Wash off the smell. Unpleasant smell in the apartment: causes and simple ways to deal with it

Smells are all around us. They are at work, on the street, in the home. But it is one thing to inhale the tart aroma of your favorite perfume or delicious pastries, and quite another strong smell of a garbage can or urine. The smell in the room, namely in a wooden private house or apartment, can cause discomfort to any person. In this article we will tell you what are the causes of the appearance of an extraneous odor, how to remove it from the room mechanically, how to remove the smell of urine, how they help in this matter. folk methods and regular housekeeping.

Why is there a nasty smell in the air, even if you do wet cleaning and airing every day? Because a terrible smell in the apartment can appear not only from a strongly smelling object, but also from an ordinary thing that you would not even think about. There can be many reasons for this phenomenon.

One of the first can be called a rag for mopping the floor. Over time, mold can appear on it, which is formed due to residual moisture. Such a substance inevitably begins to stink, and it is best to simply throw the rag away. The culprits of unpleasant amber can be a trash can and an ashtray. Even when they are empty, it is best to periodically rinse the insides with vinegar. But also at risk are ventilation shafts and sewer pipes. If you suddenly hear a stench from there, you need to urgently get rid of it. You should not do it yourself, invite specialists from the relevant service to inspect the systems.

Other things that can ruin the smell of your home are sponge stink, tobacco stink, residual odors from frying fish, onions or garlic, pet toilet odors, musty clothes closet odors, paint job odors. . Most often, unpleasant odors can appear in the kitchen, bathroom, toilet, linen closet, come from animals, hide in small things. You can eliminate the smell with a certain tool.

Video "Fighting the smell of urine"

From the video you will learn how to effectively remove the smell of urine from the house.

How to remove the smell mechanically

Remove any stink really mechanical, chemical or folk way. Many housewives prefer to achieve fresh air by mechanical means. Sometimes simple ventilation helps, especially on a frosty winter day. On warm days, it is really possible to destroy the unbearable fragrance by opening all the windows wide open. When this method is ineffective, you need to think about how to eliminate the unpleasant smell in the apartment in other ways. Do not forget about regular wet cleaning. Temporarily, for example, before guests decide to come to you, it is permissible to use a modern neutralizer. He can’t bring out aromas for a long time, but he can freshen the air in his home for a couple of hours. It is better not to use such a remedy when an asthmatic or allergic person lives with you. Air fresheners do not address the root cause of the smell. Therefore, the bacteria that are its source remain in the air, renewing the violation of the harmony of freshness and harming human health.

Natural people come to the rescue essential oils. For example, when vacuuming, it is advised to moisten a cotton swab with mint, lemon balm or lavender oils and draw it in with the unit. Refresh your home without letting it fill with the smells of a neighboring apartment, really, by adding fir, spruce, tea tree, citronella, lemongrass oil to a spray bottle with water. Sanitation of the territory is carried out with the addition of products with the smells of fir, eucalyptus, spruce, nayoli and others to the sprayer. This procedure is especially useful if there is a sick person in the home. The dosage is 500 ml of water, 2 tablespoons of alcohol, 5 - 7 drops of oil for 10 - 15 square meters of area. Means with smells of spruce, fir and others are recommended to be used for aroma lamps. An electric diffuser will work too. The smell of a Christmas tree, that is, spruce, cedar, fir, lemon, thyme, bergamot, will refresh the hallway. For the living room, amber of mandarin, ylang-ylang, grapefruit is often used. Bay, ginger, anise, cloves, fennel are indispensable for the dining room. For the bedroom, choose patchouli, sandalwood, bergamot, frankincense, and more. In the nursery, lemon, bergamot, tangerine are used. Lemon, peppermint, rosemary will help neutralize the smell in the kitchen. It is up to you to choose the aromas of spruce, fir or herbs, flowers.

How to remove the smell of urine

We will not consider the situation when the neighbor's cat or dog went to the toilet on your rug located under the door. Since it will be more relevant to tell you how to remove the smell of urine not from the neighbors' pet, but from your own, who accidentally managed to make a puddle on the carpet or sofa.

You should blot the stain, but do not rub it. If you can not find the place of emergency, you can use a lamp with a black light. In the dark, it will allow you to see the place where there is a problem. This area will be colored yellow. When there are no traces left on the surface of the napkin, it is advised to use one of the methods. You can really kill a fresh smell if you mix vinegar with water in a 1: 2 ratio, combine soda with hydrogen peroxide and any dishwashing detergent, use a store-bought solution (for example, Zoosan or Odorgon, wet a rag with a solution of potassium permanganate and process surfaces.How to effectively remove the smell of urine by other means?Faithful helpers for any housewife will also be citric acid, laundry soap, iodine solution (10 drops per 1 liter of water).

