Chick. Modular origami master class

This cute and funny fluffy is made using modular origami technique.

The chicken is not just a toy. It can become an interior decoration for a children's room, a funny souvenir and a nice gift for a birthday or Easter.

Working with modular origami is quite painstaking and time-consuming: complex scheme and hundreds of small elements - this is only the first stage of needlework. However, our chicken will take quite a bit of time, since it only takes 44 modules to make it!

Let's start creating!

Before starting work, you need to prepare necessary materials:

  • 40 modules from yellow paper for the calf of the chicken and 4 of the red - for the legs and scallop;
  • a small rhombus made of red paper to make a beak;
  • ready-made "doll" eyes;
  • glue.

First we will make the body of the chicken. For this, motives are needed only from yellow paper. We start with two modules, which should be placed side by side with long sides. We connect them with the third module, inserting the corners of the first two motifs into the pockets of the third. In a similar way, we connect 2 more elements and get 2 finished rows. The first one consists of 4 modules, and the second - of 3. We attach 1 element to the last corners of the first row and in the second row we get 5 modules.

At the next stage, we perform the third row, which consists of 6 motifs: 4 of them fix the corners of the modules of the previous row, and the remaining 2 are put on free corners. This is followed by the fourth row, represented by 5 modules (their last corners must be left free). It is followed by the fifth row of 6 motifs. In the sixth row, we again put on 5 elements, the last corners of which are again “free”.

Advice! In order to bring out the shape of the chicken body, in each row it is necessary to reduce the number of modules.

So, in the seventh row we leave 4 motifs with free last corners, in the eighth - 3, and in the ninth - 2. And, finally, the little fluffy body is done!

One, two - and you're done!

Now we have the stage of assembling and decorating our chicken. Let's start with the scallop. To do this, take two red modules and insert them into the middle of the first row. To prevent the structure from crumbling, you can fix them with glue.

Next, we glue the eyes and the beak, which we make from a rhombus bent in half. The final stage will be the paws - two red modules, the tips of which must be smeared with glue and inserted between the corners of the motifs of the last row. A little time - and the funny chicken figurine is finished!

Advice! Fluffy can be put on its own legs or hung on a bright thread in the children's room, where it will not only decorate the baby's corner, but also give the child a sea of ​​positive emotions.

Miracle in a shell

Despite the fact that modular origami requires certain skills and patience, even children can make such a chicken. In addition, at your discretion, you can decorate it with a butterfly, a flirty hat or a paper flower, you can make it in a shell or in the company of friends.

Creative individuals can make a larger-scale craft, with additional elements - for this you will need either a complex assembly scheme or your own imagination, which sometimes opens up endless scope for creativity.

modular origami- this is a whole art that allows you to create real masterpieces from simple sheets of paper. Try to make a chicken with your own hands - and you will get a not easy funny figure, but a small piece of the sun, spring warmth and good mood!

Not so long ago, the origami technique gained popularity in many countries and truly turned into a world art, although the roots of this art go deep into Ancient China, and this knowledge was available to a few, only to representatives of the upper classes. In the middle of the twentieth century, technology began to spread around the world. Various varieties began to appear: simple origami, modular origami, pattern folding, wet origami. Little by little, origami even began to be introduced into kindergartens and schools, as scientists have proven that this type of art contributes to the development fine motor skills, concentration and perseverance of children. And if you want to instill these qualities in your child, then invite him to make a modular origami chicken in the shell together.

But before we get started, let's define what modular origami is and how it differs from the classic way. classic origami consists of using a single sheet of paper that folds into original figures without the aid of scissors or glue. modular origami consists of several separately folded parts, which are subsequently inserted into each other without the help of glue.

Triangular modules

So, what do we need to create a cute shell chicken? Let's take a look at the master class and detailed diagram assemblies.

From necessary materials we only need paper of three colors: white, yellow and red. Our chicken consists of triangular modules.

You can fold triangular modules of various sizes, it all depends on the volume and height of your craft. All modules in one craft must be the same size. How to properly divide an A4 sheet is shown in the photo.

Having decided on the size and cut out the necessary rectangles, we proceed to the assembly of triangular modules. detailed instructions indicated in the photo.

It is necessary to make 221 yellow modules, 304 white and 1 red module, which will act as the beak of our chicken.

Assembling a bird

The first row is assembled from triangular modules, located with the short side outward, all subsequent rows of modules are located with the long side.

We begin to collect the chicken, for this we collect three rows of 16 modules yellow color, not forgetting that the first row is located on the short side.

We turn our craft inside out so that the modules turn out to be the long side to us, and add 4 more rows of 16 modules to them.

In the eighth row, have 16 more modules with the short side. We add 16 modules to the ninth row, but we already have the long side.

And in the same way we collect four more rows. At this stage, we already have the body of our chicken, now we start assembling the wings.

To assemble one wing, we need 6 yellow modules. We arrange these modules according to the 3-2-1 scheme. The last module should be located on the short side.

Do the same for the second wing. We attach our wings to the body of the chicken on the sides.

Insert the red module in the center.

