Breastfeeding a newborn in the first days. Breastfeeding in the early days: how to establish lactation in the hospital After childbirth, how to feed the baby

Nine months of waiting is in the past. The painfully long process of childbirth is also over. An important event took place - the birth of a new man. The baby recently lived in his mother's tummy, and then they went through the whole difficult process of childbirth together. And now the baby, driven by instincts, is mastering a new reality. The first feeding of the child after childbirth occurs, as a rule, even in the delivery room, a few minutes after birth.

Mom experiences feelings of tenderness and admires when the baby greedily begins to suckle the breast. At the same time, on her shoulders lies a huge responsibility for the health and life of the little man.

Importance of breastfeeding immediately after childbirth

It is hardly possible to exaggerate the importance of the speedy attachment of a newly born baby to the breast. Every woman in labor should try and do everything possible to make this happen as soon as possible. This is necessary in order to:

  • The baby's postpartum stress has eased. When a baby, starting his life journey, is next to his mother, sucking her breast, he instinctively calms down, feeling safe next to his mother's body.
  • The placenta was successfully separated. Breast sucking is a kind of stimulation of the production of the hormone oxytocin. Under its influence, the uterus begins to contract, and this is normal. After prolonged feeding, women sometimes feel severe pain in the lower abdomen. This pain is a sign that the uterus continues to contract.
  • Milk began to be produced, or rather, colostrum. As you know, colostrum appears during pregnancy, but in small quantities. After childbirth, it is very important to carry out the first feeding of the baby as soon as possible in order to start the lactation process.
  • The child has started the process of digestion. Colostrum has a beneficial effect on the digestive system of newborns, under its influence the body is freed from meconium, and the intestinal microflora is populated with beneficial bacteria.

The value of the first drops of colostrum

Colostrum is the first milk, a very valuable and nutritious product. Despite the fact that colostrum is initially released little, its nutritional value is great, since it contains great amount nutrients in high concentration.

Colostrum seems to cover the walls of the stomach and intestines with a protective layer, preventing further disorders and intestinal colic.

That is why, when starting breastfeeding, it is important to do everything possible to give the baby colostrum immediately after birth.

It would seem that there is nothing easier than putting a baby to the breast, but in practice, many newly-made mothers face certain difficulties. For example, Small child may refuse to breastfeed. The technique of breastfeeding in such situations becomes an overwhelming science.

Depends on the correct attachment of the child to the breast further fate lactation. It is very important that the child learns to suckle milk correctly as soon as possible, because improper, so-called nipple sucking, leads to injuries and cracks in the nipples. Cracks, in turn, cause a lot of discomfort to a woman, for whom every feeding becomes a test due to severe pain. In addition, due to improper breast capture in a nursing mother, milk stagnation may form.

Unfortunately, not all babies are equally good at breastfeeding. But what to do if the first breastfeeding came out lumpy? First, it is best to contact the medical staff of the maternity hospital. Every postpartum unit has a breastfeeding specialist. This may be a midwife or a pediatric nurse, designed to teach inexperienced mothers the basics of breastfeeding. It is these health workers who will tell you how to start feeding correctly.

How to help your baby breastfeed for the first time

From the very beginning, it is important to choose a position that is comfortable for mother and child (sitting or lying on their side). For additional comfort, you can prop yourself up with pillows.

The chest should be gently held with one hand. Thumb located on top of the chest, and all the rest - below. You need to slightly squeeze the nipple. When the child is near the bust, he begins to actively open his mouth in search of food. If this does not happen, you can run the nipple along his lower lip. The mouth will instinctively open. With the other hand you need to hold the crumbs. To prevent his head from spinning, you should carefully hold it near the mammary gland.

Difficulties with the first application of the baby

Possible problems during the first application and ways to overcome them:

  • The child, at the first meeting with his mother, is active, looks for the nipple with his mouth, but, grabbing it, immediately releases it.. Probably, the child turns his head too actively and loses his mother's nipple. To help the baby, you need to hold his head, fix it right at the chest, holding it at the neck.
  • The chest is filled with milk, the baby, eating, chokes. When there is a lot of milk in the breast, it is hard, tight. Of course, it is difficult for the baby to grab hold of it. And it is difficult for a newborn to cope with a strong stream of milk. In such a situation, you should change the position for feeding. If the baby is placed on top, on the chest, then he will no longer choke. Full breasts before the first feeding can be expressed a little to make them softer.
  • The baby is constantly losing breasts, while the mother has flat or inverted nipples. The beginning of GW in such a situation will become difficult, but not for long. A healthy baby will definitely learn to suck on a non-standard nipple. After some time, the nipple will stretch, sucking will become even easier. If the baby does not want to take a flat nipple at all, silicone nozzles can come to the rescue. Pulling milk out of them is a little harder, but still this method helps many.

Reasons for refusing the first feeding

Initially, it is important to determine for what reason the newborn does not want to suck on his mother's breast. The reasons may be different:

  1. Applying too early. Childbirth is a huge burden not only on the mother's body, but also on the baby's body. He experienced a lot of stress going through the birth canal. Now, after birth, he needs a little break to rest. Thus, the baby may not take the breast 10 minutes after birth, and after half an hour it will begin to suckle eagerly.
  2. The child does not understand how to handle the mother's breast. It seems to a young mother that her baby is turning away from the bust, but in fact, he probably turns his head in search of food. At the beginning of lactation, you need to help the child, teach him to “suck”. Newborns have a sucking reflex, but they still do not know how to control their bodies.
  3. Weak sucking reflex, which is observed in some babies. The baby simply does not have the strength to eat. After all, for sucking the breast, the child needs to make considerable efforts. And if the baby was born premature, underweight, sick, or simply weakened from prolonged labor, then he has practically no strength to suck. How to start breastfeeding such weakened babies? You will probably have to give them time to get stronger. The first days of life, weak children are fed from a bottle. From it, the milk itself pours into the mouth, you do not need to make a lot of effort. At this time, the mother should express her milk (colostrum) and give it to bottle feed the baby. It is advisable to attempt breastfeeding before each feeding. Perhaps a hungry baby will finally take the breast. But there is also the possibility that he will soon get used to the nipple and will no longer want to suck on his mother's breast.
  4. After a long separation, the baby may also show rejection of the breast. When mother and baby are separated at the hospital, the baby is bottle fed. Nursing personnel, unfortunately, do not always take care of breastfeeding. Breast and nipple sucking techniques differ. Nipple sucking uses different muscles than breast sucking. In addition, the smell, taste of breast milk and formula are also different. The process of accustoming a child to the breast, after the child is used to the bottle, will require a lot of patience and strength from a woman.

