School friendship. Class hour on the topic "What is school friendship?" (1 class)

What does friendship mean in a person's life? Is it important to have friends in the modern world? Which is better: one good friend or a noisy, cheerful company? All these questions, for sure, are posed by a young man.

Friendship begins in childhood and accompanies a person all his life, because a friend is not only a reliable university friend or a person familiar from school, someone from our family can be a friend. It is not for nothing that sometimes they say about the relationship between mother and daughter: “Look, they communicate like friends!” For example, for me, my grandmother has always been and is such a friend, I can discuss any issues with her and entrust secrets, knowing that she will not tell anyone about anything.

A person's first friends appear in kindergarten. Often I had to ask younger brother about who he plays with, walks, shares his cars, and I was not surprised when I heard: "Today I played with Vanya, and tomorrow I will show my new car to the girl Katya." To be honest, we don’t remember such friends for long, and they don’t become an important part of our life, rather, they just help to have fun and learn to communicate, they teach us to be open to new acquaintances, perhaps thanks to them we realize what the first friendship is.

The next step of socialization is school communication, school friends and the first true friend with whom, it would seem, you will spend half your life, and maybe more. It is already easy for us to get acquainted with classmates, to expand the circle of acquaintances. Life takes on a new, interesting meaning. Together with the first primer, that friend appears with whom you can sit up late, discussing anything: be it a computer game, be it a new release of a youth series.

Communicating, children share their impressions, exchange opinions, thereby helping to reveal themselves and their friend, to discover new abilities. If your friend is into winter sports, then you might also want to learn how to skate or maybe learn how to snowboard.

It is very important that a person be able to sympathize, empathize with a friend, and also support his friend always and in everything. Sometimes each of us needs to be simply listened to, given valuable advice, and sometimes we want to cry without words on the shoulder of a person who definitely cares about you, to feel that you are not alone in this. complex world with all its eternal problems.

School is not only a constant flow of new knowledge, it is also a real test of strength, including a test of friendship. Everyone makes friends in different ways: for someone, a friend is a person with whom you can have fun and have a good time, for another - someone you can always rely on, who in any trouble is your right, faithful hand, for which sometimes so it's nice to hold on, knowing that you are not alone with your worries and sad thoughts!

Of course, friendship will be tested by time, and a friend in trouble is known, as one good, well-known saying goes. And yet, how do school friends affect our lives, and is it worth it to always strive to find one of the most reliable and understanding people, who is called best friend? I always talked with many people at school, but one friend always remained the best among other friends and certainly stood out against the background of some new, casual acquaintances. Unfortunately or fortunately, as the school ended, so did the friendship. Of course, from the first school friend, with whom we live nearby, we still call up and meet, but this happens no more than twice every six months. Probably, this is due to the fact that the social circle is constantly changing, friends appear at the institute, both for her and for me. But I think that it’s not worth regretting the “lost” friendship, because as we social development, as we and the world around us change, new friends appear, unexpected acquaintances are made and new interesting proposals arise from no less interesting interlocutors. At the institute, for someone, the first serious relationship, friendly are formed, funny companies. However, there are those who prefer the new communication of old friends, and it cannot be said that this is wrong. " old friend better than the new two ”- let's not forget about this either.

Everyone should have friends, but you never know where they can be found. Congenial people can live with you in the same entrance, go to drawing classes together or to sports training. You can meet them during a tourist trip, and they can also be your classmates. And in my opinion school friendship always the strongest.

So school friends you don't just play in the yard or have fun at the sea, you have to go through "fire, water and copper pipes" with them. By such tests, I mean the joint preparation of reports, writing tests, helping each other during the lessons and imperceptible prompts to the answerers at the blackboard.

As you know, friends are known in trouble, and in school life There are many situations where the help of comrades is required. And then you can immediately understand who should be trusted and who should not.

A good friend will always help you deal with a difficult subject and complete homework, never tell the teacher that you have a cheat sheet hidden under your chair. He might even lend you a spare PE T-shirt if you forgot yours at home and the teacher threatens to give you a bad grade because of it.

