School matinee for February 23. Matinee "February 23" (preparatory group "A")

Matinee script senior group"Defenders of the Fatherland Day"

Children enter the hall to the music "Our Motherland is strong"
Vedas.: Good afternoon, dear parents and my beloved guys.
1 child: Today is a holiday in the group and we are glad to all the guests.
It's great that we're all here again.
2 children: We live as one happy family in a team,
And every day our garden is dearer and dearer.
3 children: Are you comfortable in our hall? We will sing and dance for you.
We congratulate all men! Dads together? Begin.
Ved.: Dear children! Dear guests! Today we celebrate wonderful holiday- Defender of the Fatherland Day. This is a holiday of all the defenders of our Fatherland, the defenders of peace, freedom and happiness. The soldiers and commanders of our army are on duty day and night.
And to congratulate not only your dads, brothers, grandfathers on the birthday of our army, but also our boys, the future defenders of our Motherland.
We sincerely congratulate all the brave Russian soldiers and thank them for their military work and loyalty to the Fatherland. We wish them good health and great happiness.
Friends! Today is our army day! She is not stronger in the world.
Hello defenders of the people! Russian army -
Children: Hello!
The song "A soldier has a day off!" piano
4 children: All our grandfathers and dads once served in the army,
They learned to defend Russia, they were always fit.
They wore a uniform and a cap, played sports diligently,
They learned to shoot very accurately, and they were not afraid of a pistol.
brave, strong and funny men congratulations today
And on the day of the Defender of the Fatherland, we wish you health, joy!
5 children: We have a special day today for boys and men
Every citizen knows Defender of the Fatherland Day.
So that the children have good health,
After all, the boy is a future soldier.
To be enduring in training and in combat
Protect your beloved Motherland!
Oznavayka "Bogatyrskaya"
Ved.: Guys, what military professions do you know? (tankers, gunners, pilots, sailors, cavalrymen, paratroopers, missilemen, signalmen, scouts, radio operators, border guards, submariners, etc.) Our boys are the future defenders of the Fatherland. Will they be able to answer questions or continue the proverb?
1. What animal is the best assistant border guard?
2. On what machines do military pilots serve?
3. What is the difference between different types of troops? (uniform, emblems, shoulder straps)
Peace builds - and war ... (destroys)
Difficult in learning ... (easy in battle)
There is safety in numbers)
One for all and all for one)
Shchi and porridge ... (our food)
The brave wins... (the coward dies)
They answered the questions, but we will see now if everyone knows how to dance.
6 dev.: Our boys do not know what bearing and become!
All the girls are in love with you, because you are the defenders of the country!
7 children: I'm almost big, I can be a sailor.
I can even go swimming without asking.

I'm not afraid of a hurricane, let the ocean rage.
Dad, mom, do not worry: I will return from distant countries.
Dance "Apple"
Ved.: How proudly the words sound: "Defender of the Fatherland"! Our soldiers, officers, generals are ready to defend our Motherland and us at any moment.
Our boys really want to be like them, to become as strong and courageous.
Let's now congratulate our future defenders of the Fatherland. With all our hearts, we wish them to grow up strong, brave, courageous, kind and noble. And always remember the high rank of men.
The girls sing ditties.
8 dev.: We sing for you today and we have one motive:
On the twenty-third, we want to congratulate you with the girls!
9 girls: Lucky for us, girls, we are very happy.
After all, the boys in our group are the most beautiful!
10 girls: Today we congratulated all the guys on the twenty-third.
Wish them good luck from the bottom of their hearts from all the girls.
Ved.: I think every boy wants to wear the uniform of a pilot, sailor, paratrooper. But to serve in the army one must be not only smart, courageous, strong. There is still a lot to know! So, from childhood, let's cultivate in ourselves the qualities necessary for the defender of the Fatherland. Now we will funny contests to make sure once again that all the boys are ready to serve in the army, we will test your dexterity, speed, endurance. To make the contests fun and provocative, we will divide dads and boys into two teams. Now we'll see how strong our dads are? Our dads are masters, they argue things.
If you don't believe me, check it out yourself!
Competition: "The most dexterous" for dads. (3 balls) "Don't cry girl"
Three fathers come out and participate in the competition: who will inflate the balloon faster
Vedas.: Well done, that's how dads! Everyone can! Well, what can our boys do?
And let's see!
Game "Report" dad + children.
"2 hoops with balls"

