What to add instead of fabric softener. How to make homemade fabric softener: a profitable solution or a way to ruin your wardrobe

Fabric softeners have many useful properties: they give things a pleasant aroma, make them softer, remove the electrostatic effect. However, store-bought products, especially inexpensive ones, contain harmful chemicals that cause allergies, leading to headaches and skin rashes. Hypoallergenic analogues are harmless, but not everyone can afford to buy them, since their cost is several times higher than conventional rinses.

Such improvised means as vinegar, soda, borax, essential oils will help save the family budget. It is from these simple ingredients that you can make a homemade fabric softener, which is in no way inferior to the industrial one in terms of characteristics. household chemicals and its use is not harmful to health.

You can make a mouthwash at home using:

  • vinegar;
  • soda;
  • hair conditioner;
  • borax;
  • essential oil;
  • Epsom salt.


Ordinary table vinegar 9% can be used instead of store-bought rinse. The acid contained in it perfectly disinfects things, and for washing machine such a tool serves as a preventive measure against the formation of plaque on the heating element (a heating device located inside the device).

The easiest way is to pour some vinegar (50-100 ml) into the conditioner compartment while rinsing. After such processing, things must be hung in a well-ventilated area or on the street so that the smell disappears. Such a home rinse will allow you to preserve the original color of the clothes, make them soft and pleasant to the touch.

Essential oils

You can replace harmful flavors with natural analogues. Essential oils will give a pleasant aroma to things, and you can choose the smell to your taste:

  • mint;
  • lavender;
  • jasmine;
  • sandalwood, etc.

5 drops of any essential oil should be poured into a liter of table vinegar. Pour the resulting rinse aid into plastic bottle(for example, from an old air conditioner), tightly close the lid and store for up to 2 months, add a glass of detergent when washing in an automatic machine.

Another way involves the presence of an additional ingredient - baking soda:

  1. 1. Dilute ¾ cup of vinegar and 1/2 cup of baking soda in 1.5 liters of water, which must be introduced last and very carefully, since abundant foam is formed due to the chemical reaction.
  2. 2. Stir the solution until the hissing sound disappears.
  3. 3. After that, add 15-20 drops of essential oil and mix the rinse aid again.
  4. 4. When washing, pour 100-120 ml of detergent into the conditioner compartment.

Hair conditioner

A good softener is obtained using a hair conditioner. Please note that balm and rinse are not suitable.

To make a liquid composition with your own hands, you need to mix:

  • 0.4 l of water;
  • 200 ml of vinegar;
  • 150 ml of cosmetic.

Another option is a softener in the form of a paste. 10 tablespoons of sea salt should be rubbed with 6 tablespoons of conditioner. Add 4 spoons of the product with each wash. It is recommended to use essential oil as a natural fragrance. The number of drops may vary depending on the intensity of the scent you want.

Epsom salt

Epsom salt differs from regular table salt in that it contains sodium sulfate and magnesium. It can be bought at pharmacies. Pour a glass of the product into a glass container, add 8-10 drops of essential oil, close the lid tightly and shake well. By adding 2 tablespoons of the composition when washing in an automatic machine, you can restore the rich color of the laundry, soften the fibers of the fabric and remove the electrostatic effect.

There is another recipe for making an Epsom salt rinse at home:

  1. 1. Add 5 drops of essential oil to 100 g of salt.
  2. 2. Pour 200 g of baking soda into a separate container, carefully add 1.2 liters of table vinegar.
  3. 3. Mix thoroughly until the foam settles and the chemical reaction stops.
  4. 4. Add salt with essential oil, mix.

When washing, add 100 ml of product to the conditioner compartment.


The easiest way to use baking soda as a rinse is to pour 100-120 g of the product into the conditioner tray. In order to avoid white streaks on black clothes, and the substance dissolves well, it is recommended to first dilute the powder in a small amount of water.