Having passed the test of strength, school friendship does not fade over the years. Sometimes schoolmates go to university together and continue to communicate there, then they also maintain friendly relations, and then make friends with their families.

So my mom has three best friends. She went to school with all of them. Despite the fact that now they live in different cities, they often visit each other, constantly call each other and spend a lot of time talking. I hope that in many years I will also be able to maintain the same strong relationship with my school friends.

Compiled by: teacher primary school MOBU secondary school No. 21 of Taganrog Ostapenko Marina Vladimirovna

Lesson topic: " School Friendship.

Lesson type: introductory, grade 1

The purpose of the lesson: form an idea of ​​friendship as a necessary condition for cooperation and peaceful coexistence.

Lesson objectives:

    Educational: expand children's knowledge about friendship, form moral qualities students.

    Educational: develop speech, ingenuity, communication skill;

    Educational: to cultivate a sense of tolerance towards people of other nationalities;

Educational equipment: computer slides made in Power Point , a poster with the image of a rainbow, blanks for children to write announcements, pens, pencils, small pictures of the sun, heart, smile, star, flower, black thundercloud.

TCO: multimedia complex.

During the classes.

    Motivation of educational activity.

Purpose: to organize and set up children for work, create a favorable emotional atmosphere in the classroom, relieve tension.

The melody of V. Shainsky's song "When my friends are with me" sounds.

Look at each other, smile and wish each other good work in the lesson.

    Knowledge update.

Purpose: to update the knowledge of children about friendship, to call them to a frank conversation, to teach children to independently formulate the topic of the lesson, with the help of the teacher to determine the tasks that need to be solved.

1) Introduction by the teacher.

Guys, today we have a very interesting and serious topic of the lesson. And what - try to guess for yourself.

Guess the riddle:

Rooted in the ground for a minute

Multi-colored miracle bridge

Miracle master made

The bridge is high without railings. / Rainbow./

Right! But our rainbow is unusual, she came to visit us and brought letters with her. Try to make a word out of them.

3. Goal-setting and construction of the project of the lesson.

What are we going to talk about? /About friendship./Yes, the guys are about friendship, or rather, about school friendship.

1) The game "Take your position."

Purpose: to teach to make a choice of one's position, to defend one's point of view, to cultivate respect for girls.

On opposite sides of the classroom there are signs with the inscriptions:

    "Friendship in the classroom is needed"

    "Friendship in the classroom is not needed"

Stand at the sign that matches your point of view.

In order not to crowd, let's first invite the girls to find their position. And then the boys will do it calmly. (The guys do the task)

And who among you thinks that this is important and should be talked about? Why?

2) Brainstorming “A friend is….” (work in groups of 4 people.)

Purpose: to form the ability to work in a group, express their opinion, defend their position. Learn to listen to others, negotiate, cultivate respectful relationships with classmates

(silent music playing)

Guys, think about who can be called a friend?

After the discussion, the children express their opinion.

- What a beautiful word "friendship"! You pronounce it - and you immediately remember your friend with whom you are interested in playing snowballs, reading new book or keep secrets about yours. A friend is a favorite book that you read, and you are interested in it. A friend is a mother who will definitely help you in difficult times. Friend is school teacher which will help you look into the secrets of knowledge. A friend is an old teddy bear with an ear torn off who will listen to you when you feel bad. A friend is your classmate with whom you learn together the world You make new discoveries every day.

3) Children's stories about their friends.

Purpose: to develop speech, the ability to see in each person his dignity

and shortcomings, to cultivate the desire to understand and accept a friend as he is.

Guys, tell us who you became friends with during your studies at school. Why are these people interesting to you? What do you like to do together? (children's stories)

The inhabitants of the Kuban have long appreciated friendship and know how to make friends. When it is difficult for someone in life, we try to support, lend a helping hand. By participating in the “Flower-seven-flower” campaign, we helped sick children cope with their illness. Our school has a tradition: if someone needs help, we rush to help all together!