In what cases it is not necessary to hurry with the first application

Sometimes you have to postpone the first attachment to the breast:

It will be necessary to postpone the first feeding when a woman has complications, and she needs to undergo certain manipulations or treatment.

The first breastfeeding is postponed when the baby was born weakened, and he needs to be under the supervision of medical staff.

  • Do not give your child two mammary glands for one feeding. You need to empty one breast first, and leave the other for the next feeding.
  • It is important to follow the correct sucking. The baby suckles correctly when the breast is stretched. If the baby “smacks”, then the sucking technique is incorrect. He grabbed only the edge of the nipple with his mouth, but you need to capture the entire nipple with the areola. After the first time of such improper feeding, a woman experiences pain, as small cracks appear on the nipples.
  • After feeding, the baby should be given a “column” position in order to release the air that has entered the stomach at the time of sucking. As soon as the baby burps, it can be settled horizontally. If you do not let the air out, the child will soon suffer from pain in the tummy.
  • Often, babies do not know the measure and suck milk for a long time, using feeding as sucking on a pacifier. Excess milk bursts the ventricle, causing the baby to be naughty. Therefore, during feedings, it is advisable to take 2-3 breaks. So the baby will soon realize that he has had enough, and will release the breast.
  • Starting breastfeeding for new moms is hard science. So, many people make the mistake of literally tearing the nipple out of the baby's mouth immediately after feeding. Doing so may damage the nipple. It is better to use the following technique: after feeding, put a clean finger into the baby’s mouth, he will immediately release the breast.
  • When feeding is just beginning, it may seem to a young mother that she does not have enough breast milk, and she begins to supplement her baby with a mixture. The process of supplementing only exacerbates the lack of milk. Indeed, in order to increase the amount of milk, you need to increase the attachment of the baby to the breast. And when a baby uses additional nutrition - a mixture - the need for mother's milk gradually disappears.

Do not panic and worry if the baby was not allowed to suck on the breast in the delivery room. Breast-feeding sure to improve over the next few days. And if there are any problems or questions, it is better to seek advice from a doctor or a breastfeeding specialist.

Look at the advice of Dr. Komarovsky:

The most important day is over - the baby was born! Such a long-awaited, beloved, dear. But the tests for the woman are not over yet - the body will have a difficult process of returning to the usual, "non-pregnant" state. And this is against the background of the need to take care of the child - to breastfeed him, to care for him.

No matter. whether the birth was independent, problem-free, difficult, with complications, or a caesarean section was performed - recovery is almost the same for everyone.

What happens to the body in the first days after childbirth, which sensations are normal and which ones indicate pathology, what you can and should eat in order for milk to arrive - we will tell you in detail later.

What physical manifestations are expected in the first week after childbirth

We will list all the sensations that can be observed immediately after childbirth and within 5-7 days. But this does not mean that everyone has them all - every young mother has everything individually.

  • Almost everyone has lochia (even after caesarean section) is spotting, which after 5-6 days becomes pink, then watery and stops after 10-14 days. They are associated with bleeding of the inner walls of the uterus after separation of the placenta.
  • Spasmodic pains in the abdomen depend on the contractions of the uterus, which returns to its original size. Pass within 5-15 days - it is individual.
  • Weakness and exhaustion - childbirth is a very big tension and stress.
  • Painful sensations in the perineum, especially after natural childbirth and suturing. Aggravated by coughing, lifting weights. Last up to a week. This also includes difficulty walking and sitting.
  • General muscle pain - as a result of strong attempts.
  • Hemorrhages in the whites of the eyes, blue circles under the eyes, hematomas in different places - it was during the attempts that small vessels burst.
  • Excessive sweating - usually lasts 2-3 days and is associated with hormonal changes in the body.
  • Difficulties with urination and defecation are normal and may occur 24-48 hours after delivery. But you can’t start this situation, as infectious inflammation can begin.
  • Severe soreness of the breast nipples, their cracking, even abscesses and spotting.

The chest in the first days after childbirth requires a very responsible attitude in order to prevent the development of mastitis - while it will not be possible to feed the baby.

WITH emotional and psychological side A young mother may be accompanied by such sensations:

  • Constant mood swings - from joy to depression and even despair.
  • Feeling insecure in their maternal qualities, fear of breastfeeding.
  • Irritation from own weakness, desire to return home as soon as possible.
  • Complete lack of interest in her husband, rejection of even simple affectionate touches.

Breast in the first days after childbirth

This question worries most of all newly-made mothers, because it is the food and health of her baby. Even during pregnancy, the breasts noticeably increased in size and the woman who kneaded her nipples did the right thing - she prepared them for the upcoming loads.

Books write that immediately after childbirth, colostrum flows from the nipples, which the baby needs so much. Ideally, this is so, but in life, most often there is no milk on the first day after childbirth. And even two or three days nothing can be squeezed out, even if the baby is applied to the chest. Moms start to get nervous that the baby is hungry. And in vain! Wise nature has foreseen everything and for the first two or three days the child has no appetite at all, does not feel hunger and also moves away from the stress that he experienced during birth.

And how much colostrum he needs - he will draw out for himself, although it seems to the mother that the breast is empty and there is nothing to feed after childbirth. The entire serving of a one-day-old baby is a teaspoon of colostrum. This amount of food goes not so much to maintain strength as to cleanse the stomach and intestines from mucus and postpartum meconium feces.

And only on the third or fourth day the baby has an appetite and a desire to eat well. And by this time, the breast swells, filling with milk. The size can increase 3-4 times, the nipples become very sensitive, painful and hard as a stone. It is very important to establish the correct feeding regimen in order to release the breast in time for the next portion, not to let the milk stagnate. How to give a nipple in the baby's mouth - a pediatric neonatologist will show. It all depends on the structure and size of the nipple. As a rule, pain during feeding gradually disappears in a week.

