Registration office of the children's polyclinic in the sea lane. Children's polyclinic on the sea lane Sochi

Working hours of the organization: Mon-Fri 8:00-19:00, Sat 8:00-16:00. The following companies also work in Sochi in the field of Children's clinics:

  • Polyclinic department of the city hospital No. 9 Treatment and prophylactic pediatric department No. 1 at Morskoy Lane, 10
  • City Hospital Children's polyclinic No. 9 Department of rehabilitation treatment at Tchaikovsky street, 6
  • City Hospital No. 3 Children's polyclinic department at 10, 50 Years of the USSR Street
  • GBUZ Children's office of the Psychoneurological Dispensary No. 3 at Dagomysskaya Street, 48
  • MBUZ CRH Feldsher-obstetric station at Looskaya street, 2


Information about organizations is collected from open sources. The site administration is not responsible for possible errors in the descriptions of companies. By using this site, you accept the terms of the Disclaimer. You can report a change in data, or the closure of a company, by filling out the form at the link.

Children's polyclinic of hospital No. 9

The Children's Polyclinic of Sochi Hospital No. 9 provides multidisciplinary outpatient care to the children and adolescents of the Central District and part of the Khostinsky District of the city. There are 10 departments in the structure of the institution: 1 consultative and diagnostic department, 2 medical care departments in educational institutions, 4 pediatric departments, a functional diagnostics department, a medical and social assistance department, a day hospital with physiotherapy and rehabilitation treatment departments.


You can get to the children's polyclinic of the 9th hospital by buses No. 1, 120, 3, 14, 15, 103, 125, 121, 113, 180, minibuses No. 5, 23, 95, 98, 41, 43, 38, 87, 94 to the stop "Hotel" Sochi ".

Doctors (64)

Ermolaeva N. A.

st. Abrikosovaya, 21A

Melikyan G. F.

per. Marine, 10

Pavlovich M.V.

per. Marine, 10

Terekhova E. M.

per. Marine, 10

Loboda O. N.

per. Marine, 10

Reviews (39)

What kind of hospital is this! They called a doctor, the temperature of a 6-year-old child is 39.5. They promised to come, accepted the application, and did not arrive. What an attitude! My phone records all conversations, there is a record of how the application was accepted and asked to wait! Everything happens, but to call and say that they do not have time, is it really difficult! As a result, the child feels bad, and we are waiting for the weather from the sea! Shame on these doctors! Sick children are waiting for you!

It is impossible to make an appointment with a specialist, apparently, the city is large, and every single day from morning to evening they call and call without interruption, since they are so busy. And what about those who do not have the opportunity to go and record in person?! And even the manager could answer the calls, it turns out there is no one to complain to! Fu, be like that!

Disgusting! For the third week I can’t enroll my child in an orthopedic doctor Vlasova! The site does not work, freezes. The front desk is not picking up the phone!

For half a year I have not been able to enroll my children in either a neurologist or an ophthalmologist. Almost impossible to get through. Catastrophe! Probably should write to the president! Only he can decide something in our country. Neither the reception nor the doctors want to work. But they don't get paid enough! In general, everything is going to hell. Everything is bought and sold only for money. Including health.

I am just after the operation, I can’t come with three small children, since you can’t lift more than three kilograms. I have not been able to sign up for an ultrasound scan for 2 months already, I can’t do it for a child for a fee either, because mother of many children I am at home with the kids. Do not go to doctors. Even the head of the clinic calls with threats. Terrible clinic. It is necessary to write to the Ministry of Health in Moscow about them. To check this clinic.

Children's polyclinic of the City Hospital No. 9 on Morskoy Lane - Sochi

Horizontal tabs

Children's polyclinic City hospital No. 9 Branch No. 3, on Abrikosovaya street 21a.

I called the reception on 12/19/2017 from 7.30-8.40, as usual busy. You will never call. The receptionists are rude and talk rudely.

At first, I was asked to go to the clinic myself, like the temperature is not so high, you can do it yourself, or drive up by car, there are a lot of calls. I would not mind even driving up, but somehow I don’t want to stand in line with a sick child for an hour. Put a separate doctor on call if pediatricians can't keep up.

And if you need to donate blood, then in general, write wasted, there are a hundred people in line, half of them cough and sneeze, you come to donate and go to bed the next day. For an appointment with a doctor, even if you make an appointment, you still have to stand in a live queue.

The child is already seven years old, and nothing has changed. When will the registry be up and running? When a child is sick, we treat ourselves, because every attempt to get into the clinic ends in a hassle.

Please take action. And most importantly, to establish the work of the registry, why do people have to hang on the phone for an hour to make an appointment or call a doctor!

08/22/2017 appealed to the registry of the Children's Polyclinic No. 9 on Morsky Lane with complaints high temperature, cough, snot and conjunctivitis in a 1.9-year-old child and a request to be placed in a box - we were refused, they said that no one except the district doctor would look at us. The district doctor, Chernopolskaya Olga Nikolaevna, office No. 203, refused to accept a sick child in a rude manner due to the end of the working day.

Thus, the Federal Law of November 21, 2011 No. 323-FZ “On the fundamentals of protecting the health of citizens of the Russian Federation” was violated.

Please look into the situation and let me know about the decision.

MBUZ "City Hospital No. 9" Children's polyclinic in Sochi. It is impossible to make an appointment with an otolaryngologist. There are no coupons via the Internet, it is impossible to get through by phone, when visiting in person, coupons for 3-4 weeks in advance are busy. When we went without an appointment with acute pain, we spent 6 hours in the clinic. 3 hours in line to the pediatrician to take a referral to the ENT and confirm that Acute pain (!) And the same amount to the ENT. Of all the patients on the record, there were only THREE PEOPLE. Where are all the coupons? It seems that they are specifically creating a crush so that people go to the same doctors only on a paid basis. Please look into it and take action.

