so when you open it, there will be fireworks +

All the clocks in the house may be set back an hour. Be carefull!!!

Sugar in a sugar bowl miraculously turns into salt, and in a salt shaker, on the contrary, sugar appears.

In bed, like a princess and a pea, a couple of dozen hidden bottle caps await you!

You should not give in to provocations and go to the store in search of a "new product" (whether it be a water pen, sweet vinegar, wine from Antarctica, bread with licorice, etc., etc.), even if the askers are very convincing. Remember, today is the first of April!!!

You may be assigned a date at a non-existent address or asked to call back on the "left" phone. Be carefull!

But, of course, what is above cannot be called the final list, who knows, the Italians, what else do they come up with?!? So + the best defense is an attack! Make fun of you, the first of April you can!!!