The main thing is to follow the rules of hygiene, wash and process the nipples, express the remaining milk until the baby sucks everything out. And if painful cracks still appear on the nipples, then it is not recommended to treat it yourself - consult a doctor and he will select remedies that are safe for the baby so as not to stop the process of breastfeeding.

Breastfeeding Rules

Renowned British doctor Arlene Eisenberg and her colleagues have written an excellent guide book for expectant mothers called Expecting a Baby. The book has been published several times in our country - and we advise all expectant mothers to find and read it. The author devoted a large section specifically to the problem of breastfeeding - after all, the longer the baby receives mother's milk, the healthier he will be. We have compiled her tips into a short list.

  1. The first time the baby should be attached to the breast, as soon as possible after childbirth. Now in maternity hospitals, a newborn is immediately placed on the mother’s chest so as not to break their connection. But, in some places, they still adhere to the old, Soviet system and the baby is taken from the mother to the children's wards, and they bring food strictly by the hour. In this case, the mother should know that they have the right to demand to bring the baby immediately.
  2. As a rule, on the first day after birth, the child sleeps almost all the time and it often turns out that they bring him to feed, but he sleeps and is not going to wake up. In these cases, the baby must be awakened and forced to suck, otherwise he will wake up between feedings and begin to demand his portion, which he will receive from the bottle. And the next feeding he will sleep again. There are two ways to wake up a baby. First you need to slow him down by slightly pinching his nose. If the newborn does not wake up, then you need to carefully seat him and, holding him, swing forward several times. At the same time, he will definitely wake up and you must immediately attach him to the chest.
  3. In some hospitals crying children sedated by giving them a bottle of glucose. Such manipulation does double harm - it interrupts the baby's appetite, and the ease with which liquid flows from the bottle makes him lazy at the breast. Where does the milk need to be sucked from? Therefore, it would be best to get the medical staff not to give such tea to the baby in the hospital. And also, did not give him a pacifier.
  4. No need to feed screaming child. He already lacks experience to capture the nipple. And in an excited state, this is almost impossible to do. First, the baby must be calmed, pumped up and then try to feed.
  5. Milk in the first days after childbirth is very nutritious, so the child is quickly saturated, especially since the volume of his ventricle is very small. And much more milk is produced. To avoid stagnation, the first few weeks, the remainder must be decanted. You can do this manually, or use special breast pumps that you can buy at a pharmacy. By the end of the first month, the baby can already completely empty one breast on its own. By the way, if there is a lot of excess milk, then it can be sold. This is a very expensive product, for which they will come at the agreed time.
  6. And most important rule, no matter how difficult the feeding process is at first, the mother should try to remain calm. Already 10 minutes before breastfeeding, you need to say goodbye to the guests, turn off the TV, relax, and devote this time of intimacy with your baby. The amount of milk from this will also increase.
  7. It is better to feed more often and little by little. As a rule, it is the long breaks between feedings that lead to swelling and cracking of the nipples. The only way to harden them is by sucking a child. It is optimal to give the baby both breasts at each feeding and start with the less sensitive one.

Breastfeeding mother's diet

As a rule, few mothers want to eat on the first day after giving birth. But worrying about their baby, women, especially under the pressure of grandmothers, force themselves to eat and drink "for two" - so that milk comes. For truth, this is - the amount of milk directly depends on the amount of food and drink.

But, and the first day after childbirth, it is completely optional for mom to eat a lot. The body directs all its forces to recover from powerful stress, which is the birth of a baby, and it makes no sense to spend the last strength on digesting high-calorie foods. It will not benefit anyone - neither the woman nor her child. You have to eat what your body asks for.

But, there are a number of restrictions on what you can eat in the first days after childbirth - so that the baby does not have a tummy ache, so that diathesis and allergies do not develop, a nursing mother must refuse a number of products that she consumed during pregnancy.

The most exciting question is how to organize after childbirth proper nutrition in the first days and beyond, so that the baby has enough milk, but at the same time the mother herself does not gain weight.

General nutrition rules

That's why, rule number 1- Eat foods rich in vitamins and minerals. These include cereals such as oatmeal, buckwheat, rice, vegetables and fruits. For the first time, oranges, tangerines and strawberries should be abandoned - they can cause the development of diathesis.

But from the second month, the mother even needs to introduce them into the diet a little bit - when the intestinal microflora is already formed in the baby, then small portions of allergens act just the opposite - they teach the body to perceive them normally. Also, do not eat legumes - beans, peas and others. They cause bloating and colic in the baby, like fresh cabbage (this does not apply to sauerkraut and stew).

As an additional vitamin children's doctor, as a rule, prescribes vitamin complexes to mom. But such synthetic vitamins are poorly absorbed. It is better to spend this considerable money that they cost on fresh herbs, carrots, bananas and kiwi - there will be more benefits. And you should definitely buy fish oil in capsules at the pharmacy - this guarantees the absence of anemia to the mother, and the full physical and mental development of the baby.

The menu of the first days after childbirth should also include cereals, fresh vegetables and fruits containing a lot of fiber - apples, raisins and other dried fruits, nuts (walnuts - no more than 3 pieces per day), bread and bran buns. This is necessary for the proper functioning of the mother's digestive system. In addition, dried fruits and nuts contain a large number of B vitamins, which are very important for intellectual development child.

Rule number 2 - calories. Many moms dream after giving birth as soon as possible to return to their “pre-pregnancy” norm. And immediately after the birth of the baby, they begin to limit themselves in food in order to throw off overweight. But here we must first of all think about the baby, so nutritionists recommend increasing the number of calories in the diet by about 500 compared to the diet before pregnancy.

This amount will allow you to produce enough milk, while not gaining extra centimeters at the waist. If the mother is overweight, then this figure can be half as much - then the body will spend the fat accumulated during pregnancy on milk.

Rule number 3 - calcium. This important building element was consumed to the maximum during the growth of the fetus, and after childbirth is actively excreted with milk. Therefore, it must be replenished urgently and in sufficient quantities. This means that calcium intake in foods should be increased up to 5 times a day. It can be a glass of milk, yogurt (only home-made - sourdough is sold in the dairy departments of supermarkets and pharmacies), a portion of cottage cheese or 50-70 grams of hard cheese.