Now let's start assembling our "house" for the chicken - to the shell. Let's start from the bottom. We assemble the first four rows of 14 modules white color.

In the fifth row, we increase the number of modules to 21. To do this, it is necessary to alternate the modules according to the scheme: we connect 1 module, as before, and attach the 2nd and 3rd to one pocket, and so on until the end of the row.

We add two more rows of 21 modules.

To complete our lower part of the shell, it is necessary to add modules in places in the eighth and ninth row, thereby simulating the appearance of a broken shell.

Well, the last detail of our craft is the upper part of the shell.

We collect 8 modules in three rows.

How to make a chicken and a chicken out of paper with your own hands

Hen and chick. Master Class

We will tell you how to make chicken and chicken from modules.

This craft can be made by children over 6 years old. This craft is simple and good for those who are just starting to practice the art of origami.

This craft can be done for the Easter holiday to decorate the Easter table. You can do it in kindergarten and decorate with it a cognitive corner and an ecological corner.

How to make such a cute mother chicken from modules you can from this master class.

We will dwell on the manufacture of chicken modules

DIY paper chicken. Manufacturing

To make a chicken, we will use three colors of paper: blue, white, yellow and red. The size of one module in our case is 7.5 by 5 cm (modules can be made in a different size and color)

Collect red, white and yellow modules. You will find schemes for assembling modules .

Step by step process of making a chicken from modules

1. Take 10 yellow modules for the first and second row and connect them using Method 2 ( see Mounting modules), closing in a circle.

3. In the fourth row, put on 20 yellow pieces.

4. In the fifth - 20 red modules.

5. In the sixth - 20 white modules.

6. Then put on 20 red pieces.

7. In the eighth row, put on 20 yellow pieces again.

8. In the next row, put on 10 yellow modules, skipping two corners of the modules of the previous row.

9. In the tenth row there should also be 10 yellow pieces. But each of them is already put on 4 corners of the modules of the two previous rows.

10. In the last row, put on 10 yellow modules (see photo).

11. From yellow paper, make a chicken crest. To do this, cut the paper to the middle across into strips, using a pencil, twist the strips in different directions. Roll the uncut piece of paper into a tube and insert it from above into the chicken.

12. Glue the chicken's eyes, one row below the eyes, insert the beak - a red small module.

The chicken is ready.

Well, here's our couple together

Hen - mother hen

Helps kids:

Wants the chicks

Were all right!

yellow lumps

Happy quotation.

Everyone follows mom

Worms are found!

We will tell you how to make Chicken from modules.

This craft can be made by children over 6 years old. This craft is simple and good for those who are just starting to practice the art of origami.

Such a craft can become great gift for the Easter holiday. Souvenirs can be put into the chicken Easter eggs, or eggs made using the origami technique and give to relatives and friends. In addition, such a chicken can be an excellent Easter interior decoration, for example, tables

Paper chicken. Manufacturing

To make a chicken, we will use three colors of paper: white, red and yellow. The size of one module in our case is 7.5 by 5 cm.

1. Assemble the yellow and red modules. You will find schemes for assembling modules Here.

2. Assemble two rows of 30 yellow modules by connecting them with Method 2 ( see Mounting modules) and closing in a circle (see photo).

3. In the next row, put on 30 yellow pieces again.

4. In the fourth row, put on 30 pieces, alternating 1 yellow piece and 1 white piece.

6. The sixth row again consists of alternating yellow and white modules (see paragraph 4). In this case, white modules should be worn strictly above the white modules of the fourth row.

7. Repeat step 5 (see photo).

8th row: 1 red module (above the white module of the previous row), 1 yellow, 1 white, 1 yellow, 1 white, 1 yellow, 1 white, 1 yellow, 1 red;

9th row: 1 red module, 6 yellow, 1 red (note that 1 red corner of the module of the previous row should remain free on each side);

10th row: 1 red module, 1 white, 1 yellow, 1 white, 1 yellow, 1 white, 1 red;

11th row: 1 red module, 4 yellow, 1 red;

12th row: 1 red module, 1 yellow, 1 white, 1 yellow, 1 red;

13th row: 1 red module, 2 yellow, 1 red;

14th row: 1 red module, 1 white, 1 red;

15th row: 2 red modules;

16th row: 1 red module.

9. On both sides of the tail we make wings (see photo). Put on 1 red module, 1 white, 1 red. In the next row, put on 2 red pieces. Put on 1 red module from above (see photo). Assemble the second wing.

10. Then we move on to the breast. It is assembled in the same way as the tail was assembled (see point 8), only the total number of modules is different. Put on 1 red module, then 7 yellow modules and 6 white modules (alternating 1 yellow and 1 white module), 1 red. This is followed by a series of yellow modules, then a series of alternating yellow and white modules, and so on. (always wear red modules around the edges). In the last row there should be 1 red module.

10. We make the chicken's head. Take the two red pieces of paper that you set aside earlier, cut them in half crosswise and assemble 3 small pieces. Glue eyes on the yellow module and glue 2 red small modules (beak) into its pockets. Insert the head into the upper breast module.

The chicken is ready.

