Early retirement. Medical workers

1. My daughter works as a nurse in IK-2. Is she entitled to a preferential pension?

1.1. Hello.
In accordance with Art. 30 of the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 N 400-FZ "On insurance pensions"
clause 17: for men upon reaching the age of 55 and women upon reaching the age of 50, if they were employed at work with convicted persons as workers and employees of institutions executing criminal sentences in the form of deprivation of liberty, respectively, for at least 15 years and 10 years, and have insurance experience of at least 25 and 20 years, respectively;

Finding a lawyer or advocate for your issue

2. I work as a nurse in a psychiatric hospital. Am I entitled to a reduced pension?

2.1. --- Hello, it is possible that you have such a right, you need to raise the Federal Law and look for an answer to this question, and you need to know whether the experience is interrupted or not and how many years of experience. Contact personally any lawyer and we will prepare a consultation for you on the basis of Article 779 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, - an agreement paid services. Good luck
Good luck to you and all the best.

2.2. Good night, Valya
I work in a psychiatric hospital as a nurse am I eligible for a reduced pension?
Yes, you have, in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 781 of 10/29/2002.

2.3. I work in a psychiatric hospital as a nurse am I eligible for a reduced pension?

If your experience allows it, then of course you have the right.

3. I am a surgical nurse am I eligible for a reduced pension.

3.1. Hello. You are eligible once you have gained experience.

3.2. Yes. you are entitled to early retirement.

4. Is the ward nurse of the second-level tram center entitled to a preferential pension?

4.1. Hello!
yes he has the right

5. Is there a preferential pension for the head nurse.

5.1. The length of service for obtaining a preferential pension is 30 years.

5.2. If you have 30 years of medical experience, it is required, regardless of age.

6. I have been a nurse in the north for 25 years. I have the right to a preferential pension, I am 45 years old.

6.1. You are eligible from the age of 50.

7. I am from Crimea. In Russia there is a preferential pension for a nurse kindergarten. Experience 25 years.

7.1. For all doctors there is a preferential pension if the work experience is over 25 years.

8. From 2003-2015 I worked in a hospital in the gynecology department as a paid nurse (in the work book) for 1.5 rates. At night and weekends holidays Performed the duties of an operating room nurse. There were no additional agreements. Is a preferential pension possible? What documents are needed and how to prove it? Thank you!

8.1. If the employer officially formalized the combination for you (by order), then yes. Make a formal request to the employer providing you with copies of documents from your personal file. If all this was done properly, then on the basis of these documents YOU will be able to receive benefits.

9. I would like to ask. I worked as a nurse for 42 years, but I didn’t earn a job as a veteran of Russia? I would like to use preferential services in retirement.

9.1. On July 1, 2016, amendments to the legislation on labor veterans entered into force, which were introduced by Federal Law No. 388-FZ of December 29, 2015.
From now on, the title of "Veteran of Labor" can be claimed by persons awarded orders or medals of the USSR or Russian Federation, or awarded honorary titles of the USSR or the Russian Federation, or awarded diplomas of the President of the Russian Federation or awarded the gratitude of the President of the Russian Federation, or awarded departmental insignia for merit in labor (service) and continuous work (service) for at least 15 years in the relevant field of activity (sectors of the economy) and having a work (insurance) length of service taken into account for the appointment of a pension of at least 25 years for men and 20 years for women or the length of service necessary for the appointment of a pension for long service in calendar terms; persons who started their labor activity at a minor age during the Great Patriotic War and have a labor (insurance) record of at least 40 years for men and 35 years for women.

10. I worked as a nurse for 8 months in a hydropathic clinic at a departmental hospital, where there was a clinic and a hospital, is this experience included in the design of honey. preferential pension? Thank you.

10.1. To accurately answer this question, you need to know at least the exact name of the place of work and position. Work must be in institution. Is this word in the job title?

11. I have been working as an operating room nurse in a hospital from 2014 to the present day. I want to switch to 0.5 bets. How will this affect the preferential pension and old-age pension. Total experience in medicine 20 years.

11.1. According to the text - work experience with part-time work will not be counted as a special one, and early retirement will not be available.
The pension itself will be relatively less, due to the employer's insurance premiums reduced compared to the full rate.

12. I work as a surgical nurse in a children's clinic, am I entitled to a preferential pension?

12.1. The minimum length of service for health workers in rural areas before retirement is 25 years, for employees of urban institutions - 30 years.
in accordance with
October 29, 2002
No. 781

As a surgeon, you are included in the list of preferential positions.

13. July 1997 worked as a nurse in a rural outpatient clinic, in 1999 she was transferred to the position of a midwife in the same outpatient clinic. Since 2005, the position of midwife has been renamed to the position of a general practice nurse of a family doctor. Can I qualify for a concessionary pension?

13.1. According to the text - you can, the positions indicated - are in the corresponding list of positions, as well as the name of the institution. If only there were full working hours.

14. Has the coefficient 1.3 for preferential pensions been canceled in rural areas? I have been working as a ward nurse in the surgical department since 1993 in the village of Chertkovo, Rostov region.

14.1. Hello.

No, nothing has been cancelled.

15. I am a nurse with 27 years of experience from Uzbekistan, I received Russian citizenship. Can I get a reduced pension?

15.1. If you have no experience in Russia, then no, alas, you cannot.

16. Certificate of surgical manipulations by the procedural nurse of the trauma center for a preferential pension.

16.1. It's not entirely clear what you're asking.

17. Moved to another city, can't find a job. Worked as a nurse for 27 years. now the experience is interrupted. Will this affect retirement on preferential service of 30 years?

17.1. Good afternoon Ella! To maintain the continuity of medical experience, you need to find a job as a health worker within a month. This term given to you is also included and credited to the length of service. If you overdue this period, then your continuity of service is terminated. This does not affect the overall preferential exit to retire for health workers 30 years in the city and 25 years in the countryside. So you need to find a job and complete the remaining term, but consider the changes from 01/01/2019.

18. Will it change from January 1, 2019. Retirement of an anesthetist nurse. Thank you.

18.1. Good evening. The calculation of the length of service for your profession, 1 year 6 months per 1 year, will not change. And the requirement for the number of years of service remains the same. But the time of entry to retirement is changing. That is, after you have worked the required number of years of service, you will not be able to retire the next day. And you'll be out in 5 years. This transitional provision, i.e. 5 years, is achieved by increasing the retirement time by half a year each year. This applies to all medical and educational workers.

19. I worked as a nurse in the infectious department for 10 years, general medical. I have 31 years of experience. And I have 3 children. Can I get a preferential pension at age 50?

19.1. You can apply to the Pension Fund on Mirnaya and submit all the documents: passport, labor, a clarifying certificate. If you have 30 years of medical experience, you are entitled to a pension regardless of age.

20. I work as a head nurse in a TB dispensary, is my position covered by a preferential pension?

20.1. List N 2 of industries, professions, positions and indicators with harmful and difficult working conditions, employment in which gives the right to an old-age pension on preferential terms:

22600000-1754 b Employees directly serving

2260000 a a) in tuberculosis and infectious diseases institutions,
departments, offices

2260000 a Nursing staff
2260000 a Junior medical staff.

21. I worked as a nurse in the neonatal ward from 1987 to 1993. wanted to receive a preferential calculation.1 g for 1 year 6 months in preferential calculation. To receive early retirement.

21.1. Hello! According to Federal Law No. 173, work experience for 1 year - 1.5 years is applied to medical employees of such positions as: surgeons and nurses who took part in various operations; pathologists; obstetricians; nurses who, in exercising their labor activity make purulent dressings, work in traumatology or in the burn department. In addition, this also applies to employees of TB dispensaries. This also includes the nursing staff of the departments of general, pediatric and infectious pathology.

22. What should be the continuous medical experience of a ward nurse of the neurosurgical department for a preferential pension? Whether or not studies, sick days, maternity leave etc.

