Graphic dictation in cells 6 years task. Complex graphic dictations

Greetings, friends! Today we will talk about graphic dictations - very interesting option developmental activities for older children preschool age. Graphic dictations for children of 5-6 years old can captivate boys and girls, giving moms and dads to enjoy the legal ten minutes of peace and quiet, which rarely fall out in a house where small perpetual motion machines, jumpers and whymies live.

In addition to the fact that almost all children really like this pastime, you have to learn from this material:

  • what are graphic dictations;
  • what are their benefits for the child;
  • how to conduct graphic dictations with five-year-olds and older children;
  • how to enhance the developmental effect of the lesson.

Graphic dictation: drawing by cells

Everyone understands what a dictation is: this is a type of written work that is used in the learning process to train writing skills, to consolidate and test acquired knowledge.

Graphic dictation involves the creation of drawings in the cells under dictation.

How does this happen:
  • The child receives a sheet in a cage with a marked start (bold, well-marked dot).
  • An adult slowly commands how many cells and in what direction to draw.
  • Step by step, following the commands of an adult, the student creates a graphic image.

Consider the simplest example so that you can finally understand what's what:

To get this picture, you need to sequentially draw from the starting point:

  1. 3 cells up;
  2. 2 cells right down;
  3. 2 cells right up;
  4. 2 cells down.

When compiling and performing graphic dictations, it is important to consider simple rules:

  • The entire drawing is a solid broken line. Tear off the pen from the paper.
  • Do not draw twice on the same line.

Sometimes, to make the lesson more interesting, after creating a picture according to a graphic dictation, the child is invited to refine the image: to finish the elements that give the outline a more complete look:

  • swirling hair for little men;
  • tails and eyes of animals;
  • windows to buildings and vehicles.
The benefits of graphic dictations: to whom, why

Graphic dictations are an effective tool in the program for preparing a preschooler for the first grade. Their benefits for children 5-6 years old are enormous:

  • train fine motor skills;
  • train spelling vigilance;
  • develop mindfulness and perseverance;
  • stimulate spatial imagination and thinking;
  • teach them to be independent;
  • have a positive effect on hearing.

Performing a graphic dictation, the child learns to accurately reproduce the orders given orally. Agree, this is one of the skills that determine the success of education in the modern school system. It is very important to teach the child to listen and hear, correctly understand and correctly reproduce the words of the teacher.

Graphic dictations for preschoolers can be turned into a whole game.

First, a discussion of the task, then directly drawing by cells, then a discussion of the finished drawing, its revision and coloring.

  • letters;
  • numbers;
  • geometric figures;
  • animals;
  • transport;
  • plants.

You can draw very different objects in this way, which means that an additional developing element can be different. You can use graphic dictations to teach your child to read and count, to develop his speech and broaden his horizons.

The first graphic dictation with a child: learn to teach

To make classes according to this technique become one of your child’s favorite developmental elements, learn how to present them correctly. It is worth noting that with the entry of a preschooler into the ranks of elegant first-graders, graphic dictations will not only not lose their relevance, but, on the contrary, they will definitely come in handy. IN primary school the children will have to perform a lot of them, but already without fail and for evaluation. So, moms and dads, go for it: learn to teach your heirs, and then teach them to learn =)

How to conduct a lesson with a preschool child:
  • Prepare everything you need: a sheet in a cage, a pencil, an eraser (so that you can correct mistakes that you definitely cannot avoid at first). You can invent tasks for the dictation yourself, or you can buy special workbooks or download and print graphic dictations from the Internet.
  • See the assignment for yourself first. When you are sure you understand everything, invite your child to play a new game.
  • Make sure that the child sits correctly, with a straight back, correctly picks up a pencil. These moments must be kept under control whenever you conduct developmental activities for your preschooler at home.
  • Remind me where the right side is, where the left side is. By the way, this moment can be used to tell the child about the existence of left-handers and right-handers. That both options are normal. That all children, all people are different. In general, work on the socialization of the crumbs - it will never be superfluous.
  • Do a simple workout. Show what it means to draw two cells to the right. Let the child repeat after you. Do a few of these.
  • Draw a few straight lines on the checkered paper. different lengths in different directions (indicate the direction with an arrow). Discuss each line: how many cells it took, in what direction it is drawn, where it starts.
Start Small

It is not at all necessary to start graphic dictations with the creation of complex drawings. Moreover, it is not necessary to conduct them in the form of a dictation - i.e. completing assignments from dictation. First, master the technique of drawing by cells, creating pictures according to the model, tracing dotted lines, drawing pictures. Finding assignments is not a problem. You can draw them yourself.

So, draw a simple pattern in a child's notebook with a thin line:

Let him first circle the drawn fragment, and then continue it to the end of the sheet.

