How to tie a standard knot tie. How to tie a tie: from simple to unusual ways

For many men, it is considered a huge and insoluble problem to fasten a tie around the neck beautifully and neatly. After all, there are quite a few options for tying. can be both simple and complex.

The tie has always been one of the most expressive. This is due to the fact that it is practically the only one that brings variety to the monotonous and conservative clothes of men and gives individuality. This accessory can tell a lot about the character of its owner, habits and lifestyle.

What should be a tie

The larger the man in the shoulders, the smaller the visible part of the tie should be. The optimal width is 9-11 cm. If the owner of the tie is large, this measurement of this accessory should exceed the standard and be approximately 12-13 cm.

The color of the described item of clothing should be in harmony with the color of the suit and shirt. In this case, the shirt should be a tone lighter than the tie, and the jacket should be a tone darker.

A dark-colored accessory with a small pattern is considered everyday, while a bright one with a large pattern is considered solemn.

The knot must be tight.

The tie should go down a couple of centimeters below the belt, while covering the distance between the belt of the trousers and the bottom button of the shirt.

There must also be harmony between the width of the accessory and the collar. Nowadays, the optimal width of a tie near the neck is 8.2 cm, but options from 7 to 9 cm are acceptable.

Fashion and traditions

Designers and fashion experts advise everyone stylish man get several types of this item of clothing. First of all, it is a plain tie. It must be chosen so that it fits several suits at the same time.

The second mandatory option is a striped tie. It should be matched with a monochromatic outfit.

The third option is a bright tie. Of course, it is more suitable for young people and people of creative professions. And for respectable gentlemen, stylists recommend wearing bright ties in summer period and under light jackets.

Also, designers are advised to have a polka-dot product in the wardrobe, but the main rule when choosing it is not to overdo it with the size of the circles.

simple tie knots

1. Simple. This option is suitable for people who are just starting to tie a tie knot. It is standard and fits almost any type of product.

2. Universal. This option is the most popular way to tie a tie. This can be built from a wide dense or silk standard width, as well as from a narrow product that is now in vogue.

3. Elegant. This tie knot is slightly different from the universal one. Just one more turn is added on the right side. You can achieve the desired knot size if you experiment with accessories. different widths or change the position of the wide and narrow ends.

4. Interesting. Perfectly harmonizes with high collars. Such a knot will be just a godsend in the winter. For this, woolen or cashmere products are suitable.

These were standard and simple knots for a tie, but there are knots that are more ornate and more interesting.


It is a double knot, due to which an additional thickening is formed on the tie. This option is often used for thin or products that have lost their original appearance. The following photo clearly shows a double knot.


This option is the simplest and fits a narrow buttoned shirt collar. The highlight of this method is that it is tied from the beginning to the end inside out. This option will initially require some effort, and the speed of tying depends mainly on the material from which the tie is made.


This knot is suitable for shirts with a standard collar. It has a straight long shape and is quite easy to tie. The knot has a wedge-shaped, slightly asymmetrical appearance, and also has the property of self-dissolving. Of course, it's not as easy as tying a tie with a double knot, but for people who don't want to master several ways at once, this one is perfect.


This knot harmonizes well with divergent collars. It turns out tight, wide and voluminous, while having a triangular shape. It is quite difficult to execute the node, the main difficulty is remembering the sequence of actions. Most often, "Windsor" can be found at official events.

"Half Windsor"

This method is a simplified variation of Windsor. It has an average width relative to the original method. The Half Windsor shape is triangular, symmetrical and best suited to standard width collars. The knot looks decent, but at the same time does not require much effort to design.


The tie knot has a rather non-standard shape. It is somewhat reminiscent of weaving " fish tail". Although this knot is difficult to perform, it is worth it, as it looks very impressive! The complexity of tying the "Eldridge" knot consists of 15 steps of its implementation. The procedure is different from all the others, because the main role is played by manipulations only with the narrow end of the tie. And after the knot is completed, the short remainder should be hidden behind the shirt collar. refers more to corporate than to official options.

It can be concluded that there are different knots for tying the main male jewelry. How to tie a tie, a person chooses for himself. Of course, you should pay attention to the fabric from which this accessory is made, the color in which it is made, to the suit and shirt with which the tie is worn. You should also take into account the event that the man was going to go to. If all the points are observed, the person will not look ridiculous, rather, on the contrary, he will attract attention to himself with an elegant look.

How to tie a tie is a topical and sensitive question that often arises among modern men. Business men consider this accessory of the men's room a great way to emphasize their individuality.

A tie is an indispensable accessory and an integral part of a man's suit, whose motto is seriousness, stability, and viability.

