"teaching the rules of the road in kindergarten" work experience. A set of lessons on road safety in kindergarten Situations for analysis

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 221"

A set of classes (direct educational activities) for Security traffic(average age)

Compiled by: Peregudova L.I. Novokuznetsk city district 2017

September:"Getting to Know the Road."

October:"Examining a car, bus, tram"

November:"Meet the guys, this is a traffic light."

December: Application "Bus".

January:" Crosswalk".

February:"Cat house. What is the transport.

March:"I am a pedestrian."

April: « Teamwork"Our traffic light"

May: Collage "Streets of my city".

Didactic manual for classes on traffic rules in kindergarten can be purchased at a specialized store - detsad-shop.ru

Getting to know the road

Program content: clarify and expand children's ideas about the surrounding space; introduce children to the concepts of "roadway" and "sidewalk", teach them to distinguish. To form ideas that cars move along the roadway, and pedestrians - on the sidewalks; to give basic knowledge about the rules of behavior on the street.

Visual aids: layout of the roadway with markings and the sidewalk with houses, trees; toys - cars, figurines of people; Parsley is a character present at every lesson of this cycle.

Dictionary activation: pavement, roadway, pedestrians, vehicles.

Lesson progress:

1. V-l: Guys, Petrushka came to us today. He really wants to be friends with you. Let's say hello to him.

(Hello, Petrushka)

V-l: Parsley, guys, just like you, he wants to attend kindergarten, play toys, go for walks, study in class, and together with you he really wants to start learning the rules of the road ..

Look guys, what is it?

(street layout)

Vl: Right. What is on this street?

(houses, trees, road)

V-l: And you know, guys, it turns out that the road consists of several parts. It's a sidewalk and a driveway. Today I will tell you what it is and what it is intended for. The sidewalk, guys, is the path that pedestrians walk on. Who are pedestrians?

(people who move along the road on foot)

W: That's right, guys. The sidewalk is intended for pedestrians only and is separated by a curb from the carriageway on which vehicles move. What vehicles do you know?

(cars, buses, trams, etc.)

In-l: cars go very fast and cannot stop instantly. Therefore, you need to be very careful and attentive and be sure to follow a few basic safety rules:

- never cross the road without an adult

- do not cross the road in front of a nearby vehicle

V-l: Remember, Petrushka? (shakes his head). What a distraction! And let's repeat once again for Petrushka what we learned today. What are the parts of the road?

(sidewalk and driveway)

Q: Who moves on the sidewalk?


Q: What is the roadway for?

(for the movement of cars and other vehicles).

Q: Why should you always be very careful and careful when crossing the roadway?

(because vehicles are moving very fast and cannot stop immediately)

V-l: What good fellows you guys are! Now Petrushka will never forget how to behave at the roadway. And in the evening, when you go home today, show mom and dad the sidewalk and the roadway. Let's say goodbye to Petrushka.

(Goodbye, Petrushka!!)

"Consideration of the bus, car, tram."

Program content: form ideas about different types of transport: cars and trucks, buses, trams; learn to distinguish and name parts of the car (cabin, steering wheel, wheels, body, windows). Activate new words in children's speech (cabin, steering wheel, wheel, passenger, driver, interior, rails). Explain the purpose various kinds Vehicle.

Visual aids: illustrations depicting cars and trucks, buses, trams; Parsley.

Dictionary activation: cab, steering wheel, wheel, body; passenger transport

Lesson progress:

1. V-l: Guys, look who came to us. Say hello to Petrushka.

(children greet).

V-l: And what is interesting you, Petrushka, brought us? What is shown in these pictures?

(bus, tram, car, truck)

W: How interesting! Do you know, Petrushka, what these vehicles are intended for? Do you guys know? Then I'll tell you now. We will now consider these pictures in turn.

It turns out that all vehicles that move along the roadway differ not only in appearance but also for its intended purpose. There are cars designed to carry a large number people (1-5). See what parts a car consists of. He has a steering wheel to steer the car; wheels on which the car moves along the roadway; salon where the driver and passengers are located; windows to look out onto the street. A passenger car is designed to carry a small number of people. This is a passenger vehicle.

And here is a truck. See what it consists of?

(steering wheel, windows, wheels, body ..)

Vl: Well done. But a truck is different from a car. The truck has a cab - a place for the driver and a body - a device for transporting goods. Freight car It is intended for transportation of various cargoes - it is a cargo vehicle.

And what's that?


Consider the bus carefully. What does it consist of?

(interior, wheels, window, steering wheel, cab…)

Do you know why the bus has such a large cabin? Because the bus is designed to carry a large number of people.

And this, guys, is a tram. Look and tell me what the tram is for?

(to transport a large number of people)

Q: How did you guess?

(he has a big salon)

Q: What means of transport are buses and trams?

(passenger vehicles)

V-l: You see, guys, how many different vehicles move along the roadway and each has its own purpose, which we can determine by appearance.

"Meet the guys, this is a traffic light."

Program content: to form in children an idea of ​​​​the traffic light and its purpose (regulation of the movement of vehicles and pedestrians on the roadway). Familiarize yourself with the types and signals of traffic lights. Tell that a traffic light has 3 color signals that determine the actions of traffic participants; traffic light for pedestrians has 2 signals. Learn to understand the meaning of red, yellow and green traffic lights; correctly understand the signals of a pedestrian traffic light (a green walking man and a standing red man). Develop skills of safe behavior on the road (you can only cross the roadway at the permissive signal of a pedestrian traffic light.)

Visibility: models of transport and pedestrian traffic lights.

Lesson progress:

1. V-l: Today, guys, together with Petrushka, you will learn how to correctly, and therefore safely cross the roadway. It turns out that we have assistants who will always tell us where to go correctly and safely. One of these assistants is a traffic light. (show layouts of traffic lights).

V-l: You all saw them at the roadway. And who knows what a traffic light is for?

(children's answers)

V-l: The traffic light, guys, regulates the movement of vehicles and pedestrians on the roadway. Therefore, there are two traffic lights - for vehicles and for pedestrians. You need to know both of these traffic lights to be safe. A traffic light regulates the movement of vehicles only and does this with the help of three signals. These are three round boxes. different color. What are these colors?

(red, yellow and green)

V-l: When a red signal is on at such a traffic light, this means that the movement of vehicles is prohibited. The yellow signal asks us to be careful and get ready. Green - allows the movement of cars and other vehicles.

(demonstration of a pedestrian traffic light)

V-l: The traffic light intended for pedestrians looks a little differently. Look and tell me how it differs from transport?

(has two signals)

Vl: Well done! There are only two signals at the pedestrian traffic light. This is a green walking man and a standing red one. What do you think these signals mean?

(a walking green man allows movement, and a standing red one forbids).

W-l? How are these signals similar to traffic lights?

(green color allows movement, red - prohibits)

V-l: Let's play the game "Traffic light". I will show you different traffic signals in turn, and you will follow these commands: a walking green man - we walk in place, a red man standing - we stand, hands on our belts. If I show you the transport traffic lights, what will you do?

Vl: Why?

(traffic light regulates the movement of vehicles only)

(we play 3-4 times).

V-l: Smarties! So why do we need traffic lights on the roadway?

(regulates traffic and helps to safely cross the roadway if you follow his commands).

Q: Remember this well and never forget.

Application "Bus".

Program content: fix the name of the bus parts (body, wheels, windows). Exercise in the image of an object from ready-made forms by gluing; orientation on a sheet of paper. Strengthen application skills.

Visual aids: sample, illustration depicting a bus; individual kits with prepared parts for each child to complete the application

Lesson progress:

V-l: Guys, today our friend Petrushka is going to visit the forest animals. And let's make gifts for little squirrels, wolf cubs and hares. I propose to give them bright cheerful buses so that next time they can all come to visit us together.

Vl: Look, guys, what a wonderful bus you and I will get. What parts does it consist of?

(body, windows, door, wheels)

Q: What type of vehicle is a bus?

(passenger vehicle)

Vl: Why?

(it is designed to carry a large number of passengers)

Vl: Well done! For work we need: half of the landscape sheet, body, 2 windows, 2 wheels and a door; glue stick and oilcloth.

First, we glue the body in the center of the sheet. Glue the wheels to the bottom edge of the body. Place the door in the center of the body. And lastly glue the windows.

(children perform the application).

V-l: Raise, guys, your leaves. Look, Petrushka, what a wonderful bus depot we've got. How many bright and beautiful buses we will give to kids - animals.


Program content: to introduce children to the road markings "zebra", the sign "pedestrian crossing"; continue to develop the skill of safe behavior on the roadway, cross only along the "zebra" and only at the permissive traffic light.

Visual aids: roadway layout, Pedestrian crossing sign

Lesson progress:

V-l: Today, guys, we will learn how to safely cross the roadway. Do you already know who is helping us with this?

(traffic light).

Q: What traffic light regulates the movement of pedestrians?

(pedestrian with two signals)

Q: At what traffic signal can you cross the roadway?

(only for a permission signal - a walking green man)

Vl: Well done! Right! But it turns out that there are more clues on the roadway that will help you safely cross to the other side of the roadway. This, folks, is road markings for pedestrians. See those white stripes? This is a pedestrian crossing, it is through it that you can cross the roadway. It is also called "zebra". Why do you think?

(the stripes are similar to the coloring of the skin of a zebra).

V-l: Next to this marking, such a road sign is always installed.

(the sign "Pedestrian crossing" is shown).