Description: 6 people participate in a team (1 soldier-father in each team, who stands near the landmark). There is a hoop in front of the teams, 6 pieces are tied to it. balloons, each of which contains a piece of paper with a letter. The players of each team take turns performing the following task: jumping from hoop to hoop, slam the ball, take out a piece of paper, give it to a soldier who lays out the words “Motherland” and “Russia” (“Country” for the third team), and they themselves go back and pass the baton .
Competition "Encryption" for boys
Each team receives an envelope. Each envelope contains a postcard cut into pieces. military theme collect a postcard. As you can see, the encryption is unusual - you need to collect a postcard in order to understand what is drawn on it.
Vedas.: We often scold our children without understanding the reasons. And for dads, now let's imagine the opportunity to be a little in the role of a child.
Competition "The most capable child"(kids and dads)
To the music of “Apple”, children show a dance for one verse. For the rest of the song, the kids have to teach their dads this dance. The best "child" wins. (Music sounds. Children dance, teach their dads.)
The competition is called "The smartest" if the child did not answer, then his father answers
You can’t see with your eyes, you can’t take it with your hands, and you won’t go into battle without it. (Hooray!)
It flies - barks, falls - crumbles. (Projectile)
A man on the shore spits over the river. (Gun)
There is a turtle - a steel shirt. (Tank)
A black grouse flew, in the evening, not now, fell into a swan, I couldn’t find it. (Bullet)
Two arap - brothers, knee-high, walk everywhere with the soldiers and protect them. (Boots)
It breathes fire, it blazes with fire. (A gun)
A raven flies, all chained, whom it pecks - to that; death. (Bullet)
The black kochet wants to roar. (Gun)
Two heads, six legs, two arms, one tail. Who is this? (Rider)
Vedas: Today we are convinced that a worthy generation of defenders of the Fatherland is growing up in our country. And this means that we will have someone to protect our Motherland. We once again congratulate everyone on the Defender of the Fatherland Day, wish you health and happiness. And may the sky over Russia and the whole world always be blue!
11 children: We want to live under a peaceful sky and rejoice, and be friends,
We want children everywhere on the planet to know no war at all!
Peace is the main word in the world peace is very necessary for our planet
Adults need peace, children need peace, everyone needs peace.
12 children: The border guard on the border guards our land,
So that all the people can work and study in peace.
Our sea is guarded by a glorious, valiant sailor
Our native Russian flag proudly flies on the battleship.
13 children: Our hero pilots vigilantly guard the sky.
Our hero pilots protect peaceful labor.
Our native army guards the peace of the country,
So that we grow up, not knowing troubles, so that there is no war.
So let all the guys grow up happy!
Song "Because we are pilots" piano
14 children The boys dream of growing up and becoming adults,
And go to work. And dads are probably dreaming again
To become boys like in childhood.
At heart, every dad is just a boy.
Sometimes he acts like a jerk. Therefore, they should be allowed
Albeit rarely, but still become boys.
The game "Tug of war" (children - dads) repeat
15 children: My dad does not tolerate idleness and boredom, dad has skillful, strong hands.
And he will not refuse anyone to help, and he will say a kind word in time.
All dads have time: both work and rest.
Ladies are invited to dance - come out to dance.
Spanish dance "Paso Doble"

16 children My dad is good and I look like him.
I know he is strong handsome man.
Competition “Whose dad is stronger? " repeat
Who has the strongest dad? Let's check? Come out if you want, take your dad. The father puts the child on his shoulders. And now we squat: who will do it longer?
Well done dads. Strength - like the heroes.

17 children: Our Russian army's birthday is in February.
Glory to her - invincible, glory to peace on earth.
Trumpets loudly sing: "Our army - salute!"
Ved.: That's what kind of squad we have - very friendly preschoolers.
All the boys of the whole country should be brave:
So that the borders are protected, so that mothers smile!
18 children: Well, our holiday is coming to an end.
For the fact that the sun shines on us for the fact that there is no war,
Thanks to those who protect the peace of their native country.
Today we congratulate all the defenders of the country.
All soldiers protect the Earth, sky, peace and labor
For all children to live happily in the world.
Ved.: An hour of fun has flown by, we were glad to see you!
And now we are waiting more than once a year, but every holiday be here!
I don't want to say goodbye, but we must part!
Exit from the hall

Scenario matinee for February 23 in kindergarten(senior and preparatory groups)

Leading. Children, today we have a holiday 23 February - Day of the Armed Forces. This day is celebrated by our entire army, it is a holiday of all the defenders of our Fatherland. On this day, military parades are held in many cities of our country, and in the evening fireworks are sparkling in honor of the defenders of our country - soldiers, officers, generals.

1 child:

23 february - winter day, wonderful,

23 February - there will be dancing, songs!

23 february - let's dance, let's take a walk,

23 february - congratulations to dad!

23 february - holiday, start,

The song "DAD CAN" - Art. gr.

2 child:

We have one holiday.

This holiday is the day of men,

Day of defenders, soldiers.

There will be a parade on that day!

3 child:

We will see helicopters

Guns, tanks, planes.

