Countries by diamond mining. The largest diamond deposits on earth

The global diamond market is represented by mining and trading in rough diamonds. The bulk of the world's diamond production is concentrated in 9 countries, whose share of the global production in physical terms is ~99%. The world's largest producers of natural diamonds are Russia, the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and Botswana, which together provide over 60% of the world's diamond production.

Leading countries of the world diamond mining. 2016: 134.1 million carats

World diamond production 2011-2016 (thousand carats)

Source: Kimberley Process

In value terms, the market leaders account for about 96% of the world's diamond production. The leading position in terms of the cost of extracted raw materials belongs to Russia, Botswana and Canada, the total production of which is over 60% of the global one.

The world's leading diamond mining countries by value. 2016: $12,401 million

Source: Kimberley Process

World diamond production 2011-16 - million dollars

Source: Kimberley Process

Russia ranks first in the world in terms of volume and value of mined diamonds. The ALROSA Group mines 93% of the total diamond production in the Russian Federation in physical terms, and is the leader in the global diamond mining industry. In the main diamond-producing countries, mining is carried out by large mining companies, with the exception of Zimbabwe and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, where diamond deposits are being developed. small companies, as well as prospectors. The table presents the geographic characteristics of the activities of the main diamond mining companies, including the countries in which the companies carry out exploration work (GE).

Source: company reports

Global diamond mining by leading companies in 2016, million carats

* - source: company reports, Kimberley Process

Production volumes at the main diamond deposits of the world in 2016 (thousand carats)

Source: Kimberley Process, company reports; * - Ekati is developed by open pit and underground methods; ** - production, incl. quarry completion

The bulk of the world's diamond production is concentrated in large primary deposits, which provide about 60% of the world's diamond production. The rest of the production is concentrated in alluvial deposits, the main of which are in the DRC (Mbuji-Mayi) and Zimbabwe (Marange).

Diamonds mined at deposits are divided into two categories according to their quality characteristics: jewelry and technical. The first is used in production jewelry with diamonds, the second category is used for industrial purposes (production of drills, saws and abrasive powders). Gem-quality rough diamonds are sorted by size, color, quality and shape before being sold, and then sold to buyers in accordance with the marketing policy adopted by the rough diamond manufacturing company. Depending on the quality of the mined rough, the current state of the market, and the adopted marketing policy, companies use different approaches to sell diamonds: websites, tenders, auctions, one-time and long-term contracts.
The world's largest trading centers, in which the bulk of the trade in natural rough diamonds is concentrated, are: India, Belgium, the United Arab Emirates, the USA, Hong Kong and Israel. After being sold from the mines, natural rough diamonds are sent to cutting plants, where they are cut and polished into diamonds, which are then used to make jewelry.

To answer the question of how diamonds are mined, you first need to know where the deposits are located. Crystals are formed at a depth of 100-200 km and deeper at a temperature not lower than 1100 ºС. But this is still not enough - in order for carbon from graphite to become diamond, a pressure of at least 35 kilobars is necessary. Under such conditions, diamonds are formed. They are carried into the upper layers of the earth's crust by powerful magma flows during volcanic eruptions. Volcanic explosions are the cause of the formation of kimberlite pipes, deposits of a precious mineral. They are named so because for the first time such pipes were found in South Africa in the province of Kimberley. By the name of the place, the diamond-bearing rock - kimberlite - began to be called. TO XXI century thousands of pipes have been discovered around the world, but only a small part of them are suitable for industrial extraction of crystals.

Today, diamonds are mined either in kimberlite deposits or in placers. The first mining of these stones began in India long before our era, when diamond seekers discovered deposits, mines and placers were developed for centuries. Almost all of the most famous antique diamonds in the world come from there.

Diamond mining is a process that requires large financial costs and effort. To extract 1 carat of diamonds, it is necessary to process a whole ton of kimberlite rock. In placers, there are 3-5 carats per ton of rock. However, not only the extraction of crystals from the rock is a long and difficult task. Diamond deposits still need to be found, and this may take years, if not decades. Finding a kimberlite pipe or placer requires the efforts of hundreds of people, but even when the mineral deposits are found, several more years will pass before the first stone is mined. Time and money are needed to purchase equipment, build an enrichment plant, hire specialists, and also prepare the deposit itself for development.

All over the world, diamonds are mined on an industrial scale in quarries. First, they are dug with the help of drilling rigs, and then they are blown up. The rock obtained by means of the explosion is loaded onto trucks and transported to the processing plant. There, the rock is sorted out and precious crystals are extracted from it.

