Shrovetide celebration script at school. Carnival script for elementary school Carnival script for middle and high school

Scenario "Shrovetide" grades 1 - 11


1 led -

2 Vedas -

Father Frost -

Winter -

Spring -

Baba Yaga -

Goblin -

(music output leading)

1 Vedas - good afternoon sir and madam

Red girls, good fellows

We invite guests from all volosts

Sing till you nasad, dance till you drop

2 Vedas - have fun honest people

The holiday is coming to us

More jokes, more laughter

The weather is not a problem for us.

1 Vedas - hey people do not lose heart

Let the holiday begin

Come on, come on, have fun

You do not regret smiles

2 Vedas - who does not know, we inform:

We meet Shrovetide!

We see off our beautiful winter!

(music comes out Winter)

Winter - who's making a noise here? Who disturbed my icy rest?

Oh, and the guests, how many came to me, but how beautiful they all are, but ruddy, no way

Gathered for the holiday?

(children's answers)

What holiday is today? New Year already met a long time ago, the Light passed

Christmas, there was Epiphany with severe frosts, remember guys, you still

We sat at home, did not go to school, remember?

(children's answers)

And everyone's favorite Valentine's Day has passed, and now what holiday are you on


1 Vedas - yes, we gathered for your farewell ...

Winter - what kind of wires? What kind of news is this, you came to see me off early, I still

Don't want to leave, where is your hospitality?

2 Vedas - Zimushka dear, don’t be offended by us, let’s better ask the guys, this is good

News for the guys or bad, we will ask them questions, and they will answer us,

If it’s good, we clap our hands; if it’s bad, we stomp our feet.

So, are you ready?

(play with children)

1 Vedas - we gathered to spend the winter with dignity

2 Vedas - drink tea and pancakes, eat pies

1 Vedas - play, sing, ride a sled

2 Vedas - and besides, quarrel strongly with a neighbor

1 Vedas - to receive a gift for playing such a huge

2 Vedas - but it turns out that it is stuffed with straw

1 Vedas - today is such a festive, excellent day

2 Vedas - you will lose your passport in the crowd

1 Vedas - now the winter will not go away so easily

2 Vedas - each inhabitant will find a huge treasure

1 Vedas - now you will be required to pay

2 Vedas - and up to a million, the salary of parents will increase

1 Vedas - it will rain all summer long

2 Vedas - each teaching - let him buy a private plane

1 Vedas - and all year long everyone has excellent health

2 Vedas - instead of tea, everyone will drink cow's milk!

Well done boys!

(music comes out Santa Claus)

D.M. - hello guys! Hello all honest people, what are you making noise here?

Winter - yes, everyone came to see me off

D, M. - Well, what about you?

Winter - yes, I don’t want to, I’m to be seen off, it’s too early for me to leave, I won’t be able to

Showed me, and they want to see me off.

D.M. - Zimushka has its time for everything, mf with you the guys are held in high esteem, it's time to think about the report, oh

Work done.

Did you spend enough snow on blankets?

Winter is a lot

D.M. - kind, or did you not give a knock to everyone?

Winter - used to be

D.M - well, now we will ask all the guests, is there enough snow for skiing?

(children's answers)

D.M. Was the water on the lakes tightly bound?

Winter - yes

D. M. - Is everyone happy this winter, or not everyone?

(children's answers)

D.M - well, you Zimushka did everything right, but it's time for you and me to leave, Spring is red

On the porg, and if you don't leave, kids summer holidays can't wait, but their children are so

Wait, right guys?

(children's answers)

D.M. - so it's time for you and me to rest, too, and get drunk. Do you agree with me?

Winter - of course, you convinced me Grandfather Frost

D.M. - well done for understanding me, guys, and now you and I need to invite Spring and

Solemnly announce to her her time.

(music on a sled, Baba Yaga drives in, Leshy is carrying her)

Goblin - trrr, it seems they have arrived!

(to the audience)

Are you looking forward to spring here? Invited?

D.M. - invited, waiting.

Goblin - get it, sign it

D.M. - What do you sign for? I don't see spring.

Baba Yaga - you, that the old stunned, blind chtol, Don’t you see the beauty of Spring ?, or don’t you

Recognized me? Invited? Meet properly!


Hi guys - brothers! I was in such a hurry to get to you, I was in such a hurry that all the words

Lost the road.


(Goblin says something in her ear)

A - a - but I remembered, it's time they say to begin duties, you can be all grandfather

Free, with your Winter, all stomp out of here, I have no time to chat with you, I

I have to work, I have been preparing for this role for maybe 100 years, I was malnourished, I didn’t get enough sleep -

Poor thing!

D.M - so you let it slip, so you are not real spring

Goblin - how is it not real? The most that neither is real, I even have a certificate


(gives the paper to D.M.)