4) Game exercise "Find your own kind."

Purpose: to develop ingenuity, to form the ability to interact in a team, to activate cognitive activity to cultivate respect for each other.

Students stand in a circle and close their eyes. The teacher attaches small drawings to their backs and gives them a task: to find their own kind. It is impossible to talk about it. After completing the task, the children stand in pairs. And one student was not enough.

- How does the one who was left alone, without friends, feel? (Agree with this child before the lesson, explain the essence of the game, otherwise he may be offended) Why did this happen? Children explain. (He's not like everyone else)

    Friendship and tolerance.

Purpose: to give students an idea of ​​​​the people who inhabit the planet Earth; lead to the fact that people of any nationality have the right to happiness, that it is necessary to show friendship and respect for any people.

We know that in our class, as elsewhere, there are small, big, thin, fat, girls and boys, with and without freckles. All different. And in our school there are children of other nationalities. Russia is a multinational country. It is inhabited by more than 100 different peoples.

Who knows what peoples live in Russia?

Therefore, our country is called multinational. We live in the Kuban different nations, people with a different skin color and eyes different from yours. What nationalities do you know?

Children of different nationalities also study at our school: Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Greeks, Armenians, etc. They are smart, talented, funny and beautiful just like you. And the school for all of us is a common home where we feel good and comfortable. And it's good for us because we are all together!

6) Practical work.

Purpose: to form the ability to work with tables, independently acquire knowledge, draw conclusions, show. That our region is multinational, and the friendship of all peoples is our main wealth.

Using the table, determine which of the peoples is the most numerous?


Do you know what peoples live in our region, in our city?

(children's answers)

Let's look at the table and find out if you answered correctly or not.


(Children look at the table)

Do you need to be friends with them? (student answers)

Children, all people, even if they are poor, old or sick, if they are of a different nationality, have the same right to live with dignity on our planet and not suffer from contempt or insults. Despite our differences, we all belong to the human race, and each of us, be it a man, a woman, a child, is unique and significant. To be friends, one must be tolerant. And to be tolerant means to accept others with all their differences of a physical, religious nature, differences in lifestyle or thoughts. This means being attentive to each other, not closing in, paying attention rather to what brings us together, and not to what separates us. We are all different, but we are together. And only when we are together, when we are friends, love and understand each other, the homeland of each of us will flourish, and people will be happy. And it's so great!

8 ) Fizminutka to the music of Y. Chichkov's song "Childhood is me and you"

Purpose: relieve fatigue and stress, evoke positive emotions .

8) Work with proverbs in a notebook.

Purpose: the formation of the ability to work with a textbook-notebook, to develop thinking, ingenuity.

Guys, very friendly, hardworking and wise people live in our region, who know how to make friends and appreciate friendship. No wonder he composed such wonderful proverbs about friendship.

Look at the pictures and read the proverbs. Explain how you understand them.

(Children complete the task in a notebook).

What proverbs about friendship do you know? Let's play. I will call the beginning of the proverb, and you - the end.

    No friend - look for ... ... / but found - take care /.

    Do not have a hundred rubles ... ... / but have a hundred friends /.

    One for all and all for one/.

    A man without friends…… /what a tree without roots/.

    Friendship is like glass ...... /break it - you can’t put it together /.

    The enemy agrees, but ...... / friend argues /.

    Look for a friend, and if you find - take care.

    Friendship is not a mushroom, you will not find it in the forest!

9) Rules of friendship - (work in pairs ).

Purpose: to develop the ability to work in pairs, formulate their thoughts, learn to communicate with each other.

- The ability to make friends, to communicate with people, must be learned from childhood. Man is man's friend, comrade and brother. One cannot be indifferent to someone else's grief, one must always remember that a person lives once on Earth, so every day you need to do good. And so that we don’t have quarrels in the class, let’s come up with the “Rules of Friendship of the 1st Grade”.

