When is the day of the medical worker celebrated. Day of the medical worker: the history and traditions of the holiday Professional holiday of the medical worker

The annual professional holiday of doctors, which is celebrated in Ukraine. professional holiday healthcare workers was established in June 1994 by presidential decree on the initiative of healthcare workers in Ukraine. It is celebrated annually on the third Sunday of June.

History of the holiday. The medical profession is one of the oldest and most humane professions. There is no specialty in the world that would require such a high responsibility, because the price of a medical error is life. And the professional holiday Doctor's Day is a tribute and recognition of the huge role of doctors in the life of the community and every person.

In the USSR, the holiday of doctors, nurses, laboratory assistants and orderlies was celebrated annually on the basis of the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of October 1, 1980 "On festive and memorable days on the third Sunday in June.

The Day of the Medic holiday in Ukraine was established "... in support of the initiative of employees of institutions and healthcare institutions of Ukraine ..." in accordance with the Decree of the President of Ukraine "On the Day medical worker" dated June 3, 1994 No. 281/94. This is a day to celebrate the contribution of doctors who serve our country, taking care of their fellow citizens.

Medicine in Ukraine. The first hospitals in Ukraine were founded in the 11th century in Kievan Rus and, as a rule, were shelters at churches. During the XIV-XV centuries, the predecessors of the first real hospitals were already built, medical schools were opened. In 1632, the Kiev Academy was founded - this was a turning point in the history of Ukrainian healthcare. Such well-known scientists and doctors as epidemiologist Samoilovich D.S., obstetrician Ambodik-Maksimovich N.M., pediatrician Shotovitsky S.F., anatomist Shamlonsky A.M. and many others came out of the walls of the Academy. In the XVIII-XIX centuries, medical departments were formed at the universities of Kharkov, Kyiv, Lvov and Odessa. During the Crimean War (1854-1856), the first detachment of nurses was trained and sent to Sevastopol. This was the prerequisite for the emergence of the organization "Red Cross". In 1886 the first bacteriological station was opened in Odessa. Well-known scientists Mechnikov I. I. and Gamaleya N. F. Ovrazitov V. R. and Strazhenko M. D. worked here, who made progress in the field of cardiology, were the founders of the Kiev School of Therapists, academician Filatov V. P. founded the Institute of Ophthalmology in Odessa diseases. O. F. Shimanovsky and N. V. Sklifosovsky made a huge contribution to Ukrainian healthcare.

International Medical Day. On the third Sunday of June, Medic's Day is also celebrated in Belarus, Russia, Armenia, Moldova and Kazakhstan.

The date of Medic Day may vary from country to country. In Cuba, Medic's Day is celebrated as a holiday on December 3 in honor of the birthday of Carlos Juan Finlay (Cuban epidemiologist). In India, Medic's Day is celebrated on July 1 across India in honor of the legendary medic and second Chief Minister of West Bengal, Dr. Bidhen Chandra Roy. In Iran, Medic Day is celebrated on the birthday of Avicenna. National Medics Day in the United States is held every year on March 30th.

Holiday traditions. There are no common traditions in the celebration of Medic's Day. As a rule, solemn meetings, exhibitions, seminars, lectures about the medical profession and presentations are timed to coincide with this date.

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Medicine is a well-known and so familiar word in our days. But how much this word contains diversity. Thousands of different specialties and areas, millions of workers across the country. And almost every branch of medicine has professional holidays. There are holidays for nurses, ambulances, sanitation services, and laboratories. And how many different specializations doctors have. If the word medicine is not an empty word for you, then it will be very useful for you. detailed calendar all the holidays dedicated to her, our savior, guardian and healer. Each time you will be ready in advance to congratulate relatives, work colleagues, comrades, friends, precisely on their personal holiday of the profession. You will have time to find the right words for them in prose or in verse. And what could be more important than human attention and warm words? Especially for you, we have compiled the most detailed and accurate calendar of all dates related to medicine and those who have dedicated their professional activities to it.