We will march with military pace

Under a big beautiful flag.

4 child:

Read the congratulations

Let's sit on dad's lap.

There are many men in the army

And one like him!

5 child:

In the morning, lit by the sun,

The soldiers of the column came out.

How much strength and courage

In every look, in every step!

6 child:

There are signalmen and miners,

Border guards, sappers,

There are paratroopers, tankers,

Sailors, gunners.

7 child:

They were entrusted by the Fatherland

The cause of the world, the cause of life

And military weapons

For happiness and peace.

8 child :

And our soldiers know:

The native country believes them,

Protected like a shrine

Silence of blue dawns.

The song "I'll be a military man" - minus prep. gr.


With all assignments

The soldier must cope

Fast and dexterous

Dress in your uniform!

1 contest : who will quickly put on a shirt, vest and cap.

2 contest : nurse (bandage the wounded)


It is also important for a soldier to be friends

And cherish the soldier's friendship.

Who, guys, knows proverbs about friendship?

PROVERBS (st. Gr.)

1. There is no friend, so look for

And found - so take care!

2. old friend better than the new two.

3. Good brotherhood is dearer than wealth.

4. Friendship lead - so do not spare yourself.

5. Don't have 100 rubles, but have 100 friends.


Come on guys

Now guess the riddle.

Boldly floats in the sky,

Overtaking birds flight,

Man controls it

What's happened?.

All. Airplane!


Broad wings burn in the sun

Squadron flies - air detachment

Circles, turns and circles again

Planes fly one after another.

Get out in the circle soon

Pilot pilots

We'll see how your planes fly.

3rd competition: “Pilots” (formation game “Which squadron will line up faster?”)

Exercise : Line up in your squadron as soon as the music ends.


Now let's go to sea.

Seagulls swirl in the open.

Good for all of us

Float on the waves.

Come on, kids

A new game.

The game "The sea is worried."(The sea worries once, the sea worries twice, the sea

worries three - marine figure freeze)

Presenter: Children play peaceful games, and here is another interesting game for you.

Game : Mosaic (assemble puzzles from a cut postcard).


Sailors are fun people

live well,

And in free moments

They dance and sing.

Dance "Apple" gr.

4 contest : Blow on a piece of paper "

Another competition for the little ones. We take the same squares of paper and line up two teams. Relay competition. One participant from each team gets on all fours. And he overcomes the distance, advancing his piece of paper only by blowing on it. When the distance is completed, the next player of that team enters the path.

5 competition : General's ingenuity(riddle guessing)

Not winged, but feathered,

How it flies, how it whistles,

And he sits so silent.


There are three old women:

They sigh and gasp

Nearby, all people are deaf.


You can be a sailor

To protect the border

And serve not on earth,

And in the military.


The plane flies like a bird

There is an air border.

On duty day and night

Our soldier is a soldier.


6 Contest: Bring a shoulder strap.

Participants are given matchboxes on shoulders. They must carry them without dropping them and pass them on to the next relay participant.

7 Competition: Crossing.

Participants stand side by side, their legs are tied together(leg of the right player with the leg of the left player)you need to cross over to the other side.


That's how much fun we have

We also started dancing!

A dance is being performed"Polka" - prep. gr., "Pair dance" - Art. gr.


We'll show you now

The story of a soldier

Like a soldier to our old woman

Fed with delicious porridge

Fairy tale Porridge from an ax(about a soldier and a grandmother)- preparation gr.


A soldier went on leave,

Yes, I got so tired on the way -

Just got to the village

And he asked to go to the hut.

A soldier appears to the music, goes around in a circle. Grandma comes out to meet him.

Soldier. Hello, grandma!


Hello soldier! Where are you going?


I'm going home after military service


I have nothing to feed you! Empty in the hut.


It's not scary! You have an ax is there?


Why do you need an axe?


What do you mean why? I will cook porridge from it!


Who can cook porridge from an ax?


And you bring me a hatchet, and don't forget the cast iron! I will quickly teach you how to cook porridge from an ax!

Grandmother brings an ax and a cast iron.


So! We put cast iron in the furnace, pour some water into it and put the ax. Now let's wait until the water boils!


Well? Already boiling?


Not yet! How fast you are! Wait a bit! You are better for me Tell : do you like porridge with millet or rice


Oh, and I, dear, love with millet!


Well, then bring a handful of millet for yourself!

Grandma runs away for millet.

Grandmother (returns).

Hold on, honey? Yes, more rash.


Do you put butter in your porridge?


But how! What is porridge without butter?


So why are you standing there! Well, run for butter, and at the same time do not forget sugar!

Grandmother brings butter and sugar.

Soldier (trying).

Now we have the real ax porridge turned out! Come on, try it.


Your porridge is delicious! I didn't think you could make something like this out of an ax!