Another homemade mouthwash recipe:

  1. 1. Take a glass of soda, vinegar and warm water.
  2. 2. Mix the ingredients in a plastic or enamel container.
  3. 3. Add a few drops of oil (you can choose the smell of your choice).
  4. 4. Stir the product with a wooden spoon.
  5. 5. Pour into an opaque glass container, tightly close the lid.

Pour half a glass of funds into the automatic machine into a special compartment for the air conditioner.

Currently, many people are wondering how to make fabric softener with their own hands, because today it is impossible to imagine washing things without this tool. With the rinse aid, the clothes will be soft and will also smell nice. However, despite all the benefits and positive qualities of the air conditioner, its price is not always affordable - especially for those people who often wash clothes. Therefore, the question of how to make fabric softener, in Lately is becoming more and more relevant. Experts say that creating a fabric softener with your own hands is a simple and easy procedure that is carried out quickly, without affecting the money.

Conditioner for washing clothes, or rather, its self-cooking, has been inspiring lately a large number of women, because now it is possible to wash things, as well as make them fragrant and soft without much damage to the budget, since a minimum of ingredients is required to make fabric rinse.

In addition, most women in the modern world were very worried about the question - how to choose a pleasant and not harsh fragrance, because this or that person does not always like air conditioner fragrances. Or a serious allergy can develop to a certain type of fragrance, so it’s better to choose your favorite smell yourself, as well as make it strong and pleasant-smelling in comparison with store-bought formulations.

Thanks to the developments of modern scientists, today it is possible to make fabric softener at home, which will include improvised products sold in stores at affordable prices. In addition, a home rinse is suitable for every member of the family, and will also be completely safe.

What can be used as the main component? Most often, when preparing the conditioner, vinegar is used, which stays in the fabric for a long time, giving it softness and a great aroma.

However, if the household does not like this ingredient, it is allowed to prepare rinses without it. As a result, when hand washing or machine washing, you can use your own prepared air conditioner, which will not differ in quality from the store composition.

What can replace the air conditioner sold in the store?

This homemade rinse will help to do this, which has many advantages:
  • safety for each family member;
  • saving Money;
  • preparation of "your" flavor;
  • absence of the appearance of allergies;
  • long action on things;
  • speed and ease of preparation.

That is why home air conditioners for a washing machine or hand wash are often in demand, because with them things really become softer, fragrant, and most importantly, safe for humans.

Vinegar conditioners

Before preparing a fabric softener, be sure to read its recipe, and also strictly observe all the proportions and dosages of the components present in the conditioner - only then will it be possible to make the product safe, pleasantly smelling and caring for things.

Today, there are several recipes for the preparation of rinse aid, where the main component is vinegar, which are easy to prepare at home.

If you do not know how to replace fabric softeners, it is better to try making them at home. For example, one of them is the use of lavender. To make a rinse, you will need to take 4 liters of low concentration vinegar, as well as 20-25 drops of lavender oil. Pour these ingredients into a deep bowl, then mix well. If the smell is not strong, you can add a little more lavender extract. That's all - a pleasant and gentle rinse is ready.

How to use rinse aid? Such homemade fabric softener must be poured into the compartment of the washing machine in 1 cup or glass. However, this dose is calculated only for washing white clothes or when the machine is fully loaded. Otherwise, the amount of rinse aid must be reduced. If a lot of vinegar conditioner is added to the washing machine (especially for colored items), they will quickly lose their color and also decrease in size, which is due to the dragging properties of the main component.

You can store the resulting composition for 2 months - the main thing is that the rays of the sun do not fall on it, otherwise the air conditioner will quickly deteriorate.

How to make fabric softener at home using mint? This recipe is also quite simple - we take 3 liters of vinegar and mix it with 20 drops of mint oil (if you wish, you can take fresh mint, or rather its juice). After that, mix the product well and use it to soften the laundry.

In which compartment to fill in the conditioner, and what is its dose? Rinse aid should be poured into compartment 3 in the washing machine compartment at a dosage of 1 glass per fully loaded drum. When washing a reduced amount of laundry, the rinse aid dose should be reduced.