The possibilities of the quarry are not unlimited - sooner or later, after reaching a certain depth, diamond reserves begin to dry up. This usually occurs at a depth of about 600 meters, but there are quarries 1.5 km deep in which stones are still found.
It is more difficult to extract diamonds in mines, but only in this way can new deposits be discovered. Diamond caves exist in films and fantasy novels, in nature, stones are mined from ore.

Diamond deposits in Russia are located on the territory of Yakutia, but since there is a lot of water and permafrost, the extraction of stones is noticeably more complicated.

Perhaps a diamond is not the most expensive gemstone (for example, an emerald will cost more), but it is he who is called the king of stones, and it is to him that women are so partial. He is surrounded by mystery. Its cold brilliance is mesmerizing. Many diamonds have "their own graveyard", because for hundreds of years people have been killing each other for them. Diamond fever has repeatedly swept the world. And today, many prospectors are tormenting themselves with questions about where the deposit of these precious stones is located, and how diamonds are mined. This is what will be discussed in this review.

Expensive minerals and products from them

The most expensive diamond in the world is the Pink Star. This is a stone of impeccable purity! Its weight is 59.6 carats. In 2013, it was sold at an auction in Geneva for $74.1 million. The most expensive piece of jewelry in the world is a 150-carat diamond bikini worth $30 million.

Where does mining take place?

Where are diamonds mined? In Russia, Australia, Botswana, Congo, South Africa, Canada, Angola, etc. Mining is carried out in about 25 countries around the world. But the very first diamond to be cut was born in the middle of the 15th century in India. Hindus were the first to learn how to turn a diamond into a diamond.

Development of the first diamond deposits

The diamond was assigned magical and even divine qualities. The figurines of the ancient gods were decorated with these precious stones. Where are diamonds mined? India has been a monopoly in this field of activity for many centuries. Since ancient times, such stones as "Kokhinur", "Shah", "Orlov" have been known. It was the Indian mines that gave them to the world. However, the country's diamond deposits dried up over time.

At the beginning of the 18th century, numerous deposits of precious stones were found in Brazil. For the first time he showed the Brazilians how diamonds are mined and how they should look, again a native of India. Brazilian stones are of high quality, but they are small in size. Large ones are extremely rare. There are six of the most famous of them: "Star of the South", "Star of Egypt", "Star of Minas", "Minas Gerais", "Dresden's English Diamond" and "President Vargas". In 1867, the first diamond was found in South Africa. And the life of many South African countries has changed dramatically, most likely, it will never be the same...

The appearance of jewels in the bowels of the earth

Diamond mining in Africa is in full swing. The first South African stone weighed 10.75 carats and after cutting was named "Eureka". Deposits are of two types: primary (kimberlite) and secondary. All diamonds in the world are at least 100 million years old. Then, in the depths of the Earth, the temperature was several times higher than now, the rocks were in a liquid state. As the minerals cooled, they were subjected to enormous, monstrous pressure. During volcanic eruptions, magma carries diamonds out of the bowels of the Earth - this is how deposits called kimberlite pipes are formed. The first such deposit of diamondiferous ore was found in Kimberley. Hence the term "kimberlite pipe". By the middle of the 20th century, diamond mining in the world was advancing rapidly. The leaders were the South African countries, Brazil was in second place, and India by that time had practically fallen out of the race.

in quarries

How are diamonds mined in quarries? A mine is created by means of a drilling rig. Explosives are subsequently laid in it. Note that at the mining stage, sparing technologies should be used during explosions, since a diamond can simply be destroyed, regardless of its legendary strength. Rock fragments obtained as a result of explosions are loaded into dump trucks and taken to a specialized factory, where they are processed and diamonds are extracted directly.

As a certain depth is reached, the diamond deposit begins to be exhausted. The average depth of the quarries is about 600 meters. But sometimes this parameter reaches one and a half kilometers. In order to continue mining diamonds, workers are starting to create a mine. It should be noted that underground mining is more expensive. But this is the only way to get to those deposits of precious stones that are too deep.

There is no beauty in diamond quarries

If you think that diamond mines mean a beautiful cave, completely studded with jewels that shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow, then you are deeply mistaken. In reality, there is nothing romantic in a diamond mine. And looking at the walls, it is impossible to even think about the presence of diamond placers in them.

The design of mines in Russia takes place in unique conditions. In addition to permafrost, this process is complicated by the presence of groundwater, which can corrode the tires of dump trucks. In addition, diamond mining in Yakutia and other mines in our country is complicated by the presence of oil shows. During construction, workers immediately design ventilation and air heater installations.

The extraction of diamonds in the mines takes place in a standard situation due to the combine driving. In addition, many specialists working at the place of extraction of precious stones are trying to provide for the possibility of using blasthole breaking - the destruction of rock with explosives placed in specially drilled wells.