And what is the gait of a man in a tie? There is only one answer - confident, elegant and an appropriate image is formed right on the go. According to the requirements of modern etiquette, a man should have more than one tie.

You need it when you go - for a birthday, corporate party or work. A tie should not only please you, but also correspond to the event.

Any man, in order to emphasize his own style, must be able to tie a tie in at least four ways - even if he only has one shirt in his closet.

Honore de Balzac: A man is worth the same as his tie - this is himself, he covers his essence with it, his spirit is manifested in it.

There are certain rules that must be followed to make the tie look beautiful. After all, even the most elegant dimples on your tie will not brighten up the situation if you have not learned how to tie and untie a tie.

There are many ways to tie a tie. Different knots look different on ties from different materials. You are now invited to view important points about style.

Don't let the tie curl

If you twist your tie when you tie it, you will never get a nice knot.

In this case, the node will come out useless. The defect can be corrected by slightly loosening the knot, then turning the unyielding side of the tie outward and tightening the tie again. If even after this procedure it is still wrapped, then you will have to leave everything as it is.

In the end, this is not the biggest sin against style. At work, you can safely wear a tie that is slightly wrapped inside. Your colleagues are unlikely to notice it.

The same is done if the loop of the tie, tightened around the neck, has turned over near the knot itself so that it now peeks out from under the collar. After all, the tie knot is located in the most conspicuous place - it is impossible not to pay attention to it.

If the loop next to the knot is twisted, it takes all the attention away from the knot. People will look not at the tie itself, but at the ugly inside, which appeared only half a centimeter from it.

How to untie a tie?

Many are interested in the question: How long will my ties last me? The stylist's answer is this: It also depends on how you know how to untie and store them. And it's done like this:

  1. Loosen the knot very carefully first. Then, pull the narrow end out of it and remove the tie.
  2. If the knot is self-dissolving, then the rest will happen by itself. If the knot does not unravel so easily, then you will have to slowly, step by step, untie it.
  3. Take your time, do not try to pull the tie so that it unfurls faster, otherwise it can easily wrinkle.
  4. Carefully remove the untied tie and hang it on your hand, then carefully place it on the shelf so that all the wrinkles are smoothed out. A silk tie can be hung in and then it will straighten out overnight.

5. Woolen and cashmere ties, on the other hand, can stretch when hung up, so it's best to lay them down.

How long should a tie be after tying a knot?

The wide end of the tied tie should reach the waist of the trousers. Everything seems simple, but for several reasons, you are unlikely to be able to meticulously adhere to this rule.

Firstly, the belt of trousers during the day does not always remain in the same place. Secondly, the length of the tie depends on what kind of knot you tied it with. Its length is often changed by fashion. In addition, ties of different brands vary in length.

The basic rule is: A little shorter is better than a little longer.

Common sense tells us that a tie hanging too low does not look very decent.

Now you will get acquainted with different knots, which will allow you to choose the types of knots that best suit your figure. You can already buy a tie according to your mood, not at all thinking about how long it will be if you tie it with your favorite knot.

What position should the tie be in before you start tying it?

Such questions seem petty and sometimes annoying, but you can’t do without them. So, before you tie a tie, be sure to position its ends at a certain height. When it is tied, its wide end must reach the waist of the trousers, and the narrow end must be lower than the wide one.

Before starting these “manipulations”, the narrow end of the tie should be somewhere between the belt and the chest.

The more turns you are going to make when tying the tie, and the larger the tie knot itself, the higher you need to pull the narrow end of the tie in preparation for tying it.

Unfortunately, this can only be learned through trial and error. If the tie is a little longer or shorter than necessary, you should untie the knot, preparing to try again, pull the narrow end higher or lower it a little.

What does a "self-opening" and "non-opening" tie mean?

Before moving on to practice and learn how to tie a tie, let's get acquainted with some more important definitions:

  1. Self-release tie. That's what it means. In some cases, one has only to start untying the tie, as the whole knot automatically dissolves.
  2. Unraveling tie. To untie it, you need to put your hand in and consistently perform all the manipulations that you did when tying a tie.

Men prefer the first knots. But, unfortunately, some very beautiful knots do not bloom by themselves.

The appearance of the tie knot also depends on the method of blooming. If, for example, your tie turned out to be not so beautiful, then you tied it with a non-dissolving knot.

How to tie a tie with classic knots?

Modern men are increasingly wearing suits and wearing beautiful ties from a variety of materials. Interest in different men's tie knots is awakening and growing. After all, tying a tie, a man unobtrusively emphasizes his style.

For the convenience of tying the proposed tie knots, all schemes are shown in mirror image, that is, in the figure you will see what you should see in the mirror.