Sick old people and children have the same problem - weak bladder. Sometimes you need to destroy the flavors of human urine. To do this, prepare a solution of citric acid with water and vinegar at the rate of 5 to 1.

It is permissible to treat a sofa with dark upholstery by adding 14 - 18 drops of iodine to 1 liter of warm water. A detergent with water will also help, which should be lathered on the problem area, then dry it using gauze and an iron. Potassium permanganate has excellent oxidizing and deodorizing qualities.

But how to get rid of an unpleasant smell in the apartment, when the smell of urine in the house is old? In this case, it is realistic to eliminate the bad smell by soaping the place of emergency. laundry soap. After 20 minutes, you need to wash it off with a solution of vinegar (1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water). A good absorber of unpleasant amber and chlorine solution. Cleaning with it is not suitable for furniture with colored upholstery, for rooms where small children and pets live. Many prefer to use store-bought chemicals. In a difficult case, you can call a cleaning company specialist who can quickly remove the aromas floating in the air.

Folk methods

In the piggy bank of folk wisdom there is a large number of ways to help eliminate any odors in a residential area. People tried to kill the stink using coffee, salt, manganese, activated charcoal, herbs, oil concentrates, candles, and regular cleaning. Consider the most popular ways to get rid of the smell with your own hands.


This product is available in every home and perfectly absorbs dampness. It will allow you to get rid of persistent amber in the bathroom. You should pour a little salt into a container and place it in problem areas. How to remove an unpleasant smell in an apartment where renovation was made not so long ago? It is advised to dissolve a small amount of salt in water, put it in several places. You can treat painted areas or floors. Salt should be used in the process of washing floors in the kitchen. It will be great at removing germs.


An invigorating drink that they prefer to make and consume in the morning can help eliminate the odors that the refrigerator exudes. Just put a couple of spoons of coffee in different places inside, wait for the night. Coffee residues are recommended to be drained into sewers, and then rinsed big amount water. If neighbors, friends or relatives are going to visit you, impress them with a new amber, complementing the smell of your home with the freshness of coffee beans roasted in a clean frying pan.


How to remove the smell, using herbs that have been proven over the years? Many people place hop branches in a container before washing the floor. After connecting with warm water, your floor will become clean and the air will be filled with freshness. Getting rid of unpleasant odors will be given by various herbs laid out in cloth bags, such as lavender, which at the same time protects things from moths. In the bathroom, it is advised to put a branch of your favorite dried herb. An excellent alternative to herbs will be oil concentrates, which are used in aroma lamps, as well as applied to heating radiators, a rug at the entrance, furniture upholstery, towels.

While we cook and pleasant aromas fill the kitchen, we enjoy smelling garlic or fried onions. But for some reason we ourselves do not want to smell like that. And many housewives literally suffer if their hands smell of onions, fish or garlic after cooking.

Fortunately, there are many ways to get rid of the smell faster with the help of improvised means, and here are some of them.

It works especially well if the hands smell like fish. Lemon acid converts amines, which are the source of the fishy smell, into ammonium salts, and they do not irritate our receptors in any way.
Try salting your hands with water lemon juice or simply rub your fingers and palms with half a lemon.

If you have a stainless steel pot or pan, rub your hands on it, or just wash a few cutlery with your hands, and you will get rid of the unpleasant odor. We also sell steel soap - an odor neutralizer. True, there is no scientific evidence of the effectiveness of such soap, but many housewives claim that it really works.
This method is one of the best, especially if you like coffee flavor. Rub a few grains or ground coffee on your hands, then wash your hands with soap and water.
Just don’t do this if you don’t like the smell of coffee, otherwise, getting rid of one annoying smell, you will just smell another one.

There are countless ways to use baking soda in everyday life. And here is another one of them. Pour a teaspoon of baking soda into your palms and rub your hands with it, and then just wash them.

It turns out that paste can also be used to neutralize odors. Wash her hands and then rinse them again with soap. Does minty smell bother anyone?

Didn't like any of the above? Then just put your hands under cold water.

You know that if you chew a sprig of parsley, you can get rid of garlic breath. The same can be done with hands. Knead the twig, rub your hands with it, and then rinse them under water.

