Bedros Kirkorov I will be glad that everything has passed and I see again. Sentences with phrase «very glad I saw how happy everyone was

Bedros Kirkorov


Philip's girls:

May joy be your companion

And the heart will never cry from pain!

your ballet. They are also about Philip: eccentric, extravagant, energetic, sexy, capricious, kind, funny, strict, sensitive, unpredictable, contradictory, stubborn - stubborn to the point of stubbornness.

Judging by your appearance, you are a very trusting person. But you know yourself not only by appearance, are you trusting?

The face deceives even the smart. I give you a debt. I immediately saw you smart. And about credulity, if I may say so in Russian, mine is of medium size, Philip has a crazy size.

- Are you familiar with such expressions: “the highlight of the program” and “strike the iron while it’s hot”?

- (With a joyful expression.) Yes, of course! And I love.

What do you think, will the unspoiled Russian reader, and even a mass or tabloid newspaper, enjoy if we start throwing him out of the bath of my “serious” questions into the snow of your cheerful answers, or vice versa, when I learn from you to ask funny questions, and you begin to answer them seriously?

Well, it seems to me that, of course, he will receive pleasure from these unexpected alternations and changes.

Then let's try, from long-cooled iron, to forge the nail of our interview. Tell me, is it true or a legend that Philip fell in love with Alla at the age of eight?

- (Convinced.) Yes, it's true, I'm a witness. It happened when he watched it on the "Golden Orpheus". I fell in love with her song "Harlekino", fell in love with her work, and then, apparently, in adulthood, fell in love with the performer.

I think the reader will be interested, most likely, when he discovers our sincerity with you. Do you think the same?

Fundamentally, yes. But you scared me a little as a tabloid reader, and I want to scare him, no matter how difficult it is. But I'm scared. One smart writer said, and I love it, not as an artist, but as a human being: “The value of what they say does not depend on the sincerity of the words.” So it seems right.

- Then I will try to immediately expose your "values" and if possible, you will be truthful in advance.

- (Happily smiles.) Agreed. Interesting to hear.

Only I can do it, armed with a hot topic of politics. This journalist does not need to arm himself, but I'm more of a writer, or rather, neither one nor the other. You know, for two birds with one stone… It seems to me that for all 80 years I have been convinced by both the authorities and, to put it mildly, disenfranchised journalists, that it is impossible to take a single step without thinking about politics. And as you can see, we were convinced. Instead of talking to you, I’ll now “think” aloud, for example, about the arms trade, against which our poor native government is fighting above all else and the more vigorously it fights, the more weapons are sold and bought here and there. What else is she struggling with? Forgot. Ah, here. Bloody oil, floating gold, foreign investors, domestic crooks. The new 80 years will not be enough to list, and even more so to think ...

- (Softly interrupts. An expression of suffering that interrupts.) You were going to expose me. I don't really like politics... Well, okay. If you don't know how, expose it the way you can.

Sorry, that's pretty much it. If you have noticed that speakers who convince the people of their love for them ... when at least once you understood that these liars and bloodsuckers are the first haters of people who trust them, then why should you be like them?

- (Smiling consolingly.) No. You are better at not exposing a person (you see, I can’t tame this word in any way), but giving cheerfulness. The fact is that politicians have one thing in their souls, but another thing in their language. But there are also good, European ones. And I even liked Yeltsin at the beginning, but now I don't. But all the same, any politics is, though not art, but you have to think about it. And all people of average intelligence or credulity - or something else, always love their own. Politicians will be greatly honored if they change their convictions or something important.

Well, let's talk about something else. You know that those people who were touched by death had a feeling as if their whole life had flashed by. Imagine that in an hour of our conversation the whole tape of your life will run through. Will you be happy or will it weigh you down?

I will be glad that everything has passed and I see again.

You and I are of the same age, but this question is not of interest to me alone. Can you tell me about the feeling of your whole life? Did it flash like one day, or did it drag on for a long, long time?

- (Uncertainly.) Probably flashed. Yes, (Definitely.) very quickly, just a moment.

- Do you know in your own skin the benefits of a contrast shower, or when you jump out of the bath into the snow?

Yes, I do it: from cold to hot. But only here, in the Union, in Russia. Very good feeling.