We will conditionally divide the methods of tying ties into facial (the tie is thrown around the neck with the right side up) and wrong side (the tie is thrown around the neck with the wrong side up).

Node "Quadruple" (simple)

This node is called simple. It is very easy to tie and it turns out immediately. It matches any collar. A characteristic feature of the node is its asymmetry.

  • for ties of any material
  • for collars with different necklines - from narrow to wide
  • asymmetrical, rather narrow
  • for any events, including evening
  • not suitable for short men, but somewhat hides the width of the face and is not recommended for people with a narrow or elongated face
  • self-dissolving

Victoria knot (British elegance)

Before you tighten the Victoria knot, you need to wrap the wide end of the tie not once, but twice. Hence its second name "Double Knot". This knot is tightened by passing the wide end of the tie through the front loop (when tying the tie, hold it with your finger).

  • elongated tie, any material (except very dense), plain or with a discreet pattern
  • for collars with different cuts, from narrow to slightly wide
  • symmetrical, simple, reminiscent of a thickened "Quadruple"
  • for any event
  • self-dissolving

How to tie a tie with a Victoria knot - video instruction

Knot "Prince Albert" (variant of "Victoria")

This double knot is called by different names depending on which loop you put the wide end of the tie through, back or front. When you wrap the wide end around the narrow end for the first time, don't tighten the tie too much to make the last step easier.

Stylist tips:

  • for cut-out collars, narrow to slightly wide
  • the original version of the classic knot, the "ring" gives it an unusual look
  • for any event, the "ring" will certainly attract the attention of others
  • for short men, for any type of face
  • unopened

How to tie a tie with a Prince Albert knot - video instruction

Half Windsor Knot (simple Windsor)

Easy to tie and always looks good. In order for the knot to take on a triangular shape and look as symmetrical as possible, you need to carefully straighten the tie before finally tightening it.

  • not very dense material, plain or with a discreet pattern
  • for wide collars
  • almost symmetrical, simple, for office setting, also suitable for celebrations
  • well masks some physical features of a person (long neck, angular chin), not suitable for men with a rounded face
  • unopened

How to tie a tie with a Windsor knot - video instruction

Double Windsor Knot (Duke Knot)

This knot goes very well with a shirt with a wide collar. On a shirt with a regular collar, it will lift the ends of the collar.

  • for narrow ties made of light or soft materials, as well as for ties made of colorful fabrics
  • for shark fin collar
  • symmetrical, looks good in combination with artificial folds and dimples
  • well masks a long neck; harmoniously combined with an angular chin
  • self-dissolving

How to tie a double windsor tie - video

"Cross knot" (Swedish style)

In 1917, one of the trading houses in Sweden demonstrated this unusual knot, in which the motif of the cross is guessed. Initially, they were tied with ties, both ends of which were the same width. Then the knot really looked like a cross.

He is known by the name elegant knot"Christensen". In modern ties, a similar knot is complemented by a narrow strip of fabric that has the shape of a ring. Straighten the tie before finally tightening it.

  • for narrow, light ties
  • for wide collar, for turn-down collar
  • almost symmetrical, the "ring" gives the knot an unusual elongated shape
  • for official occasions and above all for festive events, this knot will decorate any stylish suit
  • well masks a wide neck
  • unopened

Video instruction - learning to tie the "Cross Knot"

Knot "Oriental" (for tall men)

The knot seems simple, but it takes practice to learn how to tie it, and besides, it will not work with any tie. And one more thing: be careful! The knot loosens easily. It must be carefully tied and checked during the day.

When tightening the knot, the number of turns is kept to a minimum, so the end of the tie is very long. This knot is not suitable for short men. But they are good at tying ties made of coarse or thick materials, since the knot still turns out to be not very large.

  • for ties with thick backings made of coarse or thick materials, for woolen ties
  • for a collar with a not very wide neckline, for a turn-down collar
  • simple, small and flat triangular knot, purl knot
  • for any events and office environment
  • for tall and obese men (in this case, ties made of thick materials or ties with thick linings should be used, otherwise the tie knot will seem disproportionately small)
  • unopened

Knot "Pratt" (classic American knot)

If you tie a thickly lined tie with this knot, then the Pratt will fill in the neckline well. It is used in the same cases as "Windsor". It is easier to tie than the Double Windsor, and even with a short tie, the knot turns out to be quite magnificent.

Be aware that when performing the final technique, the knot is somewhat warped, and therefore you need to carefully correct it so that it still looks beautiful.

“Pratt” is a purl knot, that is, they begin to tie it with a seam outward and until the very end the seam remains outside, only in the end the tie closes it.

