Is it possible to sage during lactation. Sage is a reliable remedy for stopping lactation

Sage at breastfeeding It is used as an effective and gentle means to reduce milk production during hyperlactation and during the period of weaning a child from the breast. What is the basis of the action of a medicinal plant, how to correctly use the method of inhibiting lactation with a herbal remedy?

Sage is a southern plant that grows in the Mediterranean countries and in the East. It is cultivated in the Krasnodar Territory, Ukraine and Belarus. In nature, there are more than 500 species, but only the medicinal variety is shown for medical purposes.

The healing power of sage is concentrated in the leaves and stem, the composition is presented:

  • vitamins C, A and group B;
  • trace elements potassium, fluorine, calcium, magnesium, sodium and manganese;
  • flavonoids;
  • phytoncides;
  • spectrum of acids (nicotinic, oleic, ursulic)
  • fatty and essential oils;
  • tannins;
  • alkaloids.

Due to its rich composition, sage has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, diuretic, expectorant effects. Widely used in the treatment of the oral cavity and for colds, in women, the herbal composition is effective in combating infertility. When breastfeeding a child, the use of plant-based preparations is contraindicated due to the ability to reduce the amount breast milk.

Sage and lactation

The use of sage in reducing lactation is due to the presence of phytoestrogen - a non-steroidal plant compound, similar in structure to the sex hormone estrogen. When it accumulates in the body, the production of prolactin, the hormone responsible for the production of breast milk, is inhibited.

The herbal remedy is safe when breastfeeding, does not affect the baby, so it is recommended for use:

  • With hyperlactation in a woman. The duration of use depends on the amount of milk, when its volume becomes sufficient for the baby, and the mother does not cause discomfort, sage therapy is stopped.
  • For the planned cessation of lactation. If you take herbal infusions regularly, additionally carry out complex measures, the production of new milk will begin to decline, gradually completely stop.

The medicinal plant demonstrates a mild effect, as it is not a full-fledged analogue of the steroid hormone. Sage has a weak effect, without causing a sharp hormonal change, so the decrease in milk volume does not occur immediately, but gradually, which does not harm the body of a nursing mother.

How to use

For a painless decrease in lactation with the help of sage, it is important to properly organize the process:

  • The chest is emptied, for this you can feed the baby or express milk.
  • The plant is usually taken as an infusion. A convenient option is express packages, 2 sachets are dipped into a glass, poured with boiling water, consumed after cooling. To prepare a remedy from dry grass, you will need a spoon (tablespoon) of raw materials per glass.
  • The maximum daily dosage of the drink is 500 ml, it is not drunk immediately, but during the day in small portions. The composition will relieve heaviness in the chest, because less milk will flow.

Complex of events

Sage significantly reduces lactation, but with the final suppression, the remedy will be effective if a set of measures is used:

  • With a planned refusal of breastfeeding, the child is already actively eating regular food, so the frequency of feeding is reduced to two or one, gradually reducing to "no".
  • When the child is one year old, during the day the chest, as a rule, does not fill up, but hot flashes are possible in the evening. Therefore, you should minimize the amount of liquid consumed, especially you should not drink at night. It is also better to give up warm drinks for a while.
  • There is no need to bandage the chest, since the feeling of swelling when using sage infusion is not pronounced. Rigid fixation will not affect milk production, but may cause mammary blood flow disturbance or mastitis.
  • If soreness and tension appear, the chest should be decanted until relief comes, no more. Full pumping leads to additional production. Procedures may be required for the first days, then their frequency is noticeably reduced.
  • Cool compresses will help relieve the pain. If the temperature rises, two days do not pass, it is impossible to delay, you should consult a doctor.
  • Sage oil is not taken internally to reduce milk production. It is recommended to apply it on the mammary glands or nipples, the remedy will help to avoid seals and inflammation, heal cracks and wounds.