Discuss how the pattern was created:

  • 1 cell down;
  • 1 cell to the right;
  • 1 cell up;
  • 1 cell to the right...

Now ask to draw a picture in the same way, but take two cells everywhere.

Vary different variants create a similar pattern. For example, from the starting point, you can start moving not down, but up or to the side.

From the simplest, we smoothly move on to tasks more difficult. For example, use these patterns:

Gradually complicate the tasks by selecting graphic dictations of the appropriate level of complexity.

When the child reaches impressive heights in this lesson, invite him to switch roles: let him create patterns or pictures, and then dictate to you step by step how to repeat his masterpiece. We do not know of a single case when such "shifters" would not cause genuine delight in boys and girls.


And now we invite you to complete a small task with your baby. homework from Eureka. What picture is hidden behind these commands?

Start at a distance of 1 cell on the left, 6 on top. There must be at least 5 cells down. Draw:

  1. 1 cell down
  2. 3 cells to the right
  3. 1 cell down
  4. 1 cell to the right
  5. 2 cells down
  6. 1 cell to the left
  7. 1 cell down
  8. 2 cells to the right
  9. 1 cell up
  10. 1 cell to the right
  11. 1 cell up
  12. 2 cells to the right
  13. 1 cell down
  14. 1 cell to the left
  15. 1 cell down
  16. 3 cells to the right
  17. 2 cells up
  18. 1 cell to the right
  19. 4 cells up
  20. 1 cell to the right
  21. 2 cells up
  22. 1 cell to the left
  23. 1 cell down
  24. 1 cell to the left
  25. 1 cell down
  26. 6 cells to the left
  27. 3 cells up
  28. 1 cell to the left
  29. 1 cell down
  30. 2 cells to the left
  31. 3 cells down
  32. 1 cell to the left

What happened? We are waiting for your answers and feedback in the comments.

Effective development and happy parenthood! See you soon!

(2 ratings, average: 5,00 out of 5)

Children are very fond of drawing; it is one way to express yourself and develop your visual memory. But sometimes they need a little inspiration to get them moving forward, which is why we created our selection! Here are a few drawings sorted by year for your child to try.

Be sure to read the rules for drawing by cells in this article before starting.

Do not forget that all children are different if your child cannot draw drawings by year. This does not mean that something is wrong with him, he is simply talented in something else.

Drawings by cells for children 5 years old



Drawings by cells for children 6 years old


Drawings by cells for children 9 years old

From the age of 9, the child should already color their simple drawings.

Light color drawing of a watermelon

Drawings by cells (video)

Drawings by cells for children 10 years old

At 10 years old, the child draws more complex and interesting color drawings.

colored turtle

colored dog

pink pokemon

Drawings by cells for children 12 years old

At 12 years old, children will already be at the peak of their skills! Then everything will depend on the talent and imagination of your child.

Good luck to everyone in your studies. Do not forget to send your drawings to us by mail Antonen [email protected]. We will definitely post them on our website!

Draw by cells (video)

Below are cards with graphic dictations for children in color pictures. In the right column is a sheet to print and give to the child. In the left column, opposite the card with a graphic dictation for a child, there is a sheet for an adult. You need to start drawing from the point indicated in the picture. An adult calls a number that indicates the number of cells over which you need to draw a line and the direction of movement to the right or left (the direction is indicated by arrows). The result should be a drawing with an image, as in the template. Joyful and useful lessons to you!

Artists: E. Belyaeva, E.A. Timofeev.

Click on the picture and it will expand to full size. To save the dictation to your computer, click on the selected picture, then right-click, in the window that opens, select "Save image as" and specify the folder on your PC where you want to download the dictation.

Card for graphic dictation (for children) Card for graphic dictation (for adults)

How to perform a graphic dictation

(Rules for drawing by cells).

To begin with, on a sheet with a dictation, in the upper corners, mark marks - right and left (if the child does not already know these concepts). This is necessary in order not to confuse the child, so that he remembers which side, where and what to be. Now start the task. There is a complete image on the sheet, which should be the final result. You take this sheet for yourself, give the child a notebook sheet in a cage, a pencil and an eraser. Under the picture there are arrows pointing to the right, left, up or down. Near the arrows there are numbers indicating how many sticks to draw in one direction or another (how many cells to close in the direction indicated by the arrow). First there is a number, next to it is an arrow indicating the direction.

so you need to draw a line from the point 2 cells up,

Then 3 cells to the right and 2 cells down.

As a result, the drawing will be like this (see picture)

note that the pointers (arrows and numbers) in the tasks (provided on our website) should be read from left to right.

