Grimm brothers. Fairy tales by the Brothers Grimm for children

It's not surprising that Fairy tales by the Brothers Grimm so popular, because each of them is an amazing story about love and friendship, always with a good ending. They were written by authors who themselves believed in everything sublime, beautiful and eternal: true friendship, eternal love. And this is exactly what the brothers tell in their fairy tales.

Grimm gave their positive characters tremendous power. Everyone, and Snow White, and Rapunzel, and Cinderella, and even all 12 daughters of the king in worn shoes are incredibly beautiful both externally and internally. These are real princesses who will become a role model for girls.

Select a Grimm fairy tale to read

There are a lot of interesting things in Grimm's fairy tales for boys. In every story, brave heroes fight for justice. And no matter how insidious the evil stepmothers and powerful witches are, the heroes always come out victorious.

The Brothers Grimm always struggle with self-interest, cowardice and stupidity. Such stories are especially relevant for older children, at a time when the main values ​​of life are being formed. These tales show how good it is to be honest, respect others and be generous with true friends.

All these stories are taken by the brothers from the folklore of their people. Grimm carefully searched for the most wise and entertaining stories. And now you can read all these fairy tales online for free on our website.

Municipal educational institution

secondary school No. 4

Literary quiz

according to fairy tales Brothers Grimm


Belova S. A.

Jacob Grimm


Wilhelm Grimm


    "The Bremen Town Musicians"

    "Pot of porridge"

    "Puss in Boots"

    "Little Red Riding Hood"

    "Snow White"


    "Golden Goose"

    "The wolf and the seven Young goats"

The Grimm brothers were born in the family of an official in the city of Hanau (Hanau). Their father was at first a lawyer, and then engaged in legal matters at the prince of Hanau.

Older brother,Jacob Grimm is bornFebruary 4, 1785 . (01/04/1785-09/20/1863), and the youngest -William Grimm-February 24, 1786 .(24.02.1786-

December 16, 1859). Children grew up in a prosperous family, in an atmosphere of love and kindness.

In four years, instead of the prescribed eight years, the brothers completed the full course of the gymnasium. Received a law degree, served as professors at the University of Berlin. They created a "German grammar" and a dictionary of the German language.

They were engaged in the study of monuments, history and the collection of traditional folklore.

The Grimm brothers were fond of collecting and studying folk tales in their student years. The glory of the great storytellers was brought to them by three collections of "Children's Family Tales" (1812, 1815, 1822). Among them"The Bremen Town Musicians", "The Pot of Porridge", "Puss in Boots", "Little Red Riding Hood", "Snow White", "Cinderella", "The Golden Goose", "The Wolf and the Seven Kids" - about 2000 fairy tales in total.

Some scientists believe that the Grimm brothers did not compose fairy tales, but processed and creatively retold only those that were written down from the words of folk storytellers.

The fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm have been translated into many languages ​​of the world, including Russian. In Russia they were repeatedly reprinted. Subtle irony, cunning, humor are inherent in fairy tales. They are very visible social relations.

Explanatory note.

To play the game, the class is divided into several teams. Teams choose their own name, captain. The winner is determined by the number of points scored. For a correct answer - 1 point. The winning team receives a sweet prize.

1. Presentation of commands.

( Each team names itself and says the motto)

2. Competition "Warm-up".

(Teams take turns naming the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm, for each correct answer 1 point).

Answers:"The Bremen Town Musicians"

"Pot of porridge"

"Puss in Boots"

"Little Red Riding Hood"

"Snow White"


"Golden Goose"

"The wolf and the seven Young goats".

"Brave Little Tailor"

"Mistress Blizzard"

"Thumb boy"

"King Thrushbeard"


3. Competition "Guess".

- Complete the sentence. What fairy tale is this quote from?

    Once a girl left the house somewhere, and her mother put the pot in front of her and said: ...

(- One, two, three, boil the pot!) (" Pot of porridge")

2) Once mom baked pies and said to her daughter: ...

(-Go, Little Red Riding Hood, to your grandmother,

bring her this pie, a pot of butter, and find out

is she well.) Little Red Riding Hood»)

    And where are you going, Mishenka? - asked Snow White. And he answers her: ...

(-I must go to the forest - to protect my treasures

from evil dwarfs.) ( "Snow White")

    Once she had to go to the forest to get food, and so she called her kids and said: ...