Although the use of sage is considered safe, it should be remembered that a quick refusal to breastfeed is stressful for the child and the mother's body, so lactation is not stopped in 1-2 days. Infusions do not begin to be consumed when the baby is sick, he has been vaccinated or is about to be vaccinated. If the baby reacts too emotionally to weaning to make it easier for him to get used to, give a expressed product in a bottle.

Sage for colds

For colds, women during lactation are recommended to gargle with sage infusion.

In order to prepare it, it is convenient to use the herb packaged in special tea bags. Brew the infusion as directed on the package and gargle as often as possible throughout the day.

The vitamins and essential oils that make up the plant have a softening and anti-inflammatory effect on the throat.

Sage in lozenges during breastfeeding is contraindicated for women due to camphor and thujone.


Usually the use of sage does not cause problems, but in some cases its use is contraindicated for a woman. When to refuse to reduce the volume of breast milk with a plant:

  • with intolerance to the components of the agent:
  • with a stomach ulcer;
  • with hypothyroidism;
  • with epilepsy;
  • with polycystic ovaries;
  • with endometriosis;
  • in acute kidney disease.

When a woman refuses breastfeeding due to a new pregnancy, sage should not be used.

Sometimes when taking the drug there are side reactions:

  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • feeling of nausea;
  • pain in the stomach;
  • vomit.

Sage has the ability to increase blood pressure, therefore, with hypertension, the use of herbs is approached with caution. The maximum duration of taking the drug is not more than 3 months, the plant activates the acidity of gastric juice, which can lead to inflammation of the mucosa.

It is worth knowing that camphor was found in sage leaves, and thujone is also present, which is used in the manufacture of absinthe. The substance is toxic, destructive to the brain, so the recommended dosage should not be allowed.

Refusal of breastfeeding is a crucial period for a woman, it is important to spend it in such a way that it does not become stressful for the child and does not affect the health of the mother. Therefore, before starting to stop lactation, it is necessary to consult a specialist about the possibility of using sage.

Reference! Salvia officinalis has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, hemostatic properties, has a general healing effect on the body.

Sage is used only in complex treatment and is used in the following cases:

Use to stop lactation

It has been scientifically proven that sage contains a large number of estrogen. This substance has a significant effect on the woman's body and suppresses the hormone progesterone, which is responsible for the production of breast milk.

When using infusions and decoctions of the plant, the concentration of female hormones in the blood decreases, as a result of which the decrease in lactation occurs gradually, without causing discomfort and stress to the mother. It is thanks to this that sage has found wide application among women who complete the period of breastfeeding.

Attention! With a decrease in milk production in a woman’s body, another hormonal restructuring occurs, which can cause emotional stress. sage helps not only to gently suppress lactation, but also to calm nervous system.

If a woman is determined to stop breastfeeding, then it is worth remembering that the use of sage will not bring results immediately. The herb is indicated for the mild termination of lactation., since it reduces hormones gradually, and not sharply, while you should limit yourself in the amount of fluid you drink, since drinking plenty of water contributes to the flow of milk.

It must be expressed regularly to avoid congestion and seals in the chest. It is impossible to determine exactly the time when milk will disappear; the general emotional and physical state of the mother affects the suppression of female hormones.

Science knows about 700 species of sage, but only the following types are suitable for use in order to reduce or stop lactation: nutmeg, medicinal and Spanish.

Sage is also good for women who continue to breastfeed, but suffer from excess milk production. In this case, the plant is able to reduce its amount, as a result of which congestion, mastitis and other troubles with the mammary glands are prevented.

Contraindications and side effects

Before using sage, you need to consult a specialist, you should also consider contraindications:

  • hypersensitivity or intolerance to plant components;
  • allergic diseases;
  • kidney failure;
  • disorders in the thyroid gland;
  • epilepsy;
  • pregnancy;
  • hypertension.

Sage is a relatively harmless medicinal plant, but the appearance of side effects is not excluded.:

  • allergic reactions: rash, itching, irritation, swelling;
  • headaches, tinnitus;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • increased excitability;
  • stomach ache.