  • for ties of any material
  • for shark fin collars, wide to narrow cut
  • slightly asymmetrical; for wide and heavy ties of large volume; for people who know how to tie a tie well, since it has to be carefully adjusted; purl knot
  • for leisure, but it is permissible to use it in a business setting
  • replaces the Windsor knot for tall and obese men
  • unopened

How to tie a tie with an American Pratt knot - video method

Nikki knot (new elegance)

"Nikki" - a simple knot that saves the material of the tie. It is characterized by rigor and elegance; even colorful ties look good in it. This knot looks most elegant on ties made of not very light and not very heavy materials.

It resembles an inverted triangle; it is desirable to give it the shape of an inverted pyramid. Then the upper part of the knot will be wide enough, and the whole knot will noticeably taper downwards. It looks incomparably more elegant than Pratt.

Stylist tips:

  • for ties made of ordinary materials, including thick ones, somewhat rough materials
  • depending on the materials chosen, it is used for collars with a wide neckline and shark fin collars with a normal neckline
  • symmetrical, simple triangular (pyramidal) knot; saves tie material; purl knot of medium size
  • for any occasion
  • for men of average height, as well as tall and obese men
  • self-dissolving

How to tie a tie in a Nikki knot - video

After reviewing the article, you learned the theory, became a bit of a stylist and the question is: How to tie a tie in classical style- clear and understandable to you. The theme of tying a tie with other knots will be continued, go to the light.

To be on top means not to allow negligence in details. A tie is one of those accessories that harmoniously completes a carefully crafted look. Knowing how to tie a tie correctly is important for everyone who strives for the perfect appearance. Understanding the principle of tying a tie in several ways will allow you to experiment with details. There are more than a hundred options for tying a tie, and each of them is worthy of attention. Consider the main schemes.

Small knot - how to tie?

To tie a tie with a small knot, it is better to use models from heavy fabrics, such as silk.

The tying algorithm is simple:

  1. The wide end of the tie is turned with the seam outward, while the ends are intertwined so that the top is tapered.
  2. Pass the wide part of the tie over the narrow one.
  3. The wide end is brought to the knot, passed through the resulting loop between the tie and collar.
  4. Bring forward the wide part.
  5. The same part is passed under the top layer, pulled out and tightened.

Windsor knot - by the footsteps of the duke

This knot was named after the Duke of Windsor. Among all the knots, it was he who most often could be seen on the duke's collar, which is understandable - the knot looks elegant and solemn, while not causing any discomfort even when worn for a long time. To tie a tie in this way, elongated models are chosen (4 cm longer than the standard options).

The tying instruction step by step is as follows:

  1. The tie is thrown around the neck with the wrong side inward so that the wide end is on the right and the narrow end is on the left. The latter is pulled to the level of the solar plexus, then they work only with the wide part.
  2. The wide end is placed on top of the narrow one, thus forming a cross.
  3. Pull the wide end to the neck, pull through the resulting collar.
  4. Wrap the collar of the tie, pull it to the left.
  5. Lay under the narrow end to the right.
  6. The wide part is again pulled up to the neck and threaded this time over the collar of the tie.
  7. The wide part is pulled to the right.
  8. They form the "full face" of the tie, shifting the wide part to the left in a horizontal position.
  9. The wide end is pulled to the neck, threaded under the collar of the tie.
  10. Pass through the loop on the front side.
  11. Pull the wide part down, tightening.

The resulting node is aligned.

How to tie a Victorian knot

It is easy to learn how to tie a Victorian knot for everyone who has already mastered the knotting of the "four". The difference between this weave is an extra turn. It is created with the help of the end of the tie, which is wrapped around the knot four times and additionally tucked in.

The knot made according to this scheme looks neat and harmonious, despite the clearly traceable asymmetry. The knot is perfect for a casual office look.

Ordinary "four": how to?

The easiest way to tie a tie is to follow the instructions for the "four". For the first time, popularity for this version of the knot came in the middle of the 19th century in England. But it was not the dandies who practiced the use of knots, but the drivers driving the four horses, rightly believing that the only way the tie would not interfere in the wind.

Weaving is formed on the narrow part of the heavy fabric tie. The knot fits almost all types of images, it is appropriate in any situation. Tie it in the following way:

  • They put on a tie in such a way that the wide part is much longer than the narrow one (no less than 30 cm).
  • The ends are twisted.
  • The wide part is led behind the narrow one.
  • Spend the wide end in front of the narrow.
  • The wide part is pulled into the loop between the tie and the collar from the bottom up.
  • Fixing the front part with a finger, preventing tightening, the wide end is pushed into the loop through the top.