At the top of the picture, it is always indicated how many cells you need to step back from the edge and top in order to start the dictation. In the indicated place, for example: retreat 9 cells from the edge to the left, count 4 cells from above. In this place you need to put a bold point. Help children younger age who still do not know how to count well or independently count cells. Set a starting point (from this point the child will draw lines under dictation).

Graphic dictations that you can download for free

Click on the picture and it will enlarge in size. Click the right mouse button and in the window that appears, select the item you need (“print” or “save as”).

Graphic dictation "Turtle". Cell drawing.

Graphic dictation "Snake". Cell drawing.

Graphic dictation "Squirrel". Cell drawing.

Graphic dictation "Camel". Cell drawing.

Graphic dictation "Herringbone". Cell drawing.

Graphic dictation "Key". Cell drawing.

Graphic dictation "Bunny". Cell drawing.

Graphic dictation "Mushroom". Cell drawing.

Graphic dictation "Ship". Cell drawing.

Graphic dictation "Fish". Cell drawing.

Graphic dictation "Heart". Cell drawing.

Graphic dictation "Dog". Cell drawing.

Graphic dictation "Sun". Cell drawing.

Preparing a child for school is a long and mandatory process. Therefore, psychologists and pediatricians recommend starting a year before the first grade, in kindergarten or at home. Since the baby needs to be prepared not only for mental and physical stress, but also moral. In general, how to do upbringing, help to become more assiduous, attentive and courageous.

If you can still morally prepare a child for big changes, by means of communication with peers in the yard and kindergarten. Then you can teach the baby to be more attentive, develop writing skills, attentive performance of certain tasks, with the help of graphic dictations and drawing by cells. Today, this incredibly popular activity has won the hearts of not only preschool children, but also teenagers. This is a way to teach a child to write, to develop logic, abstract thinking, perseverance and painstaking, as well as fine motor skills of pens. With the help of this lesson, the child develops coordination, stability and corrects the correctness of his movements, so to speak, “fills a firm hand”, which will undoubtedly help him at school, when writing dictations and notes in a short period of time.

What are graphic dictations? Imagine in front of you a sheet of paper on which the cells are drawn. The task contains arrows (showing the direction) and numbers (showing the number of cells that need to be passed in the specified direction). If you follow the signs accurately and carefully, draw a line in the right direction for the right distance, you get an image - a picture. In other words: graphic dictations are drawing by cells, using pointers in the task.

Such classes are recommended not only for preschool children, in kindergartens, but for children under 12 years of age. After all, mindfulness and coordination of movements can be developed at an older age. A fascinating activity is an entertaining leisure not only for children, but also for adults. The recommended age to start drawing graphic dictations is from 4 years old. It is at this age that the development of fine motor skills begins, with the help of drawing by cells.

Graphic dictations as an educational game are used in various places: at home, in extracurricular activities, on vacation, at sea, in the country, and even at a summer camp. It is important to interest children, and what will do it better than such an activity. Indeed, in the end you get an unknown picture, which you can then paint with pencils or felt-tip pens. Explaining this to the baby, you can not worry about his interest in this, not so much an activity as a game that develops the imagination.

So, let's get started. First of all, you need to prepare, namely, to purchase a collection of graphic dictations. You can get them not only in specialized stores for children's books, but also in a stationery shop, second-hand bookshops. They can be downloaded for free on some sites on the Internet (for example, on our site), you can also go to paid sites. The choice of such tasks is great, choose based on the age, gender and hobbies of the child. For kids who are just starting classes, it is best to choose graphic dictations (drawing by cells) depicting bunnies, cats, dogs. For girls: princesses, flowers. But, you can start with simple geometric shapes: squares, triangles, prisms. So you will immediately teach the child and coordination of movements, improve the motor skills of the handles, develop perseverance and attentiveness, and tell about the names and types of geometric shapes. For boys, dictations with the image of cars, animals, robots, castles, funny little men are suitable. The easiest graphic dictations, with simple shapes and performed in one color, are for beginners. Complicated tasks - for older children. Choose graphic dictations on a topic that is interesting to your child. If the kid is into music, use drawings of musical instruments, treble clefs and notes.

If you have already done cell drawing with your child, start adding variety to your activities. That is, at 5-6 years old, you can perform dictations that help develop even more. That is, get drawings with those animals that the child has not yet seen and does not know what they look like. Use colors that the baby has not yet learned very well. Expand your child's horizons in this way, let him increase and replenish his vocabulary with new words, teach them, find out where they can be applied. The main thing is good mood, enthusiasm and positive attitude of the crumbs before performing any task. Under such conditions, study will indeed be incredibly useful, fruitful and not straining the child.

