Preschool child - child development, preparation for school in Kyiv. Extracurricular lesson according to the rules of the road "road alphabet" Material for the lesson: Poems, Road signs, Attributes for the role-playing game "Traffic Light"

Natalina Lyubov Vladimirovna, teacher of MDOU No. 37 "Rodnichok", Bugulma, Republic of Tatarstan


expanding knowledge about the road and the rules of behavior on it;

fixing modes of transport and road signs,

formation of basic rules when working with a computer,

bring up conscious attitude to the implementation of the rules of conduct but the street.

Material: individual computers with tasks, traffic rules games, road signs.

Dictionary: driver's license, wand.

Lesson progress

The traffic police inspector comes and invites the children to play the game "Questions and Answers"

Children agree and tune in to the game.

  1. What are the parts of the street? (road, sidewalk)
  2. Where can children walk? (in the courtyard)
  3. How should you behave on the bus? (don't scream, be quiet)
  4. Where are people waiting for transport? (At the stop)
  5. Where can you cross the road? (traffic light, pedestrian crossing)
  6. Can you name traffic lights? (red. yellow. green)
  7. What is the signal to cross the road? (to green) And what cars do they drive?
  8. Who can you cross the road with? (with adults)
  9. What is a person who drives a car called? (driver)
    Vocabulary work: driver's license.
  10. What is the machine made of? (body, cab, wheels)
  11. Where do cars go, where do pedestrians go? (on the road, on the sidewalk)
  12. What are road signs? (prohibiting, warning, service signs, informative, indicative, prescriptive signs)

Game "Road signs"

  1. How to bypass the bus? (wait for it to leave)
  1. What are the types of transport? (passenger, air, sea, ground, cargo, horse-drawn, special, etc.)

Game "Magic Wand"

And what is the name of the inspector's magic wand. (wand)

With which he can stop the violator of the rules traffic.

Children repeat the new word ROAD. Then they pass the wand and call any transport.

Now we sit down at the tables. We greet the computer and complete the task.

1. Name the sign. (everyone is different)

2. Define the sign

3. Cross out the extra sign.

4. Distribute the transport. (air, earth, water)

5. Help the children get to school.

Gymnastics for the eyes.

Game "Cars"

Red - standing, yellow - walking, green - let's go.

And now troubles from the barrel. Solve riddles.

Conduct an analysis and watch a movie according to traffic rules.

Girded stone belt

Hundreds of cities and villages. (highway)

We get up very early

After all, our concern

Take everyone to work. (driver)

For me to take you

I don't need oats

Feed me gasoline

Give rubber to the hooves

And then raising the dust

will run (automobile)

He does not see himself, but points to others.

(Road sign)

Throwing a fire arrow

A car rushes into the distance

And any fire will flood

Bold squad (Fire engine)

I blink my eyes

Relentless day and night.

I help cars

And I want to help you. (Traffic light)

What a miracle - blue house

Light windows all around

Wears rubber shoes

And it feeds on gasoline. (Bus)

Summarizing. Praise the children for their efforts.

Target: To consolidate children's knowledge of the rules of the road and safe behavior on the roads.


1. To form knowledge about the basic rules and responsibilities of pedestrians on the streets.

  1. Teach children how to be safe on the road.

3. Consolidate the knowledge of children: - about the types of transport;

  1. To teach children to participate in a dialogue, to express their point of view, to listen and understand the answers of other children.

  2. To instill the skills of a cultural attitude towards traffic participants on the street and in public transport.

Preliminary work: poems, repetition of traffic rules with children, conversations, familiarization with road signs and public transport.

Material for the lesson: Poems, Road signs, Attributes for the role-playing game "Traffic Light".

Lesson progress:

Beginning (children enter the hall)

Host: Hello kids! Today we devote our leisure time to the Rules of the Road and the Rules of Safety on the road. Now we will see a story about the rules of the road.

VIDEO #1: The ABC of Movement

Host: Guys, you just watched a story about how to behave correctly on the road.

And now, for you a riddle.

What is this very strange

Wooden man?

On land and underwater

Looking for a golden key

Everywhere he sticks his long nose ... Who is this? Children: (Pinocchio)


Host: Today Pinocchio came to visit us. But he came for a reason, he told me that he wants you to help him. Pinocchio ended up in our town, got lost in it and got scared. He does not know how to behave on the streets of our city. Can we help Pinocchio?

Children: Yes.