Pour the finished composition into a dark container, after which we store for 2 months.

Fabric softeners are now actively used in the preparation of air conditioner from vinegar alone. This composition can be used if there is no essential oil at hand, and you don’t want to spend time preparing the rinse. We take ordinary vinegar of low concentration and add it to the compartment intended for rinsing things. After washing, the softness of the linen is literally amazing. To get rid of the remaining vinegar smell, it is recommended to hang the linen outside.

In addition to being soft, vinegar also disinfects clothes in which a lot of harmful bacteria live, so this rinse is also beneficial for things and human health. In addition, it does not lead to allergies and does not cause a rash on the body.

You can use a conditioner made from soda and oil with every wash. To make it, we take a liter of water (it must be slightly warm), 140 ml of vinegar, 0.5 cups of ordinary soda and a little bit of your favorite oil (no more than 30 drops).

Put all the above ingredients in a small container, then mix them well with each other.

When mixing soda and vinegar, a slight hiss will begin and foam will appear - this should not be afraid, as the products react.

How to use fabric softener? You need to add it to a special machine container - this is done in ½ cup. After the composition is filled, you can turn on the washing machine to the mode you need.

Hair Care Product

It is known that products intended for hair care can also be used during washing things. To prepare a rinse, you should take 6 parts of pure water, 3 parts of vinegar and 2 parts of any conditioner designed for hair. If desired, a little of your favorite oil can be added to the resulting mass.

For people who frequently wash things, this amount should be slightly reduced.

All of the above recipes made with vinegar will help do things:
  • soft;
  • fragrant;
  • malleable during ironing;
  • not electrified;
  • safe for health.

However, home air conditioning is also prepared from other products.

If for some reason you don't like vinegar, you can make your own homemade conditioner without it.

To do this, he advises using the following recipes:

To prepare this rinse, you need to take ordinary soda. We take half a glass of it, after which we add it to the washing machine, and then mix it slightly so that the product dissolves (soda is added directly to the drum). We put dirty things in the machine.

The composition of soda, which contains natural ingredients, quickly softens the water, and also makes the fabrics soft. In addition, this agent disinfects fabrics, making linen safe and hypoallergenic.

  1. Bura.

To make rinse aid from borax, you should take ¼ cup of the product, then add it to the water intended for rinsing things (it is added to the compartment on the typewriter). This substance softens the fabric, and also gives it suppleness during ironing.

In addition, borax is actively used to soften water - for this, it can be added directly to the drum before washing.

Due to the composition of borax, which contains various compounds, the substance not only softens things, but also completely cleanses them. Also, its components destroy mites, fungus and mold.

The substance should be used in a strict dosage, otherwise it can harm the health of the skin, causing irritation on it.

Any of the above recipes should be prepared in a strict dosage of products, so as not to spoil things, and also not to cause health problems.

Experts answer that to give an excellent aroma to things, you can use any type of aromatic oil, each of which is able to give things an excellent aroma and softness. However, you need to remember that the air conditioner cannot be stored for a long time, because in this case its composition will adversely affect the parts of the washing machine, and also worsen the quality of things.

Fabric softener has become an essential part of the household. It appeared relatively recently, but has already firmly entered into use. Of course, someone thinks that it is not necessary to use conditioner when washing, since things are already clean. Why spend extra money? But there are also such housewives who simply cannot do without this tool.

Let's figure out what is a flavored additive - a luxury or a necessity? And how to make fabric softener with your own hands?

What is fabric softener for?

First you need to figure out why you need fabric softener and whether you need it at all. The balm rinse owes all its useful properties to surfactants that settle on the surface of clothes and linen, forming a film. It is she who gives a positive effect. First, the fabric becomes softer and more pleasant for the body. Secondly, after washing, especially woolen fabrics, clothes "electrify". The use of surfactants excludes such an effect. Thirdly, the use of air conditioner during washing greatly facilitates ironing, since under the action of surfactants the fabric is smoothed out on its own.