After a selection of graphic dictations, start preparing. Remember that the child must be praised for a job well done. Even if the picture is not yet obtained, there is no need to constantly prompt, direct and compare with other children. You need to guide and push in the right direction. To do this, first of all, you need to teach the child where to be left-hand side, where is the right one. Show me where is the top and where is the bottom. This simple and ingenuous knowledge will help you perform all graphic dictations with 100% accuracy.

Sit near a table with a level and smooth surface so that the child can sit evenly and correctly in the chair. Pay attention to lighting. Tip: if you want to teach your child to a school notebook, give him the opportunity to get used to it, learn to navigate, prepare graphic dictations on a sheet, just like a school notebook. Now prepare a simple pencil and a diligent eraser so that the wrong strips can be easily removed and the same dictation can be continued again. Prepare yourself a pencil and an eraser.

It is worth keeping track of time so that the child does not get tired, so that the hands and eyes rest. Although if the baby is not tired, wants to continue and finish the work now, there is no need to pick up the dictation, the child will decide when enough is enough.

There is a time frame for working with graphic dictations

For children 5 years of age - a maximum of 15 minutes. For older children, up to 6 years - a maximum of 20 minutes (from 15 minutes). For first-graders (6 or 7 years old) - a maximum of 30 minutes, a minimum of 20 minutes.

Cell drawing - great way teach your child to use a pencil and a pen. Teach how to hold it correctly, practice so that the fingers are not so tired of holding the subject at school. This exercise will help you teach your baby to count correctly, as he will need to count the exact number of cells before starting the lesson.

And so: before you lies the task of a graphic dictation, a pencil. In front of the child is a piece of paper in a cage or a notebook, an eraser and a simple pencil. On the sheet of the child, with or without your help, is shown in the indicated place, the starting point. Explain that from this point they start drawing lines (right, left, down and up), in the direction and with the number of cells that you name. Now proceed, near the named task, and they are indicated in a line, put a dot with a pencil so as not to forget where you finished the dictation, not to confuse the child and, of course, yourself. Watch what the child is doing. Tell me if the baby is confused where the left and right sides are. Count together, if necessary, the number of cells.

For example, you have a figure, the most standard is a house. Tell the kid what kind of drawing you will end up with, or keep it a secret for even more interest. From the point you need:

1 → - 1 cell to the right

Dictate clearly, the child should perceive everything by ear. At the end of the work, look at how much the baby's figures coincide with the given elements. If the baby is wrong, find out together exactly where. Erase extra lines with an eraser, starting from the point of failure, and continue drawing. It is important to keep the child in a good mood during the learning process.

Graphic dictations
(Drawing by cells)

School enrollment - important point in the life of the child and his parents. How better baby will be prepared for school psychologically, emotionally and intellectually, the more confident he will feel, the easier he will have an adaptation period in elementary school.

Graphic dictations for preschoolers help parents and teachers to systematically prepare the child for school and prevent such typical learning difficulties as underdevelopment of spelling vigilance, restlessness and absent-mindedness. Regular classes with these graphic dictations develop the child's voluntary attention, spatial imagination, fine motor skills of the fingers, coordination of movements, and perseverance.

Drawing by cells is a very exciting and useful activity for children. This is a playful way to develop a baby's spatial imagination, fine motor skills of fingers, coordination of movements, perseverance. Graphic dictations can be successfully used for children from 5 to 10 years old.

Performing the tasks proposed in the tasks laid out below - graphic dictations, the child will broaden his horizons, increase vocabulary, learn to navigate in a notebook, get acquainted with different ways images of objects.

How to work with these graphic dictations:

In each dictation, tasks are given for children 5-7 years old.

Graphic dictation can be performed in two versions:
1. The child is offered a sample of a geometric pattern and asked to repeat exactly the same pattern in a squared notebook.
2. An adult dictates a sequence of actions indicating the number of cells and their directions (left, right, up, down), the child performs the work by ear, and then compares his image of an ornament or figure with a sample in the manual using the overlay method.

Graphic dictations are supplemented with riddles, tongue twisters, tongue twisters and finger gymnastics. In the course of the lesson, the child develops correct, clear and competent speech, develops fine motor skills of the hands, learns to highlight the distinctive features of objects, replenishes his vocabulary.

Tasks are selected according to the principle "from simple to complex". If you begin to study these graphic dictations with your child, complete the tasks with him in order: start with the very first simple dictations and gradually move on to more complex ones.

For classes, you need a checkered notebook, a simple pencil and an eraser so that the child can always correct the wrong line. For children 5 - 6 years old, it is better to use a notebook with a large cage (0.8 mm) so as not to strain your eyesight. Starting with graphic dictation No. 40, all drawings are designed for an ordinary school notebook (they will not fit in a notebook in a large cage).