At the final stage, they check how uniform the ends are, adjust and, if necessary, redo the knot.

"Oriental" - what is it and how to do it

To properly tie an Oriental tie, it is enough to go through three stages. And in order for the knot to hold, it is advisable to use dense fabrics. On a thin canvas, achieving the desired shape will not work.

Weaving is best obtained on the so-called "winter" ties, for example, from wool. Throughout the day, the tie must be constantly adjusted, otherwise it will simply untie. for the holidays and solemn events in this way it is better not to tie a tie. It looks more elegant when combined with a casual office suit.

What is a diagonal knot

To properly tie a diagonal knot, you need to have some experience in creating at least the most simple weaves. Formed from two layers, it will require some skill and manual dexterity. The advantage of the node is reliability.

During the day, it does not untie, despite some asymmetry. In addition, a spectacular view of an unusual knot, which is more suitable for light and light fabrics, can be considered a bonus.

What you need to know about weaving "Calvin"

The knot was named after the mathematician and physicist Calvin, the author of the theory of the structure of atoms from knots. The physicist himself has nothing to do with the development of the tie. You don't have to be a great mathematician to tie a knot quickly. Tie it up in just a few steps. The final weave has an oblong shape, it looks especially impressive on woolen and cotton fabrics.

It is better to wear Calvin knots not every day to the office, but for special events.

"Balthus" and "Cavendish" - features of the formation

To beautifully tie the Balthus knot, it is better to use light silk fabrics. The author of weaving was an artist from Switzerland - Balthasar Klossovsky. For the first time, the knot began to be tied in the 30s. The author himself wore it with pleasure in a somewhat unusual interpretation, swapping the ends.

Today, this tying option is not relevant, although you can experiment from time to time, but rather a man of medium or short stature to create harmony.

Visually, the Cavendish knot is nothing more than the interweaving of two quarter knots. They tie it both on holidays and on weekdays. Just like Balthus, the weave looks better and holds on light fabrics.

"Onassis" - the nuances of creation

Analyzing different kinds knots of a tie, it is worth noting "Onanssis", the author of which is an entrepreneur of Greek origin, Jackie Kennedy. It was he who came up with the idea to change the traditional version of the "quarter" by adding a new detail - a wide free end without fastening.

The knot is eccentric, suitable for bold and temperamental men, can also be used in women's fashion. Looks especially impressive on bright light fabrics with prints.

"Prince Albert" and "Pratt" - the principle of creation

For connoisseurs of beautiful and elegant weaving, the option to create a knot called "Prince Albert" is suitable. Simple step-by-step instruction will allow you to tie an unusual beautiful knot, resembling an unblown bud. To form the weave, you will need a tie that is longer than the classic models. Most of all, a tie with such a knot is suitable for men of short stature.

Weaving "Pratt" is popular in the United States. It can be seen there in almost all public figures, office workers, bankers. The knot is easy to tie, strong and comfortable. An important nuance is the seams outward, disguised at the end behind the collar of the shirt.

"Trinity" - the subtleties of tying

One of the most unusual relatively new knots is Trinity. Every year it is gaining momentum, being popular with men and women of all ages. The peculiarity of weaving is an asymmetric shape. Anyone who masters the classic way of tying it will be able to complement the image stylish detail drawing the attention of those around you.

"Christensen" - cross or square knot

It is the cross or square that is called the traditional Christensen knot. It is ideal to combine it with models of shirts with a high collar. Weaving looks equally elegant and noble on a thin and wide tie. A prerequisite is dense fabrics in the base, for example, cashmere, wool and others.

"St. Andrew" - a knot in honor of the Apostle

The knot got its name in honor of the Apostle Andrew crucified on the cross. The cross was given an oblique shape, hence the unusual crosswise shape of the weave. You can wear such knots for a tie both in the office and on festive events. Their versatility is main feature and advantage.

Tie a knot on woolen fabrics with a plain surface. Only in such cases, he looks noble and elegant, keeps, without requiring intervention every day.

Unusual option - New Classic knot

Fashionable and stylish knot called New Classic. Analyzing the methods of tying a tie, this particular one can be noted as the most suitable for models from medium-weight fabrics and the same middle length. Forming a knot without at least minimal experience will not be easy. Therefore, you can count on the result only after several training ties. The knot is in particular demand among Italian dandies.

Will answer the question of how to tie a tie with a scheme step by step description actions:

  1. Lay out the ends of the tie crosswise so that the wide one is above the narrow one with an offset to the left.
  2. The wide part is lifted up so that the seam remains invisible.
  3. Pass through the loop from top to bottom.
  4. Further, step by step in the pictures you can see how the pulling to the left occurs in front of the formed corner.
  5. Again they are pulled into the loop, but this time the opposite is true - from the bottom up.
  6. Tighten the knot.