How are diamonds mined? Stages

There are several stages of diamond mining. They are the following:

  1. Intelligence service. May last for several years. Involves trying to find a diamond and confirming the presence of gems.
  2. infrastructure stage. There is a purchase of all the necessary equipment, the creation of residential premises, the purchase of equipment, etc. If diamond mining is carried out on the ocean floor, then special robots equipped with electronic control are used. When diamond deposits are found deep in the earth, mines are created.
  3. factory stage. It implies the creation and equipment of factories where specialists will extract diamonds from rocks.
  4. Actually mining.

Features of the technology of extracting stones from rocks

How are diamonds mined? Photos, of course, can tell a lot about people interested in this field of activity. But in order for you to fully master the information, let's look at the process of extracting jewelry from rocks.

  1. Use of fat installations. Pretty primitive method. On a table covered with a layer of fat, kimberlite enters along with water. As a result, water and rocks are carried away and diamonds stick to the surface.
  2. The use of x-ray machines. A more advanced method, since as a result of irradiation, the jewelry begins to glow.
  3. Connection of electromagnetic equipment. Through this technique, diamonds are separated from rocks.
  4. The use of suspension plants. placed in a liquid with a high density. Heavy stones sink, but the diamond remains on the surface.
  5. The use of devices with a froth skimmer. This method is used for the extraction of diamond dust.

Now you have at least some idea of ​​how diamonds are mined. The process, as you can see, is very, very difficult. But many do not even think about how much work, time and effort should be put into ensuring that sparkling pebbles get on the windows of jewelry stores, and then migrate to the necks, ears or fingers of secular beauties.

The first diamond deposits in Russia

In the middle of the 19th century, the first small placers were discovered in the Urals. Russian geologists did not stop trying to find deposits in the North. In 1954, the first diamond pipe was found in Yakutia, and over the next three years, six more pipes were discovered. How are diamonds mined in Yakutia? This was what experts thought about most often at that time. But soon the area was settled, the cities of Mirny and Udachny appeared on the map. And now, the process of mining and processing of precious stones does not raise any questions for any of the specialists. Go ahead.

Fifteen years after diamond mining began in Yakutia, a primary deposit was found in Australia, and in the 90s in northern Canada. But still the leading positions in production belong to Africa. Diamonds from Botswana, South Africa and the Congo account for over 45% of the global gemstone market.

Only decoration?

It is interesting that countries that produce diamonds use more than 80% of all jewelry not at all for sale or creation. jewelry. These stones are indispensable in industry, as they have a hardness of 10 points on the Moss scale. Diamond is considered to be the hardest stone on the planet. However, a mineral was found that is 58% harder. This is lonsdaleite.

Laboratory mining of diamonds

The question of where diamonds are mined would not be fully covered if we only mentioned mines and the ocean floor. It turns out that experts have learned how to create diamonds in the laboratory. Research on growing jewelry in the laboratory began in the 40s, and was crowned with success in 1953. The question of how to mine diamonds in the laboratory has been resolved. These are HPHT or CVD diamonds. HPHT stands for High Pressure Temperature and CVD stands for Chemical Vapor Deposition. These stones are called synthetic, which is not entirely correct, since they do not imitate a natural mineral, but are absolutely authentic. Note that about 97% of the stones used in industry are laboratory ones. By the way, a diamond is just one of the seven ways

And one moment. The concepts of “artificial diamond” and “diamond substitute” are often confused. Substitutes are inferior in strength, but also shine, although they do not play in the sun like natural or artificial gems. The most famous substitutes are moussanite and cubic zirconia. Almost everyone can afford products with similar “jewels”.

Diamonds are for married people only!

According to ancient belief, diamonds have magic power. True, the magical abilities of a diamond are revealed only if its owner has a strong, strong-willed character. No wonder it is called the stone of kings! A diamond that is handed down from generation to generation has a special power. In no case should such jewelry be sold, because you can bring trouble. The diamond brings good luck, wealth, protects from negative experiences, anger and sadness. Interestingly, it cannot be worn by unmarried women - this may interfere with meeting the chosen one. It is believed that such jewelry is intended exclusively for married ladies of elegant age. And wearing diamonds by young girls is in bad taste.

When should you wear diamonds?

According to an old belief, the recipient of a diamond is obliged to be faithful to the giver. And again there is a parallel with modernity: although " best friends girls are diamonds", some have the sweet old-fashioned opinion of what to take similar gifts decently only from very close men. It's either the groom or the husband. You need to wear a diamond when there is a feeling of happiness. The stone will “remember” this moment, prolong the feeling of the joy of life. The same thing happens with negative emotions. Diamonds bring happiness to honest and pure, like the stone itself, people. However, all these nuances have not scared anyone away. And hardly anyone will think about whether a stone suits him or not when he sees it.