22.1. Hello, 25 years in a non-urban area, 35 years in an urban area, otherwise you are not allowed to do this yet. If you need a detailed consultation write in private messages.

22.2. Continuity of seniority in the current pension legislation is not required, labor and insurance experience are summed up.
The experience of medical work in health care institutions should be at least 25 years in rural areas or 30 years in cities and urban-type settlements. The length of service for operating rooms is calculated. sisters - a year for a year and six months, for wards - a year for a year.
Studying is not included in the length of service, annual leave, maternity leave and sick days are included in the length of service, leave to care for a child up to 1.5 years old - only those that began before 10/06/1992 are included.
Article 30 of the Federal Law No. 400-FZ "On insurance pensions", RF GD No. 781.

23. I work as a nurse, not certified from 08.01.2008 to the present in female colony general regime, general medical experience of 26 years when I can apply for a preferential pension.

23.1. Hello,
Contact the pension fund with all your documents confirming the preferential service. After studying the documents, you will receive a qualified answer.

Detailed and expanded lawyer consulting with a discussion of all the nuances and details of your situation are paid. Contact any lawyer on the site for a face-to-face consultation in private messages.
I wish you good luck and all the best!

24. Am I eligible for a seniority pension and when? I have been working as a nurse since July 1993, of these years 3.5 years plus benefits.

24.1. --- Hello, dear visitor, from the question you do not see such a right, but you should contact the Pension Fund and they will calculate the retirement, or ask the personnel officer, he will calculate it for you. Good luck and all the best, with respect lawyer Ligostaeva A.V.

25. A draft law on pensions has been adopted, what about the appointment of an early pension under the 2nd list? I planned to work for 8 years and retire at the age of 51, in 2026, 4 years earlier. I work in psychiatry as a nurse, what changes will be for me or not?

25.1. It is unknown if the bill is still under consideration. And according to its text, the conditions and procedure for assigning early pensions are not considered, therefore, you can exit 4 years ahead of schedule, but whether the retirement age in your case will be 51 years is a big doubt.

26. She applied to the court for a preferential calculation of a pension of 1 year for 1.5, for working as a nurse in the ophthalmic surgical department, from 07/01/88 to 05/07/98. At that time, Decree No. 464 was applicable. The court satisfied only the period from 01/01/1992 to 05/07/1998 on a preferential basis, since this law came into force only from 01/01/92. Is it justified?

26.1. Good afternoon Olga, yes, justifiably, until 01/01/1992, the Decree of December 17, 1959, 1397, was in force, according to which there was no calculation of experience for a year and a half.

27. I am a nurse, 30 years of experience. I am taking out a pension. Does the general work experience include on-the-job retraining? Are contributions to the FIU made in full? Sincerely, Zinaida

27.1. According to Article 187 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, when an employer sends an employee to vocational training or additional vocational education with a break from work, he retains his place of work (position) and the average salary at his main place of work.

Moreover, advanced training is a prerequisite for the performance of work for medical workers. Since the period of attending additional professional education courses is equated to the work during which the employee was sent to the mentioned courses, the calculation of the length of service in this period of time should be carried out in the same manner as for the corresponding professional activity.

Judicial practice follows the same path. "Taking into account the specifics of the plaintiff's work activity, given that the passage of further training is a feature of the regulation of the work of medical workers, taking into account the documents available in the case, confirming that during the period under consideration the plaintiff retained his place of work and average earnings, deductions were made in the form of insurance premiums to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the court concludes that it is necessary to set off the period of attendance at advanced training courses from (Date withdrawn) to (Date withdrawn) in the work experience of jujus., giving the right to an early old-age insurance pension." (Decision No. 2-5142/2017 of the Leninsky District Court of Kirov)

But at the same time, few people know how the experience is calculated? How to apply for a pension? What legislation regulates this issue?

Let's consider all the questions in more detail.

Legislative regulation of the issue

If there are questions about the correctness of the calculations pension provision for preferential health workers, it is necessary to know the legislative norms that regulate this issue.

In particular, these are laws, How:

Possible changes

In 2019, in connection with the pension reform, preferential retirement for doctors will not be canceled, however, additional conditions have appeared.

Dmitry Medvedev was offered by the Ministry of Labor to increase the length of service, the presence of which allows for privileged medical workers.

It was originally planned that from January 2016 a change was to take place, which will gradually would increase the calculation coefficient taking a well-deserved rest.

These changes would be the following:

By and large, this could lead to the fact that the length of service would have the following figures:

  • for rural areas - 30 years;
  • for the city limits - 35 years.

But until today, such changes are under consideration by the Government of the Russian Federation and therefore they have not yet been adopted. It is too early to say exactly when this will happen.

Conditions for early retirement for medical workers

The main principle of a preferential or early pension is considered to be a change in the conditions for the period for submitting a corresponding application for processing payments.

For medical staff key condition it is customary to consider the length of service, which in part depends on.

Employees of the medical field have every right to apply for early retirement with such work experience duration:

At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the fact that no age limit more precisely, they are simply not taken into account.

For this reason, there is several options for accrual of experience:

  1. The year is equal to the calendar year.
  2. For medical staff who performed their immediate duties in the city or in the countryside - 1 is equal to 1 year and 3 months;
  3. 1 year of experience is equivalent to 1.5 years, but this is possible for some categories of medical personnel.

In a situation where conditions 1 and 2 were met, the preferential allowance will be summed up. For example, for an anesthesiologist-resuscitator, it will be for 1 year - 1 year and 9 months (6 + 3).

List of positions

According to Federal Law No. 173, work experience for 1 year - 1.5 years is applied to medical employees of such posts, How:

  • surgeons and nurses who took part in various operations;
  • pathologists;
  • obstetricians;
  • nurses who, in the course of their work, make purulent dressings, work in traumatology or in the burn department. In addition, this also applies to employees of TB dispensaries;
  • anesthesiologists-resuscitators;
  • forensic experts.

For other categories of medical staff, work experience is calculated according to the standard 1 to 1 scheme. But this does not apply to employees in rural areas.

Periods of service that are credited for the preferential pension of physicians

Often among medical staff there are questions that relate directly to the calculation of seniority. What period of employment in the field of medicine can be included?

In order to answer this question, it is necessary to study Government Decree No. 781, which essentially contains information about the abolition of benefits for those categories that work part-time.

This ruling clearly states conditions for crediting certain periods labor activity in preferential length of service:

  1. Until January 1999, all labor activities that were carried out in the medical field are included, including also part-time work.
  2. Starting from January 1999, only those labor activities that were carried out on the terms of a standard or reduced work schedule can be taken into account. In the event that a medical worker worked part-time, this period is not taken into account when forming a preferential length of service.

In addition, according to Government Decree No. 516, other periods for determining seniority, namely:

  1. The probationary period in the process of hiring gives full right to the provision of preferential service.
  2. In the case of illegal dismissal or transfer to another position - forced fully paid absenteeism.

At the same time, the period itself, during which cases of malicious violation of discipline were revealed, cannot be counted in the preferential service.

Under breach of discipline means:

  • drunk work;
  • violation of security rules and so on.

The procedure for calculating and accruing payments

Determine correct Grace period work experience can be done independently. To calculate, it is enough to know the total number full years who have worked in the field of medicine.

Basic condition is the full compliance of the profile with the current legislation. It must be remembered that work in private medical institutions cannot be included in the preferential seniority.

Imagine that a midwife carried out her labor activity in a city maternity hospital. She worked there for 5 years, and then changed her job and moved to the urban-type settlement. She has worked at her new location for 18 years.

In such a situation, her general work experience (preferential) is:

5+ (5 * 6) / 12 + 18 + (18 * 3) / 12 = 30 years old

  • 6 is the number of additional months (5 years multiplied by an additional 6 months annually);
  • 3 - the number of additional months when working in an urban-type settlement (therefore, 18 years is multiplied by the annual additional 3 months).