Russian soldier for everything able : and will not let you down in battle, and will cook porridge


So resourceful soldier

Feed the old woman porridge,

So he spent the thirst

And here is the end of our fairy tale!

The soldier and the old woman leave.

Child :

We want the birds to sing

So that spring streams ring,

For the sun to warm the earth

So that the birch turns green!

So that all dreams come true

To make everyone around laugh

For children to dream.

Let there be no war!

A song is being performed"My Army" - minus prep. gr.

Leading : Well done! Everyone sang, danced and performed their tasks very well. I want to give you these medals, even if they are chocolate, but it was the medal for courage that was the most valuable award for a soldier.

(presentation of medals to participants matinee).


Every boy can become a soldier

Fly through the sky, sail through the sea,

Guard the border with a machine gun,

To protect your homeland.

But first on the football field

He will protect the gate.

And for a friend in the yard and school

He will accept an unequal, difficult battle.

Do not let other people's dogs to the kitten -

Harder than playing war.

If you didn't protect your little sister,

How will you protect your country?

A boy grows up from a diaper

Imperceptibly learns to fly.

"You fly through life, my eaglet",–

An affectionate mother will quietly say.

“Before everything, let it be your business,

Save your people from trouble.

For the Fatherland valiantly and boldly

Stand up, my protector! But you

Like an unfading light in a window,

Full-flowing river source,

A bright beam of a star whose name is the Sun.

Don't let me down son..."

Congratulations on your holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day!

We wish you health, and may the sky over Russia and over the whole world always be blue and clear!

Host: Today, we have gathered in this hall to celebrate the birthday with the whole country Russian Army which guards the peaceful labor of the country, stands guard over peace. Many fearless commanders and our ordinary soldiers showed themselves as heroes during the Patriotic War. The whole country knows their names, the whole of Russia is proud of them! And in honor of our army, we begin the holiday "Defender of the Fatherland Day".

  1. Winter says goodbye, it's time!

She leaves the yard.

In the last days of winter

We will arrange a holiday with you.

  1. Holiday of the Russian Army

Coming in February.

Drives, drives a sharp wind

Snow prickly on the ground.

He sweeps snowdrifts,

Maple swings at the gate.

Kindergarten welcomes guests

And he sends greetings to the soldiers.

  1. Today is our Army Day.

There is no stronger one in the world!

Hello defenders of the people!

Russian Army

Hi everybody!

Song "Defenders of the Fatherland" (1).

  1. May it reign over the whole earth

Peace for humanity!

Let the fireworks bloom in winter

For the soldiers of the Fatherland!

  1. Our Army is native

And brave and strong

Not threatening anyone

She protects us.

That's why we love from childhood

This holiday in February

Glory to the Soviet Army

The most peaceful on earth!

  1. Our Russian Army

Birthday in February!

Glory to her invincible!

Glory to peace on earth!

Song "Our Army" (2).

  1. Because the sun shines on us

Because there is no war

Thanks to those who keep

Peace of the native country.

  1. Past the house, past the garden

He walks one, two, three...

On a Russian soldier

Look with respect.

Hat with Russian symbol

Warms in the cold and blizzard,

Soldier's leather belt

Holds an overcoat in his belt.

Leading: All of Russia rejoices and congratulates your dads, grandfathers on this holiday, and we congratulate our boys. Look at them! They are still in kindergarten, but years will pass ... and each of them will choose any military profession. Some of them will become a pilot, some a sailor, some an infantryman, and we will be proud of them.

  1. I will put on a vest - my favorite.

And in a big voyage - I'll lead the boat.

The ship is not afraid of a storm and a hurricane,

A brave and sharp-sighted captain stands in the wheelhouse.

10. Do not grieve, my mother, do not be sad,

Wish me a happy journey.

Let the waves rage and the wind roar

Forward, my boat, forward!

Dance "You are a sailor, I am a sailor."

  1. Hero Rocketeers

Our peace is guarded.

So let all the guys

They grow up happy.

  1. Our pilots are heroes

The sky is vigilantly guarded.

Our pilots are heroes

Protect peaceful work.

  1. border guard

Protects our land

To work and study

All the people could calmly.

  1. Our own army

Guards the peace of the country,

So that we grow up without knowing troubles

So that there is no war.

Dance with machine guns.


  1. Papin holiday is the main holiday

All boys and men.

And so today

We want to congratulate them.

  1. Congratulations dear dad
    Since February 23!
    From an early age you became a hero
    And an example for me.
    Glorious Motherland border
    You skillfully defended
    Let her be proud of you
    How proud of you I am!

16. In the soul, every dad is just a boy.

Sometimes he acts like a brat

Therefore, they should be allowed

Albeit rare, but still

Become boys.