(Each couple comes up with their own rule of friendship). After that, the children call them, and the teacher writes on the interactive whiteboard and offers to approve these rules with friendly applause.

    Do not be afraid to ask for forgiveness if you offended a friend

    Don't be rude

    Don't get angry and don't fight

    Don't be greedy

    Help a friend with everything

    Be honest, open, etc.

10 ) The game "Single-root words".

Purpose: to give an opportunity to apply the knowledge gained in the lesson of the Russian language, to develop thinking and speech.

Guys, come up with the same root words for the word "friendship"

Children. Friendship, friend, befriend, make friends, friendliness, friendly, friendly, girlfriend…

What do you feel when you say these words?

What person would you like to be friends with?

Should friends be like each other in everything?

Teacher. Friends are those whom we trust, who will not betray, will not let you down, are able to support, sympathize. To a friend we can entrust our revelations. Have you ever thought about whether you yourself can meet the concept of “ Friend"?

Who do you think can confidently call you a friend?

Who can explain what honesty is?

- Can we trust everyone with our revelations? Raise your hand, those who have a real friend - someone you can trust?

Can an adult (parent, teacher) be your friend?

11) Announcement “Looking for a friend”.

Purpose: to develop Creative skills children, the ability to briefly formulate an idea.

Student 1. If there are friends in the world -
Everything is beautiful, everything is blooming.
Even the strongest wind
Even the storm won't bend.

Student 2. We are in the rain, and in the snow, and in the cold
Let's have fun walking.
We are friends in any weather -
Do not break this friendship.

Student 3. And any of us will answer
All who are young and brave will say:
You and I live in the world
For good, glorious deeds!

Student 4. Friendship is always the main miracle.
One hundred discoveries are real for everyone.
And any trouble is not a problem,
If there are real friends around.

Student 5. So let's be friends
Let us remember these verses more than once.
If friendship is always valued,
That any wish will come true.

Student 6. Who fervently believes in friendship,
Who next feels the shoulder
He will never fall
In any trouble will not be lost.

And if it suddenly stumbles,
Then a friend will help him get up!

Teacher. Every person needs a friend in life. When there are no friends, then a person tries to find them. Many newspapers now print advertisements for those who wish to find friends or like-minded people. We will try to make such an announcement with you too. Let's call it "Looking for a friend."

Music sounds. Children write an ad on a blank, indicating the quality of a person that, in his opinion, is necessary for friendship and decorate their work with drawings so that it immediately attracts attention.

Let's give our ads rainbow and she will spread them to all corners of our beloved Kuban and help us find new friends.

(Delhi stick their ads on a rainbow poster)

4. Self-reflection. Relaxation break “Circle of Friendship”.

Purpose: rallying children, emotional and muscle relaxation.

Now, all of you, come to me. Stand in a circle, hold hands and smile at each other. I am very pleased that you are able to make friends. You feel like a small spark flashed between your palms, a small, small sun. It does not burn, but warms, flashes in your eyes. I know you sometimes quarrel, but as soon as anger flashes in someone's eyes, put your hands on his shoulders, and kindness will melt the anger without a trace. Wish each other what you wish for yourself (children wish each other love, kindness, joy, good and devoted friends, etc.).

5. The result of the lesson.

This concludes our lesson on friendship.

- Guys, what did today's lesson teach you?

What made you think about?

Let's make our life good, let's help each other in difficult times, let's choose good and faithful comrades. Let's not quarrel and say to each other the words of the famous cartoon character, the patient and kindest cat Leopold: " Guys let's be friends!"

Theme: "School Friendship"

Goals:- introduce the concepts of "comrades", "friend", with the features of the school

Help to understand the necessity and value of the concept of "friendship";

Cultivate feelings of love and respect for your friends;

Determine the value of friendship;

Learn to listen, understand and help each other;

Equipment: computer, dictionaries by S. I. Ozhegov and V. I. Dahl.

Poster, "palms".

During the classes.