D.M - (reads) - is appointed in the spring for the whole year! Gee, how is it for the whole year?

Goblin - and there is a seal, and a signature, and not one, but two, but what else is needed, a document, there is


D.M. - the signature is illegible

Baba Yaga - well, grandfather, you’ve become quite old, have you forgotten how to read? (reads herself, far away

moving hand away)

Two signatures of the most important chiefs: Koshchei the Immortal and the Serpent Gorynych.

D.M. - so, everything is clear to me! WE will not be able to take you Yaga to the position of Vesna.

Baba Yaga - why is this? I was getting ready, I almost didn’t harm anyone, just a little bit

I fooled around, and that's it, well, take me Grandpa!

D, M. - no, I'm sorry, I can't!. Can you imagine what kind of spring we have with this candidate?

(children's answers)

I can only ask you Yagusenka to stay with us as guests.

Baba Yaga - and guests are treated to tea, pies, pancakes? And the children?

(children's answers)

Then we stay, far away we will not fight with you.


Winter - and this, probably, the real Spring has come to us

(Spring comes out)

Spring - hello guys, are you waiting for me? Finally, I got to you. Well, well me

You met, but don’t offend Zimushka either, we’ll see her off today cheerfully, together,

Do you agree with me? Guys, what holiday are we having today?

(children's answers)

That's right, how many days is Maslenitsa?

(children's answers)

Well done guys, you all know.

Well, let's have fun with you.

(games, contests)

1 Vedas - according to the old Russian custom - We see off the winter, we burn everything bad, evil

2 Vedas - turn the sun, ignite the red, go red on the road, winter

See the cold!

1 Vedas - according to the old tradition in a round dance, we are now spending Zimushka together.

(burn the scarecrow)

The script will help class teacher or the educator to organize and conduct educational event in class or school. This traditional folk holiday widely celebrated in the Slavic world. But, perhaps, not all children, and even their parents, know its history and traditions. Our task is to introduce our children to the historical culture, to acquaint them with folk customs and traditions.

Participants of the holiday: students in grades 4-6 and their parents.

Venue: School gym and school yard.

Preparatory stage: Decorate the gym with dry tree branches powdered with “snow”. Christmas trees can be used in the decoration if they survive. On the central wall, decorate with towels a stand for the sun, which will later be placed here. Hang art posters with poems about Shrovetide, drawn by students, on the walls between the trees. Posters can contain both winter and spring landscapes. After all, Maslenitsa is the time of the meeting of winter with spring. As decorations, hang garlands, balls.

Prepare the costumes of Winter and Spring. For Winter, the Snow Maiden costume is suitable, and for spring, choose folk costume in the form of an embroidered blouse and a red embroidered sundress. Weave a wreath of artificial flowers on your head. Draw a big, smiling sun. Prepare and dress up a scarecrow of winter in advance. Organize a fire pit and prepare some firewood.

For competitions and games, prepare the necessary accessories in advance. Suggest to the mothers of the students to bake pancakes at home and have a tea party at the end of the holiday.

Cheerful folk melodies sound All the participants of the holiday gathered in the hall, except for Winter and Spring.

Student 1: Spring is knocking on the window
And he sings songs.
We have smiles on our faces!
After all, the holiday is coming to us.

Student 2: We love this holiday.
Happy Maslenitsa everyone!
Dreamed like a miracle
We talk about her many times!

Presenter: And indeed, guys, Maslenitsa is a wonderful and fun holiday. And it has been celebrated since ancient times, when people worshiped the Sun - the God of Light and Heat. They cajoled him with hot and round pancakes, similar to the sun. Since then, this tradition, baking pancakes for Maslenitsa, has come down to our days. And today we will call our Sun to give us its light and warmth and hasten the arrival of spring.

Student 1: Light and Power,
God Yarilo!
The Red Sun is ours!
There is no more beautiful you in the world!
Grant, God of Light,
Warm summer.
The Red Sun is ours!
There is no more beautiful you in the world.
Summer is grain-growing.
The Red Sun is ours!
There is no more beautiful you in the world!

Two students enter the hall and bring in a smiling sun. They carry it across the hall and hang it on a stand decorated with towels.

Presenter: So the sun appeared, it reminded us of spring. But we cannot call spring with you, because we still have winter outside our window. And today we must see it off, and meet spring. For this, the people arrange a holiday with songs and dances, games and festivities. They prepare in advance for the holiday, clean their houses, stock up on dairy products, because the holiday is arranged before Great Lent and you can’t eat meat anymore, but you can still eat dairy products. Young people pour slides, prepare sleds and ice-boats. Then people walk with whole families all week.

Student 2: Family celebration dear to us
After all, spring will come with him.
And it's all so great
Maslenitsa is waiting for us!

And we were also preparing for the holiday, so let's celebrate Maslenitsa.