V-l: It means that in this place you can safely cross the roadway.

Look at our layout. Show the zebra markings and the Pedestrian Crossing sign.

(children do the task).

Vl: Well done! And now let's arrange the figures of pedestrians who cross the roadway.

(children arrange).

Vl: Well done! You did great! Now you can tell others how to correctly, and therefore safely cross the roadway. How?

(along the pedestrian crossing and only at the permissive traffic light signal).

Well done boys!

" Cat house. »

Program content: to introduce children to the types of special vehicles. To form an idea about the purpose of special vehicles (a fire truck goes to put out a fire, an ambulance goes to help a sick person). To consolidate knowledge about the special services and their purpose, remember the emergency call numbers 02, 01, 03.

Visual aids: a set of dolls and decorations for the fairy tale "Cat's House"; toys or illustrations of special purpose vehicles - ambulance, fire, police.

Preliminary work: reading and showing the fairy tale "Cat's House", a conversation about the professions of a fireman, policeman, doctor.

Lesson progress:

V-l: Guys, today Petrushka brought us a telegram, it was sent by kittens from the fairy tale "Cat's House". Let's quickly open it and read what happened. (the teacher opens the telegram and reads)

V-l: Here is what is written here: “Tili-bom, tili-bom, the cat's house caught fire! The cat jumped out, dislocated its paw…..Help us guys! We need to put out the fire, treat the cat's paw, catch the hooligans who set fire to the cat's house. We need help, guys ... What to do, how to be? How can we put out the fire?

(you need to call firefighters to put out the fire by calling 01).

V-l: Of course, right, guys. And you know, firefighters have their own special car, in which they go to the fire, like this. It's called a fire engine.

V-l: Look how bright, red it is. He also turns on a loud siren so that other drivers let him pass on the road when firefighters go to put out a fire. Well, the fire seems to be sorted out. Write, Petrushka, a response telegram that you need to call firefighters by phone 01. What else happened there, guys?

(the cat sprained its paw)

Vl: Exactly! How to be? What needs to be done guys?

(call an ambulance by calling 03 for a doctor to come and help the cat)

V-l: What you guys, well done! Got it, Petrushka, how to act? What will the doctor come for? And the doctor will arrive in a special car called "Ambulance". Look at it carefully.

(demonstration of a car model or its illustration).

V-l: You see, on all ambulances a red cross is drawn - this is a sign of medicine. And just like a fire truck, an ambulance also has an audible siren that other drivers hear and let an ambulance pass on the road. Then the ambulance arrives without delay

to the patient, and the doctor provides him with the necessary medical care. So write, Petrushka, - "Call the cat an ambulance." Well, have you solved all the questions, Petrushka? How not all? What else is left? Guys, what else did the kittens ask for?

(help them find and apprehend the hooligans who set fire to the cat's house).

Q: Where do we go now guys? Who can help us?

(you need to contact the police, call 02)

Vl: Of course! Well done boys! After all, the police keep order and catch criminals and hooligans. And you know, guys, the police also have their own special car. Here's one. (demonstration of a car model or its illustration). You see, it has police insignia on it. You will not confuse such a car with any other. Write, Petrushka, let them call the police by phone 02. Did you write? Now let's send a telegram to the kittens, you take it to the post office. And the guys and I will repeat what types of special vehicles we met today?

(fire engine, ambulance and police car)

Vl: Wonderful. And tell me, in what cases these official cars need to be called? When do they arrive?

(firefighter - to put out the fire, ambulance - goes to the patient, and the police - to look for or detain criminals)

V-l: What you guys, well done! Remember the telephone numbers of the special services. You can always call them and they will help if there is a problem. Fire department - 01, ambulance - 03, police - 02.

"I'm a pedestrian."

Program content: teach the rules of behavior on the roadway (be careful, stop and look around before crossing; firmly hold an adult by the hand, cross the roadway only along the “zebra” and only at the traffic signal).

Visibility: Medal for each child "I am a pedestrian".

Lesson progress:

1. In-l: Today, guys, our Petrushka goes to visit the dolls. On the way, he will have to cross the roadway. Let's check if our Petrushka remembered the rules of safe behavior. Tell us, Petrushka, what should we do before we start crossing the road? Do not you know? Can the guys give you some advice?

(You need to stop and look around carefully)

Vl: Of course. But tell us, Petrushka, where can you cross the roadway?

(Petrushka replies that in any and any traffic signal)

Q: Right, guys? Of course not!! So you can't cross the road under any circumstances. And how is it necessary?

(you need to cross the roadway only along the "zeber" and only at the permissive traffic light signal - a green walking man)

Q: Why is it necessary to follow these rules?

(because the car is going very fast and will not be able to stop immediately)

V-l: Well, how can we let you go alone? You forgot all the rules that we taught. If you really need it, then ask an adult to accompany you, mom or dad. And when you cross the roadway, hold an adult's hand very tightly. Got it, Petrushka?

V-l: And the guys and I will once again repeat for you the rules for safely crossing the roadway. What should you do before you start crossing the road?

(need to look around carefully)

V-l: And in what place and at what traffic signal can you go?

(only at the pedestrian crossing and at the permissive traffic light signal - a walking green man)

V-l: What good fellows you are! For the fact that you perfectly know the rules of behavior for a pedestrian on the road, today I am awarding all of you with a Special badge - the badge "I am a pedestrian."

(children receive medals)

V-l: And you, Petrushka, when you remember the rules of the road, you will also receive such a medal. Now go visit, but remember all the rules that we told you today.

“Collective work “Our traffic light”.

Program content: repeat and fix the purpose of the traffic light, the types of traffic lights and the meaning of their signals. Learn to work together, together. Strengthen the skills of safe behavior on the road.

Visual aids: illustration depicting a traffic light.

Equipment: prepared traffic light bases (2 rectangular prisms); a set of circles for traffic signals; applications of transport and pedestrian traffic lights with blue, brown and yellow signal windows., with windows of a blue walking man and a standing green one.

Preliminary work: reading the poem "Traffic Light".

Lesson progress:

V-l: Guys, Petrushka came to visit us again today. Say hello to him.

V-l: And what do you have, Petrushka? Guys, what is this?

(demonstration of a traffic light with incorrect color boxes)

V-l: Guys, please remind me what a traffic light is for?

(it regulates the movement of vehicles and pedestrians on the road).

V-l: Guys, look, did Petrushka make the traffic lights correctly?

Q: Why is it wrong?

(mixed signals)

Q: What are the colors of traffic lights?

(red, yellow and green).

Q: What do they mean?

(red - prohibits movement, yellow - attention, green - allows the movement of vehicles).

Q: And at the pedestrian traffic light?

(green walking man and standing red)

Q: What do they mean?

(a green walking man - allows the movement of pedestrians, and a red standing one - prohibits)

V-l: Well done, guys! And you, Petrushka, do not be upset. Now we will all make the right traffic lights together. I have these blanks for traffic lights. You and I can only glue his eyes-signals.

(together with the children, prepared circles are glued).

V-l: Look at what wonderful traffic lights we got !! Let's put them in our traffic corner. And you, Petrushka, remember what traffic lights have signals and what they mean ..

Collage "Streets of my city".

Program content: generalize and consolidate the knowledge of children about safety when crossing the carriageway, obtained during the year; determine the level of assimilation of the material. Continue to work on the formation of the habit of safe behavior on the roadway.

Preliminary work: toned paper.

Equipment: Toned drawing paper; silhouettes of vehicles, trees, pedestrians, traffic lights, the sign "pedestrian crossing", glue stick (according to the number of children).

Lesson progress:

1. In-l: Guys, today Petrushka has prepared a surprise for you. This is a collage, a picture where silhouettes of various objects are glued on a painted background. Petrushka prepared the background, but did not have time to stick the figures. Let's finish this painting together. Look, guys, what did Petrushka want to portray?

(street of our city)

V-l: And what should be placed on our street? What should be on it?

(houses, trees, pavement, roadway, pedestrians, vehicles)

Q: Let's remember what vehicles are?

(cargo, passenger, cars)

Vl: Well done! Show me where to place the houses and trees?

Let's glue them on.

(glue figures of pedestrians houses and trees)

Q: And where can we stick the figures of pedestrians?

(on the sidewalk, because people move along the sidewalks)

Q: What is the roadway for?

(for vehicle traffic)

V-l: So, we can place the figures of vehicles on the roadway. Show me in our picture.

(1-2 children are shown).

Q: Take the figures of vehicles, name them and place them on the roadway.

(children name the type of the selected vehicle and stick their silhouettes on the roadway).

V-l: Guys, tell Petrushka, can pedestrians move along the roadway?

(yes, when crossing from one side of the street to the other)

V-l: Right! But what rule must be followed for a safe crossing of the roadway?

(to cross the road only at a pedestrian crossing and only at a permissive traffic light signal)

Q: And what helps us to find out where the pedestrian crossing is on the road?

(marking "zebra" and the sign "pedestrian crossing")

In-l: Find the “zebra” markings in our picture and glue the “pedestrian crossing” sign and figures of pedestrians on the markings next to it.

(children glue)

V-l: Guys, but Petrushka did not understand what a “permissive traffic light signal is.” Explain what a traffic light is and why it is needed on the roadway.

(a traffic light is a device that regulates the movement of pedestrians and vehicles. A traffic light has 3 signals, red - stand, yellow - get ready, green - allows movement. A pedestrian traffic light has two signals; a green walking man allows movement, red standing - prohibits)

V-l: What good fellows you are! Let's put traffic lights on our collage.