  1. Organizing time.
Thin threads circled the earth,

Threads of parallels and green rivers,

Stretch out your hands, stretch out your hands

Everyone needs to believe in friendship.

Warm with a word, caress with a look,

Even the snow melts from a good joke.

It's so wonderful to be with you

A gloomy person will become kind and cheerful.

  1. ^ Message about the topic and purpose of the lesson.
Guys, let's look into each other's eyes now and smile.

Today we will talk about school friendship, find out what qualities a true friend should have, and draw up the “Laws of Friendship”.

  1. ^ Working on new material.

  1. Preparatory work.
Friendship is always the main miracle,

One hundred real discoveries for everyone,

And any trouble is not a problem,

If there are real friends nearby!

S. V. Mikhalkov. (slide 2)

How do you understand the word "friendship"?

That's right, friendship is the ability to help other people, listen to their opinions and advice.

2. Working with dictionaries.

Let's find what explanation of the word friendship is given in the dictionaries of S. I. Ozhegov and V. I. Dahl.

“Friendship is a close relationship based on mutual trust, affection, common interests. (S. I. Ozhegov)

“Friendship is a disinterested, enduring affection. (V.I. Dal)

Please note that V. I. Dal put selflessness in the first place in the definition of the word friendship, why do you think?

What is selflessness?

- Unselfishness makes the relationship between friends noble and pure. A true friend will support in difficult times, show sympathy, help solve problems, share worries and joys. Anyone who wants to be friends must find in himself the answer to the question of whether he is ready to meet a friend. And if someone does not have a friend, maybe this comes from the fact that he himself is not ready to become a true friend and demands a lot from others, giving nothing in return.

2. Song "Friendship". (slide 4)

3. Conversation.

Do you have a true friend in the class?

What do you like about your friend?

Have you helped each other in difficult times?

- "Friend", "buddy", "comrade" - do these words have the same meaning?

Guys, do you want to know where and when the word "comrade" appeared?

Many, many years ago (in the 11th century, and now in the 21st century), a merchant (a rich man who was engaged in trade) recruited people to transport goods to other countries and return back. They were called "comrades"

What do you think it means to be friends?

Learning to live together among people, in a classy team is very important.

Since ancient times, people have added many proverbs and sayings about friendship.

Do you know proverbs about friendship?

4. The game "Find the end of the proverb." (slide 5)

I suggest you play the game "Find the end of the proverb."

Do not have a hundred rubles, but have no roots

A man with no friends is like a tree with a hundred friends

Look for a friend, but you will not find

Friendship is not a mushroom, new in the forest

Better old friend, take care of your dress

5. Fizminutka "Friendship".

We clap our hands

Friendly, more fun.

Our feet are knocking

Friendly and stronger.

Hit on the knees

Hush, hush, hush.

Our pens rise

Higher, higher, higher.

Our hands are spinning

went down below,

Turned around, turned around and stopped.

6. Our region is multinational. (slides 6 - 12)

Guys, look at the picture.

Who do you see?

How do they look?

Is everyone the same?

And how are they different?

We are all similar to each other, but we also have differences - this is nationality.

A friend is chosen not by nationality, not by eye or skin color, but by his qualities: fidelity, devotion, kindness, disinterestedness.

How many of you know what nationality he is?

But you, nationalities do not interfere with being friends, you respect each other.

In the Krasnodar Territory, in the Kuban, people of about 100 nationalities live. They all live together. Each nationality has its own customs, its own costumes. Consider costumes. These are festive costumes and of course they are not worn every day.

Guys! Now you are just learning to make friends. And for friendship to be strong, you need to follow the laws of friendship. There are many laws of friendship. If you follow these rules, you will become true friends.

7. Laws of friendship. (Students read in chain.) (slide 13)

Basic laws of friendship.