- What kind of ancestors do you know, which of them do you like? Remember someone today for the first time, to your surprise?

I had a grandfather. Such a solid person. He was a big man, two meters tall, a broad-shouldered man. Never wore a hat, never wore a coat. He never got sick, he was a Spartan. Am I right? Never played sports. He was a shoemaker by trade. He was very intelligent, he had a clear memory until the end.

My mother also somehow took all this from him, she was also a reasonable woman. Dad was more frivolous. These are the people I remember. I also remember my grandmother.

A flash of life that may flash by, what shall we call it - a flash of happiness or some other word?

Light, light, light, but there was a lot of noise. There was disappointment. The fight was hard.

You agree with me that you have a very open face, and you are probably proud of it. Do you unwittingly strive to be truthful, or have you made a vow to God or to yourself?

To myself? I don't remember it. Maybe it was in his youth, when he was dangling back and forth, lying about something. Somewhere I cheated in my youth. When I was looking for a way This was not the case in adulthood.

- Do you remember exactly what in your youth you said to yourself: “I don’t want to do this?”

Well, there were moments when it was decided that it was impossible to go down this path. There were friends who went down this path. Friends ended badly, the so-called school friends.

- Would you agree that no matter how truthful people become, you will not be completely cured.

Well, yes, yes.

I am also such a "sick", but let's know and forgive each other. A lie is when meanness, when for the sake of self-interest you deceive someone. That's what is called a lie in Dahl's dictionary.

- Tell me, do you remember yourself at the age of 8, what were you like?

I was industrious. He was not pugnacious, but he was very naughty. I did a lot of these things, for which I received. He was temperamental, could not sit still!

- What is your favorite activity from 8 to 12 years old: football, slingshot, swimming?

No, swimming was not my favorite pastime, although I was born at sea, but did not learn to swim. I really enjoyed cleaning and maintaining order. This has been preserved to this day. I am tormented by the mess in the apartment.

- Now you even, one might say, prefer loneliness to the most pleasant conversation?

Yes, that suits me better.

- Then explain what gives you loneliness?

I have been single for 2 years now. My work forces me to remain alone, because I am now preparing a concert program, I will perform, although I have retired.

- Two words, what are these concerts?

Concerts, my concerts that I sing.

- Or maybe it’s so, evil tongues say that Philip rose so high because Alla did it?

No, before that he was at his best, before that he was popular. It was he who proposed to her when he was a star. The Union already knew him. When he was already in America, Australia, Israel several times, in Germany.

- Maybe he was waiting, he was embarrassed? Maybe he would have taken some steps earlier?

Until that moment, he did not want to open up until he became popular. Otherwise, they would have thought that she made him famous.

- Do you admit that due to the popularity of your son you will become more popular with your concerts?

Maybe yes. He is already known more than me. (Funny.)

It is a pity that there can be only one "highlight of the program". But let's cut it into pieces. For example, tell me how you feel about his relationship with his wife?

It is only in the hands of the Lord, the Lord alone. As it turns out, no one can predict what will happen tomorrow. Here you go and a brick will fall on your head ... No one has, how to say, information, no one can chart his own path. I don't think if a philosopher, some fortune-teller, predicted that everything would be so. It is easy to be deceived in your predictions, so I don’t know what will happen next. I only know that they are happy, and he and she. How will this continue...

“Parents most often have some claims, grievances” in 90% of cases they do not like the choice of their son or daughter.

I am one hundred percent satisfied. If only he was good.

It seems to me that you see the peak, the culmination of happiness, but happiness does not last forever, so can it happen that one of them buries the other?

It's their business again.

- Is it a reality or a dream in your opinion?

Well, no... It's hard to say, you know. Who will bury whom. It can turn out he is hers, or she is his. It's all in the hands of God.

- Do you believe that each will live to see the death of the other?

There is no such predestination.

- And how happy were you with women, how did your life turn out in this sense?

I had a very good relationship. I loved my wife and still love her. And the fact is that it is not, but still. It never happens to me that I accept her death. I regret that she left so early that it happened. But it seems to me that it will be hard for me alone, so I don’t know how it will turn out further, I can’t speak for myself. Maybe I will see a person, I will like it and I will marry a second time.