In addition, there are rinses that protect colored fabric from color fading. And one more important point: the formed film does not allow dirt to penetrate deep into the fabric, so we can talk about the dirt-repellent properties of the conditioner balm. And as a bonus - almost every conditioner gives clothes a certain scent.

We hope all of the above will convince you that you need to use fabric softener if you want freshness to come from your clothes.

How to make fabric softener with your own hands? Features of preparation and composition

It is not difficult to prepare homemade fabric softener with your own hands, while everything that we will need is at hand, or you can buy it in absolutely any nearest store. The composition of the home air conditioner is as follows:

  • Regular baking soda - 125 ml.
  • 9% table vinegar - 125 ml.
  • Warm water (about 40 degrees) - 250 ml.
  • Essential oils - 7 drops.

Now the cooking process itself:

  • First mix warm water and vinegar.
  • Then gradually add soda to the solution. If you add the whole amount at once, then, of course, it will be spectacular, but already unusable. Therefore, add soda gradually. By the way, it perfectly softens hard water, thereby making the laundry soft. Baking soda is also good at removing bad odors.
  • Pour the mass into the container where you plan to store your homemade rinse, add the essential oil and shake well.

Do-it-yourself conditioner for baby clothes is not prepared for long, but it lasts a long time.

We are all used to the fact that the rinse has a thick consistency. If it turned out to be a liquid homemade fabric softener, you can fix this situation with your own hands - just add a little of yours to it. One of the properties of a conditioner is color retention. So, so that your clothes do not shed, add a capful of white vinegar when rinsing. And yet, home air conditioner can be used as a soak for stained laundry. Just apply a little on the problem area and leave for half an hour, and then send it to the wash. Remember to shake the container where the fabric softener is stored before each use. With your own hands, you can create the flavor that you like best. All you have to do is choose the right essential oils.

How else can you use fabric softener

We all know that rinse aid is applied during washing. This will probably surprise you, but it can also be used for other purposes. Interesting? Then remember:

  • The conditioner can be used to wash the glass so that it does not leave any streaks. To do this, it is enough to mix the rinse aid with water in the same proportions.
  • The balm perfectly removes impurities from leather goods, so do not rush to pick up soap.

  • Want to give your laminate flooring its original look? Wash it with a conditioner solution with water.
  • Do you have repairs and old wallpaper does not want to peel off the wall? This is where a conditioner can come in handy. Moisten the wallpaper with an aqueous solution, and after a while they will easily peel off the walls.
  • If on your car seat If there is a stain, simply wipe it off with a sponge dampened with a solution of water and rinse aid.

Agree, how useful and necessary is the conditioner for washing clothes! With your own hands, you can make it in any quantities, so that you can later use it for a variety of household needs.

In order to achieve successful washing, a wide variety of water softeners and rinses are successfully used. You can make a high-quality fabric softener with your own hands without leaving your home. Beneficial features means are manifested due to the active components deposited on the surface of the linen - this forms a protective film, which has a positive effect.

This tool gives a lot of positive effects:

  1. The fabric softens, becomes pleasant to the touch.
  2. After the clothes are washed, they do not become electrified due to the action of the unscented fabric softener.
  3. Ironing is facilitated - the fabric is smoothed out under the action of the product.

Conditioners, with the help of which it becomes possible to provide maximum protection against washing off the color on the fabric, it is quite possible to do it yourself. The resulting film is a barrier to the penetration of dirt into the fabric.

Homemade fabric softener is stain-repellent. As a result of the use of this agent, one or another aroma is given to clothes.

What inspires housewives to create fabric softener

Food grade vinegar is a great base for making homemade conditioner

There are many reasons why the idea of ​​making your own fabric softener inspires many housewives.

  1. Now there will be no problems with the choice of flavors.
  2. Allergy to the components of the air conditioner is excluded.
  3. From improvised means, it becomes possible to quickly and safely produce a fragrant composition that is suitable for the whole family and is not harmful to health.


A lot of undeniable advantages are in self-prepared laundry detergents. The quick production of the air conditioner will help save time and money, because all the components are quite affordable and inexpensive.