Shrovetide dressed as Winter enters the hall and brings in a scarecrow.

Student 1: Oh, Maslenitsa is entering the yard.
Wide enters the yard!
And we, the people, meet it.
And we, kind, meet her!
Oh, Maslenitsa, stay for a week.
Wide, stay a week ...

The scarecrow is installed in the center of the hall, and the guys begin to dance around it and sing songs about Shrovetide.

Presenter: So Maslenitsa has come!
Maslenitsa has come to us,
Shrovetide is red, smiling at all of us!
He smiles at us all, but says goodbye to winter!
Guys, how many days is Maslenitsa celebrated and what are they called?

Seven students leave:

1 student:
Monday first forever
and it is called "meeting",
On this day they meet Spring,
And the pancakes start to bake!

2 student:
Tuesday - "flirting" is called,
Everyone visits each other
From the snowy hills everyone rides,
And they eat pancakes.

3 student:
Wednesday - gourmet is called,
This is where everyone gets to eat!
Everyone stuffs their belly
And they feed each other!

4 student:
Well, what about Thursday?
Thursday is called "break"
From this day on everything changes
And the riot begins!

5 student:
"Teschiny evenings" Friday is called,
On this day, sons-in-law are going to visit their mothers-in-law!
And mothers-in-law baked pancakes for their sons-in-law,
And they arranged a real feast for the son-in-law!

6 student:
Saturday is family day
It's called "sister-in-law gatherings"
On this day, the bride welcomes relatives,
And she gives gifts to all the sisters-in-law!

7 student:
Sunday has many titles
But let's just say one thing,
Forgiveness is called Sunday,
And everyone asks each other for forgiveness!

Presenter: So we learned what the days are called pancake week and what they are doing these days. And if our holiday lasts one day, then today we will sing, play and eat pancakes. And I invite you to take part in fun games.

Let's start with "Cockfight". Two boys are invited to the circle. Everyone stands on the right foot, and holds the left with the left hand. The right hand is behind the back. Jumping on one leg, everyone tries to push the opponent out of the circle. The game is repeated several times to involve more guys. Prizes are awarded to the winners.

The second game is tug of war. Two teams stand in front of the line one after another, holding on to the rope. On command, they begin to pull the rope, trying to pull the other team to their side.

The next game is "Damn". A circle is cut out of the album sheet. It's going to be damn. All participants stand in a circle and make their hands palms up. Turns on funny music. A “pancake” is placed on the palm of the first participant, and the participant must pass this pancake on the palm of the other participant as soon as possible. At that moment, when the music breaks off, the participant, who at that moment will have a “pancake” in his hands, is eliminated. The participant who drops the pancake during the transfer is also eliminated. The last one left gets a prize.

And now the riddle contest:

Take a look and cry
And there is nothing more beautiful than him in the world.

What burns without fire?

Gets up early, shines brightly, warms hot.

One fire warms the whole world.

The doctor is rarely needed,
who is friendly with me.

Presenter: Something we guys started playing. It's time for us to call spring. Let's sing a song about Spring, maybe she will hear us. A spring song is being sung. Spring does not hear us. Does anyone know a poem about spring? The girl tells a poem and the voice of Spring is heard from the corridor:

Spring comes out:
I hear, I hear what you call
I see, I see that you are waiting for me.
Here I come to you friends,
Finally, I found you!
Now let's go with you
Let's eat pancakes
But first, we will burn our Maslenitsa,
So that winter and all our troubles go away with fire!

Let's guys take sheets of paper on the table near the exit and write on them the words of farewell to all the bad things that happened to us: bad grades, bad behavior, illness, failure, etc. Then we get dressed and go out to our fire.

The guys come up to a burning fire and stand around it, Winter and Spring come up and carry a scarecrow. They throw him into the fire.

Winter: Do not hold resentment in your heart,
Let no one else see the tears
Ask for forgiveness yourself
Smile with a spring smile!
I light the Maslenitsa bonfire,
I announce round dance around the campfire!
All the bad things of the past year
I burn it with this effigy!

Spring: And now, guys, drop your notes.

Let them turn into smoke
May they disappear into the sky
Our sinful deeds
And bad thoughts.
Maslenitsa - clear light,
Brought hello to spring.
We see off Shrovetide,
And we meet the red-spring,
Sing more friendly, round dance,
Have fun, honest people!

Everyone becomes in a circle and leads a round dance around the fire, singing spring dance songs.

When the fire burns out, the guys run back to the hall. Cheerful folk music sounds there, tables with pancakes and pies are set. A fun tea party begins.

When winter gives way to its possessions, a merry holiday comes - Shrovetide. He offers to spend time with round dances and songs, eat delicious pancakes and even burn a scarecrow. Such festivities are actively held not only in city squares, but also within the school. Students, together with teachers, think over the script, assign roles and arrange a fun celebration for everyone who wants to watch it.