Rule number 4. The amount of protein should be reduced - a maximum of 3 times a day for 100-150 grams. These are 2 eggs, boiled chicken, rabbit, veal, turkey, sea and river fish. It is necessary to completely abandon mushrooms, even store-bought champignons - by the way, they are the most dangerous.

Rule 5- very important! Proper drinking regime. On the day, in addition to the liquid that is contained in foods and dishes, you must drink at least 8 glasses (milk, juices, broths, clean water). You need to drink even more if there is a strong sweating. But, the maximum amount of liquid is 12 glasses (2.5 liters) - since the amount of milk produced will decrease, and edema will go, since the kidneys will not be able to cope with such an amount of liquid. Strong tea and coffee should be reduced to 1 cup a day.

Recipes to increase lactation

One of the most FAQ in young mothers: what should you drink to get milk? In the first place is tea with milk - you need to take not very strong black or green tea and milk in half and sweeten it a little. Fennel or cumin tea stimulates milk production very well, besides, it good remedy to reduce colic in the baby. You need to brew half a teaspoon in a glass of boiling water. Diluted 5-6 times, such tea should also be given to a child - he will easily pass gases.

The complex of herbs for insufficient lactation looks like this: steam 1 teaspoon of caraway seeds, dill, fennel and dry or fresh herbs of lemon balm and nettle in a thermos in 1 liter of water. Infuse for 2 hours and drink throughout the day before and after feeding.

Very effective remedy- It is advised to drink after the last feeding before going to bed. Make radish juice - 100 ml, dilute 100 ml with boiled salted water and dilute 1 tablespoon of honey in a warm composition (not hot!)

dill milk- old folk recipe. Crush 1 teaspoon of dill seeds (or grind in a coffee grinder), pour 1 glass of curdled milk or kefir, salt and drink on an empty stomach before breakfast.

Breastfeeding is an important stage in the life of mother and child. This ensures the health of both, as well as close physical, psychological and emotional connection for life. And, believe me, no career, beauty and other external manifestations of the modern world are worth giving up this happiness.

Author of the publication: Marianna Pavlei

After nine months of pregnancy, the long-awaited meeting with her baby, a full member of society, comes. Young parents face many difficult tasks that must be solved without fail, providing the newborn with a full mental and physical development.

Nature has created us so that for quite a long time after birth we feed on breast milk. At first glance, the process is quite simple, but the vast majority of young mothers have many questions about feeding babies, which are sometimes embarrassing to ask a doctor or health visitor. Today in our article we will talk about how to feed a newborn baby and how much to feed a newborn?

What is colostrum and is it nutritious?

First feeding usually happens in the hospital room 6-8 hours after your baby is born. It is generally accepted that the sooner the newborn is attached to the breast, the better for him and his mother's lactation.

The mammary glands after childbirth begin to actively produce colostrum, which must be fed without fail to the child. It is worth noting that its volume is rather small - no more than 30 ml, but the process of its production is carried out continuously. Previously, while this issue was less studied, colostrum was considered "empty", that is, it did not contain a large amount of useful and nutritious substances. However, today there is a scientific refutation of this - colostrum is useful and brings incredible benefits to the baby.

In the composition of the produced liquid contains a high concentration of bifidobacteria, which, getting into the esophagus of the baby, populate the body. Based on this, it is worth noting that when a child is fed with colostrum, a natural microflora is formed and the processes of the immune system are launched. Do not worry that your baby will not eat up. If you are in the delivery room, you have the opportunity to feed him at least every half hour, if the baby so desires.

Regular attachment of the baby to the breast stimulates the production of the hormone prolactin, which is responsible for the production of breast milk, which will entail not only the acceleration of lactation, but also the volume of milk. If, due to some circumstances, you are in different wards, the nurses will definitely feed him with a formula.

Breastfeeding: when does the first milk appear?

A few days after giving birth milk will replace colostrum. A new mother should continue to feed her newborn as often as possible, as this process not only stimulates her suckling skills, but also stimulates her own lactation process. Feel your breasts with special attention from time to time: if you find painful bumps inside, massage and rub them while expressing milk. Feel free to ask questions and ask for help medical workers. They will tell you in detail about how to feed the baby and how to properly hold him in your arms.

Feeding a newborn baby: basic rules and recommendations

Young parents, who for the first time faced all the joys and hardships of fatherhood and motherhood, believe that all difficulties are simply insurmountable. But we advise you to remember the words from everyone's favorite cartoon Carlson: "Calm and only calm." Always remember one thing - the best thing you can give your newborn baby - breast milk.

This process is quite simple, because it is predetermined by nature itself. The composition of mother's milk includes many immunological components and nutritional components that protect the newborn from various pathogenic microorganisms and bacteria, and also contribute to the proper functioning of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract.

organism future mother throughout pregnancy, actively prepares for the feeding process, actively producing all the necessary hormones and storing subcutaneous fat.

It is worth noting that the process of milk production is triggered by labor, and all that a woman needs after the birth of a child is to feed him in a timely manner and leave breastfeeding in the child's diet for as long as possible.

After the passage of the child through the birth canal in the first minutes of his birth, he experiences relaxation. And half an hour after birth the newborn is ready to actively suckle the breast. The best option is to give him a breast as soon as he wants it. Based on this, we can say that it is best to attach the baby to the breast only after giving birth to the placenta and leaving the delivery room.

Do not limit yourself to one breast while breastfeeding. The baby must first suck on one breast first, and then proceed to the other. If after the birth of the crumbs you are deprived of such an opportunity, then attach it to your chest as soon as a happy reunion occurs.

The first feeding is extremely important not only for the baby, who during childbirth experienced a tremendous load and stress, but also for a young mother, who, as a result, will improve lactation.

Due to periodic and abundant sucking, the uterus of the woman in labor effectively contracts, as a result of which the hormonal balance is restored, which reduces the likelihood of postpartum complications.

Mom's first milk, as we said earlier, this is colostrum, which is the most valuable food for a newborn baby. Thanks to him, the baby successfully adapts to life in new conditions and new food, unlike the one he received in the womb.

Visually, colostrum is a sticky and incredibly thick liquid that is saturated with protective antibodies, minerals, vitamins and proteins.