Based on the calculations, it can be seen that the difference is 7 years - 23 years of actual work experience and 7 years of preferential (additional) work experience.

Registration procedure

Where do you need to apply?

In order to start applying for a preferential pension, you first need to collect all the necessary list of documents. But before proceeding with the collection of documents, the length of service is calculated.

To calculate the length of service, contact your place of work to the personnel department.

In the event that the applicant for pension provision does not work anywhere, he must apply immediately to the territorial department of the Pension Fund.

Citizens who for some reason cannot apply to the PF on their own can send all documents by mail in the form of a registered letter. Without fail, the letter must be with an inventory.

The possibility of registration by third parties is allowed in the presence of a notarized power of attorney.

What documents need to be prepared?

When contacting the PF to submit the necessary documentation, it is necessary to take into account the fact that, at the request of the fund's employees, the list of documents can be expanded as necessary.

Meanwhile, list of required documentation which must be submitted as follows:

In this case, be sure to pay attention to the fact that the documents are submitted in the original and copies.

In the event that during the working period the surname or the name itself was changed, it is necessary to obtain and attach to the rest of the documents a certificate from the passport office.

It is not uncommon for employees of the Pension Fund to require income statement 60 months to January 2002.

Employees of the Pension Fund may require additionally provide:

  • a certificate that confirms the fact of incapacity for work or even disability;
  • a certificate that can confirm the presence of dependents of the applicant for a pension;
  • information about contributions to the Pension Fund.

If we talk about the preparation of the application itself, then this is done when submitting documents under the supervision of the PF employees or according to the sample that is provided.

What is the review period?

After the submission of the entire package of documents, the decision-making period is 30 calendar days.

If any errors are found, the PF employees notify the applicant by phone or by mail.

What are the changes from 2019?

In 2019, due to the pension reform early exit pension for medical workers will not be canceled, however, an additional condition for obtaining the status of a pensioner will be provided - a delay of several years before issuing a pension.

After graduation transition period reforms (starting from 2023), doctors will be able to become a pensioner only 5 years after they have completed the required length of service.

As of 2019, if there are grounds, an early pension to a physician can only be granted in 6 months, counting from the date when this right came - 25 or 30 years of insurance experience have been worked out.

For example, a medical worker with exactly 30 years of work experience in a city hospital will have October 10, 2019. It turns out that the right to retire early, regardless of his age, will appear on April 10, 2020 (+6 months).

In 2020, the delay will already be 18 months, that is, 18 months will be added to the date of service, and only then does it become possible to retire for long service.

According to the same scheme, in 2021 + 3 years, in 2022 + 4 years, and starting from 2023 + 5 years.

Learn about early retirement for healthcare workers in the following video:

Persons who have been carrying out medical and other activities for the protection of public health in health care institutions for at least 25 years in rural areas and urban-type settlements and at least 30 years in cities, rural areas and urban-type settlements or only in cities, regardless of their age.


In order to implement Article 30 of the Federal Law "On insurance pensions", the Government of the Russian Federation decides:
1. Establish that when determining the length of service in the relevant types of work for the purpose of early retirement in accordance with Article 30 of the Federal Law "On Insurance Pensions", the following apply:
m) in case of early assignment of an insurance old-age pension to persons who carried out medical and other activities for the protection of public health in healthcare institutions:
a list of positions and institutions, work in which is counted in the length of service, giving the right to early appointment old-age labor pension to persons who carried out medical and other activities to protect the health of the population in healthcare institutions, in accordance with subparagraph 20 of paragraph 1 of Article 27 of the Federal Law "On labor pensions in the Russian Federation”, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 29, 2002 N 781 “On the lists of jobs, professions, positions, specialties and institutions, taking into account which an old-age labor pension is early assigned in accordance with Article 27 of the Federal Law “On Labor pensions in the Russian Federation” and on the approval of the rules for calculating periods of work giving the right to early appointment of an old-age labor pension in accordance with Article 27 of the Federal Law “On labor pensions in the Russian Federation”;
The list of positions in which work is counted as length of service, giving the right to a pension for length of service in connection with medical and other work to protect the health of the population, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 22, 1999 N 1066 “On approval of the List of positions, work in of which are counted in the length of service, giving the right to a pension for the length of service in connection with medical and other work to protect the health of the population, and the Rules for calculating the terms of service for the appointment of a pension for the length of service in connection with medical and other work to protect the health of the population "- for accounting for relevant activities that took place between November 1, 1999 and December 31, 2001 inclusive;
The list of professions and positions of healthcare workers and sanitary and epidemiological institutions, whose medical and other work for the protection of public health gives the right to a pension for length of service, approved by Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR of September 6, 1991 N 464 “On Approval of the List of Professions and Positions of Employees healthcare and sanitary-epidemiological institutions, whose medical and other work for the protection of public health gives the right to a pension for seniority”, applying the provisions of paragraphs four and five of clause 2 of the said resolution, to take into account the relevant activities that took place in the period from January 1 1992 to October 31, 1999 inclusive;
The list of institutions, organizations and positions, work in which gives the right to a pension for long service (annex to the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR of December 17, 1959 N 1397 "On pensions for long service to workers in education, health care and agriculture"), - for taking into account the periods of relevant activity that took place before January 1, 1992;
3. Calculation of periods of work, giving the right to early appointment of an old-age insurance pension in accordance with Article 30 of the Federal Law "On Insurance Pensions", is carried out using the Rules for calculating periods of work, giving the right to early appointment of an old-age labor pension in accordance with Articles 27 and 28 of the Federal Law “On labor pensions in the Russian Federation”, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 11, 2002 N 516 “On approval of the Rules for calculating periods of work giving the right to early appointment of an old-age labor pension in accordance with Articles 27 and 28 Federal Law "On labor pensions in the Russian Federation"; Rules for calculating periods of work giving the right to early appointment of an old-age labor pension to persons who carried out medical and other activities to protect public health in healthcare institutions, in accordance with subparagraph 20 of paragraph 1 of Article 27 of the Federal Law "On labor pensions in the Russian Federation", approved Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 29, 2002 N 781 “On the lists of jobs, professions, positions, specialties and institutions, taking into account which an old-age labor pension is early assigned in accordance with Article 27 of the Federal Law “On labor pensions in the Russian Federation”, and on the approval of the rules for calculating periods of work giving the right to early appointment of an old-age labor pension in accordance with Article 27 of the Federal Law "On labor pensions in the Russian Federation". At the same time, at the choice of the insured persons when calculating:
c) the periods of work specified in subparagraph "n" of paragraph 1 of this resolution - apply:
Regulations on the procedure for calculating the length of service for assigning a pension for long service to workers in education and health, approved by the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR of December 17, 1959 N 1397 "On pensions for long service to workers in education, health and agriculture", - for calculating periods of relevant activity that took place before January 1, 1992;
Decree of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR of September 6, 1991 N 464 “On approval of the List of professions and positions of health workers and sanitary and epidemiological institutions whose medical and other work in protecting the health of the population gives the right to a pension for length of service” - to calculate the periods of relevant activities that took place between January 1, 1992 and October 31, 1999 inclusive;
The rules for calculating the length of service for the appointment of a pension for long service in connection with medical and other work to protect the health of the population, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 22, 1999 N 1066 “On approval of the List of positions in which work is counted as length of service giving the right for a pension for long service in connection with medical and other work to protect the health of the population, and the Rules for calculating the terms of service for the appointment of a pension for long service in connection with medical and other work to protect the health of the population "- to calculate the periods of the relevant activity that took place in the period from November 1, 1999 to December 31, 2001 inclusive.
4. This resolution shall enter into force on January 1, 2015.