Important! If such adverse events occur, it is better to stop using sage and consult a doctor.

If a mother uses a plant to reduce her milk supply while continuing to breastfeed her baby, then side effects may affect the baby. A woman should monitor his well-being and examine the skin in order to detect possible allergic manifestations in time.

If sage is not suitable for mom, you can replace it with mint, it has a similar effect, calming the nervous system and gently suppressing lactation.

Impact on lactation and on the child during breastfeeding

Sage for a woman - natural remedy high efficiency, it directly acts on the female hormones estrogen and progesterone. By reducing their level of concentration in the body, a gradual suppression of milk production occurs. With regular and properly dosed ingestion of sage infusion, lactation completely stops over time.

Can you take sage while breastfeeding? The active components of sage are able to penetrate into breast milk and affect the baby.. Excessive consumption of sage during lactation can cause diarrhea, colic, abdominal pain and allergies in the baby, so the mother should monitor the child's well-being in order to prevent the appearance and development side effects. In addition, the use of sage by the mother can make breast milk tasteless and even slightly bitter.

Attention! If you use sage as a decoction or infusion for gargling and mouthwash, then this will not have any effect on breast milk and the baby. It is a completely harmless and effective anti-inflammatory agent for sore throat and manifestations of stomatitis.

  1. Before using sage, you should always consult a doctor, a specialist will help you choose the right dosage and determine the duration of the intake.
  2. The leaves of the plant contain camphor and thujone, which can have a toxic effect, so it is forbidden to exceed the dose.

    The components of sage tend to accumulate in the body and cause disruption internal organs and irritation of the mucous membranes, so you can not take the drug for a long time.

  3. If a drink with sage is bitter or its taste is unpleasant for a woman, then sugar or honey can be added.

In what form to use?

To abruptly end breastfeeding, doctors recommend special medications.. But for a smooth cessation of lactation, you can buy sage in a pharmacy in different dosage forms:

  • tea bags for brewing;
  • dry herbal collection;
  • oil;
  • alcohol tincture.

The method of application and the success of the result depend on the chosen form of the remedy.


For decoction you will need:

Ready-made decoction can also be used to gargle the throat and mouth for sore throats, colds and dry coughs.

Brewing tea bags

Tea bags are a very convenient way to take, but the result will take longer and the effect will be less pronounced than when using decoctions and oils. To prepare tea, you need to pour one bag with a glass of boiling water and after 3-5 minutes you can take it orally. It is recommended to drink the drink before meals, 50 ml 4-5 times a day, and brew a new portion the next day.


In pharmacies, you can buy not only a dry plant, but also an alcohol tincture of sage. This is very effective method to reduce the amount of milk, but when using a child's tincture, you should not apply it to the chest, as it contains alcohol. To prepare a medicinal drink, dilute 50-60 drops of tincture in a glass of boiled chilled water and take it throughout the day.

Oil and compresses

The oil contains the maximum concentration of useful substances of sage. This is the fastest way to reduce lactation, the result can be seen after 3-5 days. To do this, you need to dilute in boiled water 5 drops of oil and take three times a day. The use of sage in this form will help to avoid stagnation of milk and prevent inflammation in the chest.

Also, the oil is applied externally in the form of a compress.. This method will eliminate the appearance of seals in the chest and ease the feeling of heaviness and fullness. Pure sage oil is applied to a soft cotton cloth or cotton wool (can be mixed with ordinary vegetable oil) and applied to the affected area for 1.5-2 hours, while the areola and nipples should not be touched.

To relieve inflammation, the following recipe has proven itself well: 2-3 drops of sage, geranium, mint and cypress oils are mixed with 25 gr. vegetable oil. The resulting composition is impregnated with gauze or fabric and aged in the form of a compress on the inflamed area for 2-3 hours.

Important! When treating inflammation and seals with a compress, a woman needs to see a doctor. Compaction can be a dangerous pathology that requires surgical intervention.