A properly tied tie will be placed strictly in the center, look neat and harmonious.

How to tie an American knot

An interesting scheme for tying a tie called "American". They start by laying out the ends crosswise and in such a way that the narrow one is slightly to the right and above the wide one.

The next step is to pull the wide end into the neck loop downwards and tighten the formed knot (minor). Next, the wide end is passed in front of the knot to the right, pulled up into the neck loop and down into the newly formed loop. The finished knot is tightened.

The principle of forming a bow tie - features

The video instruction below will simplify the process of tying a bow tie. For the first time they began to tie it back in the 1700s, but it continues to be in demand to this day, and all because, with all the elegance and solemnity, it is not difficult to tie it.

The peak of the popularity of the black "butterfly" came in 1886, when the tuxedo appeared as a replacement for the tailcoat, in combination with which they wore an exclusively white bow tie.

Subsequently, the node suffered many more changes, but is still relevant and in demand. To tie a bow tie correctly, it is better to first familiarize yourself with the video in Russian, which clearly shows each of the steps close-up. The step-by-step instruction looks like this:

  1. A plain or printed, but always thin tie is worn around the neck in such a way that the left side is at least 4 cm longer than the right side.
  2. The ends are twisted again so that the elongated part is on top.
  3. The long end is looped between the tie and collar.
  4. Carefully form the upper layer of the bow tie by folding the short part across the ends of the collar.
  5. Fixing the top layer with a finger, lower the long part on top.
  6. Again hold the fabric, this time fixing the bottom.
  7. The long end is thrown over the top over the bow layer.
  8. The formed loop is passed into the knot behind the upper layer of the butterfly.

At the finishing stage, holding the bow by both ends, pull it in both directions, thus aligning and tightening the knot.

Free Style knot - a luxurious novelty for connoisseurs of light classics

Even in the photo you can see how fresh and original the Free Style knot looks. Weaving combined the elements of the usual simplest knot and the Winsor. It looks especially elegant on silk models, subject to the creation algorithm.

Tie a knot as follows:

  • The ends are laid out in a cross, so that the wide one is above the narrow one with an offset to the left.
  • Wrap the wide part behind the narrow one with pulling to the right.
  • Pull down into the neck loop.
  • Pass in front of the formed corner to the right.
  • They stretch it up into the neck loop, down into the formed loop.

At the final stage, the knot is tightened and the correctness of its location is checked.

In conclusion, a little about the rules for wearing a tie in principle. It is considered correct that the tie reaches the belt buckle. It is strictly forbidden to tuck the ends of a tie into trousers. The width of the tie should match the lapels of the jacket, be neither wider nor narrower. It is not recommended to combine a tie with an unbuttoned shirt. Don't overload your tie additional accessories. You can use only one of them, for example, a pin.

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1. Simple knot or node" Four-in-hand"(Fore-in-hand")
Suitable for those who are just learning how to tie a tie.

2. Universal knot or node" Half Windsor"("Half Windsor")
The most versatile and popular.
Suitable for traditional width silk ties, wide tight ties and trendy narrow ties.

3. Elegant knot (Double) or node" windsor"("Windsor")
Tie in the same way as "universal", adding one more turn from the side of the right corner of the collar.
Using ties of different widths or changing the position of the narrow and wide ends of the tie, you can achieve the required size of the knot.

4. Cross knot or node" Christensen"("christensen")
ideal for high, 4-4.5 cm, shirt collars.
It is especially good for "puffy" cashmere or wool ties from winter collections.

We call it differently - square, double, Italian. Its western name is Christensen. It took a long time to get used to this simple knot in Russia. Now the Christensen knot is more relevant than ever, because it is ideal for fashionable high (4-4.5 cm) shirt collars.
This knot is especially good for "puffy" cashmere or wool ties from winter collections. It starts like a Half Windsor and ends with a double winding at the front.

A few illustrations describing how to tie a tie, perhaps it will be clearer here.

5. Pratt Knot
The easiest way for a narrow buttoned shirt collar.
1. The wide end of the tie lies under the narrow end.
2. Bring the wide end up towards the neck of the knot.
3. Lower and bring out on the other side behind the node.
4. Pull the wide end of the tie right side out.
6. Pass through the front knot down and tighten.