Prime Minister
Russian Federation



List of changing documents
(as amended by the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR of 08/03/1972 N 593,
as amended by the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR of 07/08/1963 N 748,
Decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU, Council of Ministers of the USSR of 12.04.1984 N 313)

In accordance with article 58 of the Law on state pensions The Council of Ministers of the USSR decides:
1. Pensions for long service to workers of education and health care according to the list of institutions, organizations and positions in accordance with the Appendix to appoint:
a) teachers and other education workers - with at least 25 years of work experience in their specialty;
b) doctors and other healthcare workers - with at least 25 years of work experience in the specialty in rural areas and urban-type settlements (workers' settlements), and at least 30 years in cities.
2. Pensions for years of service to teachers, doctors and other workers of education and health care shall be assigned in the amount of 40% of the wage or salary rate.
3. The maximum amount of pensions for years of service is set at 1,200 rubles per month, the minimum amount of pension for non-working pensioners- 300 rubles per month.
4. Pensions for years of service to teachers, doctors and other workers of education and health in all cases shall be calculated from the wage rate or salary of the last position before applying for a pension, which gives the right to a pension for years of service.
When calculating pensions for long service assigned in accordance with this Decree, take into account the basic wage rate (salary) or the actually received part of the rate (salary) without allowances and additional payments.
If an employee in the main position did not receive a full official salary (rate) and worked part-time at a job that gives the right to a pension for length of service, then the pension is calculated from the total amount of his earnings, but not more than from the full rate for the highest position held .
Teachers who work simultaneously in several jobs with different rates and receive several part-time rates, the pension is calculated from the total amount of their earnings for teaching, but not more than from the full rate for the highest of the positions held.
Principals (heads) and heads of education of schools shall calculate their pension from the salary rate for their administrative position or from the salary rate for teaching work of their choice.
5. Pensioners who receive seniority pensions in accordance with this Decree and continue to work must pay the pension in full if the total amount of pension and earnings does not exceed 2,000 rubles per month.
If the pension and earnings, taken together, exceed 2,000 rubles per month, then the amount of the paid pension is reduced accordingly so that the total amount of pension and earnings is 2,000 rubles.
6. To establish that persons entitled to a service pension under this Ordinance may apply for a pension at any time after the entitlement to a pension arises, without limitation by any period and regardless of the place of last work.
7. To approve the attached Regulations on the procedure for calculating the length of service for assigning pensions for long service to workers in education and healthcare.
8. When assigning, paying and recalculating pensions for long service, respectively apply paragraphs 5, 11 - 14, 111, 113, 115, 117 - 120, 129, 140 - 143, 149 - 157, 159 - 168, 172 - 180 and 181 Regulations on the procedure for the appointment and payment of state pensions, approved by the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR of August 3, 1972 N 590.
(As amended by the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR of 08/03/1972 N 593)
9. To assign and pay pensions for long service to agronomists, veterinarians, livestock specialists and other agricultural workers according to the conditions and norms provided for by the current legislation on pensions for long service to agricultural workers, using paragraphs 3 and 5 of this Decree.
10. Pensions for the loss of a breadwinner who received or had the right to receive a pension for the length of service established for workers in education, health care and agricultural workers, to be assigned and paid in the manner prescribed by the Law on State Pensions for Pensions in the Case of Loss of a Survivor.
If survivor's pensions granted prior to January 1, 1960 are higher than survivor's pensions established by the State Pensions Law, these pensions shall be retained at the previously assigned amounts, but not higher than the maximum amounts established by the Law for survivors' pensions.
11. Pensions for years of service to workers in education, health care and agriculture, appointed before January 1, 1960, to be paid from the date of entry into force of this Decree on the following grounds:
a) for pensioners who, under the terms and conditions of this Decree, are entitled to a higher pension, pensions are increased to the amounts established by this Decree;
b) for other pensioners, pensions are retained in the previously assigned amounts, but not higher than the maximum and not lower than minimum dimensions pensions for the length of service established by paragraph 3 of this Decree;
c) working pensioners receiving long service pensions are paid pensions in accordance with paragraph 5 of this Decree.
12. This Resolution shall enter into force on January 1, 1960.
13. To oblige the Legal Commission under the Council of Ministers of the USSR to submit within 2 months to the Council of Ministers of the USSR a list of decisions of the Government of the USSR, as well as resolutions, instructions and explanations of the former People's Commissariat of Labor of the USSR and the Union Council for Social Insurance under the People's Commissariat of Labor of the USSR, which have become invalid in connection with the issuance of this Decree.

Council of Ministers of the USSR

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Council of Ministers of the USSR

ConsultantPlus: note.
The list of institutions, organizations and positions is applied in the early appointment of an old-age insurance pension in accordance with Article 30 of the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 N 400-FZ "On Insurance Pensions" in the manner established by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 16, 2014 N 665.


Name of institutions and organizations Job titles
1. Educational institutions and children's institutions

1. Primary, seven-year, eight-year and secondary schools, regardless of their name
Boarding schools and boarding schools of all kinds
Schools of all types for the deaf, blind, nervous and other sick children
Sanatorium, sanatorium-forest and forest schools, schools and training groups at children's sanatoriums
Schools for working and rural youth, schools for overage and adults
Secondary general education labor polytechnic schools
Secondary music and art schools, seven-year music schools, schools for musicians
Suvorov, Nakhimov and other military special secondary schools and colleges

Teachers, speech therapists, speech therapists, teachers, educators, deaf teachers, typhlo teachers, educators, educators-leaders (educators), heads and instructors of hearing rooms, directors, heads, their deputies for educational, educational and production parts or work, on industrial training, heads of educational and educational departments

ConsultantPlus: note.
By the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR of July 31, 1964 N 635, educational colonies for minors were transformed into special schools and special vocational schools

2. Orphanages, children's labor educational colonies, children's reception and children's reception centers, children's reception centers, speech therapy centers and hospitals, clinic schools
institutions labor education children

Directors (heads), their deputies for educational work (parts), teachers, educators, educators-leaders (educators), teachers of the deaf

3. Technical schools and other secondary specialized educational institutions (pedagogical, medical, agricultural, etc.)
Educational institutions of the system of labor reserves, schools and colleges of vocational education of other systems (except for higher educational institutions)
Factory apprenticeship schools
Teachers, educators
4. Kindergartens and combined nursery-kindergartens Heads, leaders, educators, educators
2. Libraries
Libraries Managers, librarians
3. Medical institutions
Children's clinics, polyclinics, hospitals, sanatoriums and dispensaries, nurseries and children's homes, children's departments in hospitals, sanatoriums, dispensaries and colonies Teachers, educators, speech therapists and deaf teachers
4. Bodies of public education
District, district and city (in cities where there are no district departments of public education) departments of public education Managers, instructors and inspectors, reserve teachers
1. Medical institutions, institutions for the protection of motherhood and childhood, sanitary institutions
Hospital institutions of all types and names, including clinics and clinical units, hospitals, leper colonies, psychiatric colonies
Outpatient clinics of all types and names (polyclinics, outpatient clinics, dispensaries of all profiles, emergency medical care and blood transfusions, medical units, health centers, medical offices and points, feldsher and feldsher-obstetric points, air ambulance stations, x-ray stations and points, medical laboratories and others)
Nurseries, kindergartens, combined nursery-kindergartens
Baby-houses, mother-and-child houses and rooms
Rooms for feeding children in enterprises
Women's, children's and women's and children's consultations
Dairy kitchens and food stations Collection points breast milk
Children's institutions and educational institutions listed in section I of this List
Sanitary-epidemiological, anti-malarial, anti-tularemia, anti-brucellosis, anti-plague, disinfection, Pasteur, sanitary control, isolation checkpoints, hygienic, anti-epidemic, vaccination, bacteriological and measles stations, points, detachments and laboratories, sanitary checkpoints and other sanitary facilities
Sanatoriums and resort hospitals of all kinds, sanatorium and resort evacuation centers, evacuation centers and evacuation bases
Canteens for medical nutrition, dietary canteens
Mine rescue units in mines and other enterprises
Physicians, dentists, technicians, paramedics, physician assistants, midwives, massage therapists, laboratory technicians and nurses - all regardless of job title; disinfection instructors
2. Pharmacy establishments
Pharmacies, pharmacy departments and pharmacy points (including those at hospitals, clinics, sanatoriums, etc.), herbal and control and analytical laboratories Managers, managers and their deputies; pharmacists engaged in the manufacture of medicines; pharmacists involved in the manufacture and dispensing of medicines
3. Institutions social security
Homes for the disabled and boarding schools for the disabled, homes for the elderly, schools for the disabled, homes for disabled children
Medical departments of prosthetic enterprises
Doctors, paramedics, nurses and laboratory assistants
Doctors, paramedics, nurses - all regardless of their position
4. Health authorities, medical control and medical expertise
District, county and city (in cities where there are no district health departments) departments and departments of health Managers, inspectors and instructors
Medical and labor expert commissions, bureau of forensic medical and forensic psychiatric examination Physicians, paramedics, physician assistants, midwives, nurses and laboratory assistants - all regardless of job title