Host: What city do we live in? Children: Vidnoe

Guys, let's help our guest, don't be afraid to walk the streets.

But for this we will go on a little journey. Get on our imaginary bus. And Pinocchio will be our driver.

The first stop on our street will be called Journey into History.

Musical accompaniment-Bus»

Let's tell Pinocchio what people traveled on for a very long time, when cars had not yet been invented, there were no buses and trains.

How do you think? Children: on horseback, on carts.

Host: That's right guys!

S. Mikhalkov "From the carriage to the rocket." And you, Pinocchio, listen carefully.

VIDEO-REVIEW-2continuation "From carriage to rocket".

Host: It turns out how people lived in the distant past. But people got tired of depending only on horses, and they came up with .... What did they travel on?

Children: trains, cars, planes, etc.

Host: Let's talk about public transport and traffic rules.

Slide - 1: (public transport)

Along the streets of cities, in addition to cars, trams, trolleybuses, and buses move.

Children, what do you think Trams, trolleybuses, buses - what kind of transport is this? Children: Public.

Leading: I will now make riddles for you, if you answer correctly, then the answer will appear on the screen. Listen carefully.


The house goes down the street, everyone is lucky to work

Someone sitting, someone standing

What kind of place is this?

Not on thin chicken legs,

And rubber boots. (Bus)

amazing wagon,

Judge for yourself:

Rails in the air

He holds them in his hands (Trolleybus)

House is a wonderful runner

On my eight legs.

Day-to-day on the road.

Runs through the alley

On two steel snakes. (Tram)

Host: Let's be both passengers and drivers of the vehicle today.

Who are the passengers? (those who travel in public transport)

And who are the drivers? (those people who drive the vehicle).

Our game is called "Buses"

"Buses" are the teams of children "driver" and "passengers". Flags are placed 6-7 meters from each team. At the command "March!" the first players with a quick step (running is prohibited) go to their flags, go around them and return to the columns, where the second players join them, and together they again make the same path, etc. the players hold each other by the elbows. When the bus (front player "driver") returns to its seat with a full complement of passengers, he must blow his whistle. The first team to arrive at the final stop wins.(children sit down after the game)

Host: Why do we need road signs on the streets?

Children: Children's answers.

Now the children of the 1st group will tell us verses about the Rules of the Road, and about Road signs.




Helping for a long time
Children, our friend, traffic light
Explain without stress
Rules for children.

2.SIGN - It is forbidden to play with the ball

You remember, friends,

On the road, we can not:

Run, jump and jump.

And play football with the ball.

SIGN - Underpass

For those who live in the city

An underground passage is needed.

The road is easier to cross

We are on the underground path.

Cars don't move there.

There are only pedestrians.


This is a very important sign
It doesn't just hang.
Be careful, driver!
Near the garden, school yard.


And cars passing by

Slow down immediately

Because they respect



In this place the pedestrian
The transport is waiting patiently.
He was tired of walking
Wants to be a passenger.


Bike Lane,
Overtake Maxim Seryozhka.
Nobody will bother you -
All children know this sign


This sign is for those who are sick,
Who is not happy with their health.
Roadside Aibolit
Heal you, cheer you up.


I'm walking in a blue circle

And understandable to the entire region.

If you think a little,

Only the legs are walking here.


Host: Now we will go further.

Our next stop is “Mysteries about road signs”.

MUSIC BUS (we go by bus, then everyone sits down)

Host: Let's check now whether you know the road signs or not.

Here I have road signs on my table, and your task is not only to solve the riddle, but also to find the road sign that this riddle is about. And so, let's start.

First riddle.

1. All familiar stripes,

Children know, adults know

Leads to the other side ... ("Pedestrian crossing".)

2. By cars here, friends,

Nobody can go

You can go, you know, children,

Just on…. ("Bike Lane".)

3. And here, guys, it's no laughing matter,

Nothing can be driven here.

Can only be done on your own

Only for pedestrians. (Pedestrian path - Sidewalk.)

4. You will notice this sign immediately:

Three colored huge eyes.

Eye color defined:

Red, yellow and green. (Traffic light)

5. What kind of road sign:

Red cross on white?

Day and night you can

Feel free to contact!

The doctor will bandage the head

White scarf

And will provide first aid - medical assistance. (Point of medical care).

6. In this place, oddly enough,

They are always waiting for something.

Some are sitting, some are standing...