Good afternoon. I am with my child on May 31, 2017. I came to see a doctor in connection with an illness at the Children's Polyclinic of the City Hospital 9 on Morsky Lane in Sochi. The doctor ordered us to take tests. The child is attached to this institution, but here I can only use paid services. Tests can be taken free of charge only in another medical institution, which is located on the other side of the city, with the only free laboratory in the entire city of Sochi. Is it necessary to write about the increase in population today? This is a problem for all residents of Sochi who have children. We kindly ask you to look into the situation.

Good afternoon. To begin with, I moved to live in Sochi for permanent residence a long time ago. In 2016, she took her daughter, a girl of 12 years old, also for permanent residence in this city. She studies at Lyceum 2. She did not use the services of doctors from this city, as there was no need. The child, thank God, was not sick and felt good. 02/21/17, I went to the hospital in our area, city hospital 9, at the address per. Marine 10. The child developed a dry cough. At first I thought it was an allergic cough, because there are many exotic plants in the city. Arriving at the polyclinic, in the morning, I turned to the reception, asking what kind of doctor does it in our area and how can I join the polyclinic in general. Having received in response that you came at all, and that today is a healthy child's day, and why you did not call. I answered that I called, for an hour and without getting through, I went to the hospital. And accordingly, I did not know that today is the day of a healthy child. It turned out that our doctor was on vacation, we were sent to the so-called BOX, room 103. And they said they would take us there. After waiting min. 40, I asked my daughter to go to the reception and find out when the doctor would come. She was told there that the doctor would be called. Continuing to humbly wait for the doctor, another hour passed. The time was 11:34. I decided to come up and ask the receptionist myself, how long to wait?! In response: your doctor is not available at all, but the doctor will come to BOKS for an appointment somewhere around 12:00, and that may be. Anyway, come back tomorrow. And then I decided to go directly to the head of the doctor, the so-called, namely Melnikov Roman Borisovich, head of the preventive pediatric department 1. With such a facial expression, sorry, no one has ever met me. Complete indifference, without even looking up, he humbly sat and poked around in his computer. After explaining his claim to him, he went out somewhere and when he came back he answered that they would accept us now. And although he was not obliged to do this, but as an exception, he ascended in a dream with his mercy. I asked him why they made us wait so long, I received in response, with a shout, in a very elevated tone, that I myself would deal with my employees and that it was none of your business. Asking him why he was talking to me in such a tone, he replied that goodbye, I hope that I will never see you again. This is generally how to understand. I answered him that I would write a complaint, and in response I received rudeness again, and he said Yes, WRITE YOU wherever you want. WRITE YOU. Not even YOU! Leaving the office, I went to office number 206. Where I was received very nice woman doctor. After explaining the whole problem to her, two hours later, or even more, my child was examined and prescribed treatment. But it was not there! Then, out of nowhere, Melnikov R.B. flew into the office. with the words, to the doctor who conducted the examination, then give me the data of this child, her MOTHER behaves inappropriately and that he will write a report on me. All this happened in the presence of my daughter. Then I could not stand it anymore and tears involuntarily flowed from my resentment. Leaving the office, I saw how the doctor who examined us handed over our data to Melnikov in the corridor, as he had been waiting all this time for us to leave and with a defiant look proceeded to his office. From this Wednesday we need to go to an appointment for help, as the child is being treated at home. And it’s not pleasant to go, because it’s not known what attacks await us again! I ask you to look into the incident that happened and punish R. B. Melnikov, because it is not known who else he will be rude to, and who this, in my opinion, mentally unbalanced "doctor" will yell at. Please respond to this complaint. Thank you in advance.

Hello. I am a resident of the city of Sochi. 01/22/17 my 9-year-old son had a temperature of 40 and I called an ambulance. The paramedic who arrived after examining the child made a preliminary diagnosis - a rotavirus infection, but since it was a day off and the pediatrician was not on duty, he recommended that he contact the children's clinic the next day. 01/23/17 at 8-30, having phoned the registry of the children's polyclinic, he called the doctor to the house. The child's temperature was high. The doctor of the children's polyclinic of the City Hospital No. 9 on Morsky Lane 10, Sochi, called Alexander Gennadievich Polyakov, and without examining the patient, I want to remind you again by phone, as he claimed from the words of the ambulance paramedic, he diagnosed that the child had an infectious disease and discharged medicines. I am a person without a medical education and I understand that without a personal examination it is simply not mentally possible to make an accurate diagnosis, and further health and maybe the fate of a person depends on this. Only after contacting the health hotline, another doctor came to us and, after examining us, prescribed the necessary medicines. Is it really necessary to call the hotlines or higher management to get the necessary medical care.

MBUZ Sochi GB 9 Lech/professional pediatrician department 2

Good afternoon, we arrived from Krasnodar on the spot, we were given a referral by age to examine a child at 3 years old December 13, 2016, we don’t have the opportunity to make an appointment with any of the specialists, if you get through it is one problem for 4 hours I dialed the phone with what I encounter for the first time, in Krasnodar but I got through without any problems, all at once competent specialists in their field gave information where I would probably have to attach myself back and travel from Sochi, a shame. I am a nurse myself. The operator replied that the appointment is on Mondays, that everything is already scheduled on the 17th, call next Monday, I no longer want to call to go. the conclusion of specialists, but alas, sign up! So apparently you have to go to undergo procedures in a hydropathic clinic in Krasnodar. Only then it’s no longer necessary, the child grows and it happens late with dysplasia, you will need an operation, but I didn’t want to bring it to this and I’ll ask for a quota later as well in management, it’s bitter for me, I am writing to you with tears in my eyes. The child is problematic, and I want to help him be as healthy as possible, and this is possible if desired, I tell you as an employee of public medicine.

I express my gratitude to the staff of the children's polyclinic N5.

Thank you in advance, if at least someone is better served, I mustered up the courage and write to you

Please take action!

