What does app. What is ap? How to find out when the last search engine up was

Up - comes from the English word up, which translates as rise. What is ap? This is an increase in the level of the character or the purchase of new equipment. It is used in the form of apat or apnut when reaching a new peak of development.

Up in the game is used to indicate the increase or strengthening of something. First of all, this concerns the character himself, since his maximum development is the main goal of most online games. In order to get up, you need to get a certain amount of experience, depending on the current level.

Experience can be gained by killing monsters and completing various quests. Separately, you need to highlight trips to dungeons and raids with a group of associates, where you can get not only experience, but also valuable items. You should be aware that there are specific experience gain modifiers that depend on your activity, participation in and character buffs. These modifiers are referred to as "experience gained x2 (x4, x10)" and proportionally increase the amount of experience gained.

Not only levels

But also much more. The term an can be applied to various items that have been modified in one way or another. These methods can be different - from sharpening to inserting stones. But in any case, they all lead to an increase in the parameters of a particular thing, that is, they "up".

The term is also used in relation to the quality of the character's equipment as a whole. If you change old things for newer ones, then you are “aping”. Literally, this means the following - along with the “up” of the level, you must also “up” the gear so that the hero becomes stronger and can perform more difficult tasks. And with each new level, new skills and spells will open up, which can also be "upgraded" - to increase their effectiveness.

At the present time, you can find projects in which the growth of the character is not tied to levels.

In addition to a variety of level ups, skills and equipment, there is another category - professions. Many projects introduce professions in which the level of skill increases due to the work performed. The more products you produce, the more the profession will "up". Each professional has gradation levels, which looks something like this: beginner - journeyman - master - professional - grand master. Up here denotes the transition to a new level of skill, which allows you to produce more complex and expensive items and equipment.

Up is the basis of any game, but your main goal is not to get up to the maximum, but to enjoy the game.


“I hit level 50, congratulate me”

“Finally, I got a jeweler, now I can make good rings”

“When I get up, I’ll take this gear for myself”

Novice webmasters and bloggers are faced with a ton of new terms and expressions that just need to be understood. On forums and blogs for webmasters, mentions of search engine ups are not uncommon. What is ap? In this article we will try to explain in detail what it is.

Search engine update

Search engine up is the update of search engine databases. The word itself is an abbreviation for the foreign word Update (update). In other words, different indicators are recalculated for all sites, and after that a certain result is issued. What kind of result is given depends on the type of apa. There are 3 types of search engines in total:

Ap TIC - indicators of the puzomerka of the Yandex search engine are changing. Such an up occurs 1-2 times a month, and when updating sites, links are recalculated and other factors are taken into account.

Ap PR - change of the puzomerka assigned by the Google search engine. This up is produced much less frequently, about once every one and a half months. As well as with the ape TIC, various site factors are recalculated.

Up issuance - with this type of database updates, search results are compiled. You will be surprised, but the positions of sites in the search results change several times a week (for Yandex). When ranking sites, various qualities of sites are taken into account.

How to know when was the last ap of search engines?

We hope that our information has helped you find the answer to the question of what is an app and now you have become a more competent webmaster.

What is up-sale?

First, let's give the correct definition:

Upsalling(up sale) - the mechanics of sales, which consists in increasing the amount of the transaction, by selling more expensive items of sale or related products (services), carried out in order to make a sale that is more profitable for both parties and better customer satisfaction.

  1. From uppelling we exclude "fat" due to the deception of the buyer. Fraud, as well as the greed of individual sellers, let the term upsalling never be called!
  2. The goals of upselling, from a marketing point of view, are two:
  • this is an additional benefit for the buyer, contributing to the speedy conclusion of the transaction here and now
  • revenue growth for the seller, by the amount of additional services rendered or additionally sold.
From the point of view of the sales economy, an upsell does not lead to an increase in the profitability of the deal. More precisely, the profit of a particular transaction is not a mandatory goal.
  • conclusion of this transaction, sale,
  • revenue growth,
  • growth of the final gross profit,
  • growth in sales,
  • increase in the number of shipments,
  • increase in inventory turnover in the category,
  • marketing promotion,
  • providing hidden "price" discounts ...
is one of the many goals of an upsell.