  1. One for all and all for one.

  2. Be friends, do not offend friends and everyone around you.

  3. Respect each other and help each other.

  4. Rejoice with your friends.

  5. Do not leave your friends in trouble, do not let them down, betray, do not deceive, do not break your promises.

  6. Take care of your friends, because it is easy to lose a friend. An old friend is better than two new ones.
8. Wishing yourself, class, friend. (slide 14)

Look how big the heart is on the poster. This is the heart of our class, ready to love and help each other. It is not simple, but magical. This heart has a pocket. You have palms cut out of paper on the tables. Write or draw wishes on these palms - to yourself, to a class, to a friend. We will open them in a few years, when you will be in the 11th grade. ( Students write wishes.

IV. Summary of the lesson.

Who are called comrades?

What should a friend be like?

So let's be friends

Let us remember these verses more than once.

If friendship is always valued,

That any wish will come true.

Help each other in difficult times, look for good and true friends. Let's get up and say to each other the words of the famous hero, the cat Leopold: "Guys, let's live together!" (slide 15)

And I think you will carry this friendship through your entire school life.

Kartasheva Valentina Gennadievna
Job title: primary school teacher
Educational institution: MKOU secondary school with UIOP village Sanchursk, Kirov region
Locality: town Sachursk, Kirov region
Material name: methodical development classroom hours in 2nd grade
Subject: What is school friendship?
Publication date: 25.12.2015
Chapter: elementary education


SUBJECT: ABC of morality

Extracurricular activity with students of the 2nd grade "What is a school


Kartasheva V.G., primary school teacher, higher qualification

MKOU secondary school with UIOP village Sanchursk, Kirov region
Purpose: to create a friendly and cohesive team. Tasks: - to teach children to appreciate friends, friendship, to take care of loved ones; - to give the concept of friendship; - familiarize with the rules of friendship; - to teach goodwill, the desire to understand each other, to teach to share joys and sorrows; - to cultivate a caring and warm attitude not only to relatives, but also to all people around; - to cultivate respect for others, polite treatment of children to each other; - develop the ability to argue your point of view. Greetings - We greet each other with a smile, Today we will talk about a very serious topic. But we will find out about this later. - Let's listen to V. Shainsky's song to the words of M. Tanich "If you went on a journey with a friend ..." Slide 1 - What is this song about? What do you think about what will be discussed in our lesson? -Guys, let's talk about school friendships.