I applied with a referral to a day hospital from a local doctor to the Children's Polyclinic at the City Hospital No. 9, located at ul. Tchaikovsky, 6, Sochi. According to the referral, my children need to undergo a series of procedures determined by the orthopedist, including massage. The employees of the polyclinic refuse to put my children on the waiting list for this procedure, they extort money from me, arguing that massage in their institution is carried out exclusively on a paid basis. Although at the same time they keep a journal in which there is a waiting list for a free procedure. They hide this magazine from prying eyes and it is located at the reception desk. This fact is known to me for certain, since a month ago, with a scandal in this institution and with a threat to report their illegal actions to regulatory authorities, I insisted on adding my niece to the list of this magazine to receive a free massage. But even after writing my niece in the journal, the registrar refused to tell me the queue number and stubbornly did not let me see the entry in this secret journal. I had to contact the head of this institution.

I believe that the employees of this organization commit fraud and illegally receive money, while entering in this journal those who have undergone treatment on a paid basis, they put the money in their pockets.

I ask you to pay your attention to the rudeness of the staff in the ECG room 410 of the Children's Clinic at 10 Morskoy Lane, Sochi. My son is constantly monitored by a cardiologist and before seeing a doctor, we must undergo an ECG with and without stress. The woman who conducts the ECG behaves boorishly and defiantly. Not only does it annoy me, but also the child. In this case, the ECG should be done to the child at rest, which after such treatment cannot be. I think that such people should not work with children and in medicine.

Good afternoon. Were on a planned hospitalization for surgery. It was necessary to pass tests. The child is 7 years old. The pediatrician wrote out paid blood tests for hepatitis "B" "C" HIV and gave directly a leaflet with the addresses of the ELISA laboratory. Are the actions of the pediatrician legal? I called the hotline for the medical policy, they explained that the tests are free when the child is hospitalized, advised me to contact the head of this clinic. I called the manager, she said that they rent for a fee. When I was in the hospital, I asked parents from other settlements (Adler, Lazarevskoye) they were given the same tests for free. Please explain why in Sochi they also send for a fee with an indication of the laboratory? How can I get my money back? contract and checks are available. Pediatrician Lavrova Children's polyclinic of the city hospital No. 9 branch No. 3 on the street. Abrikosova 21 a. Thank you in advance.

Complaint about the inaction of the employees of the children's polyclinic of the Municipal Budgetary Healthcare Institution of Sochi "City Hospital No. 9".

My son is registered at the place of registration: Sochi, st. Labor, 4, apt. 63, in the children's polyclinic No. 1 md. Makarenko.

06/28/2015 (Sunday) I found that my child has a temperature of 38.7, having brought down the temperature with the Nurofen drug, waiting for the long-awaited Monday 06/29/2015, together with the child I went to the attending pediatrician, we were accepted without a queue, after examining the doctor diagnosed ARVI, against the background of " teething." The child was prescribed treatment: anaferon for children, tonsilgon N, nazol baby, plenty of fluids, etc. Having purchased everything I needed at the pharmacy, I went to the address: Sochi, st. Strawberry, 1e, apt. 30, due to the repair work and the lack of necessary conditions for living at the address: Sochi, st. Labor, 4, apt. 63.

02.07.2015 I found a rash in my child that was spreading rapidly. Realizing that taking the child to the clinic could be dangerous not only for mine, but also for the surrounding children, I called the reception, where they explained to me that the doctor was visiting the child at the address: st. Strawberry, 1e, could not leave and was offered the registration number of the clinic to which the street belongs. From the seventh time at 10.43, I got through to the number, Olga, this is how the employee introduced herself, I explained the situation, indicating that we had all been vaccinated “up to a year”, we had not had any allergies before, and of course the child just needs an examination by a specialist, and I need understanding, what to do next. Having written down the data of the child, my coordinates, they answered me: “Wait!”. After waiting all day, realizing that at eight in the evening waiting for the doctor is already in vain. And ahead of the night and it is not clear how it will pass and what to do, I called an ambulance, whose employees arrived within 10 minutes. After examining the child, we were diagnosed with chicken pox "chicken pox", explaining what treatment and care is needed.

Until now, the doctor supervising the street. Strawberry, never contacted me.

Based on the above, please:

1. Find out the reason for the complete disregard of my call by the staff of the children's polyclinic of the MBUZ in Sochi "City Hospital No. 9".

2. Assess their professional behavior with patients (taking into account the age - 11 months)

P.S. If necessary, I can provide a printout from my phone number.

Sincerely, Panshina L.V. 07/08/2015

My child is 5 months old, the child was born prematurely, which requires special attention to him. We are observed in the children's clinic 9, per. Morskoy, 10 at the doctor Aleksanyan S.Zh, the doctor does not pay due attention to the child, the nurse constantly watches and advises the child, the doctor only comes to listen to the child with the device and that’s it, none of them will ever look at the child’s reflexes, and in general this doctor sometimes forgets dada to approach the child at the reception, he says, I’ll leave you, the nurse will look at you, for the first months I thought that the nurse is our doctor. The doctor does not measure the circumference of the head and torso, as other mothers told me, that this must be done at the reception. In general, a disgusting observation is only for them to give a tick and that's it! A child, though premature, requires special attention, I think. Please be understanding and take necessary action. There is no place for such doctors in a children's clinic.

On 05/07/2015, she called a doctor to the house, as the child had a temperature of 38.5 for the third day. The child is not yet 2 years old. The doctor didn't come. At 17.00 I called back to the reception, where they gave me the doctor's phone number. I called back the so-called “doctor” Khatiashvili O.E., who answered me: “Yes, I probably forgot about you. or not found. Well, call an ambulance, that's all. I'm just shocked! What do you mean forgot. And if they couldn’t find the address (I live in the city center), then when I called the doctor, I left my phone number.