If there are no cuts and cracks on the skin, you can safely wipe your hands with coarse salt, and then wash them under water a couple of times.

Of course, the most reliable way to get rid of the smell is to prevent it from penetrating the skin. You can just work in culinary gloves, and nothing will happen to your hands.

No gloves? Then lubricate your hands with olive or any other vegetable oil before cutting the onion or garlic. The oil will create a protective barrier on the skin and protect them from odor, just don't pour too much or your hands will become slippery.

You will need

  • - hangers for clothes,
  • - powder,
  • - fabric softener,
  • - soda,
  • - 9% table vinegar,
  • - soap,
  • - onion,
  • - bleach,
  • - matches and a candle,
  • - newspaper.


Wash clothes with powder and fabric softener by hand or in a machine on an intensive wash at the highest temperature allowed. If desired, add ¼ cup of table vinegar per rinse cycle. Then rinse again with conditioner to remove any remaining vinegar.

If the clothes are light, add during washing chlorine bleach. If the fabric is colored, an oxygen stain remover for colored laundry will help you. Essential oils are well washed off with these products, leaving no traces or fragrance. Rinse thoroughly to remove residue detergents from them.

If the smell of perfume does not leave the room for a long time, ventilate the room, burn a few matches or light a candle for a short time - the fire “kills” any. Peel and cut the onion into slices and place it in a bowl half filled with water. Place the bowl in the center of the room where the scent of perfume has lingered for a long time, and close the door. Leave the onion to "work" for at least 2 hours - to absorb unpleasant ones from the air.

If the aroma has been absorbed into the upholstery of the furniture, sprinkle the “smelly” place with soda and rub it with a brush, leave the soda to absorb the aromas from the fabric for at least an hour. Then just vacuum the sofa or chair.

If the scent of your perfume has begun to irritate you, rub the parts of your body where you have applied perfume with a mixture of baking soda and water, or simply wash your skin with soap and water.

Helpful advice

You can wrap scented clothes in newspaper if you can't this moment send the item to the laundry. The newspaper partially absorbs odors from the fabric.

A person knows that perfume should not be applied to clothes, but to the body. But sometimes, in a hurry or thoughtfulness, he can forget about it or accidentally spill the contents of the bottle on himself. As a result, clothes will literally exude, albeit a pleasant, but too strong aroma. You have to get rid of it, but how? It would seem that the easiest way is to ventilate. But some essential oils and synthetic fragrances used in perfumes are very persistent. Therefore, one airing is not enough here, more effective measures are needed.

You will need

  • - water;
  • - table vinegar;
  • - natural coffe;
  • - an odor remover.


Suppose the smell is absorbed into a blouse or blouse. Soak it for several hours in a solution of washing powder, then rinse. If the fragrance is still noticeable, carefully lather the places where the perfume was applied with ordinary soap, rub and rinse. This procedure must be repeated several times. Most likely, if the smell does not disappear completely, it will become rather weak, tolerable.

You can also use this method. Take a napkin or tightly folded cotton swab, lightly moisten it with table vinegar (6-9%). Without pressing, wipe the damaged areas with a napkin or swab. Then take the clothes out to fresh air. In a relatively short time, both the smell of perfume and the smell of vinegar should disappear.

If the smell of perfume has been absorbed into dark-colored clothes (black, dark brown, etc.), you can get rid of it with ground natural coffee. The fact is that coffee absorbs all extraneous aromas very well, which is why it is recommended to store it in a tightly sealed container. Grind a small handful of coffee beans in a manual or automatic coffee grinder, sprinkle with a thin layer of powder those places where perfume has fallen. Carefully roll up, being careful not to shake off the powder, pack in plastic bag. You can take it to the balcony. The next day, take out the treated clothes, shake a few times to remove the coffee powder. After that, leave it in the air until all foreign odors are completely weathered.

We all want our home to always smell good. But, unfortunately, there are situations when an unpleasant smell still visits our house. No panic. First of all, it is necessary to determine the source of the smell.

How to remove the smell of burnt food

To eliminate fresh, burnt odors, open windows to ventilate and hold a peel of some citrus fruit over a gas stove. To eliminate stubborn odors in the kitchen, wipe all surfaces with a sponge and degreaser solution to remove settled smoke particles and grease. You should also wipe the lamps, wash the curtains and towels.