Any holiday should begin with the development of a plan. The scenario of Shrovetide at school is developed by teachers together with students. Usually this mission falls on the shoulders of high school students.

The script should be based on tradition, be fun and educational. It is most convenient to hold the event in the school yard. So there will be more free space in order to dance near a large scarecrow. But you shouldn't burn it. It's not safe if there's a large number of children.

The event should begin with the words of the school principal:

“Winter has been harsh, but even it cannot last forever. You can already hear the first light steps of the girl - spring. Let's meet her with songs, dances and good mood."

Cheerful folk music plays and the host takes the floor:

“Our school has not stood aside and is ready to show how fun we can meet spring. All our students gathered at the farewell to winter, which means that she, the cheat, cannot get away from the mischievous laughter, smiles and jokes of the guys.

Student No. 1 as a buffoon:

“All for our frosty holiday

We invite you from the bottom of our hearts

We seriously offer you:

Laugh, rejoice, dance!”

Student #2:

"Attention! Attention! The fun begins, you do not stand still, a cheerful holiday awaits all of us. Who does not know - we will tell you. We meet Maslenitsa, see off the fierce winter. We will all get to know each other, stand in a circle and call spring in a cheerful round dance.

Everyone stands in a circle and dances to a cheerful melody.

A new character appears - "Spring". She addresses the audience:

"Hello guys! You danced so well that I could not restrain myself and came to your call. But winter does not want to give me her possessions, so I want to ask you for help. I suggest you play the game. But you need to be very careful. I will speak some news. If it is good, then you should clap your hands as loudly as possible. If you don't like the news, you will stomp your feet with all your might. Let's start".

All the guys express their desire to play the game. Spring continues:

“Spring has a birthday today (everyone clap)

We treat ourselves to pancakes and cookies (everyone clap)

Winter we will send to rest (clap)

Blizzards and frosts will leave us with you (stomp loudly)

For the game I give a box of chocolates (clap)

You open it, but there's nothing there (stomp)

We celebrate Spring's birthday (claps)

And then we'll all go to the exercises (stomp)

We congratulate everyone on Maslenitsa (clap)

And we wish to smile more often (clap).

Then a loud cry is heard and a girl, Nesmeyana, enters the stage. She says:

“What am I to do with a red girl? I lost the Internet and the tablet broke. How can I now look at the photographs of Elena - beautiful? I was sitting in my room and playing the computer so well, but it broke. How can I be now?

“Nesmeyana, why are you crying so much? We invite you to stay with us and spend a fun Maslenitsa holiday in our company. It will be fun, and also very tasty, because soon we will try delicious pancakes.”


“Pancakes, treats, fun? It's a lot more interesting than the Internet. I would love to celebrate with you."

“So that you, Nesmeyana, and our guys do not get bored, we will listen to songs performed by our students.”

School students perform on stage.


“What fun with you guys. And the meals are delicious. Everyone come to the table and taste delicious pancakes, drink warm tea from the samovar.”

Everyone comes to the table where you can take a treat. After that, the holiday ends. Some options include burning a scarecrow at the end. If the school administration does not mind, then this procedure can be carried out under the close supervision of teachers. In this case, you should follow the safety rules:

  1. The place of burning the effigy must be 50 meters away from buildings and people.
  2. A working fire extinguisher must be on hand, and all routes to the site must be accessible to firefighters.
  3. In strong winds, it is strictly forbidden to burn a scarecrow, otherwise the fire may spread to the building.
  4. After the end of the event, you should make sure that there are no smoldering areas.

Drawings about Maslenitsa at school

On the eve of the holiday, you can arrange a competition "Drawings about Maslenitsa at school" within the framework of the school. Students must draw a thematic drawing. The jury of the competition chooses the best of them and puts them on public display. It is best to use stands for this.

Then, for an honest selection, you can invite students to vote for their favorite drawing, indicating their last name and number of the drawing on the sheet.

What to depict in the picture? The theme of Maslenitsa and related topics must be selected. For example, you can depict mass festivities, a scarecrow, a plate of pancakes or a round dance.

Here are some interesting drawings for inspiration:

The drawing included several symbols of Maslenitsa at the same time

Scarecrow on fire

hostess and food

Mass festivities

How to design a wall newspaper for Maslenitsa at school?

School traditions involve the coverage of any event. That is why it is important to know how to design a wall newspaper for Maslenitsa at school.

It must cover:

  • the history of the holiday;
  • main traditions;
  • event rules.

Also in the wall newspaper can be described past experience celebrating such a holiday. Material for clarity can be supported by a photo from the archive of the school.

It would be useful to indicate the plan of the event, indicating the time of its holding, place and main stages. All this should be accompanied by bright drawings, ditties, "Shrovetide" poems, postcards.