Modular origami. Hen and chick

Modular origami. lotus flower

Master class Craft product Easter Origami Chinese modular Easter chicken Ryaba Paper

I saw several chickens in the Land of Masters, but no one posted a single master class. I propose to make a simple chicken-basket for painted eggs.

We will need 129 orange modules, 128 white modules and 363 yellow modules (620 modules in total). I made a chicken from A4 / 32 size modules. In such a chicken, 5 testicles can safely fit. If executed from modules bigger size, then the chicken will be more spacious. How to perform a triangular module is shown here:

We close the ring 40 modules. Moreover, row 1 - 40 yellow modules, row 2 - modules alternate one white, one yellow and so on.

3rd row - all modules are yellow (40 pieces), 4th row - one white, one yellow alternate (total 40 pieces), 5th row - all modules are yellow (40 pieces), 6th row - one white, one yellow alternate (total 40 pieces ). I draw your attention to the fact that the white module is above the white, the yellow module is above the yellow, forming vertical stripes.

After completing 6 rows, we compress the workpiece to give the form volume.

Perform row 7 with yellow modules. The base for the chicken is ready.

Next, we separate 13 modules for the tail. To do this, we plant an orange module opposite the white module, then yellow, white, yellow, white, and so on, alternating colors until we plant 13 modules. We finish the row with an orange module. Got 1 row of tail.

2 tail row - 12 modules in total: 1 orange, 10 yellow, 1 orange.

Thus, we carry out the tail, reducing in each row by one module. 3rd row - alternate colors again, 4th row - all modules are yellow, orange at the edges, and so on.

We separate 5 modules for the wing from the tail. 1 wing row - 1 orange module, 1 white, 1 yellow, 1 white, 1 orange.

2 wing row - 1 orange, 2 yellow, 1 orange, 3 wing row - 1 orange, 1 white, 1 orange, 4 wing row - 2 orange, 5 wing row - 1 orange. The wing is ready.

We also perform the second wing on the other side of the tail.

We perform the breast on 17 modules. 1 row of breast - 1 orange, 1 yellow, 1 white, 1 yellow, 1 white, alternating colors, finishing 1 orange. 2nd row of breasts - 1 orange, 14 yellow, 1 orange. 3rd row of breasts - 1 orange, 1 white, 1 yellow, 1 orange, 1 yellow, 1 orange, 1 yellow, 1 orange, 1 yellow, 1 orange, 1 yellow, 1 orange, 1 yellow, 1 white, 1 orange. 4th row of breasts - 1 orange, 12 yellow, 1 orange. 5th row of breasts - 1 orange, 1 yellow, 1 white, 1 yellow, 1 white alternate, finish 1 orange, there are 13 modules in a row. 6 row of breast - 1 orange, 10 yellow, 1 orange. 7 row of breast - 1 orange, 1 white, 1 yellow, 1 orange, 1 yellow, 1 orange, 1 yellow, 1 orange, 1 yellow, 1 white, 1 orange, 11 modules in total. 8 row of breast - 1 orange, 8 yellow, 1 orange. 9 row of breast - 1 orange, 1 yellow, 1 white, 1 yellow, 1 white alternate, finish 1 orange. 10 row of breast - 1 orange, 6 yellow, 1 orange. 11 row of breasts - 1 orange, 1 white, 1 yellow, 1 orange, 1 yellow, 1 white, 1 orange. 12 row of breasts - 1 orange, 4 yellow, 1 orange. 13th row of breasts - 1 orange, 1 yellow, 1 white, 1 yellow, 1 orange. 14th row of breasts - 1 orange, 2 yellow, 1 orange. 15 row of breast - 1 orange, 1 yellow, 1 orange. 16 row - 2 orange. 17 row - 1 orange.

The body of the chicken is ready.

From red paper, cut out a heart template in 3 copies with curly scissors: two hearts will go to the comb, one to the beard. Cut out the triangular beak of the chicken.

Soon Holy holiday Easter. Traditionally, the house is decorated for this day. a variety of crafts in the form of hens, chickens, cockerels, baskets with greens, in which then it will be possible to lay dye eggs, funny rabbits.

Here's an origami chicken child can make it yourself under your strict guidance.

To work, you need paper of any color and size.

First you need to take a square piece of paper. And fold it in half. Iron the fold well.

Then, having unfolded the leaf, you need to fold it again, but already bending it on the other side.

And unfold the leaf again. The next step is to turn the sheet over and bend it diagonally. That is, they folded in half on one side of the paper, and diagonally on the second.

The main folds are outlined. The sheet was unfolded and placed on the table in front of you with a corner towards you so that the sheet looked like a slide.

We take the sheet by the corners on the left and right and fold the paper along the marked folds. This is how it should turn out.

We bend the corner up.

We turn the workpiece over and bend the second same corner.

At this step, we do not bend anything, we just lay our workpiece in this way.

We make a bite by wrapping the corner inward. The photo shows how deep you need to wrap.

Almost all. It remains to cut out a scallop, wings from contrasting paper and decorate the chicken.

Here's a garland you can make from chickens and decorate the room.