1. Teachers and other educational workers of correspondence secondary schools, technical schools and other secondary specialized educational institutions specified in this List are among the persons entitled to receive a pension for long service.
2. Work in the specialty in the institutions, organizations and positions provided for by this List gives the right to a pension, regardless of the departmental affiliation of the institutions or organizations.
3. Employment before the establishment of Soviet power in the specialty in positions corresponding to the positions indicated in this List refers to work that gives the right to receive a pension for long service.

Business manager
Council of Ministers of the USSR

ConsultantPlus: note.
The provision on the procedure for calculating the length of service is applied in the early appointment of an old-age insurance pension in accordance with Article 30 of the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 N 400-FZ "On Insurance Pensions" in the manner established by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 16, 2014 N 665.


1. Teachers, doctors and other workers of education and healthcare in the length of service in the specialty, except for work in institutions, organizations and positions, work in which gives the right to a pension for long service, are counted:
a) elective and other responsible work in party and Komsomol bodies;
b) work in elective positions in Soviet institutions, trade unions and other public organizations;
c) work as a chairman or deputy chairman of a collective farm, if they were sent to collective farms in accordance with the decisions of Soviet or party bodies from work in institutions, organizations and positions that give the right to a pension for long service;
d) service in the Armed Forces of the USSR and stay in partisan detachments, service in the troops and bodies of the Cheka, the OGPU, the NKVD, the NKGB, the Ministry of State Security, the State Security Committee under the Council of Ministers of the USSR, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR and the police;
e) methodical, scientific-methodical and educational-methodical work in schools and secondary specialized educational institutions, educational, pedagogical, educational-methodical, methodical and scientific-methodical rooms, stations and bureaus;
e) pedagogical work in courses, schools and institutes for advanced training, retraining and improvement; pedagogical and research in higher educational institutions and research institutes;
g) the time of training in advanced training courses in the specialty;
h) time spent in hard labor, in a prison or fortress, in exile or exile for revolutionary activities under bourgeois governments; the time of removal under these governments from work in the specialty for political reasons;
i) work for hire abroad in a specialty in positions corresponding to positions that give the right to a pension for years of service to teachers, doctors and other education and health workers.
2. The length of service of teachers and other educational workers, except for the work specified in paragraph 1 of this Regulation, shall include:
work in a specialty in technical schools, communal universities, workers' faculties, vocational schools and Soviet party schools, in schools, colleges and courses of vocational and vocational education, in schools for the semi-literate and points for the elimination of illiteracy and illiteracy, in out-of-school children's institutions and in children's rooms;
work in leadership, instructor and inspector positions in institutions, bodies and organizations of public, vocational and vocational education, as well as in leadership, instructor and inspector positions in a trade union uniting educational workers;
work in colleges, schools, pioneer camps and orphanages as full-time pioneer leaders;
time of study in pedagogical educational institutions and universities, if it was immediately preceded and immediately followed by pedagogical activity.
3. The length of service of doctors and other healthcare workers, except for the work specified in paragraph 1 of this Regulation, shall include:
work in the specialty in rest houses, pioneer camps and resort boarding houses, in the management of rest houses and sanatoriums, in institutions, departments and inspections of medical and labor, forensic medical and forensic psychiatric examinations, in state and departmental sanitary inspection and health education bodies, in the bodies of social insurance and cooperative insurance, the system of Red Cross and Red Crescent societies;
work in managerial, instructor and supervisory positions, regardless of their name, in institutions, bodies and healthcare organizations, as well as in managerial, instructor and supervisory positions in a trade union uniting medical workers.
4. The time of work specified in paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 of this Regulation shall be counted in the length of service in the specialty, provided that at least 2/3 of the length of service required for the appointment of a pension in accordance with this Regulation falls on work in institutions, organizations and positions in which work entitles to this pension.
The service of medical workers in the specialty as part of the Armed Forces of the USSR and in partisan detachments, as well as in the troops and bodies specified in subparagraph "d" of paragraph 1 of this Regulation, is counted in the length of service in the specialty, regardless of this condition.
5. If part of the work of doctors and other health care workers took place in rural areas and urban-type settlements, and part in cities, then a pension should be assigned with a work experience of at least 30 years. At the same time, a month of work in a rural area or an urban-type settlement (working settlement) is counted as 1.2 months.



dated 08/27/1992 N 634, dated 07/23/1993 N 701, dated 09/22/1993 N 953)

In accordance with Article 83 of the Law of the RSFSR "On State Pensions in the RSFSR", the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR decides:

ConsultantPlus: note.

1. Approve the attached List of professions and positions of healthcare workers and sanitary and epidemiological institutions whose medical and other work in protecting the health of the population entitles them to a pension for long service in accordance with Article 81 of the Law of the RSFSR "On State Pensions in the RSFSR".

2. Establish that the calculation of terms of service is carried out according to the following rules:
for health care workers and sanitary-epidemiological institutions specified in the attached List, one year of work in a rural area or an urban-type settlement (working settlement) should be considered as one year and 3 months;
(As amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 27.08.1992 N 634)

Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of 03.10.2002 N 64 established the identity of the names of the positions "forensic medical expert", "forensic medical expert (expert - chemist)" and "expert of the forensic medical examination bureau" with the title of the position "doctor - forensic medical expert".

On the issue concerning the calculation of length of service to determine the right to a pension for long service for the period of work until November 1, 1999 as a doctor - anesthesiologist - resuscitator of departments (groups) of anesthesiology - resuscitation, departments (wards) of resuscitation and intensive care, see Resolution of the Ministry of Labor RF dated November 22, 2001 N 81.

doctors - surgeons of all kinds, nursing staff of departments (wards) of the surgical profile of hospitals, doctors - anesthesiologists - resuscitators, nurses of departments (groups) of anesthesiology - resuscitation, departments (wards) of resuscitation and intensive care, doctors - pathologists and nurses departments of general, pediatric and infectious pathology of republican, regional and city pathoanatomical bureaus, city, district, interdistrict and centralized bureaus of pathoanatomical departments, conducting pathoanatomical autopsies of corpses, histological examination of cadaveric material, organs and tissues removed during operations and biopsies, processing of cadaveric, operating and biopsy material, doctors - forensic medical experts, paramedical personnel of district, interdistrict and city departments of the bureau of forensic medical examination, conducting forensic medical autopsy, examination of corpses and cadaveric material, processing of cadaveric material - one year of work in these positions and units count as one year and 6 months.
(as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 23.07.1993 N 701)
Length of service for healthcare workers and sanitary-epidemiological institutions includes service in their specialty as part of the Armed Forces of the USSR and law enforcement agencies.
(As amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 27.08.1992 N 634)
All types of medical and other work for the protection of public health in institutions (organizations) and positions provided for by the attached List, regardless of the departmental subordination of institutions (organizations) are included in the length of service, giving the right to a pension for long service, to health workers and sanitary and epidemiological institutions.
(As amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 27.08.1992 N 634)
3. Has expired. - Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 22, 1993 N 953.