What kind of place is this? (Stop)

7. Hey driver, be careful

Driving fast is not possible

People know everything in the world

In this place they go ... (Children)

Leading: What good fellows you guys are, observant. But let's go further.

The third stop is called "Traffic Light".


Presenter: Stop "Traffic light" (all children sit down)

Now the children of the 5th group will show us "The Tale of the Sick Traffic Lights"


The beginning of a fairy tale (children's exit)

Presenter: Well, now that our traffic lights have recovered, we will play the game "Traffic Light" with you


Host: Pinocchio, tell us, did we help you figure out how to behave correctly on the road?

Pinocchio: Thank you guys. I now know the rules of the road.

Leading: And now the Pedestrian's Solemn Promise!

- Cross the street at the crosswalk...

- I promise!

- Cross the road only at the green traffic light ...

- I promise!

Crossing the street in a group of people...

- I promise!

- Walk only on the sidewalk and never walk on the roadway ...

- I promise!

- Do not play near the roadway ...

- I promise!

- Do not ride a bicycle, roller skates, skates and sleds on the roadway ...

- I promise!

- Strictly comply with these rules ...

- I promise!

Leading: Well done, and now let's all dance together!

Dance: "Bibika"

The city where
We live with you
Can be rightfully
Compare with alphabet.

ABC of the streets
Avenues, roads
The city gives us
Lesson all the time.

Here it is, the alphabet -
Above head:
The signs are posted
Along the bridge.

ABC of the city
Always remember
Not to happen
You're in trouble.
Ya. Pishumov

Here on post anytime
There is a familiar guard,
He manages all at once
Who is in front of him on the pavement.

No one in the world can do that
With one hand
Stop the flow of passers-by
And skip the trucks.
S. Mikhalkov

If the light turns red
So it's dangerous to move.
Light green says:
"Come in, the way is open!"
Yellow light - warning:
Wait for the signal to move.
S. Mikhalkov

The city is full of movement
Cars run in a row.
Colored traffic lights
Both day and night are burning.

Walking carefully
Follow the street
And only where possible
And only where possible
And just cross it there!

And where there are trams during the day
Hurry from all sides
You can't walk around yawning!
Can't count crows!

Walking carefully
Follow the street
And only where possible
And only where possible
And just cross it there!
S. Mikhalkov

Traffic lights have three colors.
They are clear to the driver:
Red light - no way
Yellow - get ready to go
And the green light - roll!
S. Marshak

Stop, car!
Stop, engine!
Brake quickly
Red eye
Looking straight ahead -
It's strict
Traffic light.
He looks menacing
Lets in
go further
Doesn't let...
Waiting for the chauffeur
a little bit
Looked out again
Into the window
Traffic light
This time
green eye,
And says:
"You can go
The path is open!"
M. Plyatskovsky

* * *
He has three eyes
Three on each side
And although never
He did not look at all at once -
He needs all the eyes.
It's been hanging here for a long time.
And he looks at everyone.
What is this?
(Traffic light)
Z. Mostovoy

* * *
We do for the guys
Learn urgently
traffic rules,

To not worry
Every day parents
To calmly rush
Street drivers!
Y. Yakovlev

* * *
Where there is a noisy intersection,
Where cars can not be counted
It's not so easy to go
If you don't know the rules.

Let the children remember firmly:
He does the right thing,
Who only by the green light
It's coming across the street!
N. Sorokin

Walking down the street alone
Quite a strange citizen.
He is given good advice:
- The traffic light is red.
There is no way to go.
You can't go now!

I don't care about red lights!
Said a citizen in response.
He walks across the street
Not where the inscription "Transition",
Throwing rough on the go:
- Wherever I want, I will go there!

The driver looks into his eyes:
Razin ahead!
Hit the brakes quick
Have mercy on me!..

And suddenly the driver would say:
"I don't care about traffic lights!" —
And how did you get to ride?
Would the guard leave his post?
The tram would go as you wanted?
Would everyone walk as best they could?

Yes... where the street was,
Where are you used to walking?
Incredible deeds
It would happen instantly!

Signals, shouts then know:
The car is right on the tram,
The tram hit the car
The car crashed into a window...

But no: standing on the pavement
traffic controller,
Hanging three-eyed traffic light,
And the driver knows the rules.
O. Bedarev

And avenues and boulevards -
Everywhere the streets are noisy
Walk on the sidewalk
Only on the right side!