  1. Boys dream to grow up soon

And become adults, and go to the service.

And dads are probably dreaming again

To become boys like in childhood.

  1. My dad does not tolerate idleness and boredom

Dad has skillful, strong hands.

And he will not refuse to help anyone,

And he will say a kind word in time.

Song "About dad" (3).

Leading: A long time ago there was a war,

She's long gone.

For those who are alive, she was once.

But we remember how we went into the flames

And how the country was saved for us.

For a soldier training

Starts in the morning

Competition for funny, dexterous -

Get together kids!

The game "Colored Flags" (I show a blue flag - we clap, a green one - we stomp, yellow - we are silent, we shout red "Hurrah!")

Host: And now our future soldiers will show how strong and dexterous they are.

Let's start with a warm-up. Let's solve riddles.

  1. I wake up early in the morning

Together with the rosy sun,

I make my own bed

In the morning I do ... (Exercise).

  1. Not offended, but inflated

They lead him across the field

And they won't hit

Do not keep up ... (for the ball).

  1. On the icy platform cry,

A student rushes to the gate.

Everyone shouts: "Puck, puck, hit"

A fun game ... (hockey).

  1. Who will catch up with me on the ice?

We're racing

And it's not the horses that carry me,

And shiny ... (skates).

The second task "Sharpshooter". (For this we need two hoops and sandbags). Who will throw more bags into the hoop).

The third task "Deliver the bomb" ( Balloon, spoon).

And the last task "Go through minefield". Relay: Carry the flag to the destination. (Kingleys, hoops.

Host: Guys, all of you are the future defenders of our country. I hope that you will be real soldiers and faithfully serve our Motherland.

  1. I swear tirelessly everywhere

Protect native land.

I will be your worthy son

Mother of the Soldier, my Motherland!

  1. Let there be peace, so that day after day

We study at the desks,

So that our knowledge later

Give to the Fatherland, Motherland.

  1. We are against grief and war.

We want to grow up happy!

Let the sun shine from above

Over cities, fields!

  1. We want the birds to sing

So that in spring the streams rang.

For the sun to warm the earth

So that the birch turns green.

  1. So that all dreams come true

To make everyone around laugh.

For children to dream

Let there be no war!

Song "Let's be soldiers" (4).

Moderator: Thank you all for your attention! This concludes our program. See you again, goodbye!

Song "Defenders of the Fatherland"

  1. Today is a special day

Meet in every city

And every family knows it.

Father and grandfather served

Heroically defended us with you!

For us to be happy

And the sky was peaceful above us.

Chorus: Defenders of the Fatherland

The road to your life is not easy,

But the debt is connected with eternity

Centuries are built on courage.

  1. And slender columns

A parade will pass through Red Square

Russian history-

I never knew bad soldiers.

The chorus is the same.


The chorus is the same.


  1. We are great girls

And beautiful and smart.

Congratulations boys

Happy Defender's Day!

  1. Our boys are always

Strong ones.

How to clean up toys

Old people are sick.

  1. What a rumble, what a noise

The walls are all shaking.

This is Vanya and Ruslan

Having fun with Maxim.

  1. We wish all boys

Treasure friendship since childhood.

Protect our borders

Honestly serve the motherland.

Lyrics of the song "My Army"

  1. Slender ranks under the clear sky -

These are our glorious regiments.

I am with you, tankers and artillerymen,

Pilots, arrows and sailors.

Chorus: My army is strong, strong

My army is brave, brave

My army is proud, proud

This is a song about my army.

Our army is the strongest

Our army is the bravest

Our army is the proudest

And the holy protector of children.

  1. You were furious and fearless

And the earth burned under you,

You fought bravely and the banners of the enemy

They fell under the walls of the Kremlin.

The chorus is the same.

  1. You became a secret dream

My dear army!

I will grow up and become a soldier,

I will be strong, brave, proud!

The chorus is the same.

Day of the Armed Forces.

Kolesnikova Svetlana Alexandrovna, teacher.
Place of work: MKOU Berezovskaya secondary school structural subdivision of MKDO Berezovsky kindergarten ODS with. Berezovka, Anninsky district, Voronezh region.
Purpose: The scenario is intended for holding a holiday on February 23 in a kindergarten in a group of different ages.
Target: Merry entertainment.
Tasks: To instill in children love and respect for the Armed Forces of our country. Learn to work in a team.
Educator. Children, today we have a holiday on February 23 - Day of the Armed Forces. This day is celebrated by our entire army, it is a holiday of all the defenders of our Fatherland. On this day, military parades are held in many cities of our country, and in the evening fireworks are sparkling in honor of the defenders of our country - soldiers, officers, generals.
1 child:
February 23 - a winter day, wonderful,
February 23 - there will be dancing, songs!
February 23 - we will dance, take a walk,
February 23 - congratulations to dad!
February 23 - a holiday, begin,
February 23 - dad, smile!