Colostrum successfully envelops the walls of the stomach and intestines, making them less vulnerable to pathogenic microflora. Thanks to chemical composition provides a strong immune defense of the newborn, which, in turn, creates optimal conditions for further development and growth.

As a result of feeding with colostrum, there is no load on the organs of the gastrointestinal tract of the baby, nor on his kidneys, which, even for the first time after birth, are unable to process large amounts of food on their own. Besides, colostrum contains a high concentration of magnesium, which has a laxative effect, which makes it easier for the intestines to clear meconium (feces).

In the first month of life, a newborn needs from two to twenty milliliters per application. The size of the baby's stomach is comparable to a large pearl, therefore, in one application, the baby is unable to suck out a large amount of milk. Because of this, it is necessary to apply the baby to the mother's breast as often as possible.

In the first month of their life, children sleep from 20 to 22 hours a day, so young and inexperienced mothers do not understand how many times it is necessary to feed the child if he is not awake. To do this, it is enough to attach the child to the breast, and through a dream it will begin to actively look for the nipple, and when it finds it, it will cling to it. Nature took care of that too.

What positions are good for breastfeeding?

Perhaps the most important factor when breastfeeding is the comfort of the chosen position. Such a peculiar process of intimacy between mother and child should give pleasure to both of them. let's consider The two main optimal feeding positions are:

Is it necessary to express milk?

Expressing milk is necessary in the following cases:

  • if the child does not eat all the milk on his own. To prevent stagnation and inflammatory processes, it is necessary not only to express milk, but also to knead carefully all the bumps and nodules;
  • in case you need to leave during the day, perhaps for work. By pumping milk into a bottle, your family will have the opportunity to feed the baby from a bottle;
  • if for some reason you are not together. You may be in the hospital or taking medications, but you need to keep lactating.

"Harmful" breast milk, which includes various decay products of medicines, should not be given to a child, decanting, it is immediately poured out. As for good milk, it can be frozen using special sterile bags. It can be stored for a long time, while not losing its useful properties. It must be defrosted correctly by placing it in a room and allowing it to naturally move away or warm it up in a water bath.

How many times should a newborn be fed and for how long?

Starting from gestation, a close relationship is formed between mother and child. Lactation helps them learn to communicate with each other and also allows them to recover from childbirth. Therefore, in this case, feeding on demand plays a special role.

Breast sucking allows you to establish lactation and avoid stagnation of colostrum (milk), which quite often causes the formation inflammatory processes and subsequent diseases of the mammary glands.

Volume of milk produced has a direct relationship with the number of prolactin receptors in the mammary glands, which will be stimulated by effective and frequent sucking.

At first, a newborn baby can be applied to the mammary glands at intervals of every 15-30 minutes, and also sleep with her in her mouth, periodically sucking. With the help of this manipulation, the baby not only provides himself with food, but also calms down, overcoming birth stress.

How long should the baby lie at the breast? At such a young age, the baby will need at least 20 minutes to feed. Therefore, it is necessary that the mother has all the relatives who will take upon themselves the obligation to clean, cook, and much more.

What foods are prohibited for a nursing mother?

List of products that are forbidden to mom while breastfeeding:

Products that are allowed in limited quantities while breastfeeding:

  • salt;
  • sugar;
  • confectionery, sweets;
  • bakery products;
  • pasta from the highest grades of flour;
  • sour cream and diluted milk.

Allowed products during lactation:

  • dried fruit compotes, fruit drinks and teas;
  • vegetarian soups;
  • steam cutlets, boiled and stewed chickens, turkey fillet, as well as low-fat varieties of beef and pork;
  • vegetables and fruits, painted in green and whitish tones;
  • corn, oatmeal, rice and buckwheat;
  • dairy products.

So ended the long 9 months of waiting for a meeting with a baby! Childbirth was left behind, forever dividing our lives into “before” and “after”. How we have been waiting for this opportunity - to look into the baby's eyes, to smell the top of his head, to run his hand along his tender cheek! How many worries and troubles preceded this moment, how we prepared and hoped for a successful outcome of childbirth ...

We tried to organize the most worthy meeting for our treasure - exactly the one he dreamed about when deciding to get out of his mother's cozy tummy. We decided that we would feed him with our own milk. We want to give it the best possible start!

How does breastfeeding start?

Early breastfeeding

Back in 1980, the World Health Organization recognized the method of early breastfeeding as mandatory for all countries - 20-30 minutes after birth. Why is this step - to feed the baby immediately after birth - so important that it was necessary to voice its obligation at the international level?

Firstly, this recommendation is related to the unique composition of colostrum, a colorless liquid that is produced by the mammary glands starting from the second trimester of pregnancy. Colostrum is absolutely in every woman in labor. It is small in volume and is an incredibly rich concentrate of nutrients. Like a tiny vitamin, the intake of which gives so much strength in the days of spring beriberi! Colostrum contains substances to protect the newborn from various infectious diseases (pneumonia, blood poisoning, intestinal disorders). Its composition provides complete immune protection for the immature organism of the crumbs. Proteins, fats and carbohydrates are in the form that is 100% able to assimilate the gastrointestinal tract of a newborn, whose functional systems have not yet been fully operational. At the household level, feeding with colostrum means that your baby will be protected from allergies, dysbacteriosis, liver diseases, quickly restore strength after childbirth, avoid weight loss in the first days, will not face newborn jaundice, loss of water and a drop in hemoglobin levels in the blood. Truly, breastfeeding completely continues the intrauterine scenario, when the baby received everything necessary for growth and development through the umbilical cord!

Secondly, the psychological aspect of early attachment is of unique importance. Psychologists discovered the phenomenon of imprinting - the deepest imprinting of first impressions by the human consciousness. The baby, falling into the arms of his mother, forever imprints precisely her as an object of affection and imitation. A special place is occupied by the “eye to eye” contact - the attentive penetrating look of the newborn meets the loving and admiring eyes of the mother. What the baby will face in the first hours after birth can determine his future moral and social development. Studies have shown that children deprived of contact with their mother in the first hours and days after childbirth demonstrate an inability to establish close loving relationships with other people, have a reduced maternal instinct (women), show sexual weakness in adulthood (men), and lose the reproductive instinct - the ability to create strong and child-loving families. If the baby from the first minutes of birth is next to the mother, who loves and understands him, then from the very beginning he captures love, care and benevolence as the basis and norm of human life.