The tasks use the following notation: the number of cells to be counted is indicated by a number, and the direction is indicated by an arrow. For example, the entry:

should read: 1 cell to the right, 3 cells up, 2 cells to the left, 4 cells down, 1 cell to the right.

During classes, the mood of the child and the friendly attitude of the adult are very important. Remember that classes for a child are not an exam, but a game. Help the baby, make sure that he does not make mistakes. The result of the work should always satisfy the child, so that he wants to draw in cells again and again.

Your job is to help your child game form acquire the skills necessary for good study. So never scold him. If something does not work out for him, just explain how to do it right. Praise your baby more often, and never compare with anyone.

The duration of one lesson with graphic dictations should not exceed 10-15 minutes for children of 5 years old, 15-20 minutes for children of 5-6 years old and 20-25 minutes for children of 6-7 years old. But if the child is carried away, do not stop him and interrupt the lesson.

Pay attention to the landing of the child during the dictation, how he holds the pencil. Show your child how to hold a pencil between the knuckles of the index, thumb, and middle fingers. If the child does not count well, help him count the cells in the notebook.

Before each lesson, be sure to talk with your child about what is different directions and sides. Show him where is the right, where is the left, where is the top, where is the bottom. Pay attention to the baby that each person has a right and left side. Explain that the hand with which he eats, draws and writes is right hand and the other hand is left. For left-handers, on the contrary, left-handers must be explained that there are people for whom the working hand is right, and there are people for whom the working hand is left.

After that, you can open the notebook and teach the child to navigate on a sheet of paper. Show the child where the notebook has the left edge, where is the right, where is the top, where is the bottom. It can be explained that earlier at school there were slanted desks, so the upper edge of the notebook was called the top, and the bottom edge was called the bottom. Explain to the baby that if you say "to the right", then you need to lead the pencil "there" (to the right). And if you say “to the left”, then you need to lead the pencil “there” (to the left) and so on. Show your child how to count the cells.

You yourself will also need a pencil and an eraser in order to mark the lines you read. Dictations are quite voluminous, and so as not to get confused, put dots with a pencil in front of the lines you are reading. This will help you not get lost. After the dictation, you can erase all the points.

Each lesson includes a graphic dictation, a discussion of images, tongue twisters, tongue twisters, riddles and finger gymnastics. Each stage of the lesson carries a semantic load. Classes with a child can be built in a different sequence. You can first do finger gymnastics, read tongue twisters and tongue twisters, and then do a graphic dictation. On the contrary, you can first do a graphic dictation, then tongue twisters and finger gymnastics. Riddles are best guessed at the end of the lesson.
When the child draws a picture, talk about the fact that there are objects and there are images of them. Images are different: photographs, drawings, a schematic image. Graphic dictation is a schematic representation of an object.

Talk about how each animal has its own distinctive features. A schematic representation shows distinctive features by which we can recognize an animal or object. Ask your child what are the distinguishing features of the animal he has drawn. For example, a hare has long ears and a small tail, an elephant has a long trunk, an ostrich has a long neck, a small head and long legs, and so on.

Work with tongue twisters and tongue twisters in different ways:
1. Let the child pick up the ball and, rhythmically tossing and catching it with his hands, say a tongue twister or tongue twister. You can toss and catch the ball for every word or syllable.
2. Let the child say a tongue twister (pure tongue twister), throwing the ball from one hand to the other.
3. You can say a tongue twister by clapping the rhythm with your palms.
4. Offer to say the tongue twister 3 times in a row and not get lost.
Finger gymnastics do together so that the child sees and repeats the movements after you.
And now that you have got acquainted with the basic rules for conducting a graphic dictation, you can begin to study.

Mathematical dictations

1st class

The benefits of mental arithmetic are enormous. Performing verbal arithmetic operations, children not only repeat the rules of arithmetic, reinforce them, but, most importantly, learn not mechanically, but meaningfully. With oral calculations, such valuable qualities as attention, concentration, endurance, ingenuity, and independence are developed.

The effectiveness of oral counting depends not only on the correct determination of the volume and content of these classes, but also on their organization: the correct setting of tasks and the survey, the rational recording of students' knowledge and skills, the correct alternation of oral and written calculations. Most of the assignments are given orally. This form of organization of classes is the most valuable, as the attention and memory of students develop, and most importantly, they prepare for the "life" account, where you often have to perform actions on numbers that are perceived by ear. However, this form requires a lot of mental effort, and therefore tires children relatively quickly, especially those whose visual memory predominates.

The use of only this form of classes observed in school practice leads to the fact that not all children participate in oral counting. There are especially many passive students when the dictated exercises contain large numbers or when many listening tasks are given in a row. To avoid this, purely auditory exercises should be interspersed with visual perception exercises.