Types of upselling

So, what allows you to raise the amount of the check (invoice, sales) for a particular buyer. First of all, a clear understanding of which type of upsell will not turn the buyer away from the purchase (won’t look like “pushing in”) will help him make right choice and, thereby, simplify the sale and make it as profitable as possible for the seller:

  1. other sales;
  2. cross sale
  3. Add-On Sale (additional sale);
  4. on-pack;
  5. overfill;
  6. Solution selling
I will try to define each type, analyze in detail and give examples.

Other sales(oversale) - switching to another, selling a similar product or service, the price of which is higher than initially chosen by the buyer. often the buyer, having made his choice, does not take into account the additional benefits and advantages received with the purchase of another product. For example, a buyer's choice of a cheap air conditioner model may require the seller to adjust the selection because the model may not match the volume of the air-conditioned room. It is worth noting that oversail is basically a "switch". It is also used in the case when the seller cannot make an offer that satisfies the client 100%. They switch buyers: when there is no product, when there is a higher margin sale, when the warehouse is overstocked and the need for a sale ... In this case, oversale is a subspecies of the mechanics of increasing the transaction amount.

cross sale
(crosssale) - goods or services from other categories, supply of another self-sufficient product from another product category not related to the main product (to the chain-link sect - a profiled pipe for poles);

Add-On Sale(upselling) - the sale of additions to the main product or service, one way or another supplementing the main product or service. Please note that the add-on being sold must be directly related to the main purchase item, and its cost is less than the cost of the main purchase.

  • additional sale of accessories, spare parts and consumables (sale of a set of car wheels - a set of "secret" bolts);
  • resale of another product from the same product category that complements or expands the functionality of the main one (steamer nozzle - for the iron).
Drawing the attention of the buyer to the desirability, in his case, of buying an additional product in addition to the main one, allows you to better satisfy his needs, increase loyalty, than increase the likelihood of both this sale and repeat sales. Naturally, such satisfaction of the buyer will help to increase the amount of the check (invoice) and the final revenue of the seller. Upselling is a fairly common up-sale mechanic..

Overfill("more than...") - sale of a larger volume of goods or number of pieces of goods with a benefit for the buyer (instead of two kilograms - three, but at a discount). A popular variation of this upsell mechanic is "" - a variation of the main product, but in the form of a package of 2 identical product units. The seller's offer: "buy two, I'll give you an additional discount" - this is the upsale option.

on-pack(onpack) - sale "in a package" or the sale of a set consisting of the main product and something else for the benefit of the buyer. Yes Yes! These are iconic "sets" for many. Selling as a set is a popular way to increase sales revenue around the holidays.

Solution selling- focusing on solving the problems of the buyer and trying to jointly search for a solution with him, using a comprehensive offer, say, a product + service. Complex sale or " " - is usually used in situations where the subject of the seller's marketing is only one of the elements, but not sufficient for a solution (product + delivery, product + service, product + adapting it to the buyer's requirement).

So, colleagues, sellers' understanding of such mechanics as "up sale" is not complete, and therefore its application looks rather dull. Now, with an understanding of what it should look like, marketers can well plan marketing campaigns to support this mechanics of sellers so that the benefits for buyers are obvious and, thereby, help increase the company's sales.

Upsale in marketing

How does this sales mechanic find its way into marketing? How to make an upsell not a means of gaining on the buyer, but a trade marketing tool? Everything is pretty simple.
  1. Trade marketing campaigns allow to stimulate the buyer to make a decision. Here is one of the countless lists of countless lists that can facilitate the up sale and help with the contact between the seller and the buyer.
  2. Enough understanding
    • the need of buyer groups for your marketing item;
    • features, specifics and disadvantages of the subject of marketing;
    • competitor marketing
    develop incentive programs for buyers that sellers will apply during the sale process.
  • Next, you will need to teach sellers to work not only with buyers (understand their motives for buying, teach them to convince, etc.;),
  • But also to teach how to work with shares (they forget to offer, they offer at the wrong time).
  • And of course, advertising will have to convey to buyers the essence of the shares and their presence in the seller's offer.
  • How to apply up sale correctly

    An ideal upsell is an offer that is really necessary for the buyer at the right time and the most suitable for moving to a new level of communication between the buyer and the subject of purchase and the seller. On the infographic - the logic of working out communication by the seller. I understand that you already know all this, and what follows is just a look at the subject in the context of the upsale mechanics.