Song "DAD CAN"

2 child:
We have one holiday.
This holiday is the day of men,
Day of defenders, soldiers.
There will be a parade on that day!
3 child:
We will see helicopters
Guns, tanks, planes.
We will march with military pace
Under a big beautiful flag.
4 child:
Read the congratulations
Let's sit on dad's lap.
There are many men in the army
And one like him!
5 child:
In the morning, lit by the sun,
The soldiers of the column came out.
How much strength and courage
In every look, in every step!
6 child:
There are signalmen and miners,
Border guards, sappers,
There are paratroopers, tankers,
Sailors, gunners...
7 child:
They were entrusted by the Fatherland
The cause of the world, the cause of life
And military weapons
For happiness and peace.
8 child:
And our soldiers know:
The native country believes them,
Protected like a shrine
Silence of blue dawns.


With all assignments
The soldier must cope
Fast and dexterous
Dress in your uniform!

1 contest: who will quickly put on a shirt, vest and cap.
2 competition: nurse (to bandage the wounded)

It is also important for a soldier to be friends
And cherish the soldier's friendship.
Who, guys, knows proverbs about friendship?
Let our parents help us.
Children and parents.
1. There is no friend, so look for
And found - so take care!
2. An old friend is better than two new ones.
3. Good brotherhood is dearer than wealth.
4. Friendship lead - so do not spare yourself.
5. Don't have 100 rubles, but have 100 friends.
Well, dads helped us,
We will sing a song for dads
About love.

The song "ABOUT DAD".

Come on guys
Now guess the riddle.
Boldly floats in the sky,
Overtaking birds flight,
Man controls it
What's happened?...
All. Airplane!
Broad wings burn in the sun
Squadron flies - air detachment
Circles, turns and circles again
Planes fly one after another.
Get out in the circle soon
Pilot pilots
We'll see how your planes fly.

3 contest:“Aviators” (building game “Whose squadron will line up faster?”)
Task: stand one after another in your squadron as soon as the music ends.
Now let's go to sea.
Seagulls swirl in the open.
Good for all of us
Float on the waves.
Come on, kids
A new game.

A game"Ocean is shaking". (The sea worries once, the sea worries twice, the sea
worries three - marine figure freeze!)
Educator. Children play peaceful games, and here is another interesting game for you.
A game: Mosaic (assemble puzzles from a cut postcard).
Sailors are fun people
live well,
And in free moments
They dance and sing.

Dance "Apple"

4 competition: Blow on paper"
Another competition for the little ones. We take the same squares of paper and line up two teams. Relay competition. One participant from each team gets on all fours. And he overcomes the distance, advancing his piece of paper only by blowing on it. When the distance is completed, the next player of that team enters the path.
5 competition: General's ingenuity (guessing riddles)
Not winged, but feathered,
How it flies, how it whistles,
And he sits so silent.

There are three old women:
They sigh and gasp
Nearby, all people are deaf.

You can be a sailor
To protect the border
And serve not on earth,
And in the military...

The plane flies like a bird
There is an air border.
On duty day and night
Our soldier is a soldier...
6 Competition: Bring the shoulder strap.
Participants put matchboxes on their shoulders. They must carry them without dropping them and pass them on to the next relay participant.
7 Competition: Crossing.
Participants stand side by side, their legs are tied together (the leg of the right player with the leg of the left player) they need to cross to the other side.

The dance "Bee" is performed.

That's how much fun we have
We also started dancing!

Dance "Cossack" is performed.

We want the birds to sing
So that spring streams ring,
For the sun to warm the earth
So that the birch turns green!
So that all dreams come true
To make everyone around laugh
For children to dream
Let there be no war!


We'll show you now
The story of a soldier
Like a soldier to our old woman
Fed with delicious porridge