April 8 - International Day of Action against Genetically Modified Foods and Organisms




August 9 - Day of the Holy Great Martyr Panteleimon - the patron saint of all doctors and healer of the sick




The professional holiday of all medical workers in Russia and some CIS countries is always celebrated in June. For this day, the third Sunday of the first summer month is chosen. But the number is floating. In 2018, it falls on June 17th.

For the professional holiday of all medical workers, the third Sunday of June was chosen back in 1980. Although the date is floating, the day has been fixed for many years. In the first month of summer, we honor all doctors, nurses and everyone involved in this important craft.

The number of the holiday of a medical worker in 2018

A professional solemn day for all healthcare workers was established back in the USSR by a decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council in 1980. For this day, no date was chosen, but a day was set - the third Sunday of June. Since then, we have been celebrating this holiday every year in the first month of summer, even after the collapse of the USSR. In Russia, a decree on the celebration of the day of physicians was signed in 1991.

The day has remained unchanged since the days of the USSR. In 2018, we will congratulate doctors and nurses on June 17. It is on this date that the third Sunday of the month falls.

Features of a professional holiday

Day of the medical worker is an important holiday for the people of our country. It occupies a special place in the calendar of professional dates. This is not a formal occasion to express gratitude to doctors, but an opportunity to say thank you to those who save lives, guarding our health, cheerfulness and well-being.

Doctors and all those who are connected with medicine accept well-deserved congratulations on this day, receive their share of attention and gratitude from the many patients they helped.

Every year in Russia in every medical institution they hold professional skill competitions, evaluate the contribution of doctors and professionals in this field to the development of medicine. The results of the competition are summed up on the eve of the day of physicians and the winners are honored on the holiday.

Each city usually holds ceremonial festive events, concerts dedicated to this important day.

National television broadcasts an awards ceremony for especially distinguished doctors and healthcare professionals. A festive concert is shown on the central channel of Russia.

A doctor is one of the two most unusual professions. The second is a teacher. Both of them play an important role in our life. The mistake of each of them can be fatal for the body or spirit.

Therefore, we expect from representatives of these professions not only professionalism, but also a special level of morality and spiritual purity.

“I will conduct my life and my art purely and blamelessly,” the Hippocratic oath sounds, sealing the official document on medical education with the seal of conscience.

Of course, there was a place in the calendar to express gratitude and gratitude to the doctors.

Medic Day is not the only holiday date for doctors. Almost every medical specialty has its own professional holiday.

So, 12 May International Nurses Day is celebrated.
February 9th- International Day of the Dentist.
25th of April veterinarians celebrate their professional day.
5 May- Day of the midwife.

And there is also the Day of the cardiologist, psychologist, otolaryngologist and so on.

There are no common traditions in celebrating the Day of the Medical Worker. As a rule, solemn meetings, awards, holiday concerts are timed to coincide with this date.

By the way, doctors have two state awards: "Honored Health Worker Russian Federation"and" Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation ".

Both of them are a recognition of the talent and dedication of a person who has devoted his whole life to this difficult task. But still, the most important reward for any real doctor is the health of his patients and their gratitude.

Of course, doctors celebrate this day with colleagues and friends cheerfully and with humor, as it is appropriate to celebrate any holiday.

And doctors have an excellent sense of humor, although it seems specific to an uninitiated person. And what are the signs of doctors! For example, all doctors are afraid of red-haired patients, especially anesthesiologists are “superstitious” in this sense.

But this is quite scientific explanation- redheads do not have the same pain threshold as most other people, so they need a different dosage of anesthesia and drugs.

But the girl who decided to be born in new year's eve- a good sign for obstetricians and gynecologists, promising good luck for the whole year.