Here to play pranks, interfere with the people
Be a good pedestrian

If you are on the tram
And the people around you
No pushing, no yawning
Move forward quickly.

Ride a "hare", as you know,
Make way for the old lady

If you're just walking
Look ahead anyway
Through a noisy intersection
Walk carefully.

Red light crossing
With green even for children
V. Semernin

It should be easy to explain
Whether you are young or old:
Pavement - for transport,
For you - the sidewalk!

Walk across the street there, pedestrian
Where is the sign indicated to you "transition"!

The traffic lights are red!
The path is dangerous - there is no passage!
And if the yellow light is on
He says get ready.

Green flashed ahead -
The path is free, go.

Where do you need to cross the street?
Remember the simple rule:
With attention to the left, first look
Look to the right then!

It's stupid to think: "Somehow
I'll skip the tram line!
Never forget,
What's faster than you tram!
V. Timofeev

To help you
The path is dangerous
We burn day and night
Green, yellow, red.

Our house is a traffic light -
We are three brothers
We've been shining for a long time
On the road to all the guys.

We are three wonderful colors
You often see us
But our advice
You don't listen sometimes.

The most severe is the red light.
If it's on: Stop!
There is no further road
The path is closed for everyone.

So that you calmly pass
Heed our advice: Wait!
See you soon yellow
Light in the middle.

And behind it is a green light
Flashes ahead,
He will say:
- There are no obstacles
Feel free to go on your way.

Kohl perform without a dispute
traffic lights,
Go home and go to school
Of course, very soon.
A. Severny

* * *
Stood on our pavement.
He quickly extended his hand
Deftly he waved his wand.
You saw
Did you see? —
All cars stopped at once
Together stood in three rows
And they don't go anywhere.
People don't worry
Walks across the street.
And stands on the pavement
Like a magician, guard.
All machines to one
They obey him.
Ya. Pishumov

Traffic lights, traffic lights
Red, yellow and green...
Three cheerful fires are burning in all the streets
Red, yellow and green -
Ash and maple leaves
As if to help traffic lights
They also hang on fences.
What is it ahead - the path is closed?
Or is it on the way - the leaf is on fire?
Red light or aspen?
Yellow light or willow?
All signals are light
Autumn messed up!
I. Zagraevskaya


A person is drawn.
Man is digging the earth.
Why is there no way?
Maybe they are looking for treasure here?
and old coins
Are they in a big chest?
They are here, probably old
Hid a very greedy king.—
I was told:
- What are you, what are you!
There are road works here.
The student shows the road sign "Roadworks" drawn on thick paper.

- Why would it suddenly
Are the arrows in a circle?
And the cars behind each other
They run merrily in a circle.
What's happened,
It's like we're on a carousel!
- We are on the square with you,
There is no straight road here.
The student shows the traffic sign "Roundabout"

Wonderful sign -
Exclamation mark!
So you can here
Make noise,
Be naughty?
If you run -
If you go -
With the wind! —
The people answer sternly:
“This is a dangerous road.
Very requested road sign
Drive quietly, carefully.
While reading poetry, the student shows the road sign "Other dangers"

What's the bar ahead?!
Let's stand over the fast river.
What if weightlifters come to the bridge?!
Will raise the bar
They will begin to squeeze the bar ...
- No,-
Laughing, my friend replied,
Here we will not meet athletes.
It's just a sign
For a truck.
- The ground is weak in this place, -
He speaks sternly
Carrying a heavy load
You will damage the road.
The load will press on the wheels -
Leave a mark on the road.
There will be holes on the way -
Do not pass, do not pass!
A student shows a road sign "Axle load limit"

That's the sign!
I don't believe my eyes
What is the battery for?
Does it help with movement?
Steam heating?
Maybe in winter blizzard
Do drivers need to warm up here?
Why in the summer heat
The sign was not removed from the pavement?
It turned out that this sign
Says to the driver:
Here the barrier is a crossing.
Wait, the express will pass.
The student shows the road sign "Railway crossing with a barrier"
Ya. Pishumov

Scenario of a quiz on traffic rules for schoolchildren

"ABC of the Pedestrian"

Goals and objectives:consolidate children's knowledge of road signs and traffic rules; develop the ability to independently use the acquired knowledge in everyday life.

Equipment:road signs; traffic light; posters “On the street - not in the room, guys, remember about that”, “Remember, the traffic police rules are your rules”, m / m projector, laptop, glue, traffic sign puzzles.