Preparation of the infusion

To prepare the infusion, you need a tablespoon of dry herbal mixture.

  1. It must be boiled for 10 minutes in 200 ml of water. It is advisable to use enamelware, aluminum is not suitable for this purpose.
  2. After that, you need to insist the product for 50-60 minutes, wrapping the dishes with a towel.
  3. Before use, strain the infusion through gauze or a fine strainer and take 2-3 sips 3-4 times a day.

The course of taking the infusion is 12 days, but it is better to agree on the duration with the doctor.


Healing types of sage have anti-inflammatory and disinfectant properties, due to which the female body quickly recovers and heals. At the end of breastfeeding, this is an indispensable tool for soft and smooth suppression of milk production. It should be remembered that, despite the usefulness for the mother, sage can negatively affect the child.

Wanting to complete breastfeeding, a woman often has to use aids. And sage can be attributed to the safest of them. How does this medicinal plant affect lactation and what are the features of its use in order to stop breastfeeding?


  • The plant has a positive effect on the woman's body due to the content of phytoestrogens, improving her hormonal levels.
  • Compresses with sage oil very quickly reduce lactation, so they can be used as quick help stop milk production.
  • Decoctions and infusions based on sage act gently and are recommended as a remedy that reduces milk production gradually. They can be consumed and breast-fed at the same time, while the amount of milk will decrease and after a few days it will no longer be in the breast.
  • Sage has been used since ancient times, so its action has been tested by many generations.


If a woman has no contraindications and the dosage of sage-based products is not exceeded, there will be no minuses for this plant, as well as negative effects on the body of a nursing mother. Moreover, the plant also does not harm the baby, so it allows you to continue to feed the baby and gradually reduce the number of feedings.

Sage is safe for the baby, so you can continue breastfeeding while taking it.


Such folk remedy elimination of lactation, like sage, can not be taken with:

  • pregnancy;
  • epilepsy;
  • Acute inflammatory diseases of the kidneys;
  • Strong cough;
  • Individual intolerance.

The action of sage

The plant contains plant estrogens, increasing their level in the female body. This simultaneously lowers the level of the hormone prolactin responsible for lactation. Such types of sage as medicinal, Spanish and nutmeg have a therapeutic effect.

Sage has huge amount useful properties and is widely used in traditional medicine

Application methods

Sage can be purchased at the pharmacy both in a simply crushed state and in sachets for brewing.

To stop lactation, you can cook from a plant:

  1. Infusion. To prepare it, put a teaspoon of crushed sage leaves in a glass of boiled water and leave for at least an hour. After straining the infusion, take a quarter cup before meals (twenty minutes) four to six times a day.
  2. Decoction. To prepare it, pour 200 ml of water into a container and when it boils, add 1 tsp. crushed sage leaves. The plant should be boiled for about ten minutes over low heat, closed and insisted for another twenty to thirty minutes. Strained broth is taken four times a day, one tablespoon.
  3. Tea. One bag of sage is poured into a glass of boiling water. Prepared tea is divided into two or three servings and drunk throughout the day. To improve the taste, honey can be added to the drink. The next day you need to brew fresh tea.
  4. Oil. By applying it externally, you can reduce inflammatory processes in the mammary glands and eliminate seals. Taking base oil in an amount of 25 ml, a few drops of sage oil are added to it. A slightly damp gauze is moistened with the prepared oil mixture and applied to the chest for half an hour or an hour. Such compresses are done several times a day.

If you are no longer breastfeeding, you can also use an alcohol tincture. It is taken 3-6 times a day, 30-60 drops, dissolving them in water.

Sage tea with honey will not only help stop lactation, but also improve bowel function.

  • It is not recommended to exceed the dosage of sage. Also, funds based on this plant are not used for more than three months.
  • If you need to curtail lactation gently and you have enough time for this, then use sage in the form of decoctions and infusions. If the termination of breastfeeding occurred abruptly, use alcohol tincture, extract, and oil.