Not everyone knows the traditions that are observed on this holiday. It will be especially interesting for students to learn about them. primary school. Therefore, in the wall newspaper, you can pay attention to the main traditions of Maslenitsa.

When creating a wall newspaper, it is important to do everything carefully, without errors. Often students make several different copies because it is impossible to fit all the information on one poster.

DIY crafts and souvenirs for Maslenitsa

Similarly to the fine art competition, you can also launch the DIY Handicrafts and Souvenirs for Maslenitsa competition. Students can give free rein to their imagination and create any symbol of this holiday.

A simpler craft will be the sun. It is a symbol of the reign of Spring, as well as good weather and mood. You can do it using several practices.

The first is the application. For this you will need:

  • colored paper;
  • colored cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • glue.

First, you need to cut out the elements of the sun from colored paper. In this case, they are cut into small strips and twisted. You also need to cut out small details: eyes, bangs, etc.

On a sheet of cardboard, arrange all the elements in the correct order and glue them using a small amount of glue.

You can also make a sun out of ear sticks. To do this, wrap each ear stick and glue it with colored paper. Then you need to cut out the decor elements: eyes, mouth, butterflies, flowers.

Cut out a circle from yellow cardstock. Place craft elements and rays on it. Glue everything together.

The next craft is more difficult to perform, but it will definitely attract admiring glances. Can be sewn rag doll. She should look appropriate: in a scarf with rosy cheeks, in ethnic clothes.

In this case, you will need a few materials: fabric different types, matching threads, scissors, decor and stuffing for the doll. But sewing it will be much more difficult. To get the job done faster, you can watch the following video:

Such a doll is considered a talisman, because it can be presented to relatives and close friends.

Other souvenirs can be made in a similar way: different animals from fabric, amulets from straw. If you have the skill, you can even weave a basket of twigs.

Shrovetide contests at school

For happy holiday need the same funny contests for Maslenitsa at school. They can be varied. Top most popular contests that do not require special preparation:

What to wear on Maslenitsa at school?

What to wear for Shrovetide at school depends on whether the student is an actor or a simple spectator.

If the student will simply watch the performance, then comfortable clothing can be worn to take part in competitions. You can also wear a headscarf in an ethical style, hang a bunch of bagels around your neck.

If an active student is a participant in the event, then it is necessary to have an appropriate appearance. You should pick up a suit (a sundress or a jacket with trousers), put a painted hat or scarf on your head, red boots on your legs, and a belt on your waist.

If the student got one of the roles, then the appropriate decor must be included in the outfit.

How to arrange a table for Maslenitsa at school?

It is also necessary to decorate the table for Shrovetide at school in the same style. You should cover the table with a white tablecloth, if there is embroidery on it, this will only add color.

There should be a samovar in the center of the table. Next to him is a plate of pancakes and other treats. You should not forget about the "companions" for pancakes - honey and jam.

You can also decorate the table with a bouquet of ears of corn, a doll - coastline, and hang a bunch of bagels on a samovar.

Wicker baskets can be used to store pancakes and pies. They will give a homely atmosphere, comfort to the event.

When it comes to school Maslenitsa, then festive table you can decorate with school symbols (flags, badges, etc.).

What to bake for Maslenitsa at school?

Sanitary and hygienic standards in educational institutions have not been canceled, so the question of what to bake for Maslenitsa at school should be taken seriously.

All products must be fresh. In addition to delicious pancakes, there can be such pastries on the table:

  • pies with fruit or vegetable filling;
  • buns with or without filling;
  • pancake cake;
  • waffle rolls.

You can also think about pancakes, but in a different interpretation. For example, in a pancake bag (tie the ends of the pancake) curd filling. Can be added to curd fresh fruits and sugar, or, conversely, make them salty by adding salt and herbs with a tomato.

You can also bake pancakes of an unusual shape or multi-colored options.

Riddles, proverbs and sayings about Maslenitsa

Riddles, proverbs and sayings about Maslenitsa are required if the organizers of the event want to amuse the audience and give a special mood. You should choose original variants that have not become boring with time.

For example, you can use the following materials:

"You can't do without it

If you got wound up with the test

Without him, and damn it, not damn it

This product is essential.” (Oil)

“My mother-in-law came to lunch

They have no quarrels today,

Because there must

Today ... "(mother-in-law pancakes).

Thematic proverbs and sayings:

"Damn is not a wedge - the belly will not split"

"Pancakes and kisses don't like bills"

“Shrovetide without pancakes, like a name day without pies, does not happen”

"Not all Maslenitsa cat, there will be Great Lent."

Maslenitsa is a time of fun and Have a good mood. school times will definitely be remembered on the positive side if such events are held. Acquaintance with new traditions, competitions and costume performances are just as important for children as diligent study.