- And before you found your wife, you were amorous, depraved?

Debauchery - no, but fell in love.

- Did you fall in love?

I fell in love. They ran away, I ran away from them, they chased me. It used to.

- You did not bring grief to any girl who was deceived?

No. I parted on good terms.

- And grandfather, mother, some kind of blood are to blame for this?

No, I just did not make promises to anyone that I would marry. Let's lie down, live, and then quit? It wasn't.

- What makes you such a kind and decent person?

I was fond of my creativity, my vocals. For example, when I started studying, the teacher told me: “Keep in mind a lot of girls and women run after the tenors. It's bad for the voice, so you have to be careful." I followed this principle. So I didn't smoke or drink. I did not have these human weaknesses.

- Where is Philip more popular, in Bulgaria or the Union?

In the Union, in the Union is popular.

- Why did it happen?

Because he started in the Union. Born in Moscow, studied in Moscow, started performing in Moscow. I also started in the stage. Before that, I was classical, I sang opera parts and the like. Gradually rebuilt on the stage. Here I am more known than in Bulgaria.

Tell me, when did this wedding finally take place, and they decided to live together, were you lucky here too, was it all before your eyes or did he prepare you?

No, I didn't prepare. He put before the fact. When I already went to her, I said we were engaged on the 13th. Then on the 15th he went to Leningrad on tour, calls me and says: “Bring my passport, we will sign with Alla,” and so I took the passport and was present at the wedding when they signed.

Amazing. You were probably happier than they were, because love is always suffering, and you know how not to suffer?

- Since I found out about your grief, how long have you been without a wife?

Two years and a half.

- How do you think, when did you feel that the wound had healed?

No, it hasn't healed yet. Still an open wound, yes.

- You know that all the greats of the world advise not to indulge in grief. Do you instinctively know how to do it?

No, I have not heard about it, that all the great ones strive not to indulge in grief.

- Yes, even banned.

Yes, yes, maybe. I heard that if we quickly forget them, they will quickly fly away to other spheres, they attract them, they are attracted to themselves with their thoughts. I heard it. So far, this is difficult.

- No matter how famous Philip is, no matter how happy he is, please tell us about the minuses of his life.

Cons of his character - he is very gullible. He is first revealed to man in everything. Although we tell him that this person is not very good. He says - no, it's good for me, and when he is already being deceived, only then he is convinced. Before that, he does not hear us. There were such cases, you know, every artist has his own director. But he had problems with such directors. Everyone deceived him. Everyone told him lies. They say one price, give another, pay differently. It would be better if they told me the truth, he says, I would go for it. And when he finds out that he is being deceived, he cannot stand it.

- When you are convinced that he is making the same mistake again, do you allow yourself to get angry, shout at him?

No no. Even now I don't interfere in his affairs, I didn't interfere in his affairs at all. No one, neither mother nor I, intervened. He himself very reasonably evaluates what and how. But sometimes it is very gullible to some. Some enter his soul, find some corners, paths, and then begin to use it. But he handles them himself.

- Are you a believer?

- But nevertheless, assign some role to chance in the life of every person.

Yes Yes Yes.

Is this what is called a coincidence? And it would not fit more: the devil. Do you also believe in God in the devil apparently?

No, I don't believe in the devil, I don't believe in the devil. He is absent.

- Then why so much grief?

I didn't do anything wrong to anyone. When they do bad things to me, even then I don't do bad things. I leave, then see when someone else does him bad. I see it, this man. So he did it to me, but now he received it not from me, but from someone else. I see it.

- How do you explain catastrophes, troubles, illnesses then?

This is the work of God. This is already underway, apparently, this is God's work, as they say. It is his. Everything is hidden in God. Everything is from nature, everything is there. No one can determine - this is tomorrow, this will happen.

- And you don’t even have to think about it, how does he arrange all this?

So, "Carnations are ours." What do you see when you watch who is their leader? Who pities the other more? Who is more likely to be wrong?

Well, it seems to me that Philip is sometimes wrong here, because he is younger, more likely to make mistakes. She's more intelligent, she's more sensible... The thing is, he trusts her very, very well. And it just affects the design of his character, so it's hard to say here.

- Don't you regret it, maybe there is too much guardianship, maybe it would be better if he developed on his own?