(children glue).

V-l: Look, guys, what a wonderful collage we got.

Therefore, activities in kindergarten according to traffic rules are an integral part of the educational program. Preschool teachers can independently come up with a scenario for such holidays. As well as events on the topic of traffic rules in kindergarten can be organized on the basis of ready ideas. In any case, the program should include everything that a child of a particular age category should know.

Why hold traffic rules in kindergarten?

Usually teachers and parents are well aware of the general significance of such an event. However, it is better to study in detail what the benefits of knowledge of traffic rules will be for kids:

  • Children will learn how to cross the road correctly.
  • IN game form understand general rules behavior on the road, both pedestrians and drivers.
  • Find out where it is forbidden to cross the road.
  • Some will study road signs.

In general, an event in a kindergarten according to traffic rules is very useful for kids different ages. In a playful way, boys and girls will remember much faster what they are presented with than in the form of a banal lecture.

How to get kids involved in the event?

Of course, in addition to the leaders, the kids themselves should also take part. When there are a lot of them, it should not be difficult to find active participants. After all, among a group or several groups of children there will definitely be those who will gladly help make the holiday diverse, lively and fun.

If for some reason the kids refuse to participate, then you can motivate them by promising prizes at the end of the program.

The scenario of the event in kindergarten according to traffic rules for the smallest

Nurseries and younger groups, just like adults, must know the rules of the road. Therefore, an event on traffic rules in kindergarten should be made saturated with useful knowledge and skills. The smallest boys and girls cannot sit still for a long time. Therefore, an event on traffic rules in kindergarten for toddlers and younger groups should be organized short, but filled with useful knowledge. The script might be:

The presenter (Traffic light) comes out and says:

Hello guys, I hope you all know me well. But still I want to remind you of my role on the roads.

Why do traffic lights turn on

Red means everyone to stand,

Yellow - get ready

And green means on the way,

Well, let them change

Well, let the traffic light change color.

Do you know how to cross the road correctly?

But today we will consolidate knowledge a little.

Then a boy runs out, while the red light is on at the traffic light, he runs across the road. He mutters to himself:

Oh, I'm late, oh-oh-oh.

A car (also a man in disguise) stops abruptly in front of him. The driver gets out of the car and says to the boy:

What are you, a bad boy,

You run right under the wheels.

Always remember you

Just go to the green light across the road.

The track is not a joke to you,

Better wait a minute.

I taught about traffic lights at school

But I was in a hurry to Olya.

Traffic light:

I hope you understand that it's better to wait

So that you don't have to go to the doctors.

The sad boy slowly crossed the road to the green. But he realized his mistake and will never do it again.

After that, the kids are lined up in two lines opposite the traffic light. Everyone in turn must cross the road when the green light comes on. At the other end of the road, various interesting little animals should walk, which invite the children, but the kids must definitely go to the other side only at the green light. At the end of the relay race, each participant needs to be presented with a candy on a stick in

Scenario of the event for older groups of kindergarten

In older groups, children know much more than in nursery and middle groups. However, you first need to draw up an action plan for traffic rules in kindergarten for graduation groups so that learning in a playful way brings the maximum benefit. The script might be:

The presenter (B) and a man in the form of a traffic police officer enter the stage.

Q: We have gathered here for a reason,

We will fix the rules.

Let's talk about something very important.

Let's repeat.

We remember what you knew

Let's have fun contests.

Traffic police officer: I invite ten guys to the stage, with whom we will show all the audience important rules traffic and road manners.

Those wishing to actively participate in the event come out. Having settled on the first or second, the players are divided into two teams.

I propose to call one team "Zebras", and the second "Traffic Light". So it will be easier for us to cheer for the participants and support them in competitions.

After that, the leader approaches one team, and the disguised traffic police officer approaches the second. Together with the guys, the presenters study the mottos of the teams. When all the words are remembered, it's time to introduce yourself.

Our team?!

The children respond in chorus:

Our motto?!

We now send greetings to the Traffic Lights team! We will answer all traffic rules questions. After all, if you know the rules of the movement - this is a very great achievement.

Disguised traffic police officer:

Our team?!

Traffic light.


Our motto?!

The traffic light team knows the rules of the road. We will give odds to Zebra, because we are confident in our knowledge.

Well, I see that both teams are ready to play. So let's start our competition.

First relay.

Participants stand in two lines in accordance with the commands. The task is the following:

In front of the children is a screen on which the colors of a traffic light will light up in a chaotic manner. When the green color lights up, the children need to stand in circles, in accordance with the commands, and walk. When the yellow light on the screen lights up, you need to quickly stop, while putting one foot forward and the other back. So you need to stand until the next light lights up. If red appears on the screen, all children should stand close to each other with even legs and arms.

It is immediately obvious that you are well versed. Well done both teams, you showed class. How will you cope with the other task?

Relay second.

In this game, the most important thing is to give answers to questions within a few seconds without hesitation. Questions might be:

  • How many colors are in a traffic light?
  • What color can you cross the road?
  • What does yellow traffic light?
  • Describe the meaning of a red traffic light?

These and other questions can be asked. They do not have to be complicated, the most important thing is to consolidate the knowledge of traffic light colors.

Well done guys, you did a great job. And now I offer you several active competitions in which you can warm up and have fun from the heart.

First competition.

Children choose one person from their team who will be the driver. This person becomes the first, the rest should fit behind him. On the way, there are a lot of obstacles, traffic lights, road signs, pits and puddles that drivers must overcome as quickly as possible. The team that passes the test first wins.

Second competition.

Here everyone should imagine themselves as a driver of a car. The first players in the line are given a circle, which is considered a rudder. Skittles are set on the way, which you need to run around. The one who passed the baton passes the steering wheel to the next participant. The first team to pass all obstacles wins.

Well done guys, you passed all the tests with dignity, and I see that you have consolidated your knowledge of the rules of the road. We give each of you memorable prizes: a book with the rules of the road so that you do not forget them, and sweet presents.

Contests to consolidate the knowledge gained at the event

In order to understand how much the children understood the transmitted information, it is important to draw up a report on traffic rules in kindergarten, namely, to ask the children questions in order to understand whether the lesson was organized in vain. Questions with suggested answers could be as follows:

1. What are traffic rules for?

  • To break them.
  • So that on the street there was something to think about.
  • To ensure that the roads were all right.

2. What are the names of the roads that are intended for pedestrians?

  • Sidewalks.
  • Tracks.
  • Highways.

3. What is the name of the ground crossing for pedestrians?

  • Cheetah.
  • Tiger.
  • Zebra.

4. What is the color of the traffic light, which means that the movement is prohibited?

  • Violet.
  • Crimson.
  • Red.

5. Green color blinking at traffic lights. What does it mean?

Such questions will amuse children and help them understand how much they have mastered the material received.

How to end an event?

Of course, it is worth thanking all those who took part in the competition in prose or rhymes. Thank you also to the grateful viewers for their time and attention. Words of gratitude will be an excellent motivation for children for the future. In the following competitions and events, boys and girls will definitely want to participate, because it's so nice when your efforts are not in vain.

When teaching children the rules of the road, it is necessary to use all available forms and methods of work. These are conversations, discussion of situations, observations, excursions, memorizing poetry, reading literary texts, watching videos and filmstrips, board, didactic games.

The work is carried out comprehensively in all areas of education and training. It is jointly carried out by a psychologist - an educator - parents - a child. Knowledge is fixed in games, entertainment, competitions, competitions. They are analyzed with the help of tests, tape recordings, which are given to parents to listen to.

When organizing trips with children on a bus or during a walking tour, employees of preschool institutions take responsibility for their life and health. Therefore, they should pay special attention to the safety of preschoolers in in public places, on the streets (Appendix 1).

To increase responsibility for children's compliance with traffic rules, certain work should also be carried out with parents: daily conversations, recommendations, advice, questionnaires, round tables, debates, games with children, making attributes (Appendix 2). Schoolchildren are also involved in this activity.

Employees of the State traffic inspectorate, traumatologists should become frequent guests of the kindergarten. They will take part in round table meetings, parent meetings, hold consultations, and make recommendations.

For the formation of stable knowledge and strong skills of cultural behavior on the street, in transport

V preschool institutions special classes are held according to the developed long-term plan, blocks of classes on the development of speech and visual activity, musical education, classes in a motor city with the participation of traffic police officers. Educators should observe pedestrians, vehicles daily and discuss interesting situations with children. In senior and school-preparatory groups, walking to a traffic light, a trolleybus stop, an intersection can be recommended, so that when a child enters school, he masters all the necessary concepts (Appendix 3). Educators create problem situations on tablets, diagrams.

In each age group, didactic, board games, attributes for role-playing games, which are used by children in joint activities with the teacher and independent activities, as well as in a specially organized form of education, should be presented. Under the guidance of educators, children and parents make attributes for role-playing games, make them from paper, natural, waste material gifts for children of younger groups, their sisters and brothers.

A psychologist is a great help in organizing classes. Children are grouped into intellectual development, degree of excitability. For them, special situations are created for the development of a particular process, for the development of a certain skill. Individual work is also carried out with parents to provide these children with special assistance.

A music director must be involved in the lessons. Games-competitions “What? Where? Where?”, “Field of Miracles”, “KVN”, “Lucky chance”, “Competition “Best Pedestrian””; dramatizations are being made “We are driving, driving, driving ...”, “In the country of traffic lights”, “School of traffic light sciences”, etc.