Before the celebration, you need to prepare: make props, costumes, prepare refreshments, prepare musical accompaniment and, of course, learn the text.

In the center or side (where space allows) put a table (tables) with refreshments (pancakes, sweets). If the room allows, you can make a doll - rag or straw (symbolizes Shrovetide), put it near the tables or in the middle of the room.

Event progress.

Muses. accompaniment (preferably a balalaika) - while the host is talking before the performance of the girls (girls).

Presenter 1: We live in a time of interesting discoveries and new technologies and, unfortunately, we forget about our past. We began to forget the traditions, rituals and holidays, without which people could not do before.

Host 2: Today we want to introduce you to winter holiday, which in Rus' was considered the most cheerful. This is Shrovetide.

Presenter 1: There was no family in Rus', no house, no yard, no village and no city, no matter where the Maslenitsa week was celebrated.

Host 2: Shrovetide was a Russian carnival celebrated noisily, cheerfully and wildly. The people called her "merry", "wide", "ruiner".

Presenter 1: From the first days, they tried to celebrate Maslenitsa as merrily, satisfying, richer and more joyful as possible.

Host 2: In terms of beauty, poetry, mischief, this is one of the longest and most joyful pre-spring holidays.

Student 1:

This holiday is coming to us

early spring,

How many joys

He is always with him!

Student 2:

Ice mountains are waiting

And the snow sparkles

Sledges run down the hills,

Laughter doesn't stop.

Student 3:

At home the aroma of pancakes

Festive wonderful,

We invite friends to pancakes,

Let's eat them together.

Student 4:

Noisy, fun

cheese week,

And after it - Great Lent,

Time to pray.

Presenter 1: IN folk calendar February is called "cut", that is, the month that cuts off the winter. And although the snow still creaks underfoot, and the frost pinches the cheeks, this does not frighten.

Host 2: Isn't it time to transfer power from winter to spring - red. She's not far off. And it will help us to spend the winter and meet the spring - Maslenitsa.

ROOM: 2-4 girls . Dance in Russian folk costumes .

(Music accompaniment - Mlada "Oh Spring, Spring")

Lead 1. Our scene will tell you why pancakes are baked and eaten on Maslenitsa.

Shrovetide Scene "How Pancake Helped Spring" ( Characters: Host, Spring, Baba Yaga, Blinochek).

Spring enters the scene and cries.

Spring: That's all guys, there will be no spring this year(sobbing) leaves will not bloom on the trees, beautiful flowers will not appear(sobbing) , the birds will not fly, the animals will not wake up from hibernation(covers face with hands and cries)

Girl: Don't cry Spring! Better tell me what happened, why don't you come to us this year?

Spring: Baba Yaga stole the red sun! How will the snow melt now? How will the earth warm up now? If the sun is not returned to the sky in the coming days, then winter-winter will forever rule on earth, and the cold will remain forever(crying) .

Baba Yaga comes out. She walks and fans herself with a fan, as if she is hot.

Baba Yaga: Phew, how good!

Girl: Well, Baba Yaga! Where did you hide the sun? Come on give it back!

Baba Yaga: What are they shouting about! I will not give you the sun, I need it more!

Spring: Can't be! Why YOU?! Why do you need it?

Baba Yaga: I decided to fly to rest in warm climes, but my stupa broke, so I thought that since I can’t fly to sunbathe in warm climes, let the warmth come to me by itself! Now I have a real summer in my hut! Oh, only the sea is not enough!

Spring: But what about the children?

Baba Yaga: What about children? It’s normal for children to get out in the winter too: they ride on a snowy hill, on a sled. Skiing, skating. Yes, they play in the snow. Why is that bad?

Spring: Children need warmth and spring! After all, if there is no spring, there will be no summer! It's also impossible! Bring back the sun!

Baba Yaga: What else did you want. I won't return!(stomps foot and walks away)

Spring begins to cry even more.
Blinochek runs out here.

Spring and girl together: And who are you?

Pancake: Hi all! I'm damn, Blinochek! I've come to help you!

Spring: But how can you help us?

Pancake: Look at me!

I look like the sun!
The same round and ruddy,
Mixed in butter with sour cream!
I will replace the sun for a while,
I will shed light, warmth on the world!
And you will have spring, fun,
And the mood will be good

Spring: Hooray! Pancake! You are my savior! It's good that you showed up! And now every time, with my arrival, let everyone bake pancakes and eat them and treat everyone! And let the holiday of seeing off winter and meeting spring be called Maslenitsa!

Pancake and Spring join hands and leave together.

Host 2: So dear children and guests! Since then, everyone bakes and eats pancakes on Maslenitsa, because a pancake symbolizes the red sun!

Presenter 1: Did you know that Maslenitsa precedes Lent. It lasts only a week, and this week you can dance, have fun, ride slides, arrange competitions and eat pancakes. And each day of Shrove Tuesday has its own name. Let's find out with you what each of the days of Shrovetide is called.