He does everything on his own.

Why do our children love us less than we love them, and often just hate, avoid, be ashamed, embarrassed. Does Philip love you less than you love him?

I thought about it. For example, I know my mother died for me. Of course, I also loved her like a son, but apparently I loved her less, and she is everything for me. And this is how I feel now. This is the law of life. God did it that way.

And I will ask you, but many people do not answer. Don't force yourself. You strong man, would have managed to survive the worst misfortune for a father - the death of a son? Will you live?

Yes Yes. This is generally a terrible question. I don't know.

That is, you will fight, but you don’t know if you can handle it? From the fact that it is a sin not only to end oneself, but even to die?

Yes, sure. Certainly.

Glory, this is a hackneyed place, a stamp, but glory spoils a person. Glory is called copper pipes, after fire and water. Please tell us how this affected Philip.

Glory, no, it seems to me that he has not been spoiled by fame. No, he remained the same as he was, if only a little something has changed there. As they say more capricious, or not capricious, I would say demanding. No, fame did not spoil him. Didn't spoil it at all.

- Do not you remember some fantastic example of his responsiveness, kindness?

So 3 years ago he received some large amount and decided to give this large amount to the church. There is a church near the stadium on Mira Avenue. He found out that this church needed money... And he went there and gave the whole amount. 3 years ago it was 300 thousand and he gave so much money. I gave a lot of money to this church. And they are definitely now restoring in this moment, and then, when, as Philip said, it turned out that the mother was buried in this church. See how.

What about kindness in everyday life?

Yes, he is kind, he is kind.

- Do not remember how he acted in a completely unusual way with someone?

He forgives many. He is not vindictive. He forgives, but, how to say, the other person would have acted more harshly, but he forgives. He is softer in this respect.

- Tell me, he was a witness, where does this come from? Have you ever fought with your wife?

No no. He never saw it, never saw how we fought. He is very hardworking. Finished with a gold medal. Not once did we tell him: sit down, do your homework or anything. He is very diligent. He wanted to be the first everywhere: at school, at a music school. He strove to do it accurately, well, he came and immediately sat down to do his homework. "Go play - no, until I'm done - I won't go." And so it was everywhere first. I want to read his only poem, written by him at the age of 12:

“Snow is falling and it’s cold outside // January 1st // It becomes sad // I want to think // The years have been wasted. // The years flew by, flew like birds // They flew like birds. - Where? // It is not known where, but they flew quickly // Without conscience and shame. // I'm already 12, half my life has been lived // January 1st. // It becomes sad, I want to think // Years were wasted in vain.

Also tell me how many people are losers, little people who do not have a profession, 90% choose a profession by chance and hate their job because they don’t like their job. To what extent is it with you, with Philip and Pugacheva.

I can say about myself. I'm at work - as if I like to eat work, and not for her to eat me. I like to work. I love that I understand it, so that the work is waiting for me. I have to do it. And doing it, I invent the best. And I open some steps of a quick, good order of things, books. In the course of work, I find some more details that make me happy. I never cursed work.

- Last question. What's with the tape? Has your life flashed?

So we repaired the recorder for a long time, repaired it, although someone put sticks in the wheels. And in whirling, the movement of the tape of life, also interfering with the shooting, someone “inserted sticks”, but she went ...


dinner was weedy and stuffy smelled of bread and shredded cabbage.

2) Fedka saw how the high bow of the steamer flew at them from the darkness with unstoppable force without noticing them, heading into the very middle of the ship.

3) Gerasimov looked at his feeder so that he regretted question asked.

4) The night was dark because the clouds covered the sky and did not let in the light of the stars.

5) As soon as the regiment left Ozerny, a cold rain began to fall.

6) From a distance one could see how bunches of mountain ash and hawthorn bloom under the sun.

7) Grinyuk, with his chin up, looked at the sky, where from time to time an almost regular disk of the moon slipped out from under tufts of clouds.

8) At that moment when Ivan entered the yard, there was just a pause.

9) The old ferry was pulled ashore and tied tightly to the ancient mighty willows so that it would not be carried away by the unstoppable spring flood.

10) Burying my chin in the snow, I struggled to figure out what to do.