Council of Ministers of the RSFSR

ConsultantPlus: note.
The list of professions and positions is applied in case of early appointment of an old-age insurance pension in accordance with Article 30 of the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 N 400-FZ “On Insurance Pensions” in the manner established by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 16, 2014 N 665.

ConsultantPlus: note.
RF dated September 22, 1999 N 1066, it was established that the length of service, which gives the right to a pension for the length of service in connection with medical and other work to protect the health of the population, includes periods of work before November 1, 1999 in accordance with this List, and periods of work after November 1, 1999 - in accordance with the List and the Rules approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 22, 1999 N 1066.


(as amended by Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation
of 27.08.1992 N 634, of 22.09.1993 N 953)

On the termination of proceedings in the case of invalidating paragraph 1 of the List in terms of the words “treatment-and-prophylactic and sanitary-epidemiological institutions, see the ruling of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated 02.12.2002 N GKPI 2002-1288.
By the decision of the Cassation Board of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated April 3, 2003 N CAS 03-99, this definition was left unchanged.

Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of May 14, 2001 N 38 established that the length of service, giving the right to a pension for the length of service in connection with medical and other activities to protect the health of the population, includes work in the treatment and prevention structural units of territorial medical associations.

1. Doctors and paramedical personnel, regardless of the title of the position of medical - preventive and sanitary - epidemiological institutions of all forms of ownership.
(Clause 1 as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 22, 1993 N 953)
2. Doctors and nurses engaged in self-employment.



In accordance with Articles 81 and 83 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On State Pensions in the Russian Federation" (Bulletin of the Congress of People's Deputies of the RSFSR and the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR, 1990, N 27, Article 351; Bulletin of the Congress of People's Deputies of the Russian Federation and the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation, 1993, N 5, item 157) The Government of the Russian Federation decides:

ConsultantPlus: note.
Law of the Russian Federation of November 20, 1990 N 340-1 became invalid on January 1, 2002 due to the adoption of the Federal Law of December 17, 2001 N 173-FZ.

1. Approve the attached List of positions, work in which is included in the length of service, giving the right to a pension for the length of service in connection with medical and other work to protect the health of the population, and the Rules for calculating the terms of service for the appointment of a pension for the length of service in connection with medical and other public health work.
2. Establish that the List and the Rules approved by paragraph 1 of this Decree apply to medical and other work to protect the health of the population, carried out in state and municipal health care institutions.
Ministry of Labor and social development Russian Federation and the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation in agreement with pension fund Russian Federation, within 3 months, prepare and submit to the Government of the Russian Federation proposals on a pension system for long service for employees of healthcare institutions that are not state or municipal.
3. Establish that periods of work before November 1, 1999 in accordance with the List of Professions and Positions of Health Workers and Sanitary and Epidemiological Institutions whose medical and other work in protecting the health of the population gives the right to a pension for long service, approved by the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR of September 6, 1991 N 464, and periods of work after the specified date - in accordance with the List and the Rules approved by paragraph 1 of this Decrees.
The rules approved by paragraph 1 of this Decree, at the request of a citizen, may also be applied when calculating the specified length of service for periods of work before November 1, 1999.
(the paragraph was introduced by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 19, 2001 N 130)

ConsultantPlus: note.
On the issue concerning the procedure for calculating length of service for periods of work after November 1, 1999, see the information letter of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of July 17, 2001 N 2954-16, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation of July 23, 2001 N 06-25 / 6023.

4. Grant the right to the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation, on the proposal of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and in agreement with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, to establish the identity of the names of positions and institutions provided for by the Lists specified in paragraph 3 of this Decree with similar positions, institutions and structural divisions , which had other, previously used names.
(as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 19, 2001 N 130)

ConsultantPlus: note.
On the issue of submitting a petition to the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation to establish the identity of the names of positions and institutions provided for in the lists with similar positions, institutions and structural divisions that had previously used names, see letter of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated May 17, 2002 N 2510 / 4920-02- 32.

Prime Minister
Russian Federation

Government Decree
Russian Federation

ConsultantPlus: note.
The list of positions is applied in case of early appointment of an old-age insurance pension in accordance with Article 30 of the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 N 400-FZ “On Insurance Pensions” in the manner established by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 16, 2014 N 665.


Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of October 22, 2001 N 76 established that work in institutions whose names contain the word "clinical (s)" is counted in length of service, giving the right to a pension for long service in accordance with the norms of Article 81 of the Law of the Russian Federation of November 20, 1990 N 340- 1.

Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of 03.10.2002 N 66 established the identity of the name of the institution "ambulance station" and the name of the institution "ambulance station".

│ │16. Stations: │ │ │ ambulance; │ │ │ blood transfusion │ │ │ │ │ │17. Children's home │ │ │ │ │ │18. Children's home │ │ │ specialized │ │ │ │ │ │19. Women's consultation │ │ │ │ │ │20. Maternity hospital │ │ │ │ │ │21. Sanatoriums (resorts) (including │ │ │ for children): │ │ │ for the treatment of tuberculosis of all forms; │ │ │ for patients with consequences of │ │ │ poliomyelitis; │ │ │ for hematological patients; │ │ │ for the treatment of patients with disorders of the musculoskeletal │ │ │ - motor apparatus; │ │ │ for patients with rheumatism; │ │ │ psychoneurological │ │ │ │ │ │22. Bureau: │ │ │ pathoanatomical (institute); │ │ │ forensic medical examination │ │ │ │ │ │23. Leper colony │ │ │ │ │ │24. Disinfection station │ │ │ │ │ │25. Anti-plague center (station) │ │ │ │ │ │26. Rehabilitation Center of the Medical Center│ │ │ Administration of the President of the Russian Federation │ │ │ │ │ │ Laboratories: │ │ │ aviation medicine; │ │ │ pathoanatomical (military district, │ │ │ fleet); │ │ │ forensic (military district, │ │ │ fleet, army, flotilla); │ │ │ central medical (type │ │ │ Armed Forces of the Russian Federation); │ │ │ central medical - forensic │ │ │ identification (Ministry of Defense of Russia); │ │ │ central pathoanatomical │ │ │ (Ministry of Defense of Russia); 28. Detachments: │ │ │ medical special purpose │ │ │ (military district, fleet); │ │ │ separate anti-plague (military │ │ │ district); │ │ │ sanitary - epidemiological (type │ │ │ Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, │ │ │ military district, fleet, flotilla); │ │ │ sanitary - epidemiological │ │ │ special purpose (military │ │ │ district); │ │ │ central sanitary - │ │ │ epidemiological (Airborne │ │ │ troops) │ │ │ │ │ │29. Infirmaries: │ │ │ military (military district, fleet, │ │ │ flotilla); │ │ │ naval (military district, │ │ │ fleet, flotilla) │ │ │ │ │ │30. Separate medical battalion │ │ │ │ │ │31. Medical company │ │ │ │ │ │32. Social service institutions: │ │ │ social shelter for children and adolescents; │ │ │ rehabilitation center for children and │ │ │ adolescents with disabilities; │ │ │ social - rehabilitation center for │ │ │ minors; │ │ │ boarding house for the elderly and │ │ │ disabled people; │ │ │ special boarding house for │ │ │ the elderly and disabled; │ │ │ psycho-neurological boarding school; │ │ │ house - boarding school for mentally retarded │ │ │ children; │ │ │ home - boarding school for children with physical │ │ │ disabilities; │ │ │ house of mercy; │ │ │ gerontological │ │ │ (gerontopsychiatric, geriatric) │ │ │ center; │ │ │ rehabilitation center for persons with │ │ │ mental retardation ──────────────────────────────┘

Government Decree
Russian Federation
dated September 22, 1999 N 1066

ConsultantPlus: note.
The rules are applied when calculating periods of work that give the right to early appointment of an old-age insurance pension in accordance with Article 30 of the Federal Law "On Insurance Pensions" in the manner established by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 16, 2014 N 665.