7 students leave.

1 account: Monday first forever
And it's called "meeting"
On this day they meet Spring,
And the pancakes start to bake!

2 account: Tuesday - "flirting" is called,
Everyone visits each other
From the snowy hills everyone rides,
And they eat pancakes.

3 students: Wednesday - gourmet is called,
This is where everyone gets to eat!
Everyone stuffs their belly
They feed each other!

4 students: Well, what about Thursday?

Thursday is called "break"
From this day on everything changes
And the riot begins!

5 students: "Teschiny evenings" Friday is called,

On this day, sons-in-law are going to visit their mothers-in-law!
And mothers-in-law baked pancakes for their sons-in-law,
And they arranged a real feast for the son-in-law!

6 students: Saturday is family day

It's called "sister-in-law gatherings"
On this day, the bride welcomes relatives,
And she gives gifts to all the sisters-in-law!

7 students: Sunday has many titles

But let's just say one thing,
Forgiveness is called Sunday,
And everyone asks each other for forgiveness!

Host 2: So we learned the names of the days of the Maslenitsa week. Festivities are held on Maslenitsa, funny Games. And let's play a little.( cm. Application )

Presenter 1: Here we played a little. Let's invite spring to visit us! And in order for her to hear us, let's sing, and you listen to ditties about Shrovetide.

(Music accompaniment -Folk ditties)

1. Come, come in For ruddy pancakes.This Maslenya week -

Be happy like us!

2. I'm ready for MaslenaEat 50 pancakes.I'll eat them wellI'll try to lose weight.

3. Bake, godfather, pancakes,Yes, to be magnificent.This Maslenya week - You can eat too much.

4. The Martians have arrivedThey were satisfied.Their plates are not empty

And full of pancakes.

5. I ate the fifth pancakeMy skirt broke.I'm going to sew up a skirtTo eat pancakes again.

6. Have fun playing, harmonica,Shrovetide, don't be sad!Come spring soonDrive winter away from us!

7. We stop singing dittiesUntil another evening.You sit until the morningWhen there is nothing to do.

Host 2: Something does not want spring to come. Let's also tell her poems about Shrovetide, maybe she will hear and come to us.

1. How oncarnival

Bake printed gingerbread.
I'll bring pancakes-suns,

Bake in a frying pan.
And smiles on their faces
I'll paint a couple of pancakes.
I will pour a hundred others with jam.
There are pancakes nobody is lazy.

2. The sun is round like a pancake,
Smiling shines.
We are glad to have a warm meeting with him
Adults and children.

3. The cat walked, sat, lay,
Long waited for the carnival.
He sang songs, hissed, sniffed:
"Not winter, but chaos!"
battery under the window
He warms the cat with warmth!
And hopes that - Here!
Hurry spring will come

4. As in Shrovetide
From the ovenpancakes flew!
From the heat, from the heat, from the oven,
All blush, hot!
Shrovetide, treat!
Give everyone pancakes.
From the heat, from the heat - take it apart!
Don't forget to praise.

5. Let's get up early in the morning,
Let's bakepancakes
With cottage cheese, sour cream,
With honey. Be healthy!
With butter and jam
Here's a treat for you!

6. Maslenitsa meet.
We'll burn the scarecrow.
We will celebrate the holiday.
Joy in every home!

Presenter 1: Look, Friends,Spring and Maslenitsa!

Spring comes out: I hear, I hear what you call
I see, I see that you are waiting for me.
Here I come to you friends,
Finally, I found you!

Host 2: Here comes Maslenitsa!
Maslenitsa has come to us,
Shrovetide is red, smiling at all of us!
He smiles at us all, but says goodbye to winter!

Presenter 1: Goodbye Winter
Come spring to us!
We'll serve you pancakes
Yes, dance Spring you are with us!

Round dance around the table with Maslenitsa. (Music Accompanying - Ivan Kupala "Oh Shrovetide")

Everyone goes to bow.

Host 2: Dear guests! With spring you, with spring holidays with sunshine and fun.

Presenter 1: We wish you to always keep in your heart the beauty of folk Russian traditions, the joy of the soul, which has always been characteristic of us.

Host 2: And now, according to Russian custom, we invite you for tea!

Tea drinking.


You can arrange games, contests (choice). (Music. Accompanying - What do you need "Shrovetide")

    Rope pulling.

    Flying cow game

    Playing with the Sun.

    Game Mother Spring.

    Hot pancake game

    Bake pancakes competition for guests.

Games must be selected according to the age category of the participants and the venue.

The cow flew.