    Communication with the buyer should begin with the stage of diagnosing the buyer: the ability and ability to make a purchase, the completeness of information about the subject of purchase, loyalty to the place of sale, brand, etc. This identification will make it possible to understand whether the sale itself is possible here and now, as well as the possibility for an upsell.

    The next step is a needs analysis, as a basis for the subsequent development of an offer that is beneficial for the seller and satisfies the buyer, to correlate what the buyer needs and what the seller has to satisfy him. At the proposal development stage, the seller must quickly plan several options for further development of the sales dialogue. Oversale sale, upselling, formulating additional benefits is one of the options for the development of events. But only one of the options and in no way canceling the sale and not returning the seller and the buyer above is to rethink needs.

    At the stage of formulating a proposal, the most obvious, but the most typical mistake of the seller is an oversale, when the seller immediately starts talking not about the choice of the buyer about some other option and the best, from his point of view. The offer formulated by the seller should involve a retreat and rethinking later, at the negotiation stage. Including, should assume and oversail. The offer of options for a complete (complex) sale, at this stage, is quite acceptable if the benefit from such an offer is immediately clear to the buyer.

    Negotiation stage- this is not a "withdrawal of objection" with the obligatory persuasion of the buyer. This is the stage of coordinating positions, when new details, previously unidentified nuances and preferences of the buyer and the seller's capabilities are revealed. Errors and shortcomings in working out the first two stages can serve as a deviation from the formulated proposal. That is why, and a little earlier, the seller had to plan several options for the development of the event. Upsale, at this stage, should serve as an additional motivator, if not for a purchase, then for an interested continuation of the dialogue.

    Contract formalization stage, when the secondary terms of the transaction are discussed, is a convenient moment for the additional sale of an insignificant, say, accessories, spare parts, the sale of any additional services to the main subject of the purchase, the purchase conditions of which the buyer is already completely satisfied with.

    The dangers of using upsell

    The fact is that using this mechanic, as with other tools, you can do something beautiful, or you can get hurt. The main danger lies in the fact that up sale should not prevent the buyer from moving to the lower levels of communication. At the very end of the communication, the upsell should not get in the way of "closing" the sale. So here are the do's and don'ts:
    1. You can not allow the buyer to return to the upper levels of communication. Switch to upselling and other mechanics only when the buyer has no doubts about the expediency and profitability of the main purchase. For example, the buyer's consent to purchase this TV model due to the low price for this model and the oversale mechanics applied by the seller can lead to a rethinking of the very idea of ​​the expediency of the purchase. Example:
      - Do you know that this TV does not have SMART-TV, but this model is only 10% more expensive, is it?
      - ABOUT! What is Smart TV? (the return above is to the identification and analysis of needs: "what is important to you then?")
    2. A good upsell is when the rejection of the offer by the seller does not cause a negative reaction in relation to the original choice. For example: an offer to purchase a more expensive product should not be accompanied by an argument that denigrates the buyer's initial choice. An offer to get more functionality should not lead to the conclusion that the functionality of the initially chosen one is insufficient.
      - And here is another hair dryer and it has an "anti-static" function, and the model you have chosen is simpler.
      Yes, but it's twice as expensive!
      - Well, yes! A cheap hair dryer is also good...
      This is not how you should do it!
    3. The oversail offer - to spend a little more for the best, must be accompanied by additional motivation. Even if it is the best and most expensive is reasonable and understandable by the buyer. A bad upsell is to continue to convince the buyer of the profitability of the solution or to "give" an insignificant bonus to this expensive purchase. A good upsell might look like this:
      If you buy this now, I will lower the price of this solution by 15%.
    4. An attempt to expand the offer with the upsell of accessories must continue to convince the purchase item and should not serve to rethink the buyer of the main features and functionality of the purchase item. The upsell element should not serve as a reason to think about insufficient functionality: "...what doesn't work without it?". Eg,
      Upselling a mixer extension cord is a good up-sell if it's a convenience, but doesn't lead to thinking the mixer has too short a cord.
    5. The need for an additional purchase to compensate for the lack of functionality of the product should not only be understood by the buyer, but also understood as profitable solution. For example, here is a case: the buyer is satisfied with the price and quality of a fountain pen, but the seller’s attempt to offer ink for it also causes the realization that buying a set is a rather expensive decision. So the upsell should look like this:
      when buying ink for a fountain pen - a 5% discount for a fountain pen, and a 15% discount for ink.