Organizing time

Leading: Hello our dear friends!

Presenter: Good afternoon dear teachers and students!

Leading: We are glad to welcome you to our quiz dedicated to the rules of the road. We hope that the most resourceful, smart and savvy guys have gathered here.

Event progress

Every day more and more cars appear on our roads. High speeds and traffic volumes require drivers and pedestrians to be very attentive.

Leading: Today we will try to find out what you know about the rules of the road. It's no secret that a large number of traffic accidents occur due to the fault of pedestrians and drivers who do not comply with these rules.

Presenter: And the better we know the rules of the road, the safer our life will be.

Leading: Our quiz consists of several rounds and a competition of captains. There will also be a game with the audience. But first, I would like to introduce you to our jury.

(The composition of the jury is announced)

Presenter: Two teams take part in our quiz: the team "Cyclists" and the team "Skateboarders" (divided into teams)

So here we go!

Leading: The first round is theoretical"Question answer". I will ask questions and give three possible answers to them. After you have consulted for a while, at my signal you should hold up the sign with the number of the correct answer. The team that gave the correct answer gets 1 point.

(Asking questions)

I. What color of the traffic light means “Attention! Get ready to move!"?
1. red;
2. yellow;
3. green.

II. At what age are children allowed to sit next to the driver in a car?
1. from 12 years old;
2. from 14 years old;
3. from 13 years old.

(If there is a special seat for a child - from any age, without a special seat (as an ordinary passenger) - from the age of 14.)

III. At what age is it legal to drive a motorcycle?
1. from 14 years old;
2. from 15 years old;
3. from 16 years old.

IV. In which direction should you first look when crossing the roadway?
1. right;
2. left;
3. straight.

V. Where can you cross the street?
1. along the "zebra";
2. where you want;
3. where the sign "pedestrian crossing" is installed.

The word is given to the judges: the results of the 1st round

Presenter: So we move on to the second round."Restore road signs." Teams should restore the road sign from the cut parts and name it. Which team will do it faster, that team will get 5 points.

The word is given to the judges: the results of the 2nd round

Leading: The third round is called"Blitz Poll on the Road". Which team will give the most answers to the questions within one minute, that team receives the most points. If the correct answer is from another team, then the answer is read to the team that answers. For each correct answer 1 point.

1. Self-propelled four-wheeled vehicle. (Automobile.)
2. It runs along the rails - it rattles when cornering. (Tram.)
3. A multi-seat vehicle for transporting passengers. (Bus.)
4 . The favorite vehicle of desperate boys, to ride which you need to push off with your foot. (Scooter.)
5. A car that is not afraid of the worst roads. (ATV.)
6. Home for the car. (Garage.)
7. A person walking on the sidewalk. (A pedestrian.)
8. Road for the tram. (Rails.)
9. Part of the road on which pedestrians are walking. (Sidewalk.)
10 . A person driving a car. (Driver.)
11. Place on the road intended for pedestrians. (Transition.)
12. Striped transition markings. (Zebra.)
13. Place for embarkation and disembarkation of public transport passengers. (Stop.)

14. Loud beep of a special machine. (Siren.)
15. Place of intersection of streets. (Crossroad.)
16. A policeman regulating traffic at a crossroads. (Adjuster.)
17. A strong, wide strap that ensures the safety of the driver and passengers in a car. (Safety belt.)
18. Protective headgear of a motorcyclist. (Helmet.)
19. Stowaway. (Hare.)
20. A person riding in a vehicle, but not driving. (Passenger.)
21. When traveling in public transport, hold on to ... (handrail).
22. Who sells tickets on public transport? (Conductor.)
23. Bicycle driver. (Cyclist.)
24. Crossing of railway tracks with a highway. (Moving.)
25. Descending and rising crossbar for opening and closing the crossing. (Barrier.)
26. "Legs" of the car. (Wheels.)
27. "Eyes" of the car. (Headlights.)
28. Underground structure for traffic. (Tunnel.)
29. Pedestrian or driver who does not comply with the Rules of the Road. (Intruder.)
30. Punishment for traffic violations. (Fine.)

31. What light should you cross the street to? (to green)

32. What light can cars move to? (to green)

33. What are the dangers for pedestrians on winter roads? (On a slippery road, the braking distance of cars increases, the roads are narrowed due to snow, snow drifts, ice impede the movement of cars.)