And this situation in this clinic is the norm. In March, the eldest son has a temperature under 40! I call the local doctor - Chebotareva G.V. Didn't come. I call with a question, she also snaps: “We are not a private clinic for you, we either don’t have gasoline, or we don’t have cars. Bring him here, I'll take a look at him in boxing." No questions. But why not call back, explain that there is no way to come. I would have come for her myself or paid for a taxi, or something else. For 6 years of service in this polyclinic, I called the doctor at home 7 times. The doctor came only once.

The head doctor is generally aware of what is happening outrageous. Doctors. Baby. If they want - they go to challenges, if they don't want - they don't go. What a disrespectful attitude!

Polyclinic of unafraid "doctors"! What if there is a complication? They are not afraid of anything. I would like the Territory to somehow react and put things in order.

Lack of any control over newborns!

On January 2, at 36 weeks, I had a baby and after being discharged from the hospital, the doctor NEVER came to us! The patronage nurse came 1 time on January 12, prescribed medicine for jaundice (and bilirubin was about 290!) And that's all, we never saw her again. The child is more than a month old and there is no control over his condition. We don't even know our doctor's name. All you have to do is visit doctors for a fee, this is the whole medicine in Sochi.

Having repeatedly made an appointment at the children's polyclinic of the City Hospital No. 9 - through the registry, you have to sit in line and visit a doctor at a time that does not correspond to the appointment. Sometimes you have to wait more than an hour.

The second month I can not make an appointment with the child's gastroenterologist. This specialist takes in the clinic 1.5 hours a day three times a week. Today we were informed at the reception that the registration for DECEMBER IS ENDED. Question: how long will this disgrace continue? I have a referral from a pediatrician and all the test results are on hand, but for the second month I can’t get an appointment with a specialist.

I am a mother of three children, until recently my children were assigned to the children's clinic "Children's Clinic, Department No. 2, City, MBUZ" (Krasnodar Territory, Sochi, Pasechny per., 12), but at our recent appointment (05.06. 2014) we learned that the doctor who sees my three children, Smirnova Larisa Vladimirovna is on vacation, in her place, another doctor replacing her, whose name I don’t remember, tells me that no one will see me here, because . we live in a different area and have to go to another clinic, i.e. Children's clinic No. 1 in Sochi, microdistrict. Makarenko, st. Apricot, 21A. I did not argue with them and asked to transfer my documents to the children's clinic on Makarenko Street, but here, too, a Surprise was waiting for me.

This afternoon, 06/11/2014, a nurse from Children's Polyclinic No. 1 called me and said that doctor Zheludeva refuses to see us.

And I, in turn, refuse to be observed by the doctor to whom they decide to refer me there for me, so I ask you to return the outpatient cards of my children to my hands.

The Children's Polyclinic of the City Hospital No. 9 is located in the city of Sochi, at the address: Sea lane, building 10.

The clinic is a five-story building with all the necessary diagnostic services for children (ultrasound, laboratory, functional diagnostics room, medical examination).

IN children's institution specialists of pediatrics, dermatology, urology, gynecology, ophthalmology, otolaryngology, and other narrow areas are receiving.

Outpatient surgical interventions are carried out in the children's polyclinic, as well as an exercise therapy room, vaccinations, therapeutic massage and physiotherapy.

Functioning departments:

  • 4 pediatric departments;
  • Department of organization of medical care for minors in educational organizations;
  • Emergency station;
  • Clinical and diagnostic department;
  • Department of Medical Rehabilitation;
  • Department of Radiation Diagnostics.

Research and diagnostics:

  • X-ray;
  • Skin-scarification allergic tests;
  • ECHO-KG.

Types of medical care provided:

Number, date

Type, conditions for the provision of honey. help

Service works

When providing pre-medical care for:

laboratory diagnostics, physiotherapy exercises and sports medicine, medical statistics, medical massage, nursing, nursing organization, radiology, nursing in pediatrics, physiotherapy, functional diagnostics.

In the implementation of outpatient medical care, including: a) in the implementation of primary health care for:

allergology and immunology, gastroenterology, pediatric cardiology, pediatric endocrinology, quality control of medical care, clinical laboratory diagnostics, exercise therapy and sports medicine, neurology, nephrology, public health and healthcare organization, otorhinolaryngology, ophthalmology, pediatrics, pulmonology, radiology, traumatology and orthopedics , physiotherapy, functional diagnostics, ultrasound diagnostics, examination of temporary disability, endoscopy, pediatric surgery

in the provision of specialized medical care for:

allergology and immunology, gastroenterology, pediatric cardiology, pediatric surgery, pediatric endocrinology, clinical laboratory diagnostics, quality control of medical care, exercise therapy and sports medicine, neurology, nephrology, public health and healthcare organization, otorhinolaryngology, ophthalmology, pediatrics, pulmonology, radiology, audiology-otorhinolaryngology, traumatology and orthopedics, ultrasound diagnostics, physiotherapy, functional diagnostics, examination of temporary disability, endoscopy. When providing primary, including pre-medical, medical and specialized, health care

in the provision of primary pre-medical health care on an outpatient basis for:


(carrying out preventive vaccinations); emergency medical care

in the provision of primary medical care on an outpatient basis according to

Vaccinations (carrying out prophylactic vaccinations); emergency medical care

when providing primary

specialized health care in an outpatient setting

obstetrics and gynecology (with the exception of the use of assisted reproductive technologies), pediatric urology-andrology, medical

rehabilitation, rheumatology, epidemiology

When conducting medical examinations, medical examinations and medical examinations, the following works (services) are organized and performed:

Medical examinations (preliminary, periodic, preventive medical examinations.

When providing primary, including pre-medical, medical and specialized, health care, the following works (services) are organized and performed:

vaccinations (prophylactic vaccinations);

primary specialized health care in an outpatient setting

medical rehabilitation


in the provision of primary medical care in a day hospital according to


The list of categories of citizens entitled to receive state social assistance in the form of a set of social services is regulated by Art. 6.1 of the Federal Law of July 17, 1999 No. 178-FZ "On State Social Assistance".