Sage is a plant recommended for use and ingestion by women. The plant allows you to solve certain women's problems regarding the health of the genital reproductive organs. In most cases, young mothers began to use decoctions and infusions of sage to solve problems in breastfeeding a newborn. Imagine this, it becomes incomprehensible, can you drink sage while breastfeeding, because as you know, this herb is bitter and is contraindicated for use during breastfeeding. But young mothers got used to using the plant to solve other problems - stopping lactation.

Often it becomes difficult for a young mother to wean a child from the breast - prolonged contact provokes the formation of an invisible and intimate connection with the baby, which makes the woman uncomfortable in the absence of a constant dependence on the baby. Breastfeeding is recommended by doctors up to 2 years of age, but some women stop earlier, withstanding the maximum year. Even with such a short breastfeeding, a fair question arises - how to stop milk production? This question will be answered in the article - the benefits of sage are described and the recipe for the preparation of some formulations is given.

It is forbidden to drink sage during lactation - it is bitter and contains a large amount of substances harmful to the child that can cause colic, diarrhea or allergies along with the use of breast milk. But sage for women is a natural phytohormonal remedy of high efficiency. A young mother only after the birth of a child begins to take care of her women's health, and in fact, earlier the use of decoctions and tinctures would improve milk production during breastfeeding.

Such help from the plant is explained by an increase in the production of estrogen, a female hormone that normalizes the functioning of the reproductive system. Such an increase in hormone production helps to reduce pain during menstruation, restore the menstrual cycle, and reduce symptoms during menopause.

This is interesting: Since the main cause of infertility in women is a violation in the functionality of the ovaries, gynecologists advise taking a decoction of sage to get rid of the problem naturally and most in a safe way. So, the restored function of the ovaries, namely the timely maturation of the egg, will lead to the restoration of the menstrual cycle and help in the onset of pregnancy.

The effect on the child of sage with GV

Since sage is prohibited for breastfeeding mothers during breastfeeding, women are willing to take it to reduce milk production. This herb has an effect on the restoration of the hormonal background of a woman, and since the level of progesterone in a young mother during breastfeeding is significantly exaggerated, this great way reduce the production of breast milk. Of course, during the period of taking various decoctions and tinctures, it is strictly forbidden to feed the baby with breast milk. It turns out that the baby should first be weaned from the breast, and only then reduce the production of milk.

Sage tinctures and other recipes allow the mother to recover quickly and safely for the health of the mother after childbirth. Often, women resort to the use of special and more effective drugs for health - a kind of hormone therapy often provokes hormonal failure due to a sharp impact. The same plant acts on the health of a young mother gently, so the reduction in breast milk production will not happen immediately. Only after 2-3 days a woman will notice a decrease in the amount, and after a week there will be no milk at all.

Practical tip: It is important to be in contact with your baby during this time and stay with him for the duration of weaning. Do not resort to the advice of friends who, at the time of weaning, separated the child from the mother - this is a double stress for the child. It is better to explain to the baby that the mother is sick and cannot feed him.

cooking recipes

Sage to stop breastfeeding can be used in several forms - as a compress, as a tincture or as a decoction. Since this herb gives off a slight taste of bitterness, you can use more pleasant ways for yourself.


To stop feeding, it is effective to take tinctures or decoctions of sage inside.

Here are the following effective recipes cooking:

  • Sage tincture. The plant is pre-dried and crushed. Pour a tablespoon of dried and chopped collection with a glass of boiling water, cover and let it brew for an hour. The resulting portion of the tincture should be divided into 4 parts and taken 20 minutes before meals during the day.
  • A decoction of sage. Pour a glass of water into a saucepan and pour a teaspoon of crushed collection. Boil on low heat for 10 minutes. Take strained and infused after boiling for 30 minutes a decoction of a tablespoon during the day - the maximum number of doses should not reach more than 4 times a day.
  • Brewed tea bags. In pharmacies, you can buy ready-made bags with chopped sage and additional flavors. In the morning, brew one tea bag with a glass of boiling water. Divide the contents of the glass into 2-3 parts and take before meals during the day. A new sage tea should be brewed every morning.
  • Sage tincture. Pharmacies also offer an alcohol tincture of sage. It should be taken carefully by young mothers, since alcohol can provoke allergic reactions in postpartum period. To stop breastfeeding, the tincture is diluted in water - no more than 60 drops per glass of water. Drink a glass at a time - the procedure is carried out no more than once a day.