Only now did Frol see that it was completely dawn, that at the blue foot of the cliff above Svetlikha, white streaks of fog were swaying, that the stones on the shore had become bluish from morning dew. SCHEME EXAMPLE [vb], (as...)

Place punctuation marks, determine the type of subordinate clauses.

I don't know where the line is between friend and friend.
Here is a clearing where I recently collected porcini mushrooms between two streams.
I wanted to go somewhere where I can calmly indulge in my thoughts.
I don't know when it will be.
We get to know friends and relatives at the hour when trouble threatens.
People stop thinking when they stop reading.
When dusk came, I had to return home.
Pushkin writes that Tatyana "in her own family seemed like a stranger girl."
The boat that was approaching the shore was seen by the border guards.
The offensive proceeded as planned in the headquarters.
The sailing ship was far from the coast and went to where the sea and the sky merged into blue infinity.
Mark these statements with a + or - sign (if you agree with the statement - plus, if not, then put a minus
No. Approval +
1. A complex sentence consists of two simple sentences
2. A complex sentence includes a main clause and one or more subordinate clauses.
3. Simple sentences as part of a complex subordinate are always equal.
4. The subordinate clause with the main one is connected with a coordinating or subordinating connection.
5. Subordinating unions or allied words act as means of communication in a complex sentence.
6. Allied words answer questions and perform a syntactic role.
7. Subordinate clauses in a complex sentence, depending on the meaning, are divided into explanatory, attributive, adverbial.
8. The type of the subordinate clause is determined by the union or union word.
9. The type of the subordinate clause is determined by the question posed from the main clause.
10. The main sentence from the subordinate clause in writing is usually separated by a comma, and in oral speech by a pause.
11. In complex sentences with several subordinate clauses, there can be such types of subordination: homogeneous, parallel and sequential.
12. In complex sentences with several subordinate clauses, there can be such types of subordination: coordinating, subordinating and non-union.

Continue suggestions:

1) To determine the conjugation of a verb, it is necessary ...
2) To form the form of the imperative mood of the verb, it is required ...
3) To form a real participle of the present tense, one should ...
4) To correctly write the word "put", you must ...
5) To determine the type of the subordinate clause of a complex sentence, we must ...
6) To distinguish between particles "not" and "neither", you need ...

Complete the sentences and write them down with punctuation marks.

1. In a sentence with a generalizing word with homogeneous members, a colon or a dash is used if ....
2. Homogeneous members of a sentence can be connected by repeated unions, and if the union is not repeated before every homogeneous member ...
3. Sentences with homogeneous members are expressive and very capacious syntactic means, and although they require careful punctuation ....

Point out the errors in the use of adverbial phrases, rearrange the sentences and write in the corrected form.

1) Nekrasov's life in St. Petersburg was difficult, constantly starving and having no housing
2) When we got home, it started raining heavily.
3) Having left the university as engineers, their paths diverged.
4) Waking up in the morning, I felt cold
5) Without stopping the car to slip, the whole was shaking and growling.
Find mistakes in the use of participles and participial phrases. Write them down corrected.
1) The task we are carrying out is not difficult at all.
2) The guys were intensively preparing for the evening, which took place in a week.
3) Both teams playing in yesterday's match consisted of students from our school
4) A few days after the quarrel, Dubrovsky shook Troekurov's peasants in his forests, who stole firewood from him.
5) We listened to the report made by Serezha about the life of A. S. Pushkin with great interest.

Enter a word and click "Find Synonyms".

Sentences with "very happy"