“Article 6.1. The right to receive state social assistance in the form of a set of social services.

In accordance with this chapter, the following categories of citizens have the right to receive state social assistance in the form of a set of social services:

1) war invalids;

2) participants in the Great Patriotic War;

3) combat veterans from among the persons specified in subparagraphs 1 - 4 of paragraph 1 of Article 3 of the Federal Law "On Veterans" (as amended by Federal Law No. 40-FZ of January 2, 2000);

(as amended by Federal Law No. 122-FZ of 22.08.2004 (as amended on 29.12.2004))

4) military personnel who passed military service in military units, institutions, military educational institutions that were not part of the army in the period from June 22, 1941 to September 3, 1945 for at least six months, military personnel awarded orders or medals of the USSR for service in the specified period;

5) persons awarded the badge "Resident besieged Leningrad";

6) persons who worked during the Great Patriotic War at the objects of air defense, local air defense, on the construction of defensive structures, naval bases, airfields and other military facilities within the rear borders of the active fronts, operational zones of the operating fleets, on the front-line sections of iron and highways, as well as crew members of transport fleet ships interned at the beginning of the Great Patriotic War in the ports of other states;

7) family members of the fallen (deceased) disabled war veterans, participants of the Great Patriotic War and veterans of hostilities, family members of the persons who died in the Great Patriotic War from among the personnel of the self-defense groups of the facility and emergency teams of the local air defense, as well as family members of the deceased hospital workers and hospitals in the city of Leningrad;

8) disabled people;

9) disabled children"

List of documents submitted by citizens to a medical organization for issuing prescriptions

Patients with a federal benefit must show:

1. Passport

2. CHI policy

4. Certificate of medical and social expertise (ITU or VTE)

Patients with diseases who have a regional benefit must present:

1. Passport

2. CHI policy

4. Conclusion of the medical commission (directed by the attending physician)

5.Document confirming registration in the city of Moscow (or receipt state pension in the FIU in the city of Moscow)

Patients eligible for social support measures must present:

1. Passport (children - birth certificate)

2. CHI policy

3. Document confirming registration in the city of Moscow

(and others according to the benefit)

The list of documents confirming the benefit is determined by Appendix 1 to the Procedure for Maintaining the Unified City Register of Certain Categories of Citizens Eligible for Provision medicines and medical products dispensed by doctors' prescriptions free of charge or with a 50% discount in the city of Moscow, approved by order of the Moscow City Health Department and the Department information technologies of the city of Moscow dated October 22, 2014 n 914/64-16-421/14 "On the procedure for maintaining a unified city register of citizens entitled to the provision of medicines and medical devices dispensed by doctors' prescriptions free of charge or with a 50% discount in the city Moscow".

There are 10 departments in the structure of the institution: 1 consultative and diagnostic department, 2 medical care departments in educational institutions, 4 pediatric departments, a functional diagnostics department, a medical and social assistance department, a day hospital with physiotherapy and rehabilitation treatment departments.


You can get to the children's polyclinic of the 9th hospital by buses No. 1, 120, 3, 14, 15, 103, 125, 121, 113, 180, minibuses No. 5, 23, 95, 98, 41, 43, 38, 87, 94 to the stop "Hotel" Sochi ".

Doctors (64)

Ermolaeva N. A.

st. Abrikosovaya, 21A

Melikyan G. F.

per. Marine, 10

Pavlovich M.V.

per. Marine, 10

Terekhova E. M.

per. Marine, 10

Loboda O. N.

per. Marine, 10

Reviews (39)

What kind of hospital is this! They called a doctor, the temperature of a 6-year-old child is 39.5. They promised to come, accepted the application, and did not arrive. What an attitude! My phone records all conversations, there is a record of how the application was accepted and asked to wait! Everything happens, but to call and say that they do not have time, is it really difficult! As a result, the child feels bad, and we are waiting for the weather from the sea! Shame on these doctors! Sick children are waiting for you!

It is impossible to make an appointment with a specialist, apparently, the city is large, and every single day from morning to evening they call and call without interruption, since they are so busy. And what about those who do not have the opportunity to go and record in person?! And even the manager could answer the calls, it turns out there is no one to complain to! Fu, be like that!

Disgusting! For the third week I can’t enroll my child in an orthopedic doctor Vlasova! The site does not work, freezes. The front desk is not picking up the phone!

For half a year I have not been able to enroll my children in either a neurologist or an ophthalmologist. Almost impossible to get through. Catastrophe! Probably should write to the president! Only he can decide something in our country. Neither the reception nor the doctors want to work. But they don't get paid enough! In general, everything is going to hell. Everything is bought and sold only for money. Including health.

I am just after the operation, I can’t come with three small children, since you can’t lift more than three kilograms. I have not been able to sign up for an ultrasound scan for 2 months already, I can’t do it for a child for a fee either, since I am a mother of many children, I’m sitting at home with my children. Do not go to doctors. Even the head of the clinic calls with threats. Terrible clinic. It is necessary to write to the Ministry of Health in Moscow about them. To check this clinic.

children's Hospital

The company Children's Clinic is located in Sochi and is located at Morskoy Lane, 10. The following types of activities of the company include: Children's clinics. To contact the employees of the organization, you can call by phone and ask them for any information you are interested in. Working hours of the organization: Mon-Fri 8:00-19:00, Sat 8:00-16:00. The following companies also work in Sochi in the field of Children's clinics:

  • Polyclinic department of the city hospital No. 9 Treatment and prophylactic pediatric department No. 1 at Morskoy Lane, 10
  • City Hospital Children's Polyclinic No. 9 Rehabilitation Department at Tchaikovsky Street, 6
  • City Hospital No. 3 Children's polyclinic department at 10, 50 Years of the USSR Street
  • GBUZ Children's office of the Psychoneurological Dispensary No. 3 at Dagomysskaya Street, 48
  • MBUZ CRH Feldsher-obstetric station at Looskaya street, 2


Information about organizations is collected from open sources. The site administration is not responsible for possible errors in the descriptions of companies. By using this site, you accept the terms of the Disclaimer. You can report a change in data, or the closure of a company, by filling out the form at the link.