How to remove fish smell

To get rid of the smell in the room after cooking fish, place an open bowl of vinegar in the kitchen and leave it overnight. If you need to get rid of the smell quickly, then place a bowl of vinegar in a saucepan with hot water, put the pan on a small fire and leave for 1 hour.

To remove the smell of fish from a cutting board, a mixture of the juice of half a lemon and water will help. Wipe the board and knives with this mixture and the smell will disappear. After cooking the fish, wipe the pan with heated salt and rinse. An even simpler way is to wash all the dishes with warm water with the addition of vinegar (for 1 liter of water - 1 tablespoon of vinegar).

How to remove odor from refrigerator

A musty smell from a refrigerator that does not require defrosting can be removed by pouring about 100 g of crushed activated carbon into a tray and placing it in any compartment of the refrigerator. After 8 hours, fresh charcoal should be poured in or a tray with existing charcoal should be placed in the oven (at 180 o) for 20 minutes to reactivate it. Do this until the smell disappears.

If your refrigerator requires periodic defrosting, then this is the time to do it. Then wash it thoroughly, cut black bread into thin slices, put it in the refrigerator on different shelves, close the refrigerator and do not open it for several hours.

To prevent odors from the refrigerator, it is recommended to keep an open box of soda on one of the shelves. Soda perfectly absorbs odors, and you need to change such boxes only a few times a year.

How to remove smell from a closet

You can get rid of it by wiping the inside of the cabinet with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

How to remove tobacco smell

Arrange in a room that smells of tobacco, small containers of water or lay out wet terry towels.

How to remove the smell of paint after repair

Place a bowl of salt water in the room where the staining was done and leave for 2-3 days.

How to remove cat smell

Many owners of furry friends face this problem. Getting rid of this smell is not so easy. If your cat has made a puddle on the linoleum, then take an old rag, soak it in a vinegar solution (1 part vinegar to 3 parts water) and wipe the area. Ventilate the room and repeat the procedure if the smell remains.

It is even more difficult to remove the smell from carpet or furniture. In principle, you can also wipe the desired places with a vinegar solution (1 part vinegar to 1 part water), then sprinkle with baking soda and rub thoroughly with a brush dipped in carpet cleaner. When the stain dries, the remaining soda can be removed with a vacuum cleaner. It is unlikely that the smell will disappear after one such procedure, you will have to sprinkle with soda again and rub with a brush several times.

If your four-legged friend wrote on your clothes, then when washing, add to your washing powder 1/4 cup apple cider vinegar.

To remove persistent odors, you should give preference to some professional tool, such as Urine Off.

How to remove odor from shoes

If your favorite shoes exude an unpleasant smell, then put one tablet of activated charcoal in them at night. And so that such a nuisance does not happen again, make it a rule to periodically disinfect your shoes. To do this, moisten a cloth in formalin, wipe the shoes from the inside, place the shoes in a bag, close it and leave it for a day. After a day, the shoes should be aired.

How to remove smell from new shoes

If your new dark skin, then put coffee beans in the shoes and leave for a day. Coffee can leave marks, so for shoes made of fair skin this advice does not apply. In this case, it is better to use a special flavor, which can be purchased at a shoe store.

How to remove bad smell from clothes

Bad smell from linen can appear in two cases: if fresh linen is stored next to old things or if linen is simply stored in the closet for a long time. In both cases, to remove the smell, rinse the laundry in water with the addition of vinegar. And in order not to face this problem anymore, it is necessary to place boxes of soda in the corners of the cabinet, it perfectly absorbs odors. You can also use orange or lemon peels.

Means for neutralizing unpleasant odors are used for a variety of purposes - in order to neutralize the unpleasant smell of furniture, clothes, shoes, get rid of the smell of smoke in the room. As a rule, such products work in two main ways: the simplest is to replace the unpleasant odor with a smell that is more intense and sharp, and the second is to actually neutralize the unpleasant odor. For example, air fresheners belong to the first category. Allows you to "mask" the unpleasant odor and some natural products (for example, essential oils) and synthetic fragrances.

Odor neutralizers are chemicals that attack volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that cause odors. Typically, such substances are designed to neutralize certain types of unpleasant odors, such as cigarette smoke or the smell of an animal in a room, and are not suitable for general use. Baking soda is one of the well-known odor neutralizers.

Sometimes it is difficult to completely get rid of an unpleasant odor, and the neutralizer can only muffle it. Often, a flavoring agent is added to the composition of the neutralizer, due to which the drug not only neutralizes the unpleasant odor, but also “masks” it with a new, more pleasant one. As a rule, such drugs are available in the form of sprays, which can be used to treat the source of an unpleasant odor or spray into the air.