  • The chowder didn't do much for my hunger pain, but I was nonetheless Very glad to her.
  • I was Very glad and felt a sense of relief.
  • If you do not publish a collection, if you decide so, then I Very glad .
  • I Very glad that in his youth he received wit lessons from my friends from LTA.
  • I Very glad that Vladimir and I can do it.
  • He recently wrote a letter to Botkin, in which he says: “I Very glad that did not obey Turgenev, did not become only a writer.
  • I was Very glad that we are going exactly to the Mediterranean Sea.
  • Very glad that you have few comments on the novel.
  • Will Very And Very glad , if everything works out well, if you start collaborating in these 2 newspapers.
  • I Very glad that you were not offended by me for not visiting you in Moscow.
  • Thanks for the letters, I Very glad get news from you.
  • What am I Very glad and satisfied with the form in which the novel comes out.
  • I would be Very glad if they are useful to you.
  • Naturally he was Very glad because we didn't amputate his leg.
  • So, my friend, fine, fine, Very glad !
  • I Very glad that you are alive and well and doing well in the art you love.
  • Diomidova Very serious question and Very glad that you talked about this with Professor Kuznetsov.
  • I Very glad that you enjoyed writing stories so much.
  • I Very glad that somehow managed to do everything with his novel in a magazine, to help a person.
  • What am I Very glad that the publisher decided to give another 200 thousand copies.
  • He was Very glad the opportunity to view his estate from the air.
  • I was Very glad meet your teacher.
  • Very glad that you will appear in our magazine.
  • By the way, Very glad that Bilyaletdinov was present at that conversation, and he saw how I behave.
  • And of course I Very glad this letter, because I Very waited.
  • These captives were brought before Emperor Alexei III, and he was Very glad see them.
  • The king of Mitanni received the ambassador and was Very glad prospect of further rapprochement between the two countries.
  • I Very glad that you had a pleasant experience about the trip to us.
  • Very glad I will see you in Paris and help you in every way I can.
  • I asked you about it in every letter, and now Very glad that your own arrival is in the queue.
  • I was Very glad my first apartment Very I did a lot in it myself (the 3rd room and a built-in refrigerator, linoleum and a flower garden under the window).
  • Congratulations, Very glad that you are rewarded, dear.
  • Very get angry (I Very glad !), seeing that I am absent, and they will probably want to take revenge on you.
  • Very glad that I received a letter from you before leaving.
  • The machinist was Very glad explain everything to me, because he Very proud of his car.
  • And I Very glad that "Troika" is now in such a position that it can choose.
  • Author Very glad , which has the opportunity to thank the book.
  • I was Very glad , given that I already got B's for essay and math.
  • Of course I was Very glad meet this courageous and selfless revolutionary.
  • The name Kollontai was familiar to me as the name of a socialist writer, and I was Very glad get to know her.
  • In general, you, apparently, are still in full force, which I Very glad .
  • My father-in-law, who was in her retinue and always accompanied the crowned lady, was Very glad have your son under your supervision.
  • Picasso, for example, also repeatedly stated that he would Very glad if his works were promoted "from above".
  • And I Very glad the fact that for me they were more or less painless.
  • Ivan Andreevich smiled as soon as he knew how to smile, and, holding out both hands to me, he said: Glad, Very glad meet my sister."
  • Belmonti, like the actors, was Very glad to annoy Sumarokov and ordered the artists to distort the play as much as possible.
  • I was Very glad uncle's gifts, kissed them and asked them to help use the gifts.
  • Very glad that you liked my article on Hamlet.
  • Would be Very glad if you would visit me.
  • He left the table, extended his hand (a smile from ear to ear): Petrov Nikolai Nikolaevich, Very glad meet, long dreamed of.
  • I was Very glad meet him in New York.
  • You should know that everyone will Very get angry (I Very glad !), seeing that I am absent, and they will probably want to take revenge on you.
  • Now I Very glad his modest contribution to the publication of a book that will rightfully take pride of place in post-war historical literature.
  • I Very glad that you liked my story.
  • I Very glad that every time some other company offered me a job, I turned it down.
  • Kalmyk was Very glad , thanked and did not think what danger he was exposed to, and did not resent the act of the masters.
  • Very And Very glad that work on the novel begins.
  • Nevertheless, he was Very glad his arrival.
  • Very glad that the manuscript has been submitted for production, that a sigh of relief escaped from your chest.
  • When friends came running and said that Igor Davydov was on the lists, he was Very glad And at first I didn't even believe it.
  • The letter was in Hebrew, he wrote that he had read about me and what would happen Very glad get to know me.
  • To me Very I would like to see you, and you know how I will be to you glad.
  • I Very thank you for the books and pamphlets and Very will glad if I can serve you at least the same.
  • Glad also for Sturdza and Severin, that is, glad their glad awn.
  • I was Very bad, and the father was no longer glad that took me along.
  • I have just returned from the Crimea and Very-Very was glad receive a letter from you.
  • I was glad that he found a plane that satisfied him, and even more glad when our photos were developed.
  • Again, I'm here for you glad, I glad for both of you.
  • stepfather was glad get rid of me, he glad was to fuse me somewhere far away.
  • Sincerely glad that you appeared in Pravda, I will be inexpressibly glad, if you establish yourself as a critic in Pravda, in org.
  • Very I glad that Victor is already starting to get out little by little and that you, Galya, are next to him.
  • Been looking for a place for a long time glad that came to us, where they gave him a room in the apartment of a Red Army soldier who has firewood, and he glad that doesn't freeze.
  • I am extremely glad welcome this kind of sentiment that is common Very And Very wide.
  • My old woman has gone to the city for bread, and now I am alone, which is why glad Very.
  • I Very I appreciate freedom, but at that time I was sincere glad spend the night behind bars.
  • He's just into the game and glad that is capable of it, glad opportunities to train.
  • I just suggested to Gogol that we go with him, and he Very was that glad.
  • I glad this as a Russian person, glad from the heart.
  • I was so glad what you wrote about him, that there are no words to say how glad.
  • Glad, Not glad, rather, it can be called some shade of the word "satisfied."