6. Quarter knot
Pretty light long and straight knot for standard collars. Invented in England at the end of the 19th century.
1. The wide end of the tie lies under the narrow one, and the narrow one is noticeably shorter.
2. We skip the wide one under the narrow one to the right.
3. Then we lead the wide end of the tie with the right side to the left.
4. We skip between the shirt collar and tie and pull it up.
5. Holding the knot, we pass the wide end through the front knot.
6. We tighten the knot, smoothly moving it to the collar while pulling down the narrow end of the tie.

7. Windsor knot(cm. elegant knot)
Windsor - a more voluminous and wide triangular tight knot for widely diverging collars. It is quite difficult to perform, it is even more difficult to remember the sequence of actions. The invention of this knot is attributed to the Duke of Windsor, who abdicated the English throne in order to marry an American divorcee.
2. Pass the wide end between the collar and tie, then lower.
3. Pass the wide end under the tie to the left.
4. Pass the wide end again between the shirt collar and tie.
5. Pull the wide end of the tie right side out from left to right.
6. Pass the wide end under the knot.
8. With both hands, pull the knot up to the collar.

8. Half Winsor Knot(cm. Universal knot)
A simplified version of Windsor, a medium (in width) symmetrical triangular knot for standard collars. It looks good and does not require as much time and skill as Windsor.

1. The large end of the tie lies above the narrow one, while the narrow end is noticeably shorter.
2. Pass the wide end of the tie under the narrow end.
3. Bring the wide end up and slide it between the collar and tie.
4. Pull the wide end of the tie down.
5. Pull the wide end of the tie right side out.
6. Pass the wide end under the knot.
7. Pull through the front knot down.
8. With both hands, pull the knot up to the collar.

Another illustrated version of how to tie a tie.

9. Good to know

First, a solid color, the color that best suits all your suits. Please note that a red tie is not only beautifully refreshing, but also considered a sign of success and power. A solid color tie can emphasize the successful color matching of the suit and shirt. The only danger of a plain tie is boredom. So don't get carried away with it.

Secondly, you can not do without a tie with a repeating pattern. He can be given preference, even going to responsible negotiations. Of course, in the event that a teddy bear or a naked beauty does not act as the main component of the pattern.

A striped tie indicates serious intentions. A tie with a traditional diagonal stripe color combinations, will suit you only if you put it on under a plain suit and a shirt without a pattern.

A tie with polka dots is all the more versatile, the smaller the diameter of the peas decorating it. Polka dots, more reminiscent of a dot, are quite suitable for official events. Of course, the larger the peas, the more expressive the tie, but the greater the danger of looking somewhat clownish.

A club tie will tell the whole world about your passions, in other words - about a hobby. Tiny men swinging golf clubs or tennis rackets, small yachts rushing through the waves, or planes cutting through the clouds, will surely be able to win over people with equally worthy hobbies.

Do not forget also that a bright tie is an advantage of youth. Old man can afford such decoration in the summer with a light-colored suit somewhere in a fashionable resort.

A bow tie is essential if you have a tuxedo in your wardrobe. In the classic version, the butterfly is aged in black, but if you are confident in yourself, there is no limit to the variety of colors and patterns on it.

And finally, the most important. In the wardrobe of every man, there must certainly be a tie that most clearly reflects the individuality of its owner. This piece of fabric around the neck will truthfully inform everyone around: "Here he is, what I really am."

10. How to choose a tie

A tie in men's clothing has a special place. It is worn by government officials and businessmen, bankers and diplomats. The absence of a tie emphasizes a free lifestyle and behavior.

Generally, men's clothing for formal occasions, it leaves not so many opportunities for self-expression.

A tie in men's clothing has a special place. It is worn by government officials and businessmen, bankers and diplomats. IN Lately Increasingly, women are borrowing it from men in creating their own clothing style. The absence of a tie emphasizes the free style of life and behavior characteristic of artists, writers, actors - although they also resort on special occasions to a kind of tie - neckerchiefs. A bow tie is an indispensable attribute of the clothing of musicians, persons of some other professions.

Finally, by inviting guests “without ties”, you emphasize the informal nature of the meeting, conducive to the direct exchange of views that is characteristic of friends.

In general, menswear for formal occasions does not leave much room for self-expression. A tie is one of the few details of a man's wardrobe that allows a man to emphasize his mood, attract attention or express special feelings. A tie can tell others that its owner is at the top of his career, or that he belongs to a narrow circle of graduates of a prestigious university. An unsuccessfully chosen or carelessly tied tie clearly demonstrates the bad taste of its owner.

11. History of the tie

Ties of a modern form have existed for a little over a hundred years, but their predecessors and undoubted "relatives" - neckerchiefs have been widespread for many centuries. Images of neckerchiefs were found in China - they date back to 260-209 BC. e., neckerchiefs were worn by the ancient Romans. Louis XIV even had a special supplier of neckerchiefs.