How to get rid of bad shoe odor?

Unpleasant shoe odor is caused by moisture; to neutralize it, various sprays, special insoles and special powder are produced for legs.

The unpleasant smell of shoes causes embarrassment and anxiety. Statistics show that about 18% of people aged 18 to 64 suffer from an unpleasant smell, and 72% are sure that others will notice the smell, and another 54% feel embarrassed because of it.

Sweaty feet in socks and shoes are the perfect breeding ground for bacteria to grow; with the growth and reproduction of bacteria, waste products accumulate and as a result, that very unpleasant odor appears.

One of the ways to deal with the unpleasant smell of shoes is special latex insoles containing activated carbon. sweat-absorbing and neutralizing odors. In addition, these insoles provide additional comfort to the feet when walking.

There are a few precautions you can take to help prevent bad shoe odor:

  • At least once a day, the feet should be washed with warm water and soap, wiping thoroughly afterwards.
  • Dry shoes and insoles thoroughly before putting them on. To speed up the drying process of shoes, the insoles must be heeded. In addition, it is recommended not to wear the same pair of shoes for more than two days in a row.
  • It is best to wear shoes from natural materials(e.g. skin) that allow the skin to breathe and ensure normal air circulation.
  • Socks should be chosen from thin natural fabrics, not synthetic fibers, and washed regularly.

How to get rid of bad shoe odor:

  • Using regular baking soda on the inside of your shoes will help neutralize almost all bad odors.

How to get rid of unpleasant cat smell

Neutralizing cat odor is one of the most difficult tasks; an unpleasant odor can permeate carpets, the wearer's clothes and the air in living quarters for a long time.

To get rid of cat smell, carpets must be cleaned with a special odor neutralizer, such as products based on special enzymes, usually sold in veterinary clinics and pharmacies.

In addition, a cat litter box will help prevent unpleasant odors: when choosing a cat litter box, it is necessary to consider its design in order to minimize the risk of feces on the floor. Typically, cat odor neutralizers fall into one of three main categories – chemical, enzyme-based, and bacterial.

There are several ways to prevent the appearance of an unpleasant cat smell:

  • Cats hate spray; a regular spray bottle filled with water will help repel stray animals.
  • Another way to scare away stray cats is plants, the smell of which they cannot stand.
  • Spraying repellents on furniture will help protect it not only from cat smell, but also from the claws of the animal.

How to get rid of smoke smell

If the apartment has been damaged by a fire, neutralizing the pungent smell of smoke can be quite a challenge. The smoke is absorbed into the walls and stays in the air of living quarters for a long time. While some companies offer professional smoke and burnt odor removal services, these services can be quite expensive. You can also get rid of the smell of smoke after a fire in much cheaper ways.

  • It is known that plaster easily absorbs the smell of burning, as a result of which an unpleasant smell remains for a long time after the fire is extinguished. Removing a layer of plaster is a radical way to get rid of an unpleasant smell. Similarly, it is necessary to do with stretch ceilings and beams.
  • If the walls are painted with paint, the soot can be easily removed with sodium orthophosphate, a chemical that can be found in almost any store. household chemicals. Protective gloves must be worn when treating walls with a solution of sodium orthophosphate and warm water.
  • Sometimes, after a fire, the paint of the walls becomes covered with bubbles as a result of exposure to high temperature. You can solve this problem by scraping off the damaged areas with a knife and sanding the sandpaper until smooth.
  • Fresh air is the key to combating burning smell: windows should be left open whenever possible.
  • To remove the smell of smoke from furniture, you can treat it with a solution of baking soda and warm water. In a similar way, it is necessary to process bedspreads for furniture.
  • Activated carbon effectively neutralizes the smell of burning in the air.

How to get rid of urine smell

Urine odor neutralizers can be divided into three main categories - chemical, enzyme-based, and bacterial. The effectiveness of each of them depends on how fresh the smell is and what cleaning agents will be used in the cleaning process.

Urine odor neutralizer must be used before using regular carpet cleaner. Sometimes pets "mark" the territory, and urine odor neutralizers, as a rule, include special pheromones that scare away cats from the "marked" territory.

  • For the treatment of a pet-affected area, it is best to use a special stain remover or enzyme-based neutralizer, which destroys the components of organic matter that emit an unpleasant odor, thereby reducing the animal's interest in the "marked" place.