  1. Budget savings.
  2. Does no harm.
  3. Everyone can create their own unique fragrance.

In addition, a long-running action should be added to the list. The product is hypoallergenic - this is also a clear plus.

How to replace fabric softener

If you are tormented by the question: how can you replace a household air conditioner that softens the fabric after washing, then use the excellent cooking recipe.

It is necessary to dilute vinegar in a liter jar with water in a ratio of one to one. After that, aromatic lavender oil is added - just a few drops. You can always replace fabric softener with this product.


Want to make your own fabric softener? It's time for some healthy recipes. They will help create effective and safe means for washing clothes, and you won’t even need to leave the house to get the result.

Method 1

Vinegar can be used to make a conditioner that will help soften laundry. It is enough to add it to the laundry before rinsing. It is possible to aromatize the composition with the help of essential oil - five drops are enough.

Method 2

It is necessary to mix warm water in an amount of 1000 milliliters with vinegar - 140 milliliters of a 9 percent product. Next, soda is poured into the mixture - half a glass is enough. All components are mixed. Then essential oil is added - a few drops will be enough. Everything is mixed up again. It turns out a super remedy that is quite effective, and not harmful to health.

How to create a miracle cure

Essential oil will give a homemade air conditioner a pleasant aroma.

Making homemade mouthwash is pretty easy. This will not take much time. The result will exceed all expectations. It turns out a quality product that is not inferior to expensive air conditioners presented in stores.

Method 1

For cooking, you will need water, vinegar, and hair conditioner in a ratio of six to three and two. It is appropriate to add a little essential oil to give a unique scent to the washed laundry. All components are mixed. The product is used as usual during washing. After such a rinse, the laundry becomes incredibly soft and perfectly ironed. In addition, it does not electrify. Cooking does not take much time, the result is excellent. Yes, and at a cost such a tool will cost a fairly democratic amount.

Method 2

An Epsom salt product is a great choice for high-quality rinsing of laundry. Things become soft, the paint is restored. To prepare, you need to mix salt in the volume of a glass with ten drops of essential oil. Having started washing, it is enough to add a couple of spoons to the conditioner compartment.

As you can see, everything is quite simple. There are many advantages to making your own fabric softeners. So, it's time to try to make this tool at home. Things become just perfect to the touch, the color is not washed out during washing.

Cooking technology:

Let's get started.
The amount of ingredients is calculated for 400 ml. conditioner. You can always recalculate the recipe for the amount of funds you need. We take a cationic emulsifier - it is cationic emulsifiers that are resistant to washing off and give antistatic properties, which is what is needed for our linen - 2% (1.5% is possible - just the product will be more liquid) - 8g. Trilon-B and citric acid - soften water - 0.5% each - 2 grams each. Flavoring agent (perfume, little essential) - 2% - 8ml. Water up to 100%, I have 380 gr. We measure out our "loose" - emulsifier, Trilon-B and citric acid.

We measure the required amount of water and pour it into different containers in approximately equal parts.

Pour into one part of the water and stir Trilon-B and citric acid. We remove it to the side - we will need it later.

We heat the second part of the water in a water bath for about 10 minutes, then remove it from the bath and pour in a pre-measured amount of cationic emulsifier, in our case DEHYQUAR (Degiquart).

Mix with a mini mixer for 1-2 minutes. We get white milk. We leave it until it cools down to about 45 - 50 degrees C (without a thermometer, you can periodically touch the container with the emulsion until the temperature feels "so that the hand endures"). Stir occasionally to cool evenly.

Pour the rest of the water into the resulting emulsion with citric acid and Trilon-B. We mix.

Add preservative and flavor. IMPORTANT!!! Preserve and aromatize the emulsion at a temperature below 40 gr. C. Here we have such an emulsion at 2% Degiquart.

We pour our fabric softener into a convenient container and use it with pleasure;-)

Note: for washing 2 kg. linen I add 2 tbsp. spoons of conditioner, there is both softness and freshness)