We hope that after reading this article you have understood how and where diamonds are mined in Russia and in other countries of the world. This process cannot be called easy.

Gold and diamonds are natural resources that have not lost their value for many centuries. Russia is one of the leading countries in the extraction of these minerals. In 2016, according to the World Gold Council, 274.4 tons of gold were mined in our country. With such indicators, Russia is second only to China (463.7 tons) and Australia (287.3 tons). The Union of Gold Producers of Russia estimates the volume of extraction and production even higher - 297.4 tons.

The gold market in Russia is determined by global trends. Despite the increase in production, which was recorded at the level of 1.2 percent, the volume of gold exports decreased markedly. According to the Federal Customs Service, in terms of value, it fell by 40 percent and amounted to $908 million in 2016. The final figures were also influenced by the fall in the level of world and Russian export prices in the second half of 2016. Experts attribute this drop to a decline in consumer demand from India (minus 22 percent in 2016) and China (minus 7 percent). However, since January 2017, when the largest price decline was recorded, world prices began to rise again.

Despite the fact that Russia is the largest producer of gold, domestic demand for it is limited. The Bank of Russia is actively increasing its gold and foreign exchange reserves. For 10 years - from 2007 to 2017 - they almost quadrupled - from 0.45 to 1.7 thousand tons, and today Russia stores 17 percent of its reserves in gold. But consumer demand (jewelry industry, coins, bullion) in Russia is small - 37.2 tons in 2016 (minus 12 percent compared to 2015). Approximately the same level of demand is recorded, for example, in Iran (36.6 tons, minus 46 percent) or Pakistan (42.2 tons, plus 12 percent).

Russia produces only 1.6 percent of diamonds and 1 percent of jewelry with them from the total volume of the world market

Russia, along with African countries (Republic of the Congo, Botswana, Namibia, South Africa, Angola), remains the world's largest producer of rough diamonds. In 2016, natural diamond production reached 30 percent of physical and 29 percent of global value.

But our country is not among the world's largest cutting centers. The leaders here are the USA, Belgium, India and Israel. They form the main volume of supply in the diamond market, while the United States produces the most expensive jewelry diamonds, while India specializes in cutting the lowest quality rough. Russia, on the other hand, occupies a modest position, producing only 1.6 percent of polished diamonds and 1 percent of jewelry with them from the total volume of the world diamond market.

That is, against the backdrop of the world's largest diamond mining sector, cutting, jewelry and tool production is practically absent in Russia. As for consumption, most of all diamond jewelry is bought in the USA, Japan and China.

Almost 99 percent of all diamonds in Russia are mined in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), there are also small deposits in the Perm Territory and the Arkhangelsk Region. At the same time, if a large number of private companies operate on the gold market in Russia, then on the diamond market, more than 95 percent of Russian production falls on the ALROSA company.

In the current economic situation, when the income of the population in last years declined and economic growth slowed, growth prospects Russian market gold and diamonds are not obvious. There are practically no incentives for growth in the domestic market. Export markets may become the main growth drivers for the Russian diamond cutting industry, gold mining and processing.

The most advantageous position for the country is to form on the territory of Russia the production of goods with high added value and sell them abroad. That is, we are talking primarily about the production of jewelry and products for high-tech industries using precious metals and stones.

The government's first priority in this regard should be measures aimed at reducing existing administrative requirements and barriers to the export of products. In particular, it is advisable to revise the mandatory requirement for testing and branding of jewelry supplied for export, in accordance with the requirements of the domestic market. It is necessary to create opportunities for retail sales, for cash and without a contract for the supply of jewelry exhibited at foreign exhibitions. It is necessary to equalize the rates of import customs duties on precious and semiprecious stones used in jewelry production as inserts within the EAEU.

A bill to abolish the mandatory requirement for testing and branding of jewelry was previously submitted to the State Duma, but was rejected. The second issue is being dealt with by the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia within the framework of the passport of the project "Systemic Measures for the Development of International Cooperation and Export". Some bans and restrictions on the export of certain types of goods (including jewelry) by remote means should be lifted. The deadline for the adoption of the relevant regulatory legal acts is December 31, 2018.

In addition, it is necessary to develop a system for promoting the products of the Russian diamond-cutting industry abroad, mainly through the creation and promotion of the Russkaya Ogranka brand. However, work in this direction this moment, one might say, is not being conducted. It is possible to receive such support only on a general basis as part of the promotion of the brand "Made in Russia" ("Made in Russia").

Infographics "RG" / Leonid Kuleshov / Tatyana Bateneva