Fairy tale Porridge from an ax(about a soldier and a grandmother)
A soldier went on leave,
Yes, I got so tired on the way -
Just got to the village
And he asked to go to the hut.
A soldier appears to the music, goes around in a circle. Grandma comes to meet him.
Soldier Hello, grandma!
Hello soldier! Where are you going?
I'm going home after military service
I have nothing to feed you! Empty in the hut.
It's not scary! Do you have an axe?
Why do you need an axe?
What do you mean why? I will cook porridge from it!
Who can cook porridge from an ax?
And you bring me a hatchet, and don't forget the cast iron! I will quickly teach you how to cook porridge from an ax!
Grandmother. Brings an ax and a cast iron.
So! We put cast iron in the furnace, pour some water into it and put the ax. Now let's wait until the water boils!
Well? Already boiling?
Not yet! How fast you are! Wait a bit! You better tell me this: do you like porridge with millet or with rice
Oh, and I, dear, love with millet!
Well, then bring a handful of millet for yourself!
Grandma runs away for millet.
Hold on, honey? Yes, more rash.
Do you put butter in your porridge?
But how! What is porridge without butter?
So why are you standing there! Well, run for butter, and at the same time do not forget sugar!
Grandmother brings butter and sugar.
Soldier (trying).
Now we have the real ax porridge turned out! Come on, try it.
Your porridge is delicious! I didn't think you could make something like this out of an ax!
A Russian soldier is capable of anything: he won’t let you down in battle, and he’ll cook porridge
So resourceful soldier
Feed the old woman porridge,
So he spent the thirst
And here is the end of our fairy tale!
The soldier and the old woman leave.
Leading: Well done! Everyone did an excellent job. I want to give you these medals, even if they are chocolate, but it was the medal for courage that was the most valuable award for a soldier.
(presentation of medals to the participants of the matinee).
Every boy can become a soldier
Fly through the sky, sail through the sea,
Guard the border with a machine gun,
To protect your homeland.

But first on the football field
He will protect the gate.
And for a friend in the yard and school
He will accept an unequal, difficult battle.

Do not let other people's dogs to the kitten -
Harder than playing war.
If you didn't protect your little sister,
How will you protect your country?

A boy grows up from a diaper
Imperceptibly learns to fly.
"You fly through life, my eaglet" -
An affectionate mother will quietly say.

“Before everything, let it be your business,
Save your people from trouble.
For the Fatherland valiantly and boldly
Stand up, my protector! But you

Like an unfading light in a window,
Full-flowing river source,
A bright beam of a star whose name is the Sun.
Don't let me down son..."
Congratulations on your holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day!
We wish you health, and may the sky over Russia and over the whole world always be blue and clear!

Musical and sports entertainmentLet's serve in the army!» in the senior group

Kind of activity - integrated (musical and artistic, sports and games).

Conduct form - group.

Educational areas:"Music", "Socialization", "Cognition", "Communication", "Physical Education", "Health", "Safety", "Labor", "Reading fiction».

Goals and objectives:


Raise interest in musical and artistic activities;

To develop a sense of rhythm, melodic and timbre hearing, intonational expressiveness and dynamics, onomatopoeia skills.


Develop gaming activity, to form the ability to act in the game with the rules according to the model;

To form the ability to observe elementary norms and rules of behavior in the game.


Expand the horizons of children, form ideas about transport, about military branches;

Form elementary mathematical representations about orientation in space.


Develop free communication with adults and peers, cultivate a desire to interact with peers;

To form the ability to maintain verbal communication, answer the question with a complete (simple) sentence.

"Physical Culture"

Enrich the motor experience of children;

To cultivate the desire to move expressively, to be careful in movements and movements.


To form the ability to transfer the rules of health-saving and safe behavior into the game with the participation of an adult.


Attach to the rules of safe behavior in outdoor games and competitions: coordinate actions, do not bump into.


To form a respectful attitude towards the profession of the military.


Raise interest in memorizing short poetic texts.

Equipment: Caps, "sailors", drawings (steamboat, plane, pistol), 2 baskets, "snowballs" - 20 pieces, 2 chairs, jacket - 2 pieces, hat - 2 pieces, scarf - 2 pieces, mittens - 2 pairs, fabric, buttons, needles, threads, scissors, gifts for dads, two scarves (shawls)

Phonogram: March (optional) music director), the soundtrack of the song “A soldier is walking through the city”, plus the song “The blue has splashed”.

The hall is festively decorated according to the theme. Parents sit oncrowns.


Aty - baht, wider step,

Hey, keep your balance!

Soon in the native army

There will be replenishment!

March sounds. Children are in the hall, marching.Execute the build.


This holiday is very important.

Celebrating in February

Feast of the brave warriors

A holiday of peace on earth!


When there is ice on the rivers

And the blizzard rushes into the distance,

A wonderful holiday brings us

Thoughtful February.


The holiday of all soldiers will come,

Defenders, fighters.

Everyone will be happy to congratulate

And grandfathers and fathers!


I will draw a boat, (shows drawing)

Where is the captain?

Bravely my dad swims

From distant, distant countries.


I'll draw an airplane(shows drawing)

Where is the father commander.

And all day and night

Dad saves the world.


I will draw a gun

And the rider in the saddle

I know: better than dad No

Heroes on earth!(children give drawings to dads)


Thank you dear daddy

What did you get me!

I love a clear smile

She's like a light in a window!

I want you to be happy,

Successful and healthy!

You are the most wonderful,


All the defenders of the country

Today we congratulate.

This song is without a doubt

It will lift your spirits!

Song "Good Soldiers"»


The trumpets sing loudly

Our army - (children) firework!