34. Does the cyclist have a braking path? (Yes. No vehicle can stop immediately while moving.)

The word is given to the judges: the results of the 3rd round

Presenter: Fourth round "Puzzles". I start reading the riddle - you continue. 1 point for each riddle solved.

It will oblige us to go quietly,
Turn near will show
And remind you what and how
You are on your way...Road sign).

What is a zebra on the road?
Everyone stands with their mouths open.
Waiting for the green to blink
So this is...( Transition).

Got up from the edge of the street in a long boot
Three-eyed scarecrow on one leg.
Where the cars move
Where the paths converged
Helping people cross the road. ( Traffic light)

The house on the rails is right there,
He will kill everyone in five minutes.
You sit down and don't yawn
Heading off…( Tram).

Drinks petrol like milk
Can run far.
Carries goods and people
You know her, of course.
He wears shoes made of rubber, called ... ( Car).

The word is given to the judges: the results of the 4th round

Leading: Game for teams "Cross the street"

The leader holds in his hands - 2 circles:
the first is green on one side, yellow on the other;
the second is red on one side and yellow on the other.

Players stand at a distance of 7-10 steps from each other. parallel lines(this is the street). The leader makes a wave with a green circle - the players take a step forward, red - a step back, yellow - stand still. The leader alternates colors. Those who make a mistake are out of the game. The team whose player crosses the "street" first wins. (2 points)

The word is given to the judges: the results of the 5th round

Presenter: Let's move on to the competition of captains. I ask the captains to come to us. Attention, captains! You will now be asked 5 questions. The one who first raises his hand and gives a complete answer will bring his team 1 point. Ready? Then go ahead.

1. What reasons can lead to accidents on the road?
2. Why is a traffic inspector wearing a yellow vest?
3. Why are bushes and trees dangerous along the street or on the side of the road?
4. What pedestrian traffic lights do you know what they mean?
5. How should pedestrians cross the street at intersections where traffic is not regulated by traffic lights?

The word is given to the judges: the results of the competition of captains


Leading: We have reached the finish line. Judging by your answers, you know the rules of the road well. And therefore, I can say with full confidence that there are no losers in our quiz. And the names of the winners will be announced by our strict and unbiased jury.

The floor is given to the jury: the results of the game (delivery of certificates)

Presenter: The purpose of the rules is clear to everyone,

The whole country does them.

And you remember them, friends,

And do it firmly.

You can't walk the streets without them

Walk in a huge city.

Leading: Our Pedestrian ABC quiz has come to an end. I want to wish you all good health, and that you always, in any weather, at different times of the day, at all times of the year, observe the rules of the road, do not endanger your life and the lives of those around you. Thank you!

Tatyana Pugacheva

KVN «» .

Senior group.


Raising Law Abiding Participants traffic.

Consolidation and improvement of knowledge traffic rules, skills and abilities of young participants traffic.

Consolidation of skills of safe behavior on roads.

Education of safe behavior on roads.


Summarize children's knowledge about transport, about traffic rules, street rules;

Educate children about what a violation can lead to Rules of the road;

Develop dexterity, attention, concentration, ingenuity, logical thinking,

Educate a competent pedestrian;

Arouse children's interest in joint gaming activity and good relations with each other;

Develop the ability to work in a team.

Leading: Hello friends!

Today is a big and interesting day in the hall!

We are starting our cheerful favorite KVN!

The ray of the sun makes us laugh and tease,

We are having fun this morning!

Spring gives us a sonorous holiday

And the main guest on it is the game!

Welcome to the first team "Traffic Lights".

Children enter the hall (to the music of the Club of cheerful and resourceful).

Second team « Road signs» .

Children enter the hall to the music of KVN.

And we will compete today in knowledge of traffic rules.

Today we will arrange a fun KVN and you will show how you know these laws. Our competition will be judged by an honorary jury (Vitaly Vasilyevich Roshchin, Natalya Viktorovna and Oksana Anatolyevna).Jury's word.

2 teams participate in KVN.

Leading: The word is given to 1 team.

"Traffic Lights"

Our motto: We all need to know the traffic rules

Everyone needs traffic rules.

Leading: The word is given to the 2nd team.

Team captain…. our team « Road signs» :

Our motto: If you want to be healthy do without doctors

Do it without objection Traffic Laws.

Leading: So, the teams greeted each other.

Jury word.

The next competition is "Warm-up".

Teams are asked questions. At the end of the warm-up right answers, the team gets 1 point.