Thirdly, breastfeeding immediately after birth sends an important signal to the baby: the birth is over, you are safe, you can rest and recover! On a hormonal level, it looks like this: the stress hormones necessary for the successful development of the birth process give way to the calming and pain-relieving hormones that the baby begins to receive with colostrum. Without sucking mother's breast, a newborn cannot cope with stress. And this means that his body continues to work in a stressful mode, absorbing internal resources and slowing down physiological adaptation to extrauterine life conditions.

Fourth, early feeding is extremely important for the mother herself.

1. The act of breast sucking stimulates the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland of the mother's brain, and the hormone oxytocin begins to be actively produced. This invaluable substance promotes uterine contraction, bloodless separation of the placenta and, more importantly, eliminates postpartum hemorrhage! The early start of breastfeeding provides a rapid contraction of the uterus, prevents the development of pathologies that occur when its contraction is delayed. If the baby is attached to the breast immediately after childbirth, the mother does not have the slightest chance of dying from blood loss!
2. In addition to the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland, the anterior one is also stimulated, due to which the hormone prolactin is formed. A very important hormone! It is he who is responsible for the amount of milk in a nursing woman. Prolactin and oxytocin, produced in response to the suckling of the breast by the child, contribute to a further increase in the volume of mammary gland cells and full milk flow - the removal of milk from the breast.
3. The mechanisms for the formation of the maternal instinct are launched. The maternal instinct is not some pre-existing given. The ability to feel and understand your child "from the inside" arises only due to certain conditions. And one of the most important among them is early contact with the newborn, which in itself gives rise to the establishment of a deep relationship between mother and child. “My baby is alive, beautiful, defenseless, he needs my attention and understanding” - this is an exemplary message to the subconscious, which leads to the emergence of maternal instinct. The absence of active breast sucking in the first half hour after birth leads to a certain biological insensitivity towards the child. Subsequently, such a mother does not fully understand and does not feel the needs of her baby, she constantly worries “is everything in order with him, but is he developing normally”, underestimates his own importance and indispensability for the crumbs, delegates responsibility for him to various specialists and just advisers . Postpartum depression, which has already become common, is caused precisely by a violation of early contact with the child. Mom's body feels a certain loss and collapse of hopes: they nurtured and gave birth with such love - and now, the baby disappeared in an unknown direction! Let's add just one interesting example: a study was conducted abroad, the purpose of which was to identify the source of mother's attachment to the child. A group of women who had previously voiced their desire to leave the newborn in the maternity hospital and legally formalize the refusal of it, immediately after the birth, put the baby to the chest. The first hour mother and baby spent together, feeding in an embrace. After such an experience, only one mother was able to part with the baby. Everyone else experienced a surge of maternal love and responsibility!

What exactly does the World Health Organization mean by early attachment? This is not just the common practice in Russian maternity hospitals of placing the baby on the mother's stomach and awkward attempts to provoke sucking movements immediately after birth. The first application is a complete feeding, carried out after 20-30 minutes from birth, during which the newborn can receive from 40 to 60 ml of colostrum. The baby, already a little recovered after passing through the birth canal, is activated in search of the mother's nipple. Having received what you want, the baby sucks for a long time. As the stomach fills, the stretching of its walls causes a slowdown in sucking movements, and the child falls asleep on the mother's breast. It is very important to wait for this moment and not take the breast prematurely. The sleeping baby can be positioned next to the mother, who will undergo postpartum treatments and then can also rest.

It must be borne in mind that the practice of narcotic pain relief excludes the possibility early start feeding: the so-called medicinal substances introduced into the mother's blood during childbirth penetrate the placenta into the blood of the child and anesthetize his nerve centers. As a result, a newly born baby cannot realize the necessary sucking movements. Nevertheless, in Western countries, even in this case, they try to ensure early contact between mother and child, and after a cesarean section, they practice the first attempts to breastfeed the baby as early as 6 hours after the operation.

Start of a new life

Not only a child was born. Simultaneously with him, his mother was born, a magical transformation of a pregnant woman into a nursing woman took place. How to live together now? How to organize feeding? How to recover after childbirth?

Here is the first application. The little one fell asleep. Mom also took a break. Next, we will give the baby a breast every time he asks. He will not angrily demand, going into a long cry. And quietly grunting, will show the very first signs of discomfort and anxiety. The fact is that the feeling of hunger for a baby is an unbearable and hitherto unknown pain. Moreover, the pain of his entire tiny creature, accustomed for 9 months of pregnancy to the round-the-clock supply of useful nutrients. And the ventricle of a newborn is still very small in volume, and colostrum is absorbed almost immediately after ingestion. Let's not let the baby cry in pain! We will sensitively pick up the signals with which he shows a desire to suck on the breast and remember that feedings can have a very diverse spectrum of frequency and duration. Usually, for the first few days, a newborn sleeps constantly, periodically showing signs of discontent or activation in search of a breast (opens its mouth wide, sticks out its tongue, spins, presses its legs to the chest, sticks to the fist or a nearby diaper ...). As soon as we notice these changes in behavior, we offer the breast and do not take it away before he releases it himself (unless you are in pain; if pain it is necessary to carefully remove the breast from his mouth and offer it again in the correct position). It is unlimited access to the breast that will ensure the timely arrival of a sufficient amount of milk, which will occur 3-5 days after birth. Before that, nutritious colostrum will be produced in it in the amount necessary for the baby. If you let your baby decide when to feed, you won't need to supplement with formula or water, as is often recommended in the hospital.

After sucking a little (or for a long time) in half-sleep, the newborn again falls asleep deeply. Let's try not to disturb his rhythms of sleep and awakening. Calm sucking, undisturbed sleep are best conditions to restore the strength of the child after the labors of birth. Discuss this possibility with the maternity hospital staff in advance - to carry out procedures and examinations not when it is convenient for “aunt in a white coat”, but when your baby’s mood and condition allow: after feeding, before changing a diaper, at the very beginning of wakefulness, or after emptying the contents of the intestine, when the baby is so surprised by the processes taking place with him that he even briefly forgets about the consolation at his mother's breast.