(as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 19, 2001 N 130)

1. The length of service for the appointment of a pension for the length of service in connection with medical and other work for the protection of public health shall include full-time work performed in the relevant positions of doctors and paramedical personnel in institutions provided for by the List of positions, work in which is counted as length of service. , giving the right to a pension for long service in connection with medical and other work to protect the health of the population (hereinafter referred to as the List), approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 22, 1999 N 1066, as well as in clinics and hospitals of higher medical educational institutions , Military Medical Academy, military medical institutes and medical scientific organizations, in the central consulting and diagnostic polyclinic of the Military Medical Academy, medical and sanitary units, medical units, outpatient clinics, infirmaries, clinics, outpatient departments, offices (X-ray mobile and dental mobile ), groups of specialized medical care (military district, navy), sanitary-epidemiological laboratories, sanitary-control points, medical companies, medical health centers, feldsher health centers and feldsher-obstetric stations, medical centers that are structural subdivisions of state and municipal institutions (organizations, federal state authorities and state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, military units, military educational institutions), regardless of departmental subordination.
(clause 1 as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 19, 2001 N 130)
2. Doctors and paramedical personnel who worked both in rural areas or urban-type settlements (workers' settlements), and in cities, a pension is established for at least 30 years of service. At the same time, one year of work in a rural area or an urban-type settlement (worker's settlement) is counted as one year and 3 months.
3. Doctors and paramedical personnel who worked in positions in structural units in accordance with the Appendix, one year of work is counted for one year and 6 months, provided that they are employed in the relevant positions for a full working day.
4. Work carried out in the positions provided for by the List in institutions of the Russian Federation abroad is counted as length of service on a general basis.
(clause 4 was introduced by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 19, 2001 N 130)

to the Rules
term of service calculation
for a pension
for years of service in connection
with medical and other work
public health


(as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 19, 2001 N 130)

Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of 03.10.2002 N 65 established the identity of the name of the structural unit "ENT - department" with the name of the structural unit "otolaryngological department" of state and municipal health care institutions.

┌───────────────────────────────────────────────── ────────────────┐ │ Name of structural subdivisions │Name of positions│ ├────────────────────────── ───────────────┼──────────────────────────┤ │1. Departments of the surgical profile, operating doctors - │ │tsionals of state and municipal │specialists of all the names of institutions provided for in paragraphs 1 -│states, including │ │5, 7, 11, 14, 15, 20, 21, 28 - 31 of the List│operating doctors - for-││positions, work in which counts-│leaders; operating │ │ is included in the length of service giving the right to a pension │ nurses, │ │ for length of service in connection with medical and other │ including seniors; acu- │ │work to protect the health of the population, and │shers, including the elders; aku-│stringing<*> │ │Sher observational; obstetric pathology of pregnancy; gynecological; │ │ │purulent surgery; cardiac surgery; │ │ │ coloproctological; microsurgical │ │ │; neurosurgical (including │ │ │ spinal cord injury); operational │ │ │ block (oper block); burn; oncological │ │ │; orthopedic; otolaryngological- │ │ │; ophthalmic; portal hypertension; reconstructive and plastic surgery; X-ray surgical │ │ │methods of diagnosis and treatment; generic │ │ │ (maternity); vascular surgery; trauma- │ │ │matological (including injuries of the kis- │ │ │ti); │ │ │ (as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 19, 2001 N 130) │ │ traumatologist - orthopedic; tubercu- │ │ │ useful for patients with osteo-articular │ │ │ tuberculosis; tuberculosis for patients with │ │ │ urogenital tuberculosis; tuberculosis-│ │ │noe pulmonary - surgical; urological-│ │ │ some (including kidney transplantation); │ │ │ surgical; surgical treatment of │ │ │ complex cardiac arrhythmias and electrical │ │ │ cardiac pacing; │ │ │ surgical thoracic; maxillo - │ │ │facial surgery (dental); │ │ │endoscopic; X-ray surgery room-│ │ │ cal methods of diagnostics and treatment │ │ │ │ │ │2. Departments (groups, wards, field doctors - anesthesiologists - │ │ ambulance teams) anes-│ resuscitators, including │ │ thesiology - resuscitation, as well as resuscitation - │ heads; medical-││mation and intensive care state-│qing sisters - anesthetic and municipal institutions, pre-│stesists; medical │ │specified in paragraphs 1 - 5, 7, 11, │sisters, including │ │14, 15, 16, 20, 21, 28 - 31 │ │ length of service giving the right to a pension for │ │ │ years of service in connection with medical and other work on public health protection, and │ │ │ also in clinics and medical and sanitary │ │ │ units │ │ │ (as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 19, 2001 N 130) │ │ │ │ │3. Pathological - anatomical departments │doctors - pathologist- │ │state and municipal institutions - │we, including doctors -│ │ny, provided for in paragraphs 1 - 5, │heads and middle │ │15, 20 List of positions, work in which -│medical staff, ││rykh is counted in the length of service giving the right-│conducting pathologist population, as well as in clinics and medical │ studies of cadaveric │ │ wild - sanitary units; departments (in │ material, organs and │ │ including general, children's and infectious │ tissues removed with │ │ pathology) of pathological and anatomical bureaus │ operations and biopsies, │ │ (institute) │ processing of cadaveric, │ │ │ operating room and biop - │ │ │shiny material │ │ │ │ │4. Departments (departments) of all kinds │doctors - forensic - medical - │ │bureau of forensic medical examination, │qing experts, including │ │central forensic │including doctors - head - │ │laboratory, central laboratory │general, and average medical - │ │ medical - forensic │ qing staff, pro- │ │ identification, forensic - medical │ leading forensic - copper │ │ laboratories intended for forensic autopsy, scientific - │ │ - histological and forensic - │ examination of corpses and │ │ medical research corpses │ cadaveric material, processing of cadaveric material │ │ │ rial │ │ (as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 19.02. ─────────────────────────────────────────────────── ┘

<*>In the departments of purulent surgery, burns, orthopedic, traumatology, traumatology - orthopedic, tuberculosis for patients with osteoarticular tuberculosis.

Government Decree
Russian Federation
dated October 29, 2002 N 781


ConsultantPlus: note.
On the issue of establishing the identity of the names of professions, positions and organizations (structural divisions) listed in this List, see Reference information.

<*>The positions "midwife" and "nurse" filled by males are referred to as "obstetrician" and "nurse brother (nurse)" respectively.

Government Decree
Russian Federation
dated October 29, 2002 N 781


(as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 26, 2009 N 449)

1. These Rules regulate the procedure for calculating the periods of work that give the right to early appointment of an old-age labor pension to persons who carried out medical and other activities to protect public health in healthcare institutions, in accordance with subparagraph 20 of paragraph 1 of Article 27 of the Federal Law "On labor pensions in Russian Federation".