In order to interest children more in the rules of the movement, schoolchildren are involved - former graduates, they participate in entertainment, in the manufacture of attributes, the repair of pedal vehicles.

To improve the pedagogical skills of educators, a perspective plan work for everyone age groups, goals and objectives for each age are determined, selected and systematized fiction for preschoolers (Appendix 4), methodological literature for educators, recommendations for parents. Conducted teachers' councils, debates, business games, workshops where educators receive recommendations, material for working with parents and children. At the meetings of the "round table" issues of improving the pedagogical process are discussed.

Visual aids, equipment and inventory for traffic rules in kindergarten

Visual aids:

- working traffic light in the lobby;

- an electrified game to consolidate knowledge about traffic signs;

— visual agitation for parents, children;

– electric layout of nearby streets;

— flannelgraphs, posters, plot pictures;

– portable operating mechanical traffic light;

— children's pedal transport (bicycles, etc.);

– traffic lights, transport toys;

- constructors (construction, metal).

Attributes for role-playing games in all groups:

- staffs, whistles, caps of a policeman;

- transport toys;

- flags for crossing the street;

- tablets with a cross.

Road signs, chest and portable:

- "Crosswalk";

- "Pedestrian traffic is prohibited";

— « Roundabout Circulation»;

- "Bus stop";

- "Beware of children";

- "Telephone";

- "Paragraph medical care»;

- "Food point";

- "Move to the right (left)".

Additional materials:

— transparencies, filmstrips, video films;

- handouts on the topic;

- children's fiction, methodical literature, recordings.

Sample work plan

First junior group(children 2-3 years old)

Formation of ideas about the surrounding space, orientation in it.

Familiarity with some modes of transport.

A game of orientation in the surrounding space.

Target walks.

Second junior group (children 3-4 years old)

Expansion of orientation in the surrounding space.

Acquaintance with the concepts of "street", "road", with the work of the driver, with a traffic light.

Games for orientation in the surrounding space.

Target walks.

Middle group (children 4-5 years old)

Improving orientation in the surrounding space, in the area adjacent to the kindergarten.

Acquaintance with different types transport, their features.

Expansion of knowledge about the street, road, intersection, elementary rules movement on them.

Orienteering games.

Target walks.

Senior group (children 5-6 years old)

Leading to the awareness of the need to comply with the rules of the road. Rules for pedestrians.

Rules for passengers.

Traffic light work.

Transport movement.

Orienteering games.

Target walks.

Preparatory group for school (children 6-7 years old)

Formation of free orientation within the nearby microdistrict to the kindergarten.

Compliance with the rules of the road.

Traffic rules.

Driver work.

Rules for pedestrians.

Traffic light work.

Regulator work.

Acquaintance with the concepts of "crossroads", "square".

Meaning of road signs.

Games to reinforce the rules of the road.

Target walks.


Annex 1

To help the educator

Organization of trips for children on the bus, walking tours

1. A group of children, built no more than two rows, is allowed to drive only on the sidewalk or roadside, accompanied by two adults.

2. It is desirable that children do not have any objects or toys in their hands. Objects and toys that, if dropped, can roll or fly away with the wind, must be kept by an adult accompanying the group.

3. It is allowed to cross the street only in places where there are crossing lines or indicators, or at intersections along the sidewalk extension line. The teacher, having reached the middle of the roadway, raises a red flag, warning drivers that a column of children is crossing the street, and holds it until everyone has crossed. For a more organized street crossing by younger and medium groups, it is recommended to use a colored rope, which children should hold on to on both sides.

4. Transportation of children is allowed only in buses.

5. Only an experienced driver who knows the route well is allowed to drive the bus.

6. The number of children transported must strictly correspond to the number of seats.

Each group must be accompanied by two adults. Before the bus departs, the head of the kindergarten and the teachers must make sure that the doors and windows are closed.

7. The bus driver can move off only with the permission of the manager.

Appendix 2

Working with parents

General requirements

The insufficient level of culture of behavior of adults on the street, in public transport, their violation of the rules of the road leads to the same phenomena in children.

Traffic police officers should speak to parents with information about the state and causes of child injuries in the area, the city.

Educators in the “Educate a Pedestrian” section should systematically display materials on teaching children the rules of behavior on the street, in public transport (movable folders, screens).

♦ “Adults! They imitate you!"

♦ "On the importance of teaching children the rules of the road."

♦ "Street discipline is the key to pedestrian safety."

♦ “Attention! Winter came!"

♦ “How adults should behave when they are outside with a child”:

- a child in the arms;

- a child on a sled;

- boarding a bus, trolleybus;

– a trip by bus, trolleybus;

- getting off the bus, trolleybus by the hand with the child;

- your child wears glasses, etc. The educator should consult, conduct a conversation, organize " round table» and questioning on the topic.

Sample list of conversations, consultations

♦ “On the importance of teaching children preschool age rules of the road."

♦ “On behavior in public transport”.

♦ “How to teach a child safe behavior on the street? »

♦ “The example of parents is one of the main factors successful upbringing children's skills of safe behavior on the street.

♦ “To be a pedestrian is a science!”

♦ "It might not have happened."

♦ "What children and parents need to know about the rules of the road."

♦ "The street demands respect."

♦ “Do you know the particular location of the kindergarten?” and etc.

Educators should regularly (once every six months) hold joint events and meetings with parents. They suit open classes on the topic, dramatizations, invite parents to participate in competitions, KVN. Of great interest is the game "Lucky Chance", where preschoolers demonstrate knowledge of the rules of the road, and parents share their experience in educating children in the habit of cultural, competent behavior on the street, solve problematic situations on the roads, receive advice and recommendations from employees of the institution.

Educators systematically organize exhibitions of children's crafts, applications, drawings on the topic. They should guide parents to constantly solve problematic situations with the child on the road, persistently and patiently explain to him the rules of the pedestrian and the passenger, and they themselves were an example in this.

Observance by children of the rules of a pedestrian involuntarily disciplines parents. They are even more actively involved in the process of raising and educating the child, work together with educators, help in the manufacture of attributes, didactic games.

Tape recording of a conversation with children

Dialogues with children are used for listening before working with parents (“round table”, debate, etc.).

♦ What do traffic lights mean?

♦ Which side of the sidewalk should you walk on?

♦ What road signs do you see on the way to kindergarten?

♦ What road signs do you know and what do they mean?

♦ How should one behave in a bus (trolleybus)?

♦ If you drop the ball and it rolls onto the road, what will you do?

♦ With whom do you cross the road (its carriageway)?

♦ When you cross the road with your mother, does she hold your hand?

♦ Do you always cross the road with your mom (dad) at a pedestrian crossing? Or sometimes cross straight on the road where there is no crossing?

♦ Where can you cross the street?

Questionnaire for parents

Used before parent meeting

♦ Do you always cross the road correctly?

♦ When you take your child to kindergarten, do you let him cross the road (pavement) on his own?

♦ Do you teach your child the rules of behavior in transport?

♦ Does your child know where the school is located? How to go there, where to cross the street, what signs are there along the way?

♦ How do you react if other people's children break traffic rules in front of your eyes?

♦ Would you like to receive qualified advice on cultivating a culture of behavior in public places and on the street?

Situations for analysis

♦ Mom walks with her son from kindergarten along the sidewalk. The boy runs ahead of her anywhere and interferes with pedestrians. Mom doesn't respond to it.

♦ Mom and son are walking down the street. On the opposite side, the boy sees his dad and rushes across the road to him.

Question. What should mother have done?

♦ Mom walks down the street with her son. People are crowding around the stall. Mom lets go of the child's hand and goes to the stall.

Question. What should mom do?

♦ Dad walks with the child on the sidewalk. The child has a ball in his hand. The ball falls on the road. The child runs after him. Question. What should dad do?

Rules of conduct for seasonal weather changes

The material is placed in sliding folders or screens for working with parents.

It's a nasty day

Increased risk to drivers and pedestrians. In such weather, it is difficult for drivers to see pedestrians and it is difficult for pedestrians to see whether the car is standing or moving. You have to be very careful. Pay close attention to the road and the street.

Attention! Winter came...

The roads became slippery, it is quite possible to fall. It is difficult for the driver to stop the car. In such weather, you have to be very careful.


Please note that people are walking with their collars turned up, the glass of the car is covered with snow and the driver has a hard time seeing pedestrians and traffic lights.

In the rain...

You have to be very careful, because the road becomes wet and slippery, you can fall. It is difficult to slow down the car. When it rains, her glass is dirty, so the driver can hardly see people and traffic lights. And umbrellas make it difficult to see the road. We must be very careful not to rush to cross the road!

They are distributed to each parent during a meeting, a round table.

Dear moms and dads!

You are a role model. You are an object of love and imitation for a child. This must always be remembered, and even more so when you take a step onto the roadway with your baby.

So that your child does not get into trouble, educate him in respect for the rules of the road patiently, daily, unobtrusively.

♦ Your child should only play in the yard under your supervision and know not to go out on the road!

♦ Do not intimidate the child, but observe with him and use situations on the road, street, in the yard, explain what is happening with transport, pedestrians.

♦ Introduce the baby to transport, pedestrians.

♦ Develop your child's visual memory, attention. To do this, create game situations at home. Fix in the drawings the impressions of what you see. Let your child take you to the kindergarten and take you home from the kindergarten.