The main purpose of the mathematical dictations presented in this paper is to help the teacher effectively train children's attention span, working memory, and the ability to concentrate. Based on these goals, the following groups of tasks are given in dictations:

· operating rooms in which you need to calculate, solve problems, perform transformations, etc., having received information by ear;

· brain teaser, in which it is required to evaluate the truth of the statement, for which it is necessary to be attentive and focused, to be able to listen, hear and analyze data;

aimed at mastering mathematicalterminology.

The proposed tasks provide meaningful educational material stageoral work at the beginning of the math lesson, as well as the debriefing stage at the end of the lesson. The development of competent mathematical speech is facilitated by the presence in each dictation of samples of reading mathematical expressions.

The introduction of game elements and non-standard tasks into the mathematical dictation helps children who are interested in mathematics to maintain and develop interest in it, and for children who have difficulty in mathematics, to understand and love it.

Conducting a dictation can be organized like this:

1. The teacher reads aloud the dictation tasks from one option. Students write their answers on paper or notebooks. Immediately (or at the end of the lesson) you should show the correct answers, discuss the solutions to individual tasks.

2. Individual students can read aloud the tasks of dictations at the direction of the teacher. This is especially useful for children with insufficient reading technique, as well as for those whose visual perception predominates.

3. It is useful from time to time in the class to give all students the texts of dictations for independent work with them (by writing down the text of the dictation on the board). This is important for remembering the spelling of mathematical terms.

4. Mathematical dictations can also be given for homework under the guidance of parents. This will allow each student to additionally calmly practice reading mathematical texts, slowly understand individual tasks, and test their knowledge.

Estimates for the work are set taking into account the number of correctly solved tasks. If there are 6 (or 8) tasks in the dictation, the marks can be as follows:

Number of less correct answers

6 (8)

5 (7)

4 (5–6)

4 (5)


Subject. "Comparison of objects and groups of objects"

Goals. Check the ability to count objects; compare objects on various grounds: color, shape, size; navigate in space (right, left, top, bottom); compare groups of objects (less, more, the same).

Dictation 1

1. On the top line, draw as many circles as there are tomatoes on the board (there are 6 tomatoes on the board). Color the third circle.

2. Draw 3 red squares on the left and 1 green triangle on the right.

3. Draw a square and a circle below it. Color the shape shown below.

4. Draw a square, a triangle and a circle so that the triangle is between the circle and the square.

5. How many nuts are in an empty glass?

Dictation 2

1. Draw as many sticks as there are triangles on the board.

2. The apartment has two rooms. They made two out of one room. Draw as many circles as there are rooms.

3. Continue the pattern by color:

To - red,and - yellow,With - blue

4. Ira has more than 3 nuts and less than 5. How many nuts does Ira have? Draw these nuts.

5. Color the rectangles with pencils of two colors so that 2 rectangles are the same and 2 are different.

6. The cat had 3 black and 2 gray kittens. Which kittens are more: gray or black?

Dictation 3

1. Draw 6 triangles in a line through the cell. Draw 8 sticks below.

2. There are 5 houses on the type-setting canvas. Circle in your notebook 1 more cell than houses.

3. Anya lived closer to the school than Valya. Which of them lived farther from the school?

4. Name the neighbors of number 4.

5. Circle as many cells in the line as there are circles on the typesetting canvas (9). Color them like this: the third with a red pencil, and the seventh and ninth with blue.

6. Graphic dictation.

7. Shade the square horizontal lines from left to right (the square is given on the leaflet).

Subject. "Numbers from 1 to 10. Addition and subtraction."

Goals. Check the ability to reproduce a sequence of numbers from 1 to 10 and correlate them with the corresponding group of objects; compare numbers within 10, read simple mathematical records like 1 + 1 = 2, etc.; correlate these entries with a specific illustration (drawing); perform tabular addition within 10; represent the numbers of the first ten as the sum of two terms; solve logical and word problems in one action.

Dictation 1

1. Write down the numbers in digits: 1, 5, 7.

2. The boy caught 2 fish and released them into the bucket. Then he caught 3 more fish. Draw as many fish as there are fish in the bucket.

3. There are 4 children in the family: there are as many sisters as there are brothers. How many sisters in the family?

4. Write down numbers from 1 to 6.

5. Write down numbers from 9 to 4.

6. Shade the rectangle from bottom to top with vertical lines (the rectangle is given on the leaflet).

Dictation 2

1. Name the number that follows the number 9; behind the number 5.

2. They added 1 to the planned number and got 7. What number did you think?

3. What numbers are missing if the sum in each column is 8?

4. Draw the figures so that the number of elements in the sets is equal.

5. Old Hottabych's beard is longer than Dr. Aibolit's, but shorter than Karabas Barabas's. Whose beard is the longest?

6. Increase: 9 by 1; 4 by 2; 7 on 1; 6 by 2.

Dictation 3

1. The first term is 4 and the second term is 2. Find the value of the sum.

2. The minuend is 5, the subtrahend is 3. Find the value of the difference.

3. Increase 7 by 2.

4. Reduce 8 by 3.

5. Among the numbers of each pair, find the number that is greater, and circle it in a row of numbers with a red pencil: 9 and 8; 5 and 3; 1 and 4.