(- Dear children, I need to visit the forest, so

you beware of the wolf without me!)

( "The wolf and the seven Young goats")

    What do you see there, Gray? - asked the rooster.

(- What do I see? A set table, and on it there are dishes,

and drink, and the robbers sit at the table and

eat) ( "The Bremen Town Musicians")

4 . Competition "Fairytale"

"Snow White"


"The Bremen Town Musicians"


"Little Red Riding Hood"

old lady

"Golden Goose"


"Pot of porridge"


"The wolf and the seven Young goats"



Marquis de Carabas

"Puss in Boots"


Answers to the contest "Fairytale":

1. "Snow White" -Rosette, bear

2. "The Bremen Town Musicians" -donkey

3. "Little Red Riding Hood" -wolf

4. "Golden Goose" -fool

5. "Pot of porridge" -old lady

6. "Wolf and seven kids" -wolf

7. "Cinderella" -mice

8. "Puss in Boots" -Marquis de Carabas

Team No. ____________

4 . Competition "Fairytale"

What story are these characters from? Match the characters and the title of the work.

"Snow White"


"The Bremen Town Musicians"


"Little Red Riding Hood"

old lady

"Golden Goose"


"Pot of porridge"


"The wolf and the seven Young goats"



Marquis de Carabas

"Puss in Boots"


5. Competition "Find the owner" (Each team has 1 question. The last question is answered by the one who raises his hand first)

-Guess what fairy tale these things are from?

    Boots, royal carriage("Puss in Boots")

    Slippers, pumpkin("Cinderella")

    Axe, glasses(at the lumberjack from Little Red Riding Hood)

    Roses, beard("Snow White")

    Knife, musical instruments("The Bremen Town Musicians")

6. Crossword.

According to a fairy tale "The Bremen Town Musicians"













    Which of these animals is the Bremen musician: a turkey, a goat,rooster ?

    Which of these animals is the Bremen musician: a bull,cat, hare?

    The tree under which the Bremen town musicians settled down at night: spruce,oak , willow?

    Who lived in the house that the Bremen town musicians liked: a policeman,robbers, chess players?

    Which of these animals is the Bremen musician: a cow, a horse,dog ?

    Which of these animals is the Bremen Town Musician:donkey , goose, duck?

    Who is the owner of the old donkey: a lumberjack,miller , shooter?

    The robber told his comrades that terrible things had settled in their house: heroes,giants , generals?

    Who is the owner of the old dog: lumberjack,hunter, tailor?

    What, according to the robber, scratched his face:a spear, needle, bump?



6. Crossword.

According to a fairy tale "The Bremen Town Musicians"













    Which of these animals is the Bremen musician: a turkey, a goat, a rooster?

    Which of these animals is the Bremen Town Musician: a bull, a cat, a hare?

    The tree under which the Bremen town musicians settled down at night: spruce, oak, willow?

    Who lived in the house that the Bremen Town Musicians liked: a policeman, robbers, chess players?

    Which of these animals is the Bremen Town Musician: a cow, a horse, a dog?

    Which of these animals is the Bremen musician: a donkey, a goose, a duck?

    Who is the owner of the old donkey: a lumberjack, a miller, an archer?

    The robber told his comrades that terrible things had settled in their house: heroes, giants, generals?

    Who is the owner of the old dog: a lumberjack, a hunter, a tailor?

    What, according to the robber, scratched his face: a spear, a knitting needle, a bump?


    The place where the donkey put its front legs, intending to frighten the robbers.

7. Competition of captains. (Each team has 1 question. The last question is answered by the one who raises his hand first)

    Why did the old woman give the girl a pot?(for kindness)

    What time did the clock strike when Cinderella left the ball for the first time?(Three quarter past eleven)

    Who was the bear in the fairy tale "Snow White?"(son of a king, bewitched by a dwarf)

    How many people ran after the fool and why?(7 persons)

    What did the cat order to say when he ran ahead of the carriage?(This is the house (mill, garden) of the Marquis de Carabas)

8. Competition "Encryption".

According to the fairy tale "Golden Goose"

What decree did the king announce?


Answer: "Whoever makes the queen laugh will marry her."

Team No. ________________________

Encryption Competition.

According to the fairy tale "Golden Goose"

What decree did the king announce?