What a beautiful word - "friendship"! You pronounce it - and immediately you remember your friend with whom you are interested in playing snowballs, reading a new book or keeping secrets about yours. You pronounce the word "friendship" - and you immediately remember funny cartoon characters: this is a funny Mowgli with his smart Baloo, this is a musical Lion cub and a wise Turtle, this is Winnie the Pooh with his friends. The world of cinema, the world of cartoon characters, the world of books, our world in which we live, gives us wonderful communication - communication with a friend. Friend is
your favorite book that you read and you are interested in with it, a friend is a mother who will definitely help you in difficult times, a friend is a school teacher who will help you look into the secrets of knowledge, a friend is an old teddy bear with a torn off ear, which listens to you when you feel bad. Slide 2 -Sometimes they say: Friends do not spill water. How do you understand this expression? -What is friendship? Slide 3 - Let's read the poem and find out how others answer this question. - What is friendship? I asked the bird. This is when the kite flies with the titmouse. I asked the beast: - What is friendship? This is when the Fox hare does not need to be afraid. And then she asked the girl: Friendship - what is it? This is something huge, Joyful, big. This is when the guys all at once, All play together, This is when the boys do not bully the girls. Everyone in the world should be friends: And animals, and birds, and children! Slide 4 -And this is how the word is interpreted in the dictionary of V.I.Dal (
show dictionary)
Friendship is a close relationship, mutual disposition, affection for each other, based on mutual trust, devotion, common interests, ideas, goals. Friendship binds not only individuals, but also entire teams, enterprises, classes. There is a friendship of peoples, there are friendly relations between countries.
Slide 5 People have put together a lot of proverbs and sayings about friendship. - I suggest you play the game "Collect the proverb". The beginning of the proverbs will appear on the screen, and you will need to find the ending on the cards that I will now distribute. "There is no friend - look for, ....... (and found - take care)". "An old friend is better than two new ones)". "Do not have 100 rubles, ...... (but have 100 friends)." "A man without friends, ... .. (like a tree without roots)." "Friendship is like glass: .... (break it - you won't break it)". "A friend for money ... .. (you can't buy it)." "Die yourself, ...... .. (and help a comrade out)." "Friend is known in trouble)". "Friendship is not a mushroom, ...... (you won't find it in the forest)." “A tree is strong with roots, .... (and a person with friends).” "Friendship is strong not by flattery, ... .. (but by truth and honor)." Slide 6 -Guys listen to the story of L.N. Tolstoy "Two Comrades". Two comrades were walking through the forest, and a bear jumped out at them. One rushed to run, climbed a tree and hid, while the other remained on the road. He had nothing to do - he fell to the ground and pretended to be dead. The bear came up to him and began to sniff: he stopped breathing. The bear sniffed his face, thought it was dead, and moved away. When the bear left, he got down from the tree and laughs. - Well, - he says, - did the bear speak in your ear? - And he told me that bad people are those who run away from their comrades in danger. -What can you say about these boys? Slide 7 - Let's remember the characters from other works that really knew how to make friends. I offer you the game "Who is friends with whom?" Slide 9 - Let's see our school photos
Who believes in friendship fervently, Who feels his shoulder next to him, He will never fall, He will not be lost in any trouble.
Let's play the game "Hello!". Description of the game: One of the students is blindfolded. Classmates, silently, one by one, approach and greet
him by the hand. The driver must find out who it is. Slide 10,11 - Guys, let's formulate the rules of friendship. 1. Trust a friend. 2. Share news, successes and failures. 3. Be able to keep other people's secrets. 4. Rejoice with a friend in his successes. 5. Offer your help, and not wait for a request for help. 6. Try to make a friend feel good in your company, do not create awkward situations. 7. Protect a friend. 8. Don't criticize a friend in front of other people. 9. Respect a friend's right to have friends other than yourself. 10. Always keep your promises. Slide 12 Rate yourself Slide 13 Mimic gymnastics Slide 14 Summing up, Artem will read a poem. With a friend I will share everything together, With a friend I will always be honest. If I'm wrong about something, A friend will help - he is not an enemy. I won't give offense to a friend, I won't change, I won't betray. From that run quickly, Who blackens his friends. I'm not in a hurry to be offended, I value school friendship. Slide 15 - Choose the group of words that fits. Why didn't you choose another group? - Is it necessary for a friend to have all the qualities?
Group 1
kind, polite, honest, generous, strong, considerate, caring, loyal, able to keep secrets, sympathetic, good at learning, amiable, patient, trusting, cheerful, strict, sociable, disinterested, hardworking
Group 2
(on click - remove) cowardly, greedy, flattering, rich, lazy, greedy, sneak, stupid, thief, whim, bully, deceitful, evil, ignorant
I suggest you play the game "Friendly Handshake". (A large paper palm is attached to the board) Guys, look, they are holding out a palm to us. How should we respond? That's right, we should also stretch out our hand and shake it. This means that they treat you well and want to be friends. (Colored paper palms are prepared for children) Guys, choose any palm and write 3 words on the back side, how you would like your friend to be. Attach the finished palms to the large palm. Slide 16 In conclusion, I want to wish you to find a true friend. Do not tease, do not be arrogant, Try to help everyone at school. In vain do not frown, be bold And you will find friends for yourself. Finally, I want to give you a reminder
"rules of friendship"
". - Guys, we talked about friendship for two lessons, studied the laws of friendship, learned to play together, amicably, learned to help each other. In conclusion, let's play the game "Laws of Friendship". Children become in a circle; pass each other a small "heart" and begin a sentence with the words
"Friendship -

... The song "If a friend does not laugh ..." is performed. Slide 17-18 Thank you all!