At this age, your child should know:

- you can not go out on the road;

You can only cross the road with an adult, holding hands. You can't get out;

- you need to cross the road at the transition with a calm step;

- Pedestrians - people who walk along the street;

- in order to have order on the road, so that there are no accidents, so that a pedestrian does not get hit by a car, one must obey the traffic light:

Red light -

There is no movement.

And green says:

"Come in, the way is open";

- Cars are different, this is transport. Cars are driven by chauffeurs (drivers). For cars (transport) a highway (road, pavement) is intended;

- when we ride in a bus, trolleybus, we are called passengers;

- when we are traveling in transport, you can’t lean out of the window, you have to hold on to the hand of mom, dad, handrail.

Moms! Dads!

Take our advice responsibly. After all, the life and health of your child depends on your culture of behavior on the street, in public transport, on your respect for the rules of the road!

Tips for parents of older preschoolers

Dear moms and dads!

So your baby has grown up, become more mature, more inquisitive, his life experience has been enriched, he has become more independent. But your authority has not diminished at all. So you remain for him a faithful assistant in the education of cultural behavior on the street and in public transport. Knowing the individual traits of your child (anatomy, physiology, nervous system, intelligence, temperament), continue to help him comprehend the science of respect for the street: persistently, but not intrusively, systematically and patiently.

Cultivate in your child the habit of being attentive on the street, careful and prudent.

On a walk, on the way to kindergarten and home, consolidate the knowledge gained earlier, ask him problematic questions more often, talk with him, pay attention to your actions (why did you stop before the transition, why in this place, etc.).

Your child already knows and must strictly follow certain rules.

♦ Walk on the sidewalk on the right side.

♦ Before crossing the road, you need to make sure that there is no traffic by looking left and right, then you can move, having previously looked in both directions again.

♦ Crossing the road is only allowed at a walk.

♦ You must obey the traffic signal.

♦ In transport, you need to behave calmly, talk quietly, hold on to an adult's hand (and a handrail) so as not to fall.

♦ Do not lean out of the window of a bus, trolleybus, put your hands out the window.

♦ You can get on and off the transport only when it is stopped.

♦ You can only play in the yard.

Observe situations on the street, road, in the yard, behind pedestrians and vehicles, traffic lights, and be sure to discuss what you see with your child. Let him sing a song or a poem to you on the way home, and then draw what he saw. Read to him a suitable work of art and be sure to talk about what you read.

Only your culture of behavior, strict observance of traffic rules, patience and responsibility for the life and health of the child will help us together to instill in him the skills and habit of safe behavior on the street!

Annex 3

Words that a child should know when entering school




roadway bridge shoulder sidewalk




pedestrian crossing traffic light

police officer

crossroad square railroad


freight transport

passenger transport




a car



dump truck


concrete mixer


snow blower



fire engine

veterinary care

traffic police car

horn siren

car body

brake pedal car motor steering wheel

excavator caterpillar cable

Road signs

railway crossing without barrier


catering point

Movement Prohibition

bus stop

trolleybus stop

dangerous turns

turn (left, right)

One Way

parking place

first aid station





to brake









obey (traffic signal)

Appendix 4

Reading materials

♦ Beware of troubles while they are not.

♦ Look at both, but don't break your forehead.

♦ I was driving straight, but I got into a hole.

Riddles on traffic rules for kindergarten children with answers

I blink my eyes

Relentless day and night.

I help cars

And I want to help you. (Traffic light.)

Vigilantly looks guard

Beyond the wide pavement.

How to look with a red eye

They all stop at once.

And wink green -

And cars and people

They go ahead. (Traffic light.)

He rides on two wheels

Does not skid on slopes

And there is no gas in the tank.

This is my... (bike)

This horse does not eat oats

Two wheels instead of legs.

Sit on horseback and ride it

Just better drive. (Bike.)

Two wheels in a row

They twist their legs.

And upside down

The owner himself crocheted. (Bike.)

I had a cart

But there was no horse.

And suddenly she screamed

Neighing - ran

A cart without a horse. (Truck.)

What a miracle - blue house

Light windows all around

Wears rubber shoes

And it feeds on gasoline. (Bus.)

Runs and shoots

Grumbles quickly.

The tram can't keep up

Behind this chatterbox. (Motorbike.)

Does it rain

Four wheels?

Tell me what they're called

Such miracles? (Washing machine.)

Got up from the edge of the street

In a long boot

Three-eyed scarecrow

On one leg.

Where the cars move

Where the paths converged

Helps the street

People go. (Traffic light.)

To help you, my friend

The path is dangerous

Fires burn day and night

Green, yellow, red. (Traffic light.)

I just keep walking

And if I do, I fall. (Bike.)

At the transition strip

On the side of the road

The beast is three-eyed, one-legged,

An unknown breed.

With multicolored eyes

Talks to us.

The red eye is looking at us.

- Stop! - It's his command.

The yellow eye looks at us:

- Carefully!

And the green eye

This is how he talks

Silent... (traffic light)

Blazed at the monster

emerald eye -

So you can street

Go now. (Traffic light.)

I don't look like a horse

And I have a seat.

The needles are...

They confess

Not suitable for knitting. (Bike.)

My friends are countless

There is also a goat among them.

Call bell.

I took him by the horns.

I'm going down the track. (Bike.)

Two brothers run, and two catch up. (Automobile.)

On the bad... you won't go far. (Road.)

Posters on traffic rules for kindergarten

Who knows the rules

For those they are not a puzzle:

Tram car ahead

At the bus stop, bypass

On the way around

Bus and trolleybus.

In life, on the road more than once

You will meet every sign.

Required road signs:

Always be careful!

Through the silence and greenery of summer cottages

The train is moving at full speed.

Sign "Caution, crossing" -

Warns us about the train.

Where the transport turns

Being inattentive is dangerous!

It's not just that the signal is flashing,

He helps pedestrians.

No matter how difficult the path,

Be polite on the road.

A place for the elder or the old

Don't forget to give up.

We sign every meaning

Learned and understood:

Here, there is movement in both directions,

Here it is one-sided.

On the left side of the highway

Let's go... Let the cars run swiftly.

And we can see all the cars

And we ourselves are visible to the drivers!

Good to know for pedestrians

The designation of transitions.

To choose the right and direct

Way to school, square and home!

We won't say now

Pass is dangerous for the gate...

But the conclusion is clear,

What a life-threatening pass!

Not roads, but yards -

The place for such a game!

Wonder wand, she

Known to everyone, visible to everyone.

Noticeable during the day, but in the evening

Illuminated from within.


stop car,

Stop, engine!

Red eye

It's strict

Traffic light.

Poems on the rules of the road


Walking down the street alone

Quite a strange citizen.

He is given good advice:

- The traffic light is red.

There is no way to go.

You can't go now!

I don't care about red lights! -

Said a citizen in response.

He walks across the street

Not where the inscription: "Transition",

Throwing rough on the go:

- Wherever I want, I will go there!

The driver looks into his eyes:

Razin ahead!

Hit the brakes quick

Have mercy on me!..

And suddenly the driver would say:

"I don't care about traffic lights!" —

And how horrible began to ride.

The guard would have left his post.

The tram would run as it wanted.

Everyone would go as best they could.

Yes... Where the street was,

Where are you used to walking?

Incredible deeds

It would happen instantly!

Signals, shouts then know:

Cars - right on the tram,

The tram hit the car

The car crashed into a window...

But no: standing on the pavement

traffic controller,

Hanging three-eyed traffic light,

And the driver knows the rules.

O. Bedarev

Prohibited - Allowed

And avenues and boulevards -

Everywhere the streets are noisy

Walk on the sidewalk

Only on the right side!

Here to play pranks, interfere with the people


Be a good pedestrian


If you are on the tram

And the people around you

No pushing, no yawning

Move forward quickly.

Ride a "hare", as you know,


Make way for the old lady


If you're just walking

Look ahead anyway

Through a noisy intersection

Walk carefully.

Red light crossing


With green even for children


V. Semernin

Over Moscow the moon is like a saucer,

Cloud shadows roam...

But didn't wake up

Our tram - and the flight is ready.

Cleanly washed and fresh

Casting a shadow on the ground

He's on his way, just like before

Starting a new day.

The edge of the sky sparkles

The high-rise spire turned red...

The capital is waking up.

So, we must hurry:

The tram has a lot to do.

At five o'clock in the morning

He goes to the station.

Made the first landing

And people were taken to the subway.

On a summer day and in the cold

He goes his own way.

Brings people to the factory

And then he delivers home

If there are rails under it.

He thunders loudly on the rails

Along the outskirts of the city,

Through unknown lanes

Past the streets of the deaf,

Past the rivers and gardens,

Past parks and gardens...

Goes away every year

A string of tram wires.

S. Baruzdin

This is me running

Wheels rush

On the way to.

Over the road

Legs are shaking.

This is me going

This is me running

And I roll cars

And I roll

Where I want!

V. Berestov

My car

Car, car, my car!

I work deftly with pedals.

I drive my car in front of everyone.

I ride it in the yard and in the garden.

Car, car, my car!

The driver is small and you yourself are small.

And the guard will not let us go with you

Drive along the street, along the pavement.

Car, car, my car!

Someday you will be small for me.

And I will grow up and then I will lead

A big car for everyone to see.

Ya. Pishumov


On our street

Machines, machines

little cars,

The cars are big.

Hey cars, full speed ahead!

I am an exemplary pedestrian:

I don't like to rush

I will make way for you.

Trucks are rushing

Cars snort.

Hurry, rush

As if alive.