For this game you will need at least 5 participants. Everyone stands in a circle and joins hands: the palm of the right hand of each player should lie horizontally, on top of the palm of the player standing on the right. On the palm of the left hand of each player, the palm of the neighbor on the left should lie on top. Next, the players take turns clapping on the hands of a neighbor ( right hand in the palm of the neighbor on the left) and pronounce a rhyme (each word is the next player): “a cow flew, blurted out a word, what word did the cow say?” The player on whom the counting rhyme ended calls any word - for example, "sun". Then the “clapping” continues, but the letters are called - C-O-L-N- ... and so on, until the last -E. The player who calls the last letter, when clapping, must hit the neighbor's palm. The task of the neighbor is to withdraw his hand BEFORE it is hit, but not before the letter is pronounced.

Playing with the Sun.

Game progress. In the center of the circle is the "sun"(A cap with the image of the sun is put on the head of the child).

The children say in unison: Burn, sun, brighter

Summer will be hotter

And the winter is warmer

And spring is sweeter.

Children go in a round dance. On the 3rd line they come closer to the "sun", narrowing the circle, bow, on the 4th they move away, expanding the circle. To the word "I'm burning!" - The "sun" catches up with the children. "Glory to the sun"

Game Mother Spring.

One pair of players join hands and raise them up, forming a "gate". The rest of the guys, holding hands, pass through the "gates" in a chain and sing: Mother spring is coming, Open the gates. The first March passed, spent all the children. And then April. He opened the window and the door. And how May passed - How much at least now walk! Having let everyone through several times, the guys representing the “gate” then ask each one which side he chooses, left or right. Divided into two groups, everyone makes up new pairs and, holding hands, lifting up, stand in a row behind the “gate”. One of the players, who does not have a pair, enters the "gate". They sing to him: Mother spring walks through the fields, forests alone. The first time is forgiven, the next time is forbidden. An for the third time. We won't miss you! Mother spring walks, Looking for children alone. The first time is forgiven, The second time is forbidden, The third time you will not find it. Get yourself into a cage! Then, with the edge of his hand, he separates the hands of standing pairs. The formed two teams measure their strength by pulling (harness) the rope.

Game - Hot pancake.

A circle is cut out of the album sheet. It's going to be damn. All participants stand in a circle and make their hands palms up. Cheerful music is on. A “pancake” is placed on the palm of the first participant, and the participant must pass this pancake on the palm of the other participant as soon as possible. At that moment, when the music breaks off, the participant, who at that moment will have a “pancake” in his hands, is eliminated. The participant who drops the pancake during the transfer is also eliminated. The last one left gets a prize.

Competition "Bake pancakes for guests." (It is necessary: ​​sheets of paper, pencil, stopwatch).

Give the children sheets of paper and pencils (1 sheet and 1 pencil for each). They need to “bake” (draw) as many pancakes as possible in a certain time (per minute). Announce the end of the game and count the pancakes drawn. The one who drew the most number won.

The host conducts the game "Echo" with the audience

Get it together, kids! (ra-ra)

The game starts! (ra-ra)

Hit your hands more fun! (she-she)

Don't feel sorry for the palms! (she-she)

What time is it? (hour-hour)

How much will it be in an hour? (hour-hour)

And it's not true, there will be two! (two-two)

Think, think head! (wah-wah)

How does the rooster sing in the village? (uh-uh)

Yes. not an owl, but a rooster? (uh-uh)

Are you sure it is? (so-so)

But really how? (how how)

What is twice two? (two-two)

The head is spinning! (wah-wah)

Is it an ear or a nose? (nose-nose)

Or maybe hay? (carriage-carriage)

Is it an elbow or an eye? (eye-eye)

But this is what we have? (us-us)

Are you always good? (Yes Yes)

Or only sometimes? (Yes Yes)

Tired of answering?

In addition to pancakes, other treats were prepared. And I also prepared a treat for you.

Yum-yum”, “yum-yum-yum” say if you like, "Fu-fu", "fu-fu-fu" - if you don't like it.

Crispy buns (“Yum-yum, yum-yum-yum”)
Slippers overwhelmed ("Fu-fu, fu-fu-fu"),
Puff pies (“Yum-yum, yum-yum-yum”)
Boiled boots (“Fu-fu, fu-fu-fu”),
Cheese balls (“Yum-yum, yum-yum-yum”)
Napkins are greasy (“Fu-fu, fu-fu-fu”),
Gingerbread delicious (“Yum-yum, yum-yum-yum”)
Crispy apples (“Yum-yum, yum-yum-yum”)
Spicy herring (“Yum-yum, yum-yum-yum”)
Filthy mushrooms ("Fu-fu, fu-fu-fu"),
Spruce cones (“Fu-fu, fu-fu-fu”),
New stools ("Fu-fu, fu-fu-fu"),
Ripped pockets (“Fu-fu, fu-fu-fu”)
Carload of three sour cream (“Yum-yum, yum-yum-yum”)