9. Contest "Connoisseurs of the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm."

(Each team has 5 questions from a certain fairy tale. The one who first raises his hand answers the questions of the last fairy tale)

1 team: fairy tale "Puss in Boots"

    What did the miller leave to his sons?(mill, donkey and cat)

    What modest gift did the cat give to the king?(Ryabchikov)

    Why did the owner of the cat end up in the river?(To get an outfit)

    What has the giant become?(in mouse)

    Who became the cat after the wedding of the Marquis?(Noble nobles).

Team 2: fairy tale "Cinderella"

    Why is the girl called Cinderella? (The poor girl was sitting near the fireplace, by the ash box)

    Who was Cinderella's old aunt?(Good sorceress)

    What did the sorceress turn the pumpkin into?(In a gilded carriage)

    Who became six living mice?(Mouse-colored horses)

    What was the lost slipper made of?(From crystal)

Team 3: fairy tale "Little Red Riding Hood"

    Who gave the girl a red riding hood?(Grandmother)

    What did the grandmother shout to the wolf pretender?(Pull the string, my child, the door will open)

    What did the wolf offer when meeting Little Red Riding Hood?(I also want to visit your grandmother. I will go along that road, and you go along that one)

    What did the wolf answer to the question: “Why do you have such big teeth?”(To eat you soon)

    Who saved the grandmother and granddaughter?(Lumberjacks)

Team 4: Fairy tale "Snow White"

    What is the name of Snow White's sister?(Rose)

    Who was lying on the floor by the hearth next to the sisters?(Lamb)

    Who has become a frequent guest in the house?(Bear)

    Where was the dwarf's beard tangled?(In a tree, confused with a fishing rod in the lake)

    What did he do wrong?(He bewitched the prince, stole treasures)

all: fairy tale "Golden Goose"

    What did the fool say to the old man he met?(-If you like my food, let's sit down and eat together)

    Why did the daughters of the owner of the tavern stick to the goose?(out of curiosity)

    Who followed the fool and the goose? (Three girls, pastor, pastor's servant, peasants)

    What ship did the king order to build?(To be able to swim on water and on land)

    What reward did the fool get?(The king's daughter).

10. Summing up the results of the competition. Rewarding.

Tambakova Irina Vasilievna
"Road of fairy tales" Literary game based on the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm Grade 2

« fairy tale road»

Literary game based on the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm

2 Class

A month before the start of the game, the task is given to read fairy tales:

1. "Mistress Blizzard"

2. "Pot of porridge"

3. "Three brother»

4. "Hare and hedgehog"

5. "Young Giant"

6. "King Thrushbeard"

7. "Little People"

8. "Straw, ember and bean"

9. "The Bremen Town Musicians"

10. "Brave Little Tailor"

11. "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs"

12. "Seven Brave Men"

13. "Dwarf-Tikhogrom"

14. "White and Rose"

15. "Fox and Geese"

16. "Smart Elsa"

17. "Three languages"

18. "Nail"

It has become a good tradition in Russia to celebrate the year of any country. So we already had a year of Italy, France, Spain. From June 2012 to June 2013 the year of Germany in Russia and Russia in Germany is held. On the territory of Germany there are 33 sites included in the list of UNESCO World Cultural Heritage of Humanity, with 10 of them recognized as masterpieces of human genius and another 15 are on the list of candidates for inclusion in the list.

Germany is a country with a rich culture, a country of museums and festivals, celebrations and concerts. Her unspeakably beautiful landscapes and medieval cities, amazing castles and fortresses, unique reserves and parks, palaces and museums attract tourists from all over the world.

Germany has an impeccable reputation. According to a survey conducted by the BBC, this country is respected more than others around the world. For the third time in a row, Germany leads the ranking of the most respected states on earth. 30,000 people from 28 countries took part in the survey. 58% considered Germany a country that is pleasant in all respects.

Library project 2012-2013 is under motto: "All countries are visiting us!". And our a game today is dedicated to the great German storytellers.

Dear good fairy tale

We go without fear

And we speak together:

We go to Brothers Grimm!

And heroes will meet us

Beauties and trolls

frog and pot,

Both bean and coal

And the musicians of Bremen

We know for sure

And Rose and White

On fairy meadow.

And we'll repeat again:

We go to Brothers Grimm!

German lawyers Jakob and Wilhelm Grimm were professors at the Prussian Academy, but devoted their entire lives to the study of German culture and the German language. For many years they collected folk German fairy tales and in 1812 published a collection "Children and family fairy tales» containing over 200 texts. This year marks exactly 200 years since the first edition. Fairy tales by the Brothers Grimm.