Each machine

Affairs and worries.

The cars are coming out

To work in the morning.

Ya. Pishumov


February was as warm as April

It suddenly got cold

And then there's a snowstorm

Dropped it on the sidewalk.

The blue bus is gliding.

No wonder the driver is worried -

Schoolchildren in a crowd

They run across the street.

One fell, another fell

Haste is no help;

One hand rubs the back of the head,

The other winces in pain.

The driver took trouble away from them.

(This doesn't always happen) ...

On the pavement to play pranks on the ice,

Of course it's forbidden.

I. Leshkevich

Traffic light

Jump across the road

You are always on the streets

And advise and help

Talking colors.

The red light will tell you: "No!" —

Restrained and strict.

Yellow light gives advice

Wait a little.

And the green light is on:

“Come on,” he says.

From squares and crossroads

Looks straight at me

Looks ugly and serious

Long traffic light.

He is both polite and strict.

He is known throughout the world.

He is on the wide street

The most important commander.

He has colored eyes

Not eyes, but three lights!

He took turns by them

Looks down at me.

Of course I know him

Yes, and how not to know!

I understand perfectly

Whatever he wants to say!

V. Kozhevnikov

Who is braver?

Once upon a time on Kalanchevka,

At the tram stop

The dispute went between two friends -

Which of the two is braver?

Petya jumped on the bandwagon,

Not afraid to get into trouble

And after driving a little,

Likho jumped off on the run.

- What's this! Sergey noticed. —

Also my hero!

And, nodding casually to Petya,

The ball drove across the pavement.

Petya, carried away by the dispute,

He ran after the other.

Oncoming traffic indignantly

Brakes screeched.

Of course you want to know

How did their argument end?

Do not rush, wait -

The dispute is not over yet.

Petya is terribly excited,

Sergey argues hotly with him.

Two friends are in the hospital

Find out who is braver.

A. Gangov

wonderful island

Like a river, the avenue is wide,

There is a stream of cars here.

And although there is no bridge,

No ferry on the way

Everyone can very simply

Everyone can very easily

Cross this river.

The people are gathering

At the "Transition" sign.

Pedestrians are not disturbed

Shine of lights, cars flow -

Go help them all,

Go help them all

Pedestrian island.

Green light ahead

Don't be shy, go ahead.

You've reached the middle

Suddenly a red light came on

The cars started moving again

Here you will see at your feet

This same island.

Wait, wait until the deadline

On a wonderful island

He's on a wide street

He's on a wide street

Like an island in a river.

A. Dmokhovsky

Traffic light

To help you

The path is dangerous

Burning day and night

Green, yellow, red.

Our house is a traffic light

We are three brothers

We've been shining for a long time

On the road to all the guys ...

The most severe is the red light,

The path is closed for everyone.

So that you calmly pass

Heed our advice:

- Wait! See you soon yellow

Light in the middle.

And behind it is a green light

Flashes ahead.

He will say - there are no obstacles

Feel free to go...

Kohl perform without a dispute

traffic lights,

Go home and go to school

Of course, very soon!

A. Severny

Stop, car!

Stop, engine!

Brake quickly

Red eye

Looking straight ahead -

It's strict

Traffic light.

Doesn't let...

The driver waited

a little bit

Looked out again

Into the window

Traffic light

This time

green eye,


And says:

"You can go

The path is open!"

M. Plyatskovsky

If the light turns red

So it's dangerous to move

Light green says:

"Come in, the way is open!"

Yellow light is a warning

Wait for the signal to move.

This should be clear to everyone!

Even for those who go to nursery.

Everyone who lives in the city.

Transitions are not risky

Only where they are shown

Checkers white squares

And on the arrow "Transition".

S. Mikhalkov

We do for the guys


Learn urgently

traffic rules,

To not worry

Every day parents

To calmly rush

Street drivers!

Y. Yakovlev

traffic rules,

All without exception

Animals should know:

Badgers and pigs,

Hares and tigers

Ponies and kittens.

you guys too

All of them must be known.

V. Golovko

You have to listen without argument.

Traffic light indications.

Need traffic rules

Perform without objection.

This will confirm everything for you.

Good doctor Aibolit.

S. Yakovlev

Here on post anytime

Duty dexterous - sentry.

He manages all at once

Who is in front of him on the pavement.

No one in the world can do that

With one hand

Stop the flow of passers-by

And skip the trucks.

S. Mikhalkov

The streets are paved with asphalt,

The cars are moving fast.

Seething in motion pavement -

Cars are running, trams are hurrying.

Everyone be true to the rule -

Keep Right.

Pedestrian must remember:

Crossroads - transition.

There are traffic lights

Obey them without argument.

Yellow light is a warning!

Wait for the signal to move.

Green light opened the way:

Guys can move.

Walk straight! You know the order

You won't get hurt on the pavement.

The red light tells us:

Stop! Dangerous! The path is closed."

Lyosha and Lyuba go in pairs,

Where are they going? On the sidewalk.

Student getting on the tram

Give up your seat to the elders.

Football is a good game

At the stadium, kids

Hockey is a game on ice in winter,

But don't play on the pavement.

Crochet Machine Bead

Dangerous and unnecessary sport.

Spare health, spare life,

Follow the movement.

An important exam

Follow the rules of the road.

Young citizens, Tanya and Petit,

Keep these rules in mind.

O. Bedarev


In snow and rain, in thunder and storm

I'm on the street.

Thousands of cars are racing

ZILs, ZIMs, M-one.

Five-ton cars and trams.

I let them pass

If I raise my hand,

There is no way for anyone.

S. Marshak

My cheerful, sonorous ball,

Where did you run off to?

Yellow, red, blue,

Don't chase you!

I clapped your hand.

You jumped and stomped loudly.

You fifteen times in a row

Jumped to the corner and back.

And then you rolled

And did not turn back.

Rolled into the garden

Ran up to the gate

Rolled under the gate

Ran to the turn.

Got hit by a wheel

He burst, slammed - that's all!

S. Marshak

Reading a book stupid elephant

On the bridge itself

And he doesn't know that he

Risking his head.

S. Yakovlev


The guys stick to the father:

"Give us a scooter!"

So pestered that father

Finally agreed.

A father says to two brothers:

“I myself will not go with you,

I let you ride

Only in the park and in the garden.

Big brother on the boulevard

Updates the scooter.

The younger brother couldn't resist

And ran down the street!

He flies forward so soon

What does not see the traffic light ...

Here without a brake, alone,

He got into traffic...

So it is - the naughty stumbled,

Turned up under the car.

But the driver was skillful,

The boy's legs are intact.

Stayed alive this time

Tears roll from eyes.

Enjoy it guys

For the owner of the scooter.

He doesn't run, he sits

His hand hurts.

Do you have a scooter

So go with him to the park and garden.

You can drive down the boulevard

On the treadmill

But not on the sidewalk

And you can not on the bridge.

N. Konchalovskaya

ABC of the city

The city where

We live with you

Can be rightfully

Compare with alphabet.

ABC of the streets

Avenues, roads

The city gives us

Lesson all the time

Here it is, the alphabet -

Over your head!

The signs are posted

Along the bridge.

ABC of the city

Always remember

Not to happen

You're in trouble.

Ya. Pishumov

At any intersection

We are met by a traffic light

And starts very easy.

Conversation with a pedestrian:

The light is green - come on!

Yellow - better wait!

If the light turns red -

Moving is dangerous!

Let the tram pass.

Be patient.

Learn and respect the traffic rules.

Ya. Pishumov

Look, guard

Stood on our pavement

He quickly extended his hand

Deftly he waved his wand.

Did you see? Did you see?

All cars immediately stood up!

Together stood in three rows

And they don't go anywhere!

People don't worry,

Walks across the street

And stands on the pavement

Like a magician, guard.

All machines to one

They obey him.

Ya. Pishumov

Walking carefully

The city is full of traffic

Cars run in a row.

Colored traffic lights

Both day and night are burning.

Walking carefully

Follow the street

And only where possible

And only where possible

And just cross it there!

And where there are trams during the day

Hurry from all sides

Walking carefully

Follow the street

And only where possible

And only where possible

And just cross it there!

S. Mikhalkov

Where there is a noisy intersection,

It's not so easy to go

If you don't know the rules.

Let the children remember firmly:

He does the right thing,

Who only by the green light

It's coming across the street!

N. Sorokin

Pedestrian traffic light

There are two brothers at the post:

One here, then another.

Two brothers are on duty

Everyone is a brave sentry.

Here comes the red brother,

He is quick to warn:

"Stop, citizens, it's dangerous

You need to move now."

A green brother stood up,

Smiling, he says:

“Now you have enough to stand,

Come on, the way is open!"

Day and night both brothers

Faithful service,

You guys listen to them

They won't let you down...

Ya. Pishumov

Stories about the rules of the road for children 5-7 years old

The street where everyone is in a hurry

Who are firefighters, everyone knows. At the first call, at the alarm signal, they rush to help, go to put out the fire in red cars. On fire trucks, they put a special signal - it is called a siren. How to buzz, so everyone will hear! This is so that they know that the car is going to put out a fire, everyone would give way to it.

And if someone starts running across the road, the driver immediately presses the brakes, stops the car, loses time when he arrives at the fire, then only embers will remain from the house. You can't stop a fire engine for a minute.

An ambulance hurries to the patient, the doctor rides on it, the medicines are lucky. The ambulance has a red cross painted on it, they also put a siren on it. She can’t linger for a second on the way, the doctor needs to come to the patient as soon as possible.