2. When calculating periods of work giving the right to early appointment of an old-age labor pension to persons who carried out medical and other activities to protect public health in healthcare institutions (hereinafter referred to as work experience), in the part not regulated by these Rules, the Rules for calculating periods are applied work that gives the right to early appointment of an old-age labor pension in accordance with Articles 27 and 28 of the Federal Law "On labor pensions in the Russian Federation", approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 11, 2002 N 516 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2002, No. 28, item 2872).
(as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 26, 2009 N 449)
3. In the length of service are counted in the manner prescribed by these Rules, the periods of work in positions in the institutions specified in the list of positions and institutions, work in which is counted in the length of service, giving the right to early appointment of an old-age labor pension to persons who carried out medical and other activities to protect public health in healthcare facilities in accordance with subparagraph 20 of paragraph 1 of Article 27 of the Federal Law "On labor pensions in the Russian Federation" (hereinafter referred to as the list).
(as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 26, 2009 N 449)
At the same time, the presence in the name of the institutions indicated in the list of indications of their clinical profile and departmental or territorial affiliation is not a basis for excluding the period of work in this institution from the length of service that gives the right to early appointment of an old-age labor pension.
4. Periods of work in positions in the institutions indicated in the list, starting from November 1, 1999, and as the head nurse - regardless of the time when this work was performed, are counted in the length of service, provided that it is performed in the normal or reduced mode hours of work stipulated labor law for the respective positions. In the case when the work was carried out in several positions (institutions) indicated in the list during part-time work, the period of its performance is counted in the length of service if, as a result of summing up the employment (volume of work) in these positions (institutions), a normal or reduced working time has been developed time in the amount of the full rate for one of the posts.
5. Periods of work in positions in the institutions indicated in the list are counted in the length of service in a calendar order, with the exception of the following cases of applying the preferential procedure for calculating the length of service of the specified work:
a) persons who carried out medical and other activities for the protection of public health in health care institutions in the city, in the countryside and in an urban-type settlement (working settlement), a year of work in a rural area or in an urban-type settlement (working settlement) is counted in the specified length of service works like a year and 3 months;
(as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 26, 2009 N 449)
b) for persons who worked in structural divisions of healthcare institutions in positions according to the list in accordance with the appendix (hereinafter referred to as the list), the year of work is counted in the specified length of service as a year and 6 months. In the same manner, periods of work in the relevant positions in the departments (groups, wards, mobile ambulance teams) listed in paragraphs 1-3 of the list in organizations (structural divisions) specified in paragraph 6 of these Rules are counted in the length of service.
The calculation of work experience for persons who carried out medical and other activities for the protection of public health in the structural divisions of health care institutions in positions according to the list in the city, in the countryside and in an urban-type settlement (working settlement) is carried out using the preferential procedure for calculating the length of service provided for as subparagraph "a" and subparagraph "b" of this paragraph. At the same time, the preferential procedure for calculating the length of service is applied to the calendar period of work.

ConsultantPlus: note.
On the issue of establishing the identity of the names of organizations (structural divisions) given in paragraph 6 of the Rules, see Reference Information.

6. The length of service is counted on a general basis in the manner prescribed by these Rules, work in the positions indicated in the list:
in clinics and hospitals of higher medical educational institutions, the Military Medical Academy, military medical institutes and medical scientific organizations;
in the central consulting and diagnostic polyclinic of the Military Medical Academy;
in medical and preventive structural subdivisions of territorial medical associations;
in medical and sanitary units, medical units, outpatient clinics, infirmaries, polyclinics, polyclinic departments, offices (mobile X-ray and dental mobile), specialized medical care groups (military district, navy), medical support groups, medical service, medical group, military medical services, hospitals, sanitary and epidemiological laboratories, sanitary control points, medical companies, medical health centers, feldsher health centers and feldsher-obstetric stations, medical stations that are structural divisions of organizations (military units).
(as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 26, 2009 N 449)
7. Work carried out in the positions provided for by the list in institutions of the Russian Federation abroad is counted in the length of service on a general basis in the manner prescribed by these Rules.

to the Rules for Calculating Periods
work entitling to early
appointment of a labor pension
old age for persons who
medical and other activities
public health in
health care institutions,
in accordance with subparagraph 20
paragraph 1 of Article 27 of the Federal
Law "On labor pensions in
Russian Federation"

ConsultantPlus: note.
On the issue of establishing the identity of the names of professions, positions and organizations (structural divisions) given in this list, see Help information.


(as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 26, 2009 N 449)

┌────────────────────────────────────────────────── ────────────────┐ │ Name of structural │ Name of positions │ │ units │ │ └───────────────────── ──────────┴───────────────────────────────┘ 1. Surgical departments 1. Operating doctors - profile of hospitals - specialists of all names, institutions, including operating doctors - points 1 - 6, 8, 12, 15, 20, heads; operating rooms 21, 27 - 30 of the list: obstetric, nurses, including obstetric physiological; seniors; midwives, including obstetric observation; seniors; obstetric pathology pregnancy nurses; gynecological; dressing rooms in the departments of purulent surgery; purulent surgery, burn, cardiac surgery; orthopedic, coloproctological; traumatological, microsurgical; trauma-orthopedic, neurosurgical (including tuberculosis for patients with spinal cord injury); osteoarticular tuberculosis operating room, operating block (operblok); burn; oncological; orthopedic; otolaryngological; ophthalmic; portal hypertension; reconstructive and plastic surgery; X-ray surgical methods of diagnostics and treatment; generic (maternity); vascular surgery; traumatological (including hand injuries); traumatological and orthopedic; tuberculosis for patients with osteoarticular tuberculosis; tuberculosis for patients with urogenital tuberculosis; tuberculosis pulmonary surgical; urological (including kidney transplant); surgical (including organ transplantation); surgical treatment of complex cardiac arrhythmias and pacing; surgical thoracic; maxillofacial surgery (dental); endoscopic; room for X-ray surgical methods of diagnosis and treatment (as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 26.05.2009 N 449) anesthesiology-resuscitation, including heads; also resuscitation and intensive ward nurses, in therapy institutions, including seniors; medical ones provided for in paragraphs 1 - 6, anesthetist nurses 8, 12, 15, 16, 20, 21, 27 - 30 of the list (as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 05.26.2009 N 449) 3. Pathological and anatomical 3. Physicians - pathologists, in the departments of institutions, including head doctors, and provided for in paragraphs 1 - 6, nurses, lists 14, 20, Clinical pathologist conducting anatomical autopsy of the Moscow Medical Center, Academy named after I.M. Sechenov; histological studies of the department (including general, cadaveric material, organs and children's and infectious tissues removed during pathology) pathological operations and biopsies, anatomical bureaus (institute) processing of cadaveric, surgical and biopsy material (as amended by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 26 .2009 N 449) 4. Departments (departments) of all 4. Doctors - forensic bureau names of forensic experts, including medical examination, including medical directors, and central forensic paramedical personnel, medical laboratories conducting forensic central laboratories for medical autopsy, forensic examination of corpses and cadaveric identification, forensic material, processing of cadaveric medical laboratory, material intended for forensic histological and forensic examination of corpses ────────────────── ──────────────────────────────────────────────────

Heads of medical organizations subordinate to federal or regional authorities, as well as their deputies, will be able to hold their positions until the age of 65. In some cases, they will be allowed to manage polyclinics and hospitals until the age of 70, and then transferred to other positions.

What's happened?

President Vladimir Putin signed Law No. 256-FZ dated July 29, 2017, which supplements the norm on the age limit for occupying the position of the head of a medical organization subordinate to a federal executive body, an executive body of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation or a local government body, and his deputy. According to the amendments, it will be possible to hold such positions until the age of 65. Then, with the written consent of the employee, he can be transferred to another position.

In some cases, chief physicians will be able to work up to 70 years. This will be possible upon the presentation of the general meeting (conference) of employees of the medical organization and the decision of the founder. At the same time, the head physician himself will be able to extend the tenure of his deputy or the head of a branch of a medical organization until such an employee reaches the age of 70.

Why is it important?

The authors of the document, when they presented the amendments, noted that similar norms are already working for rectors. At the same time, they insist that highly qualified specialists are not deprived of their jobs, but are given the opportunity to train the younger generation of doctors, scientific and medical activities.

What to do?

The law introducing age limits for heads of state and municipal medical organizations will come into force on October 1, 2018. If the head physician or his deputy has already reached the age of 65, it is not necessary to immediately dismiss or transfer them to another position. The employment contract in this case will be valid until the end of the agreed period, but not more than three years.