/presentation « fairy tale road» /

Game conditions: a game carried out according to the scheme of the telegame "Its a game» . The host has prepared 5 blocks of questions, in each block - 5 questions worth from 10 to 50 points. In case of a correct answer, the team receives points won corresponding to the value of the issue. At the end of the game, the teams answer one question by wagering the points earned (part or all). With a correct answer, the sum of points is added up, with an incorrect answer, the team loses the points put at stake.

1. "Work"

10 - In what fairy tale from persistent whipping of the featherbed on the ground was it snowing?

/ "Mistress Blizzard"/

20 - In what fairy tale the princess was forced to sell clay pots and bowls? / "King Thrushbeard"/

30 - What had to be done by everyone who wanted to travel from the village to the city in fairy tale"Pot of porridge"?/eat road in porridge /

40 – There is a bronze monument in the city of Bremen "The Bremen Town Musicians". Now you need to create either this monument from plasticine, or come up with your own according to any fairy tale by the brothers Grimm; all teams participate.

50 - What the heroes learned fairy tales"Three brother» , wandering around the wide world? / shaving, forging and swordsmanship /

2. "Art"

10 - Find out from the illustration fairy tale

20 - Listen to a piece of music, name fairy tale and heroes

30 - Show the dance of the brave tailors: movements imitate the work of a tailor

40 - Who and in what fairy tale sang such a song:

We have good outfits

So, there is nothing to worry about!

We are happy with our outfits

And we will not sew boots.

/little men from the same name fairy tales/

50 – "Revived Picture". Everyone participates; teams receive envelopes with pictures and show them.

3. "Heroes"/guess fairy tale by heroes

10- A little old man with a wrinkled face and a long, snow-white beard / Dwarf from "White and Rose"/

20 - Little nimble little man - big-headed, long-armed, on thin legs / dwarf from "Dwarf-Tikhogrom"/

30 - of the proposed items choose one and name the hero to whom it belongs; all teams participate

40 - Small beautiful girl- white as snow and ruddy as blood, and her hair was blacker than ebony / Snow White from "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs"/

50 - She became famous all over the world for her beauty. She was good beyond measure, but arrogant, like no one / Princess from "King Thrushbeard"/

4. "Start"/find out fairy tale at the beginning

10 - “There lived a shoemaker in the world. He had no money at all. And so he finally became poor that he had only one piece of skin left for a pair of boots.

/ "Little People"/

20 - “Once upon a time there was a poor old woman in the village. Once she collected beans in a bowl and wanted to boil them. "Straw, ember and bean"/

30 - musical break

40 - “Once upon a time there lived an old count in Switzerland; he had an only son, and he was a fool, he could not learn anything. / "Three languages" /

50 - “One merchant traded well at the fair and filled himself with a full bag of gold and silver. He was about to return home. strapped on road bag with money to the saddle of his horse and rode. "Nail"/

5. "Collect fairy tale» /guess fairy tale in words

10 - Mill, balalaika, window / "The Bremen Town Musicians"/

20 - Jam, vest, flies / "Brave Little Tailor"/

30 - Cots, spoons, cups, comb / "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs"/

40 - Bumblebee, rake, hare / "Seven Brave Men"/

50 - collect the picture, all teams participate / 1-50, 2-40, etc. /

You have a list tales of the Brothers Grimm and one name of the tale written by another writer. you need to find "extra" fairy tale. If you name the author of this fairy tales, your points will be doubled.

For example, you bet 200 points, find "extra" fairy tale and get 200 points, and if you name the author of this fairy tale- 200 more points and as a result - 400 points.

"Brave Little Tailor", "Fox and Geese", "Smart Elsa", "Sleeping Beauty"