It is believed that the modern tie appeared in England around 1860, when standing collars fell out of fashion and shirts with turn-down collar. Since then, the fashion for ties has constantly changed, their length and width, the material and manner of the knot have changed, but the principle of the tie has remained unchanged.

12. How to choose a tie

When choosing a tie, the main attention should be paid to its quality. Silk ties are highly valued self made. In most situations, you should avoid too bright ties with a catchy pattern, pictures or coats of arms and symbols that are unfamiliar to you (they can put you in an uncomfortable situation). Ties in the "American" style - in a diagonal blue-red stripe - have recently gained great popularity.

In formal wear, the rule is almost universally a dark-colored tie in combination with a light-colored shirt. A black tie to a white shirt is required when expressing grief and condolences.

Along the length, in most cases, a standard tie is tied so that it slightly overlaps the buckle of the trouser belt.

With a tie, you can wear a special clip or hairpin that fixes the ends of the tie and prevents them from getting loose.

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Tie- this is an indispensable attribute of a strict suit in the wardrobe of a business man. Wearing a tie is not only a tribute to tradition, but also a way to emphasize elegance and style. A tie can tell a lot about its owner. Every self-respecting man should be able to tie a tie. There are many ways to tie a tie. When tying a tie, you can use various knots to emphasize your own individuality and originality. A beautifully and evenly tied tie indicates that you are a neat person who cares about your image. Consider several ways to tie a tie:

How to tie a tie in pictures and diagrams

This knot is most suitable for those who are just learning how to tie a tie. It is suitable for ties of any size and material. The asymmetrical shape of this knot creates a casually elegant look.


  • Lay the tie with the wide edge over the narrow edge from right to left.
  • Next, bend it under the narrow edge to the right
  • From the top of the narrow edge, wrap it again to the left
  • Pull the wide end up through the neck and
  • Pull down through the resulting eye
  • Pull the knot to shape it

Having learned how to tie a simple knot, you can practice and learn how to tie the so-called "New knot". It is ideal for silk ties that can be worn to their full length.

  • Turn the wide end under the narrow end to the right
  • Next, on top of the narrow one, return the wide end to the left again
  • Pull up through the throat
  • Through the resulting eye, direct the wide end down without tightening. The edge of the tie on both sides should be folded up
  • Tighten the knot well, gently pressing it into shape, and then tuck it under the shirt collar.

This knot has a compact shape due to a special way of tying. It is just as easy to tie as a simple knot. Suitable for light and long ties without filler.


  • Cross the ends of the tie, placing the wide end on top of the narrow one from right to left
  • Wrap the wide end over the narrow one by pointing it to the left
  • Once again wrap the narrow end with the wide end from left to right
  • And on top of the resulting ear - from the right side to the left
  • Pull the wide end through the neck of the tie.
  • Pull through the double eyelet, pull off the knot and gently straighten it to emphasize the double knot.

"American Knot"

Also known as the "Shelby" knot in the United States. It is ideal for short-length, padded ties. This knot is similar in shape to the Windsor knot, but is tied in a slightly different way.

How to tie a tie - diagram:

  • Both ends of the tie must be crossed wrong side up, while the narrow end should look to the right and lie on the wide
  • Next, pass the wide end through the neck of the tie, pointing it down
  • Tighten the resulting plexus slightly
  • Then place the wide end over the narrow one, bending it to the right
  • Pull up through the neck and then
  • Thread into the resulting eye and tighten the finished knot


An unusually elegant knot that can be mastered after all the previous ones. It also combines the classics of "Windsor" and "Simple Knot". This knot is specially designed for lightly padded silk ties.



  • The ends of the tie are crossed so that the wide one lies on top of the narrow one.
  • Flip the wide end over the narrow end from left to right, then from the front side pull through the neck, to the left
  • The wide end of the tie is again retracted to the right
  • Passing through the neck again
  • And through the resulting eye is pulled down
  • The knot is tightened to give it the desired shape.


This is a classic tie knot. The double weave of the wide edge of the tie creates a voluminous knot of the correct form.

How to tie a tie - diagram:

  • The wide end is wrapped around the narrow end, passed through the back of the loop and pulled forward.
  • The wide end is pulled down and retracted to the right
  • In front, it is pulled through the neck of the tie and retracted to the left.
  • Throw the wide end of the tie over the resulting knot from left to right
  • Pull the wide end through the neck from the inside.
  • Pull through the resulting eyelet and tighten the knot
  • Having mastered these ways of tying a tie, you will always look unique every day.