"Traffic lights".

1. Where can I cross the roadway (At an intersection with traffic lights or at a pedestrian crossing).

2. In what order are the colors of the traffic lights? (top down).

3. What does a yellow traffic light mean? (attention).

4. How is the pedestrian crossing marked? (zebra).

5. What traffic signal can you switch to road? (green).

« Road signs» .

1. What does a red traffic light mean? (stop).

2. What is an intersection (crossing streets).

3. Where can cyclists ride? (according to a specially assigned track) .

4. When should I start crossing the street if there is a traffic light at the intersection?

5. Is it possible to switch to a red signal if there are no cars nearby (it is forbidden).

Jury word.

Next competition "Find the Sign".

rule: The facilitator reads the verse. Teams look for the appropriate sign, show and name it.

"Traffic Lights".

The sign "Entry is prohibited." The sign of drivers is frightening, it prohibits cars from entering! Do not try to drive past the brick in the heat of the moment!

Sign "Pedestrian crossing". There is a ground crossing here, people walk all day. You, the driver, do not be sad, skip the pedestrian!

Sign " Movement pedestrians are prohibited. In the rain and in clear weather, pedestrians do not walk here, one sign tells them: "You are not allowed to walk!"

The sign "Bus stop place". In this place, the pedestrian is patiently waiting for transport. He is tired of walking on foot, he wants to become a passenger.

« Road signs» .

Sign "" Hospital ". If you need to be treated, the sign will tell you where the hospital is. A hundred serious doctors there will tell you: "Be healthy! "

"Caution, children" sign. in the middle road children we are always responsible for them. So that their parent does not cry, be careful, driver!

Sign " Men at work"". Sign " Men at work"repairs here someone's way. It will be necessary to slow down the speed, because there road people.

Sign " Movement Bicycles are prohibited. "Remember the sign, friends, and parents, and children. Where it hangs, you can not ride a bicycle!

The smallest sign road- it's not just worth it. Be, be careful! Respect every sign!

Jury word.

I suggest you play the game now: "Snake".

Two lanes of obstacles from pins placed "snake". The children begin the game at the signal of the leader. The first member of the team starts riding a scooter, going around the standing pins (back and forth, the team that does not knock down any pins wins.

Jury word.


Children cope with tasks, and now we will play with our guests and find out if they know Traffic Laws. Let's play a game . I will ask you questions, and if you agree with me, speak: "It's me! It's me! These are all my friends!”

Which of you in the narrow carriage is inferior senior seat;

Which of you goes forward only where the transition is;

Who flies forward so fast that he does not see the traffic light;

Who knows what red light means - "No move";

Which of you comes into the world, speaking "no move";

Who is slippery runs out the road in bad weather;

If the yellow light is on, who is walking and who is standing.

Quiz Competition.

Questions are quickly asked to each team in turn.

Why is it dangerous to run out onto the roadway roads?

How to cross the street where there is no traffic light?

Why can't you play road?

What is the name of the "wand" of a policeman-regulator?

How to bypass standing traffic?

What should be done before starting to cross the street?

Jury word.

Captains competition in our KVN "Ambulance".

You know that every vehicle should have a first aid kit - a special box with medicines. (Show first aid kit).

Why do you think it is needed in the car?

The first aid kit contains everything you need to provide medical care to the victim.

Here is the task. Now you will have to remember what should be in the first aid kit and collect travel first aid kit. You must put all the necessary medicines in it.

Well done. Your parents have cars, but I wonder if there is a first aid kit there ?.

Ask your parents, look and check if all the necessary medicines are in the first aid kit.

Jury word.

The next competition in our KVN: "Build a traffic light".

Each team on the tables, there are split pictures of the colors of the traffic light. They need to be collected by color as they follow in the traffic light. You should get a traffic light

The jury will check.

Tell me, is it possible for pedestrians and cars to move on red? Of course not. But there are cars that can run a red light. name them (in order).

(Ambulance, fire, police).

Well done, do not forget, you need to obey without a dispute, the instructions of the traffic light.

Jury word.

Our KVN is coming to an end, now while the jury is deliberating and summing up,

children will sing a song "Allowed - prohibited" .

Tell me, now you would like to remember everything how we started our work on traffic rules. All eyes on the screen.

"Presentation- ABC of traffic rules»

The jury sums up the results of KVN.

Team awards. Presentation of certificates of the Young Pedestrian.