/Sh. Perrault Sleeping Beauty


The great German storytellers - Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm - are known and loved by the whole world. In the German city of Kassel, in the Museum of the Brothers Grimm, where they once worked as simple librarians and at the same time studied old manuscripts, their fairy tales published in 160 languages ​​of the world are collected. Here you can also see the personal belongings of the storytellers, paintings by their artist brother Ludwig, manuscripts, posters and even... sweets, on the wrappers of which are painted favorite characters from the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm - Cinderella, Snow White, Little Red Riding Hood, Hansel and Gretel... And after all, they were just boys when they began to collect fairy tales: Wilhelm was then twenty years old, and Jacob was twenty-one.
The childhood of the Brothers Grimm took place in a big, happy family: dad is a judge, the kindest, caring mother, five brothers and sister Lotta. Everyone loved each other. But the weather of Jacob and Wilhelm were especially attached to each other. But the children in this family were orphaned early ... When the eldest of them - Jacob - was eleven years old, his father died. The boy became the head of the family. As a child, he wept uncontrollably at his father's grave and, in a completely grown-up way, took upon himself the care of his brothers, his little sister, and his grief-stricken mother...
By family tradition brothers Jacob and Wilhelm became lawyers. But they were attracted by the old folk poetry, expressed in poetry and fairy tales. They studied ancient legends and traditions, history mother tongue, German mythology and grammar, published scientific books. But paradoxically, the most serious professors who created the new science of German studies gained popularity precisely thanks to the fairy tales they collected and recorded. It was a grandiose gift for children for all time!

According to the materials of the "Magazine of fairy tales"


2. The birthplace of the German "Little Red Riding Hood" is the city of Schwalm. It was here that the Brothers Grimm recorded this tale, and it is known to the German people in their presentation. In the city of Schwalm there is a monument to Little Red Riding Hood and the Gray Wolf. And there is also a very interesting tradition here: all the girls wear red caps for the holidays, and the boys wear wolf masks.

3. In the center of Germany, between the cities of Kassel and Göttingen, there is the Reinhord Forest. In this forest is the Zababurg Castle, which was built back in 1334. It was here that the Brothers Grimm recorded the fairy tale "Sleeping Beauty". Today there is a theater, a hotel and a church where couples in love can get married. In spring and summer, guests of the castle are greeted by the heroes of the fairy tale Sleeping Beauty and the Prince and hold a performance. And around the castle grows a real prickly wild rose!

4. In the north of Germany in the city of Bremen there are several monuments to the four heroes of the fairy tale "Bremen Street Musicians". The most famous of them was built in bronze in 1953. Also, monuments were erected to these heroes in the cities of Sochi, Riga, Vidukle.

5. The plot of the tale of the Bremen town musicians has often become the basis for films, cartoons, musicals and theatrical productions. Here are some of the adaptations: "The Bremen Town Musicians" - a Soviet animated film of 1969, "In the footsteps of the Bremen Town Musicians" - a Soviet cartoon of 1973, "The New Bremen Town Musicians" - an animated film of 2000, Russia, "The Bremen Town Musicians" - a musical based on the famous cartoon , 2009.




Solve the puzzle and you will find out
name of the girlfriend of the seven dwarfs


Look at the pictures and remember which of the following fairy tales
the items shown are found

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Hansel and Gretel. Miss Metelitsa. golden goose. Cinderella. Thrush King. Sleeping Beauty. Six swans.

1. Feather

2. Spindle

3. Crystal shoe

4. Gingerbread house

5. Clay pots

6. Talking mirror

7. A ball of thread

8. Ax


high school No. 1g. Balashikha

Nikanorova Larisa Petrovna

Station game for grade 2 students

"Journey through the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm", dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the publication

Books by the Brothers Grimm "Family and Children's Tales"

Purpose: - to awaken interest in the work of the Brothers Grimm;

Expand your understanding of fairy tales;

Raise children's interest in children's literature.

Equipment: - 4 rooms (according to the number of stations);

Two interactive whiteboards (mimio);

Route sheet for each team;

Preliminary work:

For the active participation of students in the subject week, dedicated to the week of children's and youth books, children are given the task in advance:

Organization of the game:

The game begins with an organizational line, where teams receive route sheets. After passing the station, the team puts down the number of points received on the "Participation Screen". The head of the station also notes the most active participant at his station, 2-3 people /this data is entered in the route sheet\. The time spent at each station is limited, the teams move according to the sound signal.

Participation screen by station

"Journey through the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm"

Station "Magic chest"\the most active player 2-3 people\

Station "Clever and clever" "\the most active player 2-3 people\

Station “Musical \ most active player 2-3 people\

Station "Teatralnaya"\the most active player 2-3 people\

Number of creative works

On the ruler, children receive a task for the subject week:

Announced illustration competition to the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm.

Job requirements:

Format A - 3

Originality of work

Direct involvement of the child

1. Station "Magic chest"slide 1

At this station, the team is offered various items belonging to the heroes of fairy tales.