You should not expect a quick cessation of breast milk production - it will happen gradually. But it should be noted that in the case of using tincture, the process will not drag on for more than 3-4 days. Sage "drinks" should not be drunk for more than 3 months, since plant substances accumulate in the mucous membrane, and this can lead to significant and detrimental consequences. It is better to consult a doctor before use.


Compresses using sage are unlikely to help stop lactation, but they will save a woman from the formation of various seals in the mammary glands. Here you can use the plant itself or the oil purchased at the pharmacy. The oil is simply applied in a small amount to a piece of gauze or cotton wool and applied to the affected surface - the areola and nipples should not be touched. There is also the most effective remedy for eliminating an already formed seal. In the recipe for 2-3 drops, sage, geranium, cypress and mint oils are mixed. The mixture is added to 25 g of ordinary vegetable oil. In the resulting composition, a piece of gauze is soaked and applied to the site of inflammation. Remove the compress after 2-3 hours.

This is important: Before treating inflammatory processes in the mammary glands, a young mother should consult a doctor if she decides to use sage oil compresses. Perhaps the compaction is a significant and dangerous pathology that requires immediate surgical intervention.

Sage has a negative effect on the child, but is useful for a young mother, so its use in various ways must be careful, observing the basics and precautionary rules. You should not completely trust traditional medicine if a woman has been diagnosed with dangerous diseases and hormonal problems that require immediate elimination through hormone therapy. Sage only helps to correct and stop breastfeeding, but is not medicine in the treatment of certain diseases.

Mother's milk for newborns is ideal nutrition, but there comes a time when the baby needs to be weaned. A lot has been said about what you need to eat and drink so that the amount of milk increases, and the topic of lactation suppression is raised much less often. There are hormonal medical preparations, which can be used only as prescribed by a doctor. Sage to stop lactation is a milder remedy with minimal side effects.

The Mediterranean is considered the birthplace of sage, from there a tall herbaceous plant or shrub spread throughout the world. The ancient Greeks and Romans were treated with this herb, and during the Renaissance it was already widely used throughout Europe. In ancient reference books you can find instructions for the preparation of potions, ointments, rinses, decoctions and infusions.


Flowers and leaves contain up to 0.5% essential oil with a whole range of useful substances. Seeds are 20% protein and 30% fatty oil. The roots contain coumarin.

Sage is known as an effective anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, hemostatic, tonic. Chemical composition defines a list of problems for which sage is effective:

  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys and liver
  • Viral infections
  • Angina, bronchitis, gingivitis
  • Radiculitis, polyarthritis, neuritis
  • Gynecological and skin diseases
  • Wounds, ulcers, boils, burns

This is a truly unique plant, on the basis of which preparations are made for dozens of diseases, including such formidable ones as tuberculosis, pneumonia, pyelonephritis and diabetes.

effect on lactation

If lactation needs to be stopped not urgently, sage will become gentle, soft and effective tool. The process of formation of breast milk when drinking tea or sage decoction subsides slowly.

When it's time to wean your baby, learn how to take the herb, continue breastfeeding, and slow down lactation at the same time. While the amount of milk will decrease, the child will have time to wean from the breast, and everything will happen painlessly for mom and baby.

The plant is also useful if the milk is too much for the baby. Take a pharmacy or self-prepared medicine so that there are no congestion and mastitis in the chest. Sage does not affect the quality of milk, so it can be taken without fear of harming the baby.