Truck drivers are also in a hurry to go about their business. The car is going fast, fast, it says “Milk” on its body. She brings fresh milk to the store, they are waiting for her there.

And here is another truck rushing, on the back of it is written: "Bread." He brings fresh rolls. Everyone wants to quickly buy fresh bread.

A big truck is driving, pulling a trailer behind it, on it is a mountain of bricks. The builders are waiting for the driver - they are building a house, laying walls, they really need a brick so that the work does not stop. And coal also really needs to be brought in so that the heating works, it is warm in the houses. Buses, trams, trolleybuses, taxis rush, people go in them: some go to work, others go home, and still others go to visit or to the theater. There are a lot of people on the street, they also go about their business. Cars run, some on the pavement, others rush over the heads of people on bridges and overpasses, and still others rush through tunnels underground. Everyone is in a hurry on the street. And not only on the one where you live, but on all. On all streets, on all roads. And no one should interfere with drivers, pedestrians. There must be order. All must obey him. And you must learn to live with the machines in the world, to know what order should be on the street.

I. Seryakov

The machine that was taught to draw

The guys were playing in the yard, and some funny car was walking along the pavement and grumbling with its engine. She carried nothing, but only tossed and turned in the street. It will go forward, then back, and then it will start moving across the pavement. And all the trucks and cars stopped in front of her. Waiting for her to pass.

— Funny! Sasha said. Why doesn't anyone ride it? Why is she not lucky?

— Hunt to go on this! someone said. She's barely moving. And why did they come up with this one?

- Why why? Alena teased him. - She draws! Chalk or something.

Can machines draw? They are not artists. Where is her brush? Where are the colors? Is there drawing paper?

- And she doesn’t need paper at all, she draws on the pavement. Do not believe? Look!

The guys began to look at the pavement, and there really were dashes and some lines left after it. White.

Why is she painting? - everyone was interested.

"Let's ask Tatyana Semyonovna," Alena suggested.

- Why does the machine draw dashes on the pavement? Sasha asked.

"Come here, everyone," said Tatyana Semyonovna. - Now I will talk about the car and about what it draws.

Everyone gathered in a circle and began to listen.

“This, children, is a very useful machine,” the teacher began. She walks the streets and draws. Only, of course, she cannot draw any pictures. In one place he will make a dash, in another he will draw a line.

- She doesn’t have chalk, but she has White paint yes mechanical brush for painting.

- Where are they?

— Hidden inside the car.

Why does she draw them?

She draws lines that indicate where to cross the street and where to stand and wait for cars to pass. Everyone should know these lines.

I. Seryakov

scientist friend

Came to visit Sasha cousin Lesha. He lives in a village, he has never been in a big city. I even saw trams and trolleybuses only in pictures and in the movies.

When Lesha was about to leave home with his mother, Sasha said to his grandmother:

- I really want to give Lesha a ball! Do you want me to give you a ball? he asked Lesha.

- Really want to!

- Good idea, Sasha, - praised the grandmother, - let's buy Lesha a ball. Let him play and remember us more often. Get dressed guys, let's go to the store.

Everyone began to gather. The black shaggy dog ​​Druzhok lay on the carpet in the hallway and pretended to be asleep. But as soon as she noticed that everyone began to dress, she suddenly began to jump, squeal with joy, tried to lick Sasha right in the nose.

"Get back," Sasha shouted. Druzhok lay down on the carpet, looked everyone in the eyes and wagged his tail. It was he who asked to be taken with them and not left alone in the apartment. When the grandmother opened the door, Druzhok jumped out onto the stairs. Everyone went down to the yard, and there Genka built a sandy fortress.

- Where are you going? he asked Sasha.

- I'll buy the ball, - Lesha boasted. - Leather!

“Take me with you too. I know where the balls are sold, Genka asked.

"All right, let's go," Sasha allowed generously. Everyone went outside. Druzhok began to run from side to side along the sidewalk and stuck his nose everywhere, ran ahead, looked Sasha in the eyes, wagged his tail.

“To the leg,” Sasha commanded. My friend calmed down and obediently walked beside me.

- Look! Genka almost shouted and pointed to the other side of the street.

— And what to look at? Sasha shrugged in disbelief.

- How to what? Don't you see there's a Sporting Goods store there? They sell balls there!

- Balls? Lesha asked happily. He wanted so much to get a leather ball as soon as possible that he did not even have the patience.

“Let’s run,” he shouted and rushed to the pavement. And at the same moment, Druzhok jumped and grabbed Lesha's jacket with his teeth and began to drag him back.

“Oh, how evil,” Lesha muttered in bewilderment, brushing off the skirts of his jacket.

- Not evil, but a scientist! Sasha objected. Do you think he wanted to bite you? He didn't let you run across the pavement. You can't cross here. Understood?

How does he know that he can't cross? Lesha asked.

“We taught him the rules of the movement,” Sasha answered, laughing.

"He doesn't even know yet!" You have to cross the street where there are buttons.

- Well, fun! - Lesha did not believe. — Why do the streets need buttons? It's not a coat or any kind of shirt!

"They've come off someone's coat and are lying on the pavement," Genka chuckled.

“And these are not at all the buttons that are on a shirt or coat. And not those that came off! Sasha got excited. - And you'll see!

While the guys were arguing, Druzhok ran forward. Everyone went forward too. Then Druzhok stopped, looked in the direction of our friends, wagged his tail and sat down on the edge of the sidewalk. If he could speak, then the guys would hear:

- Come here! I found a place where the pavement can be crossed.

Why did he sit down? Lesha asked.

Indeed, when they approached Druzhok, they saw that two rows of large metal circles, very similar to buttons, were pressed into the asphalt on the pavement, shining in the sun. Between them was a strip of pavement that ran to the other side of the street.

- Well, what did I say? Sasha said triumphantly. Do you see the buttons now?

“Well, there is,” the guys were confused. - We didn't see it.

“It’s a pedestrian crossing,” Grandma said. - Here you can cross the bridge. - And everyone went across the street, and Druzhok ran ahead. When they bought the ball, the grandmother said:

“I have to go to the bakery for some bread.” And everyone moved on. Then Druzhok ran forward, stopped and looked at Sasha, wagged his tail and sat down on the edge of the sidewalk.

“Druzhok shows a place where you can cross the pavement,” Sasha said authoritatively.

- Where are the buttons? There are no buttons! Lesha said when they arrived at that place.

- But there are white squares, checkers! They were drawn instead of buttons! Two chains were made of squares, and a strip between them. She's across the street.

“This is also a pedestrian crossing,” Grandmother confirmed.

“Only there are not buttons here, but checkers,” everyone crossed the pavement.

“Now let’s buy some fruit,” Grandmother said.

To get to the fruit shop, you had to cross another street. Everyone walked in silence. Then Druzhok began to jump, squeal and run ahead, and soon sat down.

“Look,” Lyosha shouted, “I found the crossing again!” Wide white stripes are drawn across the entire pavement.

“You can also cross over them,” Sasha said. And when they bought fruit, everyone went home the same way.

Druzhok quickly looked for places of transitions. Lyosha admired Druzhok's ingenuity.

"Musical and rhythmic movements in kindergarten"

We work with preschool children. What do kids love to do the most? Of course, to play, sing, draw and dance.

Baby dancing - this is the study of the main means of expression (movement and posture, plasticity and facial expressions, rhythm), which are associated with the emotional impressions of a small person from the world around him. Children's dance begins withrhythmics where the study of dance begins with simple movements, often the lessons are more like a game, but in this game the child will learn those things that will be very useful to him in life.And, as we know, music is a synthetic art, everything in it comes to life. Movements acquire a tactile form, become, as it were, audible.Many children, due to their age features, the sense of rhythm, coordination of movements, spatial imagination have not yet been developed, and training on the principle: "repeat after me" and "put your foot here, and this one like this" is not always successful. Dry repeated repetition for music director or educators are extinguished by interest in this type of activity, because so much time has to be spent on staging a dance:poor-quality and inexpressive execution of movements cannot please either children or spectators. How to instill in children a love for learning musical rhythmic movements from an early age?Of course, through the game , so that in an entertaining, playful situation the child performs movements easily and naturally, being carried away by the learning process itself, so that he does not hesitate to make a movement incorrectly, but is captured by the game, the plot, because it has long been known: if the child is interested, then the guarantee that he will succeed , increases many times over.What understandable - let's do it! And if playing techniques are not used in musical and rhythmic movements, then the child loses interest in this type of activity.

Musical-rhythmic movements - one of the types of musical activity in which the content of music, its character is transmitted in movements. Plot-figurative movements are used as a means of deeper perception and understanding. Music, movement are the means that have a beneficial effect on the health of the child. Musical and rhythmic movements perform a relaxation function, help to achieve emotional relaxation, relieve mental overload and fatigue. The rhythm that music dictates to the brain relieves nervous tension. Movement and dance help the child to make friends with other children, gives a certain psychotherapeutic effect. Musical and rhythmic movements are the most natural and important way of self-expression of the artistic personality of a child from 3 to 7 years old. During this age period, the child's psyche is formed, speech develops, initial aesthetic ideas about the beauty of the world around are laid, correct posture, correct breathing, the ability to beautifully and expressively move to music are developed.
Based on experience in working with children, we can say that the most laborious process is the development of motor memory, coordination of movements, orientation in space. The most accessible to children are natural movements, which include the so-called
basic: walking, running, jumping, jumping. It is very important to teach the child at first to move naturally, freely, beautifully, expressively to the music, performing musical and rhythmic tasks based on natural movements,and only then perform the simplest dance elements and simple dances.
The interrelation of music and movement, as it were, throws a bridge from the emotional-spiritual to the concrete-physical. Musical and rhythmic exercises help the child learn to control his body, coordinate movements, coordinating them with the movements of other children, teach spatial orientation, strengthen the main types of movements, contribute to the development of elements of dances, dances, games, deepen skills in handling various objects.
Work on musical and rhythmic movements involves the solution of the following

1. Development of musicality:

    The development of the ability to perceive music, to understand its character.