6. Find the odd shape.

7. The straw is above the Bubble, and the Bast Shoes are below the Bubble. Who is higher: Bast shoes or Straw?

8. Graphic dictation.

Subject. "Numbers from 11 to 20. Addition and subtraction"

Goals. Check the ability to read and write numbers from 0 to 20; perform table addition and subtraction within 20; represent all numbers from 2 to 20 as the sum of two terms; solve text and logical tasks in one action.

Dictation 1

1. Write down the number that comes before 12, 13...

2. Increase 10 by 1.

3. Decrease 19 by 1.

4. What number is less than 15 by 1?

5. How much more is 12 than 7?

6. The first term is 7, the second is 4. Find the sum.

7. How much must be added to 5 to get 12?

8. What is the sum if the first term is 6 and the second is 7?

9. There were 5 cars in the garage, 3 more cars arrived. How many cars are in the garage?

Dictation 2

1. 10 is 7 and how many more?

2. What number must 5 be subtracted from to get 7?

3. Find the difference between the numbers 15 and 9.

4. Increase 7 by 5.

5. Reduced 12, subtracted 8. Find the difference.

6. My brother has 5 notebooks, my sister has the same number. How many notebooks do brother and sister have together?

7. The crested newt molts every 7 days. How many times will a newt molt in 14 days?

Dictation 3

1. Given numbers: 10, 3, 7. Write down the number that is the value of the sum of the other two.

2. Numbers are given: 15, 9, 6. Write down the number that is the value of the difference between the other two.

3. Write down the number that has 1 ten and 3 units.

4. Increase the difference between the numbers 5 and 3 by 10.

5. Write down the number that is less than 12 by 1.

6. When 3 liters of milk were taken from the can, then 7 liters more remained in it than they took. How many liters of milk were in the can?

7. A bottle of juice costs 9 rubles. An empty bottle costs 3 rubles. How much is the juice? Elephant, elephant, two baby elephants
We went in a crowd to the watering place,
And towards three tiger cubs
From the watering hole they went home.
Count quickly
How many animals met?


Uncle Hedgehog went into the garden,
Found ten ripe pears.
Seven of them he gave to the hedgehogs,
The rest are rabbits.

How many pears Uncle Hedgehog
gave to bunnies?


The lady checked in the luggage
Sofa, suitcase, bag,
Picture, basket, cardboard
And a little dog.

How many things, including a dog,
handed over the lady in the luggage?


The squirrel returned from the market
And met Lisa.
- What are you, Squirrel, are you talking about? -
Lisa asked a question.
- I bring to my children
Two nuts and three cones.
You, Lisa, tell me:
How much is two plus three?


Five puppies played football
One was called home.
He looks out the window, he thinks:
How many are playing now?


Here are eight rabbits
They walk along the path
Following them
Two are running.
So just how much
Along the forest path
in a hurry
Bunnies home?


Once upon a time in a dense forest
Hedgehog built a house for himself
Invited forest animals.
Count them quickly:
Two hares, two foxes,
Two funny teddy bears
Two squirrels, two beavers.
It's time to name the answer!

Each dictation opens in a new window. To print it, right-click on the picture and select "Print".


Going to school is an important moment in the life of a child and his parents. The better the child will be prepared for school psychologically, emotionally and intellectually, the more confident he will feel, the easier it will be for him to adapt to the period in elementary school.

Graphic dictations for preschoolers help parents and teachers to systematically prepare the child for school and prevent such typical learning difficulties as underdevelopment of spelling vigilance, restlessness and absent-mindedness. Regular classes with these graphic dictations develop the child's voluntary attention, spatial imagination, fine motor skills of the fingers, coordination of movements, and perseverance.

Drawing by cells is a very exciting and useful activity for children. This is a playful way to develop a baby's spatial imagination, fine motor skills of fingers, coordination of movements, perseverance. Graphic dictations can be successfully used for children from 5 to 10 years old.

Performing the tasks proposed in the tasks below - graphic dictations, the child will broaden his horizons, increase his vocabulary, learn to navigate in a notebook, and get acquainted with different ways of depicting objects.

How to work with these graphic dictations:

In each dictation, tasks are given for children 5-7 years old.