Children's polyclinic of the City Hospital No. 9 on Morskoy Lane - Sochi

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Children's polyclinic City hospital No. 9 Branch No. 3, on Abrikosovaya street 21a.

I called the reception on 12/19/2017 from 7.30-8.40, as usual busy. You will never call. The receptionists are rude and talk rudely.

At first, I was asked to go to the clinic myself, like the temperature is not so high, you can do it yourself, or drive up by car, there are a lot of calls. I would not mind even driving up, but somehow I don’t want to stand in line with a sick child for an hour. Put a separate doctor on call if pediatricians can't keep up.

And if you need to donate blood, then in general, write wasted, there are a hundred people in line, half of them cough and sneeze, you come to donate and go to bed the next day. For an appointment with a doctor, even if you make an appointment, you still have to stand in a live queue.

The child is already seven years old, and nothing has changed. When will the registry be up and running? When a child is sick, we treat ourselves, because every attempt to get into the clinic ends in a hassle.

Please take action. And most importantly, to establish the work of the registry, why do people have to hang on the phone for an hour to make an appointment or call a doctor!

On August 22, 2017, we applied to the receptionist of the Children's Polyclinic No. 9 on Morsky Lane with complaints of high fever, cough, snot and conjunctivitis in a 1.9-year-old child and a request to be placed in a box - we were refused, they said that no one except the district doctor would look at us . The district doctor, Chernopolskaya Olga Nikolaevna, office No. 203, refused to accept a sick child in a rude manner due to the end of the working day.

Thus, the Federal Law of November 21, 2011 No. 323-FZ “On the fundamentals of protecting the health of citizens of the Russian Federation” was violated.

Please look into the situation and let me know about the decision.

MBUZ "City Hospital No. 9" Children's polyclinic in Sochi. It is impossible to make an appointment with an otolaryngologist. There are no coupons via the Internet, it is impossible to get through by phone, when visiting in person, coupons for 3-4 weeks in advance are busy. When we went without an appointment with acute pain, we spent 6 hours in the clinic. 3 hours in line to the pediatrician to take a referral to the ENT and confirm that Acute pain (!) And the same amount to the ENT. Of all the patients on the record, there were only THREE PEOPLE. Where are all the coupons? It seems that they are specifically creating a crush so that people go to the same doctors only on a paid basis. Please look into it and take action.

Good afternoon. I am with my child on May 31, 2017. I came to see a doctor in connection with an illness at the Children's Polyclinic of the City Hospital 9 on Morsky Lane in Sochi. The doctor ordered us to take tests. The child is attached to this institution, but here I can only use paid services. Tests can be taken free of charge only in another medical institution, which is located on the other side of the city, with the only free laboratory in the entire city of Sochi. Is it necessary to write about the increase in population today? This is a problem for all residents of Sochi who have children. We kindly ask you to look into the situation.

Good afternoon. To begin with, I moved to live in Sochi for permanent residence a long time ago. In 2016, she took her daughter, a girl of 12 years old, also for permanent residence in this city. She studies at Lyceum 2. She did not use the services of doctors from this city, as there was no need. The child, thank God, was not sick and felt good. 02/21/17, I went to the hospital in our area, city hospital 9, at the address per. Marine 10. The child developed a dry cough. At first I thought it was an allergic cough, because there are many exotic plants in the city. Arriving at the polyclinic, in the morning, I turned to the reception, asking what kind of doctor does it in our area and how can I join the polyclinic in general. Having received in response that you came at all, and that today is a healthy child's day, and why you did not call. I answered that I called, for an hour and without getting through, I went to the hospital. And accordingly, I did not know that today is the day of a healthy child. It turned out that our doctor was on vacation, we were sent to the so-called BOX, room 103. And they said they would take us there. After waiting min. 40, I asked my daughter to go to the reception and find out when the doctor would come. She was told there that the doctor would be called. Continuing to humbly wait for the doctor, another hour passed. The time was 11:34. I decided to come up and ask the receptionist myself, how long to wait?! In response: your doctor is not available at all, but the doctor will come to BOKS for an appointment somewhere around 12:00, and that may be. Anyway, come back tomorrow. And then I decided to go directly to the head of the doctor, the so-called, namely Melnikov Roman Borisovich, head of the preventive pediatric department 1. With such a facial expression, sorry, no one has ever met me. Complete indifference, without even looking up, he humbly sat and poked around in his computer. After explaining his claim to him, he went out somewhere and when he came back he answered that they would accept us now. And although he was not obliged to do this, but as an exception, he ascended in a dream with his mercy. I asked him why they made us wait so long, I received in response, with a shout, in a very elevated tone, that I myself would deal with my employees and that it was none of your business. Asking him why he was talking to me in such a tone, he replied that goodbye, I hope that I will never see you again. This is generally how to understand. I answered him that I would write a complaint, and in response I received rudeness again, and he said Yes, WRITE YOU wherever you want. WRITE YOU. Not even YOU! Leaving the office, I went to office number 206. Where I was received by a very pleasant woman doctor. After explaining the whole problem to her, two hours later, or even more, my child was examined and prescribed treatment. But it was not there! Then, out of nowhere, Melnikov R.B. flew into the office. with the words, to the doctor who conducted the examination, then give me the data of this child, her MOTHER behaves inappropriately and that he will write a report on me. All this happened in the presence of my daughter. Then I could not stand it anymore and tears involuntarily flowed from my resentment. Leaving the office, I saw how the doctor who examined us handed over our data to Melnikov in the corridor, as he had been waiting all this time for us to leave and with a defiant look proceeded to his office. From this Wednesday we need to go to an appointment for help, as the child is being treated at home. And it’s not pleasant to go, because it’s not known what attacks await us again! I ask you to look into the incident that happened and punish R. B. Melnikov, because it is not known who else he will be rude to, and who this, in my opinion, mentally unbalanced "doctor" will yell at. Please respond to this complaint. Thank you in advance.