    Development of special musical abilities of ear for music (melodic, harmonic, timbre), sense of rhythm.

    Development of musical outlook and interest in the art of sounds

    Development of musical memory

2. Development of motor qualities and skills

    Development of the ability to convey a musical image in plastic using certain types of movement (walking, running, jumping movements, general developmental exercises, imitation movements, dance movements)

    Development of dexterity, accuracy, coordination of movements

    Formation of correct posture, beautiful gait

3. Development of the ability to navigate in space

    Independently find a free place in the hall,

    rebuild in a circle, become in pairs and one after another

    Enriching the motor experience of children with various types of movements.

4. Development creativity:

Raising the need for self-expression in movement to music:

    Formation of skills to perform familiar movements in game situations, to different music

    Development creative imagination and fantasies

    Development of the ability to improvise in motion,

    The ability to find their own original movements to express the nature of the music, the game image with expressive gestures, elementary dance movements.

5. Development and training of mental processes

    Development of the emotional sphere and the ability to express emotions in facial expressions and pantomime

    Developing the ability to start and end movements with music. development of auditory attention, the ability to coordinate their auditory representations and motor response.

    Development of perception, attention, will, memory, thinking

6. Development of moral and communicative qualities of a person

    Education of the ability to feel the mood of music, understand the state of the image conveyed in a piece of music, and express it in plastic.

    Develop a sense of tact and cultural habits.

Mastering this form of musical activity, the following principles should be considered:

Complex solution of the main tasks of musical education;
- systematic;
- repetition;

Stages of learning musical and rhythmic movements:

    Initial stage of training

    Deep Learning

    Consolidation and improvement of musical and rhythmic movements.

First stage learning is characterized by the creation of a preliminary idea of ​​the exercise. At this stage of training, the teacher tells, explains and demonstrates the exercises, and the children try to recreate what they saw, try out the exercise, imitating the teacher. The name of the exercises, introduced by the teacher at the initial stage, creates conditions for the formation of his image, activates the work of the central nervous systems s children.
The exercise is shown in a mirror image. The explanation of the technique of performing the exercise complements the information that the child received while watching. The first attempts to test the exercise are of great importance in the further formation of a motor skill.
The success of the initial learning phase depends on skillful error prevention and correction. If the exercise is successfully completed, it is advisable to repeat it several times, thereby consolidating a preliminary idea about it.

The joint execution of movements contributes to the creation of a general high spirits, a single rhythmic breathing regulates psychophysiological processes, and concentrates attention as much as possible. Such group activity has a kind of hypnotic effect, the strength of which depends on the sound of the music and on how expressive and artistic the teacher is. In this state, children, as it were, automatically copy all movements in a mirror image (copy everything to the smallest detail - facial expressions, the finest nuances of performance).

Stage of in-depth learning characterized by refinement and improvement of the details of the technique of performing exercises. The main task of this stage is to clarify motor actions, children's understanding of the patterns of movement, improvement of rhythm, free and continuous exercise. The main condition for training at this stage is the holistic performance of the exercise. The number of repetitions in the lesson increases, compared with the previous stage. At the stage of in-depth learning, children gain some experience in performing movements as shown by the teacher and memorize several compositions. All this contributes to the development in children to independently perform the learned exercises in general.

Consolidation stage and improvement is characterized by the formation of a motor skill and its transition to creative self-expression in movement to the music. At this stage, it is necessary to improve the quality of the exercises and form an individual style in children. The stage of improving the exercise and creative self-expression is considered complete only when the children begin to move freely with full emotional and aesthetic feedback..

If we follow the formula that « learning should be fun » , That the best material for classes with children as communicative games and story dances, you can’t imagine anything! They are not only simple, but also fun, which is duethe creation of a kind of game situation, figurative transformation, diversity of characters and their communication with each other. In order for communication to take place, a kind of dialogue between partners, their mutual understanding is necessary, which is impossible without knowledge of the expressive language of pantomime and dance movements, without the ability to see a special form of “storytelling” in the dance and perceive individual expressive movements as specific means of conveying plot development. dance.
Peculiarities story dance and communicative games create favorable conditions for the emergence and development of dance creativity in children

Basic movements help strengthen all muscle groups, ligaments, joints, cardiovascular, respiratory, nervous systems, internal organs; develop physical qualities: dexterity, speed, flexibility, general endurance.

Equipment in kindergarten for climbing, climbing, crawling, crawling.

Gymnastic wall

with 4-6 sections, height 250-270cm, width 800cm with a crossbar diameter of 27-30mm, the distance between the crossbars is 20-22cm and 30-40cm. The most appropriate order of installation of the gymnastic wall is along the limits of the site, sequentially.

Children also practice climbing on such a projectile as a portable tower made of metal pipes 250 cm high, 300 cm wide with five spans and a distance between the crossbars - 200 cm, which is convenient - if necessary, it can be removed or moved.

It is possible to equip a sports ground with a tetrahedral tower.

It has the shape of a conical truncated pyramid, the upper base and side surfaces of the tower are sewn up with boards. Through the center of the tower runs a metal post, concreted in the ground. Above the surface of the tower, it rises to a height of at least 1m.

4 ropes with a diameter of 3 cm are attached to the hooks welded to the rack, the height of the ropes from the upper base of the tower is 1 m. With the help of ropes, children climb the tower, resting their feet on the surface of the planes. On all planes of the tower, on one side, at a distance of 20 cm from each other, planks of 15x20 cm are attached or cuts of the same size are made. The main dimensions of the tower are as follows: the lower base is 90 cm, the height of the tower is 220 cm.


The rope and rope ladder are hung on metal racks welded to horizontal bars at a height of 250-300 cm at a distance of 50-55 cm from each other. If the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe sports ground allows, then it is better to put two racks, fasten ropes on one, and rope ladders on the other (at least two shells).

Vertical poles can also be used for climbing.

The design consists of four poles 250–300 cm high, 30–35 cm in diameter, four lintels 150–200 cm long and two crossbars. Creepers, nets suspended on metal racks and crossbars are interesting for children for climbing.

For the development and strengthening of various muscle groups, vestibular apparatus, coordination of movements when overcoming the distance on the hands in the hang are widely used in work with older children straight hand. The height of the handle above the ground is 150cm. At this height, performing the exercise, the child can rest his feet on the ground. The width of the ladder is 50cm, the distance between the rungs is 15cm, the diameter of the rungs is 25-30mm, and the length of the ladder is 350-400cm, which makes it possible for a group of children to perform the exercise at the same time.

For the same purpose, but when overcoming the distance in a circle on the hands in the hang, is intended ring handle, consisting of two sections, made in the form of round and ring stairs, interconnected and located: round - horizontally, circular - vertically, the sections are mounted on racks fixed in the ground. Manufactured from painted steel pipes or plastic.

For hangings and pull-ups, crossbars are installed on the sports ground: low (100-80 cm high); medium (height 120cm); high (height 150cm).

For climbing, crawling and crawling, arches and collars, a fence with vertical crossbars, as well as “goats”, a wall with horizontal crossbars, and a path of small ladders are used.

Collars and arches, made of metal, 40, 50, 60 cm high, 50, 60, 70 cm wide, are welded to a metal base. In the manufacture of gates (arcs), 20 cm in height is added to the main size (40, 50, 60) (this is the amount by which the gates or arcs are dug into the ground together with the base). The options for the location of the arcs (gates) on the base are different, you should only keep a distance of at least 100 cm between the shells. It is advisable to install arches and gates on the sports ground in two rows. Linoleum should be placed under the collars, which should be wiped before doing the exercises.

A fence with vertical bars is recommended to be at least 300 cm long, 60 cm wide, with a bar diameter of 30-35 mm and a distance between the bars of 40-50 cm.

"Goats" are quite simple to make: two logs with a diameter of no more than 15 cm are dug into the ground at a distance of 90-100 cm from each other with a height of 80 or 90 cm, a third log of the same diameter and a length of 90-100 cm is fixed on top. Install "goats" in two rows from four to eight pieces.

A path of small ladders bent at right angles. The length of one ladder before the bend is 1.5-2m, after the bend - 70cm, the other - 70cm before the bend and 1.5-2m after the bend. The width of each ladder is 40-50cm, the distance between the rungs is 25cm.

For climbing exercises through the so-called "window" you can make a wall with horizontal bars. These are two racks 100 cm high above the surface of the site, between which two boards 10-15 cm wide are fixed, forming a “window” 40 cm high. The recommended width of such a wall is also 100 cm.

It is possible to build a solid wall on the sports ground.

It is assembled from boards with through cuts for arms and legs, fixed between two racks. Wall height - 220cm, width - 160cm. The slots are arranged alternately so that two children can practice climbing at the same time. Slot width 15cm, height 20cm. The distance from the edge of the wall and between the slots is 20cm.

Zhidovich I.
