Children's clinic. Children's medical programs Medical programs for children

Intestinal infections are widespread in both adults and children. They are especially relevant in the summer, during vacations and vacations.

Diarrhea (diarrhea) is the main symptom of an intestinal infection. The disease may also be accompanied by vomiting, abdominal pain, and fever.

How dangerous is an intestinal infection?

The main danger is dehydration. Its main signs are: dry lips and mucous membranes, thirst, decreased urination - less than once every 6-8 hours (and in children of the first years of life it can be easily identified by dry diapers for more than 4-6 hours), weight loss. With more severe dehydration, severe drowsiness, apathy, slow reactions appear, and kidney failure and other serious conditions may develop.

What to do to avoid getting sick? ⠀

    The most important thing is to wash your hands thoroughly. At least after a walk, going to the toilet, and especially before eating.

    Do not give your children raw milk from the cow, egg dishes with raw yolks, or undercooked meat and fish. Wash vegetables, fruits and herbs thoroughly.

    When traveling, you should not eat raw food or unpeeled vegetables and fruits. Be sure to use bottled or boiled water. It is better to avoid drinks with ice, since disinfected water is not always used to prepare it.

    For infants, one of the best preventive measures is breastfeeding.

    Don't forget about vaccination.

The most common intestinal infection in the world is caused by rotavirus. We recommend that children be vaccinated against this infection. This disease can be very serious, especially for children in the first months and years of life, and can lead to severe dehydration, which in some cases may require hospital treatment.

“RotaTek” is a children's vaccine against rotavirus infection in the form of syrup. It is important to know that vaccination can begin no later than 12 weeks of life, and be completed no later than 8 months of the child’s life.



Hello! Please tell me which vaccines are best to use? Domestic or imported? Domestic ones have a higher reactogenicity, and on the other hand, more stable immunity. In our city there is only the imported Pentaxim vaccine. Is it possible to get vaccinated a few days after an allergy? (Hide)

We prefer to work with imported vaccines, as they are easier to tolerate, but at the same time provide a high level of protection against certain pathogens of infectious diseases. Unfortunately, in Russia today there is no alternative to the acellular pentavaccine Pentaxim. There is a lot of experience in using this drug; almost all of Western Europe uses it to vaccinate children under 4 years of age against tetanus, diphtheria, polio, whooping cough and Haemophilus influenzae type b. The introduction of vaccines is safe in principle, since after administration only immunoglobulin class G (immunological memory) is activated, and allergic reactions are triggered with the participation of another immunoglobulin - class E. There is only one contraindication for the administration of a limited number of vaccines - this is a proven (according to allergy diagnostics) severe allergy (sensitization) to chicken egg white. (Hide)


Hello. The baby is 7 months old, the mother’s milk supply is low and the baby is not getting enough to eat, apparently it will soon run out of milk. What is the best formula to start using instead of breast milk? Which brand or specific series of formulas is the most complete for a baby of this age? (Hide)

Of course, a full replacement in terms of safety, usefulness breast milk no, this is an axiom. There is no complete replacement for psychological comfort for a child during breastfeeding. Therefore, fight with all your might to continue lactation for at least a year. But if the question of switching to infant formula still arises, then you need to remember the following: Choose a formula of the appropriate age level (at 7 months it is often stage 2). Take into account the baby’s health – stool stability, the presence of allergic manifestations to complementary foods, the presence of food or other allergies in close relatives, a tendency to regurgitate, etc. The choice of one or another mixture in composition may depend on this. If there are no health problems, you can safely use mixtures from manufacturers baby food Nestle, Nutricia, Semper. If there are problems, no

Pediatric centers specialize in the treatment of general and specialized diseases in children under 16 years of age. Clinics accept best pediatricians, neonatologists, pediatric cardiologists, surgeons, neurologists, ophthalmologists.

Pediatric clinics treat chickenpox, influenza, measles, rubella, mumps, scarlet fever, etc.

On our portal you can find good paid children's medical centers, as well as information about pediatricians. Compare prices for center services, patient reviews, ratings and make appointments at private clinics.

What is pediatrics?