The grass acts not only as a means of stopping lactation. Substances prevent inflammatory processes in the mammary gland, which is very important for a young mother.

The cessation of breastfeeding becomes a shock not only for the baby, the woman's body is also not immediately rebuilt. The calming effect of a medicinal plant will help a woman survive hormonal changes.

Lactation stops without the use of hormonal and herbal preparations, but this process can take many months. The hormone estrogen inhibits the action of prolactin, which is responsible for milk production. Sage has a similar effect, but it cannot completely replace estrogen. The advantage of a herbal remedy over hormonal drugs is the gradual action and the absence of hormonal shakes.

Rules of conduct during the period of cessation of lactation

You can use the medicine without stopping feeding, but some rules will reduce the period of weaning the baby from the breast:

  1. For a few days, reduce the amount of fluid consumed by 2-3 times.
  2. Try not to drink warm and hot drinks, as they stimulate lactation.
  3. The optimal term for cessation of lactation occurs when the child reaches the age of one. At this time, the baby's nutrition can already be almost completely replaced with regular food, leaving only nighttime breastfeeding.
  4. Part of the liquid that you use during the day, replace the infusion of sage. In this case, the daily dose of infusion should not exceed 0.5-0.8 liters.
  5. After a year of lactation, the breasts may not fill during the day, but milk flushes are likely in the evening. Do not drink fluids before bed, and if pain still occur in the breast, express milk with your hands or with a breast pump. Do not try to express all the milk so as not to provoke an abundant production.
  6. When taking sage, the mammary glands will not engorge. If in the first days the milk continues to arrive, try to endure the discomfort without pulling the breast.

How to use

Drugs for stopping lactation can be bought at a pharmacy or prepared independently. If you prefer ready-made sage-based medicines, read the instructions and follow them.

Pharmacies sell sage tea bags. Everyone knows how to use tea bags:

Dip two sachets into a cup and pour 200 ml of boiling water over it. After five minutes, the bags can be thrown away, and the tea can be cooled and taken in small portions throughout the day.
After 2-4 days, lactation will stop, you can speed up the process if you add tea drinking with compresses with sage oil.

pharmacy drug yellow color with a spicy scent. Sage oil is effective in treating inflammation and softening lumps in the chest.

Mix 3 drops of sage oil with 10 ml of olive or other vegetable oil and massage the nipples and areolas 3-4 times a day until the desired effect is achieved.

One external application to stop lactation is not enough, at the same time you should drink sage infusion or 4-5 drops of oil five times a day.

This the best remedy to gently stop lactation. The decoction is used when the child has already switched to regular food. Brewing sage is easy, choose any recipe:

  • Pour into a thermos 1-2 tbsp. tablespoons of dry grass and pour half a liter of boiling water. After 20 minutes, strain, cool and drink immediately after breastfeeding.
  • Pour 300 g of dry sage with a liter of water and simmer for about half an hour. After cooling, the decoction can be taken 100-150 ml per day, dividing this amount into three portions.

Alcohol infusion

Pharmacy tincture of sage is characterized by a high concentration of substances. Before you drink the medicine, read the instructions.

Mix 50 drops of sage pharmacy tincture with 200 ml of water and take in equal parts for 20 minutes. before meals. Usually the effect comes in 2-3 days.


A concentrated pharmaceutical preparation is convenient to use, but you should not exceed the dosage in order to speed up the process.
Dilute 1 ml of extract in water and take three times a day.


There are no completely safe drugs that are suitable for absolutely everyone, there are contraindications to the use of sage. Sage herb and preparations from it are not recommended for women suffering from the following diseases:

  • endometriosis
  • breast tumor
  • Hyperplasia
  • Hypertension and hypotension
  • Decreased thyroid function
  • Acute inflammation of the kidneys

Refrain from taking sage and preparations from it if you have coughing- the condition may worsen.
Prolonged and excessive intake of sage can lead to intoxication of the body, which is manifested by pain in the abdomen, nausea, dizziness, nervous excitement.