Source - introductory fragments of books from LitRes.

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Stepan Shchipachev
And in the yard of night snow
pristine white,
Where even the dog has not yet run
With the need of a dog after sleep.

Winter. Dawn. Frosty. Snowy.
The night was taken away by a blizzard.
And now, in a schipachev's way, gently,
I step on the white snow.

As the morning sun shines
How white is everywhere
Red dog with me
It turns out ... Maybe out of need ...

Well, it is. Raise your paw
Stopped by a bush.
And I look at the heart is sweet,
How pure is that.

How wise, strong, simple,
More mysterious than the stars in the darkness.
Here is a small dog -
A piece of life on earth.

I go, drunk with joy.
I am quite satisfied.
Life has become easier, more fun
Him, and therefore me.

I don't have Arina Rodionovna
And I'm tired of everyday worries.
Can't sleep, nanny, radio voice
I replaced the magic crystal

I am sad, deprived of the closeness of the old woman.
It won't take long to get away from this.
I don't have what Pushkin has,
And there is nothing to say about it.

No Kyukhli, no Zhukovsky, no Pushchin
No Delvig, not those friends went.
Missing in the big encyclopedia
My beautiful last name.

My shirts are washed in the laundry
I cook dinner, sit down to drink tea.
No one seems to want me
Hug, and descend into the coffin, bless.

That's why I prepare for the worst
To the fact that they do not appreciate, they will not understand.
And in other matters, whatever is done is for the better.
At least they won't kill me.

Igor Kobzev
Well, how to check a man?
Skirt, trousers, TJ paint?
Or just by walking through doors
Where it says "M", not "W".
Ah, if I loved less people,
I wouldn't be so hard in life

All my troubles are due to altruism
Because of the naive belief in beauty.
I undermined two-thirds of the body,
Fighting evil for kindness.

A girl without love kissed
And his eyes coquettishly squint.
I saw it - my heart broke
And has been hanging by a thread ever since.

Don't break the thread, villains,
Although I am a knight, I am not young anymore.
Do not vulgarize blue ideas
About pure friendship between M and F.

I love people, I love men and women,
Children and old people, and even mother-in-law.
Oh, if I loved less people,
I wouldn't be so pale and angry and skinny.

I don't put my hands in my pants
Since childhood, I have not given free will to my hands.
I respect trousers on men
I only recognize skirts on girls

I am pure in body and soul, believe me,
I only hold on to moral baggage.
I'll be in "M" to go to death,
Although they send me to...

Leonid Shkavro. ASTONISHMENT
Breathing infusion of herbs and hay
Clip, exposing nipples
And distinctive and blissful
Cows nap by the river.

I walked and my heart was happy.
And I think I even sang.
And suddenly I saw a herd in the bushes.
And I was surprised ... And sat down.

As everything is thought out in nature,
What is the subtlest idea.
Everything is the same like
Both cows and bulls

The guess flashed crimson
Gray-haired burned whiskey:
Those with nipples are cows.
Those who do not have them are bulls.