From the very beginning, we teach the child the correct attachment. Patiently and persistently we teach him to open his mouth, we master comfortable positions for feeding, we control the behavior of the little man at the breast. If necessary, call a lactation consultant to help you learn suckling skills. The easiest body postures for learning to latch on are sitting. But even if the mother has stitches and the prohibition to sit, you can choose several options for comfortable feeding in the prone position. And if you don’t have problems with seams, anyway, horizontal positions are the most optimal for postpartum period: recommended bed rest for prolapse prevention internal organs after the rapid return of the uterus to pre-pregnancy size. Once again, we recall the dangers of using mother's nipple simulators - pacifiers and bottles. A baby who periodically receives breast substitutes instead of breasts cannot be taught to take the breast correctly ...

All of the above logically leads us to the conclusion: the key to a successful start of breastfeeding will be only the joint stay of the woman in labor with the newborn. Moreover, the stay is continuous, without interruptions for “daily check-ups from 10 am to 2 pm” or for “a full night's rest for mom”. But really, won’t mom get tired if the baby that needs care is always there? Not at all! As we have already said, the first days our long-awaited treasure mostly sleeps, sometimes waking up for feedings. And just active and regular breast sucking will help a woman recover quickly after childbirth. The hormonal background is normalized, the arrival of milk is accelerated, the process of uterine contraction proceeds safely. Long feedings pacify, make you lie in an embrace with the baby for a long time, which is useful both for accumulating strength and for establishing contact with the little “alien”. I would also like to add that the joint stay of the mother with the child after childbirth is the number one point in the rules for successful breastfeeding developed by World Organization healthcare together with UNESCO (United Nations Children's Fund) and recommended for implementation in maternity hospitals around the world.
Overcoming possible confusion and difficulties

Redness or inflammation of the nipples.
In principle, there is nothing dangerous in this - a thicker layer of the epithelium is being formed (as when learning to play the guitar - the fingertips of the left hand may hurt for beginners). Let's focus on the technique of proper attachment to the breast, during which the nipple is deep in the baby's mouth, at the level of the root of the tongue, and loses even the minimal possibility of injury to the gums. If necessary, we will use an emollient cream or oil, which will soothe the irritation that has arisen.

Excess milk.
Usually the period of feeding with colostrum lasts 3-5 days. After that, a change in the composition of the food occurs - its volume and the watery component increase. This is called the arrival of milk. For some mothers, this process is associated with a feeling of painful fullness in the chest, fever, hardening in the tissues of the mammary gland. We are taking the following measures:

1. we work out the correct capture of the chest by the baby to the ideal - no one is better than him to empty the chest;
2. we try to keep the baby at the breast longer, we apply it often and productively;
3. for a day (no longer!) we limit the amount of liquid entering our body to three glasses, drink in small sips;
4. don't pump! It is important to start the natural mechanisms for regulating the volume of milk produced. Additional pumping provokes its production in even greater quantities;
5. in no case do we take drugs that reduce lactation! They have a hormonal basis and can severely impair successful lactation later on (not to mention side effects and contraindications for admission ...). If in the maternity hospital they offer you something to drink to "relieve the condition" - be sure to ask for the name and do not hesitate to ask for an annotation for the medicine to read.

Lack of milk or its delayed arrival.
This can happen with deviations in the natural development of the birth scenario: you had a caesarean section, you were injected with the hormone oxytocin to speed up labor activity, gave painkillers, did not put the baby to the breast after childbirth ... We do not lose heart and do not put an end to breastfeeding! Milk will certainly begin to be produced in the right amount - just not as fast as we would like. In this case, it is doubly important to teach the baby to suckle effectively at the breast. For supplementary feeding, it is better to use donor milk - maybe agree with a neighbor in the ward? You need to give it from a spoon (a pipette, a syringe (without a needle), a cup) or from a special supplementary feeding system (SNS), which is an inverted bottle suspended next to the breast and having a thin catheter at the end instead of a nipple, attached next to the nipple. This allows you to offer additional nutrition to the baby right during breastfeeding: the baby sucks the breast, and receives supplementary food through the tube. After discharge from the hospital, you can use the help of a breastfeeding specialist to establish full lactation.

Weak sucking activity of the baby, strong weight loss.
These situations require the same measures as the previous one: patiently teach the baby how to properly attach; we supplement in the right amount from a spoon (cup, pipette, syringe, SNS). And most importantly - we find out the cause of the problem. This state of affairs may be the result of difficult childbirth for the baby, the use of strong medications in the birth process. Or it could be a symptom of some disease.

Separate maintenance of mother and baby in the hospital.
If it is impossible to influence the situation in the direction of its improvement and achieve the opportunity to be near the newborn around the clock, then we take the following steps to prevent possible problems.

1. Starting from the second day after childbirth and until the moment of active milk supply, we organize regular breast expression: once every three hours, both breasts, for 15 minutes each. It is not so important what and how much is excreted from the chest. Our goal is to form a "request" for milk production, imitation of the sucking activity of a newborn. It is advisable to purchase a mechanical or electric breast pump to facilitate the process of emptying the breast - unskilled manual pumping can injure the delicate tissues of the breast.
2. We use the minutes at which the baby is brought to you for feeding to practice proper attachment or skin contact if the baby is fast asleep. Let's not have any illusions: without a mother, he is bottle-fed. Therefore, he may cry when trying to take the breast or hurt you from making already formed incorrect tongue movements. Let's tune in to the competent retraining of the crumbs from the bottle to the chest, which will become possible after being discharged home and completely giving up bottle feeding.
3. As soon as you feel a significant influx of milk (usually for 3-5 days), the following measures must be taken:
* limiting the amount of liquid you drink to three glasses - per day;
* the chest can be smeared with ointments that improve lymphatic drainage (Arnica, Traumeel) or apply cold compresses (cabbage leaf, wet terry towel);
* strictly observe the rhythm of pumping and strive for uniform emptying of the mammary gland. Now we will empty the chest more often - once every 2 hours, for 10-15 minutes each, taking a night break from 24 to 6 in the morning.