Correct answers are worth two points:

Name the hero who owns the item - 1 point;

Name a story - 1 point.

slide 2 (cabbage and rutabaga) cabbage - hare

Rutabaga - hedgehog

Fairy tale "Hare and hedgehog"

slide 3 (spindle - hardworking girl)

"Mistress Metelitsa"

slide 4 pot - queen

"King Thrushbeard"

slide 5 spear - brave men

"Seven Brave Men"

slide 6 lute - donkey

timpani - dog

"The Bremen Town Musicians"

The number of points received is recorded in the route sheet.

Additional questions: (1 point each)

1. In which fairy tale did the cockerel greet main character singing: “Ku-ka-re-ku, the girl has come! // Brought a lot of gold into the house!” ("Mistress Metelitsa.")

2. In what fairy tale did the princess like to give the suitors poetic nicknames: “Cranes have long legs, they will not find a way-road”; "White as death, skinny as a pole!"; "Red-skinned, like cancer"? ("King Thrushbeard.")

3. The characters of what fairy tale, having one weapon for all, nevertheless, were frightened of a bumblebee, hit their foreheads on a rake and mistook a hare for an unprecedented monster? (Seven brave men from the fairy tale of the same name.)

4. What four friends were not afraid to fight the robbers twice and even drove them out of the forest, although they themselves were not at all warlike, but were engaged in very peaceful affairs

(Donkey, cat, dog and rooster from the fairy tale "The Bremen Town Musicians".)

Additional points are also entered into the route sheet.

2. Station "Guess" slide 1

(each slide is worth 1-3 points)

slide 2

The heroes of which fairy tale are shown in the picture ? ("The Hare and the Hedgehog") blind

Read the proverb. (The one who laughs last laughs best.)

Does this proverb fit the story? Why? ( The hare laughed at the short legs of the hedgehog, and the hedgehog outwitted him.)

slide 3

What heroes of the story came to visit you? (The Bremen Town Musicians")

What character is missing in the picture? (Rooster) sound

Does the proverb “Fear has big eyes” fit this tale? (Yes, because the robbers imagined something that was not there.)

slide 4

What story are these characters from? (" The Seven Brave Men)

-“And so that people would not mock them, they swore an oath to each other until they were silent about this incident, until someone accidentally let it out.”

What secret were the brave men going to keep? (They were walking along a meadow. Suddenly, a hornet flew by behind a bush with a buzz. Schultz was so frightened that he almost dropped his spear. A bumblebee flew past the seven brave men here. It flew by and buzzed: “Whhh!” The brave Schultz was very frightened. Nearly dropped the spear.

- Oh! he says to his comrades. - Do you hear, do you hear? The drums are beating! Yakli says:

- Ahah! It smells like gunpowder. Now they will shoot from the cannon.

Then Schultz was completely frightened, threw a spear and ran. He ran and accidentally stepped on the teeth of the rake, which lay on the grass. The rake jumped up and hit him on the forehead. - Ai, ai! shouted the brave Schultz. - Surrender, take me prisoner!

And Yakli, Marley, Yergli, Mikhel, Hans and Veitli threw a spear and shouted:

If you give up, then we give up! Capture everyone!

They shouted, shouted, and then they see - there is no one to take them prisoner: they are alone in the meadow.

“Here you are,” Schultz says. - There is no need to talk about this case. And then they will laugh at us

So they decided to remain silent until one of them accidentally spilled the beans.

slide 5

What fairy tale character is shown in the picture? ("Mistress Metelitsa")

What kind of girl is she, lazy or hardworking?

Why did you decide so?

What is the name of the fairy tale of the Russian writer, written based on the fairy tale of the Brothers Grimm "Lady Metelitsa"? (V.I. Odoevsky "Moroz Ivanovich")

What is the name of the Russian folk tale with the same content?


slide 6

What characters are shown in the picture? ("King Thrushbeard")

To whom did the king decide to marry his daughter? ( for the first beggar you meet)

Why couldn't the princess choose her groom?

3. Station "Clever and clever"

Participants of the game must answer questions about the content of fairy tales. For each correct answer, the team receives 1 point.

1. At what time of the year did the hedgehog and the hare meet? (in summer)

2. Which of the heroes of the fairy tale was an important, proud, ill-mannered brute? ( hare)

3. Why was the hedgehog offended by the hare? ( The hare laughed arrogantly at the short legs of the hedgehog.)

4. What did the hedgehog and the hare argue about? ( Who runs faster.)

5. The heroine of this tale rejected all suitors, mocking them, giving them offensive nicknames. (Princess "King Thrushbeard"").