Hello. I am a resident of the city of Sochi. 01/22/17 my 9-year-old son had a temperature of 40 and I called an ambulance. The paramedic who arrived after examining the child made a preliminary diagnosis - a rotavirus infection, but since it was a day off and the pediatrician was not on duty, he recommended that he contact the children's clinic the next day. 01/23/17 at 8-30, having phoned the registry of the children's polyclinic, he called the doctor to the house. The child's temperature was high. The doctor of the children's polyclinic of the City Hospital No. 9 on Morsky Lane 10, Sochi, called Alexander Gennadievich Polyakov, and without examining the patient, I want to remind you again by phone, as he claimed from the words of the ambulance paramedic, he diagnosed that the child had an infectious disease and discharged medicines. I am a person without a medical education and I understand that without a personal examination it is simply not mentally possible to make an accurate diagnosis, and further health and maybe the fate of a person depends on this. Only after contacting the health hotline, another doctor came to us and, after examining us, prescribed the necessary medicines. Is it really necessary to call the hotlines or higher management to get the necessary medical care.

MBUZ Sochi GB 9 Lech/professional pediatrician department 2

Good afternoon, we arrived from Krasnodar on the spot, we were given a referral by age to examine a child at 3 years old December 13, 2016, we don’t have the opportunity to make an appointment with any of the specialists, if you get through it is one problem for 4 hours I dialed the phone with what I encounter for the first time, in Krasnodar but I got through without any problems, all at once competent specialists in their field gave information where I would probably have to attach myself back and travel from Sochi, a shame. I am a nurse myself. The operator replied that the appointment is on Mondays, that everything is already scheduled on the 17th, call next Monday, I no longer want to call to go. the conclusion of specialists, but alas, sign up! So apparently you have to go to undergo procedures in a hydropathic clinic in Krasnodar. Only then it’s no longer necessary, the child grows and it happens late with dysplasia, you will need an operation, but I didn’t want to bring it to this and I’ll ask for a quota later as well in management, it’s bitter for me, I am writing to you with tears in my eyes. The child is problematic, and I want to help him be as healthy as possible, and this is possible if desired, I tell you as an employee of public medicine.

I express my gratitude to the staff of the children's polyclinic N5.

Thank you in advance, if at least someone is better served, I mustered up the courage and write to you

Please take action!

I applied with a referral to a day hospital from a local doctor to the Children's Polyclinic at the City Hospital No. 9, located at ul. Tchaikovsky, 6, Sochi. According to the referral, my children need to undergo a series of procedures determined by the orthopedist, including massage. The employees of the polyclinic refuse to put my children on the waiting list for this procedure, they extort money from me, arguing that massage in their institution is carried out exclusively on a paid basis. Although at the same time they keep a journal in which there is a waiting list for a free procedure. They hide this magazine from prying eyes and it is located at the reception desk. This fact is known to me for certain, since a month ago, with a scandal in this institution and with a threat to report their illegal actions to regulatory authorities, I insisted on adding my niece to the list of this magazine to receive a free massage. But even after writing my niece in the journal, the registrar refused to tell me the queue number and stubbornly did not let me see the entry in this secret journal. I had to contact the head of this institution.

I believe that the employees of this organization commit fraud and illegally receive money, while entering in this journal those who have undergone treatment on a paid basis, they put the money in their pockets.

I ask you to pay your attention to the rudeness of the staff in the ECG room 410 of the Children's Clinic at 10 Morskoy Lane, Sochi. My son is constantly monitored by a cardiologist and before seeing a doctor, we must undergo an ECG with and without stress. The woman who conducts the ECG behaves boorishly and defiantly. Not only does it annoy me, but also the child. In this case, the ECG should be done to the child at rest, which after such treatment cannot be. I think that such people should not work with children and in medicine.

Good afternoon. Were on a planned hospitalization for surgery. It was necessary to pass tests. The child is 7 years old. The pediatrician wrote out paid blood tests for hepatitis "B" "C" HIV and gave directly a leaflet with the addresses of the ELISA laboratory. Are the actions of the pediatrician legal? I called the hotline for the medical policy, they explained that the tests are free when the child is hospitalized, advised me to contact the head of this clinic. I called the manager, she said that they rent for a fee. When I was in the hospital, I asked parents from other settlements (Adler, Lazarevskoye) they were given the same tests for free. Please explain why in Sochi they also send for a fee with an indication of the laboratory? How can I get my money back? contract and checks are available. Pediatrician Lavrova Children's polyclinic of the city hospital No. 9 branch No. 3 on the street. Abrikosova 21 a. Thank you in advance.

Complaint about the inaction of the employees of the children's polyclinic of the Municipal Budgetary Healthcare Institution of Sochi "City Hospital No. 9".

My son is registered at the place of registration: Sochi, st. Labor, 4, apt. 63, in the children's polyclinic No. 1 md. Makarenko.

06/28/2015 (Sunday) I found that my child has a temperature of 38.7, having brought down the temperature with the Nurofen drug, waiting for the long-awaited Monday 06/29/2015, together with the child I went to the attending pediatrician, we were accepted without a queue, after examining the doctor diagnosed ARVI, against the background of " teething." The child was prescribed treatment: anaferon for children, tonsilgon N, nazol baby, plenty of fluids, etc. Having purchased everything I needed at the pharmacy, I went to the address: Sochi, st. Strawberry, 1e, apt. 30, due to the repair work and the lack of necessary conditions for living at the address: Sochi, st. Labor, 4, apt. 63.