Pediatrics is a branch of medicine whose activities are aimed at the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of childhood diseases, as well as the gradual recovery (rehabilitation) of a sick child. A specialist who represents this field of medicine is called a pediatrician.

How to choose a good pediatric center?

You should choose a medical institution taking into account the qualifications and experience of the doctors working there, and patient reviews. The level of equipment of the clinic and the prices for services are very important.

All the best pediatric centers and paid children's clinics are collected on our portal! You will definitely choose the right option based on location and price.

Note! The information on the page is provided for informational purposes only. To prescribe treatment, consult your doctor.

    A children's institution created on the basis of the oldest clinic in Moscow - the Central Clinic of the Literary Fund. Kind and sympathetic doctors of narrow specialties. Modern equipment (in addition to the X-ray room, there is an MRI machine), a bright colorful interior, its own pediatric dentistry department - and all this at very affordable prices.

    A huge five-story children's clinical diagnostic center, one of the best in the MEDSI clinic network. A large number of insurance programs for children under 18 years of age. We have our own laboratory for analysis and 18 ambulance teams. The clinic's halls are equipped with play areas for children of any age, and there are TVs with cartoons everywhere. The building is located in the historical center of Moscow and has its own convenient parking. The pediatric dentistry department is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

    Perhaps the most fun paid children's clinic in Moscow. Everything has been done here to ensure that children are not afraid of going to the doctor. Original design rooms, beautiful lighting, birds chirping can be heard everywhere, and a parrot greets small patients at the entrance. In addition to doctors of basic specialties, the clinic employs child psychologists. You can register regardless of your residence permit or registration.

    An excellent modern clinic equipped with the latest technology. It works mainly under voluntary health insurance policies, but you can get an appointment without insurance. The prices are quite consistent with the children's focus of the establishment. For the first appointment they will charge you no more than 1 thousand rubles. Welcoming and friendly staff. You can come to a consultation with your test results done elsewhere.

    Experienced pediatricians of all specialties, trained in the best traditions of Kremlin medicine, work here. The latest modern equipment, 24-hour ambulance and two of our own rehabilitation centers in picturesque corners of the Moscow region. There are three annual insurance programs for children. The prices are quite affordable.

    The clinic is famous for its kind and compassionate doctors who love children and know how to set them in the right mood. Any tests and diagnostic studies are carried out in one day. A very convenient service for busy parents is our own pharmacy, located in the clinic building, from which medications are delivered directly to your home.

    The recently opened multidisciplinary pediatric department on the basis of the main clinic for adults offers annual insurance programs for children up to 15 years old at very reasonable prices. The clinic welcomes doctors of narrow specialties working in the leading medical children's centers of the capital. It has its own hospital for operations.

    The family medical center, which initially had an obstetrics and gynecology specialization, now offers annual comprehensive treatment programs for children “Healthy Child”, including appointments with doctors of all specialties. Also here you can undergo a full examination in one day and get a medical card for a kindergarten or school at a very reasonable price.

If your child has already received the necessary treatment at one of the children's clinics in Moscow, please describe your impressions on the pages of our portal. The doctor’s qualification level and attitude towards a small patient, the equipment of the medical institution and the comfort of the services offered - any information is important. Every word you say is of great value to those who are just about to take their child to the doctor.

Choosing a children's clinic in Moscow

Today there are several dozen children's clinics operating in Moscow. Due to intense competition, they offer a wide variety of services designed to attract new customers. Now you don’t have to come to the clinic yourself - a specialist can examine the patient at home. Some physiotherapeutic procedures are also carried out here.

In Moscow children's clinics you can undergo all types of examinations, both simple and more rare. In addition, these institutions perform a variety of tests and administer vaccinations. These medical institutions may even include dental offices, which eliminates the need for additional visits to the dentist.

Some children's clinics in Moscow not only conduct medical examinations, but also offer consultations child psychologist and a speech therapist. The help of a speech therapist-defectologist is simply necessary for children with speech disorders of various natures. Classes can be conducted both individually and in groups. And the help of a psychologist can be useful for children suffering from some kind of fears and showing excessive aggressiveness.

Private medical institutions provide the opportunity not only to undergo treatment, but also to receive Required documents. These include a variety of medical certificates and cards that may be required upon admission to kindergarten and school.