Graphic dictation can be performed in two versions:
1. The child is offered a sample of a geometric pattern and asked to repeat exactly the same pattern in a squared notebook.
2. An adult dictates a sequence of actions indicating the number of cells and their directions (left, right, up, down), the child performs the work by ear, and then compares his image of an ornament or figure with a sample in the manual using the overlay method.

Graphic dictations are supplemented with riddles, tongue twisters, tongue twisters and finger gymnastics. In the course of the lesson, the child develops correct, clear and competent speech, develops fine motor skills of the hands, learns to highlight the distinctive features of objects, replenishes his vocabulary.

Tasks are selected according to the principle "from simple to complex". If you begin to study these graphic dictations with your child, complete the tasks with him in order: start with the very first simple dictations and gradually move on to more complex ones.

For classes, you need a checkered notebook, a simple pencil and an eraser so that the child can always correct the wrong line. For children 5 - 6 years old, it is better to use a large-sized notebook (0.8 mm) so as not to strain your eyesight. Starting with graphic dictation No. 40, all drawings are designed for an ordinary school notebook (they will not fit in a notebook in a large cage).

The tasks use the following notation: the number of cells to be counted is indicated by a number, and the direction is indicated by an arrow. For example, the entry:

should read: 1 cell to the right, 3 cells up, 2 cells to the left, 4 cells down, 1 cell to the right.

During classes, the mood of the child and the friendly attitude of the adult are very important. Remember that classes for a child are not an exam, but a game. Help the baby, make sure that he does not make mistakes. The result of the work should always satisfy the child, so that he wants to draw in cells again and again.

Your task is to help the child in a playful way to master the skills necessary for a good study. So never scold him. If something does not work out for him, just explain how to do it right. Praise your baby more often, and never compare with anyone.

The duration of one lesson with graphic dictations should not exceed 10-15 minutes for children 5 years old, 15-20 minutes for children 5-6 years old and 20-25 minutes for children 6-7 years old. But if the child is carried away, do not stop him and interrupt the lesson.

Pay attention to the landing of the child during the dictation, how he holds the pencil. Show your child how to hold a pencil between the knuckles of the index, thumb, and middle fingers. If the child does not count well, help him count the cells in the notebook.

Before each lesson, be sure to talk with your child about the fact that there are different directions and sides. Show him where is the right, where is the left, where is the top, where is the bottom. Pay attention to the baby that each person has a right and left side. Explain that the hand he eats, paints, and writes with is his right hand, and the other hand is his left. For left-handers, on the contrary, left-handers must be explained that there are people for whom the working hand is right, and there are people for whom the working hand is left.

After that, you can open the notebook and teach the child to navigate on a sheet of paper. Show the child where the notebook has the left edge, where is the right, where is the top, where is the bottom. It can be explained that earlier at school there were slanted desks, so the upper edge of the notebook was called the top, and the bottom edge was called the bottom. Explain to the baby that if you say "to the right", then you need to lead the pencil "there" (to the right). And if you say “to the left”, then you need to lead the pencil “there” (to the left) and so on. Show your child how to count the cells.

You yourself will also need a pencil and an eraser in order to mark the lines you read. Dictations are quite voluminous, and so as not to get confused, put dots with a pencil in front of the lines you are reading. This will help you not get lost. After the dictation, you can erase all the points.

Each lesson includes a graphic dictation, a discussion of images, tongue twisters, tongue twisters, riddles and finger gymnastics. Each stage of the lesson carries a semantic load. Classes with a child can be built in a different sequence. You can first do finger gymnastics, read tongue twisters and tongue twisters, and then do a graphic dictation. On the contrary, you can first do a graphic dictation, then tongue twisters and finger gymnastics. Riddles are best guessed at the end of the lesson.
When the child draws a picture, talk about the fact that there are objects and there are images of them. Images are different: photographs, drawings, a schematic image. Graphic dictation is a schematic representation of an object.

Talk about how each animal has its own distinctive features. A schematic representation shows distinctive features by which we can recognize an animal or object. Ask your child what are the distinguishing features of the animal he has drawn. For example, a hare has long ears and a small tail, an elephant has a long trunk, an ostrich has a long neck, a small head and long legs, and so on.

Work with tongue twisters and tongue twisters in different ways:
1. Let the child pick up the ball and, rhythmically tossing and catching it with his hands, say a tongue twister or tongue twister. You can toss and catch the ball for every word or syllable.
2. Let the child say a tongue twister (pure tongue twister), throwing the ball from one hand to the other.
3. You can say a tongue twister by clapping the rhythm with your palms.
4. Offer to say the tongue twister 3 times in a row and not get lost.
Do finger exercises together so that the child sees and repeats the movements behind you.
And now that you have got acquainted with the basic rules for conducting a graphic dictation, you can begin to study.