02.07.2015 I found a rash in my child that was spreading rapidly. Realizing that taking the child to the clinic could be dangerous not only for mine, but also for the surrounding children, I called the reception, where they explained to me that the doctor was visiting the child at the address: st. Strawberry, 1e, could not leave and was offered the registration number of the clinic to which the street belongs. From the seventh time at 10.43, I got through to the number, Olga, this is how the employee introduced herself, I explained the situation, indicating that we had all been vaccinated “up to a year”, we had not had any allergies before, and of course the child just needs an examination by a specialist, and I need understanding, what to do next. Having written down the data of the child, my coordinates, they answered me: “Wait!”. After waiting all day, realizing that at eight in the evening waiting for the doctor is already in vain. And ahead of the night and it is not clear how it will pass and what to do, I called an ambulance, whose employees arrived within 10 minutes. After examining the child, we were diagnosed with chicken pox "chicken pox", explaining what treatment and care is needed.

Until now, the doctor supervising the street. Strawberry, never contacted me.

Based on the above, please:

1. Find out the reason for the complete disregard of my call by the staff of the children's polyclinic of the MBUZ in Sochi "City Hospital No. 9".

2. Assess their professional behavior with patients (taking into account the age - 11 months)

P.S. If necessary, I can provide a printout from my phone number.

Sincerely, Panshina L.V. 07/08/2015

My child is 5 months old, the child was born prematurely, which requires special attention to him. We are observed in the children's clinic 9, per. Morskoy, 10 at the doctor Aleksanyan S.Zh, the doctor does not pay due attention to the child, the nurse constantly watches and advises the child, the doctor only comes to listen to the child with the device and that’s it, none of them will ever look at the child’s reflexes, and in general this doctor sometimes forgets dada to approach the child at the reception, he says, I’ll leave you, the nurse will look at you, for the first months I thought that the nurse is our doctor. The doctor does not measure the circumference of the head and torso, as other mothers told me, that this must be done at the reception. In general, a disgusting observation is only for them to give a tick and that's it! A child, though premature, requires special attention, I think. Please be understanding and take necessary action. There is no place for such doctors in a children's clinic.

On 05/07/2015, she called a doctor to the house, as the child had a temperature of 38.5 for the third day. The child is not yet 2 years old. The doctor didn't come. At 17.00 I called back to the reception, where they gave me the doctor's phone number. I called back the so-called “doctor” Khatiashvili O.E., who answered me: “Yes, I probably forgot about you. or not found. Well, call an ambulance, that's all. I'm just shocked! What do you mean forgot. And if they couldn’t find the address (I live in the city center), then when I called the doctor, I left my phone number.

And this situation in this clinic is the norm. In March, the eldest son has a temperature under 40! I call the local doctor - Chebotareva G.V. Didn't come. I call with a question, she also snaps: “We are not a private clinic for you, we either don’t have gasoline, or we don’t have cars. Bring him here, I'll take a look at him in boxing." No questions. But why not call back, explain that there is no way to come. I would have come for her myself or paid for a taxi, or something else. For 6 years of service in this polyclinic, I called the doctor at home 7 times. The doctor came only once.

The head doctor is generally aware of what is happening outrageous. Doctors. Baby. If they want - they go to challenges, if they don't want - they don't go. What a disrespectful attitude!

Polyclinic of unafraid "doctors"! What if there is a complication? They are not afraid of anything. I would like the Territory to somehow react and put things in order.

Lack of any control over newborns!

On January 2, at 36 weeks, I had a baby and after being discharged from the hospital, the doctor NEVER came to us! The patronage nurse came 1 time on January 12, prescribed medicine for jaundice (and bilirubin was about 290!) And that's all, we never saw her again. The child is more than a month old and there is no control over his condition. We don't even know our doctor's name. All you have to do is visit doctors for a fee, this is the whole medicine in Sochi.

Having repeatedly made an appointment at the children's polyclinic of the City Hospital No. 9 - through the registry, you have to sit in line and visit a doctor at a time that does not correspond to the appointment. Sometimes you have to wait more than an hour.

The second month I can not make an appointment with the child's gastroenterologist. This specialist takes in the clinic 1.5 hours a day three times a week. Today we were informed at the reception that the registration for DECEMBER IS ENDED. Question: how long will this disgrace continue? I have a referral from a pediatrician and all the test results are on hand, but for the second month I can’t get an appointment with a specialist.

I am a mother of three children, until recently my children were assigned to the children's clinic "Children's Clinic, Department No. 2, City, MBUZ" (Krasnodar Territory, Sochi, Pasechny per., 12), but at our recent appointment (05.06. 2014) we learned that the doctor who sees my three children, Smirnova Larisa Vladimirovna is on vacation, in her place, another doctor replacing her, whose name I don’t remember, tells me that no one will see me here, because . we live in a different area and have to go to another clinic, i.e. Children's clinic No. 1 in Sochi, microdistrict. Makarenko, st. Apricot, 21A. I did not argue with them and asked to transfer my documents to the children's clinic on Makarenko Street, but here, too, a Surprise was waiting for me.

This afternoon, 06/11/2014, a nurse from Children's Polyclinic No. 1 called me and said that doctor Zheludeva refuses to see us.

And I, in turn, refuse to be observed by the doctor to whom they decide to refer me there for me, so I ask you to return the outpatient cards of my children to my hands.

The Children's Polyclinic of the City Hospital No. 9 is located in the city of Sochi, at the address: Sea lane, building 10.

The clinic is a five-story building with all the necessary diagnostic services for children (ultrasound, laboratory, functional diagnostics room, medical examination).

In a children's institution, specialists in pediatrics, dermatology, urology, gynecology, ophthalmology, otolaryngology, and other narrow areas receive admission.

Outpatient surgical interventions are carried out in the children's polyclinic, as well as an exercise therapy room, vaccinations, therapeutic massage and physiotherapy.