It will be possible to finally balance the amount of milk for the needs of the newborn only after discharge from the hospital, when the crumbs will have the opportunity of unlimited access to the mother's breast and he will forever part with her imitators. Let's set ourselves up in advance to work on establishing breastfeeding: teaching proper attachment, feeding positions, overcoming a possible lack of milk (or vice versa, its excess), compensating for violations of early contact with the baby.

Hospitalization of mother or newborn.
Anything can happen in life. And forced separation after childbirth, too. It is important for us to remember one thing: you can return breastfeeding in absolutely any situation. Even if you have no milk left at all, even if the baby has been bottle-fed for a long time, even if he has never eaten anything other than formula - the restoration of breastfeeding is absolutely real! With a strong desire, there is an opportunity to feed even an adopted child with your milk - isn't this how the nurses earned money?
Study, study and study...

We are newcomers to breastfeeding babies. Even if this is not our first birth, we are still students! Each new baby requires a completely new approach. And with each child we go through this school anew: the first application, the first hours and days, the first difficulties, the first successes. As in everything else - the first steps, the first words, the first grades in school, the first matriculation ...

Good luck! Let us stock up on patience and indulgence towards ourselves. We won't be able to do everything right away. But with great desire and perseverance - you will definitely succeed!

How can a mother who has just given birth enjoy breastfeeding her child if she, tired from attempts, has to overcome severe dizziness and trembling in her hands from weakness? Don't have to do this! We explain how long after birth they begin to feed the newborn.

Why apply to the chest in the delivery room

The very first drops of milk are simply priceless. Therefore, immediately after the birth of the baby, they put the baby on the stomach, and the midwife puts the mother's nipple in his mouth. Regardless of whether the baby simply holds it or actively sucks on it, it will swallow thick colostrum. But it is not required at all for quenching hunger - this feeling comes at the end of the first day. It contains a maximum concentration of special proteins - immunoglobulins. These are ready-made antibodies against all pathogens of infectious diseases that the mother has ever come into contact with (was ill or vaccinated). In fact, colostrum is the most powerful and at the same time absolutely safe vaccine that protects the newborn in the first few months: until he begins to develop his own immunity. With each passing hour, the amount of immunoglobulins in colostrum decreases. Therefore, it is extremely important to attach the baby to the breast for the first time in the delivery room.

Mom and baby are already together - should we start breastfeeding right away?

The baby will be examined by a doctor, he will undergo the first hygiene procedures and weighing. Wrapped in diapers, he will fall asleep very quickly and will sleep soundly for at least 6 hours until he gets hungry. Mom after the treatment of the birth canal will have to lie down for 2 hours on a gurney not far from the midwife under supervision. After that, she will be transferred to the ward, where they will also roll a crib with a baby.

No need to immediately try with the last of your strength to get up to feed your child! Nature has provided him with a decent supply of special, brown fat, which gives more energy than a hearty meal. Read more about this, as well as why newborns lose weight at first. Because do not interfere with his sleep, restoring strength after birth stress, and do the same yourself. And even if he starts to grunt or scream briefly - do not rush to give him a breast. Observe: if he continues to sleep and does not make sweeping movements open mouth, then, most likely, gases in the intestines, and not hunger, are to blame for his restless behavior.

When will it be possible to feed a newborn baby without problems

1. The baby must be really hungry.

For an infant, the need to suckle in order to be satisfied is an unusual and difficult task. did not require any effort, and he sucked his finger solely for pleasure. WHY should he suddenly obediently begin to tense up? Only a feeling of hunger can persuade this lazy person, who has been basking in a soft cradle for 9 months, to work diligently. It is it that will wake you up, helping the baby quickly learn how to search, grab and suck on the breast.

What happens when you try to feed a not hungry toddler? We guarantee: a lot of problems. Problem one: how to force the mouth to open? Have you read about reflexes? Then you already know that in a newborn it is just a part of the unconditioned search reflex. And it is activated only in a hungry child! Therefore, even rub the cheeks and nose of the sleeping baby doll to redness, even read poems over it - nothing will work.

Problem two: how to make suck? Of course, you can press hard on the chin and still open the gums, pushing the nipple into the resulting gap. But for sure, you will never achieve sucking movements, but simply find out that sleeping with your mouth open is no worse. At the same time, pay attention: the baby doll relaxed his head back, opening his mouth even wider. And in order to suck, he must group and vice versa - bend his head. You can't teach him to eat if you confuse him!

What will be the result of such unsuccessful attempts? To the indignant crying of a child who is prevented from resting, to disgust from the breast and to the appearance of the first thoughts that you will not succeed. But as you start the business, so it will go on ... Therefore, do not rush.

2. At the beginning of feeding, the baby should not sleep

Force unconditioned reflexes maximum in an awake child. Before giving a breast, unfold the baby, wash his ass, let him lie down and crawl naked on the changing table for several minutes, give him a gentle stroking massage. Talk to him, touch his fingers. Then dress and only then start learning to eat. As a thank you for communication, the baby will not be indignant for a long time and will take the breast correctly much faster.

If, after 5 minutes of active sucking, the baby doll starts to fall asleep, he has the right. He is tired, satisfied his hunger and must rest. Give him another 5 minutes of pleasure and wean him.

3. An overly excited or crying baby needs to be calmed down.

A typical mistake of all young mothers is to think that the baby will immediately stop any tantrum at the sight of the breast. So it will be, but not in the first weeks after birth! The baby needs time to understand that it is from the nipple put into the mouth that his adored "valerian" appears. And until he learns to eat and does not remember the smell of mother's milk, inept attempts to get him to suck will only add to his cry of loudness and indignant intonations.

Try to find out. If your tummy hurts, stroke it clockwise so that the gases move away as soon as possible. If it’s hot or the barrel has lain, undress, let it move and try so that there are no extra pressing folds. If you are angry with unsuccessful attempts to give a breast, put it in a “column” facing you and shake it slightly. When he gets dizzy out of habit, and he stops talking, seize the moment: talk to him affectionately. From surprise, he will forget about his anger and agree to learn to eat again.


Remember: if the child is with you, then he is healthy. Take your time trying to feed with every cry of the baby, especially if he has not yet woken up. Do not try to “plug” his mouth with the nipple while crying - first calm him down. He will get hungry 12-18 hours after birth. Start feeding when he wakes up and demands food.