Ships sail into space

Our army - (children) firework!

On the planet peace and labor,

Our army - (children) firework!

A march sounds, the children go around the hall.

They sit on benches.

Leading. Service to the Fatherland, protection of the people from enemies was considered a sacred duty for men. Since ancient times, Russian heroes have guarded the borders of Holy Rus'!

Exityat boysreading poetry.

1. Shchi and porridge are our food, and our hand is strong!

2. Enemy, get out of the way, otherwise we'll hit our sides!

3. We look like falcons and soar into the distance like eagles!

4. We do not drown in ice water, and we do not burn in fire!

Leading. Today we will have a festive competition - the military amusements of heroes. I present to you our general staff - mothers, who will strictly follow the heroic amusements and support everyone with applause.

Leading. Competition "Warm-up for the mind" - it will help you in the game (for children).

Competition "Warm-up for the mind":

Who wakes up early and washes quickly?

Who does not bully in vain, tries to help friends?

Who ate five sweets at dinner instead of rice and meatballs?

Who protects the girls, does not offend the kids?

And one more question: who does not wash his nose?

And who likes to harden, pour cold water over?

Who fell into the pond while fishing and scared away all the fish?

Who broke the bike and didn't tell about it?

Who plays sports, does not lie on the couch?

Who will go to serve in the army to be an example for everyone?

Leading. And now we will check how dads know military professions (for dads).

Contest"Continue the offer":

"The tank is driven..."

"The cannon fires..."

"He sits at the helm of the plane ..."

"Scribbling from a machine gun ..."

"He goes to reconnaissance ..."

"Guarding the border..."

"Serving on a submarine ..."

"He jumps with a parachute ..."

"They serve on ships ..."


To be enviable in health

We need to train more!

And now let's do a visual lesson:

Which of you is the most accurate shooter.

Shooter Competition.

Fathers and children participate. Two people. You need to hit the "snowball" in the basket. Distance 3-4 meters (for adults). 10 snowballs.

Contest"Penguin": two dads put a child on their feet and thus go around the cones to the music.

Game "Border guards"

2 dads are selected from different teams, they are blindfolded, the children should walk past the border guards as quietly as possible. If the border guards heard something, they give the command “Stop, who is coming?” The border guard who caught more violators wins.

Children line up. Girls come out and read poetry.


Our boys with a holiday

Congratulations today!

Health, happiness, joy

We sincerely wish you!


Be strong and courageous

Girls do not offend

And we offer you

Dance with us!


This dance, dads,

Prepared for you

Tried not to be lazy

Please all of you!

Children for dads perform the polka "Turn around - turn away". Children sit on chairs.

Leading. You can learn a lot in the army. For example, quickly dress and make your bed. That's when there is an alarm in the middle of the night, on a signal you need to get dressed, and for this all clothes should be in order, because not everyone before the army knew how to do this. I had to study. It turns out that the army can become a real life school.

Contest "Papa-owner"

papbut runs, wakes up the child, dresses - coat, hat, scarf, mittens,and together they run to kindergarten.Father and child participate in pairs.

Contest "Sew on a button"

Dads are given a piece of motherand, a thread with a needle and a button.Whoever sews faster and more accurately is the winner.


Sailors are cheerful people

live well

And in free moments

They dance and sing.

The boys come out. They perform the "Apple" dance.They sit on chairs.

Leading. And now for you guys, I will guess riddles.

Boldly floats in the sky,

Overtaking birds flight.

The man controls it.

What's happened? (Airplane.)

I take off without acceleration,

I remember the dragonfly.

Takes flight

Our Russian. (Helicopter).

I walk in an iron shell,

All lined with armor.

I shoot projectiles

I am very ugly looking. (Tank).

An iron whale underwater

The whale does not sleep day and night.

Day and night underwater

Keeps my peace. (Submarine.)

Miracle bird, scarlet tail,

Arrived in a flock of stars.

Our people built this

Interplanetary. (Rocket).

Leading. Question for dads and grandpas. Does the army need a song? ... (Answers)

Of course you do! With a song and in the ranks, it is more fun to walk. And at a halt after a difficult campaign, a song can be sung. And in his free time, the soldier loves the song. Even real concerts are arranged in their free time.

Music Competition.

To the phonogramdads sing a song"A soldier is walking through the city"

Leading. And so our holiday comes to an end. I invite all the guys to build.

Children line up. They read poetry.


For everything we have now

For our every happy hour

Because the sun shines on us

Thank you brave soldiers

That defended the world once.

Thanks to the Russian army,

To all our grandfathers and fathers!

Children sing the song "Our Motherland is strong."

Sounds of phonogramsand the songs "The blue splashed."Then the children congratulate dads and grandfathers, give gifts.