Separately, I would like to recall the doctors who worked at the front. More than 700 thousand medical workers without fear and rest, day and night, on the front line and in the rear, saved millions of people in the most extreme situations. More than 12% of them died.

And these losses are the highest among each individual military unit. Let's not forget to remember these people, sitting at festive table on the third Sunday of June.

It is impossible to ignore on this day the father of medicine - the Greek philosopher, physician and reformer Hippocrates. He owns the famous oath that all doctors take when embarking on a professional path.

“I direct the regimen of the sick for their benefit, according to my strength and my understanding, refraining from causing any harm and injustice.

I will not give to anyone the lethal agent asked of me, nor show the way for such a design; in the same way, I will not give any woman an abortion pessary ”- of course, the modern oath of doctors is somewhat different from this original text, but the principle of high morality and responsibility inherent in it remains unchanged to this day.

And finally, a small and, at first glance, not at all medical advice from Hippocrates the philosopher: “Idleness and doing nothing entail depravity and ill health - on the contrary, the aspiration of the mind to something brings cheerfulness, eternally directed towards strengthening life.”

May our mind be directed every moment of life towards good and lofty goals!

The doctor is not only an ancient profession, but also one of the most useful that is possible today. Doctors found their professional holiday relatively recently.

  • history of the holiday
  • The meaning of the holiday
  • Holiday traditions
  • What date do doctors celebrate
  • How to congratulate

history of the holiday

On June 21, 2020, doctors will celebrate International Medical Worker Day, which was officially established in 1980 at the initiative of the international organization Doctors Without Borders. Since 1981, the holiday has been officially celebrated not only by healthcare workers in Russia, but also by doctors from Armenia, Moldova, Ukraine and Belarus.

The meaning of the holiday

The importance of people in white coats is invaluable. Throughout their lives, they nobly fulfill their duty towards everyone. But, not only doctors and nurses celebrate the international holiday.

All those who are related to medicine have every right to consider this day their own. Scientists, chemists, laboratory assistants, biologists, diagnosticians and orderlies, absolutely everyone is directly related to him.

The significance of the holiday, as a purely professional one, goes far beyond the scope, because not a single person can remain indifferent to it. There is no better opportunity to express my sincere love and gratitude to people who are completely devoted to their professional duty, restoring their health to millions of people.

Holiday traditions

There are no traditions of the Day of the Medical Worker as such yet. On this day, medical workers congratulate each other in close company. In addition, on this solemn day, concerts and congratulations are organized for them.

One of the traditions is honoring honored medical workers with awards. Health workers who have given their strength and knowledge for 20 years or more are celebrated separately and are awarded one of two titles: "Honored Doctor" or "Honored Health Worker of the Russian Federation." Since 2013, the "Recognition" award began to exist, which is awarded on this very day to high-class and selfless doctors of the Russian Federation.

On this significant day for medicine, students of medical universities are also not forgotten. Parties are organized for them in clubs, trips to nature with thematic directions. Also, numerous master classes and symposiums in various specializations are held throughout Russia. In a narrow circle of polyclinics, the administration awards honored workers with cash prizes.

What date do doctors celebrate

In 2020, the holiday falls on June 21st. Along with Russia, the holiday is celebrated by all CIS countries. Unlike the Russian Federation, where medicine celebrates a professional holiday every 3rd Sunday of June, in neighboring countries its date must be specified, since it falls on different days. For example, in India it takes place on June 1st. In the United States, this day was renamed and is now called: "National Doctor's Day", and it is celebrated on March 30th. In addition, there are special holidays. Such as: Dentist Day - February 9, Traumatologist Day - May 20, World Ultrasound Doctor Day - October 29.

How to congratulate

It is impossible not to congratulate on this day all the health workers who helped in difficult times, maybe even brought many people back to life more than once. You can congratulate doctors, nurses, pharmacists and other medical workers on the website of the medical institution. It is not necessary to present congratulations in person; you can also congratulate and express your personal gratitude by phone.