6. What four friends were not afraid to fight the robbers twice and even drove them out of the forest ( Donkey, dog, cat, rooster "The Bremen Town Musicians").

7. Why did the seven brothers go around the world? (to look for adventures, wander, become famous for great feats)

8. What weapons did they take with them? ( a spear)

9. How did their journey end? ( they all drowned)

10. In which fairy tale did it snow on the ground from persistent whipping of the feather bed? ("Mistress Metelitsa.")

11. Why did the donkey, cat, dog and rooster end up on the street? (The owners wanted to get rid of them since they were old)

12. Where did they go and what did they want to become? (to the city of Bremen to become musicians)

13. How did the animals frighten the robbers? (The donkey got up on its hind legs, rested its front legs against the window, the dog climbed on its back, the cat jumped on the dog, and the rooster sat on the cat’s head, And they all began to tear their throats together: the donkey screamed, the cat mewed, the dog barked, the rooster crowed , Not at all resisted and fell through the window straight into the room where the robbers were sitting.)

14. In which fairy tale was one of the heroines smeared with black tar for her laziness? ( In the fairy tale "Lady Metelitsa".)

15. What tests fell on the lot of the princess? (weave baskets, spin yarn, sell pottery)

16. Why did King Thrushbeard test the princess? ( Humble the queen's pride and punish her arrogance)

17. How did one of the sisters end up with Mrs. Metelitsa? ( I wanted to get the spindle that fell into the well)

18. What work did the girl do? ( fluffed up the feather bed every day)

19. What award did she receive? ( the lady showered her with gold)

20. Did her sister receive an award? Why? ( no, because she was lazy

4. Station "Connoisseurs"

The class is divided into 4 mini-teams, each of which sits at a separate table. The task of the mini-team is to arrange the points of the plan in the right order, i.e. restore the sequence of events in the work. The work is estimated at 1 point for each correctly completed task. Maximum 4 points.

A. Fairy tale "Seven Brave Men"

The beginning of the journey.

Terrible bumblebee.

Fierce rabbit.

The journey continues.

Crossing through the swamp.

B. Fairy tale "The Bremen Town Musicians"

Meeting donkey, dog, cat and rooster.

Search for an overnight stay.

The robbers got scared and ran away from the house.

The animals settled down for the night.

The robbers won't come back.

V. Fairy tale "Mrs. Snowstorm"

Two daughters.

The spindle fell into the well.

The road to the old woman's house.

Thanks for faithful service.

The dirty woman returned home.

D. Fairy tale "King Thrushbeard"

The queen doesn't like suitors.

The princess is married to a beggar.

Not an easy life.

Work as a dishwasher.

Wedding with King Thrushbeard.

Additional questions if there is time: (for each correct answer 1 point).

- Learn a fairy tale .

“One widow had two daughters: one was beautiful and hardworking, and the other was ugly and lazy.” ("Mistress Metelitsa.")

“One owner had a donkey, and for many years he tirelessly dragged sacks to the mill, but in old age he became weak and not as fit for work as before.” ("The Bremen Town Musicians".)

“When the sun began to sink behind the hills, the princess and the beggar musician approached the walls of a large rich city. A round tower rose above the golden heavy gates ... " ("King Thrushbeard

“What four friends were not afraid to fight the robbers twice and even drove them out of the forest, although they themselves were not at all warlike, but were engaged in very peaceful affairs

(Donkey, cat, dog and rooster from the fairy tale "The Bremen Town Musicians".)

“Once I was sitting in the market and selling earthenware cups and bowls. Suddenly, some drunken hussar rushed on his horse right over the pots and trampled everything.

(Fairy tale "King Thrushbeard".)

Game total: the total number of points received by the teams during the game is calculated. Winning teams are revealed.

Route sheet 2-A class

Station name

Number of points

guessing game

Magic chest

Smarties and smarties

Route sheet 2-B class

Station name

Number of points

Magic chest

Smarties and smarties

guessing game

Route sheet 2 - B class

Station name

Number of points

Smarties and smarties

guessing game

Magic chest

Route sheet 2 - G class

Station name

Number of points

guessing game

Magic chest

Smarties and smarties
